How long to cook beef liver. Boiled beef liver

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Many home cooks ignore offal due to ignorance of the intricacies of their preparation; for example, not every housewife knows how long to cook the liver so that it turns out tender, tasty and without bitterness. Beef liver can be an excellent main dish, a filling for a pie or an ingredient in an unusual salad.

Due to its composition, this offal is indispensable for people with low hemoglobin, and if it is cooked, then also for those who adhere to proper nutrition, since it contains only 100 calories per 100 grams.

Selection of by-products and their preparation.

When choosing a liver, you need to carefully examine it - the beef should have an even texture without visible tears or adhesions, be rich red in color with a rich “bloody” smell, it should be elastic, but soft. If you see stains of thickened blood, pronounced blood vessels or areas with a green tint, it is better not to buy such a product, since these signs indicate that the gall bladder was damaged when cutting the carcass and the resulting dish will be very bitter. Experienced chefs advise soaking beef liver in milk before cooking. After soaking, the offal must be thoroughly cleaned - rinsed, removed the film, cut out the veins. Frozen beef liver is the easiest to clean - to do this, simply immerse it in warm water for a short time, then remove the film with your fingers. But when purchasing, you need to remember that frozen beef liver is not nearly as healthy and nutritious as fresh one. In order to cook liver for pate in cream or milk, you do not need to soak it.

Advice. You can clean this capricious offal after soaking just before cooking, to do this you need to rub it with coarse salt and immerse it in ice water for 3 minutes. After this procedure, the film will begin to peel away from the meat with ease.

Cooking beef liver.

How long to cook the liver in a pan depends on the size of the product - a whole liver takes about 40 minutes to cook until done, and if you overcook it, it will become tough. If the liver is cut into portions, how many minutes will it take to cook? The chopped beef liver should be cooked over low heat for about 15-20 minutes. To check the degree of readiness, just pierce it with a knife - light juice indicates the readiness of the product, and pink juice means that the liver is raw. Offal should be cooked in boiling water, not cold. In order to understand how long you need to cook beef liver in a pressure cooker, you should take into account its size - a whole liver will cook in 15 minutes, a chopped liver should be cooked in half as much. Before cooking, the liver must be cleaned so that it is not tough. You can cook the offal in a slow cooker - in the “steam” mode it will take 30 minutes.

Advice. Beef liver is salted only at the end of cooking, literally a couple of minutes before removing from heat; if you do this earlier, the finished dish will be bitter. But if salt was added at the wrong time, the bitter offal can be stewed in a sauce made from sour cream and tomato paste or with vegetables to which you need to add a little sugar. To prepare liver for a child, you need to boil it without adding salt, and then puree it in a blender, adding boiled vegetables and lightly salting it.

How to make amazing liver pate.

Liver pate is a dish that is suitable for morning sandwiches for every day and in combination with bruschetta on the holiday table, and even a novice cook can prepare it.

How long does it take to cook beef liver for pate? The same amount as for other dishes - hard liver pate will not be able to give the desired texture, it will become either liquid or excessively grainy.

To make beef liver pate you will need:

  • boiled liver, lard, butter (1 part butter and lard per 5 parts offal)
  • onion - 1 head
  • medium-sized carrots - 2 pieces
  • cream – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • spices.

Grind the carrots, finely chop the onion, then fry the vegetables along with finely chopped lard in a frying pan. After the fried mixture has cooled, it must be mixed with liver, cut into small cubes, and passed through a meat grinder or food processor twice. Add cream and butter to the resulting mass, then mix the pate thoroughly and cool. There are a lot of options for preparing liver pate, adding ingredients such as smoked paprika and smoked meat, mushrooms, olives, fried bacon, etc. allow you to change the taste of a healthy dish every day.

If you choose from all the recipes for cooking liver, boiled whole piece of beef, pork or lamb liver is the simplest and healthiest recipe. I would like to note that the calorie content of boiled liver is less than that of fried liver. To compare caloric content: boiled beef liver contains 99 kcal, and fried beef liver, depending on the cooking method, contains from 199 to 300 kcal. Therefore, I prefer to boil, stew or bake the liver of my loved ones; such processing does not release carcinogens.
Boiled beef liver recipe: A piece of beef liver weighing 500 g, onion - 1 pc., carrots - 1 pc., parsley root or stems, peppercorns - several pieces, bay leaf - optional, water for boiling the liver - 1 liter, salt. How to boil liver?
Yes, very simple! Place whole, peeled onions and carrots, roots, spices into a saucepan and bring to a boil. It is better to place the liver in boiling water, skim off the foam and cook over low heat. The liver cooks quickly; 20 minutes of cooking time will be enough for it.

