Dreaming of a lake. Dream lake with clear water

home / Divorce

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a lake, this indicates that in life you are a calm and reasonable person. You remain the same in sex. You do everything measuredly and leisurely, stretching out the pleasure as much as possible. Unfortunately, you only have one time at best. Swimming in a lake in a dream promises you a meeting with a representative of the opposite sex in an unusual place. The situation will be perfectly conducive to a close acquaintance, which you will safely continue in bed.

I dreamed about a lake

according to Miller's dream book

For a young woman to dream that she is alone in the dirty waters of a troubled lake portends many changes: she will soon begin to repent of past extravagances and disregard for virtue. If the water overwhelms the boat, but, rowing energetically, the woman still reaches the pier, this means that she is under the influence of false beliefs, which she will eventually change and achieve honor and respect. This plot may also foreshadow the illness of someone close. If she observes a boat in which a young couple, risking their lives, copes with the elements, this means that one of her friends, although he will commit an unseemly act, will be able to return her favor. To dream that you are sailing on a clear and calm lake with pleasant and close friends means that happiness and wealth awaits you in accordance with your ideas. A dirty lake, surrounded by bare, gloomy stones and dry trees, foreshadows the sad end of your plans. A dirty lake with beautiful green shores foretells that the moral strength of your nature will prevail over passion, turning your energy to search for a safe and reliable path. If the lake is clean and surrounded by sparse vegetation, this means that your prosperous existence will collapse under the onslaught of dissolute actions. Seeing your reflection in the clear water of a lake foretells that joy and loving friends await you. Seeing foliage reflected in a mirror of water portends the joy of enjoying love and happiness. Seeing the slippery and creepy inhabitants of the lake approaching and threatening you means failure and disappointment from wasted time, energy and health. The joy of life will expire with the last straw, and you will drink the bitter wine of belated repentance.

Why do you dream about a lake?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

danger, personal infidelity, dismissal; sailing on the lake is separation for lovers.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

Is a symbol of birth.

Seeing water in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Water plays a huge role in human history. Whether it is a deep fresh lake, a river that brings life, or an ocean that swallows people, water is both a friend and an enemy. If a dream contains this significant symbol in any form, it is extremely important to understand its role. Water in dreams is a powerful symbol because very often its appearance coincides with the highest point of feelings. If other objects have a relaxing effect, then a babbling stream flowing through the meadow enhances this effect. If some symbols create a feeling of fear or anxiety, then the stormy ocean intensifies it. Water has a symbolic, primary meaning, according to which it either ensures the existence of life, or keeps a secret, is fraught with danger. This is a reflection of the human experience with water. At the dawn of humanity, hunter-gatherers quickly realized that water was a central component of life. People die from thirst much faster than from hunger. It was even more important to know where the water was, because it made it clear where the food was. However, with the spread of trade, water became a necessary evil, fraught with unknown dangers. Travel by water was dangerous and mysterious, as sea creatures, storms and rough seas claimed the lives of many travelers; contaminated water affected livestock and spread disease. Emphasizing the positive view of water, it should be noted that it is often a symbol of new life, restoration of strength and energy. Water in controlled quantities or in a controlled environment almost always causes this feeling in the sleeper. Managed water is the key to solving problems. If there is a lake in the dream, is the entire shoreline within sight and probable reach? If you dream of a river or stream, have they overflowed their banks, and in your opinion, can they be overcome by ordinary means? These are all examples of managed water. Water represented in this way often indicates renewal. For example, a tired traveler, dreaming, suddenly comes across a stream. A place where you can refresh yourself and gain strength to continue your journey is close, at hand. Perhaps the dreamer is sailing on a boat, slowly gliding along the surface of the water. The sleeper must be anticipating a time of respite from everyday worries or trying to specially create such an opportunity. Uncontrolled water creates anxiety. Raging rivers, rapids and boundless lakes reflect the uncontrollability of the circumstances in which the dreamer finds himself. Quiet, deep water that seems refreshing can also create feelings of anxiety. The reason for this is the potential danger lurking in the darkness and the lack of knowledge of what lies in the depths. The exception to the general statements listed above are water taps. In a dream, it is important to determine whether the tap is controlled by the dreamer or another person and for what purpose this is done. If the dreamer does not operate the tap effectively, then we can assume that he feels that he is not in control and is unable to cope with simple circumstances, or, even worse, perhaps there is no water in the tap. If the tap is controlled by another person, then it can be concluded that the dreamer feels that his position, whether good or bad, is determined by the whim of another. This whim can make one feel significant discomfort or comfort, depending on whether it comes from an unpredictable boss , lover or other persons significant to you.

Water in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Water is a symbol of life. To see crystal clear water collected in a huge ball - this dream foretells favorable weather, which will bring many benefits for agricultural work. Drinking water and seeing a fly at the bottom of a glass - this dream means a lawsuit, litigation or slander that will change the mood of society and its faith in the future. Walking on water and seeing schools of carp - this dream suggests that relations with Japan will be brought to a critical point, but it will not come to violence or a declaration of war. Walking underwater and talking with dolphins is a harbinger that you will discover a previously unknown nation to the world. Seeing strongly seething water is a sign of the birth of a new teaching or science, a favorable period for discoveries and complex experiments. Seeing water with blood - this dream foreshadows the birth of Scorpio, who will become a great man and declare himself publicly.

I dreamed about water

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing clean water in a dream foretells that a joyful prospect of prosperity and pleasure awaits you. If the water is cloudy, you will be in danger and despondency will take the place of joy. If you see that the water has flooded your house and is rising, this means that you will fight, resist evil, but if you see that the water is decreasing, you will succumb to dangerous influences. If you walk on wet ground and feel that your feet are becoming wet, this portends troubles, illness and poverty, which will force you to solve difficult problems, but you will be able to prevent them with your vigilance. The same interpretation can be applied to the muddy water filling the ship. Falling into troubled water is a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes and will be painfully upset about it. Drinking muddy water portends illness, but drinking clean and fresh water is a sign of the favorable completion of the wildest hopes. Playing sports in water means a sudden awakening of love and passion. If you dream that splashes of water are falling on your head, this means a passionate awakening of love that will end happily. The following dream and subsequent events in real life are conveyed as follows by a young woman studying dreams: “It is unknown how in a dream I ended up in a boat floating through clear blue water to a pier, which seemed snow-white to me. The next evening I had a delightful guest - a young man who stayed with me beyond the time prescribed by my mother, and I was severely judged for this. The blue water and the beautiful white boat in perspective were symbols of disappointment.

