Argan oil: properties and uses at home. Ways to Use Argan Oil Allergies to Argan Oil

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Modern cosmetology is increasingly paying attention to the use of natural ingredients in facial skin care products. Cosmetologists are constantly working on solutions to problematic issues in maintaining it in a healthy form for a long time. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the effective effect of argan oil on the skin of the face.

What it is

This unique oil is obtained by pressing from the seeds of the argan fruit. This tree grows only in Morocco. The technology for obtaining argan oil is not very complicated, but it requires experience, skills and a lot of work. The cold pressing of unroasted argan kernels produces oils for cosmetic purposes.

Oil for cosmetics and treatment of light color, with a beautiful golden yellow tint. Argan product for culinary purposes has dark colors. In the argan product used for treatment, there is almost three times more vitamin E than in the best vegetable oils. A magical product, argan benefits all ages and is especially popular as a facial treatment.

The effect of vitamin E is the same as that of fatty acids, but this vitamin is also involved in the work to improve the condition of the skin of the face. Carotenoids of argan oil, entering the human body through the skin of the face, are converted into vitamin A and actively promote wound healing, treat various inflammations, and have an antioxidant effect.

Cold pressing of unroasted seeds of argan fruits allows you to save all the nutrients and chemical components that are important in their value, which solve many problematic issues in cosmetology, including facial skin care. And although the range of applications of argan oil is wide, its main advantages are manifested in the care of dry skin.

With its ability to penetrate deeply into the skin, this product as part of other cosmetics allows you to permanently get rid of dryness, peeling, chapping in cold weather. Protects the upper layer of facial skin from thinning, helps to normalize the acid balance and strengthen its immunity.

Application in cosmetology

According to cosmetologists, argan oil can be used in a wide range of useful cosmetic products. It can be used as an independent medicinal and cosmetic product, as well as the main or additional component:

  • in its purest form;
  • face and hand creams;
  • healing lipsticks and lip balms;
  • various weather and sunscreens;
  • makeup removers;
  • lotions;
  • natural face masks.

This argan product is well absorbed into the skin without a feeling of stickiness and excess shine, refreshes and moisturizes the skin, protects against dryness and flaking. This is facilitated by vitamin E, omega-6 and 9 fatty acids, as well as squalene. Cellular, lipid reserves are restored, which may decrease as a result of too frequent use of shower products, shampoos and other active hygiene products. The self-protective functions of the skin of the face are enhanced, its firmness and elasticity increase.

Under the action of carotenoids, vitamin E and phytosterol, skin cells are actively produced. The components enhance and accelerate the natural process of skin regeneration, its epithelialization and skin granulation in the treatment of skin damage, protect against inflammation and irritation, and participate in the complex treatment of acne. This natural natural oil is a strong barrier to the harmful effects of solar ultraviolet rays, premature skin aging, early appearance of age wrinkles and various spots.

Such a product is universal for nourishing all types of facial skin (oily, mixed, very sensitive, problematic, mature, fading, delicate in the areas of the eyes, bust and décolleté). Massage using argan oil in its pure form and in components improves lymph drainage, blood circulation, circulation in the capillaries of the subcutaneous fat.

The magical product of argan affects the skin of the face at the cellular level, restores lipid balance, and significantly enhances the protective abilities of the skin. The relief construction of the surface of the face improves, becomes smoother, all parts of the face are easily mated with each other. Used as a product to obtain an even and natural-looking tan of the skin of the face, it gives an amazing effect.

The girl in the video talks about using argan oil instead of face cream and makeup base.

