Who are you friends against? The Star Wars family tree. Why did Anakin Skywalker become Darth Vader? The actor who played Darth Vader in Star Wars

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Preliminary Note: This article is intended for voracious Star Wars fans and shouldn't be taken too seriously, it's just a different perspective on this classic franchise as well as one of the most revered villains to ever hit the silver screen.

Darth Vader undoubtedly strangled a certain number of his fellow soldiers with the help of techniques of the dark side of the Force, as well as those who stood in the way of the Empire, striving for complete dominance in Star Wars. But was he really 100% villain, or more a powerful pawn at the center of an intergalactic chess game that began thousands of years earlier between the Jedi and Sith?

In fact, Vader fulfilled the "prophecy" at the end of Return of the Jedi, tipping the balance again in favor of the Force, killing the evil Emperor and sparing the life of his son Luke. It probably took him 30 years to do this, but he went back to the person he was before he put on the mask, that is, to Anakin Skywalker, and perhaps during that time he discovered what was wrong with the Jedi. , and the Sith.

The debate here is not about whether Vader was a saint, but about something else - simply that the Jedi and Sith are just as guilty of his wicked actions as the war that is waged in these films everywhere, even “in the most distant parts of this galaxy. "

Now, before the internet turns against this theory, let's get back to the facts.

New direction

With Star Wars: The Last Jedi on track for the second episode of the new trilogy in December, there may be a different perspective on the Jedi, even from the now iconic Luke Skywalker. They may not be viewed as completely pure heroes as they have always been.

Even in the first trailer for The Last Jedi, Luke (played by Mark Hamill) says, "The time for the Jedi is coming to an end." This phrase can have a huge number of meanings, although this is part of only a two-minute teaser. However, it fits well with the controversy that has been raging on the Internet since the return of Star Wars in 2015 along with The Force Awakens.


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This film reveals that the new "Emperor-like" character Snoke is neither a Jedi nor a Sith, and the same applies to his apprentice Kylo Ren. But why is it so? Shouldn't there be a division into light and darkness?

Rumor has it, confirmed in some footage from the trailer (from this point on to the intricacies and details intended for very big fans), that we in this film will probably learn more about the first Jedi that existed thousands of years before presented events. They are neither light nor dark, and the perceived balance in the Force will be different from what we saw in the first six films.

In addition, it seems that Luke - perhaps he learned that his father first joined the Dark Side, and then began to train and make himself a Jedi - doubts arose as to whether a person, including a Jedi, could, be completely on the side of good or evil. There are shades of gray, and if you take them out of life, then you eventually get Darth Vader.

Anakin Skywalker

Let's take a quick look at the time leading up to Luke's birth and focus on Darth's life in previous episodes.

Anakin Skywalker (played by Hayden Christiansen) was a student of the Jedi, who told him that attachments and emotions of all kinds were not part of their lineage. They were peacemakers who had no right to marry and have children. They had a more important calling - to protect the galaxy from those whose sole purpose was to rule.

Everything is fine, if we talk about feelings, but in life everything did not happen quite like that, and this was noticed by young Skywalker.

First of all, Anakin Skywalker married Padmé (Natalie Portman) and then discovered that she would have a child with him. He also had a dream in which she was dying in childbirth, and so he began to look for a way to save his love and his unborn children. He was unable to do this with the help of the Jedi Code and the advice of Master Yoda, but at that moment one of his mentors told him to spy on his friend. Does anyone see a problem here? Later, when Anakin himself is about to tell Mace Windu (Samuel Jackson) that his close friend and mentor, the Emperor, was thus associated with the dark power of the Sith Lord they are looking for, he realizes that Mace instantly made the decision to kill, not bring him to court and give him the opportunity to face the law, because, in his words, "he is too powerful to stay alive." And so Anakin takes action, overthrows Windu and declares his loyalty to the Emperor. Later he did a few dubious things (cough, cough, he killed the cubs), but it was all done in the name of love.

By no means did the Jedi act completely impartially and only in accordance with their teachings, and he knew it. He may have been manipulated by Palpatine, but he was not particularly helped by his observation of what the other Jedi were doing. In his opinion, he made a choice in favor of the lesser of two evils.

"Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine is a villain!" - Obi-Wan tells him during their great battle on the planet Mustafar - this is the very battle in which Ovi-Wan chops off all his limbs and leaves him at the moment when he is already engulfed in fire.

“In my opinion, these are Jedi villains,” Anakin replies.

Return of the Jedi

Now let's turn to Luke's journey and how Return of the Jedi ended.

In the films leading up to Jedi, Luke was misled as to what happened to his father and then told not to save his friends because he needed to continue his studies with Yoda. "Let them die, and you have to improve your skills with a lightsaber" - so, basically, he was told.

While he fights his father - now it is Darth - and defeats him, he again refuses to kill him or let him die and takes his place next to the Emperor based on the Sith code. After which the Emperor tries to kill Luke, but at this moment Darth intervenes in the events taking place.

Instead of watching his enemy (his son) die, he intervenes, ignoring both the Sith and Jedi codes, and acts as his heart dictates. He kills his mentor, then dies himself, but saves his boy. That is, Darth Vader does all this for love, which was forbidden by the Jedi code, and thus he returns the balance to the Force and the Galaxy. In addition, he may be creating a model for a new way of life - they are no longer Sith or Jedi, but grays.

This is similar to what Kylo Ren says in The Force Awakens when he looks at Dart's melting mask: "I will complete what you started, grandfather."

Ren is the son of Han Solo and General Leia, and in addition, he rebelles against the Jedi teachings, leaves Luke's new academy and attempts to eradicate the Jedi once and for all.

Wait, but he killed his own father. So what, he's clearly a bad guy. But is it? Only time will tell.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign mass media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial board.

Height 202 cm Eyes Gray Weapon Red lightsaber, dark side of the Force Vehicle TIE Fighter, Executioner Affiliation Galactic Empire, Sith Actor Hayden Christensen (II, III), David Prowse (IV-VI), James Earl Jones (voice, III-VI), Sebastian Shaw (VI, Darth Vader's face and spirit)

In the original trilogy, Vader is portrayed as the cunning and brutal leader of the army of the Galactic Empire, which rules the entire galaxy. Vader acts as a student of Emperor Palpatine. He uses the dark side of the Force to destroy the Rebel Alliance seeking to rebuild the Galactic Republic. A funky trilogy chronicles the heroic rise and tragic fall of Vader's original personality, Anakin Skywalker.

The name "Darth Vader" is consonant with the name "Gift of the Wind" from the novel by I.A. Efremov's "Andromeda Nebula" (1957).


Original trilogy

In the original trilogy Star Wars Darth Vader is the main antagonist: a dark, ruthless figure, ready to capture, torture or kill the heroes of the film in order to prevent the collapse of the Empire. On the other hand, Darth Vader (or, as he is called otherwise, the Dark Lord) is one of the greatest figures in the Star Wars universe. As one of the most powerful of the Sith, he draws the sympathy of many anthology fans and is a very charismatic character.

New Hope

Vader is tasked with recovering the stolen plans of the Death Star and finding the secret base of the Rebel Alliance. He captures and tortures Princess Leia Organa and is nearby when Death Star Commander Grand Moff Tarkin destroys her home planet Alderaan. Soon after, he fights in lightsabers with his former teacher Obi-Wan Kenobi, who came to the Death Star to rescue Leia, and kills him (Obi-Wan becomes a Force spirit). He then meets Luke Skywalker at the Battle of the Death Star, and senses in him a great ability in the Force; this is confirmed later when the youth destroys the battle station. Vader was about to shoot down Luke with his TIE Advanced x1 fighter, but an unexpected attack Millennium Falcon, piloted by Han Solo, sends Vader into space.

