Functions of deputy manager for general issues. Job responsibilities of the Deputy Director for General Affairs

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1.1. The main task of the Deputy General Director for General Affairs - First Deputy is to organize work to ensure economic services, proper condition in accordance with the rules and regulations of industrial sanitation and fire safety of buildings and premises, and create conditions for the effective work of the enterprise personnel.

1.2. The Deputy General Director for General Issues is appointed and dismissed by order of the General Director of the enterprise in agreement with the founder.

1.3. A person with a basic or complete higher education in the relevant field of study and at least 3 years of administrative work experience is appointed to the position of Deputy General Director for General Issues.

1.4. The Deputy for General Affairs reports directly to the General Director of the enterprise.

1.5. Manages the work of the enterprise's service personnel (green management service, washing department, vehicle drivers).

1.6. During the absence of the Deputy for General Affairs, his duties are performed by the General Director-Chief Physician of the CJSC, or another official appointed by order of the General Director.

1.7. According to the job description, the Deputy General Director for General Issues - First Deputy must know:

Fundamentals of organization and management of healthcare;

Resolutions, instructions, orders, other guidance and regulatory materials on the administrative and economic services of the enterprise;

The structure and organization of work of the enterprise and its specialized departments;

Prospects for the technical, economic and social development of the sanatorium and resort business;

Production capacity of the enterprise;

The procedure for developing and approving plans for the production and economic activities of the enterprise;

Methods of business management and enterprise management;

The procedure for concluding and executing contracts with third party organizations (persons) for the provision of services;

Organization of timekeeping at the enterprise;

Procedure and deadlines for reporting;

Means of mechanization of manual labor in housekeeping;

The procedure for purchasing furniture, equipment, office supplies and processing payments for services;

Experience of leading business services enterprises;

Fundamentals of economics, organization of production and management;

Achievements of science and technology in Ukraine and abroad in the sanatorium and resort business and the experience of other sanatorium and resort institutions;

Forms and methods of organizing production, labor and management;

Scheme for alerting enterprise personnel regarding particularly dangerous infections and civil defense;

Functional responsibilities of subordinate employees;

Staffing table;

Dates, time and place of classes on business qualifications, public educational institutes, civil defense, sanitary days, sanitary hours, trade union meetings and other public events;

Current and final disinfection, disinfectants, their preparation and use, disinsection and deratization, means used for these purposes;

Rules for the operation of computer equipment;

Basic requirements of state standards for organizational and administrative documentation;

Law of Ukraine "On Labor Protection";

Law of Ukraine "On Fire Safety";

Regulatory documents and acts on labor protection;

Labor safety rules and regulations;

Fire safety and industrial sanitation rules;

Electrical safety rules;

Internal labor regulations;

Instructions for labor protection and fire safety;

Law of Ukraine on Civil Defense;

Regulations on Civil Defense of Ukraine;

Collective agreement;

Fundamentals of labor legislation;

Job description.


2.1. The area of ​​work of the Deputy General Director for General Affairs - First Deputy is the organization of work to ensure economic services, proper condition in accordance with the rules and regulations of industrial sanitation and fire safety of buildings and premises assigned to the enterprise territory, creating conditions for the effective work of the enterprise personnel.

The workplace is an office located in an administrative building and equipped for work with the necessary regulatory and methodological documentation.

2.2. Deputy General Director for General Issues - First Deputy:

2.2.1. Receives assignments from the general director of the enterprise and performs his official duties in accordance with this job description, labor protection instructions and other regulatory documents.

2.2.2. Participates in the development of plans for current and major repairs of fixed assets of the enterprise, drawing up estimates and business expenses.

2.2.3. Provides departments of the enterprise with furniture, household equipment, means of mechanization of engineering and management work, supervises their preservation and timely repairs.

2.2.4. Organizes the preparation of the necessary materials for concluding contracts for the provision of services, obtaining and storing the necessary household materials, equipment and inventory, providing them to the divisions of the enterprise, as well as keeping records of their expenses and drawing up established reporting.

2.2.5. Controls the rational expenditure of materials and funds allocated for administrative and economic purposes.

2.2.6. Organizes reception, registration and necessary services for delegations and persons arriving on business trips.

2.2.7. Supervises work on organizing, landscaping and cleaning the territory, festive decoration of building facades, etc.

2.2.8. Organizes business services for meetings, conferences, schools and seminars for the exchange of best practices and other events held at the enterprise.

2.2.9. Ensures the implementation of fire prevention measures and maintenance of fire equipment in good condition.

2.2.10. Takes measures to introduce mechanization of work for service personnel.

2.2.11. Provides management and control over the work of the green management service, washing shop, vehicles and financially responsible persons of the enterprise.

2.2.12. Prepares monthly reporting documents.

2.2.13. Draws up and monitors the implementation of action plans for the economic service to prepare the health resort for work in the spring-summer and autumn-winter periods, and also takes part in the development of a comprehensive plan for the enterprise.

2.2.14. Studies the enterprise's needs for materials, workwear, and safety shoes.

2.2.15. Draws up annual applications for them, and also monitors their rational use.

2.2.16. Organizes and carries out work to improve the business qualifications of the enterprise's service personnel.

2.2.17. Monitors the training of service personnel (green management service, washing shop, motor transport) in labor protection and fire safety.

2.2.18. Conducts timely inspection of the territory, departments of the enterprise, inspection of buildings, structures and workplaces.

2.2.19. Monitors compliance with the economy regime and consumption standards of fuel, water, and electricity in the economic department of the enterprise.

2.2.20. Develops job descriptions for subordinates and monitors their implementation.

2.2.21. Ensures timely and reliable accounting and provision of reports and other information about the work of the administrative and economic service of the enterprise to regulatory authorities.

2.2.22. Provides monthly progress reports.

2.2.23. Takes part in the work on the social development of the enterprise team, participates in the development, conclusion and implementation of a collective agreement.

2.2.24. Participates in the work of the technical council of the enterprise.

2.2.25. Organizes supervision of the safe and technical condition of building structures in accordance with the “Regulatory documents on the issues of inspection, certification, safe and reliable operation of buildings.”

2.2.26. Conducts work and is responsible for the general state of labor protection, fire safety, electrical and industrial safety, industrial sanitation in the green management service, washing shop, and vehicles.

3. OFFICIAL RESPONSIBILITIES The Deputy General Director for General Issues - First Deputy is obliged to:

3.1. Perform the functions assigned to him efficiently and in a timely manner in accordance with the Charter of JSC "Sanatorium "Saki", current legislation, requirements of regulations, regulations and instructions.

3.2. Resolve all issues within the limits of the rights granted to him.

3.3. Carry out daily tasks received from the general director of the enterprise and tasks in accordance with the approved work plan.

3.4. Take timely measures to prevent theft of material assets of the enterprise and damage to the property of the enterprise.

