Signs of minor diffuse changes in the pancreas. Diffuse changes in the pancreas: fatal or not

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K87.1* Disorders of pancreas in diseases classified elsewhere

Causes of diffuse changes in the pancreas

The causes of pathology are varied. Most often, changes occur during metabolic-dystrophic processes in the organ. Changes can develop in violation of blood circulation in this area, endocrine and metabolic diseases, disruption of the biliary tract and liver.

In the elderly and diabetic patients, the pancreatic tissue decreases in volume. The missing volume is filled with adipose tissue. These changes are not considered a pathology and do not require treatment. But according to the results of an ultrasound examination, the diagnosis will sound like a diffuse change in the pancreas with increased echogenicity with normal organ sizes.

Similar changes can also be observed with a uniform replacement of the destroyed tissues of the organ with connective tissue. The size of the gland may be normal or slightly reduced. This symptomatology occurs due to chronic metabolic-dystrophic disorders or in acute pancreatitis. If the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis is not confirmed, diffuse changes do not require treatment.

Causes of various diffuse changes in the pancreas:

  • Unbalanced diet, excessive consumption of spicy, sweet, salty, starchy foods, fatty foods.
  • Chronic stress and hereditary predisposition.
  • Abuse of alcohol, smoking.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Irrational intake of drugs.

Very often, diffuse changes in the pancreas occur in patients with diabetes mellitus due to a lack of insulin production. The patient's blood sugar level rises, and glucose appears in the urine. Changes of this kind require very specific treatment, which is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. Do not forget about acute and chronic pancreatitis, which lead to diffuse changes in the pancreas and require treatment.


Diffuse changes in the pancreas are not considered as an independent diagnosis, but indicate the presence of a pathological condition, that is, they act as its separate symptom. The presence of diffuse changes indicates a decrease or increase in the size of the pancreas or thickening of the tissues and structure of the organ. Changes may appear due to inflammatory processes, be a sign of aging of the body, or occur as a result of sclerotization. Diffuse changes (CI) are not always accompanied by the underlying disease. That is, there is no such disease as diffuse changes in the pancreas, but after an ultrasound examination, the doctor can write a similar conclusion. This indicates changes in the body, most often metabolic-dystrophic.

Pancreas or pancreas (PZH) is the largest gland of internal and external secretion. The organ is located in the retroperitoneal space, on the back wall of the abdominal cavity. The pancreas has a body, head and tail, and is covered in front by the stomach.

  • The widest part of the organ is the head of the pancreas. It is located to the right of the spine and enters the internal bend of the duodenum. The body of the organ is located in front of the spine, and on the left side slowly passes into the tail.
  • The pancreas has a duct that runs in the direction from the tail to the head and exits in the wall of the duodenum. The gland merges with the bile duct, but in some cases the ducts exit into the duodenum on their own.
  • The gland produces pancreatic juice, which consists of enzymes that digest proteases, lipases and amylases, that is, it performs an exocrine function. In the tissues of the organ there are endocrine glands that produce insulin, which helps the tissues absorb glucose.

Symptoms of diffuse changes in the pancreas

Symptoms of DI depend on the underlying disease that led to the changes. The main symptomatology looks like a loss of appetite, frequent constipation and diarrhea, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Let's look at the symptoms of diffuse changes that are characteristic of certain diseases.

  • In acute pancreatitis, increased pressure occurs in the pancreatic duct, which causes damage to the organ and the release of digestive enzymes through the gland tissues. This leads to the destruction of pancreatic tissues and causes intoxication of the body. The patient feels terrible pain in the left hypochondrium, frequent vomiting and nausea. There are symptoms of increasing tachycardia and low blood pressure. The condition does not improve until intensive therapy or surgical treatment.
  • In chronic pancreatitis, the symptoms of DIPG are protracted. At the first stage, the gland is damaged, which leads to its swelling and small hemorrhages. Over time, the pancreas decreases in size and sclerosis, which leads to impaired production of digestive enzymes. As the disease progresses, the patient develops severe pain.
  • If diffuse changes in the pancreas are caused by fibrosis, then at the beginning of this disease, there are no symptoms. With fibrous inflammation, normal gland tissues change to connective tissue. This leads to a reduced production of enzymes and hormones that support metabolic processes in the body and are responsible for the digestive process. The initial symptoms of the disease are similar to those of pancreatitis. The patient feels constant pain in the left hypochondrium and nausea. Due to the lack of enzymes, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and sudden weight loss appear. In the future, due to the depletion of protein reserves, the body begins to allergize and disrupt insulin production, which leads to diabetes mellitus.
  • If changes in the pancreas are caused by lipomatosis, then this is an irreversible process. Healthy glandular tissue is replaced by adipose tissue. Since fat cells do not perform the functions of the digestive glands, the body begins to feel a lack of substances that are necessary for normal functioning. The severity, that is, the symptoms of lipomatosis, depends entirely on the degree of diffuse changes in the pancreas. So, if the disease has a limited spread of the focus of pathology, then the process is asymptomatic. With uncontrolled progression, the parenchyma is compressed by a massive accumulation of adipose tissue, which causes pain and leads to disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas.

Diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma

Very often found in the conclusion of an ultrasound examination. This is not a diagnosis, but just the result of a study that indicates a uniform change in the tissues of the gland, the absence of stones, local foci, cysts or tumors. That is, ultrasound indicates that changes are observed in the tissues of the parenchyma, the cause of which must be clarified.

Doctors identify the following causes of diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma:

  • Pancreatitis (acute form) is a serious disease that occurs as a result of a violation of the outflow of secretions due to an inflammatory process in the pancreas. The result of the above process is reflected by diffuse changes in the parenchyma of the gland.
  • Chronic pancreatitis is one of the forms of pancreatic inflammation. The disease can occur due to pathological processes in the gallbladder and liver, or appear independently.
  • Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which healthy gland tissue is replaced by adipose tissue. As a result, diffuse changes in the parenchyma of the organ are visible on ultrasound.

In addition to diffuse changes, when examining the pancreatic parenchyma, doctors can diagnose increased echogenicity of the organ. The echogenicity of tissues is considered one of the important indicators that allow us to assess the density of internal organs. If ultrasound revealed increased or decreased echogenicity of the pancreatic parenchyma, then additional tests are required to determine the cause of this pathology. As a rule, increased echogenicity of the pancreatic parenchyma occurs when:

  • Inflammatory process with the formation of fibrosis - the connective tissue is scarred, due to which the tissue sections differ in density. On ultrasound, this gives a hyperechoic signal. The disease may occur due to metabolic disorders.
  • Lipomatosis of the pancreas is the replacement of healthy tissue of the organ parenchyma with fatty tissue. Due to the changes, increased echogenicity is observed.
  • Acute and chronic pancreatitis - an inflammatory disease leads to swelling of the organ, due to which the density of the parenchyma changes, which means that the echogenicity of the tissue increases.

Diffuse changes in the structure of the pancreas

There are uniform and uneven character. It is the nature of the changes that indicates that the processes occurring in the gland have a general, and not a local form. The tissues of the pancreas due to inflammation and swelling can become denser or vice versa lose their density.

