The plot of the novel what to do. Nikolay Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky What to do? Being determines consciousness

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For the first time as a separate book, the most famous work of Chernyshevsky - the novel "What is to be done?" - was published in 1867 in Geneva. The publication of the book was initiated by Russian émigrés; by that time, the novel had been banned by censors in Russia. In 1863, the work still managed to be published in the Sovremennik magazine, but the issues where its individual chapters were printed were soon banned. Summary "What to do?" The youth of those years passed Chernyshevsky to each other by word of mouth, and the novel itself was in handwritten copies, so the work made an indelible impression on them.

Is it possible to do something

The author wrote his sensational novel in the winter of 1862-1863, while in the dungeons of the Peter and Paul Fortress. The dates of writing are December 14-April 4. From January 1863, censors began to work with individual chapters of the manuscript, but, seeing only a love line in the plot, they allowed the novel to be published. Soon the deep meaning of the work reaches the officials of tsarist Russia, the censor is removed from office, but the deed is done - a rare youth circle of those years did not discuss the summary of "What is to be done?" With his work, Chernyshevsky wanted not only to tell Russians about the “new people”, but also to arouse in them a desire to imitate them. And his bold call echoed in the hearts of many of the author's contemporaries.

The youth of the late 19th century transformed Chernyshevsky's ideas into their own lives. Stories about the numerous noble deeds of those years began to appear so often that for some time they became almost commonplace in everyday life. Many suddenly realized that they were capable of an Action.

The presence of a question and a clear answer to it

The main idea of ​​the work, and it is twice revolutionary in its essence, is the freedom of the individual, regardless of gender. That is why the main character of the novel is a woman, since at that time the dominance of women did not go beyond their own living room. Looking back at the life of her mother and close acquaintances, Vera Pavlovna early realizes the absolute mistake of inaction, and decides that her life will be based on work: honest, useful, giving the opportunity to exist with dignity. Hence the moral - the freedom of the individual comes from the freedom to perform actions that correspond to both thoughts and possibilities. This is what he tried to express through the life of Vera Pavlovna Chernyshevsky. "What to do?" chapter by chapter draws readers a colorful picture of the step-by-step construction of "real life." Now Vera Pavlovna leaves her mother and decides to open her own business, now she realizes that only equality between all members of her artel will correspond to her ideals of freedom, her absolute happiness with Kirsanov depends on Lopukhov's personal happiness. interconnected with high moral principles - this is the whole of Chernyshevsky.

Characterization of the author's personality through his heroes

Both writers and readers, as well as omniscient critics, are of the opinion that the main characters of a work are a kind of literary copies of their creators. Even if not exact copies, then they are very close in spirit to the author. The narrative of the novel "What is to be done?" is conducted in the first person, and the author is an acting character. He enters into conversation with other heroes, even argues with them and, like a “voice-over”, explains to both the characters and the readers many moments that they do not understand.

At the same time, the author brings to the reader doubts about his writing abilities, says that "even he speaks the language poorly", and certainly there is not a drop of "artistic talent" in him. But for the reader his doubts are unconvincing, this also refutes the novel, which was created by Chernyshevsky himself, "What is to be done?" Vera Pavlovna and the rest of the characters are so accurately and versatile written out, endowed with such unique individual qualities that an author who does not have true talent would be unable to create.

New but so different

The heroes of Chernyshevsky, these positive "new people", according to the author, from the category of unreal, non-existent, should at one fine time themselves firmly enter our life. Enter, dissolve in the crowd of ordinary people, push them back, reborn someone, persuade someone, and push the rest of the unyielding people out of the crowd, ridding society of them like a field of weeds. The artistic utopia, which Chernyshevsky himself was clearly aware of and tried to define through the name, is "What is to be done?" A special person, in his deep conviction, is able to radically change the world around him, but how to do this, he must determine for himself.

Chernyshevsky created his novel as a counterweight to Turgenev's Fathers and Sons, his “new people” do not at all resemble the cynical and annoying nihilist Bazarov, annoying with his peremptory attitude. The cardinality of these images in the implementation of their main task: the hero of Turgenev wanted to “clear a place” around him from everything that had outlived his own, that is, to destroy, while the characters of Chernyshevsky tried more to build something, create something, before destroying it.