3.5. Conduct the selection and placement of personnel in subordinate services, monitor the performance of their functional duties; petition the general director of the enterprise to encourage or impose disciplinary sanctions on the personnel of subordinate services. Monitor compliance by staff of the green management service, washing shop, and vehicle drivers with internal labor regulations.

3.6. Participate in the development and implementation of annual and long-term plans for organizational and economic measures to increase the level of economic operation of buildings and structures, in the introduction of new production technologies at the enterprise in order to increase the reliability and safety of work.

3.7. Organize and manage work on the introduction of mechanization of technological processes, wide dissemination of best practices in the operation of fixed assets of the enterprise.

3.8. Prepare draft orders relating to the activities of the enterprise on administrative and economic issues.

3.9. Monitor work on landscaping, landscaping and cleaning of the territory, timely removal of household waste from the territory of the enterprise; festive decoration of building facades.

3.10. Organize housekeeping services for meetings, conferences, elections and other events held in the sanatorium.

3.11. Participate in the conclusion of contracts for the provision of services with organizations and individuals, prepare the necessary materials for their conclusion and monitor compliance with the terms of the contracts.

3.12. Participate in the acceptance of completed work.

3.13. Monitor the rational use of materials and funds allocated for economic purposes.

3.14. Monitor the timely preparation of requests to provide the enterprise with materials, furniture, household equipment, and means of mechanization of engineering and management work.

3.15. Supervise their preservation and timely repairs.

3.16. Develop and implement measures to prepare the enterprise for work in the spring-summer and autumn-winter periods.

3.17. Organize and manage work on the introduction of mechanization of technological processes, promote the widespread dissemination of best practices in the operation of fixed assets of the enterprise.

3.18. Monitor the operation of telephone networks, radio, television, including cable. Take measures for their timely repair, replacement, modernization, etc.

3.19. Supervise personnel training and advanced training of subordinate personnel.

3.20. Supervise the training of personnel of the green management service, washing workshop, and vehicle drivers on labor protection, fire safety rules, electrical and industrial safety and industrial sanitation.

3.21. In a timely manner, comply with the instructions of the State Labor Supervision Service, fire, sanitary supervision and other regulatory authorities.

3.22. Introduce more modern and safer methods of work, structures, fences, devices, safety devices aimed at improving working conditions, industrial sanitation, preventing accidents, industrial injuries and occupational diseases.

3.23. According to your work plan, make walk-throughs in the structural divisions of the enterprise, reflect identified shortcomings in work in walk-through logs and monitor their elimination.

3.24. Prepare and give proposals on the organization of payment and working conditions for the service personnel of the enterprise, as well as on other social issues of the team for inclusion in the collective agreement.

3.25. Take part in the work of the commission to develop a collective agreement.

3.26. Monitor the implementation of activities related to the economic service of the enterprise included in the collective agreement.

3.27. Take an active part in the work of the technical council of the enterprise, report on their work, make presentations, give proposals for improving the work of the enterprise’s economic service.

3.28. Provide safe and favorable working conditions for employees of subordinate services; develop job descriptions for engineers of these services; control the provision of services with instructions on labor protection, fire, electrical and industrial safety, industrial sanitation and other regulations for employees to perform their functional duties.

3.29. Conduct and provide training, briefings and testing the knowledge of service personnel on labor protection, fire, electrical and industrial safety, industrial sanitation, labor legislation and monitor their timely implementation.

3.30. Constantly monitor the state of labor protection, fire, electrical and industrial safety, industrial sanitation in the economic service; participate in the work of commissions to conduct operational control of labor protection at the enterprise.

3.31. Ensure clear actions of the enterprise's maintenance personnel in the event of emergencies, accidents, fires, for which purpose provide them with instructions and other regulations on their actions in the above-mentioned situations.

3.32. Participate in the work of the commission to test personnel knowledge on issues of labor protection, fire, electrical and industrial safety, industrial sanitation and the Labor Code of Ukraine.

3.33. Carry out work on certification and rationalization of jobs in the economic service of the enterprise.

3.34. Monitor the timely submission of requests for the necessary workwear, safety footwear, sanitary clothing and footwear and other personal protective equipment, special soap, special food in accordance with current standards, as well as monitor their timely issuance and proper use.

3.35. Constantly monitor compliance by service personnel with rules and regulations of labor protection, fire, electrical and industrial safety, industrial sanitation, labor discipline, and internal labor regulations.

3.36. To remove service employees from work in case of violations or non-compliance with rules, norms, instructions on labor protection, fire, electrical, industrial safety, industrial sanitation and internal labor regulations of the enterprise.

3.37. Carry out work on conservation and deconservation of fixed assets of the enterprise.

3.38. Regularly conduct inspections of the technical condition of buildings and structures, check the presence and serviceability of grounding, and the availability of technical documentation. If malfunctions are detected, take measures to eliminate them in a timely manner.

3.39. Stop the operation of machines, mechanisms and other equipment in the administrative and economic service if there is a threat to the life and health of the enterprise’s employees and immediately notify the general director of the enterprise about this.

3.40. Do not allow personnel to work on faulty equipment if they do not have personal protective equipment and without training and appropriate instructions on labor protection, fire, electrical and industrial safety, and industrial sanitation.

3.41. Take measures to immediately eliminate the causes and conditions that could lead to an accident, occupational disease, cause downtime, an accident or other damage, and if it is not possible to eliminate these causes on your own, immediately notify the general director of the enterprise about this.

3.42. Monitor the safe storage, transportation and use of radioactive, toxic, explosive, flammable and other substances and materials.

3.43. Monitor the completion of preliminary and periodic medical examinations by employees of subordinate services in a timely manner (at least once a year).

3.44. Participate in the work of commissions to investigate accidents that occurred at the enterprise.

3.45. Know and carry out the tasks facing the enterprise’s civil defense service, the capabilities of subordinate forces and means of the enterprise’s civil defense, and their availability.

3.46. Inform the general director or chief of the civil defense and emergency response staff of the enterprise about the prerequisites for the occurrence of emergency situations at the enterprise's facilities.

3.47. Perform their duties as part of the non-staff formation of the enterprise's civil defense.

3.48. Complete training on the enterprise's Civil Defense Preparation Plan.

3.49. Participate in the development of an enterprise civil defense action plan in the event of the threat and elimination of the consequences of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters.

3.50. Know the civil defense warning signals, the procedure for acting on them and carry them out.

3.51. Upon receiving a signal, immediately take measures to eliminate and investigate all emergency incidents at the enterprise and at the same time inform the general director of the enterprise about the incident, as well as interested organizations of the city (SES, police, fire department, etc.).

3.52. Take part in promoting civil defense issues among enterprise employees.

3.53. Provide first aid to victims in case of accidents and emergencies at enterprise facilities.

3.54. Comply with the rules and regulations of occupational safety, fire safety and industrial sanitation.

3.55. Know and comply with the requirements of regulations on labor protection, fire, electrical and industrial safety, industrial sanitation, instructions and rules for handling technological equipment and other means of production, use collective and individual protective equipment.

