Positions in the issuance of Yandex. Check positions

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Expert opinions

Topvisor is one of the most dynamic tools on the search engine promotion market. Developing progressively, the team regularly increases the number of useful services for SEO specialists.

One of the most interesting modules is fast clustering of search queries based on SERP similarity.

Our company moved to Topvisor not on any recommendation. We tested different position monitoring services, and bribed the developer's responsiveness.

It's nice when your suggestions are implemented and make life and work easier. And after a while, this ability to listen and implement has not disappeared. This is very cool!

I have been looking for a convenient service for checking positions for a long time, I tried a lot! I didn’t like one thing, then another ... In Topvisor, everything can be customized, and additional features are even more pleasing.

Definitely a must have! I hope there will be further development!

We tried many competing services and chose Topvisor for the quality. And also for the accuracy and speed of checking positions. Now we are testing and implementing all new tools into our workflow.

Particularly pleased with the responsiveness of the service team and the prompt implementation of ideas and wishes of users.

When once again on Mac I couldn't open KeyCollector, Topvisor saved me. Here I quickly obtained a set of data on semantics for one important study. Also, if necessary, I use Topvisor to check the positions of client sites, which is very convenient.

The creators of the service are familiar with the needs of the market, so they do their best to automate many tasks, sometimes not very popular ones. Pleasant and convenient service.

Must be in the arsenal of optimizers.

For a person who has built his reputation on semantics, it is extremely important to always get accurate data; this applies to clustering, and removal of positions, and analytics. From the first days Topvisor has set a high level of work in relation to the market and every day confirms its leadership.

In addition to the convenience and accuracy of the service tools, I want to note the responsive work of the support service and management!

Topvisor impressed me with its thoughtfulness and versatility. So many little things taken into account in advance. I often work with the interfaces of various SEO services, I test a lot, but I have not yet seen such a level of user friendliness anywhere else.

Impressive detailed Help, friendliness and efficiency of support.

It is very convenient to work in it - to remove and expand this family. core, do clustering, control the positions of both sites and pages in social networks and videos, Youtube channels, monitor competitors, analyze the optimization of your site. Prices turned out to be very affordable for work. I don't want to leave this service.

I have been using Topvisor for a long time - from the first weeks of its existence - since 2013. And to be honest, I just decided to test another service for checking positions, because. the current one at that time was constantly falling and technical support did not answer at all.

And Topvisor's support responded in 2 minutes even on Twitter and, which was very pleasing, many of my suggestions for improvement were executed almost on the same day.

At the time of writing this review, I have about 270 closed tickets and many chips came from my light hand. It would seem, where does the support in the service for checking positions? As it turned out - the most important part. because any glitch, any oversight is corrected quickly and if the excess is withdrawn from the account, they are compensated. What about stability? everything is fine too (well, except for rolling out new features). For more than 3 years with Topvisor, I uploaded hundreds of different projects with semantic cores from 10 to 5000 requests there, and there was almost no time that the project did not take off on time or something happened to the data.

Topvisor is a stable and fast service for working with semantics that does almost everything, if not everything: wordstat, adwords, hints, query grouping and clustering, excellent and understandable analytics, integration with the webmaster, metrics, GA. In addition, there are a bunch and a small cart of related services, such as monitoring changes on the site or a bid manager for context. I use all these features to the fullest in almost every new project.

If you choose a service for monitoring positions and other SEO tasks, I recommend taking a closer look at Topvisor.

This is a whole range of useful tools: from checking positions with collecting snippets and snapshots of search results to detailed technical analysis of the site. From the selection of words, the collection of search suggestions to grouping by relevance and clustering in three different ways.

Able to work and integrate with Yandex.Metrica, Ya.Webmaster, Google Analytics and Google Search Console. A true search analytics service.

Topvisor is constantly and dynamically developing, new tools appear regularly and the current functionality is expanded. The interface is convenient, intuitive and very well thought out by the developers of the service. Pay special attention to detailed reference materials on Topvisor tools and features. I am sure that even beginners will not have problems and questions with work after reading.

We started using Topvisor in September 2014 as a backup service for internal monitoring and analytics tools. Over time and the development of the project, part of the functionality of the internal pieces is not completely worked out on our side.

We use only the position module, we get statistics on a convenient API, with which Power BI / Query is also excellent friends for visualizing ready-made reports on the parameters of the number and dynamics of requests in the TOP-3..100+ for the required period of time.

It is convenient that the service uses non-cash document management through Diadoc, and ready-made invoices a week before the settlement date save a lot of time. Topvisor has the most important thing that can be in customer service, besides the work of technical things - cool support. Reaction to requests within 5-10 minutes, a visible desire to help and understand the problem and improve functionality. So the Russian cities in the statistics have different colors on the graphs, and in the help - a couple of additional screenshots.

Hello friends and colleagues! Many of you, my readers, have your own website - perhaps more than one. If you are a blogger, or one who advertises his services on a business card site, or the owner of an online store, you know firsthand how important the site's position in search engine results is, and that this parameter needs to be constantly monitored. And if you are just planning to do website building, take note of the need for such tracking.

Just in case: the position of the site on request in the search results - the place where your site appears in the list of pages issued by the search engine to the user in response to a specific search query. Knowing the positions allows you to assess how effectively the content of the site works, whether you are going in the right direction, or you need to change something in your approaches to the development of the project.

But there can be a very significant number of requests for which you promote the site in search engines. It is impossible to constantly manually drive them into Google and Yandex to check the position of the site in the search. And there is no need to deal with such nonsense - there are many services on the Internet that will successfully do this work for you.

