Wot which nation has the best medium tank. What are the best tanks in World of Tanks? Where to go, what to see

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Consider the top 10 medium tanks in World of Tanks. For each tank, we will take out the advantages and disadvantages, summarize and draw a final conclusion.

Type 97 Chi ha. 3rd level.

The tank outperforms its opponents at this level. A machine with 11l/s per ton will not let you stand still, and a gun with 70 damage and 81mm penetration will not let your enemies get bored. The maximum speed of 43 km/h and good attacking abilities make this tank stand out from the rest.
Good damage and rate of fire of the best weapon.
Excellent vertical aiming angles.
Excellent hull armor (at this level).
The small size and stockiness of the tank.
Low accuracy of the gun.
Lacks a bit of mobility.

Matilda. 4th level.

You may not have expected to see her here, but the specs speak for themselves. A gun with a penetration of 121mm will not let even level 6 enemies sleep peacefully. Does not deal much damage - 55 units, but, on the other hand, every 1.77 seconds. This beauty has the best level armor (hull 75/70/55).
Great booking.
Excellent gun QF 2-pdr Mk. X-B - rapid fire and fairly accurate.
Good gun depression angles.
presence of screens.
Not enough hit damage.
Small rear protection.

T-34. 5th level.

Nothing has changed after 5 years, and it is not necessary. The gun remained just as effective: 125mm penetration, 115 damage, and a 5-second reload. And although we do not have so much armor, but the speed of 56 km / h and 17 l / s per ton will do their job.
Suitable mobility.
Not a bad tool.
Good turret armor.
Just make money.
Poorly protected hull.
Lacks striking power.

Cromwell. 6th level.

Of course, there is simply no protection, but on the other hand, damage is 135 units with an interval of 2 seconds and penetration of 145. And let them try to hit at a speed of 54 km / h.
Excellent mobility and maneuverability.
Rapid fire weapon.
Well protected ammo.
Not enough armor.
Poor gun stabilization while moving.

T20. 7th level.

Playing for him will give you real pleasure. The tank is also good in attack: 160mm armor penetration combined with 240 damage, all this every 8.5 seconds. We have a specific power of 18l/s per ton and a maximum speed of 56km/h. We must remember that on the go we will not always hit.
Excellent visibility and gun elevation angles.
Excellent speed.
A well-balanced gun, the possibility of upgrading the stabilizer.
Average maneuverability.
Bad booking.

M26 Pershing. 8th level.

It cannot boast of anything particularly outstanding, but it is also called a “medium tank”. All the main parameters are at the average level. The power of 13 l / s per ton is enough to reach speeds of 48 km / h. The gun is also mediocre: armor penetration is 180 units, damage is 240 units. It takes 7.5 seconds to reload and 2.3 seconds to converge. The frontal armor of the turret is 127mm, and the hull is 101mm. There is also an armor slope, but this is not enough to deter an accurate hit from the enemy.
High damage per minute.
Good accuracy and aiming speed of the gun.
The tank is able to effectively hit targets on the move.
If you put improved optics, then the review becomes one of the best on the level.
The lack of armor makes the tank vulnerable.

E 50. 9th level.

Perhaps T54 fans will not agree with this choice, but take a closer look. A chic gun with penetration of 220 units and damage of 390 units has phenomenal accuracy. The tank is capable of hitting targets from a great distance. Of course, the reload time is long - 9 seconds, but for the sake of such a hit, you can wait, especially with such a distance the enemy will not reach us anyway. The specific power of the engine (11 l/s per ton) allows the tank to reach speeds of 60 km/h - you can ram anyone.
Powerful and very accurate gun 105mm.
Excellent speed and maneuverability.
Thick frontal armor.
A ram weighing 60 tons is an excellent choice.
Weak rear armor.
Body too high.

T-62A. 10th level.

And here he is - the leader of our top. First, the weapon: armor penetration is 264 units, and damage is 320 units. Now add to that a 5.5 second reload time and a 2 second aimdown. A long skirmish with an enemy tank just won't work! With the speed of the T-62A, everything is also in order, it accelerates to 50 km / h with a specific engine power of 15 l / s per ton.
The gun is perfectly stabilized, mixing and accuracy are also on top.
Good mobility and cross-country ability on any road.
Excellent hull and turret protection.
The tower has a ricochet shape and can turn quickly.
The hatches on the towers are weakly vulnerable.
The body has a squat shape.
Weak damage against higher level tanks.
Tracks are being repaired for a very long time.

This is where our review comes to an end. Forward, for new victories!

The article will talk about the five most inconspicuous and bending tanks from the game World of Tanks. By pumping them up, you will be able to play very effectively from disguise and shoot a lot of damage in each battle. Let's start!

