What does it mean to see a flood in a dream? Flood to the ceiling in a dream - financial situation may improve

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Pastor Loff's Dream Book

According to the dream book, to see a Flood - A dream about a flood speaks of excessive gossip around matters that are not worth these discussions. It is important to pay attention in a dream to whether the flood was caused by clean and clear water or muddy and dirty water. This will tell you the nature of the discussions: pure - even the best undertaking can drown in words, while muddy and dirty ones indicate that the gossip is caused by envy about your successes and attempts to harm you.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about Flood in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Flood - uncontrollable emotions, cleansing the body of earthly desires, as in the case of a “global flood”; flooding with emotions and problems, as the dream book predictor reports.

Flood is an excessive release of emotions, as usually occurs with nervous disorders or shock. The global flood of Noah's time cleansed the earth of corruption; many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Flood in a dream?

Seeing a Flood in a dream means Flood. Flooded cities or villages mean disaster; seeing people carried away by stormy water means heavy losses. Large areas flooded with clean water are a sign of prosperity after a difficult struggle. If you dream that the stormy waters of a flood are carrying you along with the debris, an important business or decision for you will be suspended for a while, leading to illness. Seeing a flood but not remembering the details is a profitable enterprise, wealth; many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does a flood mean in a dream:

According to the dream book Flood, see what it means - Flood - A symbol of uncontrolled emotions that overwhelm and overwhelm you. Looking at the flood from afar is a warning about a dangerous connection, a bad acquaintance. A flood threatening your life means suffering, loss, change in lifestyle. If water has flooded your home and is rising quickly, you face a stubborn struggle for your well-being. Swimming in cold water during a flood means repentance and recognition of your mistakes. Saving people during a severe flood is a harbinger of a serious illness due to which you will not be able to complete an important task

Flood - A flood in your own apartment is a threat to property and unnecessary expenses. Railway tracks flooded with water are an accident on the road. A flood that drowned an entire city means hard work, failure and anxiety. Drowning during a flood - you will soon face insurmountable obstacles

Summer dream book

Why do you dream about Flood:

Flood. Seeing a flood in a dream means the elements are rampant.

Autumn dream book

If you dream of a Flood, what does it mean:

Flood - Seeing a flood in a dream means a river overflowing its banks, as it is said in the dream book about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Flood in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Flood - If you see water spilling and covering more and more land, get ready for the vagaries of fate. It’s especially bad if a stream of water washes away you too - such a dream can portend illness, financial losses, family troubles

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Flood, what does the dream mean:

Seeing a Flood in a dream - Seeing a city or village flooded with water in a dream foreshadows a disaster. A dream in which vast spaces are flooded with clean water promises prosperity and peace. People being carried away by floods dream of bereavement, sadness and a sense of hopelessness. If you dreamed that a stormy stream of water was carrying you along with debris, beware of some kind of illness or suspension of something important to you.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Flood:

Why do you dream about flooding in the city?

The interpretation of what dreams of flooding mean will not necessarily be negative. First of all, a dream is not always prophetic. If its details are quickly forgotten, you should not pay much attention to the dream. This is simply the work of the subconscious, excited by a book read or a movie watched before bed.

However, if the dream is not forgotten for a long time, it is worth trying to decipher the warning message from higher powers. Particular attention should be paid to the nuances of sleep. For example, I dreamed of a flood, but people on the streets of the city behave amazingly calmly. This means that changes are coming in real life that have been planned for a long time. It is also worth assessing the condition of the water. If the water is clean and transparent, the dream will not bring much negativity. All that can be expected in the coming days are just minor troubles. When a muddy and dirty stream flows through the streets of the city, life will present quite serious troubles that you will have to expend energy to combat.

If the flood passes calmly and there are no victims anywhere, in reality the person is up to something grandiose. However, now all large-scale plans will be a thing of the past and the sleeper will finally get down to urgent current affairs. Water pouring into the city like a stormy stream, carrying garbage and corpses, means a long streak of losses and failures. Many of them will be regretted for a very long time.

When a person in a dream is surrounded by a large number of people, the events predicted by the dream will also affect them. Therefore, anticipating troubles, you need to carefully warn your relatives and friends about their likelihood. Perhaps this information will benefit them.

