Stolz and Oblomov: relationship (based on the novel "Oblomov"). "We all come from childhood" (Analysis of the chapter "Oblomov's Dream" based on the novel by I.A.

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The period of childhood and the events that happened to us during this period of development significantly affect the formation of a person's personality. The life of literary characters, in particular, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, is not an exception.

Oblomov's native village

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov spent all his childhood in his native village - Oblomovka. The beauty of this village was that it was located far from all settlements, and, most importantly, very far from large cities. Such seclusion contributed to the fact that all Oblomovka residents lived in a kind of conservation - they rarely went anywhere and almost no one ever came to them.

We offer you to familiarize yourself with in the novel by Ivan Goncharov "Oblomov"

In the old days Oblomovka could well be called a promising village - canvases were made in Oblomovka, delicious beer was brewed. However, after Ilya Ilyich became the master of everything, all this came to desolation, and over time Oblomovka became a backward village, from which people periodically fled, since the living conditions there were terrible. The reason for this decline was the laziness of its owners and the reluctance to carry out even minimal changes in the life of the village: "Old Oblomov, as he took the estate from his father, passed it on to his son."

However, in Oblomov's memoirs, his native village remained a paradise on earth - after his departure to the city, he never came to his native village again.

In Oblomov's memoirs, the village remained, as it were, frozen out of time. “Silence and imperturbable serenity reign in the mores of people in that land. There were no robberies, no murders, no terrible accidents happened there; neither strong passions nor courageous undertakings excited them. "

Oblomov's parents

The childhood memories of any person are inextricably linked with the images of parents or educators.
Ilya Ivanovich Oblomov was the father of the main character of the novel. He was a good man in himself - kind and sincere, but absolutely lazy and inactive. Ilya Ivanovich did not like doing any kind of business - his whole life was actually devoted to contemplating reality.

All the necessary affairs were postponed until the very last moment, as a result, soon all the buildings of the estate began to collapse and looked more like ruins. Such a fate did not pass the manor house, which was significantly distorted, but no one was in a hurry to fix it. Ilya Ivanovich did not modernize his economy, he had no idea about factories and their devices. Ilya Ilyich's father liked to sleep for a long time, and then look out the window for a long time, even if nothing happened outside the window.

Ilya Ivanovich did not strive for anything, he was not interested in earnings and an increase in his income, he also did not strive for personal development - from time to time one could find his father reading a book, but this was done for show or out of boredom - Ilya Ivanovich had everything -equals what to read, sometimes he did not even delve into the text very much.

The name of Oblomov's mother is unknown - she died much earlier than her father. Despite the fact that Oblomov actually knew his mother less than his father, he still loved her dearly.

Oblomov's mother was a match for her husband - she also lazily created the appearance of housekeeping and indulged in this business only in case of emergency.

Education Oblomov

Since Ilya Ilyich was the only child in the family, he was not deprived of attention. Parents pampered the boy from childhood - they were overprotective of him.

Many servants were assigned to him - so many that little Oblomov did not need any action - everything that was needed was brought to him, served and even dressed: “Whether Ilya Ilyich wants anything, he has only to blink - there are three "Four servants rush to fulfill his wish."

As a result, Ilya Ilyich did not even dress on his own - without the help of his servant Zakhar, he was absolutely helpless.

As a child, Ilya was not allowed to play with the guys, he was prohibited from all active and mobile games. At first, Ilya Ilyich ran away from home without permission to play pranks and run around to his best, but then they began to look after him more intensely, and the shoots became at first a difficult matter, and then completely impossible, therefore, soon his natural curiosity and activity, which is inherent in all children, faded away, its place was taken by laziness and apathy.

Oblomov's parents tried to protect him from any difficulties and troubles - they wanted the child's life to be easy and carefree. They managed to accomplish this completely, but this state of affairs became disastrous for Oblomov. The period of childhood passed quickly, and Ilya Ilyich did not acquire even the elementary skills that would allow him to adapt to real life.