With uneven diffuse changes in the structure of the tissues of the gland, various tumors, cysts or sclerosis of the organ are most often found. Most of all, the changes concern the parenchyma of the gland, since its tissues have a glandular structure. There are many reasons that lead to changes in the structure of the body. Changes indicate violations in the work of the body, which without additional diagnosis and treatment can lead to serious consequences. Since the pancreas is responsible not only for the process of digestion, but also for the production of vital hormones such as glucagon and insulin.

Let's look at the most common factors that lead to structure changes.

  • Inflammatory diseases and other lesions of the digestive system.
  • Pathological heredity - very often pancreatic diseases are transmitted to children from parents.
  • Chronic nervous strain, stress, increased fatigue.
  • Improper nutrition, abuse of salty, spicy, fatty and sweet foods.
  • Smoking and alcoholism.
  • The age of the patient - very often diffuse changes in the structure of the pancreas begin at a late age.

The doctor's task is to accurately determine the cause of the changes. But do not forget that a change in the structure of the pancreas can be a symptom of many diseases. That is, the presence of only structural changes is not a reason for making a final diagnosis. The doctor is guided by the collected anamnesis and the results of other studies and analyzes.

Chronic diffuse changes in the pancreas

They may not show up for a long time. Chronic changes indicate the presence of chronic diseases and inflammatory processes. The cause of this kind of change may be chronic pancreatitis, fibrosis or lipomatosis.

  • Lipomatosis is a disease in which healthy gland tissue is replaced by fat cells. This disease most often affects people with diabetes.
  • If, in addition to chronic diffuse changes in the pancreas, an ultrasound scan revealed increased echogenicity, but the normal size of the pancreas is preserved, then this is fibrosis. The disease can be caused by a violation of metabolic processes or appear as a result of the fusion of connective tissue.

Chronic diffuse changes in the pancreas indicate uniform changes in the organ. Such results of an ultrasound examination are not a diagnosis, but serve as a signal for the doctor, who must find the cause of the changes and eliminate it.

Diffuse reactive changes in the pancreas

They mean secondary changes, that is, the reaction of the body to the disease. Diffuse reactive changes can occur with any diseases of the digestive system, since the functions of all organs and systems are interconnected. But most often, reactive changes indicate problems with the liver or biliary tract, since it is with them that the pancreas has the closest connection.

Reactive changes may indicate the presence of secondary pancreatitis, which occurs in patients with diseases of the digestive system, due to regular overeating, eating fried, spicy, salty foods. Pathology also occurs with some congenital enzymatic disorders and due to prolonged use of drugs or abnormalities in the development of the biliary tract.

On ultrasound, diffuse reactive changes in the pancreas are similar to those of acute pancreatitis. One of the parts of the organ is enlarged, most often the tail, there is an expansion of the duct of the gland and changes in the tissues of the organ. With secondary DI, the patient is waiting for a complete diagnosis of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract to determine the real cause of this pathology.

Diffuse focal changes in the pancreas

May indicate that there are tumor processes, cysts or stones in the organ. This is caused by local, that is, focal changes in the tissues of the pancreas. Similar processes can occur due to diseases of both the gastrointestinal tract and the pancreas.

Diffuse focal changes require additional studies and mandatory treatment. Since they indicate a pathological process in the body. Patients with these ultrasound findings should be prepared for long-term and possibly surgical treatment.

Diffuse fibrotic changes in the pancreas

This is scarring, that is, compaction of the connective tissue. This pathology can occur due to metabolic disorders in the body, chronic inflammatory processes, viral or alcohol intoxication, or lesions of the hepato-biliary system. When conducting an ultrasound examination, fibrotic changes are characterized by increased echogenicity and density of the tissues of the organ. A decrease in the prostate is not always observed, since the change in the size of the organ depends on the degree of spread of tissue changes.

Fibrotic changes may indicate the development of fibroma in the tissues of the organ. Fibroma is a benign tumor that is formed from connective tissue, does not metastasize and grows very slowly. The disease does not cause painful symptoms, so it can only be diagnosed with the help of ultrasound. But if the tumor is large, then this leads to compression of the pancreas and organs that are located nearby. Depending on the location of the fibroma in the pancreas, certain symptoms occur:

  • Pain in the left or right hypochondrium, in the navel and epigastrium is a sign of damage to the pancreas.
  • If the fibroma is located in the head of the pancreas, then due to the clamped bile duct, symptoms of jaundice appear.
  • If the fibroma compresses the duodenum, then the patient develops symptoms similar to intestinal obstruction (nausea, vomiting).

Fibrotic changes require treatment. Treatment can be carried out both conservatively, that is, by medication, and with the help of surgical intervention. In addition to treatment, the patient is waiting for a long recovery period, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and only diet food (diet table No. 5).

Diffuse dystrophic changes in the pancreas

This is an irreversible process that is associated with a lack of adipose tissue, which leads to pathological changes in the organ. Normal pancreatic cells are replaced by fat cells, which are unable to function stably and support the work of the organ. Diffuse dystrophic changes are lipodystrophy.

Fatty degeneration occurs due to the death of organ cells, under the influence of a number of factors (inflammatory processes, chronic pancreatitis, tumors). Due to such pathologies, the body is not able to restore its integrity. If dystrophy arose due to a failure, and the number of dead cells is not large, then a person may not even be aware of such processes in the body. Since the pancreas will work properly. If dystrophy progresses, and the cells form foci, then this leads to a stop in the full functioning of the pancreas.

There is no exact symptomatology that would help diagnose diffuse dystrophic changes. As a rule, problems are detected during an ultrasound examination. All this suggests that any disturbances in the work of the pancreas should be the reason for a deep diagnosis, which could confirm or refute diffuse dystrophic changes.

Diffuse changes in the pancreas of the tail

This is a pathological process that requires detailed diagnosis. The pancreas has three main parts: the head, body and tail, which is narrower than the main part. The tail has a curved pear-shaped shape, carried up and close to the spleen. The optimal width of the tail of the pancreas is 20-30 mm. In the tail there is an excretory duct, which has a length of 15 cm and passes through the entire body of the organ.

As a rule, diffuse changes in the tail of the pancreas indicate its thickening or expansion. These changes occur due to violations of the patency of the splenic vein. Against the background of these changes, portal hypertension of the subrenal form may develop.

Diffuse changes in the tail of the pancreas occupy the fourth part among all diseases of the organ. Examine the tail through the spleen or left kidney. But it is very difficult to treat tail pathologies. As a rule, the patient undergoes an operation to remove the tail of the pancreas and block the blood vessels of the organ to maintain its normal functioning. With minor or moderate diffuse changes, conservative therapy and regular monitoring are possible.

Diffuse parenchymal changes in the pancreas

Occur in various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and in particular the pancreas. It is worth noting that all organs of the human body are divided into parenchymal and hollow. Parenchymal organs are filled with the main tissue, that is, the parenchyma. The pancreas and liver are parenchymal organs of the abdominal cavity, since they contain glandular tissue, divided into many lobules by connective tissue septa, and covered with a capsule.