How not to make a mistake with the choice

When buying argan oil, you need to remember that due to its high cost, it can become a source of income for scammers in the cosmetics business. There are several signs of packaging to protect against buying fakes:

  • bottles can be of different sizes, but they must be labeled “100% Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil” or “100% Argan Oil”. If some other components are added there, a fake is possible;
  • packaging cannot be made of transparent glass or plastic;
  • bottles should be made of dark glass, aluminum or stainless steel;
  • the color of real argan oil is delicate, beautiful, golden yellow;
  • dark color - a sign of a fake or a spoiled product, or a product that has undergone heat treatment and has lost 50% of its healing properties;
  • A 100-gram package of argan oil costs about 800-900 rubles, if you are offered cheaper, it is a fake;
  • Do not buy oil from your hands!

mask recipe

Making your own nourishing face mask is not so difficult, for this you need to prepare:

  • natural yogurt 2 teaspoons;
  • argan oil 2 teaspoons;
  • flower honey 1 teaspoon;
  • crushed pulp of a ripe avocado.

Mix yogurt and butter, add honey and avocado. Apply a good layer on the skin of the face and wait 18 minutes. Then remove with a cotton swab and rinse your face with warm water.

In the case of oily skin, it is useful to make a mask from the following components:

  • beat the egg yolk into three tablespoons;
  • add one tablespoon of argan oil.

Stir and first massage the face with this mixture for 5 minutes and leave for 25 minutes. Remove the mask with a cotton swab moistened with warm water.

Masks with argan oils should be changed after 12-14 sessions so that the skin of the face does not get used to and stops responding to the therapeutic effects of the product. It will be possible to return to them in about a month.

Argan product can be added to other cosmetics. It is enough to mix 2-3 drops of it with one tablespoon of your cream, tonic, lotion and then use it as usual.

  • Moisten a piece of medical tissue with warmed argan oil and fix it on the problem area of ​​the skin overnight.
  • To massage the face on your own, warm up the argan product and do a self-massage with moistened fingertips.
  • To remove make-up, moisten a swab with warm product and wipe the eyelids and face.
  • This wonderful product from the Kingdom of Morocco can be used on aging or problematic skin and it will restore its healthy, youthful and blooming appearance.

And now the video is a recipe for a face mask using argan oil.

Natural argan oil is one of the best beauty products for facial skin care. And this is not surprising, since this natural natural component, indeed, has many beneficial properties that help the skin remain elastic, young and fresh.

Argan oil for the face has been used in cosmetology for hundreds of years. To obtain this natural product, the seeds of the argan tree (also called the iron tree) are pressed using the cold pressing method. This substance is considered very valuable, expensive and rare, since the iron tree grows only in Morocco.

Facial Moisturizer

Composition of argan oil

Argan oil is vegetable oil. It contains tocopherol, thanks to which cells can regenerate, rejuvenate, and polyphenols, which smooth the surface of the skin well, rejuvenate it.

The oil is also rich in organic acids such as lilac, vanillic and ferulic (it is thanks to them that this natural substance is so famous for its anti-inflammatory properties), and fatty acids - linoleic, stearic, oleic, palmitic, which perform protective functions and promote rejuvenating processes. .

In addition, this natural substance also boasts sufficient content of vitamins F and E.

The effect of argan oil on the skin

Argan oil perfectly nourishes, tones, rejuvenates and moisturizes the skin, saturates them with nutrients, so for women who have a dry skin type, it is especially useful. If you use it regularly, you can avoid such negative aspects as:

  • chapping of the skin;
  • her withering;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • their tightness.

This natural substance has high regenerating properties, therefore, experts recommend using it for women whose skin is wrinkled, sluggish, flabby and fading.

Natural argan oil will refresh, nourish the skin, increase its firmness and elasticity, smooth out small wrinkles and prevent their further aging, restore youth, freshness, and beauty. Due to its unique properties, this substance is excellent even for the care of very thin, delicate and sensitive skin of the eyelids.

It is an excellent remedy for acne and pimples as it has good anti-inflammatory properties.

The oil has a wound-healing, regenerating and soothing effect on the skin, for this reason it is often used in the treatment of burns and other skin injuries and to prevent the appearance of scars and scars.

Also, this natural substance makes the skin of the body elastic and elastic, preventing the appearance of stretch marks. For this reason, cosmetologists recommend using oil for women already in the early stages of pregnancy. In this case, postpartum striae will not be terrible.

