What problems are currently being solved in personnel management? Problems of enterprise personnel management and ways to solve them using the example of the farmer

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Creating a personnel management system that is not built “as it happens” or as was previously established, but on the principles of manufacturability, can be considered an important, certainly attractive task for any company concerned not only with survival, but also with development and prosperity in market conditions. The business development strategy developed by top management always needs support from the organization’s employees. Management can count on this support and success in achieving their goals only if the personnel management system provides the necessary quality of human resources.

Personnel technologies, unlike production technologies, are not transferred in finished form; they are introduced and grown locally. This is due to the existence of significant differences between different organizations. Different companies have not only their own specifics related to the area of ​​activity, but also their managers with their own attitudes, knowledge, prejudices, motivation, their own personnel with certain qualifications, experience in the organization, the degree of trust in management, motivation, etc. “Growing” personnel technology in the context of a particular organization requires a careful analysis of how work is being carried out in the relevant area at the moment. This is important so that the technology being created includes, in as large blocks as possible, already well-developed and familiar methods and procedures for a given organization, so that existing regulations and instructions are used as fully as possible (provided they are of satisfactory quality).

The main stages of creating a personnel management system using modern personnel technologies can be presented in the form of a diagram: (Fig. 13)

Rice. 13. The main stages of creating a personnel management system.

An analysis of the current situation was carried out in Chapter 2. Based on the results of this analysis, the following problems can be identified:

Problem 1. Lack of personnel policy.

Solving the problem: determining when, where, how many and what (what qualifications) employees the organization will need. Develop clear plans that will serve as the basis for recruiting and firing personnel.

The procedure for selecting new employees includes a number of relatively independent blocks arranged in a strict sequence, each of which has its own goal, objectives, action plan, methods and tools, and a specific performer. Reception is carried out through the interaction of the human resources department, security service, doctor, and head of departments of companies interested in filling a specific vacancy. Each person is responsible for a certain stage of the admission procedure within the scope of his competence. General control and responsibility for compliance with the prescribed procedures for searching, selecting and hiring a new employee rests with the HR manager.

The main blocks (stages) of the procedure for selecting an employee for a vacant position are:

Assessment of staffing needs;

Development of a set of requirements for a candidate for a position;

Announcing a competition to fill a position, searching for candidates;

Selection of candidates;


Adaptation of a new employee.

A necessary condition for continuing the selection process is the complete completion of the previous stage, subject to satisfactory results, while the company management or the candidate himself may refuse further actions at any stage (before issuing an order for admission).

Problem 2. Insufficiently efficient use of personnel.

1. No recruitment policy

Solution to the problem: planning departmental employee needs provides the personnel service with the necessary information for the recruitment program. The main executors should be the heads of departments, who will provide HR departments with information about vacancies that exist in the departments subordinate to them (vacancies can be either planned at the beginning of the year or “last minute”). HR staff check the availability of the specified vacancies with the company’s staffing table.

Problem 3. Personnel certification is underdeveloped.

Solution to the problem: certification is an event that stimulates employees and managers to professional development. Although, according to modern personnel technologies, recently such a personnel assessment procedure as certification is not recommended. Conducting an assessment in the form of a certification exam was a stressful event for employees. Therefore, it is recommended to replace certification with an assessment procedure.

The assessment procedure includes the following steps:

employee self-esteem;

assessment of the immediate supervisor;

peer assessment.

In general, the number of evaluators is usually no more than five people, and the relationship between the data obtained can be easily traced. A strong discrepancy between an employee’s self-esteem and others’ assessment of him helps people understand the shortcomings of their work.

It is also recommended that the results of the assessment procedure be directly linked to the functional indicators of the bonus part of the salary. This will stimulate employee interest in the results of their work.

Problem 4. There is no policy for advanced training (staff training)

There was no coherent education system as such. It was carried out locally, out of necessity: safety precautions, quality system, boiler room operators, etc. financing of the training process, accordingly, occurred on a residual basis.