The functioning of the pancreas, biliary tract and liver are interconnected, since all these organs have a single duct for the removal of bile and pancreatic juice. Any disorders in the liver are displayed on the pancreas and vice versa. Diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma occur due to metabolic-dystrophic diseases that lead to the replacement of the normal tissue of the organ by adipose or connective tissue.

As a rule, diffuse changes in the parenchyma occur in elderly patients, patients with diabetes mellitus and in people with diseases of the cardiovascular system and circulatory disorders in the pancreas. Changes can be caused by diseases of the liver, organs of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract, or long-term infectious and inflammatory diseases that cause metabolic disorders.

Parenchymal changes occur in young and middle-aged patients. The pathology is caused by acute pancreatitis. Changes can leave an imprint on the functional abilities of the pancreas and cause pain. In order to determine the consequences of diffuse changes, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the patient and additional tests.


The degree of diffuse changes in the pancreas can be different. The changes are of varying degrees. But in any case, their presence indicates pathological processes (focal inflammation, tumors, cysts or stones). Consider the main diffuse changes in the pancreas (DIPG):

  1. Diffuse decreases in the density of pancreatic tissue, a decrease in echogenicity and an increase in the size of the organ - these kinds of changes are typical for patients with acute pancreatitis. The disease occurs due to a violation of the outflow of digestive juice from the gland. Digestive juice begins to destroy the tissues of the gland, which leads to its swelling and increase in volume.
  2. Diffuse decrease in tissue density, decrease in echogenicity, but preservation of the normal size of the gland - these changes occur in chronic pancreatitis. The disease occurs due to violations in the process of digestion of fatty foods. In some cases, the excretory duct of the gland may have a tortuous shape.
  3. A diffuse increase in echogenicity without changes in the size of the pancreas indicates lipomatosis. Lipomatosis is a partial replacement of healthy tissue of an organ with fat. Most often, this disease occurs in the elderly and in patients with diabetes mellitus.
  4. Diffuse change in the pancreas with an increase in the density of the tissue of the organ, increased echogenicity, but with normal or reduced size of the organ - similar changes occur with fibrosis of the gland. Healthy tissues of the organ are replaced by connective tissue. This occurs after inflammatory processes or metabolic disorders.

Diffuse changes in the pancreas are important only in the presence of the results of additional studies. Based on the results of ultrasound, the general clinical picture, the patient's complaints, and the instrumental and laboratory tests performed, the doctor makes the final diagnosis. This allows for effective treatment.

Minor changes

They are not cause for concern. This diagnosis may indicate a recent inflammatory disease, frequent stress or malnutrition. Very often, pancreatic disorders occur due to the influence of the central nervous system. Regular stressful situations lead to increased sap secretion, and depression leads to its suppression. As a result, minor DIGI are visible on ultrasound.

Eliminating the cause of the changes, that is, proper nutrition and avoiding stressful situations, can eliminate minor diffuse changes in the pancreas. If the beginning of the pathological process is left to chance, then this will lead to serious damage to the pancreas and very dangerous diseases, the treatment of which can be radical.

moderate changes

Occur in the first stages of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Moderate changes can occur during inflammatory processes that lead to swelling of the organ. This is observed when pancreatitis is suspected. So, at the acute stage of pancreatitis, seals are not detected, which indicates moderate DIIP.

  • In some cases, moderate diffuse or diffuse organ changes occur in chronic pancreatitis. It is very important to know the cause that led to the appearance of the disease. Chronic pancreatitis may be the result of a long course of acute pancreatitis. In place of foci of inflammation, small seals appear, of a moderate nature.
  • Moderate DIGI can be caused by diseases of the duodenum or gallbladder. Due to violations of the digestion of protein and fatty foods, insufficient production of pancreatic juices, the parenchyma is replaced by adipose or connective tissue.
  • Diffuse changes may occur due to fibrosis, that is, an increase in connective tissue that has an uneven structure. This symptomatology does not require treatment if it does not cause pain.

Having diagnosed moderate diffuse changes in the pancreas, it is very difficult to say what led to their appearance. If you suspect a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, the doctor conducts additional tests and studies.

Unexpressed changes

These are pathological processes in the body that do not affect its functioning. In the tissues of the pancreas are endocrine glands that produce insulin for the body to absorb glucose. A healthy organ has large contours and homogeneous tissue. If diffuse changes are found, then this indicates the replacement of healthy tissues with fat or connective tissue.

Unexpressed CI may be caused by elevated blood sugar levels, liver or gallbladder disease, or previous acute or chronic pancreatitis. Diffuse changes of an unexpressed nature are found in elderly patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system and digestive tract. Changes can be caused by infectious or inflammatory diseases, as well as hereditary predisposition.

Pronounced changes

They testify to the pathological process that occurs in the body. Changes can be caused by disease or inflammatory processes. As a rule, pronounced DIGI is a reason to conduct additional examinations of the gastrointestinal tract and the body as a whole. In especially difficult cases, changes in the organ are accompanied by pain and complaints of the patient from the organs of the digestive system.

In most cases, pronounced diffuse changes in the pancreas appear due to pancreatitis:

  • In acute pancreatitis, stagnation of pancreatic juice in the gland is observed. The patient feels severe pain, vomiting and a general serious condition. To relieve pain, it is necessary to relax the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract as much as possible and suppress the functions of the pancreas. For these purposes, doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or narcotic drugs. After further study of the patient's condition, surgical intervention is possible.
  • In the case of chronic pancreatitis, DIP can be both pronounced and moderately pronounced, that is, be in remission. Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis in its symptoms is similar to acute pancreatitis. Therefore, the disease requires the same treatment and additional diagnostics.

Diagnosis of diffuse changes in the pancreas

Diagnosis is carried out using ultrasound. With the help of ultrasound, a doctor can diagnose an increase or decrease in the density of organ tissues, changes in its uniformity, and detect foci of inflammation. But it is possible to confirm DIP only with the help of additional examinations.

The patient undergoes a biochemical blood test and endoscopic examination. This allows you to detect the inflammatory process and gives information about the state of the tissues of the organ. In addition to research, the doctor collects an anamnesis based on the patient's complaints. Mandatory is palpation of the pancreas and instrumental examination. Diagnostics consists of:

  • Determination of the level of pancreatic enzymes and blood glucose levels.
  • Carrying out a general blood test.
  • Determination of pancreatic enzymes in urine and inhibitor/trypsin ratio.
  • Ultrasound examination of the pancreas (the size of the organ, the presence of seals and swelling, the state of the viral duct).
  • Computed tomography and ERCP.

ultrasound signs

Diffuse changes in the pancreas on ultrasound make it possible to identify the pathological process in time and begin treatment. In the process of ultrasound examination of the pancreas, the doctor evaluates the size and shape of the organ, the homogeneity of the tissues and the presence of education. Ultrasound is a rather lengthy process, which is complicated by the fact that the organ is located behind the intestines and stomach, which contain gases. Therefore, before an ultrasound, the patient must follow a diet that is aimed at reducing gas formation.

