Scenario for the holiday "Welcome to Winter". Entertainment script “Winter-winter! Scenario of a theatrical fairy tale Zimushka winter middle group

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Winter holiday for preschool children 5-6 years old “Visiting Zimushka-winter”

Integration of educational areas: “Music”, “Communication”, “Health”, “Physical Education”, “Cognition”, “Socialization”.

Goals: create a joyful mood from observing winter nature, poems about winter; cultivate a desire to take care of your health.

Tasks: develop children's musical and creative abilities; improve the health of preschool children using health-saving technologies in various types of musical activities.

Planned results: masters basic movements in accordance with age; has a basic understanding of the value of health, the benefits of hardening, the need to observe hygiene rules in everyday life; knows about the benefits of morning exercises and exercise; emotionally sensitively feels the experiences of close adults, children, characters in fairy tales and stories, cartoons and feature films, puppet shows; shows sensitivity to the artistic word, aesthetic feelings, emotions, aesthetic taste, aesthetic perception, interest in art; feels the rhythm and melody of a poetic text; game interaction is accompanied by speech that corresponds both in content and intonation to the role taken; is able to accept a memorization task, remembers an adult’s instructions, and can learn a short poem.

Equipment: projector, dark curtains on the windows, a large screen with an additional “Ice Hut” panel, a telephone, white silk scarves according to the number of girls, black raincoats with hoods according to the number of boys, “ice pieces” made of foam plastic or cardboard with silver foil, ribbons on sticks , “bear ears” on hairbands and black “noses” made of self-adhesive film, a broom.

Contents of organized activities

Musical director. Hello guys! It’s a frosty morning outside, the sun is just rising from the snowy feather duster. Now we will sing a magic song that will help both the sun and us to wake up faster.

Performance of the valeological chant song “Winter Morning” (author’s development).

Winter sun, (Children raise their hands up)

Wake up quickly!

Winter sun, (Perform a “spring”)

Smile for the kids!

Smile at your palms, (Clap your palms)

Little legs. (They slap their hands on their knees)

Turn left and right, (Turn left and right)

Spin around on your tiptoes, (Spin around on your tiptoes)

Shake your rays. (Tilts left-right)

Play with us, sunshine! (Light jumping in place)

Musical director. Guys, do you want to visit Zimushka-winter? (Children's answers)

Educator. What do you think she is like? Where does he live? (Children's answers)

Musical director. But we don’t know the way to the Snowy Forest to her icy hut! What to do? You can't do without magic here. (Rings on the phone) Hello! Wizard school? Please send us your most skilled student. He will show us the way to Zimushka-winter!

Musical director. Help me please! Our children really want to see a real ice hut!

There is a roar and crackling sound in the hall; A half-educated Wizard emerges from behind the screen in a shiny cape and a high cap on one side.

Musical director. Guys, this is a real magician! What is your name?

Wizard. I am the famous Vasilian Suleiman Balaban Mago the Magician!!! You can simply - Vasya.

Musical director. Vasya, show us the way to the Snowy Forest to Zimushka. Can you help? Are you a good wizard?

Vasya. I? Certainly! I can... I can (sad)... I can’t do anything. Even the simplest transformation is beyond my power. Eh! What can I say! I'd rather sing.

The wizard Vasya performs the song “The Half-Educated Wizard” (music by L. Derbenev, lyrics by A. Zatsepin), the children sing along with the chorus.

Musical director. Don't be sad, Vasya! A good mood can help in a good deed. Get up with the guys for a fun workout!

Children stand in random order throughout the hall and perform the “Dance Warm-up”.


Through the snowdrifts - one, two, three!

(They walk in place)

We're walking, look!

Raise your legs higher

Straighten your back straight!

We will raise our hands

(perform movements according to the text)

And we’ll flap them like wings.

Turned to the right

They stretched on their toes.

They stood up in pairs and smiled.


We put the leg on the toe,

And then on the heel.


We'll show you now

Happy squat!


We'll clap our hands

(clap 3 times on the right and left),

One two Three! One two Three!


And we dashingly stamp our feet!

(Additional step with stomp)

Look! Look!


Here's how we can do it!

(They spin around at a step and fall)


And we can do it like this!

(Perform a “top” with support on one hand)


All the dancers are good!

They dance wildly, from the heart!

Vasya. Thank you, dancers! You made me laugh! I begin to think: the ice hut is located in the Snowy Forest. But you can get into it with a magic spell! True, in spells I only got “D” grades in spells at school so far, but I’ll try very, very hard!


Blizzard, circle!

To the Snowy Forest...

Oh, I forgot! Okay, let's try this:

Take us quickly!

The Little Penguin clumsily emerges from behind the screen (the role is played by a child).

Musical director.

Guys, look:

He waddles like a sailor,

White tie, black tailcoat.

In Antarctica among the ice floes

Spends his days...

(L. Belina)

Children. Penguin!

little penguin. That's right, you guessed it! But how did you come to visit me in Antarctica?