The basic approach on which the training system is now based consists of the following organizational stages:

A corporate personnel development program has been created for 6 years, within which there are also separate annual training programs. Based on the latter, the amount of training costs is assessed annually and costs are planned for the next year. First, the program includes the maximum training programs that are needed by the company’s personnel. It is estimated that, say, 5 million rubles are needed to complete such a volume.

The financial service evaluates the enterprise's budget and other cost items and reports that the enterprise has the ability to allocate not 5, but 3 million rubles.

The personnel service proceeds from the funds designated by financiers, but does not curtail or reduce the training program. Find other options within the available amount. For example, instead of sending one person to study in Moscow for 500 US dollars, you can spend 1000 US dollars to invite a teacher from Moscow and train 50 people in Chelyabinsk directly at the enterprise.

Solution to the problem: the organization is implementing individual growth programs for the current interests of the organization and the need to prepare for the launch of promising programs.

Problem 5. Ineffective financial incentive system.

Solution to the problem: it is better to determine the performance of employees when a proprietary incentive system is introduced, tied to indicators reflecting these results.

Problem 6. There is no control over the work performed.

Solution to the problem: the work performed is prescribed in the “Workplace Description” documents (job descriptions), which provide for control over implementation.

Problem 7. There is no specialized department for social development of personnel.

Solving the problem: an introduction to the organizational structure of the social development department.

Analyzing an organization's personnel management system is an extremely complex task, for which external consultants are usually invited. The main results of the analysis can be discussed at a meeting of the organization's management team. After discussing the results obtained, the stage of developing a personnel management system that meets the goals of KEMMA LLC begins.

An organization's personnel management system, as a rule, includes the following areas:

Personnel selection system

Adaptation of employees in the organization


Evaluation of personnel performance

Information support for employees of the organization

Periodic monitoring of staff satisfaction with their work, analysis of the reasons for staff turnover

Employee social protection system

System of official and social growth

Labor incentive system

Management plays an important role in the life of any enterprise. For effective management it is necessary to properly manage personnel. Problems often arise from poor management. It is better to prevent such problems than to solve them. In order to prevent a problem, you need to understand what it is and start doing it when hiring staff.

Employee management is a complex of various techniques, principles and forms of influence on workers in order to improve labor performance. The problem of the personnel management system is considered a hot topic not only for company managers, but also for the personnel themselves. The best scenario for the development of the situation is as follows: the director treats his employees loyally and does not show excessive severity, and the employees do their work efficiently and are not late on deadlines.

This development option does not occur very often. A variety of reasons can hinder such development. Modern problems of personnel management lie in the fact that organizational leaders do not apply modern technologies that would increase the efficiency of working relationships. For a manager, experience alone is not enough in many cases.

Problems of enterprise personnel management

Personnel management is a rather complex dilemma that requires costs, not only time and organizational, but also financial. The problems of enterprise personnel management are usually limited to the fact that the leader needs not ordinary people, but qualified employees. Most employees are educated and have some professional skills. Problems can arise due to poor management. The most common problems are:

  • The company does not have a very high reputation;
  • The chances of going bankrupt are very high;
  • The quality of the product leaves much to be desired.

If you look at the statistics, difficulties usually arise due to the fault of the governing bodies. Statistics say that 71% of cases are associated with improper management. The level of performance always depends on the leader. Human resource management problems in an organization often arise because they fail to identify a crisis at an early stage.

The mistake of many managers is that they attribute problems to temporary difficulties. Management often uses the wrong methods to improve performance. Such methods include harsh discipline, increased punishment and much more. As a result, personnel may leave the enterprise en masse due to rash actions of management.

Increasingly, you can notice situations where the rights of an employee are violated. Sometimes this is due to the fault of managers, but often the culprit is the employees themselves. The worker may perform his duties poorly or fail to meet deadlines. The current problems of personnel management are that management must constantly improve its skills in personnel management. To achieve positive results, continuous anticipation of problems is necessary. Difficulties are best addressed at their initial stages.