During ultrasound, the density of the pancreatic structure is assessed, which can be diffusely increased or decreased. Do not forget that the organ is closely related to the gallbladder and liver, so any pathological changes are reflected in the state of the gland and vice versa. To clarify the results of ultrasound of diffuse changes in the pancreas, the patient is prescribed additional blood, feces, urine tests and endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract.

An ultrasound of the pancreas is performed to examine the abdominal organs. The main indications for ultrasound, this feeling is heavy after eating, diarrhea and frequent constipation, pain in the left hypochondrium and abdomen, bloating, diabetes mellitus, yellowness of the mucous membranes and skin. Let's look at the process of performing ultrasound of the pancreas and the cases in which DI of the organ appears.

Preparing for an ultrasound

Since the pancreas is in close contact with the stomach, during the study, the air that is in the hollow organs complicates the visualization of the gland. Because of this, ultrasound is performed on an empty stomach, 12 hours after the last meal.

  • Normal picture

The organ has a homogeneous structure, there are no diffuse changes. The echogenicity of the pancreas corresponds to the echogenicity of the liver and spleen. The doctor visualizes the head, isthmus, body and tail of the organ. Each of their structures has normal dimensions.

  • Acute pancreatitis

With this disease, diffuse changes in the organ are visible. The pancreas is enlarged, has fuzzy contours and an expansion of the pancreatic duct. Ultrasound examination can reveal changes in other organs. CI can be focal, total or segmental.

  • Non-specific non-tumor lesions

There are many conditions that lead to the appearance of diffuse changes in the pancreas. As a rule, all pathological processes begin with acute or chronic pancreatitis. An ultrasound clearly shows changes in the tissues of the organ, dystrophy, or vice versa, an increase in the pancreas. Injuries, diabetes mellitus, amyloidosis, intoxication can lead to such changes.

  • benign tumors

Ultrasound examination shows focal-diffuse changes in the pancreas. Tumors can arise from cells of the endocrine system or connective tissue. But with the help of ultrasound, it is quite difficult to recognize the nature of the seals, since many of them have a small diameter, and are similar in structure to the structure of the pancreas.

  • Malignant tumors

Ultrasound examination allows to detect malignant lesions of the pancreas, which are classified as: diffuse changes in the head, body or tail of the organ. If the tumor is small, then it does not change the contours of the organ, but larger ones cause deformation of the pancreas. In addition to ultrasound, the patient is given a histological examination to accurately confirm the malignant nature of the neoplasms.

All ultrasound data is analyzed by a gastroenterologist or therapist, after which he prescribes additional examinations and tests and establishes a final diagnosis.

ECHO-signs of diffuse changes in the pancreas

Echo signs of diffuse changes in the pancreas occupy a special place in the process of ultrasound examination. When conducting an ultrasound examination, the device uses ultrathin sound waves that are safe for the human body and can penetrate through the tissues of organs. The waves are reflected differently, which allows us to speak about the density and structure of the pancreas.

Diagnosis of diseases of the pancreas is based on an increase or decrease in echoes of the organ. If the organ is healthy, then normal echogenicity is observed. With increased density of the parenchyma or replacement of normal tissues with fat or connective tissue, echogenicity increases. If the echo signs of DI indicate a decrease in the parenchyma, then this indicates inflammatory processes in the pancreas, acute or chronic pancreatitis. Depending on the severity and nature of diffusion, it is possible to diagnose not only pancreatitis, but also diabetes mellitus, tumors, fibrosis and abscesses.

Treatment of diffuse changes in the pancreas

Treatment is possible only if the changes are pathological. Very often, diffuse changes indicate an already transferred disease or a possible organ damage. That is why, if DIPG is detected, it is necessary to contact your doctor to clarify the diagnosis and conduct therapeutic treatment.

  • If diffuse changes are caused by chronic pancreatitis in a latent form, then additional tests are performed on the patient to confirm the disease. Particular attention is paid to concomitant symptoms. Sudden weight loss, pain and dyspeptic disorders confirm pancreatitis. For the treatment of diffuse changes, the patient is prescribed a diet and physiotherapy.
  • If diffuse changes in the pancreas have arisen due to diabetes mellitus, then therapeutic therapy is aimed at maintaining blood sugar levels and dieting. Many doctors recommend that patients use some of the methods of traditional medicine, such as herbal treatment to maintain health.
  • If DIGI occurs in elderly patients, then such processes do not require treatment. To maintain the body, patients are recommended therapeutic nutrition and an active lifestyle.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that diffuse changes in the pancreas themselves are not treated. The doctor must diagnose the cause of malfunctions in the body, eliminate it and prescribe restorative therapy. DI can occur due to malnutrition, bad habits. Therefore, in order to eliminate this pathology, it is necessary to completely reconsider your lifestyle.

Diet with diffuse changes in the pancreas

Medical nutrition depends on the final diagnosis. Changes can be caused by pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus or other dangerous diseases, the treatment of which is long and requires a special diet.

But, regardless of the disease, a patient with diffuse changes in the pancreas should know that the body categorically does not tolerate alcohol. The intake of alcoholic beverages will exacerbate the painful symptoms and worsen the condition. All patients with diffuse changes in the pancreas should adhere to a low-calorie diet, the basis of which is plant foods, cereals and sour-milk products. At the same time, it is necessary to completely abandon smoked, salty foods and seasonings that enhance taste and appetite. Nutrition should be moderate, preventing copious secretion of digestive juices, as this can provoke attacks of pancreatitis.

DIGI may indicate developing diabetes mellitus. It is necessary to completely exclude quickly digestible carbohydrates from the diet: sweets, sweet fruits. The therapeutic diet for diseases of the pancreas should consist of grain products, fruits and vegetables. That is, in the presence of diffuse changes in the pancreas, the diet is prescribed immediately. Nutrition is adjusted depending on the disease that led to changes in the pancreas.

Prohibited Products:

  • Any alcoholic drinks, even in the smallest quantity.
  • Spicy, fatty, sweet, salty, fried, smoked.
  • Packaged juices, canned food, seasonings, sausages.

Allowed products:

  • Vegetables and fruits (it is better to limit the use of citrus fruits, as they contain a lot of sugar, this applies to bananas and grapes).
  • Lean meats and fish.
  • Dairy and dairy products.
  • Cereal products, cereals.

Portions should be small, it is recommended to eat more often, but in smaller portions. It is better to cook food for a couple and it is strictly forbidden to overeat. Eating salty foods leads to the deposition of salts in the tissues, so it is better to refuse salt, this also applies to sugar. It is forbidden to eat dry food, but drinking should be moderate and throughout the day.


Prevention of diffuse changes in the pancreas consists in observing a number of rules.

  • Alcohol, smoking, irregular meals and fatty foods negatively affect the functioning of the pancreas.
  • Regular consumption of herbal teas is an excellent prevention of diffuse changes in the organ. At the first pain symptoms, it is necessary to give up fatty, salty and sweet.
  • Meals should be varied, but healthy. It is necessary to eat fractionally - five to six times a day, but in small portions. It is important to eat in moderation.
  • In the presence of any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations and consult with your doctor.