Why do you dream about water?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

drink clean, cold - fortunately, health; cloudy, warm - to illness; walking in troubled waters is a disappointment for the better; immersion in water - getting into a difficult personal situation; plunge headlong - avoid danger; getting wet is a shame in love, betrayal and collapse of personal plans; wash your face - to joy, liberation; pour - to shame, mistake; watering - to loss; looking at the waterfall is a terrible encounter; splashed on the head - unexpected passion; drawing water - grief; drawing water from the River means money from someone; from a well - unfortunately; drinking warm water - to chagrin, illness; seeing something underwater is the past; pops up - renewal of relationships or litigation, regret about the past; see scoop; (flowing from a well) - loss of property; unhappiness with loved ones; (flows from where it is not supposed to flow) - troubles depending on the location of the leak: from the wall - troubles from the husband or in the family; from the ceiling - from the authorities; from under the floor - troubles from enemies or betrayal of friends; from the pipes - slander and slander against the sleeping person.

Why do you dream about water?

according to Vanga's dream book

Water is a symbol of change, resolution of contradictions, evolution, renewal, washing away sins and oblivion. In a dream, drinking clean cold water - in reality the world will be renewed, and you will be involved in this process of purification and resurrection in a new quality, along with many people around you. If you dreamed that water was pouring on you from above, then this is an omen of an impending wave of cosmic influence, which is unreasonable to resist. If you manage to find harmony with the cosmos, then you will become a great person and become famous throughout the world. Seeing muddy water is a sign of trouble, complexity of situations and relationships with people. Show kindness and patience, otherwise you will stain your soul with unworthy impressions. If in a dream you saw water flooding your house, then in reality expect a stream of news, one of which will radically change your sense of self and relationships with people. Drowning in water means in reality resisting the natural course of events, as a result of which your health will be damaged and your life will be shortened. Seeing circles or ripples on the surface of water in a dream means you will have difficulty withstanding the coming changes, but by surviving this stormy event, you will gain power over yourself and other people.

Seeing a pond in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

A dream about swimming or relaxing on the shore of a pond is the most desirable dream of will fulfillment for many people. Relaxation and recuperation in nature seems like a wonderful prospect. However, the persons present in the pond with you may indicate events that take place without your participation in real life. The assessment of the message conveyed in a dream depends on those persons who are in the body of water, as well as the general themes and interests that; connect you with these people in real life. Perhaps you should join them instead of watching? Do you feel the need to join the swimmers instead of standing on the sidelines and limiting yourself to sunbathing? The unattractive appearance of the water may indicate a certain situation, portraying the body of water as something into which you have been drawn against your will. In that. In this case, the people swimming in the pond may be people you trust, but about whom you are wary.

In a dream, did you plunge into the waters of a lake? This vision is most often interpreted positively. Dream books suggest that in this way a person subconsciously prepares for the cleansing of his soul and conscience.

A dream about swimming in a lake symbolizes what the sleeper will “plunge” into upon awakening. These could be worries, troubles, unexpected pleasant situations. In order to lift the veil of the mystery of a dream and find out what kind of message it was from higher powers, one must carefully recall in memory all the smallest details of the night’s dream.

Bather's mood

The emotions experienced in a dream also play a significant role in the correct interpretation of the plot. For example, if you were having fun frolicking in the water and near a waterfall, then the dream book promises the successful completion of the project started and the implementation of plans. Competitions with fellow swimmers on the speed of overcoming a section of the lake are a sign that soon in reality you will meet friends and have fun in your free time.

Obstacles and obstacles, that’s what you dreamed about, how you were drowning after getting caught on an underwater snag. Jumping in a lake from a high cliff or cliff is seen in dreams by people who are ready to participate in any adventure in order to make a good profit.

For those who in a dream sank to the bottom in search of beautiful shells and stones, the dream book promises gifts and surprises.

Clear waters

A wonderful omen comes from a dream about swimming in a clean, transparent lake. Such a vision guarantees the dreamer the realization of all his hopes and plans. In your midnight slumber, did you stand in a mountain lake and splash your body with cool, crystal clear water? This is a sign that health will not fail. On the contrary, the dreamer will be full of energy, cheerful, cheerful.

The Eastern dream book explains: why does a pregnant woman dream that she is swimming in a clean lake? She will give birth to a smart, handsome child who will delight her parents with her talents and abilities. The baby will be healthy, inquisitive and very lively.

Be ready for challenges

Was the water in the dreamed lake cloudy and dirty? Unfortunately, this is a bad sign. Did you have to swim in such a body of water? According to the predictions of Hasse's dream book, this threatens you with many problems or serious trouble. And anyone who has swallowed dirty slurry while swimming will have to go through a “dark streak” - bad luck simply follows on the heels of such an unfortunate dreamer.

The nightmare that your friend drowned in a fetid lake may continue in reality. Why could this be a dream? You will have to overcome many obstacles and experience a serious loss.


Lakes are not only fresh, but also salty. If in a dream you felt a salty taste while swimming in a lake, then the White Magician’s dream book predicts sadness, tears, and depression for you.

But fresh, clean water from a protected lake, which you had to taste while you were sleeping, precedes joyful events and high spirits in reality.

From the collection of Gustav Miller

In Miller's dream book there is a very interesting interpretation of a vision in which a girl swam in a lake, and then saw that the water had become disgusting and cloudy. Such a plot is an allegory suggesting that the young lady will have to pay very soon for frivolous, indecent actions and mistakes of the past.

There will be a reason for joy, because you will be surrounded by the care and love of your dearest people, which is why you dreamed that you saw a clear reflection of your face while splashing and swimming in a lake.

From time immemorial, many peoples believed that dreams give a person secret knowledge, warn of impending adversity, or portend good luck and success. Why To solve this dream, you need to take into account many factors.

Why do you dream about a lake?

