Church of San Domenico. Church of San Domenico Maggiore in Naples

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San Domenico Maggiore(Italian San Domenico Maggiore, large Dominican church of St. Dominic) is a church in the historic center of Naples, one of the most significant attractions of the modern city. It is part of the former (and older than the church) Dominican monastery complex. The location of the church is unusual: with its apse it goes to the square of the same name, and its (hidden from the eyes) facade goes to the lane of the same name.

Historical outline

The construction of the temple was started by order of Charles II of Anjou in 1283 and completed in 1324 with the participation of French architects Pierre de Chaul and Pierre d'Angicourt. Soon the temple acquired the significance of the central temple of the Dominicans and the Aragonese nobility in the then Kingdom of Naples.

Initially, the building was built according to the canons of the Gothic - with three naves, side chapels, a spacious transept and a polygonal apse. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. the temple was rebuilt (with the participation of the architect D.A. Vaccaro) in accordance with the baroque style that prevailed at that time. Another reconstruction of the temple took place in the XIX century. under the guidance of the architect F. Travaglini, which led to a significant distortion of the internal space. The building was badly damaged during the bombing of the "allies" in 1943, which led to the need for a new restoration in 1953 and 1991. The organ of the church, designed in 1715 by Fabrizio Cimino, was reconstructed in 1973.

On the territory of the complex of San Domenico Maggiore in the XIII-XVI centuries. there was the University of Naples, where in 1239-44 he studied and decided to become a Dominican Thomas Aquinas (in the modern church a chapel and a symbolic cell are arranged for him). Later famous graduates of the university were Giordano Bruno and Tommaso Campanella.

Among the most notable features of the modern ensemble is the so-called Brancaccio Chapel (cardinal in 1294-1312), with frescoes by Pietro Cavallini commissioned by the cardinal in 1309. In the Borromeo Chapel, in addition to the picture with the cardinal, there is the painting “The Baptism of Christ” by the famous mannerist Marco Pino. Cappellone del Crocefisso is painted by a 16th century artist. Belisario Corenzio ("Adoration of the Magi", 1591).

The temple also has numerous chapels with tombs of local aristocrats from the families of Carafa, Rota, Pinelli, Capeche, etc. In the spacious sacristy of the temple (to the right of the altar), the remains of 45 members of the Aragonese nobility (including King Ferdinand I) rest high under the ceiling , as well as the Master of the Dominican Order, Blessed Raymond of Capua. In the treasury of the church (Italian: Sala del Tesoro, entrance from the sacristy), gold and silver jewelry, expensive vestments of the Neapolitan nobility and Dominican bishops, etc., which are now used on solemn occasions and festive religious processions.


In the church of San Domenico Maggiore in 1586, with the blessing of Pope Sixtus V, the wedding of Maria d "Avalos and Carlo Gesualdo took place, later (in 1590) killed by him along with her lover, Count Fabrizio Carafa. Maria d" Avalos is depicted on the painting “Vergine col Bambino su un trono e i Santi Domenico, Caterina e Martino” (top right) by the Fleming Cornelis Semet, which is located in the family chapel of the Carafa family (the so-called Chapel of St. Martin, Italian Cappella di San Martino).

The especially valuable paintings by Caravaggio (The Flagellation of Christ) and Titian (The Annunciation) that were in the church were transferred to the National Picture Gallery (Capodimonte). "Madonna with a Fish" by Raphael in the 19th century. It was transferred to the Prado Museum, where it is still located. Painting "Madonna and Child with St. Thomas Aquinas" Giordano was stolen.

Basilica of San Domenico in Siena (Italy) - description, history, location. Exact address and website. Reviews of tourists, photos and videos.

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The imposing and austere Basilica of San Domenico is one of the most important churches in Siena. It is this massive red stone building with a low crenellated tower that you see on the hill when you drive up to the city from the side of the Medici fortress. The basilica, resembling an old knight's castle, is the dominant foreground in the panorama of the city, while the distant Duomo has become the focus of the background.

The history of the Basilica of San Domenico is inextricably linked with the life of the most revered in the city (and throughout the country) saint - Catherine of Siena.