The benefits of cosmetic argan oil for facial skin and contraindications

Main indications for use

Organic argan oil is good to use for problems such as:

  • problematic, acne-prone skin;
  • the presence of skin diseases (for example, neurodermatitis, psoriasis and eczema);
  • the presence of abrasions, wounds, burn marks, flaky spots and microcracks;
  • the presence of "bags" and bruises under the eyes;
  • dull, sickly complexion;
  • the presence of inflammatory skin diseases (for example, furunculosis);
  • the presence of traces of chicken pox;
  • fading, flabby, wrinkled, tired, mature skin.

Main contraindications

There are no special contraindications to the use of this natural herbal preparation. The restriction may apply only to women who have an allergy, or individual intolerance to this substance.

Technology of application of argan oil for facial skin

Ways to use

Argan oil can be used on the face, like many other herbal preparations, in its pure form. This substance is a good substitute for any nourishing face cream, or it can be added to a purchased cream to enhance the effect. First, the cream itself is distributed pointwise over the skin, then, also pointwise, oil is applied with a cotton swab.

After that, everything is rubbed with fingers and rubbed with massage movements into the skin. This method can be used to care for the delicate skin around the eyes.

It is good to combine this natural substance with other essential and vegetable oils, for example, in case of problematic skin, it is effective to combine it with black cumin, and the resulting mixture is spotted twice a day on the skin and rubbed well into the integument.

Recipes for homemade face masks with argan oil

For problematic skin

For such a mask, you need to combine in one composition one tablespoon of blue clay with almond and argan oils (one teaspoon of each product). In the resulting mixture, you need to add a small amount of water - the consistency of the mask should be creamy.

After that, it can be applied to the face and kept until the mask is completely dry. Only after that it is allowed to wash off. It is good to perform these procedures in a course for a month - twice a week. Then the result will be noticeable.

For different skin types

If a woman has oily skin, she needs to prepare the following composition: you need to mix one tablespoon of honey and lemon juice with three teaspoons of yogurt and three drops of vegetable liquid.

Rejuvenating homemade mask

To prepare such a homemade mask, you need to mix equal amounts (one teaspoon of each ingredient) of honey, vegetable liquid and oatmeal with two teaspoons of peach puree. Everything is thoroughly mixed and two drops of essential frankincense and rose oil are added to the mixture.

Sprays and creams from argan oil for the face

This miracle cure is also useful for hair care. It nourishes them in a great way, strengthens, returns a beautiful and healthy shine to the curls, softness, silkiness, restores damaged hair structure, and allows you to forget about such a problem as “dandruff”. For this reason, this substance is often added to the composition of shampoos and sprays.

Tips and tricks when buying natural argan oil, how to avoid counterfeiting

Argan oil is expensive. To get this "golden liquid", manufacturers need to make a lot of efforts, therefore, when buying this product, there is always a risk of stumbling upon a fake. In order not to "get caught", you must definitely look at the composition - the bottle should be "100% Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil" or "100% Argan Oil". If there are any other positions, or if the composition includes flavorings, water and preservatives, then this is a fake.

Natural product - argan oil - has a very pleasant nutty smell with a slight grassy aroma. If the liquid is odorless, it means that it has undergone heat treatment, as a result of which the substance has lost more than half of its useful qualities. If the smell is unpleasant, then the product is expired, spoiled, or of poor quality.

The real product will have a beautiful gold-yellow color It is not for nothing that it is called “liquid gold”. If the shade is light, then the substance has gone through more than one filtering procedure, if it is dark, then the argan oil is spoiled.

Argan oil can be added to creams, such as anti-wrinkle creams, to increase the effect.

Another important indicator that you need to pay attention to when buying is the texture. In a natural product, it is very delicate, therefore, the substance is not sticky, not slimy, not sticky. It is well and quickly absorbed into the skin, without leaving even a greasy film.

Also when buying, you need to pay attention to the bottle into which the liquid is poured. Best of all (this is ideal) if it is made of dark glass, aluminum, or steel. The product is expensive, so manufacturers, as a rule, monitor the safety of the liquid and do not use transparent glass or even plastic bottles. When exposed to light, "liquid gold" can burn, lose its useful properties.