Vasya. To Antarctica? Again, nothing worked for me! After all, we wanted to get to the Snowy Forest, to visit Zimushka.

little penguin. Don't be sad, friends! You better play with me. Let the girls take white silk scarves and turn into light snowflakes. They will spin to gentle, quiet music. Boys, put on your black raincoats with hoods - you are now my little Penguin friends. To loud, playful music, you and I will happily stomp around the entire hall.

Active listening to contrasting music “Snowflakes and Penguins” (musical material chosen by the music director).

Vasya. Apchhi! I'm completely frozen! I have a sore throat!

Educator. Guys, we urgently need to cure our wizard! Vasya, repeat all the movements after the children!

Children perform a set of preventive exercises for the upper respiratory tract “Penguins” (author’s development).

The exercises can be accompanied by showing illustrations or slides.

Funny penguins

They live on a white ice floe. (Children imitate penguins walking on the spot)

Penguins sing songs

And they love to dance:

A-a-a - I, (Sing, exaggerating sounds)


Shiny sardines

(Put your palms together and make wave-like movements with your hands)

Saw penguins

And to the beat of a cheerful song

They began to open their mouth: (They sing silently, actively opening their mouth)

Lazy seals (Alternately slap their palms on their thighs)

Have you heard that song?

And on the side it's lazy

Suddenly they began to sing along: (They sing, actively pronouncing the consonants, while simultaneously tapping the wings of their nose with their fingertips)





Everyone sang, everyone tried, (Children laugh loudly and cheerfully, with their palms on their throats)

And then they laughed!

Musical director. We have warmed up our necks, now you can sing a song with Little Penguin.

Performance of the song “Little Penguin” by E. Gomonova (collection “Funny Songs for Kids All Year Round”).

Vasya. Thanks guys! My throat and nose are completely fine! Why don't you sneeze?

Musical director.

Our children are not afraid of the cold,

They're having fun together on the ice!

“Dance with Ice Pieces” (music by A. Rybnikov from the film “Mustachioed Nanny”).

Musical director. It's fun with you, Little Penguin, but it's time for us to go to the Snowy Forest.

Little penguin. Goodbye guys, have a nice trip! (Runs away)

Vasya. Now I will try very, very hard to cast the spell correctly. Just let us all lie down on our soft carpet. Maybe I’ll remember the right words?


Five bullfinches!

To the Snowy Forest...

I forgot again! I'll try this:

Bring us here quickly!

The lights turn off and the northern lights appear on the ceiling (projected video of various colors).

Vasya. 3 the same real northern lights! This means that we have arrived at the Northern Pole, and here there is no forest at all - only a frozen desert!

Musical director. Don't worry, Vasya! Look at this miracle of nature and listen to beautiful music.

Relaxation: children lie freely on the carpet, gradually relaxing all their muscles to the music of E. Grieg “Morning”, at the same time the teacher quietly reads the poem “Under the Northern Lights”.

Under the Northern Lights

Shines, shimmers

Diamonds and rhinestones

Cold blue snow.

And a train of her hair

They spread across the sky,

And the stars got entangled in them,

And they fall, spinning.

The queen herself is formidable

Northern polar night,

Flies on a chariot

Under the stars of heaven.

And the night is frosty

From fairyland

Under the Northern Lights

It's magically worth it.

Musical director. Now we calmly sit down and stretch our arms towards the northern lights. Higher! Higher! We stand on our feet and continue to stretch. We lower our hands and smile.

Vasya. How cold it is at the North Pole! So that you, my dear friends, do not freeze, I will turn you into funny polar bears.


Five bullfinches!

All in teddy bears

Transform quickly!

Children put on headbands with white ears and attach black “noses” (made of self-adhesive paper).

Vasya. Hooray! Happened! You are real polar bears who love to do fun exercises in the morning to stay healthy.

A set of exercises with self-massage of the body “Polar bears”

The white bears woke up, (Children lie freely on the carpet)

It was sweet and sweet! (Stretch, raising arms and legs alternately)

The bears roared loudly - (In a lying position, raise their heads and say “oooh”)

We really wanted to eat. (Stroke the belly with your palm clockwise)

We will start kneading the dough, (Perform hand movements on the stomach “kneading the dough”)

We'll bake some pies. (Pat their palms all over the body)

The bears are full, the bears are happy! (Sit cross-legged, shake their head)

Now they need to wash their hands. (Perform hand massage: rub palms)

In ice water (Massage in circular movements)

It's nice for bears to wash themselves! (Each finger, arms to shoulder)

Oh! The water is flowing like a stream! (They get up, “shake off the water”, moving)

We'll shake it off now! (whole body)

Vasya. Brrr! This wonderful gymnastics helped me remember the magic words! Repeat after me:


Blizzard, circle!

Snowy forest

Show us quickly!

To the musical composition “Winter” by A. Vivaldi, children improvise “Blizzard Dance” with white ribbons on sticks. At the end of the dance they “freeze” in arbitrary poses.

The screen turns into an ice hut. Zimushka-winter comes out of her.

Winter. Oh, how much snow there is! Now I'll take a broom and sweep it away.

The winter is sweeping, the children are scattering to their chairs.

Zimushka. Yes, these are not snowflakes, but guys! Hello! How did you end up in the Snowy Forest?