When managing employees, the following types of problems can be identified:

  • The so-called problem of an excellent student. The most outstanding employee often becomes the leader. Since this employee usually has a narrower specialty and is not familiar with all the intricacies, he may make gross mistakes in managing employees.
  • Senior problem. It is not uncommon for employees to observe their manager. The latter, in turn, can emphasize the fact that there is a certain distance between him and the employees.
  • The problem with the name "your guy". The employee management function can be adversarial. A leader may face resistance from employees.
  • The problem of hoping to find a hero. Many managers expect employees to do all the work correctly. Unfortunately, such employees are difficult to find in the modern labor market.
  • The problem is the large wage gap. Employees may become dissatisfied with this issue.
  • The problem is high staff turnover. If an organization cannot control employee turnover, then the use of personnel may be ineffective. There is often a situation where company managers do not want to hire young employees, despite the fact that many may be valuable employees.

The following questions may often arise: how to evaluate the effectiveness of employee management? By what criteria can effectiveness be determined? What data is needed for this? Among specialists who analyze human resource management problems, there is no consensus regarding the assessment of the system. The reason for this phenomenon is that the activities of employees are directly related to the production process and other factors.

To assess how effectively a manager manages personnel, you can choose one of the modern approaches. One approach is to analyze production results. Another approach is to analyze the complexity of work. The next approach is to analyze employee motivation. It is also necessary to determine what social and psychological climate is observed in the team. It may be necessary to address the improvement of the organization's personnel management system. But in any case, personnel management problems can be significantly reduced by taking measures appropriate to the specific situation.

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A manager, concerned about achieving effective management over his subordinates, faces the task of creating a working environment that will most effectively influence their work motivation.

By a motivating work environment, we understand the entire context of the professional activities of the organization’s personnel, including both the characteristics of work tasks and the characteristics of the work situation that affect the work motivation of employees.

A systematic consideration of the problem of labor motivation of an organization’s employees requires taking into account the following factors (Table 3.1):

  • individual characteristics of workers;
  • features of the work performed;
  • characteristics of the work situation in which work activity takes place;
  • identifying job satisfaction.

Table 3.1 Factors influencing the work motivation of personnel

CJSC MZ "Petrostal"

To determine the satisfaction with the work of the organization’s personnel, a study was conducted at ZAO MZ Petrostal. Any research should begin with the formulation of goals. A vaguely formulated problem will not allow you to correctly determine the goals of the study.

Information can be divided into primary and secondary.

Primary information is information obtained for the first time for a specific problem.

Secondary information is information that has already been collected by someone for other purposes and which may be useful for solving a given problem.

Any research should begin with the selection of secondary information. But due to the fact that such studies have not been previously conducted in the organization in question, the research should begin immediately with the collection of primary information.

The primary information stage occurs when secondary information is insufficient or missing. There are four methods for obtaining primary information: observation, experiment, focusing and questioning.

Observation, one of the simplest and cheapest methods of research carried out in real conditions, consists of conducting direct observation of people and the environment in the area of ​​the object of interest.

The experiment allows us to identify the real reaction of groups of people to certain factors or their changes.

Focusing consists of purposefully selecting special focus groups, usually from seven to fifteen people, and discussing among them a problem of interest to researchers under the guidance of a professional psychologist.

A survey is the most versatile and effective method of conducting research, especially when it comes to collecting primary information.

Having decided on the research methods, it is necessary to select the appropriate research tools, such as video cameras, and questionnaires.

We chose a questionnaire survey as the simplest and most effective.

Typically, drawing up a questionnaire requires a fairly high level of qualifications. The most common mistakes found in questionnaires are the formulation of questions that are difficult to answer or one does not want to answer, or the absence of questions that should definitely be answered. When compiling a questionnaire, you should use simple, unambiguous words that do not contain leading elements. It is very important to correctly sequence the questions. The first question should arouse the interest of the respondent. Difficult and personal questions should be asked at the end of the questionnaire.

Analysis of collected information. The information obtained during this study is subject to comprehensive analysis.