The meaning of a dream about a flood in a city can vary significantly depending on the stage of the flood seen. If a person, so to speak, finds himself at the very beginning of a catastrophe and clean water flows through the city, one should expect good news. If a stormy stream knocks a sleeping person off his feet, a dizzying success is likely, due to which the ground will disappear from under his feet. By the way, many clairvoyants interpreted a dream about a flood with a similar meaning: success, big profits, wealth. However, only a dream with clear water acquires such meaning. When the water is muddy, the meaning of the dream changes to the opposite: troubles, losses, ruin.

A dream often predicts a quick trip, which will come as a complete surprise to a person. This sign is true if you dreamed of a completely unfamiliar city being flooded. When a person stands high enough and the rising water does not touch his feet, the trip will be truly exciting and luxurious. A dream in which a person is surrounded on all sides by dirty water is not so optimistic. However, it should be remembered that all the tests offered by fate can be passed.

If the dream seems quite scary, you can reduce its effect by praying in church and lighting candles to the saints. There is a folk way to ward off the misfortune predicted by a dream. It is enough to look out the window in the morning and, spitting three times over your left shoulder, say: where there is night, there is sleep.

It is recommended to use this method if, during sleep, a person is picked up by a rapid stream and carried along city streets. The dream serves as a prediction of a long-term, but not fatal, illness and it is better to try to mitigate its effect.

Most often, a dream with a flood does not bring trouble at all. All the changes that have occurred in the life of a sleeping person will most likely be for his benefit and will mark a new stage in real life. Of course, you will have to sacrifice something, but new feelings and discoveries await you ahead. For example, famous clairvoyants interpreted the presence of corpses during a flood as the need to part with something familiar. Naturally, the loss of something close brings pain, but it is necessary to cleanse the soul and the opportunity to experience the unknown.

Large water that fills a city is also not always a sign of failure. If children splash joyfully in this water, the dream is positive. A girl wandering through a city flooded with clear water can hope for the quick fulfillment of her cherished desire.

Dreams are given to a person as a kind of warning and do not play the role of a fatal prediction of fate that cannot be avoided. Therefore, you should not panic in advance. It is much easier to get all your affairs in order to reduce the risk of losses.

Why do you dream of a flood?

Like other disasters, a flood only causes negative emotions, since an uncontrolled natural disaster not only destroys property, but also takes lives. Having seen such an incident in life, people generally do not expect anything good. Now you can confirm or refute your fears with the help of the proposed interpretations. To do this, it is recommended to first analyze the dream, taking into account the main details of the plot.

Why do you dream of a flood?

Watching a dark stream of water approach the city means you can expect some kind of disaster or serious trouble in the future. If a flood takes away people, it is an unfavorable sign that symbolizes loss, sadness and a sense of hopelessness. Seeing yourself in a stream of water means that a disease or problem may soon arise that will change the course of things. One of the dream books contains information that a flood is a symbol of a stable life that will arise after serious problems.

The interpretation of dreams about flooding largely depends on the state of the water. If a muddy stream covers you, it means you will find yourself in a strange position. It can also be a symbol of troubles in your intimate life. Seeing how muddy water carries away garbage means someone is trying to slander you. A dream in which you saw a clear stream indicates that you can put off important things. If clear water floods a large area, this is an omen of an improvement in material condition and an accompaniment of good luck. The meaning of a dream where you save people after a flood is an unfavorable symbol that predicts the occurrence of a serious illness, which will not allow you to complete the work you started. If you pull corpses out of the water, this is a harbinger of the onset of a “dark streak”.

Seeing water flooding a house means that an identity crisis will soon occur. You can expect problems in family relationships in the future. For unmarried girls, such a dream recommends paying attention to fans. It will be interesting to know what it means when a flood covers fields and meadows in a dream. Such night vision is a favorable symbol that predicts well-being and happiness in the family. There is also information that a dream about a flood promises changes in life. Watching approaching water in a dream is a warning about a dangerous relationship or acquaintance.