Formation of the "new man" in the middle of the 19th century

These two works of great Russian writers became for the readers and the literary community of the second half of the 19th century a kind of beacon - a ray of light in the dark kingdom. Both Chernyshevsky and Turgenev loudly proclaimed the existence of a "new man", his need for the formation of a special mood of society, capable of carrying out cardinal changes in the country.

If you reread and translate the summary "What to do?" Chernyshevsky into the plane of revolutionary ideas that deeply struck the minds of a separate part of the population of those years, then many of the allegorical features of the work will become easily explainable. The image of "the bride of her suitors" seen by Vera Pavlovna in her second dream is nothing more than "Revolution" - this is the conclusion drawn by the writers who lived in different years, who studied and analyzed the novel from all sides. The rest of the images that are narrated in the novel are also marked by allegory, regardless of whether they are animated or not.

A little about the theory of reasonable egoism

The desire for change not only for oneself, not only for one's loved ones, but also for everyone else runs like a red thread through the whole novel. This is completely different from the theory of calculating one's own benefit, which Turgenev reveals in Fathers and Children. In many ways, Chernyshevsky agrees with his fellow writer, believing that any person not only can, but must reasonably calculate and determine his individual path to his own happiness. But at the same time, he says that you can enjoy it only when surrounded by the same happy people. This is the fundamental difference between the plots of the two novels: in Chernyshevsky's heroes forge prosperity for everyone, in Turgenev, Bazarov creates his own happiness without regard to those around him. The closer we are through our novel Chernyshevsky.

What is to be done ?, the analysis of which we give in our review, is, in the end, much closer to the reader of Turgenev's Fathers and Sons.

Briefly about the plot

As the reader, who has never picked up Chernyshevsky's novel, has already been able to determine, the main character of the work is Vera Pavlovna. Through her life, the formation of her personality, her relationship with others, including men, the author reveals the main idea of ​​his novel. Summary "What to do?" Chernyshevsky without listing the characteristics of the main characters and the details of their lives can be conveyed in several sentences.

Vera Rozalskaya (aka Vera Pavlovna) lives in a fairly well-to-do family, but everything in her home hates her: her mother with her dubious activities, and acquaintances who think one thing, but say and do something completely different. Having decided to leave her parents, our heroine is trying to find a job, but only with her close spirit, Dmitry Lopukhov, gives the girl that freedom and the way of life she dreams of. Vera Pavlovna creates a sewing workshop with equal rights to its income for all seamstresses - a rather progressive undertaking for that time. Even her sudden outbreak of love for her husband's close friend Alexander Kirsanov, which she became convinced of while caring for the sick Lopukhov with Kirsanov, does not deprive her of her sanity and nobility: she does not leave her husband, she does not leave the workshop. Seeing the mutual love of his wife and close friend, Lopukhov, staging a suicide, frees Vera Pavlovna from any obligations to him. Vera Pavlovna and Kirsanov are getting married and are quite happy with this, and a few years later Lopukhov appears again in their lives. But only under a different name and with a new wife. Both families live in the neighborhood, spend a lot of time together and are quite satisfied with the circumstances that have developed in this way.

Does Being Determine Consciousness?

The formation of Vera Pavlovna's personality is far from the regularity of the character traits of those of her peers who grew up and were brought up in conditions similar to her. Despite her youth, lack of experience and connections, the heroine clearly knows what she wants in life. It is not for her to marry successfully and become an ordinary mother of the family, especially since by the age of 14 the girl knew a lot and understood. She sewed beautifully and provided the whole family with clothes, at the age of 16 she began to earn money, giving private piano lessons. The mother's desire to give her in marriage meets with a firm refusal and creates her own business - a sewing workshop. The work "What is to be done?" Is about broken stereotypes, about bold deeds of a strong character. Chernyshevsky, in his own way, provides an explanation for the well-established assertion that consciousness determines the being in which a person is. He determines, but only in the way he decides for himself - either following the path he has chosen not, or finds his own. Vera Pavlovna left the path prepared for her by her mother and the environment in which she lived, and created her own path.

Between the realms of dreams and reality

Determining your path does not mean finding it and walking along it. There is a huge gap between dreams and their embodiment. Someone does not dare to jump over it, but someone gathers all their will into a fist and takes a decisive step. This is how Chernyshevsky responds to the problem raised in his novel What Is to Be Done? The analysis of the stages of the formation of Vera Pavlovna's personality instead of the reader is carried out by the author himself. He leads him through the embodiment of the heroine of her dreams of her own freedom in reality through vigorous activity. Let it be a difficult, but straight and quite passable path. And according to him, Chernyshevsky not only directs his heroine, but also allows her to achieve what she wants, letting the reader understand that only through activity can the cherished goal be achieved. Unfortunately, the author emphasizes that not everyone chooses this path. Not every.