Fifth place

Chinese tanks have always been famous for their camouflage. 121 is no exception: the tank has an excellent concealment factor and a very powerful 122 mm gun. Due to the large caliber, 121 glows a little better than others when fired, but in a stationary position, the tank can be invisible for a long time, and only after a powerful shot at the enemy, it may light up. But the “Chinese” is smart and can always leave on time.

The 121 has the biggest alpha strike of any tier 10 medium tank, which is quite impressive. The gun is not as accurate as the Soviet tanks, but it is always enough at any distance. In addition, this gun has a good DPM and excellent penetration. Do not forget that the "Chinese" is a pretty tough nut to crack for a medium tank. Its forehead is well armored, and the turret can perfectly tank the damage.

The only thing that does not please is the terrible UVN. The gun goes down very badly, and you have to get used to it. The rest of the tank is very good.

Fourth place

In fourth place is the stealth tank, Object 140. It is worth noting that you can use the T-62 instead. They are similar in style, although the T-62 has slightly worse camouflage. Object 140 is a small tank with a low silhouette. With advanced camouflage and purchased camouflage, the tank can often and for a long time disappear from enemy radars. At the same time, thanks to the small caliber of the gun, the 140th can shoot enemies without glowing.

The undoubted advantage of the tank is its high DPM, excellent accuracy and good stabilization of the gun. In addition, the gun is quite penetrating. The tank is very agile, nimble and fast, which allows it to occupy the most convenient bushes first.

The tank attacks well with relatively weak armor. Although the tower sometimes reflects enemy shells, it often breaks through, and the hull is easily “sewn”. Either way, the Object 140 is a great tank and would be great for most players who want to play carefully from disguise.

Third place

The third place in the top of the best medium tanks in World of Tanks is occupied by the Object 907. This is an auction tank, it is difficult to get it, but you can upgrade the Object 430 instead, they are similar.

Object 907 has very good camouflage and is excellent for ambush tactics and reconnaissance. The Object 907 has the best dynamics among all Soviet medium tanks. It quickly picks up speed up to 55 km/h. The tank is small in size, bizarre design, the shape of the tower may remind someone of a flying saucer. Due to this specific shape, the Object 907 is often pierced into the turret, which is one of the disadvantages of the machine.

But the body is at a good slope and often reflects enemy shells. Like other Soviet medium tanks, this tank has a fast-firing, accurate, penetrating gun, which allows you to effectively fire damage over long distances. In general, the emphasis in the Object 907 is on camouflage and driving performance, while aggressively playing it is not so easy, but possible.

Second place

In second place is the tank of the 8th level Object 416, in fact, half-PT, half-ST. The camouflage of this vehicle is better than the rest of the medium tanks in this TOP. At level 8, many enemies have poor vision. Therefore, being in the first lines, Object 416 turns on invisibility and bombs enemies from the bush.

Incredible camouflage is not the only plus of this tank. Object 416 has a tier 9 weapon! This usually happens only on tank destroyers, but here it happens on a medium tank. The gun is really impressive! Good penetration with the main type of shells and excellent penetration with the gold. The gun has good accuracy and fast aiming, high DPM and decent alpha. The tank is very fast, agile and dynamic, but there is one drawback: the turret rotates only partially. Therefore, Object 416 does not perform well in an attack.

But he is an excellent ambush fighter who can quickly change his position to fire at the enemy.

First place

The best medium tank for the game World of Tanks from disguising and bending enemies is the French tank Bat.-Chatillon 25t. An excellent concealment ratio allows this tank to take the most risky positions on the map and not glow at the same time. High top speed, excellent dynamics will come in handy in any battle, for example, to capture key points on the map or to retreat to a safe place. "Frenchman" has a drum for 5 shells, which is especially useful in the most critical moments of the battle, for example, when an ally needs help.

Despite the constant balance changes, in World of tanks there are still tanks that are more fun to play, and which allow you to more influence the outcome of the battle or even fight for victory, left alone against several enemies.

The best tanks in world of tanks by levels in 2018

Today's article provides examples of the best tanks in World of tanks at different levels, according to the author. Perhaps you will notice that your favorite tank has been undeservedly forgotten, you can write about it in the comments.

Overview of the best tanks in WoT

  1. good tool
  • With high precision
  • With huge damage
  • Reliable protection
    • Strong circular armor
    • Thick frontal armor
    • ricochet silhouette
  • Good mobility
    • High top speed
    • Fast acceleration
    • Excellent maneuverability
  • low visibility
    • good disguise
    • Excellent review

    Of course, fulfilling all the conditions at the same time is impossible, the tank may be, but have too weak weapons, which will not allow it to become the best. However, the presence of several positive qualities will indicate that we have a worthy combat vehicle.

