The husband gave Lena a volatile nightmare. Elena Letuchaya: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo Autobiography of Elena Letuchaya

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The romantic trip arranged by the husband of Elena Letuchaya, businessman Yuri Anashenkov, turned into a real nightmare for the birthday girl. Together with her husband, the TV presenter went by car to Finland, where the lovers were supposed to celebrate Elena's 38th birthday and spend the next few days in a cozy cottage.


However, upon arrival, Flying was in for a real nightmare: the villa was buried in dust and disorder. The white countertop was dirty, the couch was cut with a knife, the bed was unmade, and the whole house was littered with rubbish and dead insects.

"My husband decided to surprise me - to take me to Finland for a few days to live in the forest and ride on the snowy slopes. Through my assistant he turned to the St. Petersburg company. The travel agency manager assured my husband that he had found the perfect cottage where it would be quiet , warm and romantic. However, upon arrival we were faced with terrifying dirt, cold and a terrible bed, "- quotes the Flying

The husband paid 65 thousand rubles for renting the villa, but the managers of the travel agency refused to clean the house or return the money. As a result, my husband and I spent less than a day in the Flying Mansion. The day after arrival, the couple left the place where they planned to spend a romantic vacation.

“The managers didn’t even want to hear anything, they received all the cost, the rest didn’t bother them. We wanted to contact the general director of the company, but the travel agency employees told us that he was resting in India and they wouldn’t dare bother him,” the TV presenter concluded.

Flying Elena Aleksandrovna is a delightful beauty who is associated exclusively with her impartial host of the "Revizorro" program. The woman is so talented that she can combine several professions at once, including a TV presenter, a producer of television programs, and also a television journalist.

Lena Flying is a happy wife who dreams of becoming a mother of a charming baby. At the same time on the channel "Friday!" a woman holds the post of a producer, therefore she heads all projects that are part of the "Revizorro" line.

She does not sit in one place for a minute, because she simply cannot imagine her life without outdoor activities, including surfing, yoga, jogging, horse riding. Elena is great skiing and rollerblading, and she does not get tired of doing charity work.

Height, weight, age. How old is Elena Flying

At the same time, many fans dream of finding out what the height, weight, age of a famous TV presenter is. How old is Elena Flying - this is the second question, which is not at all difficult to resolve, since the date of her birth is known to everyone.

Lena was born in 1978, so she was already thirty-nine full years old. At the same time, Elena Flying: the photos in her youth and now are completely the same, since the girl is incredibly bright and beautiful, and even the smallest wrinkles are absent on her face.

Elena received the zodiac sign - Sagittarius, that is, she received such character traits as dreaminess, changeability, stability, activity. At the same time, the Eastern horoscope gave her the sign of a hardworking, reliable, efficient, self-confident, generous, resourceful Horse.

The growth of the Flying is no more than a meter and seventy-eight centimeters, and its weight does not exceed sixty kilograms.

Biography of Elena Letuchaya

The biography of Elena Letuchaya is filled with incredible facts that prove that high performance, activity and a little luck can help make a dizzying career.

Her father, Alexander Flying, was an engineer who designed and built BAM, and her mother, Lyudmila Flying, was also a builder. Together with her parents, the girl moved from her native Yaroslavl to the Far East, where she studied in ordinary and art schools, and studied dancing.

By the way, Flying wanted to go to the northern capital of Russia and become a student of an architectural institute, however, she entered the Annunciation College and became an economist or financier. After that, she worked on the railway, and also received a second education at the Institute of Railways and Communications of the capital. Since 2005, the girl has worked as a financier for the future Gazprom for four years.

Soon, the woman realized that she was simply wasting time working in a boring job, so she went to conquer the world of television, enrolling in the Ostankino School of Television. Already in 2010, she received her education, but until she went to work at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, she was terribly poor, she was engaged in printing texts, rewriting and editing scripts. There was not enough money even for the most budgetary food and apartment rent, but Lena was in no hurry to return to her parents' house.

The girl worked hard, practically did not sleep, so she managed to become the editor and producer of the special projects department of Channel 1, but in 2012, during the course of nervous exhaustion and overwork, she was admitted to the clinic with a heart attack. Then she switched to quieter cable channels, and in 2014 she became the face of the Friday! and the "Revizorro" program.