Reflection of reality through dreams

In a rather unusual form, he wrote his novel "What is to be done?" Chernyshevsky. Vera's dreams - there are four of them in the novel - reveal the depth and originality of those thoughts that cause real events in her. In her first dream, she sees herself freed from the basement. This is a kind of symbolism of leaving her own home, where she was destined for an unacceptable fate. Through the idea of ​​liberating girls like her, Vera Pavlovna creates her own workshop, in which each seamstress receives an equal share of her total income.

The second and third dream explain to the reader through real and fantastic dirt, reading Verochka's diary (which, by the way, she never kept) what thoughts about the existence of different people take possession of the heroine at different periods of her life, what she thinks about her second marriage and about the very necessity of this marriage. Explanation through dreams is a convenient form of presentation of the work, which Chernyshevsky chose. "What to do?" - the content of the novel , reflected through dreams, the characters of the main characters in dreams are a worthy example of Chernyshevsky's application of this new form.

Ideals of a bright future, or the Fourth dream of Vera Pavlovna

If the first three dreams of the heroine reflected her attitude to fait accompli, then her fourth dream is dreams of the future. It is enough to recall it in more detail. So, Vera Pavlovna dreams of a completely different world, incredible and beautiful. She sees many happy people living in a wonderful house: luxurious, spacious, surrounded by amazing views, decorated with gushing fountains. In it, no one feels destitute, for all there is one common joy, one common prosperity, in it everyone is equal.

Such are the dreams of Vera Pavlovna, and this is how Chernyshevsky would like to see reality ("What is to be done?"). Dreams, and they, as we remember, about the relationship between reality and the world of dreams, reveal not so much the spiritual world of the heroine as the author of the novel himself. And his full awareness of the impossibility of creating such a reality, a utopia that cannot be accomplished, but for which it is still necessary to live and work. And this is also the fourth dream of Vera Pavlovna.

Utopia and its predictable ending

As everyone knows, their main work is the novel What Is to Be Done? - Nikolai Chernyshevsky wrote while in prison. Deprived of family, society, freedom, seeing reality in dungeons in a completely new way, dreaming of a different reality, the writer set it out on paper, himself not believing in its implementation. Chernyshevsky did not doubt that the "new people" are capable of changing the world. But the fact that under the rule of circumstances not everyone will survive, and not everyone will be worthy of a better life - he also understood that.

How does the novel end? The idyllic coexistence of two close-minded families: the Kirsanovs and the Lopukhovs-Beumont. A small world created by active people full of nobility of thoughts and deeds. Are there many such happy communities around? Not! Is this not the answer to Chernyshevsky's dreams of the future? Whoever wants to create his own prosperous and happy world will create it, whoever does not want to - will go with the flow.

Very short summary (in a nutshell)

Vera Pavlovna lives in unbearable conditions with a despotic mother and a mattress father. The mother constantly yells at her and looks for a rich groom for her, not paying any attention to her daughter's tastes. Here Dmitry Lopukhov gets a job as a teacher for her younger brother. She opens up to him and he promises to help her leave home. While searching and solving problems, they fall in love and decide to secretly get married. Soon they already happily live separately, and Vera Pavlovna opens a successful sewing workshop, where all the girls receive an equal share of the profits. Suddenly, she falls in love with her husband's closest friend, Alexander Kirsanov. They all don't know what to do. Then Lopukhov pretends to commit suicide and goes abroad using forged documents, and Vera Pavlovna and Kirsanov get married. One day Kirsanov meets Yekaterina Polozova, whom he saves the life of. She becomes a friend of their family, especially Vera Pavlovna. Polozova's father sells the plant, Charles Beaumont becomes an agent in the sale, who meets Katerina at lunch. Beaumont learns about her acquaintance with the Kirsanovs, begins to often go to them and ask about them news. They soon fall in love and get married. After the wedding, Katerina learns that Beaumont is the former Lopukhov. She tells the Kirsanovs about this, they are very happy for them. Both couples decide to rent an apartment nearby, start inviting guests to both apartments, and go out of town together.