The Empire Strikes Back

Following the destruction of Echo Rebel Base on Hoth by the Empire, Darth Vader dispatches bounty hunters. bounty hunters) in search of the Millennium Falcon. On board his Star Destroyer, he will execute Admiral Ozzel (who was a completely incompetent commander) and Captain Niidu for their mistakes. Meanwhile, the Mandalorian Boba Fett manages to locate the Falcon and track its progress to the gas giant Bespin. After discovering that Luke is not on the Falcon, Vader captures Leia, Han, Chewbacca, and C-3PO to lure Luke into a trap. He makes a deal with Cloud City administrator Lando Calrissian to turn Han over to bounty hunter Boba Fett, and freezes Solo in carbonite. Luke, who at this time is undergoing training in the possession of the Light Side of the Force under the guidance of Yoda on the planet Dagoba, feels the danger threatening his friends. The young man goes to Bespin to fight Vader, but is defeated and loses his right hand. Then Vader reveals to him the truth: he is Luke's father, and not Anakin's killer, as Obi Wan Kenobi told the young Skywalker, and offers to overthrow Palpatine and rule the galaxy together. Luke refuses and jumps down. He is sucked into a trash chute and thrown to the antennas of Cloud City, where he is rescued by Leia, Chewbacca, Lando, C-3PO and R2-D2 in the Millennium Falcon.

Return of the Jedi

Vader is tasked with overseeing the completion of the construction of the second Death Star. He meets with Palpatine aboard the half-completed station to discuss Luke's plan for turning to the dark side.

During this time, Luke nearly completed his Jedi training and learned from the dying Master Yoda that Vader was indeed his father. He learns about his father's past from the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, and also learns that Leia is his sister. During an operation on the forest moon of Endor, he surrenders to the Imperial forces and is brought to Vader. Aboard the Death Star, Luke resists the Emperor's call to unleash his anger and fear for his friends (and thus switch to the dark side of the Force). However, Vader, using the Force, penetrates Luke's mind, learns of the existence of Leia and threatens to convert her into a servant of the dark side of the Force in his place. Luke succumbs to his rage and nearly kills Vader by severing his father's right arm. But at this moment, the young man sees Vader's cybernetic hand, then looks at his own, realizes that he is dangerously close to the fate of his father, and curbs his anger.

Vader's costume design was influenced by the costume worn by Lightning, the villain in the TV series Fighting the Devil's Dogs, and the masks of the Japanese samurai, but there was also a similarity in Vader's armor to that of Marvel's supervillain Doctor of Death.

Vader's canonical breathing noise was created by Ben Burtt, who breathed through an underwater mask with a small microphone in the regulator. He originally recorded many variations of the breath noise, from rattling and asthmatic to cold and mechanical. Mostly the more mechanical version was chosen, with the more rattling version in Return of the Jedi, after Vader was fatally injured by Sidious's Force lightning. Initially, Vader was supposed to sound like an ambulance room, with clicks and beeps as long as he was in the frame. However, it turned out that it was too distracting, and all this noise was cut down to just one breath.

One of the canon changes regarding the costume was that by 4 ABY Vader's left shoulder was completely artificial, and in 3 ABY, after an encounter with Luke on Bespin, he noted that his right shoulder had healed well. Since the bionic shoulder could not heal, Vader's right shoulder should still be made of his own flesh, although earlier on Mimban, Vader's right arm was amputated from the shoulder. This information may be somewhat incorrect, since during the 2nd and 3rd- of his Episodes, we see how Anakin Skywalker first lost his right arm below the elbow (in a fight with Dooku (replaced with a prosthesis in the same Episode 2), and then lost his left arm below the elbow, and both legs below the knees (fight with Obi-Wan), which were also replaced with prostheses at the end of Revenge of the Sith, during the final transformation of Anakin into Darth Vader. However, whether Vader spoke of this healing literally, sarcastically or metaphorically is unknown. Another change was that in Episode III the costume Vader, completely new, was made different from the original design, albeit only slightly to give it a new, newly created look.A few small changes in the length of the neck and shoulder grips gave the movement of Vader more mechanical look. Another change to the canon is that Vader's chest bar changed slightly from III to IV and from IV to V and VI. The canonical reason for this has not yet been named. In addition, this control panel featured ancient Hebrew symbols, which some fans believe translate as "His deeds will not be forgiven until he deserves it."

The suit has been referenced several times in the Expanded Universe. For example, in the Star Wars Legacy comics, Cade Skywalker appears in a pair of pants very similar to Vader's piece of clothing. Also in Star Wars: The Unification, when Mara tries on wedding dresses, one of them resembles Vader's armor. Leia tells the designer that the reason Mara rejected him is "The bride doesn't want to dress like the groom's father."

