The procedure for organizing work according to work order. Who is the permitter in the clearance order? Responsibilities and rights Who are the issuing outfit, admitting observer

home / Psychology

Classification of premises and electrical installations according to the degree of electronics. danger.

The state of the surrounding air, as well as the surrounding environment, can increase or decrease the risk of electric shock. Thus, dampness, conductive dust, caustic vapors and gases have a destructive effect on the insulation of the EC-IC, sharply reducing its resistance and creating a threat of voltage transfer to the housings, frames, casings and similar non-current-carrying metal parts of the EC-IC that can be touched by a person. Depending on certain conditions that increase the danger of exposure to electric current on a person, different rooms have different degrees of danger of electric shock - some are greater, others are less. Rooms without increased danger include dry, dust-free rooms with normal air temperature, with insulated floors, in which there are no grounded objects or very few of them. In other words, this is a room in which there are no signs characteristic of high-risk and especially dangerous rooms. Premises with increased danger include premises: damp ones in which the relative air humidity exceeds 75% for a long time; hot in which, under the influence of various thermal radiation, the air temperature exceeds constantly or periodically for more than 1 day. 35C; dusty with conductive dust in which, due to production conditions, conductive process dust (coal or metal, etc.) is released; With conductive floors - metal, earthen, reinforced concrete, brick. Particularly dangerous premises include: particularly damp ones, i.e. rooms in which the relative air humidity is close to 100%; with a chemically active or organic environment that constantly or for a long time contains aggressive vapors, gases, liquids, deposits or mold are formed that have a destructive effect on the insulation and live parts of the electrical equipment; Having two or more characteristics characteristic of high-risk premises.

Organizational measures to ensure the safety of work during complete or partial stress relief.

1) Registration of work by order or work permit

2) Registration of permission for the team to work

3) Supervision during work

4) Registration of breaks and transfer to another workplace in the work order

5) Stopping work

6) Closing the job

A work order is required when working with complete or partial voltage relief, as well as when working without removing U, located near live parts.

Work order – a written work permit issued on a special purpose. a form indicating:

Start and end time of work

Place of work

Brigade composition

Conditional security

The persons responsible for the safety of work in the electrical installation are indicated.

An order is an oral or written assignment for work, drawn up in an operational journal indicating the location, composition of the team and the person in charge.

The order is issued by operational repair personnel with a group by email without 5.

Responsible persons:

Person issuing the order/order

Performance Manager

Producer of works


Workers who are part of the team.

The right to issue an order belongs to a person of administrative and technical personnel with tolerance group 5 (above 1000V), 4 (less than 1000V). The list of such persons is specified by the chief power engineer of the enterprise.

Technical measures to ensure the safety of work during complete and partial stress relief.

Technical measures are aimed at ensuring the safety of personnel when performing work with complete or partial voltage relief from the power plant. Such events are:

a) making the necessary shutdowns and taking measures to prevent erroneous or spontaneous activation of switching equipment (blocking, mechanical locking of drives, removing fuses, etc.);

b) hanging portable safety posters and, if necessary, installing temporary fences;

c) checking the absence of voltage on live parts of the installation intended for operation;

d) application of temporary grounding.

Safety shutdown

Fast-acting protection system - all phases of the power plant are turned off if there is a danger of electric shock in them.

A) Circuits that respond to housing voltage refer to ground.

Sensor - voltage relay Provide protection against solid ground faults. Used in networks with solidly grounded and insulated neutral at any voltage.

“-” It is necessary to install additional grounding. Lack of self-control. Cannot be used when there is a metal connection between the housing and the ground.

B) Circuits that respond to ground fault current.

Sensor - current relay. Provide protection against solid ground faults. Used in networks with solidly grounded and insulated neutral at any voltage.

“+” No auxiliary grounding.

“-” Lack of self-control. Cannot be used when there is a metal connection between the housing and the ground.

IN) Circuits responsive to zero sequence voltage.

The sensor is a zero-sequence filter connected between the mains phases and the ground.

Protection against dead short circuits to ground and against touching non-current-carrying parts that are energized.

“-” does not provide protection against contact with a phase, against leaks, and does not monitor insulation. Increased danger with low filter resistance. False positives when the filter resistance is large. Insensitive to asymmetrical reduction of phase insulation. Lack of self-control.

“+” With an insulated neutral, it clearly triggers in case of solid ground faults, regardless of everything.

G) Circuits that respond to phase voltage refer to ground.

In circuits of this type, the sensors are voltage relays connected to the phases and the ground and monitoring the phase voltage relative to the ground, which in the normal state is close to the phase voltage of the power source. In case of damage, the phase voltage is reduced, and when the phase voltage< напряжения уставки, сеть отключается.

In this circuit, self-control is carried out in the following way: If the circuit of one of the relays breaks, the voltage is removed from it and the circuit breaks.

The circuit provides protection against solid ground faults.

“+” Self-control. "-" 3 relays are needed.

Setpoint voltage = 0.5 line line voltage.

D) Circuits responsive to zero sequence current.

Sensor – zero sequence CT.

Used in networks with grounded neutral. When a leak occurs due to a fault to the frame or ground, leakage current flows. A mismatched current occurs in the primary winding as a result of a shift in the zero point. This current induces electromagnetic Field, a current appears in the secondary winding proportional to the leakage current. The relay is activated when the set current is reached. The response time does not exceed 0.2 s.

The circuit provides protection against dead and incomplete ground faults, protection against touch voltage to a grounded frame, and against touch to one of the phases. The setting is accepted = the minimum permissible leakage current.

“+” Independence from grounding

“-” Lack of self-control, complexity of design.

Used in networks with solidly grounded neutral, insulated. neutral with neutral conductor.

E) Valve circuits.

The sensor is made in the form of valve systems that rectify the current in the relay circuit - network isolation.

The rectified current passes through the network insulation and the relay winding, therefore depending on the total ohmic resistance of the network. The higher the insulation level, the lower the current level. When the current exceeds the setting, the protection relay is activated and shuts down the network.

This circuit protects against solid ground faults and automatically monitors network insulation.

“+” High sensitivity, simplicity, protection from damage when touching one of the phases.

AND) Circuits based on rectified operational current.

The galvanometer current is superimposed on the network, flows through the network, when a leakage current appears, the total current flowing through the protection relay decreases, the relay operates.

“+” High sensitivity, simplicity, protection from damage when touching one of the phases. Self-control.

“-” Not selective, not used in networks with a solidly grounded neutral, lack of self-control, and the possibility of injury from rectified current with low relay resistance.

Scope of protection schemes and basic requirements for them.

A) Switch-off time at U<1000В <=0,2с; Время отключения при U>1000V<=0,12с

B) Reliability: no failures, no false shutdowns, self-monitoring.

IN) High sensitivity, input signal current is less than a few milliamps, voltage less than tens of volts.

G) Selectivity, the RCD device should only disconnect the damaged area.

D) Simplicity, convenience, economy.