Musical director. Hello, Zimushka-winter! We flew to you from kindergarten. We really want to play with you and have fun!

Zimushka. With great pleasure! Hey people, get up in a round dance!

Children perform the song “Russian Winter” (music and lyrics by L. Olifirova), accompanying the singing with movements in a round dance.

Winter. I have winter games and fun for you, dear children. Now we’ll dress warmer and go to our playground - we’ll sled and ski!

The children and Zimushka go out into the fresh air, play, and then drink hot tea and treats.



Holiday scenario

Leading - Guys, today we invited you to a holiday dedicated to one of the seasons. To find out exactly what wonderful time of year our holiday is dedicated to, you must guess the riddle:

1 student Powdered the paths

I decorated the windows,

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride. (Winter)

Leading Well done boys! Soon the winter girl will come to us for a holiday, and for this the guys will sing a greeting song for her.

2 student Troika, troika has arrived,

The horses in that trio are white,

And the queen sits on the sleigh -

White-haired, white-faced.

How she waved her sleeve -

Everything is covered in silver.

3 student Hello. dear young lady,

The beauty is the soul,

Snow-white winch,

Hello, mother - winter!

Winter -Hello guys! Oh, and it was a difficult road from the Far North to you for the holiday! Oh, my horses are tired!

Leading: - Winter! And what are these beautiful white horses in your trio?

Winter: -To find out the names of my white horses, guess three riddles.

My snowflake assistants will wish them for you.

4 student Name it guys

A month in this riddle:

His days are the shortest of all days,

Of all nights longer than night.

In the fields and meadows

It snowed until spring.

Only our month will pass,

We are celebrating the New Year . (December)

Leading - Well done! Winter, according to the calendar, begins on December 1st. December - the first month - will tell us about itself.

5 student December ends the year and begins winter. In ancient times in Rus', December was called jelly. December is paving the way. December nails, December nails.

(music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons” (December));

poem "In December".)

6 student Stings ears, stings nose

Frost creeps into felt boots

Not water anymore, but ice.

Not even a bird can fly

The bird is freezing from the frost.

The sun turned towards summer.

What month is this, tell me? (January)

Leading -What will the second winter month, January, tell us about itself?

7 student January is the beginning of the year, winter is the middle. In the old days in Rus', January was called section. Because it cuts winter into two halves.

(music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” (January);

poem "In January".)

8 student Snow is falling in bags from the sky,

There are snowdrifts around the house, -

Either blizzards or blizzards

They attacked the village.

The frost is severe at night,

During the day, drops can be heard ringing.

The day has lengthened noticeably.

Well, what month is this? (February)

Leading - Now let’s listen to you, February. You are the last month of winter.

9 student Blizzards and blizzards arrived in February. The Old Russian name for February is fierce. In February there is a lot of snow and the frosts are severe, that is, severe.

(music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” (February);

poem “The winds blow in February...”

Presenter - Well done boys! You guessed all the names of the winter months! And we learned a lot about them!

Song "Three White Horses"

Leading Zimushka, we can not only sing songs, but also read poetry. So many poems have been written about you! Listen here1

10 student Hello, winter guest!

Forgive us for your kindness

Sing songs of the north

Through forests and steppes

We have separate ones -

Walk anywhere;

Build bridges across rivers

And lay out the carpets.

11 student Until recently, in the window

Every day the sun looked

And now winter has come-

There's a blizzard in the field

With noise, with a dashing song

Everything was covered with a veil,

Fluffed with snow, fluff -

Everything became empty and deaf

And the river fell asleep again

Ice under the clothes.

The forest has calmed down in a magnificent attire,

Songbirds have not been heard for a long time.

12 student It's a beautiful winter

Across a field of white and blue,

She spins the snow

And after it a blizzard

Runs and spreads evenly

Sings like a beautiful maiden

She growls like an animal.

13 student Small trees and big trees

Something has become silent,

They calmed down something.

Snow from morning to night

Everyone wants to fall asleep...

And the forest is getting quieter

And the snow is getting higher and higher.

14 student It's a nice winter day

Fluffy snow is spinning

snow powder

Calls us to the street

Everyone is rushing up the hill


We love to ride

And play snowballs

Woody - Despite the fact that it is very cold in winter. Still, winter is a very fun time.

Song "Come on, snowball, come on, my friend"

15 student Winter has come... Outside the windows

Where are the rows of black Christmas trees?

Fluffy and light

Snowflakes are flying

They fly, flutter, spin,

Fluffy ones fly

And white soft lace

They envelop the garden.

16 student The snowball has gone

Snowflakes are just a miracle!

The snowball has gone

We've been waiting for him!

Snowflakes are like fireworks stars

At the winter opening celebration!

Winter -I feel good with you. I see you are happy to see me!

I will paint the branches with white paint,

I will throw silver on your roof.

Warm winds will come in spring

And he will drive me out of the yard.

Leading - Don’t be sad, little winter. We love you and are waiting for you. Listen to how children can solve winter riddles.

And you guys, don't yawn! Answer in unison!