Argan oil is useful not only for the face, but also, in general, for creating and maintaining a healthy and beautiful look for a woman. If you know about the beneficial properties of this natural substance, then you can solve many problems in a very short time, for example, rashes of acne and pimples, the appearance of wrinkles, dry skin.

Argan oil for hair: video

Argan oil for the face has been used in cosmetology for hundreds of years. You need to use this product correctly to achieve the desired result.

Argan oil is one of the rarest and most expensive vegetable fats. It is obtained by cold pressing from the seeds of the argan fruit. The genus of these evergreen trees, reaching 15 meters in height, was once widespread throughout North Africa. Thanks to its deep root system, the argan tree is able to survive in conditions of prolonged drought. Today, the habitat of trees has been significantly reduced; they can be found only in the southwest of the African state of Morocco. Argan biosphere reserve with an area of ​​2.5 million hectares is protected by local authorities and protected by UNESCO.

The beneficial properties of argan oil are known not only in Africa, but also far beyond the continent. Although Moroccan law has imposed a ban on the export of the fruit of the tree from the country, the export of processed argan raw materials remains possible. In African villages, argan oil is traditionally extracted by hand. This valuable product is produced by individual industrial firms in Germany and the USA. The oil is used in cooking to impart a subtle nutty flavor to dishes. An even wider scope of its application is cosmetology and medicine.

Composition of argan oil

Argan seed oil has a high content of tocopherols and polyphenols. These compounds have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, positively affect the general condition of the human body.

Argan oil contains vitamins A, E, F, triterpene alcohols, carotenoids, and rare types of hypoallergenic sterols. The product is rich in polyunsaturated (Omega-6 and Omega-9) and saturated (stearic, palmitic, ferulic) fatty acids.

Argan oil - 8 benefits

  1. Improves digestion

    A rare European knows the taste of argan oil. If you happen to visit North Africa, do not miss the opportunity to fill this gap. Connoisseurs say that bread with amlu paste, made from a mixture of honey, argan oil and grated almonds, is a traditional breakfast of Moroccan people. The product is used to prepare sauces for vegetables, meat, fish. If you regularly use argan oil, you can get rid of many digestive problems. The useful components contained in it stimulate the production of pepsin, which contributes to a better absorption of nutrients, stabilizes the activity of the stomach and intestines.

  2. Supports Liver Health

    It is difficult to overestimate the role of the liver in ensuring the vital functions of our body. It is a kind of filtration barrier on the way of toxins that come with low-quality food, alcoholic beverages, fatty and spicy food Is it bad for the stomach and intestines to eat a lot of spicy food? All about the benefits for the body, side effects and contraindications from the results of scientific research and the opinions of doctors.. Argan oil has amazing properties to restore damaged liver cells and tissues. To start the regeneration processes, it is enough to add a little argan oil to any of your regular dishes.

  3. Increases heart endurance

    It has been scientifically proven that when eating argan tree fruit oil, the body is cleansed of "bad" cholesterol. As a result, the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes and other serious diseases caused by excess cholesterol in the blood is significantly reduced.

  4. Helps prevent cancer

    A large amount of triterpenoids and antioxidants in the composition of argan oil (including the rare substance squalene) endows this product with antitumor properties. The usefulness of argan oil is explained by its ability to neutralize the harm caused to the body by free radicals, which prevents cell mutation and the formation of malignant neoplasms.

  5. Benefits of argan oil for skin

    The ability of argan oil to restore and nourish the cells of the upper layers of the epidermis is the most studied and sought-after function of this vegetable oil. The unique organic compounds contained in the seeds of the fruits of the African tree have rejuvenating, protective and other beneficial properties. The use of argan oil in home cosmetics allows you to maintain skin elasticity and firmness, eliminate age spots, smooth wrinkles, fight acne, boils, herpes on the lips and many other problems.