RCDs are used for mobile devices with voltages up to 1000V. As an addition to zeroing for remote EO. Electrified hand tools in case of impossibility of performing protective grounding.

For subway requirements, see question No. 3, electrification.

7. Electrical protective equipment. Rules of application and general requirements for electrical protective equipment.

Electrical protective equipment refers to portable and transportable products that serve to protect people working in electrical installations from exposure to electricity. current, el. arcs, electric fields.

The EU uses:

1) Means of protecting people from electrical damage. electric shock

2) Means of protecting people from electricity. fields of high intensity (in power plants >330 kV).

3) Personal protective equipment.

Electrical protective equipment includes:

1) Insulating rods of all types.

2) Insulating pliers.

3) Voltage indicators

4) Voltage presence indicators.

5) Devices to ensure the safety of work during measurements and tests in electrical installations.

6) Dielectric boots, galoshes, gloves.

7) Dielectric stands, insulating mats.

8) Safety barriers.

9) Insulating linings and caps.

10) Hand-held isolating tool.

11) Portable grounding.

12) Safety posters.

13) Installation ladders.

electrical protective equipment is divided into:

1) Basic - such means, the insulation of which can withstand the operating voltage of the plant for a long time and which allows you to touch live parts that are energized.

These include at U > 1000V: insulating rods, clamps, voltage indicators, devices and devices to ensure work safety.

At U< 1000В: изолирующие штанги, клещи, указатели напряжения, электроизмерительные клещи, диэлектрические перчатки, ручной изолирующий инструмент.

2) Additional – such means that are in addition to the main ones and the insulation of which is not designed for long-term operation under operating voltage.

These include at U > 1000V: dielectric gloves, boots, carpets and stands, insulating pads and caps, portable grounding, potential equalization rods, ladders and stepladders.

At U< 1000В: диэлектрические калоши, боты, ковры и подставки, изолирующие накладки и колпаки, лестницы и стремянки.

Basic electrical protective equipment is tested at elevated voltage, the value of which depends on the operating voltage of the power plant in which they are used.

Additional electrical protective equipment is tested with increased voltage, the value of which does not depend on the operating voltage of the power plant in which they are used.

Insulating rods:

Operational, intended for operations in the control room: incl. and off Single and multi-cavity knives, for operations with disconnectors, for determining the location of loosening of insulation, the degree of heating of live parts, for changing fuses.

Repair, designed to carry out work on live parts that are energized (application and removal of portable grounding).

Measuring, for monitoring the health of individual insulators (spark discharge), measuring current, U, power.

The minimum length of the insulating part depends on the operating voltage at which the rod is used:

In power plants U up to 15 kV, length > 0.7 m.

15-35 kV 1.1 m.

>35 kV 1.4 m.

The insulating part of the rod intended for applying temporary portable grounding must have a length of ≥ 1.4 m.

In electrical installations > 1000 V, during operations it is necessary to use electrical gloves, stand on a mat or wear electrical boots.

Insulating pliers:

They are used for operations with live tubular fuses, for removing cover plates from disconnector knives, and other similar work in power plants up to 35 kV.

Length of the insulating part of the pliers:

In power plants up to 10 kV 0.45 m; 0.15m. – grip handle.

10-35 kV 0.75m; 0.2m. – grip handle.

They are used only in closed switchgear and depending on the rated voltage of the plant. In dry weather, use in open switchgear is allowed, and the operator must wear electrical gloves.

Replacement of tubular fuses is carried out when the load is completely removed and, if possible, U.

Electrical clamps.

Designed for short-term measurement of I, U, P without removing the load and without breaking the electrical circuit in alternating current circuits.

Portable grounding.

They are a protective device that is used when the EO is turned off in case of erroneous activation.

Available from AL or CU conductor with a cross section of 16 mm² at U up to 1000V. and 25 mm² at U above 1000V.

Rules for installing PZ:

It is necessary to check the voltage indicator

1 end of portable ground connected to a grounding device.

Check that there is no voltage on the current-carrying parts on which the PZ will be applied.

Apply a protection zone to the current-carrying part.

The application of the PP is carried out using an insulating rod, wearing electrical gloves, standing on the mat and in the presence of the 2nd person of the 3rd or 4th group.

Removing the protection in the reverse order.

Voltage indicators

When using a voltage indicator in a working power plant, it is necessary to check the voltage indicator on a working power plant that is known to be under voltage.

Also see question number 4

Explosion-proof power supply system for the mine site. Requirements for operation, installation and inspection of explosion-proof electrical equipment

Explosion safety principle.

The main explosive factors are:

Formation of an explosive atmosphere;

The presence of an ignition source for this environment.

An explosive atmosphere can be formed by mixtures of gases, vapors, dust with air or other oxidizing agents; or the presence of substances capable of explosion.

1) In mines, firedamp gases form an explosive atmosphere. These are gases that are released from formations during the development of the formation; also gases formed in chemical reactions. reactions between the oxidizing agent and wood, wood support, wood rotting.

2) Explosive dust, being in a suspended state, capable of exploding in the presence of a source of initiation of explosion. The most dangerous dust is in suspension with a particle size of 0.01-0.0001 mm and at a concentration of 17-18 g/m3 and higher.

East The source of explosion formation is:

Open burning or flame;

Availability of electrical discharges, respectively. power;

Heat release during chemical reactions;

Upon impact, mech. exposure;

Availability of electronic mag, stat. fields.

Pre explosion prevention is carried out:

1) Preventing the formation of explosions. mixtures in dangerous concentrations, respectively. lower explosive limit, which is achieved:

Application of sealed equipment

Application slave and auxiliary ventilation

Diversion and removal of explosives. environment and substances capable of explosion.

Maintaining constant monitoring.

2) It should be taken into account that explosions can occur not only during working hours. working space, but also inside the equipment due to the fact that it is located in a gas-filled working. For localization of Spanish

Equipment sealing

Application of special additives that bind explosive components. media (inhibitors) localizers.

Dr. technological solutions (intrinsically safe networks)

3) Preventing the source of explosion initiation.

Strict regulation of hot work;

Preventing equipment from heating to a temperature capable of exploding the environment;

Use of explosion-proof equipment;

Application in enclosures of special electrical equipment. materials and alloys that do not create frictional sparking upon impact;

Application of protection against current leakage, short circuit;

Application of means of protection against stat. and magician fields;

Limiting the power of discharges, sparks, arcs.

Thus, the basic principle of explosion safety is Construction of such a technology. a process that eliminates the formation of an explosive atmosphere both in the working space of the mine and inside the process. equipment, and in the event of an explosion or fire, reducing its impact.

The procedure for organizing work according to work order.

Work permit (work order) - a task for the performance of work, drawn up on a special form of the established form and defining the content, place of work, time of its beginning and end, conditions for safe performance, composition of the team and persons responsible for the safe performance of work.