Riddles for the audience

There was barely a breath of winter

They are always with you

Two sisters will warm you up

Their names are...


We are happy to overtake each other,

Look, my dug, don’t fall!

Good, spicy, light



The needles glow softly

The pine spirit comes from...

(Christmas trees)

Tugged by the cheeks, the tip of the nose,

Painted a window without asking

Well, who is it - that’s the question!

All this does...


I took two oak blocks

And an iron runner

I filled the bars with planks

Give it snow, ready...


Fall from the sky in winter

And they circle above the ground

Light, fluffy, white...


Two birch horses

They carry me through the snow,

These horses are red

And their names are...


All white - white today

And it’s light, even though there’s no sun

Cold is falling from the sky

White – soft white…

( snow)

It's snowing outside

Holiday is coming soon...

(New Year)

Winter - Thank you guys! Goodbye!

(Winter leaves to the song “Crystal Winter”)

Leading - Did you like Winter? You're glad. Why did she come to visit you today? Although it is cold, we are looking forward to its arrival.

Let's invite the winter girl to our holiday - New Year!

A holiday scenario for children of the middle group “Winter Meeting”, during which children guess riddles about winter, play interesting games, sing funny winter songs, reveal the secrets of Winter, dance with Snow Baba and joyfully welcome Winter-Winter.


To foster an emotionally stable, positive attitude towards music in children. Learn to convey the content of the lyrics of a song in motion, develop purity of intonation, and the ability to sing without shouting. To promote the development of children's rhythmic and pitch hearing, as well as their creative abilities.


Snowflake costumes, Snowy Woman costume, Winter costume, Hare costume, Fox costume, Wolf costume.


Mittens for all children, snowballs (small balls made of cotton wool), a message from Winter, snowflakes with secrets from Winter, a “magic wand”, lollipop cockerels, a snowball (a ball with a diameter of 15 cm, made of cotton wool or padding polyester).

Room decoration:

On the central wall of the panel “Winter”, the walls of the hall are decorated with garlands of snowflakes.


Snowflakes, Baba Snow, Winter, presenter (teacher), author (child of the middle group), Wolf (child of the middle group), Fox (child of the middle group), Bunny (child of the middle group).

The progress of the holiday


Today we have a holiday, and the holiday is not quite ordinary, cheerful, mischievous. We have gathered to meet Zimushka. Children, do you like winter? Why do you love her? (children's answers). Do you want Zimushka-winter to come to our holiday? Then let's call her together.


Winter, winter, winter

Come to our holiday!


Winter doesn’t hear, she’s probably far away.

Let's sing a funny song,

Let's invite Zimushka to the holiday.

Song "Zimushka-winter"


Winter is not coming to visit us. Doesn't hear us. What to do? I came up with an idea! Children, let's close our eyes and imagine that snowflakes are spinning in the air and quietly landing on our palms. (Children close their eyes and stretch their arms forward, at this time gentle music begins to sound and snowflake girls appear in the hall).

"Dance of Snowflakes"


We are white snowflakes -

Messengers of Winter.

From the snowy sweet winter

We brought you news.

(They give the presenter a snowflake with a message from Winter attached to it).

Presenter (reads):

“Hello, guys!

I'll write everything in order.

I can't come yet

I was delayed on the way.

All forests, gardens and parks

I need to cover it with snow.

Put the clubfooted ones to bed

And freeze all the rivers with ice.

So you don't have to wait long

I need to unravel all my secrets.”

The first secret is to guess my riddles.

The presenter reads riddles about winter to the children (choose according to the age of the children).

Second secret -

Make a snow globe, children,

Then a couple smaller ones.

Then put com on com

And someone will come out familiar to you.

Make eyes with coal

A nose made from a carrot.

Well, the hat comes from a bucket.

The following question arose:

Have you figured out my secret?

Did you guess it or not?

Who do you need to blind?

Kind and gentle...

(children's answers)

Of course - Snow Baba.


Well done, children, you also unraveled Zimushka’s second secret. Let's quickly make a Snow Woman .

Song-dance “We are sculpting a snow woman”

At the end of the song, Snow Baba appears in the hall.

Snow Baba

I am Baba Snow,

I'm gentle with the guys.

You blinded me cleverly.

Instead of a nose there is a carrot,

Instead of eyes there are coals.

And in my hands there is a broom:

You kids are great.

I have to admit, I'm tired of it

Standing here alone with nothing to do.

I'm not an ordinary granny,

Curious, mischievous.

Tell me guys,

What do you do in winter?


Children will not only tell you what they do in winter, but also show you.

Game “What do we do in winter”


The cold doesn't matter to us,

We are not afraid of the cold.

We wear fur coats and earflaps

And we go sledding.

Snow Baba: How?

Children: And like this!

Simulates sledding.

Snow Baba: And then?

Children: Then we’ll get on skis and start skiing down the mountain.

Snow Baba: How?

Children: And like this!

Simulates skiing.

Snow Baba: Well done! What else?

Children: We also take our skates and run to the skating rinks.

Snow Baba: How?

Children: And like this!

Simulate ice skating.

Snow Baba: And then?

