Organizers of the project. Project organizers A representative of the Faculty of Educational Technologies and Continuing Education took part in the work of the methodological association of biology teachers in the city

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License series A No. 283440, reg. No. 9760 dated January 16, 2008
Certificate of state accreditation series AA No. 001165, reg. No. 1136 of 03/07/2008

Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after. I.N.Ulyanova (UlSPU)- the oldest pedagogical university in the Volga region, created in 1932. Over the years of its existence, thousands of qualified teaching staff have been trained.

Currently, the university includes: 10 faculties, 41 departments, a preparatory department, and a department of additional professions. The university provides training in 33 basic and additional specialties. In addition, the university runs advanced training and retraining courses.

The university trains highly qualified personnel (postgraduate studies) in 17 specialties, the total number of graduate students and applicants is about 200 people; There are 3 specialized councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations.

Faculties and specialties:

  • Faculty of Natural Geography
    1. Biology with additional specialty Pedagogy and psychology (full-time)
    2. Biology with additional specialty Chemistry (full-time)
    3. Bioecology (in person)
    4. Geography (correspondence)
    5. Geography with additional specialty Biology (full-time)
  • History department
    1. History (in absentia)
    2. History with additional specialty Jurisprudence (full-time)
    3. Museum management and monument protection (in person)
    4. Social work (face-to-face)
  • Faculty of Education
    1. Pedagogy and methods of primary education (correspondence)
    2. Pedagogy and methodology of primary education with additional specialty Computer Science (full-time)
    3. Pedagogy and methodology of primary education with additional specialty Pedagogy and psychology (full-time)
    4. Pedagogy and methodology of primary education with additional specialty Foreign (English) language (full-time)
  • Faculty of Foreign Languages
    1. English with additional specialty German (full-time)
    2. English with additional specialty French (full-time)
    3. German language with additional specialty English (full-time)
    4. French with additional specialty English (full-time)
  • Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Management
    1. Home Science (in person)
    2. Preschool pedagogy and psychology (correspondence)
    3. Preschool pedagogy and psychology with additional specialty Pedagogy and psychologists (full-time)
    4. Preschool pedagogy and psychology with additional specialty Foreign (English or German) language (full-time)
    5. Pedagogy and psychology (correspondence)
    6. Personnel management (face-to-face)
  • Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship
    1. Vocational training (correspondence)
    2. Professional training (face-to-face)
    3. Technology and Entrepreneurship (part-time)
    4. Technology and Entrepreneurship (in person)
  • Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports
    1. Physical culture (correspondence)
    2. Physical education with additional specialty Life Safety (full-time)
  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
    1. Mathematics (correspondence)
    2. Mathematics with additional specialty Foreign Language (full-time)
    3. Mathematics with additional specialty Computer Science (full-time)
    4. Physics with additional specialty Computer Science (full-time)
    5. Physics with additional specialty Mathematics (full-time)
  • Faculty of Philology
    1. Russian language and literature (correspondence)
    2. Russian language and literature (full-time)
    3. Russian language and literature with additional specialty Culturology (full-time)
    4. Russian language and literature with additional specialty Native (Tatar or Chuvash) language and literature (full-time)
    5. Russian language and literature with a specialization in Practical Journalism (full-time)
  • Faculty of Law
    1. Jurisprudence (full-time)
    2. Jurisprudence (part-time)

A competition of professional skills of educational psychologists of educational organizations of the Ulyanovsk region “Teacher-Psychologist - 2019” was held

On September 11, 2019, on the basis of the OGBU DO "Palace of Creativity of Children and Youth" a competition of professional skills of educational psychologists of educational organizations of the Ulyanovsk region "Teacher-Psychologist - 2019" was held, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Ulyanovsk Region, OGBOU Center for PMS "Development" .

A representative of the Faculty of Educational Technologies and Continuing Education took part in the work of the methodological association of biology teachers in Ulyanovsk “Education is a strategic resource of the city”

August 29, 2019 on the basis of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Multidisciplinary Lyceum No. 11 named after V.G. Mendelson" the city August methodological association of biology teachers of Ulyanovsk "Education is a strategic resource of the city" took place, in which Associate Professor of the Department of Methodology of Natural Science Education and Information Technologies E.V. took part. Spirin, making a report “Analysis of the results of the OGE and USE in biology in 2019. Problems and ways to solve them."