Oblomov's education

The issue of education is also inextricably linked with childhood. It is during this period that children acquire basic skills and knowledge about the world around them, which allows them to further deepen their knowledge in a particular industry and become a successful specialist in their field.

Oblomov's parents, who took care of him all the time, did not attach importance to education - they considered him more a torment than a useful occupation.

Oblomov was sent to study only because getting at least an elementary education was a necessary requirement in their society.

They also did not care about the quality of their son's knowledge - the main thing was to get a certificate. For the nonchalant Ilya Ilyich, studying at a boarding house, and then at university, was hard labor, it was "the punishment sent from heaven for our sins", which, however, periodically facilitated by the parents themselves, leaving their son at home at a time when the learning process was in full swing.

Oblomov is one of three extensive novels by Goncharov, written 10 years apart. It was first printed in 1859. This is the time of an active search for a modern hero, a person who knows how to get along in a new world.

The main character of the novel is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He spent his childhood on the family estate, he was always surrounded by the care of his mother and nannies. Now the adult Ilya Ilyich is a resident of St. Petersburg. It is in the apartment of the protagonist that the action of the novel begins. The atmosphere in his house immediately proclaims his inertia. Goncharov creates a special type of character. Moreover, this type is not isolated, but generalized, characteristic of the era of that time. The question that the author asks is whether such a hero will be able to take root in a new environment, or is he doomed?

In order to see the origins and root causes of laziness, one should look at Oblomov's childhood. From an early age little Ilyusha got used to the fact that everything in the house is done by cooks and servants. He was under the strictest surveillance. His every step was monitored: God forbid he would hurt himself, get cold, hit, etc. Life in the village of Oblomovka proceeded serenely, slowly and calmly. There was no place for hectic activity and fussiness. Oblomov's childhood passed in an earthly paradise, at least this is how he sees his family estate in a dream. - this is the key to solving the novel. Goncharov sees Oblomov's problem in his upbringing. Laziness was instilled in him from infancy. By the way, the author himself also had similar character traits. That is why contemporaries sometimes held the "Goncharov-Oblomov" parallel. Childhood (Oblomov and Goncharov spent it in the family estates) was similar, love of "homebody", a kind of idleness, lack of entrepreneurial streak, apathy, unwillingness to change something in life - this is what makes the author related to his hero.

In contrast to Ilya Ilyich, his friend Andrei Stolts is shown. He is lively, energetic, agile. associated with punctuality and pragmatism. For Goncharov, names were very important. After all, the name of the protagonist is symbolic. Ilya Ilyich is a reference to the national (Ilya Muromets), in (he bears the same name as his father), "Oblo" is a circle. It is Andrei who introduces Oblomov to Olga - his failed love. Ilya Ilyich does not pass the test of love. He finds peace in the house of Agafya Pshenitsyna. They have a son - Andryusha. After the death of Ilya Ilyich, Stolz and Olga took him up for education. researchers see in this the author's hope for the emergence of an ideal hero who combines the soulfulness of Oblomov and the pragmatism of Stolz.

Contemporaries met Goncharov's novel well. Oblomov's childhood, Oblomovka became key symbols. And laziness, apathy and inertia began to be called "Oblomovism". This is the subject of an article by one of the most significant critics of that time, Dobrolyubov. True, the author could not see anything positive in the hero. The revolutionary-minded Dobrolyubov assessed the hero only from the standpoint of his social guidelines. Despite this, Ilya Ilyich is a pure, spiritually free, sensual nature. Oblomov's childhood proves his closeness to the people and to everything Russian.

1. The image of Oblomovka.
2. The prosaic reality and fabulous dreams of Oblomov.
3. Consequences of Oblomov education.

In the novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" the childhood of the protagonist is fully described in the ninth chapter. Interesting is the very technique that the author used to give readers the opportunity to make a virtual journey through time and look at the environment in which a person grew and developed, in the novel he appears already adult and fully formed. Not just the hero's memories, not a narration on behalf of the author about his childhood, but a dream. This has a special meaning.