Secret disciple

According to the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed project, immediately after the events of episode 3, Darth Vader took the son of a Jedi as his apprentice, whose potential in strength far exceeded his own. Vader wanted with the help of the apprentice to overthrow the Emperor and seize power in the Empire, and in order for the apprentice to become stronger, Darth Vader ordered him to destroy the 66 Jedi who survived after fulfilling the order. Later, a secret apprentice, nicknamed Starkiller, realized his mistake and switched to the bright side. After that, gaining the trust of the rebels, he vowed to lead them in this battle, but they were found by Darth Vader, who captured the rebels, but Starkiller was able to escape. He vowed to take revenge on his former teacher. Arriving at the death star, he fought the Sith Lord, severely crippling him, but still died at the hands of Emperor Palpatine and thereby saved the rebels.

The epic Star Wars is a world famous story about space adventures, the life and struggle of various heroes - both positive and negative. The latter include the completely controversial character Darth Vader, aka the Dark Lord, who was called Anakin Skywalker in childhood.

Star Wars and Darth Vader

The history of the creation of the cult movie saga, and then the Star Wars universe, dates back to 1971, when director and producer George Lucas signed a contract with United Artists to shoot the Star Wars movie.

However, it is generally accepted that it all began in 1976, after the release of a novelization book of the same name by D. Lucas and A. D. Foster. The producers of the film company feared that the film would fail at the box office, and decided to play it safe by releasing a book. In 1977, D. Lucas received a reader's literary prize for this novel, and the producers' doubts were finally dispelled.

In May of the same year, the first of the nine epic films was released, which is called "Star Wars. New Hope". One of the main characters appears in it for the first time. Who is Darth Vader?

Characteristics of the main character

Darth Vader is the main negative character, the cruel and cunning leader of the Galactic Imperial Army, which dominates the entire Universe. He is, in fact, the most powerful Sith, and is also trained by Emperor Palpatine himself and is on the dark side of the Force.

Darth Vader is fighting against the Rebel Alliance in order to prevent the collapse of the Empire. The Alliance, on the other hand, wants the restoration of the Galactic Republic and the union of free planets.

But initially Darth Vader was a positive character, one of the Jedi named Anakin Skywalker. His transition from the Light to the Dark Side of the force and transformation into Darth Vader occurs for several reasons. To understand who Darth Vader is, you need to look at all the stages in his life.

Anakin Skywalker's childhood

Anakin Skywalker, who later became Darth Vader, was born in 42 AD before the Battle of Yavin on the planet Tatooine. His mother was a slave girl named Shmi Skywalker who said nothing about Anakin's father. The Jedi Qui-Gon Jin, who found the future Darth Vader and considered the boy the chosen one, claimed that the Force of Light was his father.

Qui-Gon Jin frees Anakin from slavery and takes him with him to the planet Coruscant. Kwai demands consent from the Jedi Council to teach Skywalker, but is refused, motivated by the fact that he already has a student, and because of Anakin's age. Also, the reason for the refusal was the anger and fear that remained with him from slave times. Skywalker later becomes a Jedi under the tutelage of Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the Council resigns itself to this.

From Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader

Anakin becomes an adult 10 years later and acquires the skill of a Jedi, although he is still Kenobi's Padawan. At the same time, Shiv Palpatine (aka Darth Sidious, the future emperor) begins to fulfill his plan, which he has been hatching for many years. It consisted in making Anakin Skywalker his apprentice, luring him to the dark side of the force.

For this, Palpatine uses Anakin's loss of trust in his Jedi mentors and Skywalker's forbidden love for the queen of the planet Naboo, Padmé Amidala Naberrie. One of the main reasons for Anakin's transformation is his pain and anger, which appear after he avenges the death of his mother Shmi on the Tusken nomads. The grief and hatred that gripped him over the loss of his mother push Anakin to merciless murders, in which women and children die. Of course, Skywalker does not yet know who Darth Vader is, but the process is already irreversible, and, to Palpatine's delight, Anakin, not realizing everything that happens, finds himself on the dark side of the force and becomes the Emperor's apprentice.

Crossing to the dark side

Chancellor Palpatine is captured by the Separatists, and to free him, Anakin and Obi-Wan engage with them. During the duel, Obi-Wan is stunned by the rebel leader Count Dooku, but Anakin defeats him. The Chancellor then orders Skywalker to cut off the head of the unarmed Earl. Anakin obeys the order, but doubts the correctness of what was done, because the murder of a prisoner is not a Jedi's business.