3.56. Comply with labor safety obligations stipulated by the collective agreement and internal labor regulations.

3.57. In a timely manner, undergo training and testing of knowledge on issues of labor protection, fire, electrical and industrial safety, industrial sanitation, high-risk facilities and labor legislation in educational and methodological centers.

3.58. Improve your qualifications by constantly studying specialized literature and periodicals.

3.60. Cooperate with the administration of the enterprise in organizing safe and harmless working conditions, personally take all feasible measures to eliminate any production situation that poses a threat to his life and health or the people around him and the environment. Report the danger to the general director of the enterprise.

3.61. Take part in organizing sanitary days and sanitary hours at the enterprise, control their schedules, issue tasks to the green management service and monitor their implementation.

3.62. Comply with the daily work schedule, labor and production discipline provided for by the internal labor regulations of the enterprise.

3.63. Be at work in a normal state of health that does not interfere with the performance of your functional duties.

3.64. Provide written explanations in case of violation of internal labor regulations.

3.65. Fulfill the requirements of general moral and ethical standards and deontology.

3.66. Ensure complete safety of the property entrusted to him. Treat property with care and take urgent measures to prevent damage.

3.67. Actively participate in the social life of the team.

3.68. Comply with the requirements of the collective agreement.

4. RIGHTS The Deputy General Director, according to the job description, has the right:

4.1. Make proposals to the general director of the enterprise on issues related to its activities and concerning the organization and working conditions of the enterprise’s employees.

4.2. Obtain the information necessary to perform your job duties.

4.3. Coordination of hiring, dismissal and placement of personnel in the service he leads.

4.4. Prepare draft orders relating to the activities of the enterprise on economic issues.

4.5. When changing the forms and methods of labor organization, make proposals to the general director of the enterprise for changes and additions to the rights and obligations of employees subordinate to him.

4.6. To petition the general director of the enterprise to declare gratitude, issue bonuses, award valuable gifts, certificates and apply other types of incentives to employees of the service he directs.

4.7. To petition the general director of the enterprise to reprimand or dismiss employees of the service he directs for violations of labor discipline.

4.8. Supervise the actions of all subordinate personnel.

4.9. Improve your qualifications through courses and seminars within the prescribed time frame.

4.10. Timely undergo training on labor protection, fire safety, electrical safety, industrial sanitation and high-risk facilities in training and methodological centers.

4.11. Demand that employees of subordinate services comply with internal labor regulations, collective agreements, and adherence to ethics and deontology.

4.12. Demand and monitor the performance of their duties by subordinate personnel.

4.13. Participate in meetings at which issues related to the activities of the Deputy General Director for administrative and economic work are discussed.

4.14. Make decisions within your competence.

4.15. Demand that the general director of the enterprise create safe and harmless working conditions and provide the necessary materials to perform his duties.

4.16. Stop the operation of machines, mechanisms, devices, instruments and other equipment, as well as prohibit work in premises where there is a threat to the life and health of workers.

4.17. Refuse to perform work if there is a threat to the life or health of workers.

4.18. Make proposals to the General Director related to improving the civil defense system.


5.1. The Deputy General Director for General Issues - First Deputy according to job description is responsible for:

Disclosure of information constituting a commercial secret of an enterprise;

Improper performance of one's functional duties;

Poor quality work and erroneous actions, incorrect resolution of issues within his competence;

Untimely or poor-quality logistical support for the economic part;

Poor organization of the activities of subordinate personnel;

Inaccurate information provided, untimely submission of reports, work plans, applications, acts, etc.;

Failure to comply or untimely implementation of orders of the general director of the enterprise, resolutions and other regulatory documents of higher organizations, the owner, the government and other executive authorities;

The general state of labor protection, fire and electrical safety, industrial sanitation in the enterprise as a whole;

Compliance with the rules of operation and timely repair of buildings, structures, tools, soft and hard equipment and other material assets;

Low labor and performance discipline;

Violation of internal labor regulations;

Violation of safety regulations;

Loss or damage to material assets issued for work;

For damage caused to the enterprise, if the damage was caused intentionally or through negligence when using material assets;

Accidents or occupational poisoning at work, if by his order or action he violated the relevant Labor Safety Rules and did not take appropriate measures to prevent accidents;

Violation of instructions and other legislative acts on labor protection, creating obstacles to the activities of company officials;

For inaction, negligent attitude towards the performance of official duties provided for in this instruction.

5.2. Deputy General Director for General Issues - First Deputy bears financial responsibility for:

For damage caused to the enterprise as a result of violation of the labor duties assigned to it;

For damage caused by deliberate destruction or deliberate damage to material assets issued by the enterprise for use;

For failure to take the necessary measures to prevent theft, destruction and damage to material assets;

For damage caused by actions containing signs of criminally prosecuted acts;

In the full amount of damage caused to the enterprise through his fault, for failure to ensure the safety of property and other valuables transferred to him for storage or for other purposes in accordance with the work performed.


6.1. Receives from the General Director and his deputies the necessary oral and written official information and documentation to perform his official duties.

6.2. Provides the necessary oral and written information about his work to the general director of the enterprise.

6.3. Takes part in weekly operational meetings with the general director of the enterprise.

6.4. Takes part in the work of the technical council of the enterprise; prepares materials for the technical council according to the plan.

6.5. Resolves issues related to logistics, repair and operation of fixed assets, labor protection, fire safety, electrical safety, industrial sanitation with the general director of the enterprise, his deputies, with heads of departments, heads of services and divisions.

6.6. A commission of a higher organization, with the participation of the State Labor Supervision Authority, tests his knowledge of labor protection, fire safety, electrical safety, industrial sanitation, and the Labor Code of Ukraine.

6.7. When applying for a job, he submits his work book, passport, and other documents (military ID, education document) to the department of organizational and personnel work.

6.8. Promptly informs the department of organizational and personnel work about changes in registration data (family composition, home address, military registration, passport data, etc.).

6.9. Receives information from the organizational and personnel department about length of service, availability of benefits, etc.

6.10. Receives information about his salary from the chief accountant, accountant of the financial department, economist.

6.11. Promptly reports to the department of organizational and personnel work information about advanced training (training) and assignment of a qualification category, presenting the original and a photocopy of the received document.


7.1. Proper performance of their functions and duties.

7.2. Use in your work to assess the effectiveness of the economic and financial activities of an enterprise the profitability of the use of fixed assets.

7.3. No complaints about the work of the housekeeping service and sanatorium and resort services.

7.4. High-quality documentation according to the nomenclature of cases.

7.5. Correctness and completeness of execution of the rights granted to him.

7.6. Careful attitude towards entrusted property.

7.7. Timely improvement of business qualifications.

7.8. Compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents on labor protection, fire, electrical, industrial safety and industrial sanitation.

7.9. No violations of labor and production discipline.

7.10. Compliance with the requirements of moral and ethical standards and deontology.

The job description has been drawn up

The job description of the first deputy director must be approved and agreed upon.