What is sleep? It often intertwines images of everyday reality and fantastic images that belong to something other than everyday life - whether unconscious or parallel to the world ... In Oblomov's subconscious, a dream, a fairy tale takes up a lot of space. It is not for nothing that Goncharov describes his dream in such a way that you soon forget that this is a dream, and not a reality.

Attention should be paid to how Goncharov describes Oblomov's native land. The author does not begin with a direct description. First, we are talking about what is not there, and only after what is there: "No, really, there are seas, there are no high mountains, rocks and abysses, no dense forests - there is nothing grandiose, wild and gloomy."

It would seem that everything is simple - the author describes a typical Central Russian landscape, which is really devoid of sharp romantic contrasts. However, the sea, forest, mountains are not only characteristics of the relief of a particular area, but also symbolic images that are often used in relation to a person's life path. Of course, all these objects, both in their concrete embodiment and in symbolic reflection, carry a certain threat to humans. However, the risk, the need to overcome serious obstacles is at the same time an impetus for the development of personality.

In Oblomovka, this natural tendency towards spiritual growth, towards movement, towards changes is completely absent. Behind the external goodness, manifested in the mild climate, measured course of life, the absence of serious crimes among the local population, this is somehow not immediately striking. But what is alarming is the commotion that rises in the village, when a stranger was noticed nearby, lying down to rest: “Who knows what he is like: look, nothing beats; maybe some kind of ... ". And the crowd of adult men, armed with axes and pitchforks, is talking about this! In this episode, at first glance insignificant, one of the important distinguishing features of the Oblomovites was manifested - they unconsciously seek to avoid everything that is different from the outside. A similar reaction is demonstrated by the owner and the hostess when they receive a letter: “... Who knows what it is like there, a letter? Maybe even worse, some kind of trouble. You see what kind of people have become today! "

In The Dream, as in the entire novel, every now and then sounds the motive of opposition Oblomovka, Oblomov's way of life. Oblomovka "almost impassable" "corner", which lives its own life. Everything that happens in the rest of the world practically does not affect the interests of the Oblomovites. And their main interests are a delicious dinner, which is discussed in advance by the whole family, the whole house, and a strong "heroic" dream. Oblomovites not only don’t think that it is possible to live somehow differently than they, no, they don’t even have a shadow of doubt that they live correctly, and “living differently is a sin”.

It seems to be monotonous and unpretentious existence in Oblomovka - where did Oblomov's habit of dreaming half-asleep come from? Fantastic images of fairy tales once told by the mother and nanny made a strong impression on the soul of little Ilya. But it is not the exploits of the heroes that capture his imagination most of all. Ilya listens with delight to fairy tales about how a kind sorceress generously presents "some lazy person" for nothing. And with Oblomov himself, even when he grew up and became more skeptical about fairy tales, "forever remains the disposition to lie on the stove, walk around in a ready-made unearned dress and eat at the expense of a good sorceress."

Why is it that the ideas of just such fairy tales, and not those in which fearless, active heroes courageously set off in search of “that I don’t know what,” or to fight a terrible snake, have become firmly entrenched in Ilya's subconsciousness? Probably because the lifestyle of Emelya lying on the stove almost completely corresponded to the standards of behavior that Oblomov brought from his parental family. After all, Ilya Ilyich's father never cared about how things were going in his possessions: it took a long time to fix the bridge, to raise the fence, and even to fix the collapsed gallery, the lazy thoughts of the master stretch out for an indefinite time.

And little Ilya was an observant boy: looking at how his father paces the room day after day, without delving into household chores, but getting angry, if a handkerchief was not soon served, and the mother cares mainly about a plentiful meal, the child naturally drew a conclusion that this is how you need to live. And why should Ilya think differently - after all, children view their parents as an authority, as a model of behavior that should be copied in their adult life.