Today we will just talk about the resources that provide these services. A traditional review of 11 services awaits you: we will thoroughly analyze two of them that I personally use, and quickly go over nine more:

is an inexpensive and easy to use service. The cost depends on the number of keywords and regions: removing the positions of one word once a day (one region) for a month - 60 kopecks. Thus, the monthly cost of your project is calculated by the formula 60 kopecks * number of keys * number of regions. 100 requests in one region - only 60 rubles. A very attractive price.

Let's see how you can check the position of the site by keywords. I wrote out a few of my keys contained in the titles of my articles and will use them to demonstrate the work:

So, Top Inspector. Register:

Fill in the required fields - login, email, password, agree to the license agreement and click the "Add a new project" button. Next, we see a table in which you need to enter data about the project:

Enter the name of the project, domain.

We indicate the region “Moscow and the region” - my project does not have georeferencing, but people can do copywriting regardless of their place of residence, so we choose the most popular one. If your project is geo-dependent, you can specify the required region, and more than one - using the green plus sign on the right, additional lines are added to select the region (no more than 4).

Do not be alarmed if, when choosing regions, it turns out that there are only a few of them in the drop-down list: start typing the initial letters of the name, and the desired region will be found.

wordstat query. Specify what type of request will be checked: broad, phrase or exact. Small digression:

  • Broad match - queries are checked that include the specified keywords, and they can be in different forms (cases, numbers, etc.) and diluted with other words;
  • Phrase match (keywords are taken in "") - the checked request contains the specified phrase, i.e. keywords in the form you provided. Other words may also be added.
  • Exact match (keywords in "", with each word put before it!) - the query must exactly match the specified phrase, without adding other words.

About the Wordstat.yandex.ru keyword service I.

I choose Exact Match.

Search engines. Top Inspector allows you to check the site by positions in the issuance of Yandex and Google - you can choose one search engine, you can use both.

Well, the last point is whether subdomains should be taken into account.

Click the "Create" button - that's it, the new project is ready.

We get to the page in which you want to add keywords. We take the prepared list and enter these words:

Click the "Add" button.

Please note - using the separator "|" in the key phrase, you can specify the address of the landing page, i.e. the address of the page on your site that should be displayed on this request.

It is possible to import words from Yandex.Metrics and Google.Analytics, if you have the corresponding services connected. To do this, go to your profile and make the necessary settings:

But for now, let's not get distracted by them. We need to set up the project further. After entering the keywords, the system informs us that new words have been successfully added to the project. We can either continue to introduce new queries into the project, or we can group the words that we have.

Grouping is a very useful feature if your project has hundreds of keywords. How to set it up:

As you can see, grouping is carried out using labels. Click "Create a new shortcut":

You can specify not only the name, but also the color of the label.

We create a label "articles" and assign it to those phrases that include the word "article". You can do this by simply dragging the label to the appropriate line.

You can assign multiple labels to the same keyword:

Now, when we go to the "Keywords" tab of the project, the words will be grouped according to the given labels:

Please note that the key "How to learn to write articles from scratch" is displayed in two groups, since it has been assigned two labels.

This feature allows you to conveniently analyze and not get confused in a large project.

This is a very convenient feature - checking the positions of a competitor site will help us in working on our own site. True, of course I would like to see more competitors.

However, our project is not working yet, positions are not removed until there is no money on the account. Follow the link "Replenishment of balance":

Funding can be done in a variety of ways:

I chose Yandex.Money. After successful completion of the payment, you need to “unpause the project”:

Well, let's wait. The schedule for picking up positions cannot be changed: this action occurs once a day, the exact time is unknown - it is determined by the service itself. There is no way to find out the position of the site on demand.

So, the project has been initialized. Now, when entering the Top Inspector, we see the following:

Let's take a look at the Retrieve Positions tab.

What we see here:

Let's see if the data we see here corresponds to the real state of affairs in search engines. Let's take the request "article plan": Yandex - 3rd place, Google - 1. We look in Yandex:

Second place. Let's look on Google:

Also the second. Looks like the truth...

So, we looked at how to check the position of the site for queries in the Top Inspector. It remains to see what reports this service allows you to create. Go to the "Reports" tab:

You can compare data for two dates, you can view data for all dates for a period, or only for a specific date. This is how the report for the period looks like:

Pay attention to the note about export. Let's now make a report on the date and see the export options:

Export - to a CSV file, this is a delimited text file. It can also be viewed in Excel.

You can view the parameters in the report settings. But in general, there is nothing worthy of attention there.

Top Inspector has the ability to receive mailings:

Test mode, by the way. Anyone who wants to can test. Click "Add mailing configuration":

I think this is a convenient feature - you do not need to go to the service to get a report.


Top Inspector- a simple service, without unnecessary "bells and whistles", with an intuitive interface. The cost is very attractive - 60 kopecks per month for the daily removal of one key phrase.

  • Checking in Yandex and Google
  • Search depth – TOP-50
  • Convenient interface, the ability to group requests and write comments in reports

- a resource similar to the Top Inspector, but more expensive and with advanced functionality compared to the previous service.

You can register here either through the registration form, or by starting "right off the bat" to analyze your project on the main page:

Enter the name of your site, if any - alias addresses:

All Positions can determine the position of the site in five search engines: Yandex, Google, Mail.ru, Rambler and Tut.by (Belarusian search engine). We choose, Yandex and Google will be quite enough for us:

In the next step, we enter our keywords:

The final step is to enter the email and the code:

Click "Finish":

In fact, our actions are registration in the service. An email with a login (e-mail address) and a password will be sent to the email address specified by us, with which it will be possible to access All Positions in the future.

If the system has not yet processed the request, then the first time you enter the service, we will see the following information:

Now is the time to talk about the pricing policy of All Positions.