The order is issued in two copies, and when transmitted by telephone or radio - in triplicate. In the latter case, the issuing order issues one copy, and the employee receiving the text in the form of a telephone or radio message, fax or e-mail, fills out two copies of the order and, after checking back, indicates his surname and initials at the place of the signature of the issuer of the order, confirming the correctness of the entry with his signature .

In cases where the work performer is appointed at the same time as admitting, the work order, regardless of the method of its transmission, is filled out in two copies, one of which remains with the issuing work order.

Depending on local conditions (location of the control center), one copy of the order may remain with the employee who authorizes the preparation of the workplace (dispatcher).

The number of orders issued to one responsible work manager is determined by the issuing order.

The permitter and the work supervisor (supervisor) may be issued several orders and orders at once for alternate admission and work on them.

A work order may be issued for a period of no more than 15 calendar days from the date of commencement of work. The work order can be extended once for a period of no more than 15 calendar days from the date of extension. During breaks in work, the work order remains valid.

The work order can be extended by the employee who issued the work order, or by another employee who has the right to issue a work order for work in an electrical installation.

Permission to extend the work order can be transmitted by telephone, radio or by hand to the permitting, responsible manager or work manager, who in this case, with his signature, indicates in the work order the surname and initials of the employee who extended the work order.

Work orders for which work is completely completed must be stored for 30 days, after which they can be destroyed. If accidents, incidents or mishaps occurred while performing work according to the orders, then these orders should be stored in the organization’s archives along with the investigation materials.

Accounting for work on orders is kept in the Register of Work Orders and Orders.

V. Organizational measures to ensure safe work in electrical installations

Question. What organizational measures ensure the safety of work in electrical installations?

Answer. Such organizational activities include:

drawing up a work order, order or list of work performed in the order of current operation;

issuance of permission to prepare a workplace and for permission to work in the cases specified in paragraph 5.14 of the Rules; permission to work; supervision during work;

registration of a break in work, transfer to another place, end of work (5.1).

Question. Who is responsible for safe work in electrical installations?

Answer. Workers responsible for safe work in electrical installations are:

issuing order, giving orders, approving the list of works performed in the order of current operation;

issuing permission to prepare the workplace and for admission in the cases specified in paragraph 5.14 of the Rules; responsible work manager; permissive; work producer; watching; team members (5.2).

Question. What are the duties and responsibilities of the employee who issues orders and orders for work on electrical installations?

Answer. The employee issuing the order, giving the order, determines the need and possibility of performing the work safely. He is responsible for the sufficiency and correctness of the safety measures specified in the work order (order), for the qualitative and quantitative composition of a team consisting of two or more workers, including the work supervisor, and the appointment of those responsible for the safety of the work, for the compliance of the groups of workers listed in the work order with the work being performed. , as well as for conducting targeted briefing to the responsible work manager (work manager, supervisor; 5.3).

Question. Who has the right to issue orders and orders for work on electrical installations?

Answer. The right to issue orders and instructions is granted to employees from among the administrative and technical personnel of the organization who have group V - in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V and group IV - in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V.

In the absence of employees who have the right to issue orders and orders, when working to prevent accidents or eliminate their consequences, it is allowed to issue orders and orders by employees from among the operational personnel who have group IV. Granting operational personnel the right to issue orders and orders must be formalized in writing by the head of the organization (5.4).

Question. What is the responsibility of the employee who issues permission to prepare workplaces and allow permission to work in electrical installations?

Answer. An employee who issues a permit for preparing workplaces and for permission to work in electrical installations answers:

for issuing commands to disconnect and ground equipment and receiving confirmation of their implementation, as well as independent actions to disconnect and ground equipment in accordance with measures to prepare the workplace, determined by the work order (order) taking into account the actual layout of electrical installations and the electrical network;

for the possibility of safely disconnecting, switching on and grounding equipment under his control;

for coordinating the time and place of teams allowed to work on electrical installations, including accounting for teams, obtaining information from all teams allowed to work on electrical installations about the complete completion of work and the possibility of putting the electrical installation into operation;

for the correctness of these commands, independent actions to turn on the switching devices in terms of excluding the supply of voltage to the workplaces of the admitted teams (5.5).

Question. Who has the right to issue permits for the preparation of workplaces and permission to work in electrical installations?

Answer. The right to issue permits for the preparation of workplaces and access to work at electric grid facilities is granted to operational personnel with groups IV–V in accordance with job descriptions and the distribution of equipment according to operational management methods.

It is allowed to grant the right to issue permits for the preparation of workplaces and admission to work at electric grid facilities to employees from among the administrative and technical personnel authorized to do so by written instructions from the head (managerial employee) of the operating organization (separate unit) when operating electrical installations that are under the operational management of others subjects of the electric power industry (5.6).

Question. What are the functions of the responsible work manager?

Answer. The responsible work manager is responsible for the implementation of all measures specified in the work order for the preparation of the workplace and their sufficiency, for the additional safety measures taken by him, necessary under the conditions of the work, for the completeness and quality of the targeted briefing of the team, including those carried out by the permitter and the manufacturer of the work, and also for organizing safe work (5.7).

Question. Who can be appointed as the responsible work manager?

Answer. Responsible managers of work in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V are appointed employees from among the administrative and technical personnel with group V and group IV - in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V. In cases where individual work (work stages) must be performed under the supervision and control of the responsible person work manager, the employee issuing the order must make a note about this in the “Separate instructions” line of the work order, the form of which is presented in Appendix No. 7 to the Rules (5.7).

Question. In what cases is a responsible work manager appointed?

Answer. The issuing order has the right not to appoint a responsible work manager when performing work in switchgear with voltages above 1000 V with a single sectionalized or non-sectional bus system that does not have a bypass bus system, as well as on overhead lines, high-voltage lines and cable lines, all electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V (hereinafter referred to as electrical installations with a simple and clear diagram).

A responsible work manager must be appointed when performing work in one electrical installation (outdoor switchgear, indoor switchgear): using mechanisms and lifting machines; with disconnection of electrical equipment, with the exception of work in electrical installations where the voltage is removed from all live parts (clause 6.8 of the Rules);

on cable lines and cable communication lines (CLS) in areas where communications and heavy traffic are located;

for installation and dismantling of supports of all types, replacement of elements of overhead line supports;

at the intersection of overhead lines with other overhead lines and transport highways, in the spans of intersection of wires in outdoor switchgear; on connecting a newly constructed overhead line; on changing the connection diagrams of wires and cables of overhead lines; on a disconnected circuit of a multi-circuit overhead line, when one or all other circuits remain energized;

when two or more teams are working simultaneously in an electrical installation;

phase-by-phase repair of overhead lines; under induced voltage;

without relieving voltage on live parts with insulation of a person from the ground;

without removing voltage with temporary insulation of live parts for the duration of work without isolating a person from the ground and using special tools and devices for working under voltage, with the exception of work in secondary switching circuits;

on equipment and installations of communication means, dispatch and process control facilities (SDTU), on the installation of mast transitions, testing of CLS, when working with the equipment of unattended amplification points (UNP) or unattended regeneration points (URP), on connection filters without turning on the grounding blade of the capacitor communications.