    So, let's start the review of the best tanks in WoT.

    The best first level tanks in World of tanks

    It is difficult to single out favorites among Tier 1 tanks, but at high ranks one can distinguish excellent vehicles such as the IS-3, T-54, T-29 and others, but first things first.

    Among the players in the battles of the first levels, players on vehicles with upgraded crews can stand out, who have been playing on tanks of the first level for a long time, for example, there are quite a few such players on a Soviet tank MS-1.

    The best tanks of the second level in World of tanks

    At the second level, anti-tank and artillery self-propelled guns become available to players, and among them there are vehicles that differ from others for the better. it American tank destroyer T-18 with a well-protected forehead, which most tanks of the second level are not able to penetrate, in addition, the T-18 has good mobility and a good top gun.

    SAU T-18

    • ✔ High precision gun
    • ✔ Thick frontal armor

    Best tier 3 tanks in Wot

    Among the tanks of the third level, it is worth noting the Soviet premium T-127. This tank is well protected from the front, with sloping armor, a good gun, and good mobility. Excellent armor allows you to fight alone against several enemies.

    American Tank destroyer T82- an excellent combat vehicle of the third level, it boasts high one-time damage, good dynamics and maneuverability, excellent visibility.

    The best tanks of the fourth level in World of tanks

    At the fourth level there are several cars that you will always be glad to see in your team.

    British tank Matilda

    This combat vehicle is better protected than heavy tanks of the fourth level. Being at the top Matilda able to decide the outcome of the battle, remaining even against several enemies. Of course, you have to pay for good armor with poor mobility. Getting into battles with opponents of the fifth and sixth level, Matilda is not so good, but can still be useful due to a good top gun.

    Anti-tank self-propelled gun Hetzer

    The German tank destroyer is the nightmare of many tier 4 tanks, because they cannot penetrate this vehicle head-on, while the Hetzer can easily destroy them with one or two shots. Playing against higher level opponents for armor ACS Hetzer you can’t count on it, but this machine will still be able to hit enemies, acting from ambushes.

    The best tanks of the fifth level in World of tanks

    Among the machines of the fifth level, one can distinguish Soviet heavy tank KV-1. Which, with a competent game, remains impenetrable for many rivals of the same level. The poor mobility of the KV-1 tank requires a careful choice of the direction of attack, because it is impossible to return through the floor of the map in order to break the capture. Among the advantages of the KV-1 tank, one can note the availability of several good guns - the rapid-fire project 413, the universal F-30 85mm, and the high-explosive U-11 122mm.

    American tank destroyer T49

    Anti-tank self-propelled gun with a turret that allows this vehicle to be used as a medium or light tank. The T49 self-propelled gun is equipped with an excellent top gun. This good mobility Tank destroyer T49 sometimes misused by players, you should not go alone to the enemy base, where the T49 will be quickly destroyed.

    M-24 Chaffee

    American tank Chaffee- an excellent firefly, which can also attack enemies from a good, quick-firing weapon. After the introduction of new light tanks, the top gun was taken away from Chaffee, now this one is not so good, but it doesn’t even get to the tenth levels now.

    The best tanks of the sixth level in World of tanks

    At the sixth level, the KV-1S tank stood out with an excellent D2-5T gun, but it was divided into two combat vehicles - the KV-1 of the fifth level, and the KV-85 of the sixth level, which have less impressive characteristics. .

    Hellcat in World of tanks

    American Tank destroyer Hellcat has excellent dynamics and speed. Its top gun is capable of dealing 240 damage, penetrating 160mm. Armor on the Helket is practically absent, it is worth noting only a well-protected gun mantlet, which, together with good vertical aiming angles and a mobile turret, allows you to shoot from behind hills and shelters without fear of a return hit.

    FV304 - new generation self-propelled guns

    On the sixth level, there is also a favorite by many players self-propelled art. installation FV304, with high mobility and a quick-firing gun, this machine shows good results.

    T 34-85 in WoT

    According to our readers, the T 34-85 should be included in the list of the best tanks in World of tanks in 2016. Indeed, we undeservedly disregarded this combat vehicle. T 34-85 is a universal fighter, without pronounced weak characteristics and with skillful use it is able to turn the outcome of the battle.

    Best Tier 7 Tanks in Wot

    There are quite a few good combat vehicles on the seventh level, but the American T-29 and the German tank destroyer E-25 deserve special mention.

    T-29 - play from the tower

    Tank T-29 when used correctly, it can be considered the best heavy tank of its level. A powerful top gun, good elevation angles and a thick turret front are the best features of the American TT to be used.

