Advertising copywriting. Secrets of writing advertising texts

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Emptiness in reality is texts that do not work. Today they are the majority. Only highly converting, profitable content can meet the client's expectations and increase the rating of the trading platform.

Textmark agency offers sales copywriting for all types of media, as well as website support services. We turn airtime and advertising space from a waste of money into a profitable investment!

Advertising copywriting: secrets of efficiency

Our work

Only texts that have all of the following characteristics can make a profitable hole in it:

  • Originality. Selling content can be different - funny, amazing, grotesque on the verge of a foul. But just not boring. A template advertisement for a product or service is not a business, but a charity.
  • Clear rhythm. Rhyming lines are easy to remember and explode sales. Rhythmic are not only poems, but all well-read texts. They are superimposed on radio broadcasts and videos.
  • Catching title. The only guarantee that the advertising text will be read. To come up with it, it is not enough to be a writer - you need to know your product and its potential buyers: their interests, tastes and needs.
  • Correct accents. Accounting for the target audience is also useful for presenting the main advantages of the product. Advertising space and viewing time are limited, so you need to achieve results in just a couple of phrases.
  • Having a goal. The final call to action increases the likelihood of a desired call, visit, or sale. He is often forgotten in character austerity mode, but it would be worth remembering and leaving your contacts.

How to choose a copywriter for advertising?

The freelance exchange has something to offer customers. But the diversity of authors is far from a guarantee of success in a short time. If you decide to do your own research, may the force be with you! You will have to call on all your patience and carefully look through the kilometers of the portfolio. With luck, among them you can meet two types of effective copywriters:

The genius of advertising marketing, or you will not get bored with me!

Knows exactly how to deploy a product or service facing the customer.
+ Feels the needs and pains of the client, anticipates his thoughts.
+ Gushing fresh ideas and original proposals.
+ Charming and charismatic, able to keep attention and lead.
– His vision of the result may be very different from your expectations.
– Specifications and SEO-optimization make him sad.

Guru of text technique, or for the quality of words - I answer!

He is fluent in written language, unmistakably builds phrases.
+ Easily fits into the rigid framework of content in terms of volume and meaning.
+ Quickly composes competent SEO texts, performs translations himself.
+ Attentive to details, perfectly conveys technical characteristics.
- Able to torture you with endless clarifications and questions.
Creative tasks and new ideas give him a headache.

On which of the authors to bet - everyone decides for himself, and is responsible for his own risks with his own wallet. Our regular customers prefer not to choose, but to receive everything at once. At the Textmark agency, you will not have a tedious search and conversation with a star, but a well-coordinated teamwork. It is always completed on time and combines the merits of different authors.

Who do we create advertising texts for?

For private entrepreneurs and advertising agencies of any kind. Among our clients are the owners of such large sites as,,,,,,,, and many others. Our work increases efficiency:

  • outdoor advertising
  • Internal PR

For each case and product, we find the right accents and the right words. At the same time, the text always fits into the volume that the client has - from a running line or stretch to a pylon with the change of several slides.

For the owners of the restaurant, hotel and show business, we prepare texts in the HoReCa genre - delicious and bright descriptions of dishes for the menu, cozy rooms and hotel infrastructure, catchy poster headlines for performing artists and festive events.

  • Internet banners
  • Sites and individual web pages

Our advertising on the Internet is liked by both people and machines. In this she is helped by professional techniques of technical and SEO-optimization of texts. Therefore, the cases, ads and main pages offered by us are among the first to be opened by buyers.

  • Printed polygraphy
  • Souvenir products

Advertising booklets and brochures for offices, industry exhibitions and business meetings are especially popular with business people. We always keep their main goals in mind when preparing mini-presentations.

Souvenir calendars, atlases and maps look original and impressive. Our advertising texts will help them reflect the memorable dates, achievements and history of the enterprise.