What is 1000? No, these are not rubles, but the internal "currency" - coins. The newly minted user is credited with 1000 "elevating" coins to get acquainted with the possibilities of the service. After the positions of the keywords are removed, the number of coins on the account will decrease. One query in one search engine (one region) costs one coin. The course of coins is different depending on the amount that we pay for their purchase:

The frequency of position checks in this service, unlike the Top Inspector, can be set differently:

  • Every day
  • After updates (updates) of Yandex
  • Two times a week
  • Every week
  • Once in two weeks
  • Once a month
  • On demand

Thus, it is easy to calculate that daily checking of 100 queries in one region in two search engines will cost us 6,000 coins. At the rate of 0.08 rubles per coin - it turns out 480 rubles per month. Compared to 60 rubles for the same thing in Top Inspector, 480 rubles is impressive. Let's see what we are offered for them.

We go to All Positions with login-email and password. When I log into my work account, I see the following:

There are quite a few things here, but in general the picture is already familiar from the Top Inspector. In the same way, you can switch between Yandex and Google, observe statistics in the form of a graph and percentages. In the table with requests, we see their frequency and page positions in search engines.

I have several projects working here, so for the sake of experimentation, I will add the selected keywords that we worked with in the Top Inspector to a new project in order to consider the system's capabilities in more detail. At the same time, we will analyze how a new project is added.

In the "Projects" window, click "Add", enter all the data:

Let it be on demand. Click "Add". Now the system will tell us that no requests were found and offer to add them:

Immediately after pressing the button, the service starts generating a report on the positions of our keywords.

By the way, we did not indicate the region - neither during the initial registration, nor now. To make any changes to the report settings, use the "Settings" menu:

In the "Miscellaneous" tab, we see a line in which you can specify the region:

Here, we can observe a significant difference from the Top Inspector, namely, you can not specify the region, in this case the search is not tied to the region.

Here we can change the type of query to Wordstat.

It is not very convenient, as it seems to me, that when registering and creating a new project, the settings are only partially specified. If we need to change or add something - the same region, for example, if our requests are geo-dependent, then we need to go to "Settings" and do it there. You can forget about it, right?

Let's now look at our "Test" project and analyze the capabilities of All Positions using its example in more detail.

Let's start from the very top. There are two types of report here:

  • Position of the site - what we are interested in now
  • Statistics is the number and analysis of site visits. To collect it, you need to connect Google.Analytics:

Also quite an interesting possibility, but now we will not consider it.

Below we see a drop-down list - you can select a group of queries and observe data only for it. How to include requests in a group?

Click "Add Requests":

Here it will no longer be possible to simply group requests, you will have to enter them again. Not too convenient.

The graph can be built according to different parameters:

Since there is not enough data to build a graph in the current project, I will use a graph from another project. Let's see how the various parameters are displayed on it:

  • Visibility/attendance:

The question may arise: what is visibility? Please, here is the answer:

Did you understand everything? In general, the higher this indicator, the better for our site. Attendance is shown on the chart if the project is connected to Google.Analytics.

  • Requests to the TOP

Let's go back a little higher and look at the "Details" and "Competitors" buttons:

Click "Details". This button gives report details for a particular request:

  • Review - position change over the period;
  • TOP 10 - sites in the TOP-10 for this query;
  • Snippets - a list of snippets (text fragments shown in the search results under the page address) issued by the search engine for the period.

The request "order an article for the site" is in the third place in Yandex. Let's check if this is true, shall we? We go to Yandex and type the request:

Second place in organic results. Well, plus or minus is correct.

Let's check the position of the site in Google, for this we will select Google in the "Search engines". It's not so happy here, 56th place. Let's see:

Look, the position of the site in Google search is generally accurate. Well, in this way you can make sure that the testimony of the service corresponds to the real state of affairs.

Now let's look at the "Competitors" menu.

The service itself determines our competitors - for all queries or for a specific group. In this case, we identified 155 competitors. You can see the dynamics of visibility on the chart by checking the box next to the site in the table. Counters installed on competitors' websites are also displayed - you can go to them and see statistics, of course, if the counter is not closed from access.

A little lower is a menu with the following tabs:

  • Export - the same as in Top Inspector, the report can be exported in two formats.
  • Import - it is possible to import landing pages, as well as queries and groups, in CSV format
  • Subscription;
  • Report for clients - we give clients a link, and they can view the report without registering in the system and without accessing the account.

So, we have to consider a few points. We analyzed what features are in individual projects, however, All Positions also has a Project Manager service that allows you to view information on all our projects. You can enter it either through the left sidebar:

Or via the top menu:

In this menu, we see generalized data for all projects:

  • When the report is updated
  • When is the next check
  • Positions (+/-)
  • The number of requests, how many of them are in the TOP-3, -10 and -30.

In the same top menu there is an item XML limits.

What is it, why are we offered to exchange them for free checks? Where to get them?

First, a little about the XML format and XML queries.

XML (Extensible Markup Language, extensible markup language) is a format with which you can store and transfer various data between programs. An XML file is a text file that is specially structured and marked up with tags.

XML requests are XML files that the sending program sends to the receiving program and which contain certain requests. In response, the sending program receives other XML files containing the required information.

Yandex.XML is a service that allows users to send such XML requests to Yandex and receive a response also in XML format. Thus, you can check the position of the site in Yandex by accessing the search database directly, rather than loading and processing each page of the search results. The search engine itself provides this information in response to a request sent by us.

However, Yandex, although it provides such an opportunity, at the same time limits it to the number of requests that the site owner can send during the day. The number of these requests is called XML limits.

Limits are accrued to resource owners who have added their sites to the Yandex.Webmaster service and confirmed their rights to them. A certain number of limits are issued for each site, and Yandex keeps the accrual algorithm secret. The distribution of limits during the day is not the same: in this way, Yandex regulates the load on its servers.