Summary (in detail)

On July 11, 1856, in a hotel room in St. Petersburg, they found a strange note, similar to the last message of a suicide. It said that they would soon hear about its author on Liteiny Bridge and that no one was blamed for this. Soon it happened. A man shot himself on the Liteiny Bridge. A shot-through cap was found in the river. The next morning, at her dacha on Kamenny Island, a lady was upset by this news. Her name was Vera Pavlovna. While he was sitting and sewing, humming to herself a French song, the maid brought her a letter. After reading it, the woman was inconsolable, and the man who entered tried to calm her down. She did not let up and blamed herself for everything.

To make it clearer why the circumstances have developed this way, you need to know the background of the life of Vera Pavlovna, who grew up in St. Petersburg in a multi-storey building on Gorokhovaya. Her father was a manager, and her mother was a usurer. Mom was a rather stupid and angry woman who dreamed of marrying Vera as profitably as possible. To do this, she dressed up her daughter in every possible way, taught music, brought out into the light, in a word, arranged a hunt for a rich groom. Soon her dream came true, the master's son, officer Storeshnikov, drew attention to the beautiful Vera. Deciding to take advantage of the situation, he decided to seduce the young lady. Vera's mother demanded that she be kind to him. Knowing the true intentions of the seducer, Vera in every possible way avoided courtship, but this could not last long.

This situation was resolved in a completely unexpected way. A teacher for Vera's brother Fedya was invited to their house. It turned out to be a young medical student Dmitry Sergeevich Lopukhov. At first, Vera was wary of the guest, and then they more and more often talked together on different topics. Sharing a common outlook on life, they felt an affection for each other. Lopukhov, having learned about the painful situation of the girl in the house, wanted to help her. He tried to find Vera a place as a governess so that she could move out of the house, but in vain. Nobody wanted to take a young lady who had run away from home. Then he himself left his studies in his last year and took up private lessons in order to earn money for their common life. After that, he proposed to Vera. During this period, she had her first prophetic dream. In it, she was released from prison and talked with a beautiful girl who calls herself love for people. Then Vera promised her to continue to release all the locked girls from the cellars.

The young people rented an apartment, lived happily and measuredly. The hostess, however, considered their relationship a little strange, since they lived separately and did not enter each other without knocking. Vera explained to her that such a relationship leads to a long and happy life. So, spouses will never bother each other. Gradually, Vera took up private lessons. During the breaks, she read a lot and regularly ran the house. Over time, she even conceived her own sewing enterprise, for which she invited other girls to work. But they did not work for hire, but on equal terms with her. They began not only to work together, but also to relax together, arrange tea-drinking, picnics. The enterprise flourished. Soon she had a second dream. In it, she looked at a field on which there were two muds: real and fantastic. The first was caring for the bare essentials, and ears grew from it. And the second was taking care of unnecessary things. Accordingly, nothing good could grow out of her.

A friend and classmate of Dmitry Sergeevich, Alexander Matveyevich Kirsanov, was a regular of the Lopukhovs. Both of them made their own way, without any help or connections. Sometimes, when Dmitry Sergeevich was busy, Kirsanov could take Vera Pavlovna to the theater, to a concert. They talked a lot on different topics. He was a very interesting, courageous and strong-willed person. Soon, he stopped visiting the Lopukhovs, without explaining why. As it turned out, he was in love with his friend's spouse and did not want to disturb them. Once Dmitry Sergeevich fell seriously ill and then Kirsanov nevertheless appeared in their house as a doctor in charge. He not only treated a friend, but also helped Vera Pavlovna in everything while her husband was ill. Gradually, she realized that she, too, was in love with this man. Vera Pavlovna was in complete confusion. Soon she had a third dream. In it, she saw some stranger reading her diary. This diary said that Vera felt for her husband something akin to gratitude, and not a tender feeling that she really needed.

This situation seemed insoluble to all three. Lopukhov found only one way out of it - a shot on the Liteiny Bridge. This news to Vera Pavlovna was brought by Rakhmetov, their mutual friend. It was he who explained to her why she reached out to Kirsanov. Her dissimilarity with Lopukhov was so great that she needed another person. After this conversation, she calmed down a bit and left for a while to Nizhny Novgorod. Soon she and Kirsanov got married. Vera Pavlovna opened another sewing workshop. A certain medical student from Berlin, a good friend of Lopukhov, also told her that Lopukhov and Vera Pavlovna were too different. Lopukhov himself had a penchant for solitude, and his wife was too sociable. Thus, it turned out that the situation settled down to the general pleasure.

