Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic “Winter. Speech therapy lesson "Zimushka - winter" in the senior group

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Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 418", Perm

(MADO "Kindergarten No. 418", Perm)

"Winter in nature"

Lexical topic “WINTER IN NATURE”

Children must learn: change of seasons, main signs of winter, winter fun; preparing people and animals for winter.

New vocabulary: winter, season, cold, drifts, winter fun, skis, sleds, snowballs, December, January, February, snow, snowflakes, blizzard, blizzard, ice, icicles, wintering birds, bullfinch, tit, sparrow, goldfinch, cold; freeze, spin; fluffy, icy, snowy, frosty, squeaky, cold.

    Find out if your child knows what time of year it is. Ask your child questions about winter and explain that you need to answer them in complete sentences. For example: - What time of year is it now? - It's winter now. - Why do you think so? Try to list all the signs of winter:

    The ground is covered with snow, and the rivers and lakes are covered with ice. It became cold, there was frost outside.

    Strong winds blow, there are often snowstorms and snowfalls.

    The nights are long and the days are short.

    People put on warm winter clothes.

    Children sled, ski, skate, make snowmen, build snow forts, and play snowballs.

    Find out if the child knows the names of the winter months. The following quatrain will help you remember them.

December January February

They pass in succession

With frost, with snow,

Happy Christmas star.

    Invite your child to do the “Before - Between - After” exercise. What month is before January? What month is after January? What month is between February and December?

    Ask your child the meaning of the words “ ice", snowfall", "blizzard", blizzard"

    Help your child choose as many adjectives for each noun as possible.

Winter (what?) is cold, frosty, snowy, long, protracted...

Snow (what?) – white, soft, clean, light, fluffy, cold.

Snowflakes (what?) – white, light, patterned, beautiful, cold, fragile.

Icicle (what?) – hard, smooth, cold, sharp, shiny.

Ice (what kind?) – smooth, shiny, cold, hard.

Weather (what?) ...

    Explain to your child that the birds that spend the winter with us are called winter birds. Look at the images with him crows, magpies, sparrows, doves, bullfinch,tits, goldfinches. Let the child point out and name the birds. Invite him to write a short story about each bird based on the model. For example. This is a magpie. It's big, black and white. She has a round black head, an oval white and black body, a long black tail, and large black and white wings. The magpie has black eyes and a strong beak.

    Invite your child to play the game “Name it kindly”

Snow - snowball.

Freezing - …

Blizzard - …

Sun - …

    Game “Which from what?” will help train your child in the formation of quality adjectives.

A snow slide (what kind?) - snowy.

Ice path (what?) -...

Frosty weather (what?) -...

    Practice your child in selecting antonyms by inviting him to play the game “Say it the other way around.”

In summer the days are hot and in winter the days are cold.

In summer the sky is bright, and in winter -...

In summer the days are long, and in winter -...

In summer the sun shines brightly, and in winter...

In spring, the ice on the river is thin, and in winter -...

The snow is soft and the ice... -...

Some icicles are long, while others are...

    Ask your child to retell the story “Winter”

The sun is shining, but it does not warm. Snowing. Blizzards are blowing. The night became long and the day short. The trees are bare, only pine and spruce remain green. The rivers were covered with ice. People put on fur coats, fur hats, warm boots, and mittens. A cold and harsh winter has arrived.

    “What about yesterday?”(use of verbs in the past tense)

Today the snow sparkles, but yesterday...(glittered)

Today it's snowing, but yesterday...

Today the snow sparkles, but yesterday...

Today the snow is melting, but yesterday...

Today the snow crunches, but yesterday...

It's snowing today, but yesterday...

Today it's snowing, but yesterday...

Today the snow is swirling, but yesterday...

    Finger gymnastics “Winter”

One two three four five, Bend your fingers one at a time.

We went for a walk in the yard. They walk along the table and point. and middle fingers

They sculpted a snow woman, “Make” a lump with two palms.

The birds were fed crumbs, “Crumble” the bread with all your fingers.

Then we rode down the hill, They issue a decree. finger on the palm.