  6. Argan oil is successfully used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine. It is used to alleviate the condition of patients with dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema. Due to the regenerating and antioxidant properties of argan, it is possible to cure tumor processes in the skin, especially in the initial stages of the disease. Lubrication of wound surfaces with oil serves as a barrier against infections, accelerates the healing of abrasions, cuts, burns. Argan oil is applied to exposed areas of the body to protect the skin from harmful environmental influences and ultraviolet radiation.

  7. Benefits of argan oil for hair

    Split ends, dandruff, hair loss - argan oil can easily cope with all these troubles, used both in its pure form and as part of various masks. Due to the high concentration of vitamin E, the hair structure is strengthened, the scalp is saturated with moisture, the follicles receive the necessary nutrition. Care with argan oil is considered the fastest and most effective way to combat baldness.

  8. Improving the strength of nails

    Exfoliating brittle nails are not only an aesthetic flaw. Loose tissues of the nail plates become the basis for the introduction of pathogens. Argan oil, which has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, will strengthen nails, give them a healthy look, and protect against infectious and fungal diseases.

For the beauty of the body

Argan oil perfectly nourishes and tones the skin. You can use it as a massage base, rub the body after washing, add to shower gel or bath foam.

Argan oil protects the skin from harmful UV rays and sunburn What home remedies and preparations will help relieve pain and heal sunburn. How to use the products, what to do and what to avoid in various stages of a burn.. It is applied to the body before and after visiting the solarium or to get an even tan on a beach holiday.

To eliminate stretch marks, the following composition is used: add tangerine and lemon essential oils to 1 tablespoon of argan oil (3 drops each or 5 drops of one of them).

By mixing equal proportions of argan oil with one of the essential oils (orange, clove, ylang-ylang, etc.), you will get a healing balm that relieves joint pain in rheumatism and arthritis.

Hair masks

Dry or color-damaged hair will acquire a healthy shine along its entire length if you periodically use this mask: add a teaspoon of argan oil to a beaten egg yolk, pour in two teaspoons olive What is olive oil good for and what harm it can do to our health. 11 amazing health benefits of olive oil as well as contraindications to its use., 5 drops of essential oils of sage and lavender. 40 minutes before shampooing, evenly distribute the mixture through the hair, massage the skin, put on a plastic cap, tie a warm scarf on top.

Other options for masks also have a therapeutic effect, for example:

    mix 1 teaspoon of castor and 2 teaspoons of argan oil, add 5 drops of sage oil and 10 drops of lavender oil (to strengthen and nourish hair follicles);

    a mixture of equal amounts of argan and burdock oils eliminates hair brittleness;

    Argan oil emulsion combined with hazelnut, shea or macadamia essential oils will make hair thick and supple.

Facial skin care

Moisturizing and Nourishing Mask: Whip 2 egg whites into a light foam, add 2 tablespoons ground oats, 1 tablespoon melted honey and half a teaspoon argan oil. Apply the composition on the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes.

A cosmetic clay mask enriched with a few drops of argan oil is suitable for cleansing and whitening the skin, giving a healthy glow.

Nail strengthening

The skin of the hands will become soft and velvety, and the nails will become strong and beautiful if you use a home-made cream made from chamomile, hazelnut and argan oils. The solution should be slightly warmed up, applied to the skin and rubbed with massage movements for several minutes.

When delamination and brittleness of the nail plates, it is useful to use this method: dip your palms for 15 minutes in melted butter in a water bath, after the procedure, dry your hands with a paper towel.

To restore the strength of nails, give them a glossy shine, rub a mixture of equal amounts of argan oil and lemon juice daily.

Argan oil - harm and contraindications

This natural elixir is so unique that no contraindications have been identified for its internal or external use. The only limitation may be individual intolerance to the components contained in it.

The variety of exotic herbal oils on the shelves of our pharmacies and supermarkets is simply amazing. If earlier only sunflower, corn and, at most, olive oils were heard, today fatty extracts from seeds, fruits and nuts of various plants growing all over the world can be found everywhere.