    American heavy tank T-29

    • ✔ Good weapon
    • ✔ Thick frontal armor

    The main thing when playing on the T-29 is to hide a weakly protected hull, showing the enemy only a tower. The T-29 performs well in hilly terrain, when shooting from cover, and can compete with Soviet vehicles (which are good in cities) in battles in urban areas. .

    Inaccessible E-25

    Premium Tank Destroyer E-25 has a bonus when balancing teams - it does not get to the tanks of the ninth level. This makes the game more comfortable on it, but it cannot be said that it is unbalanced. The only problem is that the E-25 was removed from the sale.

    The best tanks of the eighth level in World of tanks

    At the eighth level, one of the most dangerous opponents is German tank destroyer Rheinmetall-Borsig Waffenträger. The low silhouette and excellent top and stock guns make this vehicle one of the best in the game. It should be noted that for a good game on Rhm. Borsig is desirable to give her under the control of an experienced crew with good visibility and camouflage, in addition, you need to choose the right position, because weak armor will not leave you a chance in case of detection. If you think that the main thing in a combat vehicle is a weapon, then Rhm. Borsig is for you.

    Armored KV-4 World of tanks

    Our readers consider the KV-4 one of the best tier eight tanks. Good armor and a penetrating top gun are excellent qualities for entering the top of the best tanks in WoT.

    Pike nose - IS-3

    Soviet IS-3 may not have any outstanding data, but due to the combination of characteristics, he deserves to be noted in this list. Good armor, powerful gun, good mobility. What else do you need for a good tank? The IS-3 has it all.

    Heavy tank IS-3

    • ✔ Good weapon
    • ✔ Strong armor
    • ✔ Ricochet silhouette

    The best tanks of the ninth level in World of tanks

    Among the machines of the ninth level, one can distinguish Soviet medium tank T-54, characterized by a low ricochet silhouette, good mobility and a good gun. Particularly dangerous are the T-54 tanks in a group, so find yourself an assistant in a random battle or play the T-54 in a platoon.

    Medium tank T-54

    • ✔ Good weapon
    • ✔ Ricochet silhouette
    • ✔ Good mobility

    Object 704 - carrier BL-10

    In addition, I would single out the Soviet Tank Destroyer Object 704, equipped with the famous BL-10 gun in the game (a few years ago, this gun was the most powerful among its counterparts on tank destroyers and tanks). Also, the Object 704 is well protected from the front, its armor plates are located at rational angles, which gives hope for a ricochet or non-penetration. The combination of these characteristics will let you act on the second line of attack, being in the thick of things.

    Tank ST-1 at the ninth level

    In 2016, our readers consider the Soviet ST-1 one of the best at the ninth level. This tank can be equipped with a weapon that is used in WoT on the IS-4. At the ninth level, it is very strong, and allows CT-1 to break into the ranks of the best.

    There are quite a few good vehicles of the tenth level, these are the American T57 Heavy and T110E5, the Soviet T-62A and Object 263, the German JagdPanzer E100 and Waffentrager E-100, the French Bat Chatillon 25t, the British FV215B. The style of play on these tanks is different and it is difficult to single out the best vehicle.

    The best tanks in WoT in 2017 - the opinion of the players

    Many WoT fans have named their favorites in the comments. Let's see which tanks we underestimated. Among the best tanks in 2017, players most often named: medium T-34-85 and T-34, heavy ST1, KV2, KV4.

    The marked tanks are really very good, the T-34 and T-34-85 are universal fighters that have good mobility, a lethal weapon for the ST. They are able to provide worthy resistance to any enemy, and in capable hands they become machines for destruction. These Soviet STs have long been valued by the players, in 2017 the situation has not changed.

    The Soviet KV-2 has a 152 mm gun, unique for a Tier 6 TT, which makes it a very strong opponent, but only when fired skillfully from a large-caliber cannon.

    KV-4 and ST-1 are distinguished by good armor and good armament, which allows them to be included among the best.

    We have considered many tanks, many contenders for getting into the list of the best have been proposed by our readers, but not all vehicles in WoT are good, there are others that we have identified in .

    Hello dear friends. In the world of online games, all kinds of simulators have long occupied a significant place, but, perhaps, no simulator of driving a car, train, plane or ship can be compared with a tank simulator. Because it’s one thing to just surf the roads, seas or clouds, and quite another to weigh solid flops at the same time. Our thoughts today are designed to install the best tank in World of Tanks, since it was this brainchild of Belarusian developers that received the most attention and love from fans of online toys: there are more than a million subscribers in Runet alone.

    From this article you will learn:

    Where to run, what to look for?

