Why is the Internet going down? Reasons and recommendations. Akado (Akado) Internet - connection and setup Visiting the provider's office

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Now, with a tariff of 7500 Mbps in both directions (i.e., the download speed should reach several hundred kilobytes per second), in the afternoon and in the evening the download speed is either 0 or 10-20 Kb / s for several weeks already. I didn’t pump at night, but, it seems, faster.

Before that, there was a MIG-Telecom provider (the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro area), everything was fine, but in May 2008 it was bought by the Akado network. MIG was several years old, they periodically reduced the cost of tariffs. In May 2008, my tariff cost 750 rubles. per month. After the purchase of MIG, its website stopped working and the Akado website began to open. On the Akado website, among the listed tariffs, there was a tariff with my speed of 7500/7500 and it cost 600 rubles / month there. Well, it’s better for me: it’s not 750, but 600, I thought naively. At the end of August, I deposited 2,000 rubles into the account, estimating that it would be enough until the end of November. On November 10, the Internet stopped working. Without thinking twice, I deposited 1000 rubles into the account. (with a margin). Internet didn't work. I hardly got through to the support service (before connecting with the operator, I hung on the phone for about 10 minutes - and, as it turned out, I was lucky, because many do not even call the line to the operator, they just get on "busy") and it turned out that I have a debt of 750 rubles! In general, it turned out that in vain I counted on the honesty of the operator. Akado left the cost of the tariff without indicating this tariff on the website (calling it MIG-Silver), and since May, every month I have been dripping not 600, but 750 rubles. On the site, the speed of 7500/7500 costs 600 rubles, and the speed of 10000/10000 costs 700 rubles (although I really think it’s enough to take the cheapest tariff, the speed will not differ from the most expensive, because it simply does not exist). In order for justice to prevail, I had to call the operator, ask him for my password in the Cabinet on the site (the password can only be found out by contacting Akado), and there I had to find out that I had a non-existent overpaid tariff. I can imagine how many people still pay 25% more!

I am glad that there is an opportunity to choose a provider, and tomorrow they should connect to another one. Who has chosen to connect Akado and has not yet done so, and there is a choice of providers, for the sake of interest, first read what people write. For example, or enter "problems with Akado" in Yandex.

If you have questions, the text will come to my mail.

Addendum of December 8: In general, switched off. Connected to another wire. Everything is working. Akado was told that in order to get the money left in the account, I had to call in 2 (!) months and ask if I could pick it up at the cash desk of the central office. Hmm..

How to connect Akado Internet?

In order to connect Akado's Internet access and/or TV services, you need to fill out the form above with all the details or call us during business hours by phone. After filling out an application for connection, a specialist will call you within a few hours and set a convenient time for you to visit a specialist who will carry out the necessary connection work.

How to set up Akado Internet?

In this case, there is no single short answer to this question. Internet setup depends on the following components: modem, router, connection type, desktop computer or laptop, operating system and some other elements. There can be several dozen combinations of such elements, but the bottom line is that if you want to set up the equipment in a quality manner for stable operation, then seek help from specialists.

Should I rent or buy Akado equipment?

For us, the answer is obvious - to buy high-quality equipment. Why? In the overwhelming majority of cases, the quality of equipment and its software offered by Internet providers as certified by them leaves much to be desired and costs much more than the fair market price. The design of some products of routers (routers) can be shocking in comparison with quality brands, such as the Thomson TCW770 router - a huge white brick.

Which router (router) to choose for Akado?

As noted above, it is worth buying a high-quality router once (ASUS, Zyxel, D-link) and using and enjoying their high-quality uninterrupted operation. If you choose a high-speed plan, then many cheap wireless routers will simply not give out the actual rate of the rate, but will cut it.

How to set up a router for Akado?

The essence of the settings for connecting to the Internet through Akado is quite simple and comes down to finding out the unique identifier of the network equipment, the so-called MAC address, which must be entered in the equipment settings on the subscriber's side and on the provider's side. To ensure the security of the wireless network, you need to encrypt the network using available methods.

Technical support for Akado subscribers?

If your Internet does not work, you have purchased a new router and do not know how to set it up, you have a new computer that needs to be connected, in short, you need technical support for Akado's services, then contact us for help.

Computer assistance services for Akado subscribers

In addition to setting up access to Akado's networks, we provide an almost exhaustive list of computer assistance services that can satisfy the most demanding client. You can find the entire list of computer assistance services on the pages of our website.

Why does Akado not work?

The main reasons why the Internet may not work for you: the router is broken, its settings are lost, the PC is infected with viruses, the drivers do not work correctly, the Wi-Fi adapter in the PC is broken, there is no money on the account and much more. Contact us for help. Our specialist will come to you within a couple of hours, find out why the Internet is not working and set it up for correct operation.