A place of honor among the exotics, which have become a real find in home cosmetology, is occupied by a rare argan oil, the properties and application of which will be the subject of our conversation today. The product contains up to 80% of valuable fats, including polyunsaturated fatty acids, due to which it is actively used by manufacturers of products to maintain beauty and youth.

Its unique composition allows the use of fragrant organoleptic oil in the care of face and body skin, hair and nails, eyebrows and eyelashes, and the healing effect when applied externally in its pure form or in combination with other oils can compete with expensive cosmetics.

Getting and using argan oil

Why is oil so useful?

Oil made from the fruit of the prickly argan, an evergreen eight to ten meter tree with thorny branches from the Sapotov family, growing in Morocco and Algeria, is widely used in cooking, in particular, in the national Moroccan cuisine, and for the production of cosmetics.

The product is expensive, since the habitat of argan is limited, in addition, to obtain two liters of elixir, it is necessary to manually process the fruits collected from 7 mature trees, and this, you see, is serious work.

To produce culinary argan oil, the fruit seeds are roasted first. Moreover, the longer the roast, the more intense the color of the finished product. This processing results in a pleasant nutty flavor and aroma. Cosmetic oil is obtained by cold pressing.

The internal use of oil leads to the stabilization of cholesterol levels in the blood, which is extremely important for the treatment and prevention of most cardiovascular pathologies. Since oil is a source of useful fatty acids, its regular inclusion in the diet has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems, and also helps to nourish the skin from the inside.

Argan oil has found application not only in cooking and cosmetology, but also in dermatological practice. According to experts, applications with oil help in the complex therapy of eczema, acne, burns. Also, the use of the product improves the condition of overdried and thinned facial skin prone to atopy.

The composition and beneficial properties of argan oil

Argan oil, obtained by cold pressing (pressing), contains all the most useful chemical compounds present in argan seeds. It contains almost all the minerals necessary for growth, preservation of color and elasticity of hair (calcium, iron, boron, zinc, selenium, iodine, manganese, copper, etc.).

Of particular value to the body are PUFAs, including ferulic, stearic, palmitic acids, carotenoids (provitamin A), tocopherols (group E vitamins), triterpene alcohols, natural antioxidant - squalene, polyphenolic compounds, organic acids, amino acids.

Thanks to such an impressive composition, argan oil has the following therapeutic properties:

  • antioxidant;
  • emollient;
  • soothing;
  • disinfectant;
  • regenerating;
  • rejuvenating;
  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • moisturizing;
  • tonic;
  • restorative;
  • restoring.

The use of argan oil in home cosmetology

Due to its light texture, the oil penetrates not only the upper, but also the deep layers of the dermis, saturating it with valuable nutritional compounds responsible for the formation of healthy cells. Argan oil has a complex effect on the skin of all parts of the body, and when applied to hair and nails, it provides the skin appendages with good nutrition.

Argan oil is used in its pure form, that is, it is used for application to the skin of the face, body, hair as a cream, balm, lotion. It will not be difficult to make unique massage compositions at home that enhance the healing effect of massage.

Warm oil is used to wash off makeup and cleanse the face of dirt instead of traditional makeup removers. Oil is added to any care products, enhancing their healing properties.

Also, the elixir is suitable for the base for pure essential oils (4-7 drops of ether are added to a tablespoon of the product). Many face and hair masks can be prepared from oil, with other oils, extracts of medicinal plants and food products.

How to use for intensive hair care?

Of particular value is argan oil for hair, including eyelashes and eyebrows. Procedures with an exotic elixir contribute to enhanced nutrition and saturation of the skin, follicles and rods with essential phytonutrients (PUFAs, polyphenols, sterols, lipids, amino acids, tocopherols and microelements).

The product strengthens, activates the growth processes, restores the damaged structure of each hair, and protects the strands from the effects of adverse factors, including: intense ultraviolet light, dry indoor air and the use of thermal styling products.

According to experts, argan hair oil is most effective in combination with other vegetable oils, such as burdock, shea, castor, olive, grape seed, and esters (lavender, seaside pine, rose, mint, menthol, cedar, juniper, cypress, lemon).