Vera Pavlovna continues to live as she did. She now has two types of rooms in her house: neutral and non-neutral. The spouses can enter the latter without knocking. Alexander Matveyevich allows her to lead a normal life and is even interested in her affairs. He is always ready to help in difficult times. With his help, she begins to get involved in medicine. She soon sees her fourth dream. In it, nature is filled with love and pleasant aromas. The history of women in different millennia passes before her eyes, from the role of a slave to a goddess. Then a tournament takes place in which a brave knight fights for the heart of a beautiful lady. In the face of the goddess, she recognizes herself. Although imperfect, this face is illuminated with love.

A variety of interesting people, friends and like-minded people come to visit the Kirsanovs. All of them are young, full of strength and energy, have life principles and goals. Among them, the Beaumont family stands out. Ekaterina Vasilievna Polozova was once the richest bride in St. Petersburg. She was in love with an unworthy person, but Kirsanov Alexander Matveyevich, with his advice, helped her to understand this situation. Soon she married Monsieur Beaumont, an agent of an English firm. He was fluent in Russian. According to him, he lived in Russia for many years. Their romance developed logically and without unnecessary fuss. Both of them are balanced, self-confident people. Having met with Charles Beaumont in person, Kirsanov realized that it was Lopukhov himself, and they began to be closely friends with their families.

I. Fool

The novel begins with a precise date - July 11, 1856. It was on this day that a young man settled in one of the St. Petersburg hotels. He ordered a modest dinner in the room and asked to be woken up early tomorrow to have important things to do. However, the next morning, the guest did not open the door, no matter how many knocks on it. I had to call a policeman, who also could not get through to the number. I had to break down the door.

The room was empty, but there was a note on the table. It reported that the man had left the hotel in the evening. Soon they will hear about him on Liteiny Bridge, but no one should fall under suspicion.

The policeman realized that the guest of the hotel was the very man who had shot himself that night on the Liteiny Bridge. True, the fact of suicide has not yet been proven, and the body has not been found, however, the shot-through cap has already been fished out, and many have heard the shot itself.

II. The first consequence of the stupid case

On the same morning, at the dacha of Kamenny Island, a young woman, Vera Pavlovna, sewed a dress and sang a cheerful French song about workers. However, the woman's mood was not the most rosy, she seemed to have a presentiment of trouble. Soon it happened. The maid brought Vera Pavlovna a letter, from which it became clear that the person dear to her had taken his own life.

On the woman's sobbing, a young man entered the room, who immediately rushed to calm Vera Pavlovna. However, she began to repulse the comforter and blame him for the death of their mutual friend. Then she laid the blame on herself.

Within an hour, Vera Pavlovna managed to cope with her emotions, and she decided to leave Petersburg. First to Moscow, and then to some large city where you can find a job as a governess. She announced this to the young man, assuring that it would be better for both. The young people's farewell was emotional and short.

III. Foreword

In the preface, the author, in a somewhat ironic manner, calls his readers the public. He discusses how ready society is to perceive a serious work, do people need it? After all, the most popular are detectives and low-quality romance novels. Accepting this fact, the author knows that there are still people who, in their moral and intellectual development, stand above the rest. For the sake of such readers, he wants to create.

Chapter first. The life of Vera Pavlovna in the parental family

The main character of the novel is Vera Pavlovna Rozalskaya. Her childhood was spent in St. Petersburg, in a multi-storey building on Gorokhovaya street, next to the Semenovsky bridge. Vera's father Pavel Konstantinovich Rozalsky worked as a manager in the house, and also served as an assistant clerk in one of the departments. Vera's mother Marya Alekseevna gave money on bail and made a small "capital". According to her, five thousand.

The woman brought up Faith in severity. Already at the age of fourteen, the girl sheathed the whole family. When Vera grew up, her mother began to call her a gypsy for her dark complexion. The sixteen-year-old girl often looked in the mirror and gradually came to terms with the fact that she was ugly. In fact, this was not the case. Soon Marya Alekseevna stopped calling her daughter a scarecrow and dressing her up in rags. On the contrary, I began to buy her expensive and beautiful dresses.