Flooding is a symbol of feelings that will soon be overwhelmed. The dream book says that due to uncontrollable emotions, numerous troubles can arise. Seeing a flood that comes to your feet in a dream means you should expect troubles, and they will have to do with real estate. A dream where you are drowning during a flood is an unfavorable sign that indicates that you don’t know how to get out of this situation. Swimming through cold water during a flood means that in the future you will repent of the mistakes of the past. If you are watching the flood from the outside, this is an indication that something global will happen in the future and it will significantly change life. A night vision where you had to escape from a flood in a dream is a symbol of the fact that you want to avoid responsibility. There is also information that such a dream warns of a dangerous situation. For a young girl, a dream about a stormy flood predicts a fun and eventful life.

What does it mean to dream about a flood on the street?

Seeing streets flooded with dark water means that a catastrophe may occur in the future, which will cause the development of numerous troubles and will need to be resolved for a long time.

Why did you see a flood in a dream?

Each of us wants to control our own destiny, and does not want to feel like a helpless sliver in the huge worldly flow of events.

Life is often compared to a stream of water - sometimes it flows peacefully and easily, and sometimes it turns into a stormy, uncontrollable stream.

However, we manage our own lives, and these are not general phrases, but a fact. But this requires not only skill and individual qualities, such as strength, courage and stability, but also, to a large extent, intuition and the ability to see the signs that the universe generously sends us. For example, through our dreams.

In dreams, there are signs at every step, you just have to notice them and interpret them correctly. Water is one of the most significant symbols, and never complements our dreams just like that.

Water symbolizes the emotional sphere, a person’s feelings, his experiences and everything connected with it. And an interpreter will help you understand why you dream of a flood - after all, this is a particularly powerful sign.

A flood can indicate overwhelming feelings, a whirlpool of various events and big life changes. Depending on the many nuances and details of such a dream. Eg:

  • You saw a flood from the outside in your dream.
  • I dreamed that large areas and spaces were completely flooded.
  • Seeing how water carries people away.
  • The water gradually spreads around the street, absorbing more and more land.
  • See the global flood.
  • Drown in it, escape.
  • In a dream, you are carried by water, along with people or debris of buildings.
  • You are in a flood, but you are just calmly in the water.
  • Suffer from a flood in a dream.
  • You are suddenly caught in a flood.
  • There is a flood in an apartment or house, water fills everything around.
  • You stop flooding in your house, apartment, or bathroom.

These “action-packed” dreams can be very disturbing and even scary, but you should pay great attention to them - and find out why you dream of a flood, because such dreams can foreshadow the most important events.

Be an observer

Getting into a catastrophe even in a dream is very scary, but it happens that a flood is seen only from the outside, and such dreams should be interpreted separately. What does the interpreter say if you saw a flood in your dreams, and what twists of fate should you expect in reality?

1. As the dream book says, a flood, seen from the outside, like some kind of film or painting, suggests that the dreamer is simply overwhelmed with feelings that he cannot cope with. Is it bad? It’s worse to live without feelings at all. But still feel the ground under your feet, control the situation.

2. If in your dreams you see vast spaces flooded with calm water, this means that your worries will go away and peace will certainly come. You will be able not to resist circumstances, accept them, and find wisdom within yourself.

3. If you see people being swept away by a flood in your dream, this disturbing dream may indicate your fear of losing someone around you. Most likely, you are afraid of losing your loved one - after all, this is the most common fear.

Know that fear will not help, and, on the contrary, a negative attitude will only make the situation worse. Change your mind to constructive thoughts about how to avoid this, think positively.

4. If a businessman, entrepreneur, or trader had a dream about a flood, this is very good! It promises big profits, complete success in work affairs, prosperity and generous fruits of labor.

5. And people in love dream of a flood as a warning - take care of your feelings. You probably treat them carelessly, and risk losing your partner due to your insufficiently attentive attitude or unworthy behavior. In order not to suffer from loss later, be sensitive and keep what you have.

6. If in your dreams you observe how water gradually spills, absorbing the land, leaving no free space and covering everything around, this predicts the vagaries of fate, changes, and unexpected circumstances.

The situation may temporarily get out of control, but be prepared for this and show resilience. Do not be afraid of obstacles and changes, so as not to be confused.

7. The Flood is a very large-scale sign. If you dreamed about this, then expect significant changes in life, global and comprehensive. Perhaps it’s not so much your daily routine that will change, but your attitude towards things, and so you yourself will begin to change your usual reality.

Carried in a stormy stream...