If a person saw a lake in his dream, this is a symbol of the presence of external obstacles that significantly affect the fulfillment of the dreamer’s plans. In most cases, dream books predict all kinds of obstacles for a person who sees a lake in a dream.

Why do you dream of a transparent lake? Take a good look at the pond. If the lake is clean and calm, then the dream symbolizes inner wisdom and intuition.

Why do you dream of water in a lake with ripples going on? Such a dream most likely indicates emotional experiences and worries.

Emotional stagnation in dreams is symbolized by a pond with muddy water.

If the dreamer bathes in a pond, then the dream is a harbinger: everything must be carefully weighed when making an important decision. Calmly think about the current situation, and only then make any decision.

A dream in which you are swimming in a pond foreshadows future changes, for example, a change of plans. What will be the result? If the lake water is muddy, then everything will end badly, but if it is clear, changes await you that will bring joy. Plans will soon begin to come true if in your dream you managed to swim across a body of water.

If you are fishing in your night dreams, this indicates your desire to meet, start dating, or marry a specific person. It should be noted that this will subsequently result in failure for you.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream of a lake according to the Mayan dream book? There are two interpretations of this dream.

  1. A dream in which you are standing on the shore of a lake suggests that now is the time to start something new. He also suggests that precious stones will protect you in business: they will attract good luck.
  2. Why do you dream of swimming in a lake? The dream is a warning: you may be harmed in the near future. How to avoid this? You need to sprinkle a little salt on the knife, and then heat it over the fire. After the salt has melted, you need to hide the knife in a dark and cool place.

Dream Interpretation of N. Grishina

According to this dream book, the lake represents the dominance of the dreamer’s consciousness over the forces opposing him. Why do you dream of a clear lake, the shores of which are clearly visible? This dream is a symbol of the fact that life is spread out before the dreamer. In addition, he received a unique opportunity to evaluate his business and actions with a sober look.

A stormy lake is a symbol of self-mastery in difficult times, provided that the dreamer clearly sees the shores. However, if they are lost in the fog, then the dream predicts damage because the sleeper has lost or weakened self-control.

The process of self-discovery is symbolized by drinking from the lake. If you fell into a pond, then the dream means an accident.

If in your dream you see a fish swimming in a pond, then this portends success in work, favor from your superiors, as well as a possible promotion.

Why do you dream of a lake located in the mountains? In most cases, the dream foretells happiness, as well as good self-control. If in a dream you see a bloody lake, then it symbolizes something sinister hiding in the dream, and if you also swim in such a pond, then it promises you bruises, misfortune and danger to life.

If you dream of a gloomy place located among sharp rocks, this is a symbol of lurking danger or the fact that the dreamer has ceased to understand himself.

A pond or swampy lake is a sign of internal stagnation.

A dream in which the lake suddenly begins to shrink is a harbinger of the death of feelings, which constitute one of the important parts of the dreamer’s spiritual life.

Miller's Dream Book

Why dream of swimming in a lake? If a young woman dreams that she is swimming alone in the dirty water of a troubled lake, then he promises her many changes: she will soon repent of her neglect of enemies and past extravagances.

If in a dream the water overwhelms the boat, but the girl, energetically rowing, swims to the pier, then such a dream notifies the dreamer that he is under the influence of incorrect, false beliefs. However, he will soon change them, and this will allow him to achieve success and honor. In addition, such a plot may foreshadow the illness of a loved one.

If a woman watches a boat in which a young couple, risking their lives, is trying to cope with the raging elements, the dream is a symbol that one of the dreamer's friends will commit an unfavorable act, but he will be able to return the favor.

Wealth and happiness are promised to you by a dream in which you are sailing on a calm and clean lake.

If you dream of a dirty lake, which is surrounded by dry trees and bare stones, then the dream predicts a sad end to all your plans.

A dream in which you see a beautiful pond with marvelous green banks is a harbinger that the moral strength of your personality will be able to prevail over passion. This will allow you to focus your energy on finding a reliable and safe path.

If you dream of a clear body of water that is surrounded by sparse vegetation, then this symbolizes that your idle existence will soon collapse under the onslaught of dissolute actions.

A dream in which the dreamer observes his reflection in the mirror water of a lake is a harbinger of joy and loving friends.

If you see foliage reflected in a pond, then joy awaits you, as well as the enjoyment of happiness and love.

A dream in which you see creepy and slippery creatures approaching you will mark failure and disappointment that you have wasted your time, health and energy. The dream foreshadows a lack of joy and belated repentance for what has been done.

New family dream book

The sad end of the dreamer's plans is foreshadowed by a dirty lake in a dream. If a woman, sailing on a lake on a boat, manages to reach the pier, then this is a symbol that she is strongly influenced by false beliefs, which she will soon overcome.

Why do you dream about a lake with clean water? Swimming in a calm and clear body of water with close friends is a symbol of wealth, happiness and prosperity.

If a young woman has a dream in which she is swimming in a dirty, restless lake, then it portends strong changes. Perhaps she will still repent of her extravagance.

Joy, happiness and love are symbolized by a dream in which you see foliage reflected in the surface of a lake. Seeing your reflection in the mirror surface of a clear lake portends loving friends and a lot of unexpected joy.

A clear lake, which is surrounded by sparse vegetation, in a dream is a symbol that your well-being may come to an end if you do not become more reasonable. If you dream of a dirty lake with beautiful green shores, then the dreamer’s prudence will prevail over his passion.

Esoteric dream book

A clear lake in a dream symbolizes that the dreamer’s pure thoughts will bring him peace. If the body of water is cold and deserted, then this is a signal to be afraid of your emotions, since if you give in to them, you can do a lot of irreparable stupid things. If in a dream you see a dry lake, then this is a harbinger of bitter tears.

An old English dream book

A dream in which you glide along the quiet, transparent surface of a pond is a harbinger of favorable life circumstances, a life full of satisfaction and happiness for the dreamer. Prestigious work, success in business - all this promises such a dream. And also the dreamer will be able to achieve a happy marriage without any obstacles.

However, if the water seems dirty and cloudy, then this foreshadows losses and suffering that fate will send to the dreamer in order to test his fortitude.