Anakin returns to Coruscant, where Padmé, whom he secretly married, tells him about her pregnancy. Palpatine makes Skywalker his representative on the Jedi Council, but the Assembly, obeying the will of the Chancellor, does not elevate Anakin to the Master. He is also entrusted with spying on Palpatine, after which the future Darth Vader finally loses faith in the Jedi.

It is later revealed that the Chancellor is in fact the very Sith Lord that the Order has been hunting for a long time. Master Windu and several Jedi are sent to arrest the Chancellor. Anakin follows them and finds a duel between Palpatine and Windu. The Chancellor is protected from a fatal blow by Anakin Skywalker, stopping Windu, after which Palpatine kills the master.

Darth vader

All the events described above and the death of his beloved wife Padmé finally incline Anakin to the dark side of power. There is no turning back for Skywalker, as he, in fact, became an accomplice in the assassination of the Jedi Master. He takes an oath of allegiance to Darth Sidious (Palpatine) and receives a new Sith name - Darth Vader.

After some time, he receives an order from Sidious - to destroy all the Jedi who are in his temple. Darth Vader kills them with his own hands, sparing neither the Younglings nor the Padawans; clone soldiers help him in this atrocity. Also, following the order of Sidious, Vader destroys all the leaders of the Confederation on the planet of the volcanoes Mustafar, naively believing that by doing so he will achieve the long-awaited peace in the Republic.

Yoda and Obi-Wan, after learning who staged the massacre in the temple, decide to kill Darth Vader. In the duel, Kenobi cuts off Darth's left arm and both legs with a lightsaber, after which, dying, he falls to the riverbed of molten lava, and his clothes begin to burn.

Darth Vader costume

Half-dead and burned Vader is rescued by his mentor Sidious. In order to maintain life, Darth Vader is put on a special sealed suit-spacesuit. It was a portable, mobile life support system that Vader could not do without after receiving wounds and burns from a lava river in a duel with Obi-Wan. This armor was created using ancient Sith alchemical lore.

The main thing in Darth Vader's costume was the most complex respiratory system with which he could breathe, since after burns it was impossible to do this. The armor was created according to all the traditions of the Sith warriors and provided good protection to its owner, although they occasionally broke, after repair they continued their work. One of the elements of the costume was the helmet of Darth Vader, in front of which his grandson would later take the oath of allegiance.

Darth Vader's weapon

Darth Vader, while still Anakin Skywalker, was trained in swordsmanship by one of the most powerful masters of the Jedi Order - Yoda. Thanks to his teacher, Vader learned and perfectly mastered all styles of lightsaber combat.

He gave preference to the fifth form of combat, which was distinguished by increased aggressiveness and impetuous pressure aimed at physically breaking the enemy. Darth also mastered the technique of simultaneous swordsmanship, which was useful to him in numerous battles.

Unusual character abilities

As a result of the catastrophic injuries sustained in the duel on the planet Mustafar, most of Vader's Force was irretrievably lost. However, the Dark Lord had immense power and a great degree of skill, sufficient to win almost every duel.

Darth possessed the highest degree of telekinesis, and also perfectly mastered the Strangulation and Force Push techniques, which he often demonstrated in fights with rivals. In wars, Darth Vader used the art of Tutaminis, which allowed him to absorb, reflect and redirect the currents of plasma released by a blaster.

The dark lord was an excellent telepathic and could penetrate the thoughts of opponents, manipulating consciousness, subjugating their will. Over time, he was able to restore the power of his severed limbs. Although not without the help of the suit, his strength increased significantly. Using all his skills and Dark Power, Vader was practically invincible.

Return to the light side of the force

Darth Vader makes plans to turn his only son, Luke Skywalker, to the dark side of the power of the grown-up and became a Jedi. After he learns from Master Yoda about who his father is, he surrenders to the warriors who obey Palpatine, and meets with Darth and the Emperor. The emperor is trying to convince Luke, to give vent to his fear for friends and anger, so that with the help of this, he will be persuaded to the dark side of power. Darth Vader at this time penetrates into the mind of his son and learns about his sister Leia Organa. Darth Vader's voice in Luke's head threatens to turn her into an adept of the Dark Force if he refuses.