But what does it mean if the flood was not only seen from the outside, but you got caught in it, or even suffered from the flood? In an open area, in an apartment or house, a flood can mean both good luck and danger - so be attentive to the details of the dream.

1. Drowning in a flood, trying to escape - this portends a new train of thought for you; you will probably reconsider your life and your attitude towards it, towards the events that are happening. You have to understand that everything that is done is connected with your thoughts and behavior.

2. If you are carried along by stormy water along with the debris of buildings in a flood stream, this may promise temporary interference or the suspension of some important business. But you have the power not to panic, but to solve problems decisively and soberly, to take responsibility.

3. If you are simply in the middle of a flood, calmly and without trying to resist, this may portend prosperity, and even luxury.

4. To suffer from a flood in a dream, or even to drown altogether, is a symbol of the fact that in reality you are overwhelmed by passions. You succumb to instincts, and are close to committing many rash acts on this basis. Control yourself, control your feelings.

5. To fall into a flood suddenly, unexpectedly in your dreams - know that you are about to fall in love, and this will make you panic and not know what to do. There is little you need to do - relax and enjoy this feeling.

Don't be afraid of him, but don't build castles in the air either. Just enjoy your crush every day, but don't hold onto it too tightly.

6. A flood in the house promises troubles and bustle in everyday life, in relationships with family. Such a dream advises you to be calmer, to do everyday things in a measured manner and without fuss, not to lash out at your loved ones, and to calm down.

7. If you stopped a flood in your apartment or eliminated its consequences in a dream, it means that you will certainly cope with adversity in your family and home. It is in your power to restore complete order and make family life bright, calm and happy.

Whatever the flood portends in your case, be wise and calm, and remember that dreams do not determine your destiny, but only hint and advise. What to do - the choice is yours!

I dreamed of a flood. What does this dream mean?



If you see a flood in a dream, then this foreshadows a long and exhausting struggle for a stable financial situation.

If you see in a dream that a flood is approaching your home, then in reality difficulties and trials await you.

If you see water flooding the ground in the spring, this means that your life will get better and better, there will be some progress in it, and luck will turn its face towards you.

Clear water means a temporary delay in business, temporary interference; muddy water means a strange situation in a strange place, but if you are surrounded by water on all sides, you will be in a pleasant environment, surrounded by nice people and in luxury.

A flood observed as if from afar means that in the near future you better avoid dubious people. This dream is a warning against an obsessive person,

If you are running away from a flood, trying to escape, some new hobby will appear in your life that will bring you a lot of joy. You will look at everything with different eyes, your lifestyle and train of thought will completely change.


barriers build a ark...


If in a dream you see a city or village being flooded by warm, seething waters, this means a catastrophe that will entail great failures. Seeing people carried away by a flood foretells heavy losses and deep hopelessness. Seeing vast spaces flooded with clean water promises prosperity and peace, gained after a seemingly hopeless struggle with fate. If you dream that the stormy water of a flooded river is carrying you along with debris, this is a harbinger of illness or a cessation of business for you.

A flood in an apartment in a dream promises unexpected difficulties. Warns of unexpected problems, failure of plans, conflicts in the family, and feelings of bitterness.

Dreams with such a plot are a reflection of the dreamer’s emotions and experiences. This may negatively affect his state of mind.

In some cases, positive explanations for such a vision are possible. Changes for the better, success at work. Everything will depend on the details of the dream. For an accurate interpretation, you need to familiarize yourself with the suggested sources.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

  • A flood in an apartment portends problems with real estate. They must be resolved immediately, since there will be even more difficulties in this matter.
  • Your material well-being is at risk.
  • A dream with such a scenario can still promise problems in family life. Therefore, measures need to be taken to correct this situation.

Explanations by psychologist S. Freud

  • If the floor in the apartment is flooded with water, this signifies the emergence of a passion.
  • You are flooded from the ceiling, splashes fly into your face - a harbinger of future intimate pleasures.
  • Drying water on the floor promises cooling in sexual relations.
  • For a woman, a flood dreams of a passionate love affair or a future pregnancy.

Modern dream book

  • A flood in an apartment is a dream of misfortune in the family and at home. Presages financial difficulties, illness, business failures.
  • If in a dream you managed to cope with the consequences of flooding, then in reality everything will end well for you too. Gradually. Family relationships will improve, expect a new job with a high income.
  • For women, such visions promise trouble with relatives.
  • Men have problems with property.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Towards the end of things soon.