And they were also lying in the snow. Palms are placed on the table of one and the other


Everyone came home covered in snow. They shake off their palms.

We ate soup and went to bed. “Eating soup with a spoon”


  • Correctional and educational: distinguishing sounds by ear and pronunciation in syllables, words and sentences; consolidating the skills of sound analysis and synthesis, consolidating ideas about winter and its signs, clarifying and improving the grammatical structure of speech.
  • Correctional and developmental: development of phonemic perception, development of visual and auditory attention, thinking; coherent speech; articulatory, fine and gross motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, development of speech breathing, development of a lexical vocabulary on the topic “Winter”.
  • Correctional and educational: formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence. Fostering love and respect for nature.

Equipment: Presentation, recording of Tchaikovsky's music, ball, cotton wool, mirrors, pens, notebooks, strips for drawing up sentence diagrams.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment

Psycho-gymnastics. Strengthening emotional contact.

Speech therapist:

One two three four five
Stand in a circle to play.

(Children stand in a circle with the speech therapist, calm, quiet music sounds).

A new day has come.

I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other. We are calm and kind, we are friendly and affectionate. We are healthy. Take a deep breath through your nose and breathe in freshness, kindness, beauty. And through your mouth, breathe out all the grievances and disappointments. (Children breathe in and out)

Now, let's wish each other good morning, and a balloon will help us do this. (Children pass the ball, addressing each other by name and wishing good morning)

Children: Good morning, Dima! Good morning, Alina!

II. Report on the topic of the lesson. Characteristics of sounds based on articulatory and acoustic characteristics.


Speech therapist: Guys, guess the riddle:

It's getting cold
The water turned into ice
Long-eared gray bunny
Turned into a white bunny
The bear stopped roaring
A bear hibernated in the forest
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen?

Children: in winter

Slide 1. Winter.

Speech therapist: Tell me, what sound is heard at the beginning of the word winter?

Sound [z].

Describe the sound [z]. Tell me how to pronounce the sound [z]?

The lips stretch, the tongue behind the lower teeth.

So what is he like?


Now let's close our ears and determine whether he is voiced or deaf?

Now let's determine how the sound is heard [z] in the word winter – hard or soft? Soft.

In which winter house does sound live? [z]?

III. Development of phonemic hearing. Pronunciation of sounds in words.

Slide 2.

In green.

Speech therapist: Now pronounce the syllables the way I pronounce them.


Speech therapist: Now let's play the game "Echo". I will pronounce the syllables with a hard sound, and you with a soft sound.

Zy - ... zy
For - ... for
Zo - ... ze
Zu - ... zu

Today you and I will pronounce words with the sound [z] and go for a walk into a winter fairy tale.

IV. Selection of comparisons.

The music of Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” sounds. November".

Speech therapist: Look out the window, it's actually winter here. When I look out a winter window at a blizzard, the whirling snow whirlwinds, their enchanting dance, I imagine a theater and see a dancing ballerina. Let's come up with such beautiful comparisons together: I will name some action for you, and you will name a similar action that occurs in nature in winter: for example: a ballerina is spinning - snowflakes are spinning

Slide 3.

A bird flies - flies... snow

Slide 4.

A man blows - the wind blows

Slide 5.

The ballerina is spinning - snowflakes are spinning

Slide 6.

The wolf howls - the blizzard howls

Slide 7.

The villain is angry - angry... frost

Slide 8.

Say kind words about winter (winter, winter, winter). Zimushka-winter invites us to take a walk in the winter forest. Which forest will we go to?

Slide 9.

In winter.

What clothes will we wear?

What boots will we wear?

What hat will we wear?

Which road will we take?

Slide 10.

In winter.

Speech therapist: Walking through the winter forest, you can easily get sick. But we are not afraid of colds. Why? (We do breathing exercises, take vitamins, eat garlic, onions, pour cool water on our hands). We also do the Neboleyka massage.

V.Massage of biologically active points "Neboleyka".

The music of Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” sounds. November".