The movement of life in Oblomovka was perceived not as something in which a person is obliged to take part, but like a stream of water running by, it remains only to observe what is happening around, and, if possible, avoid personal participation in this vanity: “Kind people understood it (life) is nothing other than the ideal of peace and inaction, disturbed at times by various unpleasant accidents, such as: illness, losses, quarrels and, among other things, labor. "

Labor in Oblomovka was regarded as a burdensome duty, from which it is not a sin to evade, if the opportunity presents itself. Meanwhile, it is largely thanks to work that the development of the personality, its spiritual formation and social adaptation takes place. Oblomov, by virtue of the ideals absorbed from childhood, avoiding vigorous activity, refuses personal growth, from the development of those abilities and forces that were laid in him. Paradoxically, Oblomov, who was cherished and protected in childhood, does not become a confident, successful person in his adult life. What is the matter here? Oblomov had a happy childhood, he had all the prerequisites for his further life to develop successfully, and he lay on the couch for the entire period of his earthly existence!

The key to understanding the problem lies in an at first glance inconspicuous fact: upbringing in Oblomovka was aimed only at the child's bodily well-being, but did not give directions for spiritual development, goals. And without this little, alas, Oblomov, with all his merits, became what Goncharov described.

In the work of Oblomov, Goncharov will touch upon the theme of common vices inherent in society in any era: laziness, indifference, unwillingness to change fate for the better.

The author describes in detail Oblomov's childhood so that the reader can understand the reasons that influenced the formation of his weak-willed character. Indecision made him a failure. The writer suggests that such behavior will not lead to a happy and fulfilling life.

Guardianship of relatives

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov spent a carefree childhood in the village of Oblomovka. In the family estate, he lived not only with his mother and father. In addition to the servants, many relatives lived there.

“He's pretty, plump. Such round cheeks. "

He was the only child in the family. The household fed the boy with all kinds of sweets.

“The entire retinue of the house picked up Ilyushka in their arms, began to shower him with praise and affection. He barely had time to wipe away the marks of uninvited kisses. "

No sooner had the youngest Oblomov woke up than the nanny rushed to him to help him get up and get dressed. Further, mother hurried to her beloved son from the next room. The woman gave the boy tenderness, excessive care.

"She examined him with an avid glance, checked if his eyes were dim, wondered if something was in pain."

The boy understood that all his whims were instantly fulfilled. He turned into the same lazy, indifferent to all manifestations of human life, like those around him. If he tried to do something on his own, then his loved ones suppressed all his aspirations.

"Ilya just wants something, just blinks - already three or four lackeys rush to fulfill his wishes."

It was turned into an exotic plant growing slowly in a greenhouse.

"All manifestations of activity and strength turned inward and faded."

Sometimes the boy found an irresistible desire to run away from home, to lose the custody of each of the household. As soon as he went down the stairs, or ran out into the courtyard, several people hurried after him with shouts and prohibitions.

Playfulness and curiosity

Little Ilya grew up as an active child. When he saw that the adults were busy, he instantly tried to hide from their care.

"He was passionate about running up to the gallery surrounding the house to look at the river from a height."

They were catching up with him, and he again tried to escape to the dovecote, into the ravine, or into the birch forest, where gobies and werewolves could live. This is what the nanny told me. It happened that she spent the whole day in turmoil and running after her pupil.

Oblomov grew up inquisitive.

“He will calm down, sit next to the nanny, look at everything so intently. Observes all the phenomena taking place in front of him. "

He asks her why there is light and darkness, notices that a shadow forms on the ground from a horse harnessed to the reins, compares the dimensions, realizing that the barrel is many times larger than the footman carrying it on the cart.

Going out for a walk outside the yard, while the governess is hiding in the chill, the baby closely watches the beetles, catches dragonflies, puts them on a straw. He will jump into the ditch, begin to peel the roots, eat them instead of sweet apples.

“Not a single trifle, not a single feature escapes the attention of a child. The picture of home life cuts into the soul, saturates the child's mind with examples, unconsciously imposes the program of the child's fate on the life around him. "

The habits of parents and loved ones that formed the character of little Ilya.