  • Calls by radio and speakerphone
  • Video and TV commercials

We will prepare texts that will easily fit into the required timing. Their content will advantageously present the benefits of the company, service or product. It is easy to read, understandable to customers and pleasant to the ear.

What can be our work for your advertising?

In any case - concise, bright and competent. At Textmark you can order:

  • Naming and slogans. What distinguishes professional names from amateur ones is the ease of registration as trademarks. We will also take into account the features of the sound range that you want, competitive advantages, the target audience of the product and personal preferences.
  • image content. A coherent, interesting and unconventional history of the company, its creation, role and mission is an excellent option for a brochure and booklet, website and souvenirs. It inspires the trust of clients and respect of partners, emphasizes the high status of the organization.
  • Texts on Landing Page. Advertising content for sales pages will support the design of an existing site, or become its reliable foundation. We will show you where to place hyperlinks and go buttons in order to quickly reach the desired goal - a call, a visit, a subscription or a direct sale.
  • Ratings and reviews. Will be useful for creating an authoritative image of the agency and its work. We ourselves conduct marketing research online, so we have reliable data on the popularity of various information resources, goods and services.
  • News and reviews. Useful for spreads of newspapers and magazines, will help to stand out from the competition. Our press releases are impactful and concise, while our testimonials are informative and reflect the real benefits of a product or company. With them, advertising is much easier to arouse and justify the trust of consumers.
  • Invitations and congratulations. As well as other forms of appeals to partners and clients will be prepared according to the rules of various speech styles - from funny calls for babies and expectant mothers to well-formed business correspondence.
  • Verses and scenarios. Creative and rhyming forms will describe the benefits of the product in the right volume and perspective. Depending on the wishes of the customer, their characters and creative ideas surprise, shock or amuse, but always arouse interest and an influx of buyers.

How do we work with clients?

Getting started with Textmark is easy. Our specialist will call you back within 10 minutes from the moment of contact to discuss the terms of work in the advertising area.

Prices and terms

Our works cost from 150 rubles for 1000 characters of rewriting of finished texts to 2000 for naming. To clarify the prices, you fill out the brief for the service. He will help us not to miss any of your wishes.

It will take us from 2 hours to 7 days to complete the task. The work of the team eliminates the disruption of deadlines. It is considered completed when it fully meets the requirements of the customer. Corrections are free.

Briefs and analysis

Discussions and guarantees

After that, we will start generating texts, calls and headlines. We will additionally discuss ideas for naming with you at a briefing, if necessary - more than once, and take into account all the adjustments made.

Each Textmark work undergoes mandatory editorial editing and proofreading, and its uniqueness is fixed by special resources. Therefore, our texts are literate, original and protected from competitors.

The most important component of marketing in general and Internet marketing in particular are advertising texts. Conventionally, all site content can be divided into informational and selling. To implement the main task of any business - the successful sale of the product - just need articles written in the format of high-quality and competent advertising.

The demand for such texts is constantly growing. Copywriters working in this niche are extremely sought-after specialists. They themselves can form their own level of earnings by setting the price for articles. The customer pays once, but receives a working tool that performs its functions around the clock, sometimes better than a sales manager and regularly brings new customers. However, in order to master the selling format of texts, experience and special knowledge are required.

To influence a person, having only words in his arsenal, to convince, explain, captivate, hook and lead to a choice is not an easy task. What you should pay special attention to and what basic elements the advertising text should include - read about this in our material.

Rules for compiling advertising texts: What? To whom? How?

What offered by the seller to the buyer? It would seem that the answer to the question is obvious and lies on the surface. However, not all so simple. When a person buys a product or service, he acquires, first of all, the ability to satisfy a certain need. Therefore, in the advertising text, the main role is played not by the proposed product and its properties, but by the benefits that it provides.

Let's look at an example.

The task of a copywriter is to write a selling material about a dishwasher. You can describe in detail its parameters and characteristics, praise the manufacturer, but for a potential buyer, for a hostess, information is more important that she buys not only a car, but also

  • total time spent washing by hand,
  • saving water (and money, respectively),
  • health care (sterility of dishes is protection against germs and related diseases).