To prevent your throat from hurting, we will stroke it boldly(stroking the neck from top to bottom with palms)
To avoid coughing or sneezing, you need to rub your nose(use your index finger to rub the wings of your nose)
We will also rub our forehead, hold our palm with a visor(put your palms to your forehead and rub)
Make a “fork” with your fingers, massage your ears and neck(Rub the points in front and behind the ears and neck)
We know, we know, yes, yes, yes, we don’t have a cold scary (rubbing both palms).

VI.Pronunciation of sounds [з], [з] in words and phrases.

Finally, we are in the forest. Look how handsome he is. In winter the forest looks fabulous. What forest are we in?

Slide 11.

Can you feel how cold it is? Let's imagine that our hands are very cold and we need to warm them up.

VII. Breathing exercise.

Let’s warm our hands, breathe warm air on our palms: “H-h-h” and rub our palms.

What kind of air do we breathe in winter?

Winter, frosty air.

Now let’s do the “Boy-finger” finger exercises.

VIII. Finger gymnastics “Finger boy”.

Finger-boy, where have you been (we bend our fingers one by one, starting with the thumb)
Where did you go with your brothers?
With this I was lying in the snow
I rode downhill with this
I walked through the forest with this
I played snowballs with this
We are all finger friends
Where they are, there I am!

IX. Selection of verbs, adjectives and participles of nouns.

Slide 12.

Speech therapist: “Oh, winter-winter! I covered all the roads!” what has winter done to the roads?

I swept it, threw it, threw it. What did winter do to the forest?

She bewitched and powdered.

What did the forest become?

Enchanted, fairytale, snowy

And now we will perform the “Snowflakes Are Flying” exercise with cotton wool.

X. Physical education lesson “Winter”.

The music of Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” sounds. November".

Speech therapist: We've been walking for a long time and we're tired. Let's take a little rest .

Winter has finally come, stand up, arms to the sides
The houses turned white arms above head, palms together
It's snowing outside, stand up, move your arms from top to bottom
The janitor sweeps the street portray
We're sledding portray
We write circles on the skating rink, hands behind your back, turns around
We're good at skiing, portray
And we all play snowballs! tilt, sit down, stand up, pretend to throw into the distance

XI. Sound-letter analysis of the word “Winter”.

Speech therapist: So, guys, we visited the winter forest and saw a lot of interesting things. Now, look at these scattered letters and try to form a word.

Slide 13.


What happened?


Tell me how many sounds are in a word WINTER, how many letters?

Slap the word WINTER by syllables, how many syllables?

Two syllables.

What sound is stressed in the word? WINTER?

On [A].

Now make a sentence on the topic WINTER.

Children's answers.

XII. Analysis and synthesis of proposals.

Slide 14.

We walked through the winter forest.
/_ _____ _ _____ ____ .
/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

XIII. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: So, guys, what did we talk about in today's lesson?

What should you do to avoid getting sick in winter?

What happens in nature in winter?

Well done, you all answered well. This concludes the lesson.

Used Books:

  1. Volkova L.S. Speech therapy. – Moscow, Education, 1989.
  2. Lalaeva R.I. Speech therapy work in correctional classes. – Moscow, Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2004.
  3. Tkachenko T.A. Speech and motor skills. – Moscow, EKSMO, 2007.
  4. Pozhilenko E.A. The magical world of sounds. – Moscow, VLADOS, 2002.



Summary of lexical and grammatical lessons

Theme: "Winter"

Prepared by:

Teacher-speech therapist Kulikova S.V.

Theme: "Winter"

Goals : updating the speech capabilities of children with visual impairments and general speech underdevelopment during the study of lexical topics:"WINTER"


Correctional and educational:

To consolidate ideas about winter and its signs. Clarify and activate vocabulary on the topic"Winter": winter, snow, snowflake, Snow Maiden, Snowman, snowfall, bullfinch; sparkling, sparkling, crispy, sticky, cold, fluffy, snowy; walk,dig, roll, sculpt, roll.

Improve the grammatical structure of speech: consolidate the ability to form words with the same root (snow, snowflake, snowfall, Bullfinch).