When to salt the liver during cooking?
If fish is salted immediately during cooking, then the liver, like mushrooms, is salted at the end of cooking. As you know, salt removes moisture, so to keep the liver juicy and soft, it is better to salt it closer to the end of cooking.
How to quickly cook liver in a slow cooker?
To do this, you need to use the “steaming” mode. Pour 0.7 liters of water into the multicooker bowl, place a whole piece of liver either in the bowl or on a steaming tray. Cooking time 20 minutes.
The multicooker allows you to cook two dishes, as they are called, dishes - duets. Therefore, you can save time and put something else on the steaming tray to cook, for example: vegetables for salad, potato slices, eggs, sausages, steamed cutlets or meatballs, meat pudding for a child, steam omelette, homemade sausages, fish in foil (then think for yourself what you can put in it

Remove the finished boiled beef liver from the broth. If you do not use the liver right away, you should cut it before serving so that it does not spoil.
P.S. This recipe is suitable for boiled veal, pork and lamb liver.

Why is boiled liver sometimes bitter?
Here, the answer to this question must be sought not in the cooking recipe (how and with what you cook it), but in the method of properly cutting the carcass. When butchering livestock, it is necessary to properly remove the gallbladder so that bile does not get onto the liver itself and into its ducts. If bile leaks out during cutting, the finished liver will taste bitter.
What can be prepared from boiled liver? There are many recipes for dishes made from boiled beef liver.

1. Boiled liver is served as an independent dish with all kinds of sauces.
Here is a recipe for a delicious sauce for boiled liver:
1 glass of broth from boiling the liver, 150 g of sour cream, 2-3 pickled or pickled cucumbers, garlic - optional, herbs. Boil the broth, add sour cream, chopped cucumbers, garlic (whole or crushed) and chopped herbs. Cut the liver into large pieces and add to the sauce. Simmer for 5 minutes and serve.

2. Boiled beef liver can be baked in the oven or microwave:
Cut the boiled liver into slices, put on it slices of boiled carrots or stewed zucchini, flavored with grated garlic, sprinkle with grated cheese and place in the oven or microwave until the cheese melts.

3. Boiled liver is used in fillings for pies, pies, dumplings, dumplings, as well as for preparing liver pates and cakes.
This is chilled beef liver

In order for frozen liver to retain its benefits and structure, it must be properly defrosted. It is best to do this on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 3-5 hours.

Important! If you intend to cut the liver into small pieces, then you should not defrost the liver completely.

If time is limited, the liver can be defrosted on the table at room temperature. If you have even less time, then a piece of liver can be defrosted in warm water, combining the processes of thawing and soaking.

You should not use a microwave oven; the defrosting process in it can cause unwanted changes in the structure of the liver.

Steamed or thawed beef needs to be soaked. Milk is good for this. If there is not enough milk, you can dilute it half with water or get by with just water. Before soaking, you need to cut out all large vessels and remove excess fat. After soaking, during the cooking process, the liver becomes more juicy and soft and does not give off bitterness.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the film covering the liver. With beef liver, it is easy to remove it from a whole piece until completely defrosted and before cutting into pieces before soaking. However, if you need the pieces to retain their shape, it is advisable to soak and cook them without first removing the film, and you need to remove the film from the cooked product.

Once prepared, you can cook it.

How much and how to cook beef liver for children

Liver should be introduced into the diet of babies after meat, that is, not earlier than 11-12 months. When choosing liver for baby food, it is advisable to choose fresh beef liver from animals no older than three years.

Important! The first time the baby should be given liver in a small amount, no more than 1/2 - 1.0 tsp.

Beef liver for babies should be cooked after soaking, cutting into pieces and thoroughly rinsing with running water. This technique will rid the liver of foreign matter.

First way

For baby food, the liver is boiled in a small amount of clean water.

Quite large pieces are immersed in cold water, brought to a boil and cooked for 2-3 minutes. After this, the broth is drained and the liver is washed again. Fill the liver with clean water and bring to a boil. Remove scale 2-3 times. and cook for 40 minutes.

After this, the liver is pricked with a fork to a depth of 1.5 - 2.0 cm. If there is no bleeding, then it is ready. When cut, a well-cooked liver has a uniform gray color. Further, boiled liver can be used to prepare pate or puree.

Second way

The first stage of cooking using the second method is the same as in the previous method. After this, cut the liver into smaller pieces, and also finely chop the vegetables that are already in the child’s diet. Pour a little water over everything and cook until the vegetables are ready for 12 - 15 minutes.

After this, the liver can be crushed to a puree.

How and how much to cook liver for adults

The liver can be used for preparing dishes intended for adults and children over 5-6 years old for different times and in several ways.

Important! It is traditionally believed that steamed liver can be cooked less, but this is not always true.

If the origin of the product is not entirely clear and there is no accurate information about its verification by veterinary services, then to obtain a safe product, steamed liver must be cooked 10 - 15 minutes longer than frozen liver.

First way

This method is suitable for preparing dietary liver pates and soufflés.

You need to take 600 - 700 grams of prepared liver, cut it into two or three pieces, add cold water, it will be enough for 800 - 900 ml, heat to a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes. Pour out the water. Cut the liver into small pieces.

Heat the water to a boil, add salt and black pepper to taste and add the liver pieces. Cook for 15 minutes. Liver cooked in this way can be used in any liver pate and tender soufflé; it is very well crushed in a blender.