The need to appoint a responsible work manager is determined by the employee issuing the work order, who is allowed to appoint a responsible work manager, and for other work in electrical installations, in addition to those listed above (5.7).

Question. What are the duties and responsibilities of the admitter?

Answer. An employee from among the electrical technical personnel who prepares workplaces and (or) assesses the sufficiency of the measures taken for their preparation, instructs team members and grants permission to work (hereinafter referred to as the permitter), is responsible for the correctness and sufficiency of the safety measures taken by him for the preparation of workplaces and their compliance with the measures specified in the work order or order, the nature and place of work, for correct admission to work, as well as for the completeness and quality of the targeted instruction provided to them.

Admitters must be appointed from among the operational personnel, with the exception of admission to overhead lines subject to the conditions listed in paragraph 5.13 of the Rules. In electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, the permitting device must have group IV, and in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V - group III (5.8).

Question. What are the duties and responsibilities of the work contractor?

Answer. The work producer answers:

for the availability, serviceability and correct use of the necessary protective equipment, tools, equipment and devices;

for the safety in the workplace of fences, posters (safety signs) intended to warn a person about a possible danger, prohibition or prescription of certain actions, as well as for information about the location of objects, the use of which is associated with the elimination or reduction of the consequences of exposure to dangerous and (or) harmful production factors (hereinafter referred to as posters, safety signs), grounding, locking devices;

for the safe performance of work and compliance with the Rules by himself and the team members;

for constant monitoring of team members.

The manufacturer of work performed alongside in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V must have group IV, and in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V - group III. When performing work in underground structures where harmful gases may appear, work under voltage, work on re-stretching and replacing wires on overhead lines with voltages up to 1000 V, suspended on supports of overhead lines with voltages above 1000 V, the work contractor must have group IV.

The manufacturer of work performed by order must have group III when working in all electrical installations, except for the cases specified in paragraphs 7.7, 7.13, 7.15, 25.5, 39.21 of the Rules (5.9).

Question. What are the duties and responsibilities of the observer?

Answer. An employee from among the electrical technical personnel supervising teams that do not have the right to independently carry out work in electrical installations (hereinafter referred to as the supervisor) is responsible:

for compliance of the prepared workplace with the measures necessary for the preparation of workplaces and individual instructions of the work order;

for the clarity and completeness of targeted instructions to team members;

for the presence and safety of grounding systems, fences, posters and safety signs installed at the workplace, and drive locking devices;

for the safety of team members in relation to electric shock from the electrical installation.

An employee with group III (5.10) is appointed as an observer.

Question. What are the duties and responsibilities of team members?

Answer. Responsible for safety related to work technology is the employee leading the team, who is part of it and must be constantly at the workplace. His last name is indicated in the “Separate instructions” line of the outfit (5.10).

The team member is responsible for compliance with the requirements of these Rules, labor protection instructions of the relevant organizations and instructions received upon admission to work and during work (5.11).

Question. How is the granting of rights to workers responsible for safe work in electrical installations formalized?

Answer. Granting rights to employees issuing a work order, order, issuing permission to prepare a workplace and admission in the cases specified in paragraph 5.14 of the Rules, to the permitting, responsible work manager, work foreman (supervisor), as well as the right to a single inspection must be formalized by the appropriate ORD (5.12 ).

Question. In what cases are workers responsible for carrying out safe work in electrical installations allowed to perform additional duties?

Answer. Such employees are allowed to perform one of the additional duties in accordance with Table No. 2.

It is lawful for an employee to perform the duties of a permitting and issuing permission to prepare a workplace and access to work if the permitting person has the rights to operationally control equipment that must be disconnected and grounded in accordance with safety measures for the production of work, and the rights to conduct operational negotiations with employees performing the necessary disconnections and grounding of equipment at facilities not under the operational control of the permitting authority.

The person admitted from among the operational personnel has the right to perform the duties of a member of the team.

On overhead lines of all voltage levels, the responsible manager or work performer from among the repair personnel is allowed to perform the duties of a permitter in cases where, to prepare the workplace, it is only necessary to check the absence of voltage and install portable grounding connections at the work site without operations with switching devices (5.13).

Table No. 2

Additional responsibilities of workers responsible for safe work performance

Question. In what cases is it necessary to issue a permit for the preparation of a workplace and permission to work?

Answer. The issuance of permission to prepare a workplace and admission are carried out if it is necessary to disconnect and ground electrical installations related to electrical grid facilities operated by electric power industry entities or other owners in respect of which operational management is carried out in the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy to consumers (5.14).

Question. How are the size and composition of a brigade determined?

Answer. The size of the team and its composition should be determined taking into account the qualifications of the team members in electrical safety based on the work conditions, as well as the possibility of ensuring supervision of the team members by the work manager (supervisor).

A member of a team led by a work foreman must have group III when performing work, with the exception of performing work on overhead lines in accordance with clause 38.23 of the Rules, which must be performed by a team member with group IV.

For each employee with group III, the team may include one employee with group II, but the total number of team members with group II should not exceed three (5.15).

Operational personnel on duty, with the permission of an employee from among the higher operational personnel, are allowed to be involved in work in the brigade with an entry in the operational log and registration in the work order (5.16).

VI. Organization of work in electrical installations with the issuance of work permits

Question. How is a permit issued?

Answer. The outfit is issued in two copies. When transmitted by telephone or radio, the order is issued in triplicate. In the latter case, the employee issuing the order fills out one copy, and the employee receiving the text in the form of a telephone message or radiogram, fax or e-mail, fills out two copies of the order and, after checking, indicates his surname and initials at the place of signature of the person issuing the order, confirming the correctness of his recording signature. The order is also allowed to be issued electronically and transmitted by e-mail.

In cases where the work performer is appointed at the same time as admitting, the work order, regardless of the method of its transmission, is filled out in two copies, one of which remains with the issuing work order.

Depending on local conditions (location of the control center), one copy of the order remains with the employee who issues permission to prepare the workplace and access, or with the dispatcher (6.1).

The number of orders issued to one responsible work manager is determined by the employee issuing the order.

The issuing work order has the right to issue several orders and orders to the permitter and the work manager (supervisor) at once for alternate admission and work according to them (6.2).

A work order may be issued for a period of no more than 15 calendar days from the date of commencement of work. The assignment may be extended once for a period of no more than 15 calendar days. During breaks in work, the work order remains valid (6.3).

The employee who issued the order or another employee who has the right to issue a work order for work in a given electrical installation has the right to extend the work order.

Permission to extend the work order is transmitted by telephone, radio or by hand to the permitting, responsible manager or work performer. In this case, the permitting, responsible manager or work performer, with his signature, indicates in the work order the surname and initials of the employee who extended the work order (6.4).

Question. How are work orders stored and accounted for?