Compliance with all the above preventive measures will prevent the occurrence of DIGI and allow the body to function normally.


The prognosis depends on the results of additional tests. So, if the patient has minor, unexpressed or moderate DIGI, then this does not require special treatment. It is enough to follow a diet and regularly undergo examinations to diagnose the condition.

If diffuse changes are pronounced or focal, then this indicates a pathological process in the body. Treatment can be either conservative or surgical. To do this, the doctor conducts additional diagnostics, based on the results of which he draws up a treatment plan. The prognosis of this pathology is usually positive. Timely treatment and compliance with preventive measures can keep the body working.


Often in the conclusion of an abdominal ultrasound there is a record of "diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma." What does this mean, how dangerous and should I be worried? By themselves, these changes are not a diagnosis, but only a consequence of the disease.

The parenchyma of the gland has a fragile structure due to the presence of many glandular cells that secrete pancreatic juice. It is divided by connective tissue bridges into lobules, and adipose tissue is also present. Parenchyma cells are very sensitive to various influences, they are easily damaged and die, and the voids in their place are filled with connective or adipose tissue. If this process occurs in a limited area, these are focal changes, and if in the entire parenchyma, these are diffuse changes in the gland.

Important! Even if minor diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma are detected, this is an alarming symptom. He always says that there is damage to her cells.

Causes and types of diffuse changes

Damage to glandular tissue cells occurs as a result of the following reasons:

  1. Chronic inflammatory process (pancreatitis).
  2. Diseases of the liver and biliary tract with the presence of stones that prevent the outflow of pancreatic juice.
  3. Overeating, especially fatty foods, when glandular cells work with increased stress.
  4. Drinking alcohol, which has a double effect: toxic and "overloading" due to the high carbohydrate content.
  5. Past acute pancreatitis or pancreatic injury.
  6. Long-term use of drugs that have a toxic effect.

There are 3 degrees of changes in the parenchyma: minor, moderate and severe, they are determined by the results of ultrasound, taking into account clinical symptoms.

Minor diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma

An ultrasound of the gland reveals a slight change in its echogenicity - the ability to reflect ultrasonic waves, it looks brighter in the picture. Clinical manifestations, as a rule, are not observed.

Moderate diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma

The ultrasound picture reveals uneven echo density of the gland, a combination of areas of increase with areas of decrease. Most patients complain of discomfort, nausea after eating, recurrent epigastric pain, and upset stool. Laboratory analyzes in most cases are not changed.

Severe diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma

With ultrasound scanning, iron reflects waves well, that is, it has hyperechogenicity. In the picture, it has a light color, with white echo-positive areas throughout the parenchyma, they indicate fibrous, cicatricial changes. Symptoms are pronounced, it is manifested by a lack of function of the gland - indigestion, weight loss, protein deficiency, anemia, and a violation of the general condition. Diabetes mellitus develops due to atrophy of insulin-producing islet cells in the tail of the gland.

Important! The types of changes in the gland described are, in fact, the stages of a process that gradually progresses in the absence of diet and adequate treatment.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

Primary diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma are detected by ultrasound scanning. If this information is not enough, additional computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are prescribed, which make it possible to more accurately determine the nature and localization of changes.

Echo-signs of diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma are:

  • increased or decreased echogenicity (lighter or darker image);
  • increased echogenicity with multiple hyperechoic foci - signs of gland fibrosis;
  • increase or decrease in size against the background of diffuse fibrosis - with pronounced changes;
  • uneven contours.

Ultrasound determines only morphological changes, to assess the function of the gland, a laboratory test is carried out for the content of enzymes, blood sugar.

Important! In the elderly, hyperechogenicity of the gland is considered the norm, this is due to the natural aging of the body, the development of atherosclerosis and atrophic processes in all organs.

What is the treatment?

How to treat diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma, and can they be cured? In some cases, it is possible if these changes have not developed for a long time. For example, after acute pancreatitis, with reactive inflammation of the gland, allergic edema. In such cases, they are reversible, with adequate treatment and diet are completely eliminated.

When there are chronic diseases - pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, fatty or fibrous degeneration, these changes are irreversible. The question of treatment is to stop their further development and normalize the function of digestion.

If changes in the parenchyma on ultrasound are persistent, but slightly pronounced, and there are no symptoms of indigestion, it is enough to follow a diet and get rid of bad habits. But you should not relax either, because with the slightest violation of the diet, changes in the gland can progress.

Important! It should be remembered that the main "enemy" of the pancreas is alcohol, even in small doses. Most of the diseases of the pancreas are associated with its use.

With moderate and pronounced changes, when the enzymatic function of the gland is disturbed, complex treatment is necessary:

  • replacement enzyme preparations (Festal, Mezim, Digestal, Creon and analogues);
  • drugs that improve blood circulation;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - according to indications;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • diet therapy with the restriction of fatty and carbohydrate foods, with the exception of spicy dishes.

A good addition to the main treatment are natural traditional medicine: decoctions and teas from immortelle, St. John's wort, chamomile, yarrow, parsley root, Rhodiola rosea. Their use should be agreed with the doctor.

Diffuse changes in the pancreas are always a consequence of its diseases. In any case, they require constant adherence to diet, lifestyle changes, and, if necessary, drug treatment.

With any pathologies of the pancreas, its structure, dimensions, and the state of the parenchyma often change, which is determined using ultrasound. The detected deviations from the norm are indicated by the diagnostician in the conclusion as diffuse changes in the pancreas. This wording is not the name of an independent disease, but indicates the presence of symptoms that develop against the background of any disease or exposure to adverse factors. In general, diffuse changes are called changes that affect the entire organ, since the affected area cannot be clearly distinguished.

The appearance of diffuse changes in the pancreas can be caused by a variety of reasons and factors. Most often they are caused by:

  • metabolic-dystrophic processes in the organ itself, caused primarily by acute or chronic pancreatitis;
  • circulatory disorders at its location;
  • diseases of the digestive and endocrine systems, in particular diabetes mellitus with insufficient insulin production;
  • and bile ducts;
  • unbalanced diet with a predominance of fatty, floury and aggressive foods;
  • constant psycho-emotional overstrain, stress;
  • uncontrolled medication;
  • alcohol or chemical (including drug) intoxication;
  • hereditary predisposition.

In MBC-10, the pathology code is K87.1*, belonging to the group Pancreatic disorders in diseases classified elsewhere.

In old age, against the background of diabetes, pancreatic tissue is destroyed and replaced by adipose tissue. Such diffuse changes do not require treatment. A similar uniform replacement of the affected tissues with connective tissue with the preservation or slight decrease in the size of the organ occurs in acute pancreatitis, which must be treated.

In most cases, any diffuse changes are not considered as an independent disease, but only as a symptom of a particular pathological condition of the pancreas, which does not always develop against the background of the underlying disease. Often the reasons lie in the aging of the body or the deterioration of its condition due to an unhealthy lifestyle.