Care with argan oil provides hair lamination, keratolic effect on curls, intense shine and silky hair. Just a few treatments, including an oil wrap and a mask, produce a unique effect by eliminating hair fragility, dullness and dryness.

The easiest and most economical way to use the product in hair care is to add argan oil to your shampoo - for every 200 ml of ready-made hair cleanser, add from a teaspoon to a tablespoon of argan oil. The drier your hair, the greater the amount used to enrich ready-made products. The same amount of argan oil is added to conditioners / balms / conditioners.

By enriching your favorite shampoo and / or conditioner with oil, you will fully saturate the curls with healing substances at the same time as washing, without spending extra time on care. For those ladies who devote several hours a week to hair treatments, hairdressers recommend argan oil masks or body wraps.

  • Recovery mask epithelium of the scalp and structures of damaged hair

Rub the egg yolk into foam, add 5 ml of argan oil, 10 ml of olive oil, 10 drops of lavender and 5 drops of sage oil.

The resulting mixture is slightly warmed up in a steam bath and gently rubbed into the scalp, spread the rest over the roots. The mask is kept on the head under a warming cap for about half an hour before a scheduled wash.

  • Mask for strengthening and activating hair growth

Mix burdock and argan oil in equal proportions (1 tablespoon each), heat the composition in a steam bath, rub into the roots, distribute the remaining elixir along the entire length of the strands. The procedure time is 1 hour.

To enhance the effectiveness, the head is wrapped with plastic wrap and insulated with a warm scarf.

Using argan oil for the face in daily care, you can prolong the youthfulness of the skin and get rid of various cosmetic imperfections.

According to professional cosmetologists, the oil is suitable for all skin types. Its application is advisable both in the care of problematic teenage skin, and in the prevention of the appearance of wrinkles for ladies of Balzac age, and in the restoration and intensive nutrition of sagging and aging skin.

Argan oil can be applied to a cleansed face as a light day or nourishing night treatment. It is best to lubricate the skin with warm oil in a small amount, waiting for complete absorption. The product is most effective in the composition of ready-made or home remedies.

  • Universal mask for all skin types

Mix 5 ml of argan oil with two beaten egg whites, two tablespoons of oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder and 30 g of liquid bee honey. The resulting homogeneous mass, of a homogeneous consistency, is applied to the cleansed face along the massage lines, kept for 15-25 minutes, washed off with warm water or immortelle infusion.

  • Nourishing & Hydrating Mask for combination skin

Dilute 1 package of blue clay powder (20 g) with a teaspoon of a warm mixture of almond and argan oil and warm boiled water until a paste of a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The product is kept on the face for a quarter of an hour, after which the dried mask is washed off with heated rainwater.

Now you know how to use argan oil at home. If you know other effective recipes for using exotic oil for skin and hair care, then share them with all the readers of our blog in the comments, help all women become even more well-groomed, more beautiful and more attractive, because, as you know, beauty will save the world!

Hello, my dear readers and readers!

Do you know why I love my blog?

For the fact that he helps me develop and opens up many new useful wonders for me!

If not for this blog, which completely changed my understanding of the proper care of my appearance.

I would hardly have known that there is such a unique product as argan oil or liquid gold, as it is also called.

Didn't know about this? Now I'll tell you!!!

Let's take a closer look at the extraordinary properties of argan oil and its use for our body.

From this article you will learn:

Argan oil - liquid gold

Argan oil is a vegetable oil made from argan fruit. Argan oil is widely used in the traditional cuisine of the southwest of Morocco. Wikipedia

This is a super unique remedy for preserving our youth, beauty and health!

Today I can no longer imagine caring for my skin and hair without this oil, although six months ago, I didn’t even know that it had such magical properties!

How is argan oil obtained?

Argan oil is considered one of the most valuable and rare oils on earth.

It is extracted from the fruits (nuts) of the argan tree, which is found only in Morocco and grows only in a certain part of this country.