Other interpretations

  1. Dream book of Shereminskaya. According to this dream book, a whirlpool is a symbol of danger, and if the dreamer is swimming on a lake, it is a harbinger of separation for lovers.
  2. Dream Interpretation of Tifalisi. If you see a pond, spring or lake in a dream, then this promises you goodness, abundance and happiness.
  3. Tsvetkova's dream book. According to this dream book, swimming on the lake promises separation for lovers.

Why does a woman dream about a lake:

Danger; light - for good; dirty - for worse, poverty; swim - danger, separation (for lovers); swimming in a clean lake means health; to fall is death.

1 Lake by To the newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Seeing a lake in a dream means:

To peace, meditation. You can engage in healing, hydrotherapy and treatment with the elements of air are indicated.

1 Lake by Dream Interpretation of Vrublevskaya

Their appearance in a dream is associated with particular tasks and problems facing us at the moment. A beautiful lake with clean, clear water can predict a happy declaration of love, lyrical experiences, or indicate the maturation of feelings in a young man or girl.

On the contrary, a pond overgrown with mud, with muddy, dark water, foreshadows the onset of depression of the disease. In women's dreams, it may indicate a disease of the vagina.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Lake by Jewish dream book

Dreaming of a lake means:

Sitting on the shore of a lake means being in great danger and not realizing it. Swimming in a lake means intuitively feeling the danger of the evil eye and trying to find a remedy to protect against it.

1 Lake by Dream Interpretation of Lovers

Lake dream meaning:

A woman who dreamed of a lake with dirty water will soon repent of committing rash and frivolous acts that threaten her happiness.

If you dream that you are sailing on a calm lake, this portends happiness and love.

Trees reflected in the water of the lake portend the enjoyment of love and harmony in the family.

1 Lake by Slavic dream book

Seeing a lake and swimming in it means danger awaits you.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Lake by Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

A smooth, calm lake means that everything is fine with you, all the troubles have subsided and there is no reason to worry yet.

1 Lake by English dream book

Lake in a dream means:

A lake is often described with the expression deep, calm waters: they usually symbolize hidden emotions, feelings that are often hidden, not released to the surface. If in a dream you feel happy, calm and prosperous, this means that you are satisfied with yourself and your emotional life. Feeling afraid or anxious means that you are out of tune with your emotions, perhaps you feel vulnerable and are afraid to show others how you really feel. Why do you dream: Does the lake represent you or someone else? Did you stand on the shore or swim along it - yourself or on a boat? Did you stay close to the shore or dive into the deep end? Dreams about monsters in a lake directly indicate your fear of losing control of your hidden emotions. Are you controlling yourself too tightly? See also Swimming, ; Monster

1 Lake by Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Quiet lake - prosperity; worried - danger.

1 Lake by Dream book of the future

Why does a woman dream about a lake:

A lake, if it is clean and transparent, means fun and joy; if it is dirty, dark, muddy - to danger awaiting you or to poverty and humiliation.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Lake by Home dream book

Why does a woman dream about a lake:

Connection with the subconscious. A clean, transparent lake means inner harmony; the lake is clean and surrounded by sparse vegetation - calmly perceive the surrounding reality; muddy, dirty lake - melancholy, despondency, apathy; a dirty lake with beautiful green shores - the ability to withstand the hardships of life; a dirty lake surrounded by bare, gloomy stones and dry trees - collapsed plans, difficult feelings; foliage reflected in the water - joy and happiness; slippery and creepy inhabitants of the lake approaching with a threat - alarm; fear; swimming on a clean and calm lake means confidence that you will achieve happiness and material well-being; immerse yourself in a lake - stop paying attention to external life and focus on your inner experiences.

1 Lake by Home dream book

Seeing a lake in a dream means:

The lake in the forest is a place of initiation into the mysteries, where the individual can gain new insights or be completely transformed. It is the goal of many dreams (a journey through the forest to the lake).

A lake in a valley is an unconscious direction to lower positions, below consciousness.

1 Lake according to the 21st century Dream Book

A dream with a lake in the dream book is interpreted as:

A bright lake in a dream is a bad sign, but a muddy lake means fun.

Swimming in a bloody lake means danger to life posed by enemies, also injury or misfortune

Seeing a blue mountain lake means happiness, good self-control; a lake suddenly shallowing before your eyes - to the death of feelings that formed an important part of your mental life.

Sailing on the lake means separation.

1 Lake by Muslim dream book

Dreaming of a lake means:

Seeing a pond, cistern or spring is a sign of goodness, happiness and abundance.

1 Lake by Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Lake dream meaning:

Sailing in a dream on a clean and calm lake with people you like - portends a happy coincidence of circumstances and an increase in prosperity

If the lake is clean, but is surrounded by sparse vegetation, your carefree existence will be overshadowed by reckless actions.

A dirty lake, surrounded by bare, gloomy rocks and dry trees, foreshadows the collapse of plans.

If you see yourself swimming in the dirty water of a troubled lake, you will soon have to repent of committing extravagant acts.

A dirty lake with beautiful green shores means that the strength of your nature will prevail over passion. You will devote all your energy to searching for the right and safe path.

Seeing your reflection in the clear water of a lake portends the joy of communicating with friends.

Seeing foliage reflected in mirror water is a sign of happy love.

If you see unpleasant, slippery inhabitants of the lake that threaten you, failures and disappointments from wasted energy, time and health are possible.

1 Lake by Dream interpretation of a modern woman

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a lake:

Look what a lake this is. A calm and clear lake signifies intuition and inner wisdom.

Ripples on the surface of the water can indicate emotional disturbances.

A muddy lake speaks of emotional stagnation.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Lake according to Dream Book 2012

What can a lake mean in a dream:

A reflection of conditional love.

1 Lake by Dream book of Nina Grishina

Lake in a dream means:

The dominance of your consciousness over the forces opposing it.

Clear, all the shores of which are clearly visible - life stretched out before you / you will have the opportunity to soberly judge your affairs and actions.

A stormy lake, if you see its shores, is a symbol of self-dominance in difficult times.

The shores are darkened in fog - harm, damage from the fact that one has weakened one’s self-control.

Drinking from a lake is a process of self-discovery.

Falling into it is an accident.

To see a bloody lake - something sinister is entering or hiding in you.