And all because the calculating woman decided to find a rich groom for her Vera. At this time, there was a rumor that the boss of Pavel Konstantinovich was interested in Vera. This option was quite acceptable for Marya Alekseevna, but the official thought too long and could not take the first step.

Then Marya Alekseevna drew attention to the master's son - a young officer and fashionable dandy Mikhail Ivanovich Streshnikov, who sometimes came to their apartment. She instructed her daughter to be more affectionate with her boyfriend, even organized a trip to the theater, where Vera, Marya Alekseevna and the master's son with two friends were in the same box. However, Vera, referring to a headache, went home. She perfectly understood the intentions of the young womanizer, who only wanted to seduce her.

But Marya Alekseevna did not want to retreat from her plan. She was firmly convinced that sooner or later Streshnikov would marry her daughter. For this, an enterprising woman was ready to make every effort. Since then, life in the parental home has become unbearable for Vera.

Events unfolded as usual. Mikhail Streshnikov could no longer give up the idea of ​​possessing Vera. If she does not want to become a mistress, then let him marry him. Given the wealth and position of Mikhail Ivanovich, every girl from an ordinary family could not refuse such a profitable party. Storeshnikova and his French friend Julie pushed to marry. The lady of the half-world was sure that by marrying such an intelligent and beautiful girl, Mikhail would make a brilliant career.

However, Vera refused the offer, which further inflamed Mikhail's passion. He began to beg the girl not to answer him with a categorical "no", but to give him a chance to improve and earn her love. Vera Pavlovna agreed, although she warned Streshnikov that she would not change her decision.

This situation lasted for about four months. Marya Alekseevna, Pavel Konstantinovich, Verochka, Mikhail Streshnikov and his mother Anna Petrovna have been waiting all these days: when will the matter finally become clear?

Chapter two. First love and legal marriage

A young man, Dmitry Sergeevich Lopukhov, began to appear in the Rozalskys' house. He was a medical student who worked as a private tutor for a living. Since Vera Pavlovna's nine-year-old brother Dmitry needed a tutor, Lopukhov was invited to help the boy in mastering some disciplines.

Vera did not meet Dmitry immediately. At first, she learned from Fyodor that his teacher was a busy man, he paid little attention to women, even to such pretty ones as his sister. This information from her brother somewhat disappointed Vera, she decided that Dmitry is a rather boring person, although he is not bad-minded.

But soon in the relationship of the two young people, dramatic changes took place. It happened at Vera Pavlovna's birthday party, where Lopukhov was also invited. There were not many guests, since the birthday girl wanted to celebrate the holiday in a relaxed atmosphere. Verochka danced the first square dance with the "official" groom. And during the third square dance, her partner was Dmitry Lopukhov. The first frank conversation took place between the young people. During the evening, they talked several more times and felt an affection for each other.

Lopukhov told Vera that he lives in a rented apartment with his very close friend Alexander Kirsanov, who has dark blond hair and dark blue eyes. Kirsanov has already graduated from the Medical Academy, is considered an excellent doctor, although he has a small medical practice, and is more inclined towards scientific work.

The next day, Vera Pavlovna decided that Lopukhov could be completely trusted, so she told the student about her plight. Dmitry decided to help the girl and persistently began to look for a place for her as a governess.

Verochka's first dream

Around this time, Vera Pavlovna had her first significant dream, of which there will be four in the novel. In a dream, Vera breaks out of the stuffy basement in which she lay and was sick. She walks in the fresh air, in a beautiful field, where she meets a kind, charming woman who helps everyone. Vera promises her new friend that she will also release women from dark and damp cellars to freedom.

And the reality is that no one wants to take responsibility for the girl who is going to leave the parental home. Vera meets with Dmitry at the agreed place, but each time the young man cannot tell her anything comforting.

Soon, Dmitry clearly understands that in this way he will not be able to get Vera out of the parental home and decides to marry her. Lopukhov makes an offer to Rosalskaya. Vera Pavlovna agrees, but immediately sets out her own conditions, since the marriage is formal. They will not only sleep with Dmitry separately, but also spend most of their time in different rooms. In addition, Vera Pavlovna does not want Alexander Kirsanov to live with them.

Lopukhov agrees to all the conditions, moreover, he tries to earn as much money as possible so that the new family does not need anything. Dmitry understands that he needs to rent an apartment for the first time. He manages to find decent and inexpensive housing on Vasilievsky Island.