Second way

Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that you need liver that is either obtained from very mature cows or has been left in the home refrigerator.

In this case, it can be welded correctly after additional manipulations. The liver, soaked and previously cleared of films, fat and large veins, should be cut into medium-sized pieces.

After this, pour a heap of baking soda onto a board or baking sheet. Dip each piece well in soda; it should completely cover the pieces with a thin layer.

Place everything in a suitable container and leave for 90-100 minutes on the table at room temperature.

After this, all the soda must be washed off with running water. Pour clean water into a saucepan of a suitable size and add. Heat to a boil. Remove the scum and cook under the lid at moderate heat for 50 - 60 minutes.

Important! To avoid the pieces sticking tightly to the bottom of the pan, they need to be lifted from the bottom two to three times during cooking.

5-10 minutes before the liver is ready, add salt to taste and add spices as desired; ground pepper and bay leaf will be enough.

After this, the liver boiled in this way can be used for fillings and various dishes. , prepared in this way, turns out soft, and the taste of soda is not felt.

Thus, the cooking time for liver varies from a quarter of an hour to 60 - 70 minutes.

To prepare a tasty and healthy salad with liver, you should know how to cook it correctly. Subtleties, secrets and useful tips from experienced chefs on how to properly cook liver. Step-by-step recipe with photos. Video recipe.

Liver is a delicate and amazing product containing a huge number of beneficial properties. Most often it is fried with onions, in sour cream sauce or made into pate. However, it can be an independent dish if it is simply boiled. The boiled offal can be used as a spread, used as a filling for pies, and used as a component for salad. Properly boiled liver has an exquisite taste, becomes juicy and soft. We’ll talk about how to cook liver for salad in this review. It is worth noting that not everyone is able to cook the liver correctly the first time. Experienced chefs determine its readiness by eye, but beginners need to adhere to the cooking technology. To ensure that the boiled product does not end up raw or overcooked, but has an amazingly delicate taste, you need to know all the nuances and secrets of cooking liver.

  • If the boiled liver turns out to be very tough, it can be revived by stewing. Simmer it over low heat for half an hour in sour cream or water.
  • Check the readiness of the offal with a fork. If you pierce a boiled liver with it to the middle, red juice will come out - the liver is undercooked, pink - it’s ready.
  • The liver is cooked over low heat.
  • You can speed up the cooking process by chopping the offal into small slices.
  • The product will be more tender if you put 1 tsp in water. honey or sugar.
  • To eliminate the specific taste, various aromatic spices are added during cooking of the product.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - beef liver - 125 kcal, pork - 130 kcal, chicken - 136 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 800 g
  • Cooking time - 1 hour 10 minutes


  • Liver - 1 kg
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch
  • Salt - 1 tsp. or to taste
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.

Step-by-step preparation of boiled liver for salad, recipe with photo:

1. Beef liver and poultry liver are best suited for cooking. However, pork, turkey and rabbit will do. High-quality fresh liver is dark red in color, without damage, with a smooth smooth surface and a pleasant smell. The surface of the pork liver has a mesh grain, while the surface of the beef liver is thin and smooth, and it also shines due to the film.

Wash the selected liver, carefully remove the veins and remove the film. If the liver is frozen, then keep it in hot water for half a minute, then the film will be easier to remove. To make the film remove faster and easier, rub the raw liver with salt and leave for 10 minutes. If you want to make the product more tender, then fill it with milk or ordinary cold water for one hour.

2. Place the livers in a cooking pot (cut them into pieces if desired) and add water until they are completely covered.

3. Place the pan on the stove over high heat and bring the liver to a boil.

4. As soon as the liver boils, skim off the foam with a spoon, turn the temperature down to minimum, close the lid and cook for 45 minutes.

Different types of liver take different amounts of time to cook. Whole beef liver is cooked for 40 minutes, pieces - 20 minutes. Pork liver is cooked for 50 minutes, chicken liver for 10-30 minutes.

To begin with, you need to remove the film from the liver, then trim off the unnecessary veins. There is a very proven and long-standing method. To ensure that the liver does not have any bitterness and is soft, you need to soak it in milk for 20 - 30 minutes. After that, dry the liver from moisture and you can boil it.

How long to cook beef liver

How many minutes to cook beef liver. Of course, if you want to boil the whole beef liver, you need at least 40 minutes. In order for the liver to boil faster, you need to cut it into medium cubes and cook for 25 - 30 minutes.

In order to find out whether the liver is ready or not, take out one piece and pierce it with a knife. If, when pierced, a clear liquid flows out of the liver, the liver is ready; if it is still bleeding, it needs to be cooked further.

You need to salt the liver halfway through cooking.

How long to cook beef liver for salad - For salad, you need to cook the liver depending on the size of the piece, cook medium pieces for about 25 - 30 minutes, salt the liver almost at the end.

We would like to present to your attention a delicious recipe for salad with beef liver!!!

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