Answer. Work orders for which work is completely completed must be stored for 30 days, after which they can be destroyed. If accidents, incidents or mishaps occurred while performing work according to the orders, these orders should be stored in the organization’s archives along with the investigation materials (6.5).

Accounting for work on orders and orders is kept in the appropriate journal, the form of which is presented in Appendix No. 8 to the Rules. Issuing and filling out an order, maintaining a log of work on orders and orders is allowed in electronic form using automated systems and using an electronic signature in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

It is allowed to keep records of work according to orders and orders in a different way established by the head of the organization, while maintaining the composition of the information contained in the log book of work according to orders and orders (6.6).

Question. How is work registration carried out?

Answer. Regardless of the procedure adopted in the organization for recording work according to work orders and orders, the fact of admission to work must be registered by an entry in an operational document in which events and actions to change the operational state of electrical installation equipment, issued (received) commands, orders, permits, are recorded in chronological order. performance of work according to orders, orders, in the order of current operation, acceptance and delivery of shifts or duty (hereinafter referred to as the operational log).

When performing work according to the work order, an entry is made in the operational journal about the initial and daily permission to work (6.6).

Question. In what cases is it permissible to issue one work order for one or more workplaces?

Answer. The work order may be issued to one or more workplaces in an electrical circuit (equipment and busbars) of the same purpose, name and voltage, connected to the busbars of a switchgear, generator, switchboard, assembly and located within a power plant, substation (hereinafter referred to as the connection), taking into account the requirements, specified in paragraphs 6.8, 6.9, 6.11, 6.12, 6.14 of the Rules.

Electrical circuits of different voltages of one power transformer (regardless of the number of windings), one two-speed electric motor are considered one connection. In polygon circuits and one-and-a-half circuits, the connection of a line or transformer includes all switching devices and buses through which this line or transformer is connected to the switchgear (6.7).

In electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, where the voltage is removed from all live parts, including the inputs of overhead lines and cable lines, and the entrance to adjacent electrical installations is locked (assemblies and panels up to 1000 V can remain energized), it is allowed to issue one work order for simultaneous work on busbars and all connections.

In electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, with the voltage completely removed from all current-carrying parts, it is allowed to issue one work order to perform work on switchgear busbars, distribution boards, assemblies, as well as on all connections of these installations simultaneously (6.8).

When units (boilers, turbines, generators) and individual technological installations (ash removal systems, network heaters, crushing systems) are taken out for repair, it is allowed to issue one work order for work on all (or part) of the electric motors of these units (installations) and one work order for work on Switchgear on all (or part) connections feeding the electric motors of these units (installations).

It is allowed to issue one work order only for work on electric motors of the same voltage and connections of the same switchgear (6.9).

When working one at a time on electric motors and their connections in a switchgear facility equipped with switchgear cabinets, registration of transfer from one workplace to another is not required; dispersal of team members across different workplaces is allowed. In switchgear of a different design, approval and work on electric motor connections must be carried out with registration of transfer from one workplace to another (6.10).

In a switchgear with a voltage of 3-110 kV with a single busbar system and any number of sections, when one of the sections with connections is taken out for repair, it is fully permitted to issue one work order for work on the busbars and on all (or part) of the connections of this section. Dispersal of team members across different work stations within this section is allowed (6.11).

Question. In what cases is it permissible to issue one work order for the simultaneous or alternate performance of work at different workplaces?

Answer. One work order for simultaneous or alternate performance of work at different workplaces of the same electrical installation may be issued in the following cases:

when laying and relaying power and control cables, testing electrical equipment, checking protection devices, measurements, blocking, electrical automation, telemechanics, communications;

when repairing switching devices of one connection, including when their drives are located in another room;

when repairing a separate cable in a tunnel, collector, well, trench, pit;

when repairing cables (no more than two), carried out in two pits or switchgear and a nearby pit, when the location of workplaces allows the work manager to supervise the team.

At the same time, the dispersal of team members across different workplaces is allowed. Registration of transfer from one workplace to another in the work order is not required (6.12).

When carrying out work in accordance with clauses 6.8, 6.9, 6.11, 6.12 of the Rules, all workplaces must be prepared before the team is admitted to the first workplace.

Preparations for switching on any of the connections, including testing of electric motors, are not allowed until work on the work is completed.

In the case of dispersal of team members to different work places, one or more team members with group III are allowed to remain separately from the work producer.

Members of the team who are to be separated from the work supervisor must be brought to the workplace and instructed by the latter on the safety measures that must be observed when performing work (6.13).

It is allowed to issue one work order to alternately carry out the same type of work at several electrical installations intended for the conversion and distribution of electrical energy (hereinafter referred to as substations) or several connections of one substation.

Such work includes: wiping insulators; tightening contact connections, sampling and adding oil; switching branches of transformer windings; testing of relay protection devices, electrical automation, measuring instruments; high voltage test from an external source; checking insulators with a measuring rod; finding the location of the cable damage. The validity period of such an order is 1 day.

Admission to each substation and each connection is issued in the corresponding column of the work order.

Each of the substations is allowed to be put into operation only after complete completion of work on it (6.14).

Question. How is work organized at overhead line sections in the RU?

Answer. Work on overhead power lines located on the territory of the switchgear must be carried out according to orders issued by the personnel servicing the overhead lines. When working on an end support, local operating personnel must instruct the crew to guide them to the end support. In electrical installations that do not have local operating personnel, the line crew supervisor is allowed to receive the key to the switchgear and independently go to the support.

When working on outdoor switchgear portals, indoor switchgear buildings, roofs of complete outdoor switchgears (KRUN), the admission of the line crew with the necessary registration in the work order must be carried out by an admitter from among the operational personnel servicing the switchgear.

The work manager with the line crew has the right to leave the plant independently, and individual members of the crew - in the manner prescribed by clause 11.3 of the Rules (6.15).

Question. How is work organized at cable lines sections in the RU?

Answer. Work on the end couplings and terminations of cable lines located in the switchgear must be carried out according to orders issued by the personnel servicing the switchgear. If the switchgear and cable lines belong to different organizations, then these works are carried out in accordance with the requirements set out in Chapter XLVI of the Rules.

Permission to work on cable lines in these cases is carried out by personnel servicing the reactor plant.

Work on cable lines passing through the territory and in the cable structures of the switchgear must be carried out according to work orders issued by the personnel servicing the cable lines. Access to work is carried out by personnel servicing the cable line after receiving permission from the operational personnel servicing the reactor plant (6.16).

Question. How is work organized on communication devices located in the switchgear?

Answer. Work on communication devices located in the switchgear is carried out according to orders issued by SDTU service personnel. It is allowed to issue such orders by personnel servicing the reactor plant. Exceptions include work on coupling capacitors and high-frequency suppressors, which should be carried out only according to orders issued by workers servicing the reactor plant.

Preparation of workplaces and permission to work in SDTU devices located in the reactor plant are carried out by personnel servicing the reactor plant (6.17).

Question. How is work organized on overhead lines?