Luke is led by his rage and almost kills his father, but in time he pacifies his anger and throws his lightsaber aside, not wanting to deliver the fatal blow. The Emperor tries to tempt Luke Skywalker with power and demands that he kill Darth Vader, but gets a decisive refusal. The enraged ruler attacks Vader's son using the power of lightning, Luke asks his father for help. Vader suppresses the Dark Force within himself and helps his son by throwing the Emperor into the reactor of the Death Star.

Death of the protagonist

During a meeting with his son on the unfinished Death Star, saving Luke from Palpatine, Darth Vader is killed, struck by the lethal lightning strikes that the Emperor sent at him. Although he was afraid to rebel and betray his mentor Palpatine, he still could not destroy his only son, knowing that he would pay with his life.

It is worth noting that Darth Vader was a kind of golem of the Emperor. Those wounds he received from lightning directed by Palpatine could not kill him, since in the comics about Darth Vader, his suit could withstand more significant attacks. In reality, the Dark Lord dies due to the fact that his energetic connection with the Emperor, who contributed to the maintenance of life in him, is severed. Luke Skywalker later buries his father as a true Jedi.

In the Star Wars universe

George Lucas created the Star Wars universe, which included absolutely all the materials related to this movie saga. All film and television versions, books, cartoons and animated series, as well as toys and computer games are widely represented in it. Here you can see numerous photos of Darth Vader and other heroes of this story.

Vader is one of the most famous and beloved movie characters in the world, despite the fact that he is more negative than positive. American magazine "Empire" awarded Darth Vader the ninth place in the list of the greatest movie characters of all time. Of course, without this hero, the film would not be so exciting, and the plot would lose in many ways due to the loss of intrigue.

It is worth noting that it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of who Darth Vader is, since both the Dark and the Light sides of the Force were combined in this hero.

Anakin Skywalker

However, Anakin took the first step to the dark side of the Force long before these events - when on Tatooine he exterminated the entire tribe of the Sand People, avenging his mother Shmi Skywalker. Anakin's next step towards the dark side of the Force was to assassinate the unarmed Count Dooku at the behest of Chancellor Palpatine. Finally, he took the plunge when he betrayed the Jedi Master to Windu and helped Palpatine defeat him.

Suppression of the Rebellion

Darth Vader commanded the military forces of the Empire. The rebels sometimes mistook him for the Leader of the Empire, and about To the emperor forgotten. He instilled fear throughout the galaxy. Thanks to the brutality of his operations, the rebels had a hard time. In general, he is indirectly guilty at the beginning of the war: while still a Jedi Knight, he foresaw the death of his wife and, of course, did not want it. Darth Sidious he is Palpatine, then the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and used this to lure Anakin to the dark side. After Anakin became Darth Vader, Order 66 came into force, after which most of the Jedi Knights were destroyed, and the Grand Army of the Republic, in accordance with the charter, came under the direct control of the Supreme Chancellor. During the uprising, Vader played the role of a target to be eliminated by the rebels, as well as a deity for the Empire. He acted without miscalculations or misfires. Vader was a genius of war. Any miscalculation on the part of subordinates was severely punished by his favorite torture measure - strangulation from a distance. Darth vader and Darth Sidious, unlike the others Sith had full access to Jedi data archive. At any time, they could look at the dossier of any Jedi or an event that happened. Because of the punitive functions he performed and his unconditional loyalty to the Emperor, he earned the respect of his soldiers, and among the rebels he received the nicknames "The Emperor's Chain Dog" and "His Majesty's Personal Executioner."

Darth vader

In the original Star Wars trilogy, Anakin Skywalker appears as Darth Vader. He was played by bodybuilder David Prowse and two stunt doubles (one of them is Bob Anderson), and Vader's voice belongs to the actor James Earl Jones... Darth Vader - Chief antagonist: the cunning and brutal leader of the army of the Galactic Empire that rules the entire galaxy. Vader acts as an apprentice Emperor Palpatine... He uses the dark side Forces to prevent the collapse of the Empire and destroy Rebel Alliance who seeks to rebuild the Galactic Republic. On the other hand, Darth Vader (or Dark Lord) is one of the greatest figures in the Star Wars universe. Being one of the most powerful Sith, he is sympathetic to many anthology fans and is a very charismatic character.