To find out how many limits you have at https://xml.yandex.ru/ac, you need to register at:

In the Limits section, you can see the number of limits accrued to your sites (provided that the site is registered in Webmaster).

Limits can be transferred, bought and sold. This is exactly what All Positions offers us to do. If you do not use them, pass them on to someone who can dispose of them for their intended purpose. It is very convenient for the services that determine the position of the site to use direct access to the Yandex database. How to transfer limits is indicated in the instructions of All Positions. In return, you get free checks.

Similar offers are made by many other position determination services. However, there are those who do not use XML queries and analyze SERP pages.


All positions– the service is more multifunctional and flexible than Top Inspector. What are its differences?

  • Possibility to choose the frequency of checks
  • More metrics – visibility, frequency of impressions that can be checked, the ability to track attendance
  • Quick check positions
  • Ability to exchange XML limits for free checks
  • 5 search engines
  • Depth of check - TOP-150

However, it is worth noting that the interface cannot be called intuitive, it takes time and perseverance to figure out its settings. The top inspector certainly wins in this indicator. Also, the service is more expensive than the Top Inspector - 480 rubles against 60 for checking for the same indicators.

There are a lot of services with which you can view the position of the site on the Internet.

Let's move on to a brief overview of nine more resources that I have selected from this variety. Among them, there are both services that only allow you to check the position of the site online, without providing other information, and multifunctional complexes that provide SEO promotion services, which only professionals can fully understand. In cases where we will encounter services of the second type, we will not delve into their functionality, but will focus solely on checking positions.

Of course, you are probably interested in how to check the position of the site for free. We will pay attention to which resources offer free checks, which give a test period, which you can work on without registration.

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One of the services that provide many SEO tools is .

Here is what he tells us about the possibilities of verification:

Let's select "Check Site Positions" and enter our keywords. By default, the checkbox is only on Yandex, we will put it on Google as well. We will not select the region, we will not use the PHP script either - this is a check using XML limits.

Click "Check" and get the result:

What can we see here:

To the left of the request is an icon with a graph image. By clicking on it, we will get a graphical representation of the site's position history since the last check:

  • Hovering the mouse cursor over the position number, we will receive in the pop-up window the address of the page containing the corresponding key.
  • Red or green numbers show a decrease or increase in the site's position compared to the last query.
  • It is possible to export the results as HTML or CSV.

The daily limit is removed after registration and replenishment of the balance. The cost of checking one request in one search engine is 2 kopecks. 100 queries in two search engines every day - 120 rubles.


Quite convenient and inexpensive. You can check 30 requests per day for free for each search engine, on weekends - 100 requests, on update days - 25. Checking depth for Yandex is TOP-200, for Google - TOP-150.

seranking.ru (SE Ranking) is another comprehensive tool for SEO analysis. There is an opportunity to try it for free, which is immediately visible. Well, great, that's exactly what we'll do.

We press the corresponding button. We are prompted to create an account:

You can check 50 keywords per day for free. This limit is more than enough for us.

Register, now you need to add a project:

We press the corresponding button, now we need to fill in the data about our project:

For a test account, the verification depth is 100 and cannot be changed; in paid accounts, it can be changed.

Expert options - perhaps we will not use them.

Enter our keywords. Please note that it is possible to group them. Click "Add queries" - they are entered in the table, "Next", and the last step is to add search engines:

There are 7 systems on the list, including mobile versions of Google and Yandex. The traditional two search engines will be enough for us:

We complete the project setup. Click the "Positions" button:

We get the following results:

The report has three types:

I note that it’s not easy to deal with such an interface right away, but a trained eye already sees what functionality is here:

  • Ability to write notes - about actions to promote the site;
  • Settings - you can change the project settings;
  • Guest link - can be transferred to the client;
  • Report export - to Excel and CSV.

By clicking on the position number opposite the key query, we will see detailed information about it, including the address of the relevant page.

But that's not all. Menu at the top of the page:

Let's see how SE Ranking works with competitors:

Competitors for monitoring them can be added manually, you can entrust their selection to the system (“All competitors” button):

In general, the service has all the necessary functionality. Let's see what the rates are.

Check-in fees:

100 daily queries within a month in two search engines will cost us from 300 rubles.


A flexible tool for checking site positions, and more. The service is paid, but it is possible to test it for free for 14 days. The interface is quite nice, but you have to figure out “where everything is”. If you are only going to check the position of the site, there is not much point in using SE Ranking, its functionality is more suitable for web developers and SEO optimizers.

- the next in line service, which we will consider. Here you can also try it for free.

We register, confirm the email by clicking on the link in the letter, then we receive another letter with registration data.

Now we need to start the project.

Please note - upon registration, we received 10 rubles to the account. Let's start building our project:

Enter the website address and project name. That's it, he appeared in the list:

It seems to me very convenient and understandable. If you click on the icon, the message that we see on the screen will appear. Let's fill everything, for this we will use the settings under the name of the project.

When choosing a search engine, you can specify whether traffic by region or total traffic will be taken into account, and select regions (at least one).

The ability to set up a schedule of checks cannot but rejoice, especially compared to the capabilities of the Top Inspector.

In the "Integration" item, you can connect Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics.

The list of keywords is not very obvious in the "Kernel" section:

Here you can create groups of requests, you can only add a request to one group. To enter a group of queries at once, you need to use the "Import" button:

In order to remove the position of the site, go to the "Positions" section and press the button.

You can view the results for each search engine separately, or make a comparison by search engines.

There are a lot of analysis tools: this is the presentation of results in various forms, and the ability to obtain statistics by groups, regions and search engines.