Bathing in blood means danger to life from enmity/injury or misfortune.

Seeing a blue mountain lake means happiness/good self-control.

To see a gloomy forest, among the gloomy rocks - something dangerous is hidden in you and can catastrophically reveal itself / you have ceased to understand yourself.

To see something shallow is the death of feelings that formed an important part of your spiritual life.

Swampy - mental or spiritual stagnation.

1 Lake by Danilova's children's dream book

If a girl dreams of a lake, it means:

If you see a calm lake surface in a dream, this means a carefree, cheerful life.

If it also reflects a clear sky, it means that your well-being will extend to all areas of your life, from relationships with parents and friends, school studies to success in your hobby.

1 Lake by Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Why does a woman dream about a lake:

Seeing a shallow lake with muddy water in a dream means cooling, once pure love.

1 Lake by Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing a lake in a dream means:

The clear water surface of the lake symbolizes the need for spiritual cleansing; waves on the surface - upcoming emotional unrest; muddy water means illness.

1 Lake by Dream interpretation of birthday people of May, June, July, August

Interpretation of a dream about a lake:

Seeing a calm, clean lake in a dream means that everything will be fine in your life.

1 Lake by Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

Interpretation of a dream about a lake:

clean, transparent - cheerful life; muddy, dirty - poverty, need and humiliation.

1 Lake by Russian dream book

A lake in a dream predicts:

A reflection of your state of mind (pay attention to the quality of water in the lake).

1 Lake by Imperial dream book

Why do you dream about the Lake:

The vision of a lake - a middle state between the element of the spleen (humidity) and the primary element of the kidneys (water) can be considered a characteristic of the work of these two organs in this season and the Autumn season.

To see a lake in a dream - a dream can mean both favorable and unfavorable.

Seeing a lake/swimming in a clean lake in a dream is favorable: corresponds to the mid-summer season, readiness for the next seasons and good condition of the spleen in any season.

Seeing a frightening lake is unfavorable: the beginning of an imbalance of qi energy between the spleen and kidneys, requiring medical intervention, which will also take over the intermediate yin organ (lungs), since winter (kidneys) does not come before autumn (lungs).

Seeing a dry, shallow lake means emptiness of the spleen and subsequent emptiness of the kidneys.

1 Lake by The correct dream book

feast, path

1 Lake by Modern dream book

If a young woman dreams that she is swimming in a muddy, restless lake, the dream predicts impending troubles and misfortunes; she will be overcome by regret because of her previous frivolous behavior and disregard for moral rules.

If she is sailing in a boat, and the boat fills with water, but at the cost of enormous efforts she still gets to the shore - in real life she will be under the influence of dangerous beliefs, but gradually she will abandon them, and along the right path she will come to her cherished goal and glory. Also, this dream may portend illness to one of her relatives and friends.

When she dreams of a young couple who also managed to escape, in real life one of her friends will commit an unseemly act, but then manage to rehabilitate himself in her eyes.

To dream that you are gliding on a boat on a clean and smooth surface of a lake in pleasant company means that happiness and a desire for wealth await you.

A muddy lake surrounded by bare rocks and withered trees - dreams of unlucky forecasts in business and love.

A muddy lake in the shade of green trees is a sign that the moral side of your nature will resist passionate carnal desires, and, having overcome them, will direct energy to good and profitable deeds.

If you dream of a lake with clear water in a barren area, all the forces of your soul will be fruitlessly wasted on satisfying the desires of the flesh.

Seeing your reflection in the mirror surface of the lake is a harbinger of fleeting joys and the appearance of sincere, devoted friends.

To dream that the foliage of trees is reflected in a lake means that in reality you will enjoy the passion of love and happiness.

To see in a dream how creepy and slippery inhabitants of the lake rise from the water and threaten you - to failure and illnesses that will fall on you due to the fact that you spent a lot of time and energy on forbidden pleasures. You will drain the last drop of happiness and drink the bitter drink of disappointment.

1 Lake by Magic dream book

Stagnation in business, time of laziness and boredom. Swimming on the lake means parting with a loved one. Seeing your reflection in clear lake water means having loving friends. Falling into a lake means attracting danger. Seeing the bottom of a lake through the water means having a clear conscience. A lake illuminated by the bright sun is a sign of a happy union. The agitated lake represents love obstacles caused by relatives.

1 Lake according to the Mayan Dream Book

Good Meaning If you dreamed that you were standing on the shore of a lake, now is a good time to start something new. Jewelry with precious stones will bring you good luck.

Bad meaning: If you dreamed that you were swimming on a lake, then in the near future you will be stabbed. To avoid this, sprinkle a little salt on the knife and heat it over the fire. When the salt melts, hide the knife in a dark place.

1 Lake according to the Mayan Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Lake:

Such a dream characterizes you as a calm and balanced person. In sex, your qualities manifest themselves as follows: you always do everything slowly, measuredly, prolonging the pleasure. However, you cannot take quantity - you only have enough for one time.

A dream in which you swim in a lake means that you will meet a member of the opposite sex in an unusual place. All this will end in a much more familiar environment - in bed.

1 Lake by ABC of dream interpretation

Symbolizes the sexual, sensual side of a person.

Calm - fullness of life, happiness of love.

A wavy, muddy lake - trouble, illness.

1 Lake according to Miller's dream book

For a young woman to dream that she is alone in the dirty waters of a troubled lake portends many changes: she will soon begin to repent of past extravagances and disregard for virtue.

If the water overwhelms the boat, but, rowing vigorously, the woman still reaches the pier - this means that she is under the influence of false beliefs, which she will eventually change and achieve honor and respect. This plot may also foreshadow the illness of someone close.

If she observes a boat in which a young couple, risking their lives, copes with the elements, this means that one of her Friends, although he will commit an unseemly act, will be able to return her favor.

To dream that you are sailing on a clean and calm lake with pleasant and close friends means that happiness and wealth awaits you, corresponding to your ideas.

A dirty lake, surrounded by bare, gloomy stones and dry trees, foreshadows the sad end of your plans.

A dirty lake with beautiful green shores portends that the moral strength of your nature will prevail over passion, turning your energy to search for a safe and reliable path.

If the lake is clean and surrounded by sparse vegetation, this means that your secure existence will collapse under the onslaught of dissolute actions.