In the Oblomov estate, it was believed that the craft did not at all ennoble a person.

"Ilya's relatives endured labor as a punishment imposed on our forefathers, but they could not love."

The boy's father preferred only to observe the servants and relatives, to ask them about their occupations, to give instructions. The mother could talk for hours with the lackeys, the tenants of the house. She loved to be in the garden, to watch how the fruits are poured.

"The main concern of the family was the kitchen and lunch."

All gathered together, heatedly discussed the preparation of dishes. Rest followed. “Silence reigns in the house. The hour of afternoon nap comes. " A similar state possessed everyone. Snoring and snoring could be heard from all corners of the house.

“Ilyusha watched everything.

Rarely does someone raise their head, look meaninglessly, turn over in surprise, spit awake, smack their lips, fall asleep again. " At this time, the adults did not care at all that little Ilya could be left completely unattended.

His relatives were always in a carefree mood, they did not strive to improve their life, but rejoiced at what was sent to them. Their lives flowed like a quiet river. If something went out of order in the house, collapsed, then rarely when the breakdown was eliminated. It was easier for people to talk about christenings, weddings, beliefs associated with them. They discussed all kinds of recipes, went to visit, played cards. This lifestyle of loved ones left an indelible mark on the formation of the character and habits of young Oblomov. Gradually, as the boy grew older, general laziness took possession of him.


Parents felt that teaching to read and write was very exhausting and unnecessary. They wanted their son to get a certificate as quickly as possible, without putting much effort into it. At the age of thirteen, "the father and mother made the playboy sit down for books." It cost them tears, whims and screams. He was sent to the village of Verkhlevo, to a boarding house.

The son did not have a special zeal for learning. When I came home, I tried, under any pretext, to stay on the estate as long as possible.

“Sad he came to his mother. She knew why. I secretly sighed about parting with him for a whole week. "

His parents encouraged his every request. They were looking for an excuse for their weak-willed behavior. The reasons why the boy stayed on the estate were varied. Heat or cold, parental Saturday, a holiday, the upcoming preparation of pancakes could become a problem for them. Mother and father did not think about the negative features of such an upbringing. Adult Ilya Oblomov will have to face the consequences of excessive parental love more than once.


Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is the protagonist of Oblomov, an apathetic and lazy man in his thirties who spends all his time lying on the couch and making unrealizable plans for his future. Spending days in idleness, the hero never begins to do anything, since he is not able to exercise a strong-willed effort on himself and start realizing his own plans. The author reveals the reasons for the hopeless laziness and passivity of the hero in the chapter "Oblomov's Dream", where, through the memories of a child, the reader gets to know Oblomov's childhood in the novel "Oblomov".

Little Ilya appears as a very lively and inquisitive child. He is fascinated by the picturesque landscapes of Oblomovka, he is interested in watching animals and communicating with peers. The boy wanted to run, jump, climb the hanging gallery, where only “people” could be, he wanted to learn as much as possible about the world around him, and he strove for this knowledge in every possible way. However, excessive parental care, constant control and guardianship became an insurmountable wall between an active child and an interesting, captivating world. The hero gradually got used to prohibitions and adopted outdated family values: the cult of food and idleness, fear of work and lack of understanding of the importance of education, gradually plunging into the swamp of Oblomovism.

The negative impact of "Oblomovism" on Oblomov

Over the course of several generations of landowners, the Oblomov family has developed its own special way of life, which determined the life of not only the noble family, but also the entire village, predetermining the course of life even for peasants and servants. In Oblomovka, time passed slowly, no one followed him, no one was in a hurry, and the village seemed to be separated from the outside world: even when they received a letter from a neighboring estate, they did not want to read it for several days, as they feared bad news, which would have broken the pacifying calmness of Oblomov's life. The general picture was complemented by the mild climate of the area: there were no severe frosts or heat, there were no high mountains or wayward sea.