A representative of the Faculty of Educational Technologies and Continuing Education took part in the festival of best educational practices of regional innovation platforms “Education: the future is born today”

August 21, 2019 Associate Professor of the Department of Methodology of Natural Science Education and Information Technologies E.V. Spirina, together with the Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work of the Terengul Lyceum at Ulyanovsk State Technical University L.V. Kupriyanova presented the lyceum’s work experience on the topic of innovative activity “Teacher readiness to use multimedia as a means of increasing the effectiveness of teaching in secondary schools” at the festival of best educational practices of regional innovation platforms “Education: the future is born today”, which took place as part of the Educational Forum 2019.

A regular meeting of the Academic Council was held at the Faculty of Educational Technologies and Continuing Education

The following issues were discussed at the meeting:

1. On recommendations for election to the position of dean of the Faculty of Educational Technologies and Continuing Education.
2. On recommendations for election to the position of head of the department.
3. On recommendations for appointment to the position of professor.
4. Competition.

The Faculty of Educational Technologies and Continuing Education took part in the regional pedagogical forum 2019 “Education: access code to the future”

August 26, 2019 at the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov held a plenary meeting of the annual regional pedagogical forum 2019 “Education: code of access to the future” with the participation of the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation O.Yu. Vasilyeva.

A representative of UlSPU visited the international conference “WorldSkills Conference 2019: Skills for Change: Building Blocks for Impact” in Kazan

As part of the 45th World Skills Championship, the Business Program was held at the Kazan Expo International Exhibition Center from August 23 to 25, 2019. Representatives of 82 countries participating in the WorldSkills movement gathered at the site next to the young professionals participating in the Championship: politicians, researchers, industrial partners, heads of educational organizations and representatives of development institutions to discuss economic and technological trends, issues of development of professional training systems and market transformation labor.