The church on the hill of Camporeggio was built by Dominican monks in the middle of the 13th century, and the construction took more than 40 years. A century later, the basilica was expanded and acquired its current appearance in 1465. The history of the Basilica of San Domenico is inextricably linked with the life of the most revered in the city (and in the whole country) saint - Catherine of Siena. The saint, who lived in the 14th century, was famous for asceticism and self-denial, rare even for those times, as well as asceticism, religious ecstasies and visions. The saint spent most of her life outside the walls of the basilica. There is a reliquary with her personal belongings, the most valuable of her manuscripts and the main relic - the relics of the saint: the head and finger are kept here.

Saint Catherine of Siena was, like Saint Francis, proclaimed patron saint of all Italy by the Roman Catholic Church. Curiously, this happened in 1939.

In 1798, the church was almost completely destroyed by an earthquake, but then restored. Its impregnable and even gloomy appearance from the outside is typical of the medieval architecture of those religious orders that vowed not to seek material well-being. In addition, presumably, during the construction of the basilica, they deliberately gave the characteristics of a defensive fortification, assuming a war with the Florentines. So, there is no main facade at the Basilica of San Domenico at all.

In the interior of the church are stored genuine treasures. This is the 15th century altar by di Stefano for the holy relics in the chapel of St. Catherine, the walls of which are frescoed by famous Sienese masters - the brothers Giovanni, Sodoma, di Giorgio Martini. The crypt of the chapel also contains what is believed to be the most accurate portrait of Saint Vanni (17th century). On the marble floor slabs of the 15th century, you can see images of animals and Orpheus, believed to be the work of di Giorgio.

Other rooms of the basilica also abound with the works of famous masters: Folli, Vanni, Volpi, Matteo di Giovanni, di Giorgio Martini, Lorenzetti. Of particular value is the work of Guido da Siena, the founder of the Sienese school of painting: this is “Maesta”, which the artist wrote for five years and completed in 1270.

Address: Siena, Piazza San Domenico, 53100.

The Basilica of Saint Dominic (San Domenico) is one of the most important churches in Siena. The basilica looks very impressive and rather resembles a knight's castle from the Middle Ages, but such is the unique architecture of this ancient religious building.

The basilica is located between the eponymous square of San Domenico and Via del Sapienza. It is famous for the fact that it contains the relics of St. Catherine of Siena, the patroness of not only Siena, but the whole of Italy.

History of the Basilica of Saint Dominic

The construction of the basilica began by the Dominicans in 1226 and lasted for 40 years. In the 14th century, the initially small building was greatly expanded in scale and complemented by Gothic architectural elements.

During its existence, the Basilica of San Domenico was repeatedly destroyed due to fires and earthquakes. Fortunately, each time it was completely restored, transforming and introducing new elements into its appearance.

Photo: Anna Biancoloto /


When looking at the Basilica of St. Dominic, its impressive and even gloomy appearance, reminiscent of a red brick fortress, is striking, and its main facade is completely absent.

There is an opinion that during the construction of the basilica, a possible war with the Florentines was taken into account and, as a result, such an impregnable type of religious building was created.

Photo: Rastislav Sedlak SK /

What to watch

The Basilica of St. Dominic is just a storehouse of real treasures; the most famous Italian masters worked on its interior decoration.

The altar for the holy relics, located in the chapel of St. Catherine, was created in 1466 by Stefano. The walls of the chapel are decorated with magnificent frescoes by Sodoma, the Giovanni brothers, di Giorgio Martini.

The floor in the Basilica of San Dominica also surprises with its picturesqueness - it depicts Orpheus and animals. Di Giordo also worked on the colors of the marble floor.

In the rest of the Basilica of San Dominico, you can see the work of such famous Italian masters as:

  • Andrea Vanni,
  • Folly
  • Volpi,
  • Lorenzetti,
  • Salimbeni,
  • Vannuccio and others.

It is in the basilica that the painting by Guido da Siena “Maesta”, written by him in 1270, is kept.

How to get to the Basilica of Saint Dominic

The Basilica of Saint Dominic is located in Piazza San Domenico of the same name.

Opening hours

The Basilica is open for visits:

  • from March to October - from 7 am to 18.30 pm;
  • from November to February - from 9 am to 18.00 pm.

Entrance to the Basilica is free as of 2019.

I happened to visit many unique temples and see many extraordinary relics, but what I saw in the church of San Domenico in the Italian city of Chioggia left some special trace in my memory.