Elena was the author or host of the programs "Flying Communication", "Lexicon", "Hell's Kitchen", "Flying Detachment", "Stroynyashki", "Flying Store". In parallel, she became a producer of the films "Kitchen", "Ship", "Vacations in Mexico", "Kitchen in Paris".

Personal life of Elena Flying

The personal life of Elena Flying has never been too stormy, because the girl believes that it is not worth entering into a relationship if you do not know what you want to get from them. At the same time, the TV presenter herself refused whirlwind romances, because she believed that wedding and family relationships were not hers, since it was more important for her to build a career and become famous.

At the same time, the girl was so busy in projects of "live communication", therefore, due to travel and constant filming, she constantly lost consciousness, ended up in hospitals with heart failure, and in January of this year, Elena completely refused to shoot in the "Flying Squad" project ... The fact is that she was hospitalized, where she was diagnosed with unstable angina and a ban was imposed on systematic flights.

That is why the woman took care of her health, and did not have romances with men. Several times on the Internet, information appeared that TV presenter Elena Flying gave birth to a child, but the TV presenter did not confirm these rumors.

At the same time, the fans started talking about the fact that the Flying Pregnant was after she began to wear loose-fitting clothes, and also, her tummy was rounded. However, years have passed since 2016, but the woman never gave birth to anyone, and also commented on these rumors, specifying that she would never get married just because of her interesting position.

Family of Elena Flying

The family of Elena Flying is her joy and reliable rear, so she constantly says that a strong family is the basis of well-being. At the same time, the girl claims that parents, even the most beloved, should not sometimes be listened to if it concerns their personal life and career.

The fact is that Flying still recalls that it was her parents who dissuaded her from entering an architectural institute, since they themselves worked in this industry and understood how difficult it was.

It was in order to seem like a good and exemplary daughter that Lena received a higher education in economics, becoming a financier. However, Flying often says that work should bring not only profit, but also satisfaction, and you should go to work with a sincere smile.

Children of Elena Flying

The children of Elena Flying have not yet appeared with her, although there are persistent rumors about this on the Internet, which the woman is already tired of refuting. At the same time, the TV presenter is especially saddened by the fact that her imminent marriage with her most beloved person only means that Elena became pregnant and wants to give birth to a baby in marriage.

Several times in an interview, Flying pointed out that she would never want to rush to give birth to a baby, since she does not dare to become a single mother. However, only now, having become a beloved wife, she dreams of giving birth to her chosen one a child and, if possible, three.

Elena is the only child in the family, so she wants a big and friendly family where everyone loves each other.

Elena Letuchaya's husband - Yuri Anashenkov

Elena Letuchaya's husband, Yuri Anashenkov, is two years older than his chosen one, he is a self-sufficient person, since he is engaged in entrepreneurial, collection and lawyer activities, and is also fond of hockey. The fact is that the young people met a year and a half before the wedding.

At the same time, Flying literally took Yura away from the family where two children were growing up, but she does not repent of this. The young people met at the Topical Style Awards, and everyone started talking about how the guys would be a great couple.

The wedding took place in 2016 in a luxury villa on the Greek island of Santorini, while the ceremony was only for their own people. The bachelorette party Flying spent in the presidential chambers of the Moscow hotel Lotte Hotel Moscow, where she considered the last details of the celebration.

At the same time, a woman often says that Yuri is just perfect for her, since he is a real authority, and also, the only man who supports her. By the way, a man never regrets anything for his wife, the couple lives in a cottage village near Moscow.

The guys have completely the same interests and worldview, so they feel just great together. At the same time, the couple rejects the assumption that Lena is an insidious homeless woman, since her ex-wife has lived separately for a long time.

Yuri often sees his children, because the eight-year-old and six-year-old boys really need a father, and Elena sees nothing wrong with that.

Photo by Elena Letuchaya in Maxim magazine

Photos of Elena Letuchaya in Maxim magazine have never appeared in print, but they can be found in the electronic version of the magazine. At the same time, they are quite modest, since on them the first television beauty appeared in front of her fans in a swimsuit, or rather, in several of their varieties.

The fact is that the beauty travels a lot, so she often posts photos in a swimsuit taken in the Seychelles, Maldives on social networks. In addition, Lena is often interested in which of the swimsuits fits her best.