Forum 2019

On August 21, the dean of the faculty, V.V. Zarubina, took part in a communication session on priority issues of developing control and supervisory activities and assessing the quality of education. Student at this university: I am a 3rd year student at the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy. Since the science of psychology is relevant for many at the present time, I will tell you about our university. 1. Admission. I, like many of you, applied to various universities in several areas, but I wanted to go somewhere with a psychological focus. The call I received over the weekend was good news for me. They reported that I passed the UlSPU specialty (I had points from 160 to 180, no more) in a specialty related to psychology. BUT! In our city there are 2 universities with almost similar abbreviations, and I thought that I had ended up on an off-budget job at UlSU. I am glad that our university cares about our applicants! Before giving money for studying at USU, a SAVING call rang out. Thus, I was informed that I got where I wanted and on a budget basis! 2. Practice before studying. In mid-August, we were gathered at a general meeting, where it was announced that all city students would have to undergo a summer internship (which was somewhat unexpected for me, but there was nowhere to go). Imagine my surprise when I found myself in the position of secretary in the dean’s office, and the remaining guys, at the expense of one of my colleagues, worked on the “image” of the faculty (wiping dust in classrooms, washing floors, decorating flower beds and even working in the kindergarten “U” -know before its opening"). 3. Post of the headman. Before I had time to begin my educational activities, I was appointed head of a whole group of students. Before this I did not have the slightest experience in this aspect. I had to keep reports every semester, fill out journals, statements, record books, student cards and much more. But there are still benefits! Firstly, once a semester in the first year, an additional 3000 rubles were paid for the position of headman. (now only the groups that distinguished themselves are paid, in a good way, i.e. all students of a given group completed the semester without C grades, participated in all sorts of events, etc.). Secondly, good relationships with all teachers (if you present yourself this way when meeting them), secretaries, the dean himself and many other people. Thirdly, obtaining irreplaceable organizational skills that cannot be obtained in everyday life. 4. Educational activities. Everything was easy in the classes: come for show, answer something at the seminars. Taking tests is also not so difficult: fulfill the teacher’s requirements and receive the test automatically, or you will have to take the test while studying the questions of this teacher. Exams are more difficult: there are principled teachers who strictly ask questions about lecture and seminar material, and there are those who understand the complexity of student life (more on this a little later) and assign exams based on points, or on simple tasks during the educational process itself (but You can also take the exam itself with all the tasks). 5. Social activities. It is diverse. Firstly, when you get to the first year, you yourself, without realizing it, begin to get active. Those. somewhere in the middle or at the end of September, the first year is given a “ropes course” or “watermelon course”. What better place to show off your talents (if you are interested in these events, write in the comments)! Then, you will be initiated into the trade union committee, whether you like it or not. They take away part of your academics. scholarships (to be honest, I don’t remember what percentage, but not large). They provide the opportunity to express themselves in the “freshmen’s review”, and then in the “student autumn” together with senior students. Here you can show your design, screenwriting, artistic (included in screenwriting) qualities, vocal, dance and many others. 6. Dormitory. I've only been there once. I can say that the conditions there are so-so: 3 people live in a room (at least in the one that was), everything is very cluttered (3 beds, a wardrobe, a kitchen table, a sink), a shared shower and toilet on the floor, frequent standing 5-7 am (fire alarm almost every week, according to classmates), hot and sometimes cold water is turned off. In general, they live like in a bunker (by the way, there is a medical center not far away;-)) 7. Dining room. In my first year I was even afraid to go there, because they mainly sold flour and bakery products, and for a girl watching her figure this was an unaffordable luxury. But a year later, having realized that you spend quite a lot of time at the university (from morning to late evening, no matter how many classes you have), sometimes you forget about this point. In principle, the prices are not too high, but there are shops near the university with lower prices for similar products. 8. Scholarship. Academician The scholarship is not very encouraging. The total is 1400-something rubles. It’s good to have social support, but to get it you now have to try, i.e. bring a certificate stating that you are receiving financial assistance for one of the special reasons. service (check with the dean’s office of your faculty for the actual reason) and then take a certificate from that organization for the dean’s office for a social scholarship. Also, if you graduated from school with a gold medal and passed the exam with straight A's, you will receive an increased scholarship (regardless of the course), I don't remember exactly its name. Also in the 1st year of the 1st semester you receive an advanced academic degree. a scholarship, regardless of what you passed the Unified State Exam for. But when you pass exams in the 1st semester with straight A's without a gold medal, you get 2000 rubles. with something (you can check with the dean’s office). In the 2-5th year, when participating in various events (if you have certificates about them in the amount of 15 pieces), as well as in scientific conferences, you have the opportunity to submit applications with the necessary documentation (check with the dean’s office) for a scholarship from the scientific council (sort of). I know that at Ulyanovsk State Technical University it is about 10,000-15,000 rubles, and here it is up to 10,000 rubles. 9. Volunteering. I would like to highlight him separately, because... it plays its significant role. Firstly, you can organize events by being part of them (for example, every year we hold events such as “I Give My Heart to Children”, “Open Days” and many others). Secondly, there are inter-university events that you can become a part of (for example, “KVN”, “Student Spring” and others). Thirdly, interregional and international events take place. You can even become a part of them (for example, “World Cup 2018”, “Training of volunteers on the issues of preserving the reproductive health of young people” and others). 10. Intra-university interaction. There are warm relationships at UlSPU: help in various problem situations (chasing a hawker, covering for a class, helping with homework, solving any other situation together), creative situations (suggesting an idea, organizing a dance group and much more) and other various situations that occur in universities (substitute at a meeting, pass a test for a classmate, take the position of a classmate when meeting more significant people, etc.). 11. Everything else. Our buildings are within reach, i.e. the main building, 1-2 buildings are literally a couple of steps from the hostel, but for some reason our 3rd building is 15-20 minutes away. In the main building, unlike all the others, conditions are more civilized, apparently because all events take place mainly there. From our university there are preparatory courses, university classes (grades 10-11), as well as the U-Znayka kindergarten and the Burevestnik swimming pool. In addition to this, everyone is invited to the dance school “DanceAvenue”. If you have any questions from these points, you can write in the comments, because It’s simply unrealistic to cover everything!
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov"
(FSBEI HE "UlSPU im. I.N. Ulyanov")
International name English Ilya Ulyanov State Pedagogical University (UlSPU)
Former names Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical Institute named after M. Gorky (until 1956); Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical Institute named after I.N. Ulyanov (until 1994)
Year of foundation
Type higher education institution
The president A. A. Bakaev
Rector T. V. Devyatkina
Students 7018 (as of October 1, 2015)
Foreign students 54
Location Russia Russia , Ulyanovsk region, G. Ulyanovsk
Awards Order of the Badge of Honor (1982)

Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I. N. Ulyanov(UlSPU named after I.N. Ulyanov, full official name: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov") - one of the oldest pedagogical universities Volga region, created in 1932 y, and located in Ulyanovsk.