Service zone

Akado's networks cover almost 100% of the territory of Moscow and a number of cities in the Moscow region. In Moscow, almost every resident can use the services of this company.

Wiring diagram

Basic instructions for setting up AKADO

  • Windows 8: auto settings , static settings , PPPoE , mac address
  • Windows 7:

“Internet connection constantly disappears”, “Yesterday it worked fine, but today there is no connection”, wi-fi internet disappears - such complaints can often be heard from people who are faced with a lack of connection to the global network. There can be many reasons for this situation, let's try to analyze the most important of them and understand what to do if the Internet disappears.

Conventionally, the reasons for the lack of connection to the Internet can be divided into external (not dependent on the user's computer and not solved on their own) and internal (located in the area of ​​the computer network).

You should not sound the alarm from the very beginning, initially check for physical damage to the router or cable, then restart the computer and router. It is possible that the settings got lost during operation, by simply restarting the device, you can solve the problem. If after these simple steps there is no connection, it is worth understanding this issue in more detail.

Internal reasons: why the Internet disappears

1. Malfunction of modems and network cards

Equipment for connecting to the network often fails (in the event of a breakdown or reset). In the latter case, it is difficult to diagnose the problem, because at first glance the equipment looks operable. You can check their correctness yourself. To open the menu, right-click on the "My Computer" shortcut and go to the "Properties" tab. In the Windows XP operating system, then next you need to select the "Hardware" item, then "Device Manager".

On other operating systems, the tab is located directly in Properties. After calling the menu, you need to find your equipment and make sure that there is no exclamation mark in the yellow triangle next to the picture (its presence indicates an incorrect installation, in such a situation it is worth reloading the drivers). If your hardware doesn't light up, it's probably broken and needs to be replaced.

2. Wrong settings

The network connection is configured once at the beginning of the installation, usually after that there is no need to make adjustments to its operation, but in the event of a system failure (arising due to various circumstances), it becomes necessary to carry out diagnostics. This can be caused by both virus files and the operation of the operating system itself. Also, the computer is subject to human influence, especially if it is in common use. In any of these cases, if the Internet is lost on the computer, it becomes necessary to check the connection settings. To do this, you need to take the instructions (which are provided by each provider at the conclusion of the contract) and check the correct connection point by point or set up a new one.

3. Virus programs

In 40% of cases, the Internet network disappears due to a virus attack. Many infected files can block various connections or completely block traffic.

You can check their involvement in the fact that the home Internet has disappeared by holding down the “F8” key before starting Windows and selecting safe connection mode with loading network drivers. With this start, the system will not download the virus, and if the Internet does not work during normal startup, then it will connect in safe mode. This signals that there is malware on the computer.

To get rid of viruses, you need to download an updated version of the anti-virus program (it is advisable to install from a disk). Some types of viruses block the search for an anti-virus program and can hide from it if they were launched on the same operating system. AKADO-Ural specialists advise using another non-infected operating system for treatment. If you do not have other equipment or the proper knowledge, you can use the safe mode and search for and treat viruses in it, or turn to professionals for help.

AKADO-Ural offers Doctor AKADO service (formerly Multimaster). The company's specialists will provide you with qualified assistance in setting up equipment, installing software, curing your PC from viruses and other work.

External reasons: why the Internet periodically disappears

1. Internet Service Provider

The provider is the link that connects users to the Internet, all information passes through it. The quality of the Internet depends on it, and many problems arise in case of problems in providing communication from the provider. For example, Internet outages often occur due to faulty equipment, unscheduled technical work, and other little things that are within their competence.

This organization is responsible for the quality of communication and in 50% of cases when the Internet constantly disappears, it is necessary to contact the technical department for help.

Naturally, not everything is solved in this way, some reasons for the lack of Internet directly depend on the programs and system settings. Before contacting AKADO technicians, do not forget to check your balance, if it is out of use, then access to the global network will be automatically blocked. In case of replenishment of the account, you will be able to use all the possibilities of the network again.

2. Problems in the operation of communication channels

In 30% of cases, the Internet network disappears as a result of a break or physical damage to communication channels located within the building. Basically, this problem is solved by specialists; for self-diagnosis, you need to know the type of channel used and its features.

For example, cable-type channel diagnostics must begin with checking the integrity of the wiring located in the room. It is worth noting that in some cases it is impossible to do this without professional equipment, but there are a couple of ways to initial check without using it.

We hope the above tips will help you understand why the Internet wi-fi or direct connection disappeared without resorting to the help of specialists. If the problem is not solved with the help of these recommendations, you should seek help from specialists. If the problem is not solved with the help of these recommendations, you should contact the specialists of our company for help. We will help to determine the exact causes of the malfunction in the connection and eliminate it.

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