Candid photos of Elena Letuchaya are limited to pictures in beautiful underwear, swimsuits or light tight-fitting dresses. All the photographs showing the naked journalist and TV presenter are skillfully and not very well done Photoshop or viral files.

Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Letuchaya

Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Letuchaya exist and are officially confirmed, while all the information posted in them is reliable, verified and up-to-date. So from an article on Wikipedia it is really possible to learn about childhood, parents, education, career growth on television and in other industries, personal life, and also about the health of a beauty.

About 1,200,000 people have subscribed to the Instagram of the people's favorite, who can rate and comment on the photos and videos of Flying. At the same time, almost all of them are devoted to working moments or travel, but there are few materials from the beauty's personal archive.

Elena Letuchaya is a popular TV presenter of the Friday channel, producer and screenwriter.

It is her image that is associated with inspections of catering establishments, hotels and hotels; it is she who brings dishonest merchants out into the open who want to save money on the quality of services provided.

Elena was born in Yaroslavl. Flying is her real surname, inherited from her parents, and not a pseudonym, as many believe. The dad of the future star worked as a civil engineer, so in 1986 he was sent to the construction of BAM, and the whole family moved to the city of Tynda in the Far East. It was in this town that Lena spent her childhood.

At school, the girl studied perfectly well, she was always an activist, while she devoted a lot of time to dancing and figure skating. She also attended art school, where she studied fine arts.

Sharp turns in the profession

The future star really wanted to move to St. Petersburg someday to work as an architect. But her parents insisted that she learn the profession of a financier, which is why, after school, Elena entered the economic college in Blagoveshchensk, where she studied for 2 years. After defending her diploma, she returned to Yaroslavl, where she got a job as an economist at the Railway Directorate. At the same time, Elena studied at the Moscow Institute of Railways. After receiving her diploma, she decided to change the company and got a job in one of the divisions of Gazprom.

Three more years passed in this way. Elena felt that she was engaged in an unloved business. She looked with envy at people who gladly go to work, who enjoy their professional activities. That is why, at the age of 29, she decided to drastically change her life and get another profession that would help to more fully unleash her creative potential and would bring satisfaction.

Elena entered the Ostankino School of Television to study the profession of a TV presenter. Now she understood what she wanted in life.
But it turned out that having neither experience nor connections in this area, it is very difficult to get a job in the specialty. The first year after graduation was almost in vain. She took on any work that somehow connected with her chosen type of activity, for example, she edited scripts, news notes on the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, prepared economic news for live broadcast. In Moscow, she had to rent a house, and the money she earned was not always enough even for rent. Mom tried to persuade her to return to her native Yaroslavl, but the girl did not give up.

Later she got a job at the Stolitsa TV channel, for which she filmed stories, then worked as the author of two programs on the Global Star TV channel. Finally, her efforts were crowned with success. In 2011, she was able to become a producer and editor of the popular programs on Channel One, of which Andrei Malakhov was the presenter. True, Elena worked in such a busy schedule without days off that she even ended up in a heart clinic.

She had to leave the labor-intensive work in Ostankino and switch to "quieter" channels. She prepared documentary projects for the Friday TV channel, produced the TV series "Kitchen" on STS for two seasons and the show "Holidays in Mexico".

At the beginning of 2014, the Friday TV channel acquired the rights to broadcast the Ukrainian program "Inspector". Initially, the channel's management wanted to invite Olga Freimut to the role of presenter, but she refused, citing a busy work schedule. Then the casting for the leading role was announced. Elena decided not to miss the chance. The spectacular, sociable blonde, outwardly somewhat similar to Olga Freimut, made a proper impression on the producers of the show, and after three months she was approved for the role of the host of the "Revizorro" program.

She began a life of continuous travel and flights. The work was difficult, all the time it was necessary to overcome the resistance of the owners of cafes, restaurants and hotels. Sometimes the film crew was even attacked using physical force. However, Elena has always maintained her composure, realizing that the program benefits people by identifying multiple service irregularities.

This went on for two years, after which Elena decided to leave the show and create a new program on the Friday channel. Fans of the TV presenter objected to this step, but Elena made her choice, and a new presenter was approved in the place of Revizorro.

