November 10 is a holiday of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (Police Day)

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Today in Russia, a holiday is celebrated, which is historically customarily called the Day of the Police. After the well-known reform carried out several years ago, both the police itself and the former name of the holiday officially ceased to exist. As a result, a construction with a rather cumbersome name "Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation" appeared in the calendar of holidays of the power structures of our country. However, the renaming did not change the essence of the celebration.

In 2017, the holiday has its own anniversary. The fact is that it has been celebrated as a professional event since 1962 - 55 years ago - on the basis of a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The date has a historical reference to November 10 (new style) 1917, when the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Republic Alexei Rykov (the future chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR) put his signature on the resolution "On the Workers' Police".

All law enforcement officers on this holiday were congratulated by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Police General Vladimir Kolokoltsev:

I heartily congratulate you on the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation! This is a holiday for all those who have dedicated their lives to serving the people, the law and the Fatherland.

The profession of a police officer is one of the most important and necessary. The requirements for it have never depended on the time - it is always a high responsibility, honesty and courage.

Today, the staff of the ministry adequately responds to new criminal challenges and threats, fights against organized crime, terrorism and extremism, and ensures the economic and migration security of the state.

Thanks to your effective work, the level of protection of citizens is increasing and, as a result, the prestige of the department is growing.

On this day, we pay deep respect to our comrades who died in the line of duty, bow our heads before their feat and cherish the bright memory of the heroes.

I express my sincere gratitude to the veterans for their support and assistance in training, education and civil development of the young generation of law enforcement officers. Your experience, fidelity to duty and careful attitude to traditions are priceless for us.

I am sure that in the future the personnel will successfully solve the tasks entrusted to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, strengthen the confidence of their compatriots with their work and high results.

With all my heart I wish you and your families good health, happiness and prosperity!

"Military Review" joins these words and, for its part, congratulates all employees and veterans of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and the USSR, who stand (stood) on guard of law and order and the rule of law, on their professional holiday!

An employee of the internal affairs bodies of Russia / Photo:

Every year on November 10, our country celebrates professional holiday dedicated to employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation(until 2011 - Police Day).

The history of this holiday dates back to 1715. It was then that Peter I created a service for the protection of public order in Russia and called it "police", which in Greek means "government of the state."

In 1917, on November 10, immediately after the October Revolution, by a decree of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR, a workers' militia was created "to protect the revolutionary social order".

At first, the police were under the jurisdiction of local Soviets, then in the structure of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, and since 1946 - in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

For many years the holiday was called "Militia Day". After the entry into force of the new law "On Police" on March 1, 2011, the name of the holiday became obsolete. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2011 No. 1348, the holiday became known as the "Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation."

Special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs demonstrate their skills at the INTERPOLITEX exhibition / Photo: Vitaly Kuzmin

It so happened that the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs celebrates their professional holiday at the post, reliably guarding the quiet life and creative work of citizens. Employees of the internal affairs bodies successfully solve everyday tasks to protect the state and society from criminal encroachments.

For many years, one of the gifts for this professional holiday has been a big gala concert on television. Also on this day, many solemn and commemorative events take place, when they not only honor distinguished employees, but also congratulate veterans - former police officers and honor the memory of those who died in the line of duty.


Every year on November 10, our country celebrates a professional holiday dedicated to employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (until 2011 - Police Day).

The history of this holiday dates back to 1715. It was then that Peter I created a service for the protection of public order in Russia and called it "police", which in Greek means "government of the state."

In 1917, on November 10, immediately after the October Revolution, by a decree of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR, a workers' militia was created "to protect the revolutionary social order".

At first, the police were under the jurisdiction of local Soviets, then in the structure of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, and since 1946 - in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

For many years the holiday was called "Militia Day". After the entry into force of the new law "On Police" on March 1, 2011, the name of the holiday became obsolete. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2011 No. 1348, the holiday became known as the "Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation."

It so happened that the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs celebrates their professional holiday at the post, reliably guarding the quiet life and creative work of citizens. Employees of the internal affairs bodies successfully solve everyday tasks to protect the state and society from criminal encroachments.