Answer. A separate order is issued for each overhead line, and for multi-circuit overhead lines, for each circuit. It is allowed to issue one work order for several overhead lines (circuits) in the following cases:

during work when the voltage is removed from all circuits, or when working under voltage, when the voltage is not removed from any circuit of a multi-circuit overhead line;

when working on overhead lines at their intersections;

when working on overhead lines with voltages up to 1000 V, performed one by one, if the transformer points or complete transformer points from which they are powered are disconnected;

during similar work on non-current-carrying parts of several overhead lines that do not require their shutdown (6.18).

The work order must indicate whether the overhead line being repaired is under induced voltage, as well as overhead lines crossing the line being repaired that need to be disconnected and grounded (with grounding installed in accordance with Chapter XXII of the Rules). The same instruction must be included in the work order regarding overhead lines passing near the one being repaired, if their disconnection is required by operating conditions. In this case, grounding of overhead lines crossing the one being repaired or passing nearby must be performed before permission to work. It is not allowed to remove the grounding connections from them until the work is completed.

If the overhead lines belong to other organizations, their disconnection must be confirmed by the operational staff of the owner of the overhead line (6.19).

For phased repairs of overhead lines, a work order is issued for work only on the area of ​​one transposition step.

On disconnected overhead lines, it is allowed to disperse the crew over an area of ​​no more than 2 km, with the exception of installation and dismantling of wires (cables) within

longer anchor span. In this case, the length of the work area of ​​one team has the right to determine the issuing work order.

When work is carried out on live parts under voltage, the team must be on one support (in one intermediate span) or on two adjacent supports (6.20).

When working on the same work order in different areas, overhead line supports, the transfer of the team from one workplace to another is not documented in the work order (6.21).

Organizational activities include:

1) registration of work with a work permit, order or list of work performed in the order of current operation;

2) permission to work;

3) supervision during work;

4) registration of breaks in work, transfers to another workplace, end of work.

Outfit - this is a task for the production of work, drawn up on a special form of the established form and defining: the content, place of work, start and end times of work, conditions for safe work, composition of the team and persons responsible for the safety of work.

In addition, work can be carried out in electrical installations by:

1) with stress relief;

2) without relieving voltage on live parts and close to them;

3) on an overhead line additionally - without removing the voltage away from live parts that are energized:

With a rise above 3 meters from ground level, counting from a person’s feet;

With dismantling the structural parts of the support;

With digging out support posts to a depth of more than 0.5 meters;

Using mechanisms and lifting machines in a protected area;

For clearing the overhead line route, when it is necessary to take measures to prevent felled trees from falling on the wires;

For clearing the 0.4 - 10 kV route, when cutting branches and branches is associated with dangerous approach of people to the wires or with the possibility of branches and branches falling on the wires.

4) in electrical installations, cable lines and substations, additionally - without removing the voltage away from live parts that are energized, when the installation of temporary fences is required;

With the use of mechanisms and lifting machines in the reactor plant.

Order - this is an assignment for the production of work, defining its content, place, time, safety measures (if required) and the persons entrusted with its implementation.

The order is of a one-time nature, its validity period is determined by the length of the executors’ working day.

If it is necessary to repeat or continue work when its conditions or the composition of the team changes, the order must be given anew and recorded in the operational journal.

By order the following may be carried out:

1) work without relieving voltage away from live parts under voltage, lasting no more than one shift;

2) work caused by production needs, lasting up to 1 hour;

3) work with voltage relief in electrical installations up to 1000 V for a duration of no more than one shift.

Organizational measures to ensure work safety are the same as for work along the line.

Work, the performance of which is provided for by order, at the discretion of the person issuing the order, can be performed according to the order.

Current operation - this is the carrying out by operational (operational and repair) personnel independently in the area assigned to them during one shift of work according to the list compiled by the person responsible for electrical equipment and approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise.

In the order of current operation the following can be carried out:

1) work without removing the voltage away from live parts that are energized (cleaning premises, indoor switchgear up to permanent fencing, behind relay protection and automation panels, cleaning and landscaping of the outdoor switchgear territory, mowing grass, clearing snow, driving through the outdoor switchgear territory of vehicles, transporting goods, loading , unloading them, repairing lighting equipment, replacing lamps, repairing telephone equipment, caring for electric motor brushes and replacing them, caring for rings and the EM collector, renewing inscriptions on fences and casings);

2) work with voltage relief in electrical installations up to 1000 V (repair of magnetic starters, start buttons, circuit breakers, switches, rheostats, contactors, provided they are installed outside panels and assemblies, repair of individual electrical receivers (electric motors, electric heaters), separately located magnetic stations, control units, changing fuses, repairing lighting wiring, repairs performed in electrical installations with one-way power supply)

Such work has the right to be carried out by 2 persons with the second and third electrical safety groups.

The types of work included in the list are permanently permitted and do not require the execution of any orders.

Persons responsible for the safe conduct of work, their rights and responsibilities.

According to the PTB, those responsible for the safety of work in electrical installations are:

1) the person issuing the order, giving the order;

2) allowing;

3) responsible work manager;

4) the work performer;

5) observer;

6) team members.

The person issuing the order, giving the order:

a) from among administrative electrical personnel with group not lower than V in electrical installations above 1000V, with group not lower than IV in electrical installations up to 1000V.

b) in the absence of persons from the administrative electrical personnel who have the right to issue orders or orders to work to prevent an accident and eliminate its consequences - the right is granted to the operational personnel of all substations and operational field teams with a group not lower than IV.

c) when emergency work is carried out in electrical installations of enterprises by duty crews of city networks or REUs - in the absence of the persons specified in paragraph a) - the right to issue a work order has the duty or operational repair personnel of the enterprise at the direction of the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the electrical installation.

d) the right to give orders according to the list approved by the person responsible for electrical equipment is also granted to persons from the operational personnel with a group not lower than IV.

The person who determines the need and scope of work is responsible for:

Possibility of its safe implementation;

Sufficiency of qualifications of responsible persons;

is obliged to determine the contents of the “separate instructions” line of the work order.

Permissive – a responsible person from the operational staff, group not lower than IV in electrical installations above 1000V, not lower than III – in electrical installations up to 1000V is responsible for:

Correct implementation of the safety measures necessary for admission and performance of work, their sufficiency and compliance with the nature and place of work;

Correct admission to work, acceptance of the workplace upon completion of work with registration in orders or magazines.

If there is any doubt about the possibility of safely performing work according to a given work order, order, or about the sufficiency and correctness of the measures for preparing the workplace specified in the work order, this preparation must be stopped.

Responsible manager – a person from electrical engineering personnel with group V, accepting the workplace from the person admitting him and making admission, is equally responsible for the correct preparation of the workplace, the sufficiency of the safety measures taken, including those provided for in the column “Individual instructions”.

He is prohibited from directly participating in work on orders, except in cases where he combines the duties of a work producer. The need for his appointment is determined by the issuing order.

Appointment is not required when working on orders in electrical installations up to 1000V and according to orders.