If you go to the "Analytics" section, you can see even more information in various sections:

In general, a detailed analysis of the capabilities of Topvisor is a topic for a separate large analysis. I can say that the functionality impressed me, and the interface pleased me. Let's see the rates:

Now our tariff is XS, +10 rubles for registration (however, after checking the positions, there are already 8.5 rubles left). Please note that the frequency check here is paid, unlike the services discussed earlier.


An excellent service if you need not just a position removal, but a full-featured SEO tool. Many of its features, in particular, building a semantic core, site audit, and so on, were left outside the scope of our review.

The interface is very user-friendly, but it is worth noting that the richness of functionality is the cause of certain difficulties when trying to figure out how to manage all this wealth.

Another multifunctional service for webmasters is . It should be noted right away that the service is free and registration is not required for a one-time check of site positions, however, position monitoring, which is carried out on an ongoing basis, is a paid service with mandatory registration:

Let's figure out how to check the position of a site in Google and Yandex in Seogadget. Compared to previous services, everything is extremely simple here:

The “Show competitors in the TOP” checkbox displays a list of competitors in the table under each request, you can put it on if you wish. Here we go!". Result:

Unfortunately, a Google search failed for some reason. This is a temporary error, it happens on other services, but the impression is of course spoiled. If we check positions with competitors, the picture will be like this:

In general, comments are not required here.


The service is simple, free, but here is a mistake in Google - and something good can no longer be said.

– automatic website promotion system. It sounds very solid, but we just need to figure out how to check the search positions of the site here. Other instruments will not be considered.

At the next step, we add the region, and the system offers us a list of queries that, in its opinion, are optimal for website promotion. If we want to work with our key queries, uncheck the boxes and click "Start Promotion".

In a few minutes, we get a report in which, in addition to data on the positions of the site, there is a lot of other information regarding the budget for promotion for these queries and recommended pages:

There is another very useful feature in this service - determining the visibility of the site. You can specify both your site and any other:

We get to the page of the corresponding service and enter our data:

We will see detailed information about the site:

  • Number of effective impressions per month
  • The number of keywords, how many of them are in the TOP-3, TOP-10, etc.
  • Traffic per month, broken down by region
  • Visibility history of competitors

And so on. A very useful tool for analyzing and promoting your site.

Now about the rates:


Service for SEO-promotion of the site, many useful tools, rich functionality. For example, using this service, you can select queries for your resource. It is possible to work for free. If you are interested in a comprehensive promotion - you have a direct road here. But just to check the position of the site in search engines, without going into details, here you can easily and quickly.

On the main page of the service, we are greeted with an invitation to check the position of the site and receive a bonus. Let's do this:

Most likely, the bonus is some amount on the account. Now we'll find out. We press the button, we see a window for entering key queries:

Choose search engines and regions. There is Yandex and Google, including mobile search, and Mail.ru. Let's go further:

Click "Check positions!". We wait quite a long time, about half an hour. Of course, not a day, like some ... By the way, about the bonus: indeed, they accrued 25 rubles.

Some design imbalance is striking. Not sure where to look first. In fact, you can find many indicators here, but where to look for them is not obvious. In addition, it is impossible to see the pivot table for all search engines: now we have Yandex specified, but if we select “All”, then several more of the same tables will be added below. Uncomfortable.

In the upper right corner are the report settings, a little lower are the buttons for exporting and displaying charts. Export pleased - many different options for saving reports:

Let's take a look at the settings, specifically the Checks tab. Here you can configure search engines, regions, frequency of checks:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • After the update
  • Manually

As well as the depth of checks - up to 500. The cost depends on all these parameters. For example, if we select Yandex with a depth of 150, Google with a depth of 100, specify one region each, and select a daily check frequency, then for 100 requests the monthly cost will be 450 rubles. Not a lot. What else is there?

  • Keywords - you can create groups and add new words to the groups.
  • Competitors - You can add 10 competitor websites to track.


A service with rich functionality, but the impression is spoiled by an unsuccessful design. If you get used to it - it is quite possible to use it.

is a popular resource for webmasters and SEOs. The main thing here is a forum where representatives of the relevant professions communicate. You can register on it not just like that, but by an invite (invitation) from a participant. But we are not interested in the forum at the moment. Let's see how you can check the position of the site here.

Go to the Tools section, find the item Analysis of positions by queries there:

Let's test the service.

So, don't you think we've already seen this? Very similar to Seogadget, even the button is called the same - "Let's go." Well then, let's go. As we remember, Seogadget gave an error in Google, let's see what happens here.

Like this. Well, a negative result is also a result.


If the tool is declared in the service, it should work, otherwise it is better to remove it from there. Do you agree?

- a specialized service for determining the position of the site. Without registration, you can work in the following modes:

  • Automatic verification is a familiar to us check of the position of the site according to the list of keywords. You can choose from 8 (!) search engines, the search depth is 300, the number of keys is up to 2000. Only one region can be specified.

However, this service is paid, the cost can be viewed in the section "Cost of services":

As you can see, there are different options for generating reports, the other three are available only to registered users of the service. For my 13 requests, the cost of one report will be 9 rubles. 10 kop.

Something is wrong with the prices, don't you think?

  • The second verification option is a simple verification. This check allows you to find out what position the site is in for one key request, the service is free:

The check takes several minutes, and the following concise report is generated:

Fast and easy. But if we still want to see the positions of all our requests, we will have to register.

After a quick registration, fill in your project details:

It is proposed to select the mode of using the service. Select automatic report generation for all positions. Further:

Pay attention - here the price of the report is already 5.2 rubles. It's because I signed up. Without registration, let me remind you, the issue price is 9.1 rubles. We will not connect ratings, but note that there is such an opportunity.