The job description of the Deputy General Director is signed by the employee.

ECSD 2018. Revision dated April 9, 2018 (including those with changes that entered into force on July 1, 2018)
To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use directory of professional standards

Deputy Director for General Affairs

Job responsibilities. Manages the financial and economic activities of the nuclear power plant (NP) by managing logistics, transport and administrative services, as well as the effective and targeted use of material and financial resources, reducing their losses, accelerating the turnover of working capital. Ensures the participation of subordinate departments in determining the strategy of commercial activities, drawing up financial plans, developing standards for logistics, organizing the storage and transportation of material and technical resources. Takes measures to timely conclude economic and financial agreements with suppliers and consumers of raw materials and products, expand direct and long-term economic relations, ensures the fulfillment of contractual obligations for the supply of material and technical resources (in terms of quantity, nomenclature, assortment, quality, terms and other terms of delivery) . Monitors the logistics of the plant and the correct expenditure of working capital. Manages the development of measures for resource saving and integrated use of material resources, improving the regulation of consumption of raw materials, materials, working capital and inventories of material assets, improving economic indicators and forming a system of economic indicators of NPP operation, preventing the formation and liquidation of excess inventories of inventory assets, as well as overexpenditure material resources. Ensures the rational use of all types of transport, improves loading and unloading operations, takes measures to maximally equip the transport service with the necessary mechanisms and devices. Organizes the work of the warehouse, creates conditions for proper storage and safety of material resources. Ensures the preparation of financial estimates and other documents, established reporting on the implementation of logistics plans and the operation of transport. Organizes constant monitoring of the operation and repair of housing stock and existing cultural, community and public utility facilities. Carries out activities for the improvement and landscaping of the industrial zone of the AS and adjacent areas of the city. Organizes catering at production facilities and provides workers with special food. Coordinates the work of subordinate departments. Carries out work on training and maintaining the qualifications of personnel of subordinate divisions of the NPP. Monitors compliance by employees with labor protection and fire safety regulations. Participates in workplace certification.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, methodological and regulatory documents relating to the activities of the NPP, the organizational structure of the management of the NPP, prospects for the technical and financial-economic development of the NPP, the procedure for developing and approving plans for the production, economic and financial-economic activities of the NPP, market management methods and management, the procedure for keeping records and reporting on the results of the financial and economic activities of the plant, the organization of logistics, administrative, economic and transport services, loading and unloading operations, the procedure for developing working capital standards, consumption rates and inventory inventories, the procedure for concluding and executing business and financial contracts, requirements for organizing work with personnel at nuclear power plants, the basics of economics, the organization of production, labor and management, the basics of labor legislation, environmental protection rules, labor protection and fire safety rules, internal labor regulations .

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the specialty "Economics and Management" and work experience in the field of professional activity for at least 5 years, including at least 3 years of work at nuclear power plants.

Vacancies for the position of Deputy Director for General Issues on the all-Russian vacancy database


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deputy director

on general issues


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(signature) (surname, initials)

1. Goals

1.1.Ensure the economic and information security of the company; create opportunities for its continuous development by forming a personnel reserve in all areas of activity.

1.2.Select and train personnel, directing them to fulfill the mission: work for people who have a desire to live in step with the times; who know how to appreciate comfort, coziness and warmth. Offer each client a modern level of service. Do everything to ensure that a person building his own home has the desire to trust the reputation of the company and order windows, doors and cabinets from the company for his home and office.

1.3.Establish and maintain uniform standards for personnel work in all structural units of the company.

2. Requirements for the employee

2.1. A person with a higher legal or technical education and work experience in a specialty related to personnel management or security for at least 5 years is appointed to the position of Deputy Director for General Affairs.

2.2.The Deputy Director for General Affairs must know:

Mission, corporate standards and business plan of the company;

3. Place of position in the organizational structure

3.1.The deputy director for general issues belongs to the category of managers, is appointed to the position, and is dismissed from it by order of the director.

3.2. During the absence of the deputy director for general issues (illness, vacation, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by:

for work with personnel -...

on issues of protection and commercial security - ...

3.3. Based on the regulations on the administrative system, the deputy director for general affairs is a second-level manager; he has no personnel under his operational subordination.

In matters of compliance with personnel policies and safety requirements, all company personnel are functionally subordinate to him. Employees of the company are obliged to carry out the orders of the director on general issues after the approval of these orders by their direct supervisors. As a manager, deputy director for general issues, he performs the following functions:

Heads the work of the department on general issues, directs its activities to fulfill the mission and business plan of the company;

Organizes the development of the mission, part of the marketing plan and business plan of the company in its area;

Organizes the implementation of the company’s business plan in its area;

Makes decisions in his area within the limits of his functional responsibilities;

Transforms the orders of the founder and director into specific instructions for all personnel and ensures the implementation of these orders;

Formulates problems arising in his direction; discusses these problems with subordinates; proposes written plans for solving problems to the director;

Organizes in his area the accumulation and analysis of information about work, marketing and financial information; organizes the preparation of information in his area for decision-making by the director;

Organizes the development and modification of organizational documents for all personnel: regulations, job descriptions, memos and technological maps; implements these documents after their approval by the director;

Organizes the development of standards for hiring in the company, for the process and results of work; establishes for the company the necessary controlling indicators for the efficiency and quality of labor; implements all standards approved by the director;

Organizes the development for all personnel of the company of a system of material and moral incentives for subordinates within the limits of the wage fund established by the director; After approval by the director, he applies the developed systems in his work.

3.4. The Deputy Director for General Issues is subordinate to the Director, the results of his work are assessed according to the following indicators:

Fulfillment of all, without exception, duties provided for in the job description;

High level of service discipline of all personnel, strict compliance by personnel with the requirements of job descriptions;

A system of security measures that allows the company to operate uninterruptedly and ensure its commercial and economic security;

Availability of an effective material and moral incentive system for employees;

Effective personnel policy, ensuring a personnel reserve of specialists with a high level of qualifications;

Friendly creative atmosphere within the team, timely prevention of conflicts

4. Job responsibilities

4.1.Annually organizes the development and adjustment of the company’s mission and business plan on issues of safety and human resources. Ensures the dissemination of the ideas set out in the mission through orders, regulations, regulations, job descriptions, and memos among the company's employees.

4.2. Forms the company’s personnel policy, sets out its principles in the “Regulations on Personnel Policy”, annually makes the necessary changes to the regulations. Draws up, based on the regulations and recommendations of the director, a plan for working with personnel for each year. Communicates the plan to all personnel and ensures compliance with the plan.

4.3.Develops and implements a system for screening applicants for opening vacancies and personnel security of the company. Organizes the verification of each candidate for opening vacancies in the company and is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided about applicants.

4.4. Organizes constant work to prepare a reserve of personnel for promotion to leadership positions and for replenishing ordinary personnel. Organizes competitions for existing vacancies in order to attract promising specialists to work for the company.