Based on the data of the annual survey, in which employees of ZAO MZ Petrostal participated, the main conclusions are formulated, hypotheses are accepted or rejected, and recommendations are made.

Let's analyze the information received.

Salary amount.

68% of respondents noted average satisfaction with the level of wages. Material incentives for employees should be increased, and since raising wages to increase satisfaction will lead to large costs, a system of bonuses and bonuses should be established to increase the indicator.

Work without much tension and stress.

The low level of this indicator is most likely due to the characteristic features of the enterprise.

Prospects for professional and career growth.

The survey showed that more than half of employees do not see prospects for growth in this organization. Management should take a greater interest in the growth and progress of employees. This may be expressed in the fact that the employee will be assigned more complex work, or the employee can be delegated more responsibility for performing a certain job. I would like to recommend that the management of the enterprise encourage in every possible way the initiative of young workers under the age of 30. Since this may bring new ideas, do not be afraid to trust young people with leadership positions.

Relationships with the immediate supervisor.

62% of respondents responded that they were satisfied with this indicator. This is a consequence of the individual approach to subordinates. As the organization develops and the number of personnel increases, it will become increasingly difficult to maintain this factor.

Awareness in the enterprise. 40% of employees noted a lack of information about the goals and objectives of the enterprise.

The importance and responsibility of the work performed.

74% of surveyed employees are satisfied with this satisfaction indicator.

Working conditions.

ZAO MZ Petrostal pays little attention to this indicator. The result of this was such a low survey result, 70%.

Reliability of operation, giving confidence in the future.

The low level of this indicator is more likely due to the instability of the Russian market than specifically to the organization in question.

The ability to do work that is respected by a wide range of people.

89% of respondents noted average satisfaction with this indicator. This is an indicator of how effectively the work as a whole is organized. The low rating of this indicator is due to the fact that the organization is developing intensively and, simultaneously with development, a reorganization of the work organization is required, which requires a lot of effort and time.

Relationships with workmates.

90% of respondents responded that they were completely satisfied with this indicator - the highest rating of all points in the questionnaire. However, this does not mean that you can forget about this indicator. In the future, the organization should also maintain good relationships between employees.

Opportunities to demonstrate independence and initiative at work.

45% of the surveyed personnel responded that they were satisfied with this indicator. And 55% is not satisfactory. Immediate supervisors of employees should identify people with a low level of satisfaction on this indicator and, if possible, provide more initiative in their duties.

Match the job to your abilities.

The survey showed very low satisfaction with this indicator. For this improvement, management should identify the abilities of employees and act in accordance with the information received.

Work as a means to achieve success in life.

More than half of the respondents noted average satisfaction with this indicator. This is due not only to the enterprise, but also to the low standard of living in Russia.

3.2. Practical ways to improve the efficiency of labor resource management at ZAO MZ Petrostal.

Let's consider possible ways to improve the efficiency of labor management applicable to a given enterprise. Based on the research conducted, they can be divided into five relatively independent areas:

1. Financial incentives.

2. Improving the quality of the workforce.

3. Improving labor organization.

4. Involvement of personnel in the management process.

5. Non-monetary incentives.

The first direction reflects the role of the motivational mechanism of remuneration in the system of increasing labor productivity.

The size of wages is now of the utmost importance for workers. At the surveyed enterprise, in 2005 it averaged 15 thousand rubles, which is twice the consumer basket of St. Petersburg. However, 68% of workers were satisfied with its size. Three years earlier, the “desired” amount of earnings for the work performed exceeded its actual amount by 3.4 times. Thus, the requirements for the amount of earnings have become less differentiated and have decreased relatively. It includes as elements the improvement of the wage system, providing staff with the opportunity to participate in the property and profits of the enterprise.

Among the significant factors that, according to workers, influence the amount of their wages include relationships with management. The basis for the emergence in the minds of workers of the phenomenon of a connection between the size of wages and relations with management may lie on:

  • shortcomings in the organization of labor and wages;
  • insufficient awareness of workers about the procedure for calculating wages;
  • rules for applying penalties for poor quality work.