For many years, one of the gifts for this professional holiday has been a big gala concert on television. Also on this day, many solemn and commemorative events take place, when they not only honor distinguished employees, but also congratulate veterans - former police officers and honor the memory of those who died in the line of duty.

The Police Day holiday is considered a symbol of trust and mutual respect of citizens and all employees of the internal affairs. On the day of the holiday, special attention is paid to those representatives of this profession who managed to distinguish themselves and stand out from the background of others with valor and courage.

The history of the emergence of the public order service dates back to 1715, when Peter I created such a service and called it "police", which means "government of the state". In subsequent years, this service changed its name many times until it came to its modern name.

On November 10, 1917, a decree was issued on the creation of a workers' militia, and since 1962, this day began to officially celebrate the Day of the Russian Militia.

Since 2011, the Day of the Internal Affairs Officer is a professional holiday for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Russian Federation.

The police in our time is busy with a very important matter - it ensures the peace and security of the citizens of our country, therefore the state constantly provides an increase in the level of knowledge of employees, conditions for improvement in the profession, and supplies a modern material and technical base.

Profession - Policeman

Ensuring public order. The profession requires intellectual, physical, neuropsychic costs from a specialist. Professional activity, first of all, implies coordination of work, coordination of actions, ensuring the correct and accurate functioning of the system. The specialist carries out activities both indoors at the workplace and outdoors.

For the successful implementation of activities, the exchange of information with colleagues is necessary. Usually professional communication takes place directly, with the help of technical means of communication.

The police officer is rightfully considered the central figure in the protection of public law and order. A lot depends on his professional skills and service skills, his ability to navigate in a difficult environment.

A lot has a policeman and rights. He can check the identity documents of citizens, demand that they comply with the order, deliver to the police station and detain for the prescribed period of persons who have committed administrative and criminal violations.

A police officer has the right to enter residential premises and premises occupied by organizations and enterprises, to use vehicles belonging to organizations and individuals.

Holidays are constant companions of people's life. Holidays for us are an opportunity to bring joy to loved ones! And of course, a holiday is not a calendar concept, it takes place where it is felt, where it is expected. Much has changed in our lives in recent years, but people's craving for holidays remains an important phenomenon for any person.

History of the Russian police

The day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation is a great occasion to look at the page of history.

The history of the Russian police dates back to the reign of Peter I. In 1715, the Emperor created a public order service in Russia and called it the police, which means "government of the state" in Greek. On September 8, 1802, under Alexander I, the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Empire was formed. The tasks of the Ministry, in addition to establishing and maintaining calm, ensuring fire safety, fighting fugitives and deserters, also included the construction of roads, overseeing shelters, it controlled trade, mail, medicine and monitored the payment of taxes. However, already in 1810, the leadership of the police was removed from the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Ministry of Police was created. On July 6, 1908, the existence of detective departments under the police departments of cities and counties engaged in operational-search activities was legally fixed.

The Workers' and Peasants' Militia (RKM) was created immediately after the October Revolution on November 10 (October 28, old style) 1917 to protect revolutionary public order. Citizens who had reached the age of 21, who recognized Soviet power, were literate and enjoyed the right to vote, were accepted into the militia. Each enrolled in the police gave a subscription to serve at least 6 months. Many city and county executive committees set up voluntary organizations to assist the Soviet militia (Voluntary Police Detachments, Friends of Public Order, etc.). The introduction of a uniform uniform for police officers increased its prestige in the eyes of workers.

During the years of the Civil War and intervention, police officers actively participated in hostilities and at the fronts.

In 1919, over 8,000 policemen were sent to the Red Army. In 1920, the entire militia of the front line took part in the battles against the troops of Wrangel and the White Poles: more than 3 thousand employees of the railway militia were sent to the Western Front.

The "Regulations on the Workers' and Peasants' Militia" dated June 10, 1920 established that the main units of the apparatus of the RCM are the city and county (general), industrial, railway, water (river and sea) and search police. The regulation defined the RCM as an armed executive body, having the value of armed special forces.

Many police officers for participation in military operations of the Great Patriotic War were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, orders and medals.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 1, 1988, the holiday was renamed Police Day.