Why do you dream of a flood in someone else’s apartment?

  • Seeing such a scenario in a dream promises problems. For now, you will be able to cope with them, but in the future, be careful in your future actions.
  • You helped the owners cope with the consequences of the flooding. This predicts your worries in solving other people's affairs.
  • The dream also promises unfavorable changes in relationships with other people. This applies to relatives, friends, and work colleagues. An unpleasant person may appear with whom you will have to contact, despite your reluctance to do so.

Interpretations from other sources

  • The rain is noisy on the roof. The roof is leaky and water is leaking into the house through it. Such a dream symbolizes good luck and well-being in the family.
  • Apartment flood - your plans are not destined to come true.
  • Visions of this kind foreshadow serious problems and troubles. You need to be prepared to overcome them.
  • If you saw a bathtub flooded with water, and it was already overflowing, in reality your temperament can cause harm in your affairs.
  • During the flood, water came from the ceiling - a sign of future conflicts, quarrels, and other problems.
  • The furniture and things in the apartment are wet - grief will bring you to a serious state.
  • This also warns the dreamer about the appearance of many enemies or the refusal of help from the person you were counting on.
  • For women, a dream with such a plot warns that a major scandal is brewing in the family. Efforts must be made to prevent this from happening.
  • A flood in an apartment for a pregnant woman promises unrest, which can negatively affect the health of the unborn child. Try to restrain your emotions even in critical situations.

Dream details

  • The cause of the flood was a leaky roof - an unpleasant surprise.
  • You forgot to turn off the tap, your apartment was flooded - your mistakes could cause a deterioration in your financial stability.
  • During a flood, the water comes quickly - problems will grow like a snowball. Overcoming them will require immediate solutions.
  • The apartment was heated with clean water - to receive a large amount of news and information. It also portends positive changes in life.
  • The water was clean and came from above - to success at work, the growth of your authority and the respect of your colleagues.
  • Dirty water during a flood symbolizes difficult showdowns and quarrels.
  • Flooding of a house is often dreamed of by people who are in conflicting relationships with neighbors and relatives. Unexpected guests can also become a source of such dreams.
  • The flood is also dreamed of by those who easily succumb to their far-fetched needs. Such indecisive behavior can cause your failures and troubles for your relatives.
  • Such visions can warn of deteriorating health.
  • Dreams of this kind foreshadow a deterioration in your financial situation and possible loss of your job.

Minor flooding

The apartment suffered little damage from the flood; there was only water on the floor. This dream scenario is associated with family relationships. To prevent serious conflicts, they need to be resolved in a timely manner, otherwise everything may end sadly for you.

You've been flooded by your neighbors

  • This predicts overcoming difficult situations.
  • During this, the ceiling collapsed - possible loss of work or simply a reprimand from management.
  • The ceiling is getting wet before your eyes - you will have to defend your opinion in all possible ways. This is the only way you can overcome all difficulties.

Flood water levels matter

  1. If it reaches the windows, your secrets will become known to the people around you.
  2. I reached the very ceiling - to the future difficulties of life.
  3. Water covered only the floor in the apartment - new interesting news.
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The Flood dream is an ambiguous dream that is interpreted differently based on what you did in the dream and what the flood was like in your dream. A lot depends on what emotions you experienced when you saw a flood in a dream: positive or negative, admiration or fear. All this and much more will help you find the correct interpretation of your dream. All known dream books are collected here and answers to the most common questions after the dream “Flood” are given.

Autumn dream book

Why do you dream of a flood? This dream suggests that if there is a river nearby, it will overflow its banks.

Summer dream book

I dreamed of a flood - this dream is a symbol that the elements will begin to roam.

Children's dream book

  • The dream "flood" means that your life will change for the better. You will see clear progress, and luck will turn to face you.
  • Dream interpretation: a flood, a large wave that moves quickly and causes you fear in a dream - in real life it will be difficult for you to adapt to conditions that will change quickly, you will be at a loss all the time, but not for long. You don't need to waste time on various thoughts, take everything into your own hands, or otherwise miss your chance.