Click "Check Items" and the payment page appears. Since we have 10 rubles in our account after registration, we select the item “From the account of the account”:

The report started to form. It's nice that there is a progress bar showing that the service is running and not idling:

Finally, the report is ready:

As you can see, there is nothing superfluous, if I may say so, even the definition of the frequency of requests is not here.


Very simple, but at the same time too expensive service. The interface is nice and clear. If you only need to check the position of the site in the search, without any additional functionality, and you don’t mind the money, you might like it here. On the other hand, there are services that are much cheaper and at the same time with a bunch of all sorts of "chips". For a one-time free determination of the position of one request - that's it.

- another service for checking the position of the site. It stands out from a number of similar services in that it is clearly focused on SEO studios: the functionality contains elements of a task management system, as well as the possibility of invoicing, generating invoices, and preparing acts.

However, we did not come here for this - we need to find out the position of the site. We see a big button “Try for free” and click on it, we immediately get to the registration form:

We find ourselves in our personal account and see the message:

The account has such sections as Employees, Clients, Personalization - for creating a personal page for clients. Everything suggests that professional optimizers are welcome here.

We will now go to the Check Positions section. As you can see, there are two ways to add a project - a regular addition and a quick one. In a quick add, you need to specify:

  • Project name
  • domain
  • keywords
  • search engines - Yandex, Google and Mail.ru
  • check frequency

Let's use the usual addition of a project and see what can be configured here:

5 competitors are checked for free.

In the Requests tab, enter keywords and set the type of frequency processing:

and a way to handle visibility:

Search engines are understandable. Check time:

Access to the project - you can specify employees and clients.

And press the "Check" button:

We confirm. We admire the progress bar for a while and get the result:

To get a detailed report, you need to click on the name of the project.

Removing request rate doesn't seem to work.

In the report, you can create various selections and group queries. In the Work Calendar, you can leave comments that will be displayed in reports. I find it convenient and informative.

Let's see the rates:

The cost of one check is from 6 kopecks. Thus, checking 100 requests every day for a month is 360 rubles.


The service left a good impression, spoiled only by the fact that the frequency of requests was not determined. The price is average, the interface is simple and convenient, while quite a lot of functionality.

So, we have considered 11 services with which you can check the position of the site in the search results. Some of them left a good impression, some - not so much. Are you even aware of this matter? checking positions? What and how often?

Search promotion of sites in Yandex and Google is the basic technology of modern Internet marketing, which allows you to increase targeted traffic to selling sections. The essence of this technique is to create conditions under which search engine robots will give preference to promoted resources. As a result, promoted sites will take top positions in search results. Determining the position of the site in search engines for keywords and phrases is an integral part of monitoring the results of search promotion.

The Serphant project brings to your attention an automatic analyzer that allows you to quickly check the position of the site for queries. This tool will be of particular interest to SEO specialists and search engine promotion customers who want to control the goals achieved. Operational analysis of the position of the site without fail is included in the competent support of search engine promotion. Such data will also be useful when conducting a preliminary SEO audit, which allows you to identify all the shortcomings that hinder search engine promotion.

How to check the position of the site in the search engines Yandex and Google:

  • Enter the site address in the proposed box;
  • List keywords (up to 50 pieces);
  • Specify the region in which the monitoring will be carried out;
  • Activate the process and wait for the results

Why you will like the functionality of Serphant:

  • Simple clear interface;
  • The ability to check the site for a wide range of keywords;
  • High speed of uploading the received data;
  • Accurate targeting by region;

Certain positions of the site in search engines are reliable up-to-date information.

This is useful to know:

  • To determine the keywords of the site, you must have at your disposal a semantic core that includes semantics corresponding to the business topic. Frequently typed queries can be found in the open statistics of search engines. This information can be obtained free of charge using tools such as https://wordstat.yandex.ru/.
  • Site positions in Yandex and Google may change after a new ranking of all resources by robots, or may remain unchanged.
  • The drop in the position of the site requires the adoption of urgent measures that can improve the situation at the next sorting. The most effective measure in this case is a comprehensive SEO audit of the site.

Helping to check the position of the site for queries, the Serphant service offers the use of other tools for detailed SEO monitoring. Comprehensive analysis provides an opportunity to constantly monitor the position of the promoted resource in Yandex and Google with timely making the necessary adjustments.

Do you want to quickly check the position of the site for queries? Here is the most convenient tool that will give you the results you need in seconds!

Hello friends!

All site owners are very interested in what positions their resource occupies in search engines. Today I will tell you about the services with which you can determine the position of the site in search engines for free. For some bloggers, checking positions can turn into a daily activity, especially if the resource is new. Therefore, I propose to learn more about the tools that you can use for these purposes.

There was already an article on the blog about that, in which it was very superficially told why this was needed and how to do it. For a broader understanding, I advise you to also read that article.

Today there are a lot of services for checking the position of the site. Their main difference is how reliable information they provide, as well as in the functionality that they provide. Free verification services often have fewer options than their paid counterparts. But at first, if you follow only one site and you do not need extended data on it, a free program or service may well be enough.

Today's article will describe free and paid methods for determining the position of the site in search engines.

Slovoeb: a program for determining the position of the site

The first thing I want to remind you about is about. It has the ability to check positions, and you can check them a lot and for free. Here you can determine the position of the site in Yandex and Google with the ability to select a region. The program also shows pages that the PS defines as relevant to the query. In the process of checking positions, you may encounter a problem entering captchas. In order to eliminate this inconvenience, you can use one of the anti-captcha services combined with this program (see Slovoeb settings, section "Anti-captcha"). These are paid services that enter captchas instead of you. The most famous of them is Antigate. It is also combined with the RDS bar. If you regularly use these programs, you will simply need an anti-captcha service. In Slovoeb you can upload the entire list of key queries you need, and after you collect the positions, upload the report to excel and analyze it. This program does not save the history of positions, that is, to find out how much your positions have improved or fallen compared to the previous period, you will have to compare the data manually.