New Hope

Vader is tasked with recovering the stolen plans Death Stars and find the secret base of the Rebel Alliance. He grabs and tortures Princess Leia Organa and is near when the commander of the Death Star Grand Moff Tarkin destroys her home planet Alderaan... Soon after, he fights on lightsabers with my former teacher Obi-Wan Kenobi, who came to the Death Star to save Leia, and kills him (Obi-Wan becomes a Force spirit). Then he meets Luke Skywalker in the battle on the Death Star, and feels in him a great ability in the Force; this is confirmed later when the youth destroys the battle station. Vader was about to knock Luke down with his TIE fighter(TIE Advanced x1) but unexpected attack Millennium Falcon piloted Han Solo, sends Vader into space.

The Empire Strikes Back

Following the destruction of Echo Rebel Base on Hoth by the Empire, Darth Vader dispatches bounty hunters (English bounty hunters) in search of the Millennium Falcon. Aboard its Star Destroyer he will execute Admiral Ozzel and Captain Niidu for their mistakes. Meanwhile, Boba Fett manages to locate the Falcon and track its progress to the gas giant Bespin. Upon discovering that Luke is not on the Falcon, Vader captures Leia, Han, Chewbacca and C-3PO to trap Luke. He makes a deal with Cloud City administrator Lando Calrissian to turn Han over to the bounty hunter. Bobe Fett, and freezes Solo in carbonite. Luke, who is currently undergoing ownership training The bright side of the Force under the direction of Yoda on the planet Dagoba, feels the danger threatening friends. The young man goes to Bespin to fight Vader, but is defeated and loses his right hand. Vader then reveals the truth to him: he is Luke's father, not Anakin's killer, as he told young Skywalker Obi-Wan Kenobi, and proposes to overthrow Palpatine and rule the galaxy together. Luke refuses and jumps down. He is sucked into a trash chute and thrown to the antennas of Cloud City, where he is rescued. Lei , Chewbacca, Lando, C-3PO and R2-D2 on the Millennium Falcon. Darth Vader tries to stop the Millennium Falcon, but it goes into hyperspace. Then Vader leaves without a word.

Return to the Light Side

The events described in this section take place in the film « Star Wars. Episode VI: Return of the Jedi »

Vader is tasked with overseeing the completion of the construction of the second Death Star. He meets with Palpatine aboard the half-completed station to discuss Luke's plan for turning to the dark side.

During this time, Luke almost completed his training in the Jedi arts and learned from the dying master Yoda that Vader is indeed his father. He learns about his father's past from the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, and also learns that Leia is his sister. During an operation on the forest moon of Endor, he surrenders to the Imperial forces and is brought to Vader. Aboard the Death Star, Luke resists the Emperor's call to unleash his anger and fear for his friends (and thus switch to The dark side of the Force). However, Vader, using the Force, penetrates Luke's mind, learns of the existence of Leia and threatens to convert her into a servant of the dark side of the Force in his place. Luke succumbs to his rage and nearly kills Vader by severing his father's right arm. But at this moment, the young man sees Vader's cybernetic hand, then looks at his own, realizes that he is dangerously close to the fate of his father, and curbs his anger.

Vader's costume design was influenced by the costume worn by Lightning, the villain in the TV series Fighting the Devil's Dogs, and the masks of the Japanese samurai, but there was also a similarity in Vader's armor to that of Marvel's supervillain Doctor of Death.

Vader's canonical breathing noise was created by Ben Burtt, who breathed through an underwater mask with a small microphone in the regulator. He originally recorded many variations of the breath noise, from rattling and asthmatic to cold and mechanical. Mostly the more mechanical version was chosen, with the more rattling version in Return of the Jedi, after Vader was fatally injured by Sidious's Force lightning. Vader was originally intended to sound like an ambulance room, with clicks and beeps as long as he was in the frame. However, it turned out that it was too distracting, and all this noise was cut down to just one breath.