Producer of works , carried out along with in electrical installations above 1000V must have a group of at least IV, in electrical installations up to 1000V - not lower than III, by order - in all electrical installations not lower than III

When accepting a workplace from the person admitting it, the work performer is responsible for the correctness of its preparation and for implementing the necessary safety measures.

Responsible for instructing the team on safety measures and ensuring their implementation. Complies with safety regulations himself and is responsible for their compliance by team members, monitors the serviceability of instructions, rigging, and repair equipment; ensuring that installed fences, posters, and grounding connections are not removed or rearranged.

Watching – assigned for supervision of teams construction workers, laborers, riggers and other persons from not electrical personnel when they perform work in electrical installations according to work orders and orders.

Watching electrical personnel, including business travelers, is appointed in the case of work in electrical installations under particularly dangerous conditions, determined by the person responsible for electrical equipment.

Monitors the presence of installed grounding, fences, posters, locking devices and is responsible for electrical safety in electrical installations.

Responsible for safety related to work technology is the person leading the team, who must be part of it and constantly be at the workplace.

It is prohibited to combine supervision with the performance of any work and to leave the team unsupervised during work.

Observers – persons with group no lower than III.

The list of persons who have the right to issue orders, orders, to be a responsible manager, manufacturer, supervisor, is established by order of the person responsible for electrical equipment.

Brigade members – are required to comply with safety regulations and instructions received upon admission to work and during work.

It is allowed to combine the duties of one of two persons:

1) issuing the outfit;

2) responsible manager;

3) the manufacturer of the work.

This person must have a group not lower than that required for the persons whose duties he combines.

When working on-site in electrical installations with voltages above 1000V without permanent maintenance personnel, persons from the operational and repair personnel are allowed to combine the duties of the permitting and responsible manager.

In electrical installations up to 1000V - the manufacturer of the work and the permitter. Permit and team member - when working under orders.

On overhead lines up to and above 1000V, it is allowed to combine the responsibilities of the manufacturer and the permitter in all cases.

Procedure for issuing the work order:

In duplicate. Clearly, clearly, without corrections. It is possible by phone (then in 3 copies) with a reverse check (dictated by the issuer from an already completed work order).

One copy is issued to the manufacturer immediately before the start of work.

When expanding the workplace or changing the number of workplaces, a new work order must be issued. The team must consist of at least two people.

Brigade composition determines the issuing outfit. The number and qualifications of team members - taking into account the conditions.

In a team led by the manufacturer, for one team member with group III, 1 person with group I can be included, but no more than two.

Operational personnel may be included in the repair team with the permission of higher operational personnel without being included in the work order, with an entry in the operational log.

Changes in the composition of the team working under orders are prohibited.

Authorization of the team to work.

Before admission, the work foreman and the responsible manager, together with the person admitting, check the implementation of technical measures.

After checking and briefing the team, the responsible manager signs the work order.

The admitter checks:

1) compliance of the composition of the brigade and the qualifications of the persons included in it, the entries in the outfit (if the person admitting does not know the names, the check is carried out using personal identification cards);

2) reads along the names of the responsible persons, the content of the assigned work, explains to the brigade where the voltage has been removed, where the ground connections are applied, which parts of the repaired and adjacent connections remain energized, what special conditions for the work must be observed, indicates to the brigade the boundaries of the workplace, makes sure that that everything stated is clear to the brigade;

3) proves to the team that there is no voltage: in electrical installations >35 kV - by showing the applied portable grounding, in electrical installations up to 35 kV where the grounding is not visible from the place of work - by touching live parts with the hand after preliminary checking the absence of voltage with a pointer or rod;

4) hands over the workplace to the work producer, which, indicating the date and time in both orders, is documented with the signatures of the permitter and the work producer.

Admission must be made directly at the workplace.

One copy is for the manufacturer, the second is for the operational personnel in the folder of existing orders.

The time of admission and completion of work, indicating the work order number and content of the work, is recorded in the operational journal.

The right of secondary admission in subsequent days is granted to the responsible manager, and in his absence - to the person performing work with group no lower than IV - in electrical installations up to 1000V, and in electrical installations above 1000V - not lower than group V.

Supervision during work.

The observer is constantly at the workplace from the moment of admission and at the most critical areas of work. It is prohibited to combine supervision with other work.

If it is necessary to leave, the manufacturer (supervisor) (if he cannot be replaced by the responsible manager, the manufacturer who issued the order, or a person from the operational staff) is obliged to take the team out of the control room, lock the door behind him, and arrange a break in the work order.

The responsible manager and operational personnel must periodically check compliance with safety regulations by workers; if violations are detected, the manufacturer’s work order is taken away and the team is removed from the workplace. After the violations have been eliminated, the team is again admitted by operational personnel in the presence of the responsible manager with the admission issued in the work order.

Changes in the composition of the brigade.

Allowed only when working alongside. Changes are drawn up in the order by the issuer, or in his absence - by the person who has the right to issue in this electrical installation.

The manufacturer is obliged to instruct the workers included in the team.

When replacing a team by more than 50%, or a manager, or a manufacturer, a new work order must be issued.

Registration of work breaks.

There are two types:

1) during the working day (lunch, according to work conditions). In this case, the brigade must be withdrawn from the control room. Posters, fences, and grounding remain in place. The work order remains with the work manufacturer. Without a work producer, no one has the right to enter the RU. No admission is granted;

2) at the end of the working day, posters. In this case, the grounding and fences remain in place. The end of the working day is signed by the work producer.

In electrical installations with permanent operating personnel, the work order is handed over every day to a person from the operating staff and is signed by them on the work order. In electrical installations without permanent operating personnel - left in the folder of current work orders (only the signature of the work contractor is allowed).

The next day, the work site is inspected and the implementation of safety measures is checked by the permitting or responsible manager or the work performer. The signatures of the permitter and the work manufacturer are affixed.

Transfer of the team to another workplace.

Can only be carried out when working along side lines.

Work at several workplaces of the same connection in one job can be carried out subject to the following conditions:

1) all workplaces of this connection are prepared by operational personnel and accepted by the work manufacturer and the responsible manager before the start of work;

2) the work foreman with the team is allowed to one of the connection workplaces;

3) in electrical installations with permanent operating personnel, the transfer of the team to another workplace is carried out by the permitting person;

4) in electrical installations without permanent operating personnel, the transfer of the team to another workplace in the absence of a permitting one is carried out by the responsible manager;

5) the transfer of the team to a new workplace is documented in table 3 of the work order “Daily admission to work and its completion” and if the transfer is carried out by a responsible manager, he signs in the table instead of the one who allows it.

Completion of work.

After complete completion of the work, the workplace is put in order, accepted by the responsible manager, who, after the team has left the manufacturer, signs the work order and hands it over to the operational personnel, or leaves it in the folder of existing work orders.

The work order can be closed after the operating personnel have inspected the equipment and the place of work, checked the absence of people, foreign objects, tools, and with proper cleanliness.