The video tells the main causes of problems with the pancreas.

Symptoms of pathology

The symptoms of diffuse changes in the pancreas themselves may be mild or completely absent, since the main symptoms appear depending on the underlying disease that caused such transformations. But regardless of the root cause, most pathological processes in the pancreas are manifested by the following clinical picture:

  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • stool disorders (diarrhea or constipation);
  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea-vomiting syndrome;
  • pains of different nature and severity.

The remaining symptoms of diffuse changes that develop against the background of specific diseases can be classified as follows:

  1. At- due to significant negative processes in the organ itself, very severe pains appear under the left rib, persistent nausea and vomiting, tachycardia. To eliminate such manifestations is possible only with the help of intensive therapy or surgery.
  2. For chronic pancreatitis- at the initial stage, the tissues of the gland are damaged, swelling and minor petechiae appear. Then the gland decreases, fibrosis (sclerosis) of tissues develops, which significantly reduces its functionality and leads to the appearance of a pronounced pain and nausea-vomiting syndrome, constant diarrhea, and rapid weight loss. Over time, allergic reactions develop, insulin secretion is impaired and diabetes mellitus occurs. Similar symptoms are observed in fibrosis, not aggravated by pancreatitis.
  3. With diffuse changes caused by pancreatic lipomatosis - due to the replacement of cells with adipose tissue, which does not carry a functional load, the gland ceases to produce the required amount of substances. The severity of the symptoms of lipomatosis depends on the degree of tissue damage - with a slight one they are practically absent, and with a progressive one, severe pain and disturbances in the activity of the digestive tract appear.

In the presence of these diseases of the pancreas, its chronic diffuse changes develop, characterized by uniform tissue damage. In addition, there are other options for the development of such violations:

  • diffuse focal- appear in the presence of tumors or calculi and are manifested by local (focal) tissue lesions;
  • diffuse fibrous- are formed during scarring of the connective tissue with the formation of fibroma, are characterized by an increased density of certain areas with a decrease in the size of the organ, depending on the degree of damage;
  • diffuse-dystrophic- this is lipodystrophy, which develops when healthy cells are replaced by fat cells with the loss of basic functions, while the severity of manifestations depends on the size of the affected area;
  • diffuse-parenchymal- these are changes in the parenchyma, in which normal cells are also replaced by fatty or connective cells, which impairs the functional abilities of the gland;
  • diffuse tail- observed with compaction or expansion of the tail of the gland.

In addition, there are reactive diffusions that appear as a reaction of the pancreas to pathologies of other organs, primarily the digestive system, especially the liver or biliary tract. Such pathologies arise due to malnutrition, developmental anomalies, uncontrolled medication, bad habits. Symptoms resemble the picture of acute pancreatitis and are accompanied by symptoms of the underlying disease.

Diagnostics of changes

To identify the pathology under consideration, an anamnesis is compiled on the basis of a patient interview, an examination and palpation of the pancreas area is performed. Then laboratory and hardware diagnostic examinations are carried out:

  • ultrasonography;
  • CT scan;
  • radiography;
  • endoscopy (retrograde pancreatocholangiography);
  • blood, urine and stool tests for the amount of pancreatic enzymes.

The main and first method of diagnostic examination for diffuse changes in the pancreas is ultrasound. Based on the conclusion obtained, other diagnostic methods are prescribed, which are necessary in each specific case.

The definition of this pathology during an ultrasound examination is based on echogenicity indicators. Most often, its increase is a sign of parenchymal compaction or the presence of replacement tissues, a decrease confirms inflammation or. The explicitness and specificity of the changes themselves may indicate the presence of other diseases, various neoplasms, abscesses, as well as their consequences.

Treatment of pancreatic diffusion

Diffuse changes in the pancreas are not treated separately. Only those disorders that are pathological in nature are subject to treatment. In such cases, therapeutic measures to eliminate diffuse changes are prescribed and performed as part of the complex therapy of the underlying disease that caused them. At the same time, a diet and traditional medicine recipes are used to improve the condition of the pancreas. The same methods are used for age-related or other non-pathological changes.


Like the main treatment, the diet for diffuse pancreatic changes is determined by the root cause of their appearance. The highest requirements are placed on the diet if the changes develop against the background of diabetes, pancreatitis, and other serious pathologies.

At the same time, the presence of the diffuse changes under consideration also requires compliance with certain nutritional rules:

  1. Any alcohol-containing drinks are absolutely excluded, since alcohol is just as harmful for the pancreas as it is for the liver, and can significantly aggravate the situation.
  2. The diet should have a low calorie content and be based on the use of plant foods, grain dishes, lactic acid products, lean fish and meat.
  3. Prohibited foods include spicy, salty, other aggressive foods, dishes and seasonings, as well as fast carbohydrates - sweets, pastries, packaged juices, etc.
  4. Dishes are prepared without frying and using fat.
  5. Drinking regime should be moderate and uniform throughout the day.
  6. You need to eat fractionally (often and little by little) and so as to prevent overeating or excessive secretion of gastric enzymes.

It is necessary to switch to dietary nutrition immediately after diagnosing diffuse changes in the pancreas, regardless of their cause. After establishing an accurate diagnosis, the diet is adjusted taking into account the limitations of the underlying disease.

Folk recipes

To normalize the condition in the presence of diffuse pancreatic changes, herbal infusions prepared according to the following recipes are considered very effective:

  1. From chamomile and immortelle - 1 tbsp. l. each herb to 1 cup of boiled water. Let cool, filter, drink 2 tbsp. l. before every meal. Course - 21 days. You can repeat until the condition is relieved with a week break.
  2. From calendula, celandine, yarrow - 1 tbsp. l. collection in 1 cup of boiling water. Allow to cool, filter, drink according to the scheme of the previous recipe, but for 30 days.
  3. From chamomile, mint, plantain, yarrow, St. John's wort, cudweed - 1 tbsp. l. collection in 1 cup of boiling water. Let cool, filter. Drink the resulting infusion 3 times a day. The duration of admission is not limited.
  4. From Japanese Sophora -1 tbsp. l. for 1 glass of boiling water, insist in a thermos all night. Drink 2 tsp. before each meal for 12 days. You can repeat after a week break.

When choosing medicinal plants for home treatment, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of allergic reactions. In chronic lesions of the pancreas, they develop quite often.

Preventive measures

With the help of preventive measures, it is impossible to completely exclude the development of diffuse changes in the pancreas if they appear against the background of other diseases. But you can significantly reduce their severity or prevent transformations associated with aging or deterioration of the body. To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Quit smoking, drinking alcohol.
  2. Observe the diet, do not overeat, eat little and often.
  3. Switch to a correct, balanced and healthy diet, excluding junk or junk food.
  4. Constantly use herbal infusions prepared according to the above traditional medicine recipes, using different fees.
  5. Timely treat all diseases, especially of the digestive system.
  6. Regularly undergo preventive examinations.