4.5. Organizes the adaptation procedure for each new employee after he is hired. Appoints an official mentor, helps solve the problem of organizing the workplace.

4.6.Controls and distributes responsibilities for maintaining established personnel documentation.

4.7. Prepares materials for presenting personnel for incentives; materials on bringing employees to material and disciplinary liability.

4.8.Organizes the certification system for the company’s employees, its methodological and information support, and the work regulations of the certification commission. Conducts certification of all employees at least once a year. Participates in the analysis of certification results, constantly monitors the implementation of decisions of the certification commission.

4.9. Organizes the preparation of vacation schedules, recording the use of vacations by employees, registration of regular vacations in accordance with the approved schedules and additional vacations.

4.10. Monitors the state of labor discipline in the structural units of the company and compliance by employees with internal regulations

4.11. Develops measures to strengthen labor discipline, reduce staff turnover, loss of working time, and monitors their implementation.

4.12. Consults company managers on all issues related to personnel. Monitors compliance with labor legislation, as well as compliance with labor safety requirements at all workplaces. Organizes the necessary accounting and reporting on work with personnel.

4.13. Organizes advanced training for ordinary personnel and managers; develops a training plan for the year based on requests from staff and orders from the director.

4.14.Organizes the archiving and preservation of documents of the entire company that are subject to long-term storage.

4.15. Organizes the development and implementation, after agreement with the director, of company standards for relations between employees of the company; on the relationship between subordinates and managers; performance and results of work; on attitude to information; to ensure trade secrets.

4.16. Creates, in agreement with the director, a system of material and moral incentives for staff. Annually develops the “Regulations on personnel motivation”, which establishes schemes for material and moral incentives for personnel.

Analyzes the effectiveness of incentive systems, makes the necessary adjustments in order to create equal remuneration conditions for all employees and a favorable moral climate in the team.

4.17.Develops and implements, after approval by the director, the necessary changes in the administrative system of the company; changes in regulations and job descriptions. Monitors areas of poor personnel control and develops measures to eliminate such areas.

4.18. Coordinates the work to identify areas subject to automation in the direction of general issues. Interacts with programmers, controls the process of automation of accounting processes, promotes their implementation and use.

4.19. Organizes the physical, engineering and technical security of the company’s facilities and property, involving third-party organizations in this work, if necessary, on the basis of contracts.

4.20. Develops and applies, after agreement with the director, methods and standards for the security of office and industrial premises; access and control systems for the movement of material assets in the office and at the production site.

4.21. To ensure a unified system of security measures, perform the following:

Constantly analyzes the condition of the company's facilities in order to assess their level of safety;

In the event of a threat, he proposes measures to improve the security system for the company's facilities.

4.22. Ensures the protection of information that is a trade secret of the company by doing the following:

Analyzes the information structure of the enterprise and prepares a list of information constituting a trade secret;

Prepares internal company documents on the protection of trade secrets and submits them to the director for approval; monitors compliance with requirements for the protection of trade secrets;

Organizes the development of an information security system on PCs, networks and communications of the company.

4.23. Maintains relations with law enforcement agencies as necessary:

Responds to requests from law enforcement agencies regarding firm security issues;

Participates in litigation as necessary, serving as the firm's representative on security issues.

5. Rights

The Deputy for General Affairs has the right:

5.1.Give the heads of the company’s structural units mandatory instructions on issues related to ensuring security, maintaining trade secrets, and personnel management.

5.2. Require and receive from all structural units the information necessary to perform the tasks assigned to the department.

5.3. Independently conduct correspondence on issues of security and personnel selection, as well as on other issues within the competence of the department and not requiring approval from the director.

5.4.Represent in the prescribed manner on behalf of the company on issues within the competence of the department in relations with state and municipal authorities, as well as other enterprises, organizations, institutions, including recruitment agencies, employment services and security agencies.

5.5. Request the necessary information about employees from structural units, and when hiring and relocating employees, the opinion of managers in the relevant structural units.

5.6. Monitor compliance in structural units with labor legislation in relation to employees, the procedure for providing established benefits and advantages.

5.7.Establish your own systems for monitoring the work of the company’s personnel and apply them in their work after approval by the director.

5.8.Participate in the preparation of draft orders, instructions, directions, as well as estimates, contracts and other documents related to the work of the department on general issues.

5.9.Independently schedule and conduct meetings on issues within the competence of the department and participate in meetings held in the company on issues related to the work of the department.

6. Documents and information provided by the Deputy Director for General Issues:

Title of the document


Submission period

Responsible executor

Monthly reports

1. Work plan for the current month


Until the 5th of every month

Deputy on general issues

Before the 1st of every month

Deputy on general issues

3. Report on the results of work for the month


Until the 5th of every month

Deputy on general issues

4. Drawing up instructions, regulations as necessary, and as directed by the director

Workers, company employees


Deputy on general issues

7. Responsibility

The Deputy Director for General Affairs is responsible for:

7.1. Improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.2.Offences committed in the course of carrying out its activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.3. Causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. Working conditions

Work schedule: irregular working hours;

Weekends: Saturday, Sunday; in case of failure to fulfill their duties on time, they may be required to work on weekends;

Equipment provided for work: computer, telephone,

I have read the instructions: ______________ ________________________

(signature) (surname, initials)

The head of the company is not able to independently cope with all management responsibilities, therefore the organization has deputies on its staff, to whom a significant part of the director’s work is delegated.

Features of the work of the Deputy Director for General Issues

Such specialists are not able to completely replace the function of the head of a company, but with their proper work, it is possible to achieve maximum efficiency in enterprise management. The most responsible position is the Deputy Director for General Affairs. This specialist does not have a clear specialization, and must perform most of the duties of the director during his absence or excessive busyness.

The position of Deputy Director for General Affairs is very responsible and requires the candidate not only to have a higher education in the specialty, but also significant experience in management work. Very often, the director of the company entrusts this specialist with complete supervision of any sector of production. This specialist also replaces the director in the absence of the manager at the workplace.

Very often, the deputy director for general affairs performs the function of resolving various issues and conflicts that arise at an early stage of development.

Thus, preventing the problem from growing to a scale where participation is required in the process of resolving the problem that has arisen.

Why are instructions needed?

A job description for the work of this specialist is necessary in order to completely eliminate misunderstandings by the employee of his duties in this position. Despite the vagueness of the wording, this specialist is responsible for performing many functions in enterprise management, and therefore, before starting to perform his job duties, the employee must read the job description. This document specifies a complete list of the employee’s duties and responsibilities.

The job description also specifies general provisions regarding the work of this specialist and his rights. This document must be drawn up taking into account existing regulations and not contradict common sense. The document should be drawn up only by specialists in the field in which documented rules for performing job duties on general issues are prescribed.

Who draws up and signs the instructions?