    “World of Tanks” is the whole world for that, that the number of models in the game is a little short of five hundred. In other words, the question of choice can confuse an experienced player, and a beginner can even lose consciousness for several days. It’s good that there is such an invention of mankind as classification, and equipment in WoT is grouped, firstly, by nation (Soviet, German, British, American, French, Chinese and Japanese), and secondly, by the type of weapons and armor (light, medium, heavy, tank destroyers and self-propelled guns). You can also divide all the tanks available in the game according to the way they are received by the player into ordinary (which are bought for game currency), premium (here, of course, you can’t do without investing real money) and gift or promotional (free tanks, given for completing certain tasks or participation in promotions).

    The question of the “self-best” of a tank is perhaps incorrect - after all, tanks are of different types, and arguing about which is better to play - on heavy or on PT, is the same as comparing a table with a cabinet. Different models are designed for different tasks, so we will look at a few machines that can be considered the best in their group.

    What to strive for?

    It's easy to say that development should be based on player preferences. Which, in general, is quite logical - some like to act as a "firefly", others like to sit in ambush. But you can also shine and hide in different ways, so the question of which tank to buy so as not to be disappointed in the future is a very personal question. Of course, you can read the guides (which is generally necessary if you don’t want to constantly lose), but in order to select the desired development branch, you must first decide what you want to get at the end. Therefore, we will start from the end and make a small overview of the most popular and effective tier 10 tanks.

    Heavy tanks

    The main task of heavy tanks is to “squeeze out” the front. And for this, they must be very thick in armor and quite serious in damage. In short, heavy tanks just "tank", that is, they push ahead. Of course, it’s better not to expose yourself to a blow, because even on the strongest armor there is such a projectile that will pierce it very well. And yet, it is heavy tanks that are best suited for those who like an aggressive playstyle. You can tank in different ways - from the tower, from the side, diamond, reverse diamond, etc. Which tactic to choose depends on many things. For example, the German "Tiger" is more good, let's say, in the second line, because its armor is rather average for heavy bands, but it hits well. On the other hand, the Tiger can be quite successfully tanked in the first line, if the opponents are mainly his classmates.

    So what to download after all? We settled on two models, and we can’t decide which one is better, so we’ll talk about both.

    IS-7. Soviet. Once upon a time it was just a super-heavy tank, at the moment the developers have nerfed it a little (editor's note, lowered its performance), but it still ranks in the top of the best heavy tanks. very cool, runs pretty fast. The armor, however, is mediocre, but due to the angles of the armor, it often ricochets, and even if they aim at you from the side, they can hit the bulwark. If you ride an IS-7, try not to turn your back to the enemy - from such a hit, the tank burns with a clear flame.

    E-100. Such a serious German heavy, with very cool armor and, accordingly, rather weak damage. There are two guns to choose from, which differ in terms of rate of fire, armor-piercing and damage. Large and slow, so it is a good target for artillery, but due to its size it can, for example, pierce the same IS-7 in the forehead. Terrible tank, in general. They are afraid of him. In addition, he already has 2700, and if you put the tank in a rhombus, then ricochets and non-penetration often occur even in the NLD (editor's note, lower frontal detail).

    medium tanks

    They are not designed to take damage. Their job is to come in from the rear or flank, inflict constant (albeit small) damage and, if possible, work with lamps. Medium tanks do not have such serious armor as heavy tanks, but they are much more mobile, and due to the constant ability to shoot, they often do more damage per battle than heavy ones.

    The living personification of all that has been said about the "middle peasants" above is the T-62A tank. The main advantage of the T-62A is the accuracy and rate of fire of the gun, especially if the crew is upgraded. In skillful hands, this tank allows you to keep the enemy’s car on the harp for the entire battle, but what’s with one enemy? reloading allows).

    Plus, in its development branch there are models that are easy to master even for a beginner (for example, the legendary T-34, T-34-85 and A-44).

    Light tanks

    Let's say right away, if you are a beginner player, your first tank (as part of the aspiration and development) should by no means be easy. It's very difficult. Firstly, their armor is naturally paper (with the exception of sandy French ones, which ricochet a lot, but crawl like turtles). Secondly, single damage. It would seem, why are they needed at all?

    Needed, still needed! Light tanks also have enough goodies. Firstly, they are the most maneuverable in the game, hence the conclusion - "first catch up, then beat off." So if you turn your head 360 degrees and reel in time, success is guaranteed. Secondly, light tanks have the best camouflage, they are the hardest to spot, but they, in fact, are designed to shine on enemy vehicles. There is one more feature - the battle balancer deliberately determines light tanks in battles of a higher level. For some, this is not very good (for loss), for others, on the contrary (experience). However, everything is quite logical - only players with straight arms can constantly play on a light tank. And inept brakes in WoT are also enough, believe me.