Over the years of its existence, the university has trained about 70 thousand specialists in the fields of education, science and culture. [ ]

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    ✪ Trade union committee of UlSPU named after. I.N. Ulyanova


History of UlSPU

The first attempt to create a pedagogical university in the region was made immediately after the revolution 1917. January 16, 1919 The pedagogical institute, created by decision of the provincial commissariat of education, began its work. In October 1920 it was transformed into the Institute of Public Education (IPE). Five departments trained preschool teachers, school teachers, out-of-school teachers and labor training instructors. in autumn 1921 and the Institute of Public Education was again transformed, now into the Practical Institute of Public Education (PraktINO) and was supposed to train teachers for secondary schools and technical schools, social education instructors and workers in cultural and educational institutions. A professor from Moscow University became the rector of Simbirsk Practical Institute Yakovlev A. I., son of the educator of the Chuvash people I. Ya. Yakovleva. IN 1923 Simbirsk Praktino was closed. And only in the 30s, when the country was faced with the task of eliminating illiteracy and transitioning to universal compulsory seven-year education, the question of opening a pedagogical university again arose in Ulyanovsk.

In the post-war years, the Ulyanovsk Pedagogical Institute managed to significantly expand its teaching area by returning two educational buildings on Truda Street and releasing premises in the main building by the Communal Bank, which made it possible to expand the classroom fund and increase the area for offices and laboratories. Already in the 1951/52 academic year, the institute had 22 classrooms, an assembly hall with 300 seats, and 11 well-equipped classrooms and laboratories in the main building.

The living conditions of students gradually improved. All successful students were provided with a scholarship in the amount of 220 to 290 rubles, depending on the course. Excellent students received an increased scholarship in the amount of 300 to 365 rubles.

The book collection of the USPI library has increased significantly (from 67,000 to 100,200 volumes). All library employees had higher or secondary specialized education.

Thus, the material base of the institute in 1945-1960 became noticeably stronger. All conditions were created to increase the number of students. New faculties and specialties were opened. IN 1946  the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​was opened in 1960  at the Faculty of Preschool Education.

The most important link in the system of teacher training for secondary schools was teaching practice. IN 1947 At the institute, two schools in the city were assigned as bases for the teaching practice of students and the research work of teachers: the 4th women's secondary school and the 26th men's seven-year school, and later the 1st secondary school named after. V.I. Lenin.

The successes of the Ulyanovsk Pedagogical Institute in training teachers have been highly appreciated. September 13 1956  and by Decree Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR he was named after an outstanding teacher-educator I. N. Ulyanova.

In the 1956/57 academic year, the institute began training general teachers. This required a new serious restructuring of all educational work. The duration of training has increased to five years. The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics began to train teachers of mathematics and drawing, physics, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering; natural - teachers of biology, chemistry and geography; historical and philological - teachers of history, Russian language and literature. Additional special courses and special workshops were introduced, classrooms and laboratories were equipped with new machines and instruments.

A month-long practical training was organized for physics students at the automobile plant and the Kontaktor plant. They were assigned machines, on which the students worked under the guidance of foremen and foremen. This experience was approved by the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR and included in the curricula of all teacher training universities as a compulsory subject.

The main base for practice for students of the Geography Department was the one organized in the spring 1953 and on the river bank Sviyaga an agrobiological station where all conditions were created for conducting field practice: a greenhouse, a standard school plot, a small orchard, an educational apiary, a rabbit and duck farm, and dormitories for students and teachers were built. First-year students underwent field practice in zoology and botany for one month. The main bases for them were the village of Lava, Sursky district, and the Kuibyshev Sea near the village of Arkhangelskoye, Cherdaklinsky district. 3rd year students acquired practical skills in agriculture at the agrobiological station. There was the necessary equipment, machines and a tractor for cultivating field plots.

During these same years, students of the Pedagogical Institute began to undergo internships in pioneer camps for the first time. Here they worked as counselors, educators and sports managers.

In the 1959/60 academic year, continuous educational practice was fully implemented for the first time. 1st-3rd year students of all faculties worked in schools throughout the academic year as pioneer leaders, circle leaders, teacher assistants and primary school teachers and class teachers.

Under the guidance of senior lecturer of the Department of Physics R. M. Raznik in 1957 were created planetarium and a visual station for optical observation of artificial Earth satellites - one of the first stations organized Academy of Sciences of the USSR on the territory of our country.

At the Faculty of Geology, the foundation was laid for the creation of a museum of zoology. It also had a geological section with exhibits of minerals and paleontological remains. On the initiative of V.V. Blagoveshchensky, the Department of Botany began to form a scientific herbarium of the institute. IN 2005 year The scientific herbarium of the USPI was registered in the international database of the world's leading herbaria.