The job description of the deputy director for general issues is developed and approved by specialists on the basis of regulations and instructions. The HR department of enterprises may make additional changes to this document. All amendments made must not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legal documents.

The developed instructions are signed and approved by the general director of the enterprise. Then this instruction is included in the employment contract, or must be separately read and signed by the employee who will be hired for this position.

Only after signing this document can the employee perform his job duties.

Job Description of Deputy Director for General Affairs

The job description of this specialist contains a large number of points that describe the duties of the deputy director for general issues, as well as his responsibilities and rights.

Among the main job responsibilities of this specialist, the following should be highlighted:

Depending on the specifics of the area in which the deputy director for general issues has to work, original items to be implemented may be introduced. There is no established state standard for this document, but the job description must indicate the rights and responsibilities of the employee, as well as his degree of responsibility when performing his official duties.

What points does it consist of? Here we will analyze it in more detail.

You will learn what an electrician does, what rights and responsibilities will be specified in his job description.

What does he do, what responsibilities does he have? We'll talk about this in this article.

Rights and responsibilities of the Deputy Director for General Affairs

This specialist has the following rights:

  • Gain access to information necessary to perform job duties.
  • Make proposals to the General Director on issues related to the direct performance of his job duties.
  • Coordinate the hiring of employees who are directly subordinate to this specialist.
  • Undergo additional training at specialized advanced training centers.
  • Independently prepare draft decrees on economic matters.
  • Require subordinate employees to comply with fire safety standards, labor regulations and clauses of the employment contract.
  • Make a proposal to the general director of the company regarding the priming of employees directly subordinate to the deputy director for general issues.
  • Participate in meetings and make decisions on issues within your competence.
  • Require the general director to ensure safe working conditions.
  • If a threat to life or health arises, stop performing your work duties.

The Deputy Director for General Affairs has the following responsibilities:

  • Perform assigned functions efficiently and without delay.
  • Provide economic support for various events.
  • Solve professional problems independently within the limits of your competence.
  • Ensure acceptance of work performed by subordinate employees.
  • Take measures in case of detection of theft of tangible property of the enterprise.
  • Carry out rational use of financial resources that were allocated to meet the economic needs of the enterprise.
  • Apply to the General Director for disciplinary punishment against employees who are directly subordinate and who violate labor discipline.
  • Monitor the timely training of personnel in advanced training courses.
  • Member of the commission for drawing up collective labor agreements.
  • Monitor the status of fire alarms and labor safety rules at the enterprise.
  • Instruct subordinate employees on the rules of conduct in case of emergency situations.
  • Remove from performing their job duties those employees who do not comply with safety regulations at the enterprise.
  • If obvious threats to the health and life of employees are identified in the organization, suspend the work process of the enterprise.
  • Monitor employees' timely medical examinations.
  • If there are preconditions for emergency situations, inform senior management about it.

Responsibility of the specialist

An employee who performs the duties of a deputy director for general issues, along with rights and responsibilities, is responsible for the performance or failure to perform certain professional actions.

The responsibilities of this specialist include:

  • Disclosure of trade secrets, as well as information related to personal information of employees.
  • Improper performance of one's job duties.
  • Incorrect or untimely provision of material and economic parts.
  • Failure to timely comply with the instructions of the general director of the company.
  • Demonstration of low business and professional qualities.
  • Reluctance to improve work skills and take advanced training courses.
  • Violation of internal labor regulations and moral standards.
  • Neglect of safety rules.
  • Causing material damage to the enterprise as a result of the activities or inaction of an employee.
  • Violation of labor protection rules and safety instructions.
  • Negligent performance of direct labor duties.

If material damage has been caused to a significant extent, or due to dishonest performance of one’s work, the death of a person or injury to health has occurred, the Deputy Director for General Affairs bears criminal liability, and penalties are also taken against this employee to compensate for the damage.


The position of Deputy Director for General Affairs is responsible and in demand. Only a specialist whose level of competence is beyond doubt is appointed to this position. An employee who works as a deputy director for general affairs must not only have the appropriate education, but in many human qualities be superior to his colleagues subordinate to him.

In contact with

What are the requirements for a deputy director? What responsibilities does this specialist have? These and many other questions will be answered in the article.

The Deputy Director for General Affairs has, according to the job description, several main professional goals:

  • This includes ensuring the information and economic security of the organization. The represented specialist must contribute to the constant development of the company, as well as form personnel reserves.
  • The employee is obliged to competently and efficiently select and train personnel. The assignment of workers to specific missions is also within the scope of the specialist's competence. Don’t forget about the main goal of the deputy director: to provide comfortable and modern working conditions for the staff.
  • Finally, the Deputy Director for General Affairs must maintain established standards and norms at all times. If necessary, standards must be created.

Deputy Director for General Affairs: job description
Example No. 1

These instructions are exemplary. It can be used as a basis for developing appropriate employee instructions, taking into account the specifics of the organization’s activities.

Name of organization I APPROVED

POSITION Title of position


N ___________ Signature Explanation

Place of compilation Date



  2. The Deputy Director for General Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the Deputy Director) belongs to the category of managers, is hired and dismissed by order of the head of the organization.
  3. For the position of deputy The director is appointed a person who has a higher professional education in the specialty “Economics and Management” and work experience in the field of professional activity, including in managerial positions, for at least 5 years.
  4. In his activities, the deputy. the director is guided by:

— legislative and regulatory documents governing the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the organization;

— methodological materials relating to the activities of the organization;

— the charter of the organization;

- orders, instructions from the head of the organization;

  1. Deputy directors should know:

— regulatory legal acts that determine the directions of development of the relevant industry;

— other guidance and regulatory materials of higher and other bodies relating to the activities of the organization;

— profile, specialization, features of the organization’s structure;

— prospects for technical and economic development of the industry and organization;

— production capacity of the organization;

— fundamentals of the organization’s production technology;

— the procedure for developing and approving plans for the organization’s economic and financial activities;

— methods of managing and managing an organization;

— the procedure for maintaining records and drawing up reports on the economic and financial activities of the organization;

— organization of financial work in the organization, logistics, transport services and product sales;

— organization of loading and unloading operations;

— the procedure for developing working capital standards, consumption rates and inventories;

— the procedure for concluding and executing business contracts;

— economics, organization of production, labor and management;

— basics of labor legislation;

— rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety.

  1. During the absence of the deputy. director of the organization, his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by an appointed deputy, who bears full responsibility for their proper execution.
  3. To perform the functions assigned to him, the deputy. The director of the organization is obliged to:

6.1. Interact, on behalf of the director, with state authorities, local governments, legal entities of all organizational and legal forms and individuals on various issues within their competence.

6.2. By power of attorney, act on behalf of the organization, perform legal actions, represent it in all organizations and institutions.

6.3. In the absence of the director, sign documents of a financial nature and administrative documents.

6.4. Participate in the development of local regulations governing social and labor relations in the organization.

6.5. Organize the conduct, as well as methodological, informational and organizational support for employee certification.