Where else can I see the position of the site by request? Automatic promotion services

Let's also remember about and . Among their tools you will also find a position check. Moreover, you can view the positions by request completely free of charge. Moreover, it checks positions not only in web search, but also removes mobile results. And if the site has “subsidences” (and 85% of Runet sites will definitely have them, since the picture with mobile adaptation is deplorable), then the service gives free recommendations on conquering the mobile TOP.

Another similar tool for analyzing site positions by keywords is the Setlinks exchange. Here you can check positions at a free rate. You can check 50 requests against it every two days. To do this, you need to register on Setlinks and add the site url. Depth of check - 100 positions. You can set the region and determine the geo-dependency of the request. Also in this service you can find out competitors by the given queries. The history of checks is saved here, so you can view the dynamics of positions. It is possible to download the report in PDF and Excel.

How to check website positions online?


Serpstat SEO Platform allows you to monitor 10 positions for free in any country and region on Google and Yandex, and also calculates what share you and your competitors occupy in the subject. Plus, if your competitors have already monitored the same words in the service as you, then you will get a history of changes in their positions for free.

To work in the service, you need to register and create a project for your site.

Then go through five stages of setting up position monitoring and see the results.

Feature of the service: it pays not for checking each position, but for a package with different functionality, because Serpstat is also used for keyword analysis, link analysis and SEO audit. Each tariff plan has a certain number of limits that are accrued every month. If there are not enough limits for monitoring positions, but you don’t want to switch to another tariff plan, then you can buy them in addition by contacting those. support.

Additionally, for each phrase, you can see the storm chart, SERP changes by phrase, and snippet history, which is useful when working with competitors.

As I said, Serpstat is used to collect semantics and analyze competitors' keywords. In the article , I described in detail how the service helps.


Another fairly handy tool for quickly checking site positions online is seogadget.ru/serppos. In the free version, you can check up to 30 keywords at a time. Search depth - 100 positions with the ability to select a region. You can also view competitors on demand.

AllPositions, TopInspector and SeoBudget

The next free verification method is to use bonus points that are awarded when registering in such services for checking site positions as AllPositions (1000 coins), TopInspector (50 rubles), SeoBudget (50 rubles).

Here is what TopInspector offers:

In SeoBudget, the situation is slightly different, where one check costs 0.06 rubles. with a depth of up to 50 positions in one PS. Here you can choose different check intervals: every day, week, 2 weeks, month, when updating the issuance of Yandex, Yandex TIC, Yandex PF, updating Yandex.Catalog and Google PR. Quite handy when tracking the position of the site, if you are seriously engaged in its optimization. Despite the fact that the check does not take place daily, it is possible to save the first bonus 50 rubles by conducting an analysis at your own discretion.

And now about the AllPositions service. Here, 1 coin is spent on one check in one PS. You can check after updates, or with a certain frequency, as well as on demand. In addition to Google and Yandex, here you can also check positions in Rambler and Mail.ru by setting the regionality. As well as in previous similar services, you can follow the changes in positions (compare with previous checks), the positions of competitors by request. You can connect to this service, upload key queries from there, and so on.

The three services listed above have a fairly wide functionality, because they were created specifically for collecting and analyzing statistical data. Bonuses are provided here so that the user can test the system and then switch to a paid basis.

Programs for checking site positions

Now let's consider another method of collecting positions - programs that need to be installed on a computer. These are Site Auditor, Site Reporter and Seomonitor.

The Site Auditor program and all add-ons to it can be downloaded on the official website - site-auditor.ru.

The Auditor website has a fairly simple interface:

From the program, you can determine the TIC and PR of any site, the number of pages in the index, and even view Google or Yandex pictures that are on it. You can enter key queries in the "Quest selection" field and then check their positions in the "Site visibility" tab. The transaction history is saved on your computer.

In the settings, it is recommended to use Yandex.XML as a data source in order to remove the limit on the number of automatic requests. To find out how to do this, follow the dedicated link in the program settings.

You can download the Site Reporter program here - site-reporter.ru/web-links .

And this is how its interface looks like:

As you can see, in addition to collecting positions, there is also a selection of key queries and a lot of other information that you can use to analyze your own or someone else's resource. Here you can collect information about positions not only in Google and Yandex, but also in Rambler, Nigma, Bing, Yahoo, Meta, Mail.ru. You can find all the details about working with this program on the official website.

And the last program for monitoring site positions in our today's review is the notorious Seomonitor. This program for collecting positions was one of the first to appear in Runet. But even today it is quite functional and easy to use. In general, the program is paid, but there is a demo version of it on the site semonitor.ru/download.html.

It looks like this:

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to determine the position of a site in search engines for free. Not all free tools are given in the article, but besides this, many paid services have been created. How to use them and which ones to choose is a matter of taste and needs. I hope this article has helped you to form an understanding in this area. Share your observations and experiences.

Do you want to increase the position of your site and get cheap targeted traffic?

To date, on the Internet you can find a huge number of tools and services that help to check the position of the site in search engines. To choose the most suitable service for assessing the quality of your SEO promotion, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the review of the TOP-10 site position monitoring services.

A service that allows you to check the position of the site in automatic mode with the ability to select the frequency. You can get data on the positions of not only your site, but data on the sites of your competitors.

Key features:

  • a wide range of search engines: Yandex, Google (including Google Mobile, Maps), Yahoo, Bing;
  • choice of any countries and regions of the world;
  • adding keywords both manually and via import;
  • monitoring individual URLs and subdomains;
  • free analysis of competitors' positions;
  • parsing depth — 300 positions;
  • guest access and demo accounts available;
  • uploading ready-made reports in PDF, HTML and XLS formats;
  • service personalization (connecting your domain and customizing the design).