Practice using singular and plural nouns.

Strengthen the ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives, participles, and numerals.

Improve the ability to write a descriptive story based on a plot picture.

Secure the general meaning of the word"winter". Learn to identify the signs of winter.

Correctional and developmental:

Develop visual, auditory attention and perception.

Develop mobility of facial-articulatory muscles;

Develop clarity of articulatory positions of the lips and tongue;

Improve coordination of finger movements;

Develop correct speech breathing;

Develop intonation expressiveness of the voice; the ability to express your feelings and emotions; improve the plasticity of movements.


Develop skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, and initiative.

Foster love and respect for nature.

Equipment: individual mirrors, cards with images of a cheerful and sad snowman, “snowflakes” for the development of speech breathing, subject and subject pictures.

Progress of the lesson:

    Organizing time.

Speech therapist: During the lesson we will talk about winter, and a fairy-tale hero will help us. Guess who it is?

What kind of person made it into the twenty-first century?

Nose is a carrot, in hand is a broom afraid of the sun and heat? (Snowman)

    Progress of the lesson

1.Development of fine motor skills

Perform movements with fingers and hands in accordance with the content of the poem.

We went for a walk in the yard

One two three four five,(Fold your fingers one at a time.)

We came to the yard for a walk.

They sculpted a snow woman.(Imitate making snowballs.)

The birds were fed crumbs,(Crush the bread with all your fingers.)

Then we rode down the hill.(Lead with the index finger of your right hand

on the palm of the left hand.)

And they were also lying in the snow.(Put your palms on the table alone,

then the other side.)

Everyone came home covered in snow,(Shake off your palms.)

We ate soup and went to bed.(Make movements imaginary

spoon, place your hands under your cheeks.) N. Nishcheva

2. Facial exercises

Express the mood and actions of Winter with facial expressions, gestures and movements. So Winter the Sorceress dressed the trees and bushes in white clothes and strewn the ground with sparkles and silver. But the angry Winter the old woman froze birds, people and animals, and bound the rivers with ice. Convey the angry intonation of Santa Claus.

Santa Claus slept in bed,

He stood up, jingling his icicles: -

Where are you, blizzards and blizzards?

Why don't you wake me up?

    Development of visual attention. Activation of the dictionary. Development of coherent speech.

Game “What did the artist mix up?” (Children don’t ride bicycles in winter. The bear sleeps in a den. Birds don’t build nests in winter. Leaves don’t bloom on the trees. Children don’t sunbathe on the beach.

4. Exercise to develop the muscles of the tongue.

"Icicle" : Stick your “sharp” tongue out of your mouth as far as possible and hold it in this position (counting up to “six to eight”).Ice sled. Make the tongue “cup”.

"Slide for descent" : Open your mouth, lower your tongue behind your lower teeth, bend the back of your tongue into a “hill”.

"Sleigh" : The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Press the lateral edges of the tongue tightly against the upper molars, bend the back down, the tip is free. Move back and forth, the lateral edges of the tongue should slide over the molars. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move and that the lips do not touch the teeth.

"Hurricane Wind" : The mouth is open. The tongue is hanging out of the mouth. Raise and lower the tip of the tongue.

5.Development of speech breathing and voice "Snowstorm"

Snowstorm . Old, gray-haired, with an icy stick, Vyuga hobbles like Baba Yaga. The blizzard howls: “Z-z-z-z-z.” (With increased sound.) The forest groaned from the blizzard: “M-mm-mm-mm-mm.” (Quietly, in a high voice.) The oak trees groan heavily: “M-mm-mm-mm-mm.” (Loudly, in a low voice.) The birch trees moan: “M-mm-mm-mm-mm.” (Quietly, in a high voice.) The spruce trees make noise: “Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh.” The blizzard subsides: “S-s-s-s-s.”

6. Dictionary activation

Bunnywrites a letter to friends living in the south. They don't know what winter is. HelpBunnychoose the right words.

The long-awaited (what?) ...winter has arrived.

A cold (what?) ... wind is blowing.