6.6. Organize work on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for the needs of the organization.

6.7. Take part in the annual inventory of property and material assets.

6.8. Monitor the execution of orders and instructions of the director.

6.9. Organize the proper design and storage of archival materials.

6.10. Prepare information and draw up reports on civil defense issues.

6.11. Carry out the necessary activities to develop the structure and staffing.

6.12. Ensure timely preparation of necessary documents and certificates at the request of organizations.

6.13. Participate in organizing work to improve the skills of employees.

6.14. Contribute to the development of the material and technical base of the organization: accept applications from departments for the purchase of organizational and computer equipment, duplicating equipment, furniture, and various equipment; based on requests from departments, compile summary data on the acquisition of property; participate in the purchase, delivery and installation of the specified property; provide warranty service for the purchased property.

6.15. Carry out the necessary measures related to the safety and efficient use of property.

6.16. Receive requests from departments for minor repairs and organize their implementation.

6.17. Within the limits of his authority, endorse orders, regulations and instructions.

6.18. Participate in the preparation of a comprehensive plan for improving labor protection conditions and sanitary measures.

6.19. Create safe and harmless working conditions for those working in the departments under his control.

6.21. Develop and approve plans for scheduled preventive maintenance of industrial buildings and structures, equipment and monitor their timely implementation.

6.22. Provide organizational units with personal protective equipment and fire extinguishing equipment.

6.23. Ensure the good condition and safe operation of the organization’s vehicles, timely technical inspections and certifications.

6.24. Ensure road safety, safe organization of traffic flows and movement of workers, maintenance of driveways and passages in proper condition.

6.25. Organize the normal operation of sanitary facilities and facilities.

6.26. Ensure that the working units subordinate to him comply with the requirements of labor legislation, regulations on labor protection and safety, GOST safety requirements, SSBT standards, industrial sanitation and fire safety, labor protection instructions.

6.27. Organize training, testing the knowledge of working units subordinate to him on labor protection issues, conducting briefings on labor protection in the workplace and fire safety.

6.28. Participate in the work of the commission to check the state of occupational health and safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety in subordinate departments and in the organization; in the work of inspections by state supervision and control bodies; in conducting an analysis of industrial injuries and occupational diseases in subordinate departments, developing measures to eliminate industrial injuries and occupational diseases.

6.29. Develop, coordinate and approve labor safety instructions, additions and changes to standard instructions, and provide them to workers in subordinate departments.

6.30. Organize the implementation of decrees, orders, orders of ministries, orders of organizations on labor protection and safety issues, as well as decrees and instructions of state supervision and control bodies.

6.31. ___________________________________________________________.

  2. Deputy director has the right:

7.1. Represent the interests of the organization in relations with other organizations on economic, financial and other issues.

7.2. Submit proposals to improve economic and financial activities for consideration by the director of the organization.

7.3. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

7.4. Receive from the heads of the organization’s structural divisions (specialists) information and documents necessary to perform their job duties.

7.5. Submit for consideration by the director of the organization proposals on the appointment, relocation, dismissal of employees of the organization, proposals for their encouragement or the imposition of penalties on them.

7.6. Require the director of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of his official duties and rights.

7.7. Take part in the discussion of labor safety issues submitted for consideration at meetings (conferences) of the labor collective (trade union organization).

  2. Deputy The director reports directly to the director of the organization.
  3. Deputy director interacts on issues included in his

competence, with employees of the following structural divisions of the organization:


_____________________________________________________________________ ;



- With _________________________________________________________________:





  2. Deputy job The director is assessed by his immediate supervisor (other official).
  3. Deputy The director is responsible:

11.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.4. For failure to comply with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection - in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus and local acts in _____________________.

Job title

head of structural

departments _________ _______________________

Signature Explanation of signature

I have read the instructions _________ _______________________

Signature Explanation of signature


Example No. 2

I approve

_____________________________ (Last name, initials)

(name of the organization, its organizational and legal form) ________________________________

(director; other person authorized

approve job description)




(name of institution)

00.00.201_g. №00

  1. General provisions

1.1. This job description establishes the rights, responsibilities and job responsibilities of the Deputy Director for General Affairs of _____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “enterprise”).

Name of institution

1.2. The Deputy Director for General Affairs reports to _____________________________________.

(name of manager's position)

1.3. A person with higher professional education and work experience in the field is appointed to the position of Deputy Director for General Affairs.

leadership positions for at least ___ years.

1.4. The Deputy Director for General Affairs should know:

— orders, resolutions, orders and other normative and guiding documents

higher authorities that relate to administrative and economic services;

— the structure of the enterprise and prospects for its development;

— means of organizational and computer technology, communications;

— deadlines and procedures for reporting;

— means of mechanization of manual labor;

— the procedure for purchasing furniture, equipment, stationery, inventory and processing payments for services;

— basics of labor organization, economics, management and production, labor legislation, internal labor regulations, labor safety norms and regulations.

1.5. In the course of his activities, the Deputy Director for General Affairs is guided by:

— regulatory and legislative acts that regulate the production and economic activities of the enterprise;

— the charter of the enterprise, labor regulations, orders, orders and other instructions of the head of the enterprise;

- this job description.

1.6. During the absence of the deputy director for general issues, his duties are assigned to his deputy, appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who is responsible for the proper performance of his duties.

  1. Functions

The Deputy Director for General Affairs is responsible for the following:

2.1. Participation in the conclusion of business contracts of the enterprise and

control of their accurate and timely implementation.

2.2. Taking measures to expand the economic ties of the enterprise. Control of the safety of enterprise property.

2.4. Ensuring safe and healthy working conditions for subordinates, monitoring their compliance with the requirements of regulatory and legislative acts on labor protection.

  1. Job responsibilities

To perform the functions assigned to him, the Deputy Director for

in general matters I am obliged to:

3.1. Organize effective interaction and work of entrusted workshops, structural divisions and production units. Direct their activities to improve and develop production, increase the efficiency of the enterprise, competitiveness and quality of products.

3.2. Organize production and economic activities on the basis of modern technology and equipment, progressive forms of labor organization and management, reasonable use of production reserves and economical use of all types of resources.

3.3. Resolve issues that relate to the production and economic activities of the enterprise.

3.4. Ensure compliance with laws in the implementation of economic relations of the enterprise.

  1. Rights

4.1. Represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with government agencies. authorities and other organizations.

4.2. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management that relate to its activities.

4.3. Endorse and sign documents within their competence, issue orders for the enterprise with their signature.

4.4. Make proposals for improving the operation of the enterprise for consideration by management, conduct correspondence with organizations on issues that are within its competence.

4.5. Monitor the activities of subordinate structural divisions of the enterprise.

4.6. Interact with the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise, receive documents and information necessary to perform their job duties.

4.7. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the fulfillment of their rights and official duties.

  1. Responsibility

5.1. For offenses committed during the period of their activities - within the limits determined by the civil, administrative and criminal legislation of Russia.