Seeing your reflection in the clear water of a lake foretells that joy and loving friends await you.

Seeing foliage reflected in a mirror of water portends the joy of enjoying love and happiness.

Seeing the slippery and creepy inhabitants of the lake approaching and threatening you means failure and disappointment from wasted time, energy and health. The joy of life will expire with the last drop, and you will drink the bitter wine of belated repentance.

1 Lake by Family dream book

A young woman who dreams that she is swimming alone in a dirty and restless lake is in for big changes. How would she not have to repent of her extravagance!

If a woman is sailing on a lake on a boat and reaches a pier, she is under the influence of false beliefs, which she will eventually overcome.

A dream in which you are sailing on a clean and calm lake with pleasant and close friends promises happiness and wealth.

Dirty - portends a sad end to your plans.

A dirty lake with beautiful green shores means that your prudence will prevail over passion.

A clear lake surrounded by sparse vegetation can spell the end of your well-being if you do not become more judicious.

If you saw your reflection in the clear water of a lake, joy and loving friends await you.

Reflected in the surface of the lake - portends joy, love and happiness.

1 Lake by Star Dream Book

Calm and transparent dreams mean good health. Tornoye Lake - to the mystery. Danger.

1 Lake by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Why do you dream about the Lake:

Danger; sailing on the lake means separation for lovers; to fall into it is death.

1 Lake by Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

You see a clean, calm lake in a dream; it’s as if you are floating along it - a good upbringing will protect you from many misfortunes; you will curb your passion and act according to moral standards. It’s as if you are floating on a clear lake with friends and having a pleasant conversation - this dream promises happiness in your personal life, wealth in your home. You see a dirty lake in a dream; waves move along it; the shores are littered with stones and debris - you, having forgotten about morality, about your spiritual image, indulge in passions - go into all serious troubles; Some time will pass and you will see that your prosperous life has come to an end. A woman dreams that she is swimming in a dirty and troubled lake - perhaps this woman’s period of sins was short-lived, but she will have to repent of it for a long time. It’s as if you see your reflection in a lake - loving friends will bring you a lot of joy; your life wouldn't be so interesting without friends. You see the reflection of trees standing on the shore in the lake - you will find time for love pleasures that will bring you true bliss.

1 Lake by Dream book for the whole family

If you have seen the clean, calm surface of a lake from afar, this only means that no radical changes are expected in your life in the near future.

If you stood on the shore and saw your reflection, you will soon meet a man.

If you saw the reflection of a person you know in the surface of the water, hurry to warn him, as his health is in danger.

Accidentally discovering a lake in the forest means something or someone threatens your well-being.

Coming to the lake means illness.

1 Lake by To the Dream Interpreter of 1829

A lake and swimming in it portends great danger; fall into the lake look fall into the sea.

1 Lake by Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Pay attention to the state of the lake, as water symbolizes emotions.

A calm, clear lake - indicates intuition, inner wisdom, emotional balance.

Ripples on the surface of the water can indicate emotional unrest.

Muddy lake - speaks of emotional stagnation.

For the ancient Egyptians, the lake was a symbol of the occult and mysterious inner worlds. At certain times of the year, priests went to the lakes in ceremonial processions. In Celtic mythology, the Land of the Dead was located at the bottom of a lake. Water can be a symbol of the subconscious and the unknown depths of your soul. Mysterious worlds live within you. Take the trouble to stop and study them.

1 Lake according to Hasse's dream book

Why do you dream about the Lake:

Lake, fishing in it - you will have an evil wife; to see the bottom through the water - to have a clear conscience; a quiet lake, illuminated by the sun - a happy union; worried - there are many obstacles to love.

1 Lake by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

The lake is calm, clean, blue - peace of mind; unpleasant, dark, worrying - negative mental experiences; danger.

Swim - interpreted depending on the type and reaching the shores.

1 Lake by Italian psychoanalytic dream book A. Roberti

What does a Lake mean in a dream? A lake, like a swimming pool, can signify a state of transition between consciousness and spirituality. When a lake appears unexpectedly, it gives us the opportunity to appreciate and embrace ourselves. Seeing your reflection in the water is a dream of your need to settle your relationship with the Shadow (see Introduction). We must understand and accept that part of ourselves that we do not really love, however, tamed, it will give us enormous Sergius for change. Or the streams always represent the life of the dreamer and the chick he lives. Everything will depend on how the dreamer perceives his life - as a full-flowing river or as a trickle. If the river is very fast, then life goes too fast. If we see both the river and the sea at the same time, then this is awareness of the upcoming great change or advice to pay attention to the subconscious. If the river is very deep, most likely we need to think about whether we are living correctly. If we cross the river, it portends great changes. If the river causes fear, we create difficulties for ourselves. If the water in the river is contaminated or very cloudy, we don’t do everything possible.

1 Lake by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

If in a dream you glide along the quiet mirror surface of a lake, this foreshadows future favorable life circumstances, a happy life full of pleasures. This dream promises success in business and a prestigious job, as well as a large friendly family. The lover will successfully achieve a happy marriage without any obstacles.

1 Lake by But if the waters of the lake seem cloudy and dirty, this promises grief and suffering from losses that Fate will send you as a test of the fortitude of your spirit.

Esoteric dream book

1 Seeing a beautiful lake - pure thoughts will bring peace. Deserted, cold - be afraid of your emotions. Under their influence, a lot of trouble can be caused. Dried - to tears.

Why do you dream about the Lake:

For a young woman, a dream in which she swims in a muddy, restless lake means that she will have to bitterly repent of her frivolous behavior. Sailing on a lake in a boat that gradually fills with water, but in spite of everything reaching the shore, means that you are mistaken in some fundamental points, but soon you will find the true path. Seeing that someone else managed to escape with you means that someone you know will commit an ignoble act, but later he will be able to justify himself to you. A muddy lake, surrounded by bare rocks and withered trees, is a dream of unlucky forecasts in business and love. A muddy lake in the shade of green trees means that you have a difficult choice between the spiritual and the carnal. A dream in which you see a clean, transparent lake with a nondescript landscape around it means that you will be overly keen on satisfying material and bodily needs. Seeing your reflection in the mirror surface of the lake means that you will have joyful meetings and new friends. Seeing the reflection of trees in a lake in a dream means that in reality you will be successful in love. If you dream of creepy inhabitants of the underwater depths that threaten you, then you must understand that the troubles that you will encounter in the near future are directly related to the lifestyle that you led.