The frost is getting stronger (what?)...

The days have become very short (what?)...

The nights have become long.

Beautiful, light (what?) ... snowflakes are spinning.

The frost drew (what?) ...patterns on the glass.

There are snow (what?) ... snowdrifts on the ground.

There is thick (what?) ... ice on rivers and ponds.

7. Development of word formation skills.

Speech therapist: The snowman invites us to become poets. You know who poets are. We will try to compose a poem. I'll start, and you continue.

Quietly, quietly, as in a dream, it falls to the ground...(snow). Silvery fluffs (snowflakes) keep sliding from the sky. Everything is falling towards the village, towards the meadow (snowball).

He covered the earth with white, clean, soft bed... (snowy).

This is fun for the guys - everything is getting stronger... (snowfall).

It’s like…(snowman) dressed up in a white down jacket.

Nearby is a snowy figure: it’s a girl... (Snow Maiden).

In the snow, look - with a red breast... (bullfinches).

As if in a fairy tale, as in a dream, the whole earth was decorated with...(snow).

Speech therapist: Well done, you came up with a good idea and found the right answers. (Name the words again.) Now tell me, what connects these words together, how are they similar? (From the wordsnow.)

8. Development of vocabulary.

Choose as many words and definitions as possible:

Winter (what?) ... (cold, snowy, angry, blizzard)

Snow (what?) ...

Ice (what kind?)…

9. Development of speech breathing.

Breathing exercise"Snowstorm".

And in winter, a strong wind blows and a blizzard swirls. Now we will blow on the snowflakes so that they spin in the air.(Blow a thin stream onto the snowflakes.)

10.Learning a poem using a mnemonic table.

11. Development of coherent speech. Compiling complex sentences.

People wear warm clothes in winter because... (cold, frosty).

The girls wet their mittens because... (they were making a Snowman).

The bunny changed his gray coat to white because... (it is not noticeable in the snow).

The children made feeders because... (the birds have nothing to eat).

12. Development of coherent speech. Logical thinking. Making sentences based on the picture: Who eats what?

13. Development of visual attention. Development of grammatical categories: agreement of nouns with numerals.

How many birds did Nikita see near the feeder?

12. Development of coherent speech. Compiling a story based on the plot picture “Winter in the city”

Winter came. White fluffy snow fell. Houses, trees, roads are covered with a blanket of snow. The children were happy. They put on warm jackets, hats, mittens and ran on their faces. The guys were making a Snowman. The children sledded and skated. Fun in winter!

(The story can be compiled with the help of picture prompts, based on leading questions).

    Bottom line.

The snowman really enjoyed the story and the winter adventures. He decided to give the children coloring pictures.

Sections: Speech therapy

  1. Consolidate and generalize knowledge on the topic “Winter” (signs of winter, wild animals in winter, children’s fun in winter), continue to develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.
  2. Involve parents in the educational process and expand their understanding of game techniques for performing articulation, breathing exercises, and visual gymnastics.
  3. Create emotional contact in the classroom between parents and children, a sense of belonging to the group.

Participants of the lesson: teacher - speech therapist, teacher - psychologist, children, parents.


– multimedia;
– items: bullfinch, swallow, hat, Panama hat, sweater, sundress, ball, sled, felt boots, sandals, white hare, gray hare, skis, watering can, ice sled, skates;
– pictures: winter, summer;
– individual mirrors, candies, “magic snowflake”, sets of geometric shapes, sheets of cardboard.

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time.

Final part (summarizing)

Speech therapist. It's time for us to return home from the winter forest (Slide). We have completed all the tasks of the magic snowflake correctly, which means that everything we have planned will come true. Let's do this: (Slide), (calm music sounds).

Exit from class (psychologist) Cognitive exercise “Cup of Kindness” (emotional development)

Psychologist. Sit comfortably, close your eyes. Imagine your favorite cup in front of you. Mentally fill it to the brim with your kindness. Imagine another, someone else’s cup next to you, it’s empty. Pour into it from your cup of kindness. There are still empty cups nearby. Pour kindness from your cup into empty ones. Don't be sorry! Now look into your cup. Is it empty, full? Add your kindness to it. You can share your kindness with others, but your cup will always remain full. Open your eyes. Calmly and confidently say: “It’s me! I have such a cup of kindness!”