5.2. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the criminal, labor and civil legislation of Russia.

5.3. For improper performance or non-fulfillment of one’s official duties, which are provided for in this job description, - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of Russia.

Head of structural unit: _____________ __________________

(signature) (surname, initials)

I have read the instructions,

one copy received: _____________ __________________

(signature) (surname, initials)

Example No. 3

I approve

_______________________________ ______________ _________________________

(organizational and legal form, name of organization or other enterprise


(Full name, position of the manager, official authorized to approve the job description)

"___" ____________ 20__

Job description

Deputy Director for General Affairs


(name of organization, enterprise, etc.)

This job description has been developed and approved on the basis of an employment contract with the Deputy Director for General Affairs and in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations.

  1. General provisions

1.1. The Deputy Director for General Affairs belongs to the category of managers, is hired and dismissed by order of _____________________________________________________ (name of the manager's position).

1.2. The Deputy Director for General Affairs reports directly to _____________________________________ (name of the manager’s position)

1.3. A person with a higher professional education and work experience in management positions of at least ___ years is hired for the position of Deputy Director for General Affairs.

1.4. The Deputy Director for General Affairs must know the resolutions, instructions, orders, and other governing and regulatory documents of higher authorities relating to administrative and economic services; the structure of the enterprise and prospects for its development; means of communication, computing and organizational technology; procedure and deadlines for reporting; means of mechanization of manual labor; the procedure for purchasing equipment, furniture, inventory, office supplies and processing payments for services; fundamentals of economics, labor organization, production and management; labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules and regulations of labor protection.

1.5. In his work, the Deputy Director for General Affairs is guided by:

— legislative and regulatory acts regulating the production and economic activities of the enterprise;

— the charter of the enterprise;

— labor regulations;

— orders, instructions and other instructions from the head of the enterprise;

- this job description.

1.6. During the absence of the deputy director for general issues, his duties are performed by his deputy, appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who bears full responsibility for the proper performance of these duties.

  1. Functions

The Deputy Director for General Affairs is assigned the following functions:

2.1. Participation in the conclusion of business contracts of the enterprise and control over their timely and accurate execution.

2.2. Taking measures to expand the economic ties of the enterprise.

2.3. Control over the safety of enterprise property.

2.4. Ensuring healthy and safe working conditions for subordinate performers, monitoring their compliance with the requirements of legislative and regulatory legal acts on labor protection.

  1. Job responsibilities

To perform the functions assigned to him, the Deputy Director for General Affairs is obliged to:

3.1. Organize the work and effective interaction of the structural divisions, workshops and production units entrusted to him, direct their activities towards the development and improvement of production, increasing the efficiency of the enterprise, the quality and competitiveness of the products produced.

3.2. Organize production and economic activities based on the widespread use of the latest equipment and technology, progressive forms of management and labor organization, rational use of production reserves and economical use of all types of resources.

3.3. Resolve issues related to the production and economic activities of the enterprise.

3.4. Ensure compliance with the law in the implementation of economic relations of the enterprise.

3.5. _____________________________________________________________.

  1. Rights

The Deputy Director for General Affairs has the right:

4.1. Represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with other organizations and government bodies.

4.2. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.

4.3. Submit proposals for improving the activities of the enterprise for consideration by management.

4.4. Sign and endorse documents within your competence, issue orders for the enterprise under your signature within your competence.

4.5. Conduct correspondence with organizations on issues within his competence.

4.6. Interact with the heads of structural services of the enterprise, obtain information and documents necessary to perform their job duties.

4.7. Monitor the activities of subordinate structural divisions of the enterprise.

4.8. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

4.9. _____________________________________________________________.

  1. Responsibility

The Deputy Director for General Affairs is responsible for:

5.1 for failure to perform (improper performance) of their job duties as provided for in this job description, within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

5.2 for offenses committed in the course of carrying out its activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

5.3 for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

5.4 ______________________________________________________________.

The job description was developed in accordance with _____________________

(name, number _______________________ and date of document)

Manager (initials, surname)



"__" _____________ 20__


___________________________________ (initials, surname)

(Job title)



"__" ________________ 20__

I have read the instructions: (initials, surname)



"__" _____________ 20__

Responsibilities of the Deputy Director for General Affairs

When choosing an employee for this position, be sure to look at his compliance with the following requirements:

  • Work experience in a managerial position must be at least three years;
  • Higher professional education is required;
  • mandatory knowledge of regulations governing administrative and economic issues of companies and labor law;
  • knowledge of the basics of enterprise economics, labor protection, management and organization of labor processes;
  • negotiation skills;
  • practice of participation in tenders.

When hiring an employee for the position of deputy director to resolve general issues, preference is given to those candidates who not only meet the specified list of requirements, but also know the specifics of the company and its industry. Despite the fact that the general issues of production and economic activity of enterprises are similar in many industries, industry specifics are still reflected in them. And knowledge of these nuances is a necessity for the normal functioning of the company.

Responsibilities of a specialist

The job description of the Deputy Director for General Affairs sets out the requirements and functions.

Here are the most common of them:

  • Timely development, implementation and adjustment of business plans related to security in the organization (how often such plans are developed depends on the organization itself; as a rule, this happens once a year).
  • Formation of organizational personnel policy; drawing up an annual personnel plan.
  • Development and implementation of a system for screening applicants for available vacancies; organization of a high-quality system for screening candidates for jobs.
  • Organization of constant and effective work on training the personnel reserve.
  • Organization of effective competitions to attract the most promising and competent specialists to work in the organization.
  • Organization of a high-quality adaptation procedure for each new person in the organization; appointment for these purposes of supervisors or mentors who would help new employees get used to the workplace as quickly as possible.
  • Control over the distribution of responsibilities for working with personnel documentation.
  • Preparation of all necessary materials and documents for the presentation of certain employees for awards or incentives.
  • Search and registration of all documents and materials to impose administrative or disciplinary liability on employees, if necessary.

Industry specifics of the position

Industry specifics affect not only the company’s activities, but also the responsibilities of its employees, including those occupying management positions.

Therefore, the Deputy Director for General Affairs, working:

  • in agriculture - must have an industrial higher education; know the essence of agricultural work and technology for managing it, know about the norms and requirements that apply in agriculture; know about the indicators used in the industry that characterize production and economic activities;
  • in trade - must have a legal and (or) economic higher education; know about the requirements for the storage of products and goods, labor protection, sanitary conditions, fire safety; know the features of the trading process, equipment, and logistics; be able to develop business plans;
  • in education - must have a pedagogical and (or) economic, legal higher education; know the procedure for placing orders to meet the needs of an educational institution; take part in the annual audit of the institution’s material assets; know the procedure for organizing and storing archival materials; must implement measures to ensure fire safety of the facility;
  • in production - must have a technical and (or) economic higher education; must know maintenance methods and design of production and office equipment and other facilities, the basics of production processes, plumbing, land and construction work.

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