All this could not but affect the still very young, unformed personality of Oblomov, fenced off from all sorts of trials and stresses: as soon as Ilya tried to commit a prank or go for a walk to forbidden places, a nanny appeared, who either carefully looked after him, or took him back to chambers. All this brought up in the hero a complete weakness and submission to someone else's, more competent and important opinion, therefore, already in adulthood, Oblomov could do something only out of hand, not wanting either to study at the university, or work, or go out until he will not be forced.

The absence of stress, situations when you need to defend your opinion, excessive and constant care, total control and many prohibitions, in fact, broke Oblomov's natural personality - he became the ideal of his parents, but ceased to be himself. Moreover, all this was supported by the opinion of labor as a duty that cannot bring pleasure, but is a kind of punishment. That is why, already in adulthood, Ilya Ilyich in every possible way avoids any activity, waiting for Zakhar to come and do everything for him - albeit out of hand, but the hero himself will not need to get out of bed, tearing himself away from his illusions.

Oblomov and Stolz

Andrei Ivanovich Stolts is Oblomov's best friend, whom they met during their school years. This is a bright, active man who sincerely worries about the fate of his friend and is doing his best to help him realize himself in the real world and forget about the ideals of Oblomovism. In the work, Andrei Ivanovich is the antipode of Ilya Ilyich, which can be seen already when comparing the childhood of Oblomov and Stolz in Goncharov's novel. Unlike Ilya, little Andrei was not limited in actions, but rather was left to himself - he could not appear at home for several days, studying the world around him and getting to know different people. Allowing his son to control his own destiny, Stolz's father, a German burgher, was quite strict with Andrei, instilling in the boy a love of work, assertiveness and the ability to achieve his goals, which was then useful to him in building a successful career.

The childhood descriptions of Stolz and Oblomov make it possible to see how different upbringing can create two completely different personalities from children who are quite similar in nature and character - apathetic, lazy, but kind-hearted, gentle Ilya Ilyich and active, active, but completely incomprehensible sphere of feelings Andrei Ivanovich.

Why Oblomov could not get out of the world of illusions?

In addition to laziness, weakness and a complete rejection of social life, Oblomov was characterized by such an ambiguous feature as excessive daydreaming. The hero spent all his days thinking about a possible future, coming up with many options for a happy life in the Oblomov region. Sincerely experiencing each of his dreams, Ilya Ilyich did not understand that all his plans were only illusions, beautiful fairy tales, similar to those that the nanny told him in childhood and which he was so delighted with, presenting himself now as a brave hero, now as a just and strong hero.

In the tales and legends told by the nanny, the world outside Oblomovka was portrayed as something frightening and scary, where monsters and dragons await him, with whom he must fight. And only in your native Oblomovka you can live peacefully, without fear or fear. Gradually, the hero ceases to distinguish between the mythical and the real: “The adult Ilya Ilyich, although later he learns that there are no honey and milk rivers, there are no good sorceresses, although he jokes with a smile over the nanny's legends, this smile is not sincere, it is accompanied by a secret sigh: a fairy tale he mixed with life, and he sometimes unconsciously grieves, why a fairy tale is not life, and life is not a fairy tale. " The hero, fearing an unknown, frightening, unfavorable real life, simply leaves her in the world of illusions and dreams, fearing to meet her "one on one" and lose in an unequal battle. Spending all the days in dreams of Oblomovka, Ilya Ilyich is trying to return to that safe world of childhood, where he was protected and cared for, not realizing that this was impossible.

In the novel, the description of Ilya Oblomov's childhood is the key to his entire life, allowing him to better understand the character and psychology of the hero, whose name has become a household name for Russian literature and culture. In Oblomov, Goncharov depicted a vivid typical image of a sincere, but weak-willed Russian person, which remains interesting for readers today.

Description and analysis of the events of the childhood of the protagonist of the novel will be especially interesting for 10 grades before preparing a report or essay on the topic "Oblomov's childhood in Ivan Goncharov's novel Oblomov".

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