Not less important, to whom targeted advertising text. There is no universal client. Therefore, the most important stage in the work of a copywriter is the study of the image of a potential buyer. Such indicators as gender, age, professional interests, hobbies are important. When a portrait of the target audience is drawn up, it is easier to find information about its problems and needs. Data can be further collected on thematic forums and in public social networks.

  • A catchy headline that grabs the reader's attention.
  • A start that sparks interest and keeps it going.

Let's go back to the dishwasher example. You can start by talking about promising opportunities: “Do you want to spend less time in the kitchen and pay more attention to family and loved ones?”

Or to focus on the problem: "Spend long hours in the kitchen fighting endlessly with dirty dishes?"

A description of an opportunity or problem in form is, as an option, a consistent presentation, thinking out loud, an image-picture drawn in words. (example: "You come to the kitchen and see mountains of unwashed dishes").

Problems of advertising copywriting

Features of texts for targeted advertising

Contextual advertising is aimed at a buyer who has already formulated a specific request for himself and is looking for information on the topic on the web. Targeted advertising, although it is directed immediately to a specific target audience, is shown regardless of the desire of a potential client. Therefore, its task is not only to attract attention, but also to awaken the desire to buy a product, so that the user clicks on the proposed link and then becomes a consumer of the main selling content of the site.

    • Brevity and conciseness in the presentation of the main thought and idea.
    • Maximum specifics (not “big discounts”, but specific numbers and indicators).
    • Original hook: catchy headline, provocative question, surprising fact.

Summing up

It is not easy to write an advertising text that will sell. The skills and knowledge of a good copywriter border on the professional skills of a marketer and psychologist. Every person has certain problems and needs. Therefore, the task of copywriting is to offer a solution, to increase the desire to buy by telling about the opportunities that open up and describing the benefits. And if the author copes with this task, masters the advertising format of articles, then as a specialist he moves to a different level of demand among customers, and hence to a higher level of earnings.

If you are interested in other opportunities on the Internet, if you want to earn money not only by copywriting, but also create additional sources of income, use proven methods, information about which we have collected in several sections of the LookFreedom website. Author's methods, reviews of services and programs will help you get real money and at the same time not get involved with fraudulent projects.


Currently, it is customary to distinguish several types of copywriting: speech writing, advertising copywriting,. The combination of SEO copywriting and advertising copywriting used to create websites is sometimes called webwriting.

It is considered the main type of copywriting. The tasks of advertising copywriting include writing texts for various advertisements, including online advertising.

Copywriting is used to write contextual ads, attractive texts for banners or teasers (a type of graphical Internet advertising). Also, this type of copywriting is used when writing promotional articles for websites.

What are the features of advertising copywriting?

Advertising copywriting, unlike SEO copywriting, is focused on live website visitors, and not on search robots. So, in SEO copywriting, special attention is paid to optimizing the use of keywords, headings, highlighted text - all these factors are important in search engine promotion.

Why should potential buyers pay attention to the advertised products? What benefits will this product bring to potential buyers? These and other questions about the advertised products are answered by this type of copywriting.

Within the framework of advertising copywriting, separate types of services are often distinguished, such as writing advertising slogans, naming. Naming is usually understood as the service of creating a name for a company, product or website, because a good name is one of the key components of the success of an advertising campaign.

Professional copywriting requires deep knowledge of the language, consumer psychology, modern marketing technologies and advertising technologies on the Internet. Therefore, the product of professional copywriting is the result of the work of not only a copywriter, but also many other specialists.

In particular, advertising copywriting for websites includes a thorough analysis of the company or the advertised product, market niche research, analysis of competitors, as well as potential consumers of the product or the company's customers. On the basis of the conducted research, the necessary advertising texts are developed.

Professional copywriting services are offered by a web design studio WebStudio2U : you will receive unique, optimized for search promotion, thematic, advertising, image texts.

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