Diffuse changes in the pancreas are often a natural process and may not cause any discomfort. But if they are manifested by pain or other negative symptoms, then they definitely require the identification of causes with the help of competent diagnostics, as well as adequate further treatment. The prognosis depends on the timeliness of all activities, the degree of damage to the pancreas and the severity of the underlying disease, against which they appeared. But most often it is positive and the organ's performance can be maintained.

Diffuse change in the pancreas is not a separate disease, but only indicates signs of the presence of pathology. From this it follows that changes in this organ are a symptom of a particular disease. Similar signs of the disease are detected during a diagnostic procedure such as ultrasound, with which uniform changes in the echo structure and size of the pancreas can be detected.

A wide range of predisposing factors can cause DIGI, ranging from the age category of a person to the course of a disorder.

The clinical picture directly depends on what caused the changes. Often there are signs such as impaired stool, bouts of nausea, heaviness and discomfort in the stomach.

Diffuse changes in the pancreas are detected through instrumental diagnostic techniques. Therapy depends entirely on what was the source of the appearance of DIGI.


A fairly large number of reasons, both physiological and pathological, can cause diffuse changes in the structure of the pancreas.

  • the age category of a person - the older the person, the more likely the occurrence of DIP;
  • addiction to junk food, namely the predominance in the diet of fatty and spicy foods, flour products, smoked meats, excessively salty or sweet foods;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • prolonged exposure to stressful situations;
  • nervous strain;
  • addiction to bad habits;
  • uncontrolled intake of certain groups of medications or non-compliance with the dosage prescribed by the attending physician.

Pathological conditions that cause changes in pancreatic tissue include:

  • diabetes;
  • avitaminosis;
  • pathological changes in the functioning of the liver, bile ducts and endocrine system;
  • diffuse lipomatosis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • atrophy of pancreatic tissues;
  • siderophilia.

In addition, the diffusely heterogeneous structure of the pancreas may be the result of surgical treatment of the pancreas itself and nearby organs.


Several classifications of diffuse changes in the pancreas are identified. One of them shares such violations depending on the location of the pathological process:

  • CI of the parenchyma of this organ - their presence indicates that stones, malignant or benign neoplasms may be present in the organ. During the implementation of an ultrasound examination, an increased echogenicity of this area is observed, which occurs against the background of inflammation, accompanied by the development of fibrosis;
  • DI of the tail of the gland - occurs due to obstruction of the hepatic vein. The changes are indicated by the compaction or expansion of such an area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis organ. With minor changes, conservative treatment is prescribed, and with extensive changes, surgical intervention is performed, with the removal of this area of ​​the pancreas and overlapping of the blood vessels.

According to the second classification, DIGI are divided depending on the nature of the occurrence:

  • reactive - these are secondary changes that are the result of any pathology in the organs of the digestive system. In most cases, such DIs are formed against the background of disorders of the liver or bile ducts. This is due to the fact that iron works in a friendly manner with these organs. On ultrasound, such violations indicate acute pancreatitis;
  • fibrotic - imply DI, which are manifested by scarring. May occur against the background of inflammation, frequent alcohol poisoning, metabolic disorders or viral infections. Ultrasound shows not only high echogenicity, but also tissue density. Quite often, fibrotic changes indicate the presence of a benign neoplasm;
  • dystrophic - represent a homogeneous replacement of healthy glandular tissues with fatty ones. With a moderate lesion, adherence to diet therapy is indicated, but if more than half of the gland is involved in the pathological process, then the treatment will be carried out by surgical methods.

Depending on the severity of DI during ultrasound, they are divided into:

  • moderate diffuse changes in the pancreas;
  • pronounced diffuse changes in the tissues of this organ.


Signs of diffuse changes in the pancreas directly depend on the pathology that caused their formation. The most basic symptoms are jaundice, impaired stool, which is expressed in the alternation of constipation and diarrhea.

In acute pancreatitis, there will be an increase in pressure in the pancreatic duct, which causes its deformation. In addition, there are symptoms such as:

  • pain in the umbilical region and in the left side of the abdomen;
  • nausea, which often turns into vomiting;
  • increased heart rate;
  • decrease in blood pressure.

In cases where DIGI were caused by fibrosis, then at the initial stage of the development of the disease, symptoms may be completely absent. But as the disease progresses, there will be:

  • frequent urge to defecate, the feces will have a liquid consistency;
  • a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • development of allergic reactions.

With diffuse changes in the type of lipomatosis, symptoms will appear only at the last stage of the disease, when it is not possible to cure it. The main signs are pain and dysfunction of the affected organ, which undergoes a change in healthy tissue to adipose tissue.


If the pancreas is diffusely affected, then this can only be detected with the help of instrumental diagnostics. Ultrasound is the basis for establishing the presence of echo signs of diffuse changes in the pancreas. However, an important role in establishing the correct diagnosis is played by such examination methods as:

  • study of the patient's medical history and anamnesis of life;
  • performing a thorough physical examination and questioning;
  • laboratory study of blood, urine and feces tests.

These methods will help the doctor to establish the possible causes of DI and assess the presence and extent of the disease.

Ultrasound makes it possible to assess the structure, structure and size of the pancreas. Additionally, tests such as:

That will make it possible to find out the true causes of the appearance of changes in the pancreas in a child and an adult patient.


The tactics of eliminating DIPG is prescribed on an individual basis and is based on obtaining the results of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. Treatment for diffuse pancreatic changes may include the following:

  • taking medications;
  • diet therapy;
  • use of traditional medicine recipes;
  • performing a surgical operation.

Drug therapy involves the appointment of:

  • painkillers;
  • anti-enzymatic substances;
  • antispasmodics.

Such drugs are indicated for those patients in whom DIPG appeared on the background of pancreatitis.

If the inflammatory process of the duodenum has become a factor in the appearance of diffuse changes in the pancreas, then patients should take:

  • antibiotics;
  • antacids.

With cholecystitis, the use is indicated:

  • antispasmodics;
  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • choleretic substances.

Without fail, patients with DIIP need to follow the rules of the dietary table, namely:

  • a complete ban on smoked meats, spicy, fatty and salty dishes;
  • enrichment of the diet with dairy and sour-milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as cereals;
  • you need to eat often, but in small portions;
  • prepare meals in the most gentle way, in particular, boil, stew, steam and bake without adding fat.

Folk remedies for DIPZH should include the preparation of medicinal decoctions and infusions based on:

  • wormwood;
  • blueberry leaves;
  • iris;
  • pink rhodiola.

There must be an indication for surgery. During the operation, the affected part of the pancreas is removed, and in some cases the entire organ is removed.


There are no special preventive measures to prevent DIP, people need to follow a few general rules:

  • give up bad habits forever;
  • follow the recommendations regarding nutrition, according to the rules of the diet, with a diffuse change in the pancreas;
  • avoid stress as much as possible;
  • take medications only as prescribed by a doctor and in compliance with the dosage;
  • timely treat diseases that can cause DIGI.

One of the main preventive measures is considered to be examined by a gastroenterologist at least twice a year.