Women's dream book

  • If you dream of a flood on the street, in real life a catastrophe could happen that could lead to serious misfortunes.
  • To dream of a flood, a flood and people simply being carried away by the current - this dream foreshadows heavy losses.
  • The dream of "a flood in a city where the streets are covered with clean water" says that you will be able to find peace and prosperity after a long struggle. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of water, flooding and water rushing in a stormy stream - this dream is a harbinger of illness or a stop in things important to you.

Maly Velesov dream book

  • If you had a dream about “flood”, it means that a journey or a profitable business awaits you.
  • In a dream you dreamed of a flood with clean water - in reality you may encounter obstacles.
  • Dream interpretation: flood water, but it is cloudy in a dream - this dream is very bad.

Ancient Russian dream book

Interpretation of the dream: flood - adventures await you, and at the same time you can go broke.

Intelligent dream book

The flood and you were carried away by the wave - you will regret your past and at the same time repent.

Dream book for family

  • Meaning of the dream: flood - this dream foreshadows various unfavorable events.
  • Dream Interpretation: flood in the house - in reality you will experience big problems in your family life, and the situation will be so serious that you will think about your marriage. If you are not yet married, then you need to reconsider your relationship with your loved one.
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of water, flooding and muddy water - this dream suggests that you will have troubles related to your intimate life.
  • To dream of a flood, a flood and you are drowning - this dream is a warning. You need to take serious care of your health because you will get very sick.

Erotic dream book

Interpretation of sleep: flood - in reality you can change your usual image in your sex life. Or you will have a new sexual partner. But there is also a threat to change your orientation, but only if someone advises you.

Dream Interpretation by E. Tsvetkova

  • You dreamed of a flood in a city with clean water - you need a reprieve from business, but only temporary.
  • What does it mean if you dream of a flood with muddy water - you will feel a strange position in a strange place.
  • Fleeing from a flood in a dream, but being surrounded by water - in reality you will find yourself in luxury.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Why do you dream of a tsunami flood with clean water - you will experience some temporary interference in your business.
  • To dream of a flood with muddy water - you will find yourself in a strange place.
  • Dream: there is a flood on the street, but you are watching it from afar - this dream is a warning that an obsessive person will overtake you.
  • Dream Interpretation: flooding in the house up to the windows - this dream promises good luck. (cm. )

Spring dream book

Interpretation of the dream: flood - this dream symbolizes money.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • The dream “flood, flood with muddy water” foreshadows a distress or hopeless situation.
  • Dream interpretation: a flood in the sea with clean water - in real life a major acquisition awaits you. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: fleeing from a flood and the water begins to carry you away - big changes await you.
  • In a dream you dreamed of a flood, and you are drowning in it - it promises you wealth.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • Why do you dream of water, flood - this dream warns of emotions that you cannot control, and they will overwhelm you.
  • In a dream, you dreamed of a flood, but you watched it from afar - this dream is also a warning, but this time about dangerous connections or a bad acquaintance.
  • Dream Interpretation: the end of the world, a flood and it threatens your life - in reality you will endure suffering and losses that will change your life.

Dream Book of G. Miller

  • Dream Interpretation: a flood in a village in a dream - this dream speaks of a catastrophe that will lead to great misfortunes.
  • The dream “there is a flood in the street and you see how it is carrying people away” means in real life you will have to endure heavy losses and great hopelessness. This will make your life even sadder.
  • I dreamed of a lot of water, a flood - this dream foreshadows prosperity and peace, which you can find after fighting your fate.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a flood, and the water from the river carries you - this dream is a harbinger of a certain disease.

modern dream book

Seeing a flood in a dream - this dream promises a profitable business from which you can get rich.

Jewish dream book of Azar

Why do you dream of a flood, a deluge - the dream speaks of prosperity or even you will receive unexpected wealth.

Dream Interpretation of Yu.Longo

  • The dream “a flood, a tsunami and you suffered from it” says that in reality you too often have primary instincts that bring you and your loved ones grief. Advice: You need to try not to focus on what your instincts are saying and at the same time not to give in to their strength. You need to direct your energy in a direction that is peaceful and harmless to other people.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a flood and observing from the side - something global will happen in real life and it can destroy your principles.

Esoteric dream book

In a dream I dreamed of “flooding, experiencing panic” - this dream promises hopelessness.