Children: Then we play snowballs and hit them very accurately.

Snow Baba: How?

Children: And like this!

They imitate a snowball fight.

Baba Snow: I really love playing in the snow! Will you play with me?

Presenter: Wait, Snow Granny. How will the kids play in the snow?

Baba Snow: How? Like everyone else - with your hands. Like this, you take snow, mold it and throw it. (shows)

Presenter: But it’s frosty outside, the snow is cold, and the kids’ hands will freeze. And they may get sick.

Baba Snow: Oh, I didn’t even think about that... That’s it, the snowball fight is cancelled.

Presenter: Not at all. Children, what should you wear to prevent your hands from getting cold?

Children answer.

Presenter: Yes, of course, mittens. Look, each of you has one mitten on the chair, and I have the second one. You see, someone was naughty and mixed up all the mittens. Find a pair for your mitten.

Game "Find a Pair"

To the sound of cheerful music, children run up to the leader and look for a pair for their mitten. Whoever finds it puts both mittens on his hands and sits on a chair. The game ends when all pairs have been found.

Presenter: These are some great kids we have! Everyone completed the task. What else do they wear in winter when they go outside?

Children's answers

Baba Snow: Well, that's it, now are you ready to play in the snow?

Children: Ready!

The boys stand opposite the girls and they are all given a pair of snowballs.

Children sing a song, perform the appropriate movements and throw snowballs at the words “Now throw them at me.”

Song "Snowball Game"

We play snowballs bravely, (pretend to make snowballs)

Oh, what does it matter?

We love a frosty day (imitate a snowball fight)

We are not too lazy to play snowballs.

Clap, clap, don't yawn, (clap hands)

Don't run away from us. (nod finger)

Clap, clap, don't yawn, (clap hands)

Now throw it at me. (point to themselves with hands)

  1. Let winter freeze us (rub cheeks in a circular motion)

We'll warm ourselves up now: (“warm hands” - rub hand in hand)

Let's clap our hands, (clap hands)

Let's stomp our feet! (stomping feet)

Baba Snezhnaya :

Well done, kids, you sing beautifully and throw snowballs deftly. Do you know how to dance?

Children: Yes!

Baba Snow:

Make me laugh, dance.

"Happy Dance" (upon the choice of the music director)

Baba Snow:

What a great fellow you are. And you sing and dance. It's good to play and have fun with you. But, it's time for me to go. Many important things await me. We need to help Santa Claus. Goodbye children . (Leaves)


I wonder what other secret we need to unravel. Let's see.

(Picks up a snowflake and reads):

Here is my third secret:

Well, kids, guess

Why in winter

Do bunnies wear white fur coats?

Children's answers.


We have completed all of Winter's tasks. So she will be here soon. Let's listen, maybe she's already very close.

The sounds of a snowstorm are heard, the howling of the wind, and Winter appears in the hall.


Hello, here I am!

Glad to see all the guys.

I swept the paths in the fields,

There was a little snow falling

To gardens and forests,

The whole earth is white and white.


Hello, Zimushka. We were waiting for you, we learned all the secrets, we completed the tasks.


Do children really know why a hare has a white fur coat in winter?


Of course they do! They can even tell you a fairy tale. Do you want to listen?


Of course, I will listen with pleasure.

Children show the fairy tale “Why does the hare have a white fur coat in winter”

The bunny is sad on the lawn,

There was so much snow.

Poor bunny in a gray fur coat,

And everything around is white and white.

Bunny (shakes with fear):

You can see me in the snow

I can't hide anywhere.

Bunny sits and trembles -

Lo and behold, the Fox is running towards him.


What, I'm frozen, I suppose, with a sideways view

In a summer fur coat and barefoot?

Let's go, I'll feed you lunch,

I'll have some tea with raspberries.


I know, I know your lunch

My answer: of course not! (runs away)

Even if I'm chilled down to my tail,

But he set off as fast as he could.

I wanted to go under the Christmas tree, and there was a wolf.

All teeth click and click.


While I was wandering through the forest

I'm very hungry!

Yes, and you are cold, oblique,

Let's go to my house.

After all, we are neighbors -

I'll treat you to lunch.


No, you and I are not on the same path! (Runs away)


Well, well, Hare, wait! (runs after the Bunny)

Bunny sat down under a bush, shedding tears -

Suddenly Winter walks by.


Don't cry, honey, dear,

Come with me.

Listen, don’t hang your nose, Bunny.

I will help you in the cold.

I found it in my hut

A white fur coat for you.

And in addition to felt boots,

Put it on, my little one.

How happy Bunny was -

You can run on the lawn.

Even if there is snow

And everything around is white and white.


Here is the answer to my question:

And so it happened.

Summer Bunny in a gray fur coat,

And in winter it’s warm and white.

Well done children, you made me happy. I am very glad that you were waiting for me and completing the tasks. Do you know songs and poems about me?


Of course, Zimushka, our children were preparing for the holiday, learning poems and songs. Sit down, relax, and we'll have some fun.

Children recite poems about winter.

Song "Hello, Zimushka" (upon the choice of the music director).