All this leads to the perception of such measures as unfair, making the assessment of their work dependent on the arbitrariness of management. On the other hand, there is a lack of normatively structured relations between management and subordination in the enterprise, which contributes to their instability and increased feelings of insecurity.

The first reason is supported by the higher degree of dissatisfaction of “dependent” workers compared to “independent” workers with the organization of remuneration. In favor of the second is a sharper rejection by workers of servility to bosses in the relationship between workers and managers (62%).

Of course, the motivational mechanism of remuneration plays a large role, but a constant increase in the level of remuneration does not contribute to either maintaining labor activity at the proper level or increasing labor productivity. The use of this method can be useful for achieving short-term increases in labor productivity. Ultimately, a certain overlap or addiction to this type of influence occurs. Unilateral influence on workers through monetary methods alone cannot lead to a lasting increase in labor productivity.

Although labor in our country, unlike highly developed countries, is today considered mainly only as a means of earning money, it can be assumed that the need for money will grow to a certain limit, depending on the standard of living, after which money will become a condition for normal psychological condition, preservation of human dignity. In this case, other groups of needs related to the need for creativity, achievement of success, and others may become dominant. It is very important for a manager to be able to recognize the needs of employees. A lower level need must be satisfied before the next level need becomes a more significant factor determining a person's behavior.

Needs are constantly changing, so you cannot expect that motivation that worked once will be effective in the future. With the development of personality, opportunities and needs for self-expression expand. Thus, the process of motivation by satisfying needs is endless.

The next direction for improving the efficiency of labor management is improving the organization of work. It contains: setting goals, expanding job functions, enriching work, production rotation, using flexible schedules, improving working conditions, studying the time spent by an employee on work, the pace of work, and increasing feedback.

Goal setting assumes that a correctly set goal, through the formation of an orientation towards its achievement, serves as a motivating tool for the employee.

Expanding labor functions implies introducing diversity into the work of personnel, that is, increasing the number of operations performed by one employee. As a result, the work cycle of each employee is lengthened, and the intensity of work increases. The use of this method is advisable in the case of low workload of workers and their own desire to expand the range of their activities, otherwise this can lead to sharp resistance from workers.

Labor enrichment implies providing a person with work that would provide the opportunity for growth, creativity, responsibility, self-actualization, including in his responsibilities some functions of planning and quality control of the main and sometimes related products. This method is advisable to use in the field of work of engineering and technical workers.

For mass worker professions, it is best to use production rotation, which involves alternating types of work and production operations, when workers periodically exchange jobs over the course of a period, which is typical primarily for the brigade form of labor organization.

Improving working conditions is the most pressing problem of today. At the stage of transition to the market, the importance of working conditions increases as one of the most important human needs. The new level of social maturity of the individual denies the unfavorable conditions of the working environment. Working conditions, being not only a need, but also a motive that encourages work with a certain return, can be both a factor and a consequence of a certain labor productivity, and, consequently, the efficiency of its management.

One more aspect of this problem should be distinguished - the low work culture of the workers themselves. For a long time, working in unsatisfactory sanitary and hygienic conditions, a person does not know how, and does not want to properly organize his workplace. Recently, at our leading enterprises, Japanese methods of productivity management have begun to be introduced as an experiment, one of which is improving production culture. Compliance with the five principles of work is one of the elements of work morality:

  • Eliminate unnecessary items from work areas
  • Properly arrange and store necessary items
  • Maintain cleanliness and order in the workplace at all times
  • Constant readiness of the workplace for work
  • Learn discipline and adhere to the listed principles.

The condition of the workplace is assessed daily by checking the global assessment to ensure that its contents comply with the specified rules. Workers have a direct interest in constantly maintaining their place in good condition, since in this case the bonus part of their earnings increases. The use of such a system allows us to increase the level of production culture and contributes to an increase in labor productivity.