    If we talk about the best lightweight model, then in our opinion it is the Chinese WZ-132. What makes it good - even in stock, it already brings full-fledged help to the team, and the elite WZ-132, and even in capable hands, was created not to be substituted for a one-shot, but to quietly shine, well, if you want to shoot from shelters.

    Anti-tank self-propelled artillery installation

    She is a tank destroyer or just a "peteshka". The camouflage of the TD is very good, its purpose is to inflict serious damage at a long distance, helping to hold the enemy’s flanks and breakthrough lines. They are well armored from the front, but from the sides and from the back they are cardboard, unfortunately. Their one-time damage is much higher than that of heavy tanks, but in most cases, aiming down takes an unacceptably long time.

    Beginners can start with American tanks - unlike most other models, the Americans have towers, which allows them to quickly adapt. If we talk about the coolest tank destroyer in the game, then in our opinion it is the French AMX 50 Foch (155). Penetration on the top five, the gun has a drum for three shells. Quite maneuverable, and the frontal armor often ricochets. It can destroy any tank in just seconds.

    Self-propelled artillery mount

    She is a self-propelled gun or just art. It is completely devoid of armor, but it hits powerfully and from afar. Arta has a special combat mode - you will see the battle map from above. If you are a beginner, it is better to pay attention to the British and French branches. Of course, the Soviet Object 261 is considered one of the best self-propelled guns, but getting to it is not so easy. Therefore, in this review of the best art, we will produce Bat. -Chatillon 155 58. French car, less damage than classmates, but a drum for 4 shells.

    In addition, it is small and maneuverable, respectively imperceptible, and just about anything - legs in hands and run, and you will catch up with FIG. Ideally, you can change position during reloading - both good for combat and time well spent.

    And now about the levels

    There are ten levels of development in the game. Moreover, practice shows that the most recent levels are not as popular as the penultimate ones (according to statistics, it is the eighth level that is the most playable and popular among players). Now let's explain why.

    The first four (or even five) levels among the players have a somewhat derisive name "sandbox". Well, in fact - if you have a tank of level 2, nothing special is required for the game. It's kind of a test of the pen, people just study the environment and decide which style of play suits them best.

    Levels 5 to 7 are a kind of “profitable” period. Farm, farm and farm again. Because the farther, the more expensive fights become.

    Level 8, 9 and 10 - everything, the ceiling. Terribly increases self-esteem and allows you to command inept associates in voice chat. In addition, you need a lot of money for participating in battles at these levels, very expensive shells and repairs.

    And so, having made an overview of the tops, we returned to the beginning - how to be a beginner and which branch of development to choose?

    In the sandbox, the difference between tank classes is not so noticeable (except that the peculiarities of artillery are clear). Choosing a game style is also difficult, because you can pump up to level 4 without really straining in a couple of hours. Therefore, a novice player first of all needs to choose a branch, thanks to which he will be able to understand as many aspects of the game as possible. Plus, a beginner should not aim at too complicated things, which means that:

    • The tank should have high gun accuracy and good DPM;
    • Armor should also be sufficient to withstand rookie mistakes;
    • Maneuverability is of no small importance;
    • The development branch should contain machines that are easy to learn and meet the above requirements.

    In our opinion, the first thing a newcomer should attend to is to pay tribute to patriotism. Moreover, it is useful for gaming health.

    This refers to the branch of Soviet heavyweights leading to the IS-7. What makes it good is that already from level 5 you will have to drive almost perfect heavy tanks (well, with some minor deviations). In addition, in addition to the IS-7, this branch has two more tanks that become leaders in battles of different modes - these are the IS-3 and KV-1.

    But if you have only one tank in your hangar, it's boring. In addition, it is not uncommon for you to be beaten long before the end of the battle. So you can understaff the hangar and simultaneously master other types of equipment.

    To get started, three branches will be enough. You already have one, we offer two more:

    • a branch of medium tanks made in Soviet, which leads to the T-62A;
    • a branch of tank destroyers made in France leading to the AMX 50 Foch (155).

    And in conclusion, let's say

    Straight arms rule. With straight arms, any tank is the best.

    However, we did not say this, but Captain Obvious. :)

    On the other hand, straight-handedness comes in the process of playing on a single tank. So try. In the end, you will find your style and beat everyone, and even better if you find your own team, made up of your friends. Read our blog with them and show your opponents who you are and what you are capable of! That's all for today, until we meet again and have a good game.