Closing the outfit.

The closure of the order is documented by an entry in the operational journal.

When work is carried out on one connection by several teams, the work order can be closed upon completion of the work by one team, indicating in the work order “groundings are left for work according to work order No. ...”.

Closing of the work order is carried out after the following are sequentially completed:

1) removal of temporary fences and removal of posters “Work here”, “Climb here”;

2) removal of groundings with verification in accordance with the accepted accounting procedure;

3) installation of permanent barriers and removal of other posters posted before the start of work.

Checking the insulation of repaired equipment immediately before switching on is carried out, if necessary, before removing temporary fences and warning posters, immediately after removing portable grounding connections.

The equipment can only be turned on after the work order is closed.

If work was carried out on several orders at a disconnected connection, then it can be included in the work only after all orders have been closed.

Validity the work order is set for up to 5 days, except for the same type of operational work at several substations, at one or more connections of each substation (wiping insulation, tightening clamps, checking relay protection and automation devices, measuring instruments, testing with high voltage, checking insulators with a measuring rod). The validity period of this order is one day.

During breaks in work, the work order remains valid if the schemes were not restored and the conditions of work remained unchanged.

Control the correctness of execution of work orders is carried out by the person who issued them and by persons from the management electrical personnel periodically through random checks.

Work orders for which work is completely completed must be stored for 30 days, after which they must be destroyed.

If accidents or electrical injuries occurred while performing work according to orders, then these orders should be stored in the archives of the enterprise.


Organizational measures to ensure the safety of work in electrical installations are:

Registration of work orders, instructions or lists of works performed in the order of current operation;

Permission to work;

Supervision during work;

Registration of breaks in work, transfer to another workplace, termination of work.

Responsible for safe work performance are:

Issuing order, giving orders, approving the list of works performed in the order of current operation;

Responsible work manager;


Work producer;


Brigade members.

Question 2. Responsibilities of the admitter and from which employees is he appointed?


The person admitting is responsible for the correctness and sufficiency of the safety measures taken and their compliance with the measures specified in the work order, the nature and place of work, for the correct admission to work, as well as for the completeness and quality of the instructions he provides to the team members.

Admitters must be appointed from among the operational personnel, with the exception of access to overhead lines. In electrical installations above 1000 V, the permitting device must have group IV, and in electrical installations up to 1000 V - group III. An employee who is admitted to operational switching by order of the head of the organization can be an employee.

One of the combinations of responsibilities of those responsible for the safe conduct of work is allowed. A person admitted from among the operational personnel can perform the duties of a team member.

Before being allowed to work, the person who is allowed to work must ensure that technical measures have been taken to prepare the workplace through personal inspection, according to entries in the operational log, according to the operational scheme and according to reports from operational, operational and repair personnel.

Admission to work is carried out after checking the preparation of the workplace. In this case, the person admitting must check the compliance of the brigade composition with the composition specified in the order or order, according to the personal identification cards of the brigade members; prove to the team that there is no voltage by showing the installed groundings or checking the absence of voltage if the groundings are not visible from the workplace, and in electrical installations with a voltage of 35 kV and below (where the design allows) - by subsequently touching the live parts with your hand.

The permitting person conducts targeted instruction along with the responsible work manager, the work foreman (supervisor) and team members, and by order - the work foreman (supervisor), team members (performers).

In the targeted briefing, the person allowing the inspection must familiarize the team members with the contents of the work order, instructions, indicate the boundaries of the workplace, show the equipment closest to the workplace and live parts of the repaired and adjacent connections, which are prohibited from approaching, regardless of whether they are energized or not.

Organizational measures to ensure the safety of work in electrical installations are:

registration of work orders, instructions or lists of works performed in the order of current operation;

permission to work;

supervision during work;

registration of a break from work;

transfer to another location;

finishing work.

7 Rights and obligations of the admitter.

The person admitting is responsible for the correctness and sufficiency of the safety measures taken and their compliance with the measures specified in the work order or order, the nature and place of work, for the correct admission to work, as well as for the completeness and quality of the targeted briefing carried out by him.

Admitters must be appointed from among the operational personnel, with the exception of admission to overhead lines, subject to the conditions listed in clause 2.1.11 of these Rules. In electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, the permitting device must have group IV, and in electrical installations up to 1000 V - group III.

Before being allowed to work, the person who is allowed to work must ensure that technical measures have been taken to prepare the workplace through personal inspection, according to entries in the operational log, according to the operational scheme and according to reports from the operational, operational and repair personnel of the organizations involved.

Admission to work is carried out after checking the preparation of the workplace. In this case, the person admitting must check the compliance of the brigade composition with the composition specified in the order or order, according to the personal identification cards of the brigade members; prove to the team that there is no voltage by showing the installed groundings or checking the absence of voltage if the groundings are not visible from the workplace, and in electrical installations with a voltage of 35 kV and below (where the design allows) - by subsequently touching the live parts with your hand.

In the targeted briefing, the person who allows him must familiarize the team members with the contents of the work order, instructions, indicate the boundaries of the workplace, the presence of induced voltage, show the equipment closest to the workplace and live parts of the repaired and adjacent connections, which are not allowed to be approached, regardless of whether they are energized or not.

After receiving the work order documenting the complete completion of the work, the permitter must inspect the workplaces and inform the employee from among the higher operational personnel about the complete completion of the work and the possibility of turning on the electrical installation.

8 Rules for acceptance and delivery of shifts.

B2.1.5. A person from the operational staff, having come on duty, must take over the shift from the previous duty officer, and after finishing work, hand over the shift to the next duty officer in accordance with the schedule.

Leaving duty without handing over your shift is prohibited. In exceptional cases, leaving the workplace is permitted with the permission of a superior person from the operational staff.

B2.1.6. When accepting a shift, operating personnel are obliged to: a) familiarize themselves with the condition and operating mode of the equipment in their area according to the diagram through personal inspection to the extent established by the instructions;

b) obtain information from the duty officer handing over the shift about equipment that needs to be closely monitored to prevent accidents or malfunctions, and about equipment that is under repair or in reserve;

c) check and accept tools, materials, keys to premises, protective equipment, operational documentation and instructions;

d) familiarize yourself with all records and orders for the time that has passed since his last duty;

e) formalize the acceptance of the shift by making an entry in the journal, statement, as well as on the operational diagram with the signatures of the person accepting the shift and the person handing it over;

f) report to the shift supervisor about taking over duty and about problems noticed during shift acceptance.

B2.1.7. Acceptance and delivery of shifts during emergency response, switching operations, or operations to turn equipment on and off is prohibited.

If it takes a long time to eliminate an accident, shifts are transferred with the permission of the administration.

B2.1.8. Acceptance and delivery of shifts with contaminated equipment, an uncleaned workplace and service area is prohibited.

Acceptance of a shift in the event of faulty equipment or abnormal mode of operation is permitted only with the permission of the person responsible for the electrical installation or a superior person, which is noted in the operational log.

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