Time is an extremely important factor in all types of work. If a person does not have enough time to do a job well, he will believe that it is not worth the effort. Assigning work in advance gives workers significant autonomy in choosing when to work. He has the opportunity to set priorities, plan work taking into account his inclinations, and, consequently, receive greater satisfaction.

The pace of work also has a significant impact on motivation. Therefore, the manager should strive to reduce the monotony of semi-automatic processes by giving workers freedom to choose their pace.

Strengthening feedback. Feedback can be internal - that is, coming from the work itself, and external - in the case when the consumer of the work results speaks about their quality, as well as in the case of public praise.

Internal feedback is more reliable because acts directly on the employee while performing the task. A sure way to stimulate this connection is to set clear and specific goals without specifying a path to achieve them. Another way is to introduce quality checks into the manufacturing process. This will allow the employee to immediately correct deficiencies and accordingly adjust the work process, bringing it closer to the most efficient. This means that such failures will not happen again in the future.

Very often there is a situation of exclusively negative feedback, that is, when employees only learn about the shortcomings of their work. Thus, they are deprived of rewards for good work. People are known to have little reaction to critical feedback. An employee will not accept negative assessments on more than two or three parameters. However, if a manager alternates between positive and negative criticism, then information about failures will be more fully accepted.

The other extreme is when the boss is unable to criticize his subordinates. In this case, failures are, as it were, recorded and the employee does not get the opportunity to correct his mistakes, and often does not even know whether to do this.

Often people resist introducing feedback because they were not prepared for it and do not know how to provide it. For external feedback to be effective, it must be truthful, accurate, detailed, and delivered immediately. Reporting poor performance only demotivates the employee. If you indicate exactly what was done wrong, why it happened, how to correct the situation, and at the same time do not forget to touch on the positive aspects of the work, the effectiveness of such feedback will undoubtedly increase. It can be even higher if the employee figures out these issues himself.

When determining what the ideal job should be for subordinates, one should not strive for excessive specificity and originality. Still, it is rarely possible to take into account the differences in tastes and personal opinions of everyone, so the manager, as a rule, strives to increase integral productivity. If a manager considers the below factors, he has a chance to get the confirmation of the maximum number of his subordinates.

An ideal job should:

Have a goal, i.e. lead to a certain result;

Be valued by co-workers as important and worthy of being accomplished;

Enable the employee to make decisions necessary to carry it out, i.e. there must be autonomy (within established limits);

Provide feedback to the employee and evaluate him depending on the effectiveness of his work;

Provide compensation that is fair from the employee’s point of view.

Work designed according to these principles provides inner satisfaction. This is a very powerful motivational factor that stimulates high-quality performance of work, and also, according to the law of increased needs, stimulates the performance of more complex work.

HR management problems occur in many enterprises, so the demand for modern HR management systems is very high. Today in organizations there is a discrepancy between the growing need to ensure competent personnel management and the state of the services that are responsible for this work. It is necessary not only to change the regulations of HR departments, but also to make adjustments to the personnel management model.

HR problems

Human resource management functions can be dispersed in an organization between several departments that are directly or indirectly involved in solving personnel issues.

Coordination is very important in the work of such departments; its absence prevents effective personnel management. It is the HR department that must take on the work of managing employees in the enterprise. The tasks of the HR service include the selection of personnel at all levels and their placement. But in practice, only in some organizations HR officers work effectively.

In organizations, there is often a clear contradiction between the goals that the HR department proclaims and the functions that it actually performs. The head of the enterprise's HR department lists in the list of things the department is busy with, personnel control, and carrying out activities to increase employee motivation. But in reality, the department rarely deals with the processes listed above. As practice shows, the solution to many personnel issues depends on the management of the enterprise, but a preliminary analysis of the situation is necessary.

There is another problem related to personnel management, which is often found in Russian companies. We are talking about the lack of a unified system for working with personnel. Such a system involves studying the abilities of specialists working in the organization, offering options for their professional development and career growth.