Well done, kids. It’s clear that you were waiting for me and getting ready. I really want to play with you.

Snowball game (Winter invites the children to stand in a circle and takes a “snowball” out of the basket. Introduces the children to the rules of the game: while cheerful music is playing, the children must pass the “snowball” around in a circle, when it stops, then whoever has the snowball in their hands must sing or dance).


You roll, snowball,

Hands over quickly.

Who has a snowball?

He will dance (sing) to us now.

Equipment: New Year tree, New Year's decoration of the premises, character costumes, equipment and props for games and competitions, lighting and music equipment, soundtracks.

Characters: Winter, Baba Yaga, Father Frost, Snow Maiden.

Goals and objectives: 1. Introducing children to theatrical art and stage culture.

2. Increasing the creative activity of students.

3. Organization of leisure time.

4. Development of children's creative abilities.

5. Contribute to the formation in children of a deep interest in poetic creativity and folk culture.

The New Year's song (Zimushka) plays (The music fades out)

Zimushka enters the hall.


Hello, dear children and dear adults!

I congratulate you on the occasion!

Happy New Year's Eve,

Which you came to today!

And I'll amuse you here,

I will sing, play and dance,

So, friends, let's start the program.

We have a large supply of ideas.

And who are they for?



Children, do you recognize me?

Now I’ll tell you a riddle about myself:

Powdered the paths

I decorated the windows.

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride.

Children say: "WINTER"


We said hello to you.

Do you know that in all countries of the world, people greet differently.

In some fears there is a handshake, in some countries there is a nod of the head, in some there is a hug, and among northern peoples it is customary to rub noses when meeting.

And so I propose to play the game “Greeting” with you.

Music will sound. We will dance, jump, gallop. But as soon as the music stops, we must stop, and those with whom you find yourself next must greet you at the place that I will name. For example, let's shake hands with elbows. Heels, foreheads, knees, ears, heels, little fingers.

Incendiary music sounds.

We played and sat down.

Zimushka .

I know you love games

Songs, riddles and dances.

But there's nothing more interesting

Our favorite cartoons!

Today Grandfather Frost has prepared an unusual New Year's gift for you; he brought you a film.

And I would like to tell you riddles about cartoon characters. But keep in mind that you need to listen to the riddles CAREFULLY, because they are a little mixed up.

Well, hang in there, guys. Listen carefully and don't get confused by the answers.

On New Year's Eve, before you overeat,

He ate sweets and jam.

He lived on the roof, poor thing,

His name was... CARLSON

He is kinder than everyone else in the world,

He heals sick animals,

He is famous, famous

This is the doctor -... AIBOLIT

He plays a little bit

For passers-by on an accordion,

Everyone knows a musician!


He conquered Jafar

And he fell in love with the princess

Jin helps him

Call a hero... . ALADIN

He was a rain cloud,

I went home with Piglet,

And of course he loved honey.

This is Gena...... WINNIE THE POOH

Snowflakes are falling from the sky

And they circle above the ground

Light fluff



Who performs these songs, name them.

If I'm scratching my head, it doesn't matter,

There is sawdust in my head - yes, yes, yes.

But although there is sawdust there,

But the chants and screams,

As well as noisemakers, puffers and nozzles

I write well sometimes.

(Winnie the Pooh.)

Phonograms of songs from cartoons sound

A lion cub lies nearby

And he wiggles his ears,

I'm just lying there

And I don’t look at the lion cub.


A smile makes a gloomy day brighter,

A smile in the sky will wake up a rainbow...

(Little Raccoon.)

“Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?

Tell me, my love, how are you?” -

“I ran after you, Santa Claus,

I shed a lot of bitter tears.”

(Wolf, Hare.)

In the hall you can hang illustrations of various cartoon characters and ask the children to guess the name of each character.


- Guys, let's guess which cartoons the characters are hanging on our walls from and what their names are?

The guys named the cartoon characters in unison.

Zimushka .

- Thanks guys! Well done!


- I can’t see Santa Claus, he’s probably lost somewhere, I’ll go look for him.

Loud music is playing (Roaring)

Baba Yaga runs into the hall. (Minus "Gentlemen of Fortune")

Baba Yaga sings a song.

(Music fades out)

Baba Yaga.

- All clear! The holiday has already begun and, of course, without me.

- Why did they forget me?

- Why weren’t you invited?..

- And here I came without an invitation.

— Are you going to celebrate the New Year and receive gifts?

— And you came to watch a movie?

- You recognized me?

- Of course I am Baba Yaga - Bone Leg.

- They didn’t invite me to the holiday.

- So so so ….

“And now I’m going to ruin your whole holiday.”

On the stage there is a bag containing a reel of film. Baba Yaga approaches the bag.

Baba Yaga.

Oh, what kind of bag is this? So... well... well, let's see, let's see what we have here. Probably Santa Claus brought gifts.

He pulls out the reel.

- And this is a film. Oh, this must be a very interesting film. And I’ll pick it up now, take it to my hut and watch it there with my friend Leshy.

- They won’t show you anything.

He grabs the bag and runs away.