    Share and win from 100 gold

    Now we will try to figure out what the medium tanks of the tenth level are like, we will find

    Now we will try to figure out what the medium tanks of the tenth level are like, find the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

    121(10th place)

    And immediately note the pros and cons of this tank

    + Strong tower, often saving from the largest guns
    + Pretty good hull armor for a medium tank of its tier
    + The largest alpha of 440 units among all St-10s
    + Fairly good top speed of 56 km/h
    + Good DPM
    + Main AP shells, hence less loss of penetration with distance compared to sub-caliber shells, and greater normalization

    -Weak dynamics of the tank as a whole
    - Disgusting gun depression angles
    -The location of the tanks in the forehead of the hull
    - Vulnerable turret hatches and poor roof armor
    -Like many Soviet STs, the BC is located on the sides of the hull, and therefore it is often damaged

    The tank is clearly not for everyone, it is better to ride it on the battlefield in a group with heavy tanks, because we have disgusting gun depression angles, but when shooting with heavy tanks, we feel comfortable, it is exchanged extremely well in DPM.

    FV4202(9th place)

    +Excellent accurate penetrating tool

    +A peculiar ricochet turret that often holds back the largest guns
    + Good tank dynamics
    +Good penetration with high-explosive shells for gold (hello, full damage to cardboard bats, etc.)

    + Excellent VLD armor
    + Sometimes side screens that save from landmines

    -Lack of normal HEAT shells with good penetration
    -Extremely low top speed
    -Several vulnerable zones on the tower
    -Bad armor of the sides and stern of the tank, often hello to full damage from artillery
    -Extremely frequent burning of the tank when it hits the engine

    We have an extremely specific tank, whose fans still need to be looked for. In combat, it is imperative to play on hilly terrain from a more or less "strong tower", you can also play from the second line in a sniper, thanks to an accurate gun.

    M48A1 Patton (8th place)

    + Best visibility at 420 meters
    + Good motion stability
    + Excellent vertical aiming angles
    + Good dynamics
    + U-turn on the spot
    + Pretty good armor for the forehead of the hull and turret

    -The tank is just huge (the same T110E5, only ST)
    -Due to its large size, a favorite of artillery
    -Low top speed
    -Huge commander's tower (hence the chance to play from the tower almost comes to nothing)
    -Extremely long repair

    The tank is extremely difficult to master, the advantages of which are quite problematic to realize. It seems to be the best view among all ST-10s, but due to the size of other STs, we are often the first to be exposed. Thanks to good angles, we are trying to play from the hills, but at the same time we take into account the huge “cap” in the form of a commander’s turret, which will not be difficult to hit

    Leopard 1(7th place)

    + Excellent accurate, penetrating gun
    + Good visibility at 410 meters
    + Excellent top speed and dynamics in general
    + Good vertical aiming angles
    + Good cross-country ability

    -There is almost no armor anywhere, it breaks easily with any tanks with which it gets into battle
    -Quite large sizes, making us an even more tasty target for artillery than Bat
    -Again, any hit from artillery -almost always only caterpillars can save for full damage

    The leopard tank is clearly not for beginners, this tank requires good hands and skill to realize its advantages. This tank does not forgive mistakes. As a rule, it is used for the second line, where it can distribute well thanks to its accurate gun. Also, at any time, you can change flank or run away from superior enemy forces.

    Object 430 (6th place)

    +Excellent damage per minute
    +Extremely low silhouette
    + Good strong tower
    + Good dynamics and maneuverability
    + Good, ricochet case
    + Due to the low silhouette, one of the best camouflage rates among all ST-10s

    -Extremely flammable tank, filled with tanks
    -Low burst damage
    -Poor stabilization
    -Extremely long aiming of guns

    The tank does not seem to be much different from object 140 and 62, but the tank is very uncomfortable to use. Here it will not work like 140 to hand out on the move, and for an accurate shot you will still need to reduce. However, it has even more damage per minute than its twin brothers 140 and 62, which is a good plus. On the battlefield, it is used in close combat, due to the rapid-fire gun, we can keep almost any tank on the caterpillar, we feel good when playing from the turret, but the IHP is often not enough. It is also worth noting, to get used to which TT-10 from the side, and he will not be able to do anything to you, the tank is extremely low, and you shoot him thanks to your damage per minute.

    So, we are approaching the 5th place, there are just excellent tanks here, everyone can be safely put in 1st place, the places given to them may differ from the opinions of others, they all have their own peculiar advantages.