In addition, it provides the ability to integrate with Google Analytics and Yandex Metrika.

The test period of the service is 14 days. The cost for 1 check with a parsing depth of 200 is $0.002. There are also monthly rates. With a daily check of up to 5 sites, the cost of a subscription is $9, with a check every three days - $7.2, with a check once a week - $5.4.

Position monitoring tool with a clear and intuitive interface. All calculations in it are carried out using the internal currency - "coins". At the same time, the service allows you to get acquainted with its capabilities for free. To do this, each user who has registered in the system is immediately issued 1000 coins.

Key features:

  • support for search engines such as Yandex, Google and Mail.ru;
  • 5 options for the frequency of checking positions;
  • unlimited number of monitoring sites;
  • unlimited number of requests;
  • parsing depth — 100 positions;
  • there is guest access;
  • export of reports in CSV and XML formats.

It is also possible to connect Google Analytics statistics.

The price of one site position check is equal to 1 coin. And one coin is worth $0.002. There is a system of discounts: the more coins are purchased, the less they cost "real" money.

A service that allows you to monitor, analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of SEO promotion.

Key features:

  • supports search engines Yandex, Google, Sputnik, go.Mail, Yahoo, Bing;
  • shows positions of videos in Youtube;
  • checks the positions of sites, subdomains, internal pages of the site, and even social media pages;
  • provides an opportunity to monitor the positions of competitors' websites;
  • exports data in CSV, PDF and HTML files.

The cost of one site position check is $0.007 (for one request in one search engine and for one region). By the way, the system can be used for free if you have XML limits.

A tool that allows you to see the history of positions for queries.

Key features:

  • monitors positions in two search engines: Yandex and Google;
  • it is possible to select up to 4 regions for one project;
  • you can compare the position of your site with the positions of competitors;
  • it is possible to compare positions by dates and periods;
  • exports reports in CSV and XLS formats;
  • guest access.

Removing positions for one word on two search engines is $ 0.009. The total cost of the project is calculated based on the number of words and the number of regions.

A paid service with a large set of functions, among which there are those that allow you to monitor the position of the site in various search engines.

Key features:

  • supports Yandex, Google, Mail.ru, Bing, Yahoo;
  • any region can be selected;
  • 4 types of frequency of withdrawal of positions;
  • parsing depth — up to 500 positions;
  • comparison of visibility with competitors;
  • uploading reports to CSV, XLS, PDF, DOC;
  • have guest access.

In addition, you can analyze visitor transitions by search type and key queries, as well as receive a financial report.

The service provides 25 requests for free. The cost of one check on two search engines is $0.004.

A service with a fairly simple and intuitive interface that absolutely any user can figure out, even those who are far from search engine optimization.

Key features:

  • monitoring positions on two search engines: Yandex and Google;
  • the ability to specify separate domain zones for PS;
  • a wide range of regions;
  • the ability to view the dynamics of changes in positions in search engines;
  • you can receive mini-reports on competitors' websites;
  • the ability to save reports in CSV;
  • the ability to use guest access.

After registration, the first 500 checks are free. In the future, the cost of 1 check will cost $0.007.

A system with a wide range of SEO tools, one of which is the removal of site positions.

Key features:

  • determining the position of the site in the search results of Google;
  • selection of any cities, regions and countries;
  • competitor analysis;
  • viewing depth — the first 100 positions;
  • grouping keywords by tags.

The minimum tariff plan is $99 per month (for all SEO tools), but it is possible to request an individual tariff.

Another multifunctional platform that provides the ability to track positions.

Key features:

  • supports three search engines: Google, Yahoo and Bing;
  • provides access to data for any regions and countries;
  • analyzes competitors;
  • provides the ability to monitor the top 100 for key phrases;
  • allows you to transfer access to your project to an unlimited number of users (at no additional cost).

Free analysis for the first 30 requests. The minimum monthly cost of the service starts at $19.

A popular SEO tool that allows you to integrate with Yandex Metrica or Google Analytics statistics.

Key features:

  • support for two search engines: Google and Yandex;
  • parsing depth - up to 250 positions;
  • the ability to track the positions of competitors;
  • you can provide guest access to your colleagues;
  • the ability to download reports in Excel-files.

A distinctive feature of this service is the wide frequency of checking positions: every day, every week, once every two weeks, every month, when updating the issuance of Yandex, when updating the Yandex Catalog, when updating the TCI, when updating Yandex behavioral factors, when updating Google PR.

Upon registration, the service gives more than 800 free checks (transfers 50 rubles to the account at the cost of one check 0.006 rubles)

A service that provides data from primary sources without using any "indirect" methods.

Key features:

  • supports the maximum number of search engines: Google, Yandex, Mail.ru, Rambler, Bing, Yahoo, Gogo;
  • you can remove positions both manually and automatically;
  • parses from 50 to 300 positions;
  • provides the ability to use guest access;
  • uploads reports both in XLS and DOC;
  • removes the positions of competitors if their sites are added as regular projects.

Additional competitive advantage: API for automatic retrieval of saved positions.

Prices are accordingly calculated based on the number of requests, the number of search engines and the frequency of checks. The minimum cost per request is $0.002.

As a bonus, we also did a review of the Pixelplus online service.


All services certainly have their pros and cons: some have wider functionality, but are more expensive, some are cheaper, but have a limited set of functions. But, as they say, try and you will succeed! In the end, you will choose exactly the service that will suit you in all its parameters. And you can order an effective search engine optimization of the site (absolutely free of charge we will conduct a free audit of your site).

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