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The pancreas plays a huge role in the process of digestion, so any failures in its functioning lead to significant disturbances in human health. In order to identify possible pathological changes in the work of this organ, people who have negative symptoms of gastrointestinal problems are required to undergo ultrasound. During this study, the “picture” that appears on the screen shows any changes in the structure of the pancreas.

The most dangerous is when diffuse changes in the pancreas (DIPG) are detected during an ultrasound examination. The question of what it is arises in all patients who have been diagnosed with this. As experts explain, this entry, made in a person’s medical history, does not indicate a specific disease, since there is no pathology with such a name, but about metabolic-dystrophic changes that affected the parenchyma (the so-called tissues that make up the internal structure of this organ). In order to have an idea of ​​what kind of pathologies this phenomenon may be associated with, it is worth understanding it in more detail.

Signs of a negative phenomenon

What are diffuse changes in the pancreas, and how each of their manifestations is difficult and dangerous for a person, the doctor always explains in detail to those people who are at risk for the development of this pathology. He will be able to most popularly acquaint his patient with the negative symptoms corresponding to the pathology. The inflammatory process is usually protracted. At the initial stage, it is quite difficult to recognize it, since all the negative sensations that arise at this time in a sick person are similar to those in other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • stool disorders, expressed in the alternation of diarrhea and constipation;
  • heaviness and discomfort in the stomach after eating, even if a very small portion was eaten;
  • soreness in all projections of the abdomen, which does not have a clear localization;
  • almost complete loss of appetite.

But over time, they become more specific, not causing the specialist conducting the initial survey of the patient, no doubt that a diagnostic study of this particular organ is necessary. Such an aggravation of symptoms is due to the fact that with the progression of the disease, the pancreatic parenchyma begins to sclerotize, that is, overgrow with connective tissue that is unable to produce a digestive enzyme. The ultrasound examination carried out at this time is able to give a clear picture of what kind of disease caused the appearance of pronounced or moderate diffuse changes in the pancreas.

Types of pathological destruction

Changes in the pancreas are necessarily classified. This helps to more correctly and quickly determine the pathology that provoked them, and to choose an adequate therapeutic course that is able to cope with the misfortune as soon as possible. The types of DIP are divided according to the degree of severity and the place of localization. The moderate nature of the restructuring of the pancreatic parenchyma is observed when a person begins to develop lipomatosis.

When diagnosing such a phenomenon, gastroenterologists note that an irreversible process has occurred in the patient's pancreas, in which the pancreas's own cells are replaced by a fatty layer. There are no obvious signs of tissue degeneration and symptoms indicating enzyme deficiency in moderately severe pathology, but internal diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma have already appeared. If adequate conservative treatment is not started at this time, they will progress.

If the degree of pathology is pronounced and the patient develops chronic diseases of this organ, then such phenomena are irreversible and cannot be completely cured. Doctors in this case can only temporarily stop their progression.

Classification of DIP by the nature of occurrence

Diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma, to which the development of the inflammatory process in this organ leads, are characterized by the fact that its constituent tissues cease to be homogeneous. In this regard, there is an increase in some and compression of other parts of the pancreas, which is directly involved in the process of digestion.

The heterogeneous structure of the organ is usually present in pathologies such as acute or chronic pancreatitis and diabetes. These diseases occur due to the fact that the process of inflammation begins to develop in the pancreas, accompanied by severe swelling, or pseudocysts appear. But the presence of malignant tumors in this case is completely excluded. According to the nature of the occurrence of restructuring that appeared in the pancreatic parenchyma, they are as follows:

  • Reactive. Such diffusion of the pancreas is secondary, that is, it develops against the background of pathologies of the hepatobiliary system (a set of internal organs that respond to the processes of digestion and excretion of metabolic products from the body).
  • Fibrous. Characterized by the appearance of scars. In this case, a diffusely heterogeneous consistency of pancreatic tissues is formed against the background of frequent alcohol exposure to the digestive organs, an inflammatory process developing in them, or an infectious viral lesion. Often, this type of DIP also indicates that an insignificant benign process is taking place in the organ.
  • Dystrophic diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma is a complete replacement of the glandular tissues of the pancreas with fatty ones.

In the case when the above changes in the structure of the pancreas are moderate, to restore the normal functioning of the organ, it is enough to prescribe medication and diet therapy. But when more than 50% of the gland is included in the pathological process, it may not be possible to do without surgical intervention.

What does ultrasound show

Ultrasound examination is the main method for diagnosing damage that has appeared in the pancreas. Ultrasound pictures allow an experienced diagnostician to assess the clinical condition of the ducts of the digestive organ, the presence of pathological formations in it, as well as to see the evenness of the contours of the pancreas, its size (there is any increase or not) and the consistency of the parenchyma. All these data, perfectly visible on the echogram, make it possible to identify the disease that caused pathological destruction with the greatest accuracy.

Echo signs of diffuse changes in the pancreas, as already mentioned, are not a specific diagnosis, but a symptom of inflammatory or oncological pathologies of the pancreas. Their external manifestations, visible to a specialist, are different, as they depend on the stage of the pathological process. For example, in the acute form of pancreatitis, there is a decrease in echogenicity and, at the same time, an increase in the size of the organ under study. If the inflammatory process was transferred by the patient in the past, the echogenicity of the pancreas will increase. All the signs observed by the ultrasound doctor are of a completely different nature, which allows you to correctly diagnose:

  • A loose and heterogeneous echostructure of a slightly enlarged gland indicates acute inflammation associated with the process of self-digestion developing in the digestive organ. This negative phenomenon can occur when the excretory ducts are clogged and enzymes cannot penetrate the duodenum.
  • In chronic pancreatitis, there is a reduced echogenicity of the pancreas that has not changed its size.
  • A hyperechoic gland occurs with limatosis, when normal cells are replaced by connective tissue, as well as abscesses and pseudocysts that appear in the digestive organ.

All echo changes should not be analyzed separately, but in conjunction with the results of laboratory tests. Only in this case is it possible to make the most accurate diagnosis.

How to get rid of adversity

This question, asked by patients with various diseases of the pancreas, can only be correctly answered by qualified gastroenterologists. Treatment of diffuse changes in the pancreas is very difficult and almost never brings positive results. This pathology, which is considered lifelong, is characterized by the fact that negative symptoms constantly appear and treatment is carried out for life only to eliminate them.

If a small part of the organ has been destroyed, the consequences are treated through surgical intervention, and if the entire gland has suffered, the only way out is a lifelong intake of enzymes and sympathetic medications. Their appointment is carried out exclusively by a specialist.

Self-acquisition and use of drugs is strictly prohibited, as it can lead to irreparable consequences.

People who have been diagnosed with this pathology are most interested in what to eat now. They ask their doctor about it first. Such interest arises for a reason, because any person who has experienced the unpleasant symptoms of pathology is well aware of its direct connection with nutrition. One has only to eat something non-dietary, and long-term pain in the abdominal cavity will immediately appear. That is why, with a diffuse change in the pancreas, diet is the key to maintaining the normal functioning of the digestive organs in a person.

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