While walking along the embankments of the canals surrounding the city, we noticed a small church, rather plain compared to other churches in Chioggia, although rather big. The bridge led to the church. Already tired enough after the walk, we decided not to go to the temple. We are spoiled for places and sights, and the days when we did not miss a single door that you can enter are gone for us. However, there was a feeling that we didn’t come here in vain ... We paid attention to the fact that above the entrance to the church there are signs of more recent masonry.

A few minutes later we were already sitting in a sightseeing boat, which headed along the canal past the already indicated church. The helmsman said that the church of San Domenico is the number one place to visit in Chioggia! The church houses a unique, world's oldest wooden Crucifix.

After the trip on the boat, we almost ran to the temple, looking forward to seeing something completely unusual.

The Church of San Domenico (Chiesa San Domenico) in Chioggia was built in the 13th century on the small island of San Domenico, where a Dominican monastery was previously located. Later, in the XVIII century, the temple underwent significant changes. A small bridge leads to the island, right in front of which the church is located.

When you enter this church, you are struck by the feeling of a clean, bright space, which you do not expect when you see a fairly simple temple building from the outside.

The eye immediately attracts the central part of the temple - the same Crucifixion.

The legend says that the Crucifixion was carved at the foot of the dying Christ by the master Nicodemus, who called for the help of angels to represent the features of the suffering Holy Face. Tired of work, Nicodemus fell asleep, and when he woke up, he found the finished Divine image. If this legend is true, then we have before us a true portrait of the dying Christ...

The cross has the shape of a gnarled trunk, symbolizing the tree of life. The crucifixion is all the more unique because at that time, according to Jewish laws, there was a ban on any images of God, as Christ was recognized by his admirers during his lifetime.

The crucifix was brought to the Italian region of Marche, to the brotherhood of the Holy Sepulcher. (By the way, it was the same region of Italy that was chosen to transfer the house of the Virgin there.) History reports that the Crucifix was originally taken to Constantinople, but fearing for its safety, they changed the route. Further, the legend tells that the image of the Savior came to life in front of the Holy Martyr Peter of the Dominicans. An order was given to transfer the wooden Crucifix to Venice. The ship carrying the crucifix was shipwrecked. Later, the Crucifix was found off the coast of Chioggia by Dominican friars.

There is another legend about the origin of the unique Crucifix, which claims that it was created in northern Europe, presumably in Germany. While being transported to the Holy Land, the ship got into a storm, the Crucifix disappeared and was found centuries later at the piles of the bridge leading to the island of San Domenico, which is an absolute miracle, because the sculpture is made of not the most durable poplar wood.

It is only known for certain that since 1812 the Crucifix has been kept in the church of San Domenico. The image of the Holy Crucifix is ​​often reproduced on sails and on the bow of the boat and is especially revered by sailors, judging by the numerous vows located in the church of San Domenico. The sculpture is 4.87 meters high and 3.50 meters wide. At the top of the statue you can see a pelican, which is a symbol of self-sacrifice. The body of the Savior is depicted somewhat simplified, the main thing in the sculpture is the Sacred Face. The face of Christ changes six expressions, depending on where you stand. When viewed from the right, the suffering of Christ in agony is noticeably conveyed. When viewed from the left side, the face seems calm, in anticipation of the imminent Resurrection.

We read about these features of the sculpture when we returned home. Looking at the sculpture, I noticed that the face was changing expression, but I thought that it just seemed ... Next time we will definitely visit the church of San Domenico again and try to photograph the statue from different angles.

In addition to the unique Crucifixion, the church of San Domenico houses works by Carpaccio and Tintoretto.

And in general, this church is simply very beautiful and all filled with light. There are sometimes places with a special, inexplicable positive energy. The Temple of San Domenico is one of them.

We managed to find information about why the facade of the church has visible signs of remakes. The fact is that the huge Crucifix was taken out of the church 6 times to participate in processions. In order to pass with a huge statue, it was necessary to dismantle the masonry above the entrance.

Today, in religious processions in Chioggia, another Crucifix is ​​used, smaller in size and weight. But if you need to take the original statue, a special lift is used that tilts the relic. There is an opinion, among other things, that this Crucifix was created for contemplation in a horizontal position, hence the strange proportions - a disproportionately large head of the figure of Christ.

P.S. Recently, bloggers have begun to discuss the topic of necessity and reasons for running travel blogs. I don’t presume to judge how much others need it, but for me the process of writing this note resulted in shoveling a lot of information in Italian, which is at least interesting and at most useful for the soul and self-education.

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