Ivan Kuchin biography years of life. Ivan Kuchin: “I’m not a prostitute - I don’t sing at Rublyovka!”

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Ivan Kuchin was born on March 13, 1959 in Petrozabaikalsk. Ivan Kuchin says: I went to jail once, then a second, a third, a fourth: I don’t know how long it would have lasted. But when my mother died, and I could not bury her, at that moment my soul awakened, and I began to understand that I had already become an adult for the rest of my days, that I had no one else to rely on, that my loved one was no longer with me person. That’s when I began to write poems and songs in earnest (and not as before - in fits and starts!). So, I had a dream and wrote the song “Dream”. I never thought that I would go on stage, I just felt a spiritual need to sing. At my meetings, I always ask the audience: when you come home, call your parents, just say a few kind words - before it’s too late. And now it’s too late for me:

I cheated for 12 years. But it’s not something I’m proud of. It’s just that every person, especially in his youth, makes mistakes: I made them for 12 years. I sat because of my youth and stupidity. He didn’t kill anyone, didn’t rape anyone, didn’t throw his grandmother into a well, but he whistled the equipment in the cultural center: Article one - 144th, all 4 times. I had a dream - to make my own studio and record music.

I got married, life went smoothly, and the wounds began to heal. But when I meet with the audience, record, compose, the memories again fall like an avalanche:

Three years ago I moved from Barnaul to Moscow. My wife and I live there quite secluded. I work hard in my home studio, recording my albums myself. I don’t go out anywhere again (I don’t have a car). I don’t perform in Moscow, I don’t go to concerts of other artists. The first album, recorded in 1985, was not specifically distributed, but was confiscated by the police during the next arrest. The police distributed it.

Every person who finds himself in a place that is not so remote is faced with a choice: either go up or down. There is no average there. Of course, many people go down, but many go up! They begin to assert themselves and express themselves. One goes to the library, another is engaged in wood carving, the third draws pictures, the fourth sings and composes. Believe me, I saw such cool poems, heard such songs: Of course, the majority were released and plunged into real life, abandoned these poems and songs. But I didn’t quit. I recorded my songs on a tape recorder at the request of my friends and wife. I didn't count on anything in particular. Well, then the listeners had questions: “Where is this Kuchin? Who is he? Maybe an emigrant or a completely unreal person?” And in 1997 I started performing on stage. At first it was very active, but now less often. About once a month I go on stage and call it not a concert, but a meeting with the audience. I'm not a clown, but an artist...

Once they told me: “You are so talented just because you wrote the song “And in the tavern a violin is quietly crying.” But, sorry, this is complete nonsense. “Tavern,” I’m sure, sounds in everyone’s head at a birthday party or wedding. the moment when a man drinks and gets better, then he always raises toasts to love, friendship, parents, and I just wrote down these words, feelings and sang them. Someone lost their mother, someone else experienced some kind of grief - every person experiences it. , and the one who worries is also a poet...

Ivan Kuchin spoke at the TOZ House of Culture. The chansonnier turned the concert into an intimate conversation, in which he frankly told the audience about his life.

Chansonnier Ivan Kuchin is well known and loved in Tula, but in 25 years of creative life the artist came to our city for the first time. Tickets costing from 500 to 1,500 rubles sold like hot cakes.
Kuchin arrived in Tula the day before the concert with his sister Elena. She is the director and administrator for Ivan.

The singer sang his hits to Tula and brought four new compositions as a gift.
In the second part of the concert, Ivan Kuchin answered notes from the audience from the audience for about half an hour. The conversation between the chansonnier and the Tula residents turned out to be very frank: Ivan also talked about how he had been in prison four times, that his wife left him, and God never gave him children... Sloboda correspondents have recorded the most interesting questions and answers for you.
- Ivan, why were you imprisoned?
- I was imprisoned for theft. There was equipment in our House of Culture. She disappeared and was found with me. Then not only did the equipment disappear, but for some reason it was with me all the time! And like this 4 times (laughs). I ask local sound engineers not to worry - I'm stuck.
- Ivan, how many tattoos do you have? Show!
- No, comrades, I won’t show a striptease today (Kuchin playfully shook his finger at the Tula people). Take my word for it - I don’t have any tattoos. Because I'm very afraid of needles: That's probably why I didn't become a drug addict.
- You probably dreamed of a career as a musician since childhood?
- My head was filled with all sorts of nonsense. But when my mother died, and I could not bury her (I sat), at that moment my soul awakened. Then he began to seriously compose poems and songs. At my meetings, I always ask the audience: when you come home, call your parents, just say a few kind words - before it’s too late... It’s already too late for me, and this wound will not heal.

Chansonnier Ivan KUCHIN captivated Tula residents with soulful songs
and a disarming open smile!

- Do you have a wife and children?
- When I had to have children, I was in prison. And when I came out, I came across a woman, Larisa, who didn’t want children. She wanted to get more money and songs from me. And when she cheated me like a sucker, she left for a younger man. Then, however, she asked to come back - well, who will take her? It's too late for me to get married now. This is a sore subject for me:
- Which artist are you friends with?
- I don’t know any of the artists. True, I saw Tatyana Bulanova on tour and met Willy Tokarev on the train. I came to his compartment with a bottle of vodka, but he refused to drink with me. From then on, I didn’t approach anyone with a bottle.
- Why don’t you make videos?
- Imagine, they show a clip of the respected Sergei Penkin, then a clip of Boris Moiseev, beloved by the people. And between them I am with my “Man in a Padded Jacket”! In blue: No, I don’t agree to this!
- Did you perform at Rublyovka?
- I’m not a prostitute and I don’t intend to sell my work for money.

The bravest Tula residents took to the stage to see their loved ones
chansonnier and cheerfully performed the hit “Ordinary”.