Music sounds, the Snow Maiden comes. (Music fades out)

Snow Maiden

- Hello guys, hello dears. I haven't seen you for a whole year. How you have grown and matured.

And Grandfather Frost and I brought you a wonderful gift for the New Year. But this gift is unusual. We drove through fields and seas and brought you a film.

He comes up to the stage and looks at the bag with the film, but there is no bag.

- Oh, what happened, where is Santa Claus’s gift?

- Guys, haven’t you seen it?

- Who took our gift?

(Children answer: This is Baba Yaga)

- What to do? Grandfather Frost really wanted to give you a surprise for the New Year.

— We urgently need to call Grandfather Frost for help. Maybe he can help us get the film back?

- Guys, let's call Grandfather Frost.

Everyone shouts “Father Frost” together.

- Guys, let's try to call him again. He's old and deaf and probably can't hear us.

Everyone shout “Santa Claus” together.

Music sounds, Santa Claus comes (Music fades)

Father Frost.

Hello guys! (The guys answer).

It still sounds dull.

Come on, one more time. Hello guys!

Now your answer is not bad.

It almost made me deaf.

I visited you a year ago,

I'm glad to see you all again.

I see they have grown up and become big.

Did everyone recognize me?

Children answer. YES


Grandfather Frost, how are you on time! You were in such a hurry, in a hurry, you were bringing a gift for the guys from so far away, and the guys say that Baba Yaga came and stole your gift. What should we do now? How can we leave the kids without a gift for the New Year?

Father Frost.

- Now we'll figure it out. Baba Yaga, where are you? Come here.

Baba Yaga arrives.

Baba Yaga.

- What's happened? What's the matter? Citizens, citizens, what's the matter?

Father Frost. Snow Maiden. Winter.

- Baba Yaga. How is it that you want to leave your children without a New Year's surprise? Why did you steal our gift?

Baba Yaga.

“Everyone was invited to the holiday, but I wasn’t.” Am I worse than others? I also want to have fun and celebrate the New Year. I am in a cheerful mood today, and I will have fun. Today is a special day for me. For the first time in my life I am in a good mood. Let's play. I will be the presenter. The one who can offend the most will win. The winner will receive a super prize, they call it “screw you”...

Baba Yaga.

- Yes, I'm joking, I'm joking.

Snow Maiden. Zimushka

- Baba Yaga, please give us the film. We will invite you to our holiday. You will watch it with the guys.

Baba Yaga.

- No, I won’t just give it up. I also want to go to the New Year’s holiday, I also want to play and dance with the girls and boys. I also want to participate in competitions.

- Let me show you my competition.

Father Frost.

- Okay, let's show you?

Baba Yaga.

- I will give you different tasks, and you all must complete them together.

Father Frost. Snow Maiden. Zimushka (addressing children)

Guys, are we going to complete all of Baba Yaga’s tasks?

Children answer YES

Baba Yaga holds a competition


Well, let's continue the celebration!

Let's all dance together!

Father Frost.

So that a blush blooms on everyone's cheeks,

I give modern dance to all children.

Dance in modern rhythms.

Baba Yaga (after the dance).

You are hot, there is a blush on your face!

The dancing probably tired you?

Now is the time to take a break.

So, for a relaxing game!

Baba Yaga is holding a competition.

Father Frost (after the dance).

I offer a different dance to everyone -

He is cheerful and also mischievous,

As soon as the music starts playing,

Everyone will want to dance it!

Dance in modern rhythms.

Father Frost

Oh, I was exhausted, I should drink some cold water to cool down a little.

Santa Claus drinks from a mug, then suddenly splashes its contents on the children, there is multi-colored confetti in the mug.

Father Frost.

Were you scared, didn’t you expect it?

That's how mischievous I am.

Although no longer young.

You danced and sang,

We had a lot of fun!

And fancy dress costumes

Yours are good too!

Baba Yaga.

Those who worked were not lazy,

Who spent a lot of effort

Who used imagination and skill in sewing -

The best will receive a prize.

What kind of prize is a surprise for now.

Music is playing. All the children in costumes come out to see Santa Claus, and those who would like to read poetry receive a prize.

Father Frost.

Guys, are you afraid of frost?

What do you do if your hands freeze?


We clap!

Father Frost.


That's how. (Claps with the children).

Father Frost.

What if your feet get cold?


We're stomping!

Father Frost.


And like this, (Stomps with the children).

And also. Santa Claus, we are dancing!

Father Frost.


And like this!

Performed "Dance in Places"

Father Frost.

Well, you are a master at dancing!

Here's a relaxing game for you!

Who is ready to fight with me -

Play around and frolic?

I’ll play “Frozen” -

I'll pinch your ears and nose.

Father Frost.

Well, it's time for me to get ready,

Let's hit the road!


Santa Claus, you forgot about something.

Father Frost.

How did you forget?

Did Santa Claus play with the children?

Did you dance near the Christmas tree?

Did you sing songs?

Did you make the kids laugh? What else have I forgotten?


Santa Claus, you forgot about the Christmas tree.

Father Frost.

Do you all know the magic words that will help light up our Christmas tree? That's right: “One, two, three - our Christmas tree, burn!”