    E50 Ausf. M(5th place)

    Here it is, the pride of German engineering

    +Great precision weapon
    +Best penetration among all ST-10s at 270 units
    + Good top speed of 60 km/h
    +The tank is just made for ramming, (ramming master badly needed) 62 tons flying at full speed into Bath are often fatal to him. I always advise you to use a ram against other STs, PTs, and often TTs, many weigh less than us.
    + Excellent booking of the VLD hull, frequent not breaking through even from the PT-10
    +Highest HP of 2050, almost like the heavy tank AMX 50B

    -The tank is huge, like a royal tiger
    -The tank is high, hence more frequent artillery hits on us
    -Not the most outstanding DPM
    -It flies its 60 km / h only after accelerating well, so we go 45–55 km / h
    -Mediocre turret armor, not much hope for it

    E50 M is extremely good, but the tank is mainly used to support allied tanks from the second line, with our most accurate and penetrating guns, we often hit the smallest pixels. Shooting 1 on 1 with other CTs is stupid, almost everyone has better damage per minute than ours. Also, in any suitable situation, use a ram, especially against other Art. Also, do not rely too much on a strong VLD, from close range we have a huge NLD that is sewn with a bang

    STB-1(4th place)

    One of the favorite tanks of skillful players

    +Excellent ricochet tower
    +Excellent gun depression angles
    +One of the best DPM of a CT-10
    +Low silhouette

    -Weak hull armor, you can sometimes even pierce with land mines
    -Disgusting gun stabilization
    -It often flies into the gun with damage and damage
    - Artillery almost always hits with full damage
    -Weak basic projectile penetration

    STB-1 is an extremely interesting tank, requiring skill to bend everything and everything. On the battlefield, we definitely play from our ricochet tower, we try to breed the enemy with it for a shot. Also, do not forget about one of the highest damage per minute, we confidently throw almost any ST-10. Also, do not forget about the flimsy hull during head-on firefights with other tanks and about artillery

    T-62A (3rd place)

    T-62 is an extremely easy tank to master, recommended to anyone who decides to pump out their first ST-10

    +Excellent damage per minute
    +Excellent turret armor, feel free to take damage
    +Best running gear on the level
    +Extremely fast turret rotation
    +Good weapon with good stabilization
    + Low silhouette, hence good stealth
    + U-turn on the spot

    -Low burst damage
    - Tanks in the forehead of the hull
    - Weak maximum speed and low specific power
    - Weak vertical aiming angles
    -Mediocre frontal armor

    The T-62A is by far one of the best ST-10s in the game. This tank is extremely versatile, able to perform almost any task on the battlefield. In battle, we try to play from our “cast-iron tower”, trying to sort everyone out by DPM, trying not to exchange shot for shot, otherwise we are in the red because of our low alpha. It is often worth breaking in and handing out to everyone, especially effective when playing in a platoon

    Object 140 (2nd place)

    Why is 140 higher than T-62A on the list? The author just likes 140 more, otherwise they are almost the same

    +Good damage per minute
    + The best stabilization in motion among all ST-10s, you just drive and the circle almost does not increase, it distributes from the turntable as it should
    + Good dynamics and patency
    + Good vertical aiming angles, it seems to be 1 degree more than 62, but sometimes it is felt
    +Good turret traverse speed
    +Good turret armor
    +Good top speed
    +Low silhouette

    -Low burst damage
    - Vulnerable turret hatches and poor turret roof armor
    -Again, tanks in the forehead of the hull burn very often, automatic fire extinguishers are required
    -There is also a BC in the forehead of the hull, so we are not surprised by constant damage to the forehead of the hull

    140 is almost the twin brother of the T-62, the principle of application is the same
    We try to protect our forehead stuffed with tanks and BC and play from good UVN and a strong tower. It is also not advised to engage in a clinch with other tanks, they will pierce into the roof

    Bat. Chatillon 25t (1 seat)

    The most unusual and amazing level 10 MT

    + The fastest ST-10, not even a ST, looks more like an LT
    + Drum for almost 2000 damage, almost any ST-10 goes behind the drum at medium alpha
    + The tank has almost no armor, if they hit us with cumulative shells, we're better off
    +Good armor angles, sometimes even ricochets happen
    + U-turn on the spot

    -No armor, any hit from artillery for 90% full damage
    -Extremely small ammunition for 30 rounds, you need to use it wisely, there can be no talk of any land mines in the BC for a waffle
    -Weak gun stabilization, high dispersion
    -The smallest mass of the tank - from the name it is clear 25 tons, so avoid rams like fire
    - Weak vertical aiming angles
    -High chance of damage to crew and modules
    -Small margin of safety in 1800 units

    Bat is a very good tank with an extremely peculiar battle tactics. On the battlefield, due to our poor accuracy, we try to fly into the stern of the tanks, land the drum in exchange for their shot and run away to change the drum so that speed allows. It is also very useful to shoot at close range with other CTs, almost 90% of them will go to the hangar from the drum, with each penetration. Also, do not forget about art, we are a tasty morsel for her. And despite its disadvantages, Bat is one of the best level 10 CTs, but the sea of ​​drive that you get when playing on it cannot be compared with other CTs. Also a very good bunch of 2 baht and any ST-10, or 3 baht, just break everything
    Well, the choice is yours, based on your preferences.

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