Management team of the enterprise

Not all managers can properly organize the work of the HR department. An entrepreneur must know the current problems of personnel management, this will allow him to avoid the most common mistakes. The problem is that work with employees is often initiated by management precisely in order to improve the situation, but it keeps getting worse and the company is losing its position in the industry.

Reviewing employee management practices can significantly improve the health of your team. But here it is necessary to take into account the fact that not all workers will accept the new methods. If a conflict arises between management and part of the staff, the situation within the company may worsen.

Many HR management problems in an organization can be avoided if timely measures are taken. The most frequently encountered problems include the following:

  • dismissal of qualified specialists;
  • lack of labor discipline, low performance discipline of employees;
  • low qualifications of workers and some managers;
  • conflicts and negative atmosphere in the team;
  • low level of motivation;
  • low level of staff initiative;
  • conflict between management and employees.

Every manager must make an analysis of the current situation and then make a decision.

Personnel development programs

The successful development of a company depends on the level of qualifications of its employees. The skills of specialists can be improved by paying attention to training and strategic planning. Retraining of specialists and advanced training are crucial for the effective operation of a company, but not all company managers understand this. But the issue of personnel training is very important. We are talking about both large organizations and small firms. It is necessary to make employee training a priority; then the company will be provided with qualified specialists.

It is imperative to improve the qualifications of enterprise management. We are talking about managers heading the HR, marketing, etc. departments. The set of programs must correspond to modern realities. It’s good if the organization’s line managers complete programs that teach how to evaluate management effectiveness. Such training helps managers learn to use labor resources to the fullest extent possible in their work. This is very beneficial for the organization, because the competitiveness of the company increases not due to additional injections of capital, but due to the effective organization of the labor process.

Personnel development needs to be planned. It is necessary to take into account the natural movement of personnel that occurs due to the dismissal of employees, retirement of specialists, and conscription into the army. The HR department must prepare an equivalent replacement in advance, increase the level of training, unite the team and increase the team's potential.

Much attention has recently been paid to improving labor efficiency. This problem affects ordinary employees, managers and technical workers. It is worth considering separately the problems of the lower level - they have their own characteristics.

Today, there are many practical methods to help effectively manage personnel. Progress in management can be achieved by constantly monitoring existing problems.

The most common HR problems

The main problems of personnel management may be the following:

  1. "Best student" The problem is that the best specialist becomes the head of the department. But he only knows his job, being excellent in his field, and has a general understanding of other areas. This can cause errors when managing people in an enterprise.
  2. "My guy." Managers often have to overcome employee resistance. And workers may get tired of conflict situations at work.
  3. Positive projection. The problem is that managers mentally put themselves in the shoes of employees, and then think about what they would do in the person's place. This cannot be done, because each person has his own view of the situation. In addition, each employee has individual character traits.
  4. "Circus Star" Many company owners believe that an employee must work hard to earn a salary.
  5. Big difference in salary. We are talking about a significant gap between the income of the management and staff of the company. The gap can be significant, then the income differs significantly.
  6. "Waiting for a Hero" A number of managers, interacting with personnel, seem to be waiting for a hero to appear in the department who will solve all the problems in an instant. This ideal employee never gets sick, he is ready to work until the night and does not demand better working conditions. But in practice, such employees cannot be found, and the manager expresses dissatisfaction with the current employees. All this only exacerbates conflicts in the enterprise.
  7. A number of managers do their best to maintain a distance between themselves and the specialists working in the department. Personnel management is based on strict requirements; the manager often makes claims. This leadership style is not conducive to creating a comfortable atmosphere. The staff is moving away from the manager.
  8. Personnel turnover. The reasons may vary. Specialists quit due to low pay. In addition, dismissal is driven by the manager’s inability to manage people and ineffective organization of the work of specialists. Organizations may avoid hiring young professionals, and when they are hired, the atmosphere in the team may be so negative that the newcomer quits. This is how the company loses promising specialists.

These personnel management problems are relevant for many companies. A competent leader, using theoretical knowledge and applying modern practical skills, will cope with all unpleasant situations that arise in the team.

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