In the post-war years, the research work of students and teachers of the institute reached a new level. IN 1948  The first issue of “Scientific Notes of the UGPI” was published. IN 1950  The institute opened a postgraduate course, improved conditions for the publication of scientific works, and increased the qualifications of the teaching staff.

The institute began annually to conduct scientific expeditions: folklore, dialectological, archaeological, botanical, zoological, geographical. Students used the material collected during these expeditions in coursework and scientific papers. Thus, a literary circle under the leadership of Associate Professor P. S. Beisov collected proverbs, sayings, and songs throughout the Ulyanovsk region. Biology students, geographers, and zoologists collected a lot of valuable material during their field practices.

At the end of the 80s, USPI was one of the first in the country to attempt to create an educational, scientific and pedagogical complex that would ensure consistency and continuity at various levels of education. Its structure included: kindergarten No. 144 of Ulyanovsk, pedagogical classes in 16 rural and 4 urban schools, physics and mathematics lyceum of Ulyanovsk, pedagogical lyceum of Dimitrovgrad, Karsun rural lyceum. Regional Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers.

The educational programs of the university in the areas of training “teacher education” and “psychological and pedagogical education”, according to the National Center for Social and Professional Accreditation, are among the best in Russia.

UlSPU is a recognized scientific center for research in the field of physical and mathematical, natural and human sciences, pedagogy and psychology in the Volga region.

In turn, UlSPU is a partner of the Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU) and Kazan (Volga) Federal University in testing new modules in the areas of applied bachelor’s training “Psychological and pedagogical education (Educator)” and “Pedagogical education (Physics teacher)”.

In October 2015, for the first time in Russia, an international school of the Global Institute of Social Work (Singapore) was opened on the basis of UlSPU.

Educational work:

In 2014-2016 UlSPU was among the winners of the All-Russian competition for programs for developing the activities of student associations. The university has 39 student associations of various directions. Among them:

Volunteer Center;

Humanitarian Center for Work with Wheelchair People;

Center for Patriotic Education,

Student press center and television studio;

Center for providing legal assistance to the population;

Family Life Preparation Center;

Theater studio “Absurdus”;

Dance ensemble “Dance avenue” (participant of the cultural program of the Olympic Games in Sochi and finalist of the World Dance Olympics 2014));

Cinema Club;

Student choir.

Interregional projects implemented:

Vocal competition “Song Marathon on Tatiana’s Day”

Student camp-seminar “Energy”

School "Volunteer of Russia"

All-Russian film and music festival "Existencia"

All-Russian literary competition "Free verse"

International Festival of Languages ​​and Cultures

Federal projects have been implemented on the basis of UlSPU:

District stage (VFD) of the All-Russian competition "Student Leader",

All-Russian seminar-meeting of student government leaders and vice-rectors on educational work of educational organizations of higher education

School of the All-Russian Student Spring of the Volga Federal District.

UlSPU has a good material and technical base: a scientific library (800 thousand volumes), a comfortable dormitory for 1200 people, a concert hall, an athletics arena and sports halls, a modern media center, a sports and recreation complex with a Burevestnik swimming pool, student canteens in each building , agrobiological stations, summer sports and recreation camp "Youth".

Several museums have been created at the university: the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University History Museum (opened in 1982), the I.N. Ulyanov Museum (opened in 1971), and the Zoological Museum.

Since 1937, the university has published its own newspaper (in 1937-1941 - “The Proletarian Way”, 1958-1966 - “For Pedagogical Personnel”, from 1966 to the present - “Calling”). The university's public relations center is the winner of the All-Russian competition "University Press Service-2015" in the "Pro" category

University structure


  • Rector Tamara Vladimirovna Devyatkina
  • The president Anatoly Alexandrovich Bakaev
  • Vice-rector for financial and legal activities and personnel management Irina Vladimirovna Astrakhantseva
  • Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs Natalya Anatolyevna Ilyina
  • Vice-rector for educational and methodological work Igor Olegovich Petrishchev
  • And about. Vice-Rector for Social Development and Educational Work Denis Viktorovich Edyshev

Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University - Governor-Chairman of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region Morozov, Sergei Ivanovich


  • Natural-geographical
  • Physics, mathematics and technology education
  • Pedagogy and psychology
  • Historical and philological
  • Foreign languages
  • Physical culture and sports
  • Law, economics and management
  • Additional education and retraining of personnel

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