Org. moment: now the one who can name 2 signs of winter will sit down.

Main part: Guess who came to visit us today.

Fluffy lump

Little white tail,

Sitting under the tree

He wiggles his ears. Fluff the Bunny is visiting. We look at his tail, his long ears, how fluffy he is.

Finger gymnastics

I dig, I dig a snowball with a shovel,

(we imitate digging with a shovel) I’ll build a little house out of snow.

(hands above your head in the form of a roof) I will cut out both windows and doors in it,

(first hands horizontally opposite each other, then vertically) I’ll clean the paths and sprinkle them with sand.

(we stroke the table with our palms, sprinkle a pinch) And I’ll say to the bunny: “Come live with me!”

(index and middle fingers are like the ears of a hare, beckoning with your palm) We will, little bunny, be friends with you!

(for each word, the palms greet each other) Fluff the Bunny was born just recently and has never seen winter. Let's tell him about winter (we repeat the signs of winter previously worked out in the group). And what are these white fluffs falling from the sky? (snowflakes)

Breathing exercises “Snowflakes”:

Snowflakes are spinning, snowflakes are flying,

Snowflakes want to come down to the ground.

We completely froze our tongue with the icy winter wind. Let's warm him up a little.

Articulation gymnastics

“Cleaning the snow”: “combing” the tongue with the upper teeth.
“Smoothing the path”: knock your upper teeth on your tongue with the syllable YES.
“Slide”: the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, the back arches like a slide.
“The sled is sliding down the hill”: in the “Hill” position, we “comb” the back of the tongue with our upper teeth.
“Drinking tea”: hold the tongue in the shape of a cup while counting, put it in your mouth and blow (sound Ш).
“Delicious honey”: lick your upper lip with your wide tongue from top to bottom.

Related words. Conversation about the name of the bunny “Fluff” (statement of the problem): why did the mother hare name the bunny that? The teacher explains what related words are and selects others for the word “fluff”: fluffy, down jacket, down jacket, etc.
I wonder if the word “snow” has related words? Children independently select related words for the word snow (snowball, snowflake, snowman, Snow Maiden, snowy, snowdrop, Snow Queen, Snezhana...).

The house is given the task of finding related words to the word “frost”.


Our Fluffy is completely frozen from such snowy conversations, let's warm up a little together. What wonderful holiday do we have in winter? (New Year) And who comes to us then? (Father Frost):

Don't freeze us, Santa Claus!
Come on, everyone grab your nose!
There is no need for us to beat our heads.
Well, everyone grabbed their ears.
Twisted and turned
So your ears are warmed up.
They knocked on my knees,
They shook their heads,
Patted on the shoulders
And they sank a little.

Sound analysis ( with individual visual models of vowel sounds from ornamental foam according to Tkachenko’s method, children click on them and sing):

The bunny squeals: “Eee.” “Oooh,” howls the wolf.
Game "Guess who's singing."
How can a wolf and a hare sing together? (swap sounds).
“Catch the sound at the beginning of words” – show the icon. Example words: duck, street, corner, coal, fishing rod, dinner, knot, beehive, Ira, Igor, willow, name, iris, frost, spark.

Outdoor game “Snow” (practical mastery of simple prepositions, development of attention):
Snow on the Christmas tree (join hands above head)
Snow under the tree (sit down).
Snow on the hill (join hands above head).
Snow under the hill (sit down).
And a bear sleeps in a den (palms under the cheek).
Quiet, quiet, don't make noise! (the children run away, and the bear catches them).

To summarize: Who came to us? What time of year did we tell Fluffy about? What words are there? Let's say goodbye to Pushok and invite him to visit us again.

Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, speech therapist classes
Title: Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson on the topic “Winter”

Position: speech therapist teacher
Place of work: MADOU No. 39, Tomsk
Location: Tomsk city

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