ABC of dream interpretation

  • I had a dream “flood”, which warns of uncontrolled emotions that can overwhelm you.
  • Dream Interpretation: water, flood, but you see it from afar - this dream warns you of a dangerous connection.

American dream book

Interpretation of dreams: flood - in reality you will be overwhelmed with different feelings.

Vedic dream book

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a flood? This dream, especially for traders, speaks of successful trading. There may also be a journey waiting for you. But for ordinary people, this dream speaks of poor health.

Eastern dream book

  • The dream “flood in the city” says that you need to prepare for all the vagaries of fate.
  • Dream Interpretation: a flood, a big wave that washes you away in a dream - this dream foreshadows illness or financial loss.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

  • Seeing a flood from afar in a dream - the dream warns you that you may meet an obsessive person.
  • Dream interpretation: a flood, a flood that threatens you - in real life you may have a new idea.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Why do you dream of a flood, a deluge - this dream speaks of strong feelings that can overwhelm you. There is a possibility that some events may cause your emotions to be out of control and therefore harm you. If you had a dream about a flood, then it is best not to give free rein to your feelings in reality. You need to try to react calmly in any situation.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

  • The dream of a "flood in the city" predicts that in reality you may also find yourself in a place where a flood occurs.
  • Seeing a flood from afar in a dream means a big commotion awaits you in your home.

Freud's Dream Book

  • Why do you dream of a flood? This dream is a symbol of pregnancy.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a flood (for a woman) - either you or a loved one will become pregnant or you will give birth soon if you are already pregnant.
  • Dream interpretation: a lot of water, flood (for a man) - in reality you have a craving for pregnant women.
  • Seeing a flood in a dream and watching it (for a man) means in real life you want to have children.


To summarize all of the above, I would like to say once again that a flood in a dream usually means something bad, but, like any rule, there is an exception here too. Therefore, before looking for an interpretation of your dream, pay attention to the details of the dream.

Why do you dream of a flood on the street? In a dream, this plot can have completely opposite interpretations. You are destined for peace and profit from a profitable business, or, on the contrary, the collapse of all hopes. The dream book will help you find the most accurate interpretation of the image.

According to Miller

If you dreamed of a flood on the street, which gradually floods the area with seething waters, then Miller’s dream book is sure: a catastrophe will occur (not necessarily global), which will bring a lot of losses and sadness.

Happiness is near!

Seeing flooded fields and meadows in your dreams means peace and prosperity in your home.

Did you dream that clean waters flood huge areas? This means that after a long period of failures, real happiness and significant profits will come.

Get ready!

Why do you dream of a flood on the street that is already approaching the house? The dream book advises preparing for fateful trials and numerous hardships.

If water reached your feet in a dream, then in reality troubles will occur that will be related to real estate.

The worst thing is to feel that the water flow is washing you away too. This is a sign of a protracted illness, financial losses and constant conflicts.


Did you see a global flood outside? The dream book believes that you will admit your own mistakes and repent of them. Seeing how the stream carries away other characters in a dream is no better. This is a sign of bleak prospects and stagnation.

Why do you dream that you saved drowning people? A serious problem will distract you from completing an important activity, which will lead to its failure. Dead people floating around marks a period of total bad luck.

Be patient!

Did you dream of a huge flood? The dream book believes that hidden emotions are ready to come to the surface, which threatens you with big problems. Be tolerant and control yourself better.

In a dream, did a flood drown a railroad? Some event will completely disrupt your rosy plans.

If a flood has inundated an entire city and the water continues to rise, then hard work remains to be done, and the heart will be filled with anxiety and worry.

Dream day

  • On Monday - illness.
  • On Tuesday - insurmountable obstacles.
  • On Friday - a fruitless struggle.
  • On Saturday - competition, rivalry.
  • On Sunday - luxury, wealth.

What are you afraid of?

Why else do you dream of a flood on the street? From an esoteric point of view, the interpretation of the dream is as follows.

The vision may reflect the emotional chaos reigning in the soul as a result of the fact that you had to hide or restrain your own feelings. Sometimes in a dream this is a symbolic reflection of the fear of losing the meaning of life.