Personal life of Elena Flying

But not only the new show caused Flying to leave the program. The point is that Elena decided to get married and, possibly, have a child. Previously, she believed that she was not made for marriage, and her goal was to build a career. But after 35 years, she reconsidered her views, moreover, she had a lover - businessman Yuri Anashenkov. Young people have been together for more than six months, Elena is actively preparing for the wedding, she has already bought a wedding dress.

Flying is a versatile person, she has her favorite hobbies, she adores equestrian sports, she is happy to devote time to yoga and fitness. She needs to keep herself fit in order to look good in the frame. The presenter hardly turns to stylists, completely trusting her own taste. Elena also loves to cook various dishes herself, but she stopped going to restaurants, she had to observe too many violations during the years of filming the "Revizorro" program.

Who belongs to the most successful, famous and beautiful women in the world read

The famous TV presenter Elena Flying was born in the city of Yaroslavl in 1978. Elena's parents worked as engineers in the construction industry. Elena Letuchaya and her family moved to Tynda (Amur Region) in 1985. Flying in childhood was engaged in figure skating and at an art school. Then, as a little girl, she dreamed of becoming an architect.

In the late 90s, on the advice of her father and mother, she successfully passed the entrance exams and studied at the financial and economic college of the city of Blagoveshchensk. Received a specialty of a financier. Returning to her hometown, Elena worked and at the same time received higher education. Further, the girl receives the coveted diploma of higher education and works at Gazprom.

Elena Flying understands that it was a mistake to listen to the advice of her relatives and do where she was advised. As a result, she got bored with office work.

At the age of 29, Elena decided to get a second higher education. She decides to learn all the intricacies of the TV and radio presenter profession at the Ostankino television school. For her thesis, the girl chose a successful donation project, highlighting the problem areas of modern medicine in this area. The plot once again assured Elena that the work of a TV presenter is her vocation.

Unfortunately, working in this area without the necessary connections and acquaintances is very problematic, so she had a hard time, since while looking for work, the girl needed to have funds to pay for rented housing. The girl's mother invited her daughter to return to her hometown, but she refused, and she did the right thing, because very soon she did find a good job on television.

The special projects studio on Channel One became that very job, the position is editor and producer. Here, Elena Flying will gain a lot of experience and learn a lot, but constant overtime and life at work have worn out the girl's health. Once in the hospital, she quit her job.

Having given preference to a more measured and calm work schedule, Elena Letuchaya chose several projects on television, where the workload was much less.

Since 2014, Elena Letuchaya was invited to shoot the "Revizorro" program as a permanent TV presenter. She successfully passed the casting and signed a contract with the producers of the TV project.

The work was incredibly interesting, although it had its drawbacks, or rather, it was necessary to constantly sit on suitcases.

Biography and personal life of Elena Letuchaya

Working in the TV project "Revizorro", Elena became a popular favorite. This is not surprising, a tall and slender blonde walks around and points out the shortcomings of any institution in the country in front of ordinary viewers. The essence of her work was that she looked into all corners of restaurants, bars, cafes, hotels, was engaged in a total and thorough check of both sanitary conditions and the quality of service, in the end she either recommended or did not recommend this or that institution. The most leading this project seemed extremely useful for society, because many people do not defend their rights to quality service.

The program was popular, but often the production team ran into unpleasant obstacles. In some establishments, there were boors, rude people, and people who wanted to get rid of annoying and unnecessary revisions at any cost. And although Elena generally coped with the pressure of such personalities, but sometimes, nevertheless, she resorted to relaxation and tranquility using yoga.

Having decided to leave the television project, Elena Letuchaya upset her fans so much that requests for her return and protests against the appointed new presenter covered the entire Internet. Flying herself decided to open her own project, the name of which is "Stroynyashki".

The project was never launched, and Flying was returned to Revizorro in 2016.

Having gained popularity, the biography and personal life of Elena Letuchay began to excite many admirers of her work. If you look at the girl's personal life, then there is not much to tell here. Elena was always serious about choosing a partner (boyfriend), she didn't really think about marriage and family. All because she knew for sure that she would definitely find the same person, no need to waste time on just anyone, she preferred to choose herself. And then, finally, I met Yuri Anashenkov. This man is a businessman. The couple's relationship was gaining momentum.

Elena Flying's husband

Yuri and Elena got married last summer. The celebration took place in Greece. Everything was gentle, beautiful and tasteful. The wedding was attended only by the closest people, the magnificent and noisy festivities were not to their taste.