One of the canon changes regarding the costume was that by 4 ABY Vader's left shoulder was completely artificial, and in 3 ABY, after an encounter with Luke on Bespin, he noted that his right shoulder had healed well. Since the bionic shoulder could not heal, Vader's right shoulder should still be made of his own flesh, although earlier on Mimban, Vader's right arm was amputated from the shoulder. This information may be somewhat incorrect, since during the 2nd and 3rd- of his Episodes, we see how Anakin Skywalker first lost his right arm below the elbow (in a fight with Count Dooku (replaced with a prosthesis in the same Episode 2)), and then lost his left arm below the elbow, and both legs below the knees (a fight with Obi-Wan ), which were also replaced with prostheses at the end of Revenge of the Sith, during Anakin's final transformation into Darth Vader. However, whether Vader spoke of this healing literally, sarcastically, or metaphorically is unknown. Another change was that in Episode III, Vader's costume, completely new, was made different from the original design, albeit only slightly to give it a new, newly created look. Several small changes in neck length and shoulder grips made Vader's movements more mechanical view... Another change to the canon is that Vader's chest bar changed slightly from III to IV and from IV to V and VI. The canonical reason for this has not yet been named. In addition, this control panel featured ancient Hebrew symbols, which some fans believe translate as "His deeds will not be forgiven until he deserves it."

The suit has been referenced several times in the Expanded Universe. For example, in the Star Wars Legacy comics, Cade Skywalker appears in a pair of pants very similar to Vader's piece of clothing. Also in Star Wars: The Unification, when Mara tries on wedding dresses, one of them resembles Vader's armor. Leia tells the designer that the reason Mara rejected him is "The bride doesn't want to dress like the groom's father."

Criticism and reviews

This character is one of the most famous pop idols among villains in the history of cinema.

... the presence of the disease also explains the popularity of Vader's character among adolescents. It is noted that young people see Darth Vader as a kindred spirit, as young viewers themselves often suffer from borderline personality disorder.

The full results of this study were published in the scientific journal Psychiatry Research in January 2011.

see also

Notes (edit)

  1. The website www.StarWars.com states that Anakin's official height is 185 cm. The height of the actor Hayden Christensen who played Anakin - 187 cm.
  2. British Director Ken Annakin Passes Away, theforce.net, April 24, 2009
  3. Ken Annakin dies at 94; British director of "Swiss Family Robinson" and others, latimes.com, April 24, 2009
  4. Vader in the Dutch dictionary
  5. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
  6. The chosen one featurette
  7. Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide. ISBN 0-7566-1420-1.
  8. Empire of dreams
  9. Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars. ISBN 0-8109-6567-4.
  10. The sneak preview BTS look at Episode III included in the OT special addition bonus material
  11. Star Wars: The men behind the mask
  12. Audio commentary to
  13. Audio commentary to
  14. Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
  15. Shadows of the Empire (comic)
  16. Star Wars: Shard of Power Crystal. ISBN 5-7921-0315-1.
  17. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
  18. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
  19. Commentary regarding the inscription on the control panel of the suit.(unavailable link)
  20. AFI's 100 Years ... 100 Heroes and Villains ", American Film Institute, last accessed April 17, 2008 (English)
  21. 100-greatest-movie-characters. empireonline.com. Archived from the original on February 5, 2012. Retrieved January 13, 2012.
  22. French psychiatrists diagnosed the character of the epic "Star Wars" Radio "Moscow Says"
  23. Darth Vader diagnosed with mental disorder Morning.ua
  24. Darth Vader declared mentally ill
  25. French psychiatrists diagnosed Darth Vader Lenta.ru
  26. Bui E., Rodgers R., Chabrol H., Birmes P., Schmitt L. Is Anakin Skywalker suffering from borderline personality disorder? (English) // Psychiatry Research... - January 2011. - Vol. 185. - No. 1-2. - P. 299. - ISSN 0165-1781 . - DOI: 10.1016 / j.psychres.2009.03.031
  27. ダ ー ス ・ ベ イ ダ ー vs ヨ ー ダ の 夢 の 戦 い が 実 現! | SOUL CALIBUR IV
  28. Lenta.ru: From life: Darth Vader visited the Odessa City Hall
  29. Lenta.ru: From life: Darth Vader turned to the mayor of Odessa


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