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

Dream Interpretation Flood

  • Observing a flood from afar is a warning against an obsessive person.
  • It threatens your life, and you escape from it - to re-give birth to a completely new course of life or thoughts / dream image of baptism and fear associated with the moment of “rebirth” / you hope to avoid responsibility.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Seeing a Flood in a dream

  • Seeing a city or village flooded with water in a dream foreshadows a disaster.
  • A dream in which vast spaces are flooded with clean water promises prosperity and peace.
  • People being carried away by floods dream of bereavement, sadness and a sense of hopelessness.
  • If you dreamed that a stormy stream of water was carrying you along with debris, beware of some kind of illness or suspension of something important to you.

Dream Interpretation: Ancient English Dream Book (Zadkiel's Dream Book)

Dream Interpretation Flood

  • For seafarers and gentlemen involved in shipping, seeing a flood in a dream is a good sign, promising successful trade and a safe voyage; but for all others who do not belong to these categories, it is a bad dream, foreshadowing illness, a lost lawsuit, as well as the evil actions of enemies who sow slander at every step.
  • If you have a loved one, your opponent can suddenly snatch the object of your adoration from your arms like a mad stream.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Book

Seeing a Flood in a dream

  • If you see how the water spills and covers more and more land, get ready for the vagaries of fate. It’s especially bad if a stream of water washes away you too - such a dream can portend illness, financial losses, or family troubles.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Flood

  • If in a dream you see a city or village being flooded by dark, seething waters, this means a catastrophe that will entail great misfortunes..
  • Seeing people being carried away by a flood foretells bereavement and deep hopelessness. - making life sad and useless.
  • Seeing vast spaces flooded with clean water promises prosperity and peace, gained after a seemingly hopeless struggle with fate.
  • If you dream that the stormy water of a flooded river is carrying you along with debris, this is a harbinger of illness or the suspension of something important to you.

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Flood?

  • clean water - temporary delay in business, temporary interference;
  • cloudy and overwhelmed - a strange situation in a strange place;
  • surrounded by water - to be in luxury.

Dream Interpretation: Vedic Dream Book of Sivananda

Dream Interpretation Flood

  • For traders, such a dream predicts successful trading and a safe journey. However, for ordinary people it promises poor health and difficult circumstances.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Flood

  • If in a dream you see water spilling and covering more and more land, then get ready for the vagaries of fate. It is especially bad if the flow of water washes away you, as it may mean that illness, financial losses, and family troubles await you. If you dream of a flood, flooding cities and villages with stormy streams, then in reality some kind of global disaster awaits you. To dream of people being washed away during a flood predicts bereavement and despair that will make life bleak and ruinous. A dream in which you see vast spaces flooded with clean water promises profit and peace after a seemingly hopeless struggle with fortune.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Flood?

  • Seeing - to panic, hopelessness.
  • If you find yourself in a flood, you may be overwhelmed by panic and group psychosis. Don't give in!

Dream Interpretation: Longo's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Flood

  • To suffer from a flood in a dream means that in real life you are often overwhelmed by primary instincts that bring a lot of grief to you and your loved ones. Our advice to you: try not to focus on what your base instincts dictate to you, and in no case succumb to their elemental power. Try to direct your energy in a direction that is more peaceful and harmless to others. Watching a flood from the side - a dream means that soon something global will happen in your life that will overturn the previous order and destroy all your principles.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Azar

Seeing a Flood in a dream

  • your plans will be late

Dream Interpretation: Erotic Dream Book of Danilova

Why do you dream about Flood?

  • Seeing a flood in a dream promises a change in your usual sexual lifestyle, which is associated with the emergence of a new sexual partner. There is a threat of changing your orientation, but only if something pushes you to such a decision, for example, if a representative of sexual minorities has his eye on you.

The dream book site - the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: V. Samokhvalov’s psychoanalytic dream book, Jung’s dream book, Martyn Zadeki’s dream book, dream book of Tarot symbols, Schiller-Shkolnik’s dream book, Denise Lynn’s dream book (short), old English dream book (Zedkiel’s dream book) , dream book of lucky omens, dream book of catch phrases, men's dream book, dream interpreter (1829), Miller's dream book, Italian dream book by Meneghetti, spiritual dream book, gypsy dream book, noble dream book by N. Grishina, Tsvetkov's dream book, Hasse's dream book, lunar dream book, new family dream book, dream book Longo, Nostradamus's dream book, psychotherapeutic dream book, Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti, and others.

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