The 38-year-old TV presenter has no children yet. Elena Flying's husband, along with her, often flashes on photographs of the paparazzi, where they look great and look very happy.

Elena Flying has several hobbies - yoga, an equestrian variety, often attends fitness in order to constantly be in shape. I must say that she does it well, because she looks great.

As for the girl's style and wardrobe, here she is her own stylist. Likes to experiment, is independently engaged in the selection of outfits. Bright, stylish, feminine, beautiful and charming - all this is about the popular TV presenter Elena Letuchaya.

Biography Elena Flying: how did she achieve success, and who is her husband?

E Lena Flying is a sophisticated TV presenter, a beautiful woman with glowing eyes and blond hair. With her appearance and charisma, she attracts the attention of men and women. Many people are interested in her life; during Elena's activity on television, she had a lot of fans. In this article, we will tell you more about Elena, her biography, husband and family.

Life and career of a bright TV presenter

Yaroslavl is the small homeland of Elena Flying, she was born in 1978. The parents of the future star worked in the construction industry, were engineers.

By the way, many people wonder about the unusualness of the girl's surname: Flying is a real surname, not a pseudonym.

Lena Flying was born in Yaroslavl

As a child, she did not dream of television, she wanted to become an architect. But life turned out differently: the family moved to the Amur Region to participate in the construction of the BAM in the Far East. Elena spent her childhood in the city of Tynda.

At school, she showed herself to be an exemplary student, an example for the rest, studied at "good" and "excellent", was an activist, restless and energetic child. The future star devoted a lot of time to sports and creativity: she skated, danced and studied drawing. The girl received her higher education at a college in Blagoveshchensk at the financial and economic department. Then she returned to Yaroslavl, where she received a second education, worked in Gazprom and the Russian Railways division.

Three years later, the girl clearly understood that something needed to be changed in life: office work did not attract her at all, her inner talent demanded realization - Elena wanted to do what she loved.

At the age of 29, she began studying the profession of a TV presenter at the Ostankino School. But breaking through in this area of ​​activity is not easy; Flying successfully performed any job she took on, but the path to success turned out to be thorny.

Elena Flying began to study as a TV presenter only at the age of 29

She worked tirelessly, began work on the Stolitsa channel, where she became the author of two television programs. In 2011, the first serious success came: the girl began to work with Andrei Malakhov, to produce and edit programs with his participation. But Elena could not stand the busy work schedule, she even ended up in the hospital due to heart problems.

After Flying moved to a quieter job on the channel "Friday", was engaged in producing series and shows. Here she took the chance and became the host of the "Revizorro" program, with the help of which she achieved great success.

The TV presenter's life changed again, a complex work began with a lot of filming, traveling and conflicts with the owners of catering establishments, whose activities were checked by Revizorro. Elena became very popular - a spectacular and unusual girl, who does not lose her composure and self-control, sympathized with very many.

After two years of constant work, Flying decided to end her participation in this show: she remained the producer of the program, but stopped acting in it. It is believed that Flying's husband had a hand in this, who feared for the health of his wife because of the sometimes inadequate aggressiveness of the owners and employees of catering establishments.

The TV presenter launched a new TV show with her participation "Slimy", in which she is relieved of unpleasant situations, and the fans of the star have the pleasure of seeing her on the TV screen.

Elena Flying is known for her activity: she monitors her shape (including with the help of diets), and also practices yoga and various sports: horse riding, jogging, ice skating, alpine skiing. Even on the air of "Revizorro" the TV presenter stated that she did not eat meat and sweets.

Personal life of a star: who is Elena's husband?

Lena the Flying with her husband

In August 2016, the wedding of Elena Letuchaya and businessman Yuri Anashenkov took place on the island of Santorini (Greece). The romance between people lasted 2 years up to this point; at this time, they preferred to hide the relationship, not to give a reason for conversation. But the public noticed that the couple began to appear together, there were even rumors that Elena had taken her future husband out of the family, but this is not true: Yuri began a relationship after he divorced his previous wife. He has a business, his own collection agency, and two children from his first marriages.

Elena, 38, has no children yet. Previously, she made statements that a child is a very responsible step for which she is not yet ready, but now that she is married, her point of view may change.

This is the story of an imposing and vibrant TV presenter who was able to achieve everything with her strength and energy, build a successful career and find a loving husband.

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