Argan fruits are covered with a dense peel, it is peeled, the pulp is taken out and the bones or kernels are taken out of it.

They are the raw material for the production of argan oil.

This whole process is done by hand and is very time consuming and heavy.

The kernels are then crushed and pressed to produce pure, unfiltered argan oil.

Very interesting video about the unique properties of argan oil. Be sure to look!!!

The chemical composition of argan oil

Argan oil is a clear, yellow, oily liquid with little or no odor or a slight nutty aroma.

Argan oil contains about 80% unsaturated fatty acids!!!(oleic, linoleic, linolenic, palmetic, stearic), a high concentration of antioxidants, vitamins, tocopherol (vitamin E), phenols, carotenes, squalene.

Argan Oil - Benefits and Uses

  • Moisturizing effect

Thanks to its high content of vitamin E and fatty acids, argan oil is an ideal product for naturally moisturizing the skin.

It is easily and quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy residue, does not cause irritation, which makes it an excellent natural moisturizer.

For these purposes, you just need to apply a few drops of oil on the skin of the face and body, with gentle rubbing movements.

  • Anti-aging effect

Argan oil is a very effective anti-wrinkle agent. It restores skin elasticity, leaving it feeling smooth and soft.

Its antioxidant effect makes argan oil an ideal product for anti-aging products.

To do this, you need to apply a few drops of argan oil with massage movements on the skin of the face and neck before going to bed.

  • Softening effect

Argan oil is ideal for very dry skin care. It is effective in diseases such as eczema and psoriasis.

The vitamin E and fatty acids in argan oil are excellent at repairing damaged skin and provide it with nutrients that will prevent further dryness and irritation while soothing and healing the skin.

  • Anti acne effect

The oil helps to balance the oiliness of the skin, thereby helping to clear the skin of acne and prevent their occurrence.

  • Fighting stretch marks

This oil is the perfect protection against stretch marks. Argan oil improves skin elasticity due to the increased content of vitamin E.

It only takes a few drops of argan oil to rub into problem areas during pregnancy, which will significantly reduce the likelihood of stretch marks.

Argan oil for hair

It perfectly strengthens hair roots, restores the structure of damaged and dyed hair.

To do this, simply rub a small amount of argan oil into the hair roots, leave for 1 hour and rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Argan oil is a proven remedy for making hair silkier, softer and shinier. This is the perfect hair conditioner.

It is great for treating split ends and perfectly smoothes unruly hair, so it can be used as a hair styling product.

Just rub a few drops of argan oil in the palm of your hand and then run it through your hair.

Where to buy real argan oil?

There is a very large selection of argan oil. You can buy very expensive and high-quality certified, organic, Moroccan argan oil ($20-50), you can find more budget options

For example, I currently use this budget argan oil from Cococare, I buy it for $5.34 for 60 ml and use it only for hair.

If you use this oil only for hair, it will last for 1-2 months.

I use the more expensive argan oil only for the face, there are noticeable SIGNIFICANT differences in quality.

If you have never shopped on iherb before, you can read my article and everything will become clear to you.

My interesting findings about argan oil

As you already understood, one bottle of argan oil can replace all kinds of products for caring for your appearance.

I have been using argan oil for about six months.

I have already tried several different manufacturers and so far settled on those in the photo.

It's good quality at a normal price.

Argan oil is very light, it can even be applied to the area around the eyes. It penetrates well and deeply into the skin. I apply a couple of drops of oil to clean, dry skin at night. During this time, the skin seems to be nourished and becomes fresher and more elastic.

I definitely use argan oil for my hair.

I rub a couple of drops in my hands and apply to the ends of washed hair. I also do oil wraps before washing my hair.

I carefully mix a few with argan oil and apply the mixture on my hair and scalp, leave for an hour, and then my head.

And I am just delighted with how effectively this oil takes care of my skin, how my hair shines and shimmers after it!

You just have to try it and judge for yourself.

Be always beautiful!!!

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WITH you were Alena Yasneva, comment, and see you soon!!!


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