P.S. After the concert, Kuchin refused to give anyone an autograph and took a souvenir photo with everyone who wanted it.

Ivan Leonidovich KUCHIN
Born in March 1959 in the city of Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky, Chita region.
Graduated from the art and graphic department of the Ulan-Udin College.
Spent 12 years in prison for theft.
Divorced, no children.
Self-taught musician, author of lyrics, music, and arrangements of songs in the genre of prison lyrics.
Hits: “And in the tavern a violin is quietly crying”, “Crystal Vase”, “Man in a Padded Jacket”, “Ordinary”, “Sentimental Detective”, “Ledum”.


- In 1995, when my son was still in my tummy, Ivan Kuchin’s songs helped me bear him. When my son was born, Kuchin helped me raise him. His songs are close to my soul. I noticed that he and I even dance the same way. I named my son Ivan in honor of my dad. And two men help me raise Vanya: my dad Ivan and Ivan Kuchin! Favorite song - "Ledum".

Alexander ELENSKY:
- Kuchin is a pleasant person, he doesn’t pretend, he doesn’t show off, he’s very natural and approachable. My driver always had Kuchin's notes in his car. When we drove in the car, we always listened to his cassettes!

Larisa Timofeeva,
photo by Sergei Kireev.

As a rule, children's dreams tend to come true, but sometimes at too high a price. The biography of Ivan Kuchin, a modern chanson author-performer, has a not entirely rosy fact: his childhood dream of creating his own recording studio led him to jail. The desire to have everything at once, namely sound equipment, became the beginning of the prison stage: equipment stolen from the House of Culture was found at Kuchin’s place. Subsequently, the well-known Russian singer visited prison four times and “gave” them 12 years of his life. He talks about this period of his life in the album “Coming Home,” but in interviews he doesn’t like to talk about the “lattice.”

Death leading to rebirth

The loss of his mother, whom he could not see off on his final journey due to another term, had an effect: the biography of Ivan Kuchin was no longer replenished with new criminal facts. It was after the death of a loved one that Ivan began to seriously pay attention to poetry and songs. Having received his last release in 1993, he recorded new compositions, feeling the need for a stage. From there, Kuchin always appeals to his viewer with a request not to forget his parents and take time for communication and kind words.

Parties aside - just work!

The biography of Ivan Kuchin is not rich in facts from the secular singer, who lives alone with his sister, once again tries not to leave home, and works in his home studio. He records all his albums personally, does not make videos, fundamentally does not want to perform in restaurants or on television, and prefers to call his monthly “forays” on stage not concerts, but meetings with the audience.

The musical biography of Ivan Kuchin is about writing original songs that the performer creates himself from beginning to end. The plot and words in them are the most important components, besides, the artist himself records all the instrument parts and arranges them. Having toured almost the entire country with concerts and visited abroad, he never once resorted to the services of producers. This is how people’s love and respect keep the most famous performer of the “chanson” genre afloat in Russia. Ivan Kuchin turned the creation of poetry and music into his profession: his songs are mostly autobiographical.

We can confidently say that Kuchin’s career had already taken place when “And in the tavern a violin is quietly crying” appeared. The song, heard at almost every wedding and birthday, won the hearts of listeners.

The creativity of Ivan Kuchin unites

The story of the popularity of Kuchin's first album, “Homecoming,” is quite unusual. Having been released in the late 1980s, it was not put on sale: during the next arrest, the album was seized by the police. Law enforcement officials themselves distributed these songs.

From the late 90s until 2001, Ivan Kuchin did not release new albums, and then he released “Tsar Father,” revealing the author as a mature, experienced and wise poet.

The third album “Caravan” contains the title track - an updated version of the song “My Dear Mother”.

The diversity and abundance of talent, tenacity and endurance of Ivan Kuchin are simply amazing. He managed to find his own style: the artist’s songs differ from the low-quality products that have flooded the music market.

We can safely say: Ivan Kuchin, whose biography and work are closely intertwined with music, managed to unite people on both sides of the law with his songs.

Ivan Kuchin’s date of birth is March 13, 1959, place of birth is Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky, Chita region. The future poet, composer and performer grew up in the family of a driver and a railway employee. In his youth, he studied artistic graphics at a pedagogical school (Ulan-Ude), followed by military service.

I. Kuchin was forced to spend a long thirteen-year period in prison and correctional institutions, almost the entire 80s until 1993. All four times Kuchin was imprisoned under Article 144 for theft. The debut album was the collection of songs “Coming Home” (1985), and fate decreed that it was widely distributed to the masses by the police. Since no one knew the author of the album, which became popular in the Union, there was an opinion that A. Novikov performed the songs.

There is another regrettable moment in Ivan’s biography: while he was in prison, his mother died, and his son was unable to bury her. After this incident, Kuchin decided to change his lifestyle and seriously engage in writing. Since then he has not gone to prison.

Period of active creative activity

  • 1995 - the songwriter moves to Moscow, settles there and marries a girl, Larisa.
  • 1996 - records a new album, “The Fate of a Thief.”
  • 1997 - this album becomes the sales leader in Russia.
  • Until 1999, he worked on his wife’s project, and as a result, the album “The Branch Broke” was released by singer Larisa Kuchina with lyrics, music and arrangements by Ivan.
  • in the same year he divorces his wife and gets closer to his family: his younger sister comes to Kuchin and helps him manage his home recording studio.
  • 2001 - publication of the collection "Tsar Father" with a patriotic message.
  • 2003 - new work “Rowan Tree by the Road”.
  • 2004 - “Cruel Romance”.
  • 06/7/2012 - “Heavenly Flowers” ​​- album recorded at “Classic Company”.
  • 01/27/2015 - "Orphan's Share".

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