Water skiing on a lake means trying to speed things up, which is unlikely to happen.

Fishing in the lake means your husband will be away for a long time, when you will have to carry the entire burden of housework alone.

A calm lake in calm weather means a happy marriage and complete understanding between spouses who love each other.

A stormy lake in bad weather foreshadows obstacles in love.

A clean lake with clear water, through which the coastal bottom is visible, means that you will fully fulfill your duty towards your parents.

Dirty water in the lake - your plans will be ruined by the interference of competitors.

Muddy bottom of the lake - you will be drawn into a dubious enterprise, because of which you will lose the favor of an influential person.

Clean sandy bottom - do something you like.

The marshy deserted shore of a dreamed lake means that you are under the influence of false beliefs.

A wooded shore is a sign of affection and friendship.

Drowning in a lake means you will find yourself in a critical situation, from which you can only get out thanks to resourcefulness and cunning.

Seeing a mermaid in a lake is a warning dream: do not succumb to illusions that can lead you to a dead end.

Seeing the famous monster in Loch Ness Lake means you will achieve what you have been striving for for so long and unsuccessfully until now.

1 Lake by Dream book for men

Accidentally discovering a lake in the forest means something or someone threatens your well-being. Coming to the lake means illness.

1 Lake by Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

A clean, calm, quiet lake means a calm and prosperous life. If you saw fish splashing on the surface of the lake, the dream promises wealth. Swimming in such a lake means excellent health. If the lake was dirty and musty, your friends will speak negatively about you. If you swam in a dirty lake, you will experience severe stress due to a quarrel with friends.

Imagine that you are getting out of the mud and reaching a beautiful lake with clear water. There you wash away all the dirt.

Sailing on the lake in a boat means a happy family life. If at the same time the boat is overwhelmed by water, your marriage will be tested, but if the boat does not sink, then everything will end well.

Imagine that you are swimming along the smooth surface of a lake, in the depths of which fish are splashing, and the shores are overgrown with lilies.

A dry lake means that the cold and indifference of people will cause you pain.

Imagine that there was a heavy rainfall and the lake was filled with clean and fresh water.

A lake completely overgrown with reeds and marsh grasses means your affairs are seriously neglected, and if you do not start doing something, a major failure awaits you.

Imagine that you hire workers and they mow the reeds and grass. You actively help them and soon the lake will be cleared.

1 Lake by Dream book of the 20th century

Symbolizes your feelings associated with familiar and familiar activities.

If the lake seems unfamiliar and strange to you and if it surprises you: such a dream is a harbinger of events that can change the way of your life.

A clean, calm lake with clear water: a sign of a calm and joyful life.

Seeing large waves on the surface of the lake: a sign of your experiences and worries associated with everyday or everyday problems.

Muddy water in the lake: portends trouble and often serves as a sign of the onset of some kind of disease.

Swampy lake shore: may mean that you risk getting bogged down in solving everyday problems and troubles. Perhaps the dream invites you not to attach too much importance to everyday difficulties and to do something more interesting and important.

A lake overgrown with duckweed or mud: means despondency. It seems that it doesn’t bother you to somehow revive your feelings and bring a fresh stream into your life.

Reflection of any objects in the lake: a sign of certain events that will affect your life.

Seeing your reflection in a lake means that you yourself can cause some events that can change your way of life.

Someone else's reflection in the lake: a sign that an outsider may interfere in your life.

A river flowing into a lake in a dream: foretells that some events will give you a surge of strength and energy.

A river flowing from a lake: a sign that extraneous hobbies can distract you from your usual activities.

Fishing in the lake: a harbinger of some benefit in your home.

1 Lake by Dream book for girls

If you are alone on a boat on a troubled lake, you will have to think about some wrong actions.

If the boat is overwhelmed by waves, but you still, albeit with difficulty, reach the shore, you can, having understood yourself, make the right decision and gain the respect of loved ones.

If the lake is clean and calm, and in the boat, besides you, there are your true friends, well-being and happiness await you.

A dirty lake surrounded by bare, gloomy rocks is sad.

Seeing your reflection in the clear water of the lake means joy and love await you.

Now it’s clear why the heroes of fairy tales went to the ends of the world to look for their loved ones - you couldn’t find a clean lake closer!

1 Lake by Astrological dream book

Symbol of selfishness.

Damaged sun.

1 Lake according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a lake, this indicates that in life you are a calm and reasonable person. You remain the same in sex. You do everything measuredly and leisurely, stretching out the pleasure as much as possible. Unfortunately, you only have one time at best.

Swimming in a lake in a dream promises you a meeting with a representative of the opposite sex in an unusual place. The situation will be perfectly conducive to a close acquaintance, which you will safely continue in bed.

1 Lake by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

To a quiet, calm, prosperous life. Imagine the smooth surface of a lake, in the depths of which fish are splashing, and the shores are overgrown with lilies.

1 Lake according to the Online Dream Book

According to the dream book, swimming in a mountain lake with crystal clear water portends you joy and prosperity.

If the landscape around it is rather monotonous, your wastefulness can ruin you; urgently reconsider your attitude towards money.

Seeing a river flow into a lake means something pleasant will happen that will motivate you to take active action.

If it follows from it, do not be distracted by trifles, otherwise your main affairs may decline.

If you dreamed of a lake with musty, muddy water, you will not be able to realize your plans, but will only cause yourself additional troubles.

You dream of a crystal clear lake, which is surrounded by an idyllic landscape, flooded with sunlight - success and prosperity await you, you will learn what life is like without worries and hassle.

You decided to swim in a lake in a dream - at the most unexpected moment, fate will bring you together with a person with whom you are destined to spend a lot of unforgettable minutes; a bright and unusual romantic adventure awaits you.

According to the dream book, swimming across the lake means the successful implementation of all your plans; you will be able to achieve everything that you especially strongly desire.

If in a dream the lake is blue and the water in it is clear and quiet, peace, complete harmony awaits you, and you will be satisfied with the course of your life.