The roots of the process of formation of the Soviet militia go back to the February Revolution in Russia. After the overthrow of the autocracy, the tsarist police were liquidated. The decision of the Provisional Government dated 03/06/1917 on the liquidation of the gendarmes corps, and on 03/10/17 on the abolition of the Police Department became the legal consolidation of the liquidation process. The replacement of the police by the "people's militia" was proclaimed.

The legal basis for the organization and activities of the militia was determined in the decrees of the Provisional Government "On the Approval of the Militia" and "Temporary Regulations on the Militia" issued on April 17, 1917. In its resolution, the Provisional Resolution tried to prevent the simultaneous existence of both the people's militia and the armed formations of workers that existed in this troubled time. The Soviets of Workers' and Peasants' Deputies that arose during the February Revolution, along with the people's militia, organized detachments of workers' militia and other armed formations of workers who guarded factories and plants and supervised the maintenance of public order. In the resolution "On the Approval of the Militia", the Provisional Government indicated that the appointment of the people's militia is carried out by the state administration. Thus, the people's militia, created immediately after the February Revolution, became an integral part of the state apparatus.

After the October Revolution, as it is now customary to say, the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets legally secured the formation of the Soviet state and secured the liquidation of the Provisional Government and its bodies locally and in the center. The central militia bodies ceased to exist on December 2, 1917. On the ground, everything depended on the will of the new "masters of life." In many cities and districts, the militia of the Provisional Government was disbanded, while in others it was reorganized under the leadership of semi-literate political workers.

The legal basis for the organization of the Soviet militia was the resolution of the NKVD "On the workers' militia" issued on 28.10 (10.11). 17. This resolution did not provide for the organizational forms of the police apparatus. This was connected, first of all, with the views of the ruling elite on the state system. These views consisted in the fact that with the demolition of the old state machine, first of all, the army and the police were liquidated, and their functions were transferred to the armed people. This view existed for some time after the October Revolution. This idea received organizational and legal expression in the fact that the formation of the workers' militia took place, as a rule, on the basis of voluntariness, and only in some cases the formation took place on the basis of the service introduced by the Soviets.

Due to the fact that the formations of the workers' militia did not have a permanent staff, they were in the nature of mass amateur organizations. However, the real state of affairs has shown the unviability of such an approach to the organization of ATS. The party leadership at that time had a sober mind and sound memory. Already in March 1918, the Commissar of the NKVD raised the question of organizing the Soviet militia on a full-time basis before the Government. This issue was considered at a meeting of the Government, and the NKVD was asked to develop and submit a draft regulation on the Soviet militia.

On May 10, 1918, the NKVD collegium adopted the following order: "The police exist as a permanent staff of persons performing special duties, the organization of the police must be carried out independently of the Red Army, their functions must be strictly delineated."

On May 15, this order was sent by telegraph to all the governors of Russia. On June 5 of the same year, the draft Regulations on the People's Workers' and Peasants' Protection (police) were published. It clarified and deciphered the order of the NKVD, which we quoted. Then, the congress of chairmen of the provincial Soviets, which took place from 30.07. on 08/01/18 "recognized the need to create a Soviet workers' and peasants' militia."

On August 21, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars considered the draft Regulations on the Soviet militia. The Council of People's Commissars instructed the NKVD, together with the NKJ, to rework the draft into an instruction, adapting it (the instruction) to the performance of the direct duties of the police. And, finally, on October 21, 1918, the NKVD and the NKJ approved the Instruction on the organization of the Soviet worker-peasant militia. On October 15, 1918, this instruction was sent to the provincial and district police departments. She established the organizational and legal forms of the police for the entire Russian Federation. The central body of the Soviet militia became the Main Directorate of Militia. It carried out: general management of the activities of the Soviet police; publication of orders and instructions defining the technical and, of course, the political aspects of the work; supervision over the activities of the militia, etc.

For many years the holiday was called "Militia Day". After the entry into force of the new law "On Police" on March 1, 2011, the name of the holiday became obsolete. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2011 No. 1348, the holiday became known as the "Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation."

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