"Happy New Year!" - says every needle. Let's sing a song: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

All the children sing a song.

Well, for this we need,

So that we are all very friendly

They told her: “One! Two! Three!

Well, the Christmas tree, burn!”

The children repeat: “Christmas tree, burn!”, Santa Claus knocks with his staff, and the Christmas tree lights up.

The Christmas tree lights up.

Father Frost

Our Christmas tree sparkled -

Here is the beginning of the holiday!

Santa Claus is calling you all

On the New Year's round dance!


Our Christmas tree has woken up

Smiled at all the kids!

We'll go to the Christmas tree,

Let's sing a song for her!

The song “Christmas Tree” is performed, lyrics by M. Aleksandrovskaya, music by Y. Komalkov “Snow Maiden”


Let our holiday end

But the holidays are coming

Lots of fun, different games"

They'll bring it to all the kids.

Father Frost. Baba Yaga

Winter days await you,

Skis, sleds and skates.

You all need to gain strength,

To practice better.


Happy New Year!

See you again!

Zimushka .

Guys! After you try our treats, we invite you to the cinema to watch a film. So, Happy New Year!

Father Frost, Snow Maiden.

With new happiness!!!

Music is playing. The guys go to the tables.

Scenario of winter entertainment “Winter-winter visiting the guys”

Tasks: cultivate a positive attitude towards the winter season, interest in winter fun.Develop attention, dexterity, accuracy, endurance, speed, and the ability to act on a signal;Presenter, Snowman, Zimushka - adults.Progress of entertainment: Children enter the hall to the accompaniment of music (the song “If There Were No Winter,” music by E. Krylatov, lyrics by Y. Entin).
Leading : Guys, do you recognize this song? (children's answers). What is it about?

That's right, about winter. Winter... What an extraordinary, wonderful, magical time of year. In the morning I looked out the window, and everything around was white and white. This winter covered the earth with a white blanket, and turned the water into transparent ice. It's also a very fun time of year. Tell me, what can you do in winter? (children's answers).

Guys, do you like winter? Then let's call her.

Winter, come!

Bring us a snowball

We will play with you

Have fun and dance!

Together: Winter, come!

The Snowman enters to the sound of snow crunching (sounds of nature).

Snowman: Hello guys!
I am a funny snowman
I'm used to the frost, to the cold.
And she comes after me,
Snow White Winter.
(looks back, as if inviting Winter to enter. Winter does not appear)
Leading: Hello, Snowman. Where is Zimushka - winter?Snowman:

Don't know. Maybe she was delayed on the way, it’s a long way. Do the guys know where Winter lives? That’s right, where it’s always cold, and therefore snow and ice never melt, at the North Pole. Well, that’s okay, it’ll come now. It has never happened before that Winter did not come. For now, let's play.Game “Say the word.” It's quiet from the sky, like in a dream,
Falls to the ground... (
snow ).
And the fluffs fly -

snowflakes ).
On the road, on the meadow
Falls quietly... (
snowball ).
Like wearing a white down jacket
Dressed up... (
snowman ).
On the road, look -

With a red breast... (
bullfinches ).

Winter enters to the howling of the blizzard (the sounds of nature).

Snowman: And here comes Zimushka.

Winter: Hello! Did you call me?

Children: Yes!

Winter: Were you waiting for me?

Children: Yes!

Winter: Have you prepared for my arrival?

Children: Yes!

Winter: Well, please me with fun and winter fun!
Round dance

Game "Through the Snowdrifts"

Divide the children into two teams. In front of the teams are two circles of whatman paper. Standing on one circle, take another and put it in front of you - stand on it.

Children's poems about winter.

Snowball game

“Snowballs” are scattered on the floor. Each team has its own basket. At a signal, children collect “snowballs” into baskets. The team with the most snowballs in its basket wins.

A game "Snow Fight"

Teams stand on both sides of the markings. Snowballs are distributed equally. A snow fight begins to the music. As soon as the music ends, it is calculated which side has the least amount of snowballs. This team wins.

Game "Magic Snowflake"

Children stand in a circle and pass a snowflake from hand to hand to the music. As soon as the music stops, whoever has a snowflake in their hands completes the task (sing, dance, recite a poem, etc.).


Guys, let's sing a song for our guests.

Song “First Snow” music by A. Filippenko.

Winter: Well done boys! I see it’s not in vain that I came to visit you! You made me happy, you made me happy! And I didn’t come to you empty-handed. I brought some delicious snowballs with me.

Leading: Oh, Zimushka, please don’t be offended! The guys and I know that you can’t eat snowballs, snow is very cold.

Winter: This is true! Only I’m also a sorceress! Come on, take a snowball each and put it in this basket (There is already a bag of marshmallows hidden at the bottom of the basket) .

He covers it and says the words: “White snow is fluffy, you will turn into sweet!” He takes out a bag of marshmallows. The children and the presenter thank Winter, she says goodbye and leaves to the accompaniment of music (song “Three White Horses”).

© 2024 -- Love, betrayal, psychology, divorce, feelings, quarrels