If you dreamed of a muddy lake, and due to dense thickets no sunlight reaches it, you will have to fight very strong temptations, and if you resist them, you will be able to reach unprecedented heights in life.

If the water is salty

You dream of a dirty lake and a dull landscape along its shores - be prepared for the fact that your hopes and expectations will be in vain, it is better to postpone the implementation of your plans, at least for the moment.

If the lake is dry in a dream, serious problems await you that will take a lot of your strength and drive you to despair; try to predict them in order to mitigate their consequences.

This dream means your sensory world, an island in life where everyone is calm, confident and at ease. Especially if the lake in your dream is familiar to you, it is located in your city or village, it pleasantly caresses the skin and there is clean water in it. An unfamiliar body of water symbolizes goals and ways to achieve peace, peace of mind and tranquility.

Swimming in a lake in a dream is a favorable sign if the water is clean and there are no sharp pieces of iron, stones or other unpleasant surprises under it. Water temperature means your condition, relaxation, comfort or, on the contrary, unfavorable circumstances. For a woman, the state of the lake symbolizes her health, sexuality and various desires.

If you want to know what it means in your dream, pay attention to what the natural body of water in your dream was like, the time of day, the temperature of the water, different animals and any things you remember

They will become great helpers in your life and can show you what is preventing you from getting the desired result.

This is how the dream book interprets swimming in a lake in various circumstances.

What does the lake symbolize?

Regardless of its size, the dream book considers this body of water to be the seat of the soul, the desire to relax and find peace. For each person it manifests itself in different ways: one values ​​loneliness and the opportunity to simply take a break from everyone, for another it is the desire to love and be loved. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to dreams that are associated with your thoughts while sleeping near a lake or swimming in it. They will show you what vacation means for you.

Why dream of just walking along the shore of a lake and seeing a person swimming from the side? The dream book writes that such a dream means a desire to find support in life, a vacation companion, if only you like him. For a girl, just walking near the lake dreams of being left alone with her masts. The time of day and year tells what will soon fill her heart and how favorable the circumstances are for her dream to come true.

The dream book writes that walking near a lake means choosing a romantic relationship or trying to find love. In the summer, walking near the lake, admiring the sunset or sunrise, if there are a lot of people nearby, if there are a lot of people on the shore, means a romantic and active holiday. The dream book writes that such a dream shows a reluctance to be alone with anyone. You want outdoor activities, activities and friends.

Walking during the day in the warm season near a lake alone, if there is no one nearby, indicates a desire for peace and relaxation, a subconscious fear of romantic relationships. Such dreams are often experienced by teenagers who want to be left alone for a while and not show increased interest in them.

If a girl begins to test the waters with her hands or feet, then she wants a sensual relationship, but is still afraid to completely immerse herself in it. For older people, walking alone in front of the lake means the need for rest, a free moment and time to just dream and think about the eternal.

Walking near a lake or simply admiring it in a dream in cloudy, cold or windy weather - your hopes will not come true. Sometimes such a dream shows a person’s rejection, cruelty and indifference towards you. Trying to find understanding will be futile.

However, admiring the cold colors of a winter sunset in a dream is a favorable sign, which means that there will soon be a break in the streak of troubles and you will be able to find an understanding friend and interlocutor.
However, an ice-bound lake means that sensual pleasures will not come soon. Although you will be able to communicate mentally with someone you know and will be pleased with the result. For creative people, a winter lake and the cold colors of sunset predict inspiration and many interesting moments. But this is what it means to swim in it in a dream.

Water temperature

R Lying on the shore of a lake and just admiring the beautiful view usually means rest and relaxation, thinking about plans for the future and communicating with friends. The dream book writes that such a dream can also become a symbol of isolation, a pleasant family vacation, or finding a soul mate in love.

If you are looking for your place near the lake, and there are tourist scarves everywhere or people resting, this means that you will not have a moment of rest soon. The dream book writes that other bathers mean troubles, rivalry, or that for now there will be various obstacles and problems in your personal life. It will not be possible to resolve your issue immediately.

A person swimming in a lake means immersion in sensual pleasures. Sometimes such a dream predicts an acquaintance. Testing the waters means being wary of new love adventures and pleasures. If it turns out to be pleasant, expect joy.

For a girl, such a dream predicts pleasant acquaintances, and even if she resisted them at first, after some hesitation, she simply agrees to plunge into the world of love and pleasure.

X Cold water means repulsive behavior of a partner or unfavorable circumstances for relaxation and trust in someone. Falling into cold water is an unfavorable sign. After it, expect illness or trouble.

The dream interpretation of swimming in a pleasant lake with a loved one interprets mutual understanding, immersion in sensual pleasures and joy. If you swam alone in the lake, without trying to get to the other side, then the dream book predicts you a happy turn of events and serenity. It is beneficial to dance in the water, to see clean sand, pebbles and even beautiful fish through the transparent surface. Warm, gentle water predicts joy, tenderness and good health.

An opaque and muddy lake means unclear circumstances, and if the water temperature does not suit you, it means illness.

But if the lake is very deep and the bottom is not visible or the water is simply not very clear, but there are various impurities and sediment, there is nothing to worry about.

Immersing yourself in a lake with muddy, unpleasant water predicts illness, misunderstanding, and unclear life problems.

Most likely, the relationship with a loved one will not be cloudless; many questions will remain before and after his appearance. The dream book also writes that after such a dream there may be a temporary deterioration in your health. So you should carefully accept yourself and resolve all doubts.

Stumbling upon iron, shallows, or stones underwater means disappointment and injury. Sometimes such a dream predicts an unexpected blow, fraud and cruel meanness. There may be a hidden danger that you may not notice at the very beginning. The dream book warns you against illusions and enchantments, which can end very badly.

Swimming across the lake means achievements and changes. Such a dream means a sporting interest in life and various manifestations of business activity. The dream book writes that swimming across a small lake means overcoming some stage in your personal life or life situation, while a large one means achieving a big and difficult goal.

The temperature of the water tells you how favorable the circumstances will be. In general, such a dream is favorable, unless there were dangerous fish, bottles, pieces of iron and other unpleasant surprises under water.

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