The newlyweds were married by Lopukhov's acquaintance, priest Alexei Petrovich Mertsalov, who once graduated from the course at the theological academy. Before this sacrament, Dmitry invited Vera to kiss so as not to feel special awkwardness during the ceremony. After all, there, too, you need to kiss, such is the church tradition.

After the wedding, Vera Pavlovna was no longer kept in her parents' house. Only it was necessary to somehow explain to my mother. The girl decided that it would be best to inform her about this outside the house, so that Marya Alekseevna would not restrain her daughter by force. Soon a suitable excuse was found. When Vera Pavlovna told her mother that she was going for a walk along Nevsky Prospekt, Marya Alekseevna volunteered to keep her company. Near Ruzanov's shop, Vera quickly informed her mother that she was leaving home, since she had married Dmitry Sergeevich. The girl quickly jumped into the first carriage she saw.

Chapter three. Marriage and second love

Three months have passed since Vera Pavlovna began to live in a rented apartment with Dmitry Lopukhov. The owner and hostess of the apartment were, however, surprised by the relationship of the newlyweds. "Sweetheart" and "sweetheart" slept in different rooms, they entered each other only at a knock. They were always neatly dressed. Vera tried to explain to the hostess that such a relationship guaranteed a long family life, but she hardly agreed with her.

But things in the new family were going well. Vera Pavlovna also contributed to the family budget. She gave private lessons, and soon opened a small sewing workshop. Julie helped her in this.

Vera Pavlovna's second dream

First, Vera Pavlovna saw a spike field. Her husband and Alexei Petrovich Mertsalov were walking there. They had a philosophical conversation about dirt. From their judgments it came out that dirt can be useful and harmful, from which nothing can grow. It all depends on the movement. If not, the dirt stagnates. And where there is stagnation, there is no life. Then the heroes of the novel begin to remember their past. Mertsalov talks about a difficult childhood, about how his mother had to work day and night to serve a large family. Vera Pavlovna also remembered her mother Marya Alekseevna, who took care of her daughter, educated her, dressed and fed her. Vera comes to the conclusion that her mother, although evil, did good for her daughter. And over time, evil people will become less and less, they will gradually be replaced by good ones.

Further, it tells in detail about how Vera Pavlovna did business, organized work in her sewing workshop in a new way, and attracted all employees to actively participate in the production process. The girls, who were carefully selected by Vera Pavlovna, did not work for hire, but were co-owners of the workshop, receiving their own percentage of the income. Vera Pavlovna also took care of the rest of her wards. In our free time, we walked together, went to picnics. So successfully and comfortably passed the three years of Verochka's marriage and the establishment of the workshop.

Somehow, after one picnic, Dmitry Sergeevich felt unwell and turned to Alexander Kirsanov for help. Together they determined that Lopukhov had developed pneumonia. The disease is not yet dangerous, but measures must be taken. Since then, Alexander Kirsanov began to often visit the Lopukhovs' house, reprimanded Vera Pavlovna for being very worried, not sleeping at night, which could cause serious harm to her health.

A few years ago, Kirsanov suddenly realized that he had tender feelings for Vera Pavlovna, but he immediately decided that he should not create problems for his friend. With an effort of will, he extinguished these feelings. I practically stopped visiting the Lopukhovs' house. However, now Kirsanov was afraid that a new spark might flare up. Indeed, something has changed in the relationship between young people. They felt that they were in love with each other. Both Kirsanov and Vera Pavlovna understood perfectly well that the “fictitious” marriage of a woman to Lopukhov brings a comfortable and well-to-do life. But their hearts yearned for love.

Vera Pavlovna's third dream

In this dream, Vera Pavlovna's secret feelings are manifested, much of what she was afraid to admit even to herself. Together with the famous singer Bosio, Vera Pavlovna reads her diary, which, by the way, she never kept in real life. From her notes it becomes clear that a woman has many wonderful feelings for her husband: respect, gratitude, trust ... However, this list does not include the love that Vera Pavlovna has for Alexander Kirsanov. A woman really wants to love her husband, but she cannot command her heart.

After a while, Vera Pavlovna decides to tell Dmitry Sergeevich her dream, and then writes a letter to her husband, in which she admits that she loves Kirsanov. Vera Pavlovna left this letter in Lopukhov's office, wanted to pick it up, but did not have time. Dmitry Sergeevich was already mentally prepared for such a turn of affairs, therefore, after Vera's confession, he left for Ryazan, and from there - to St. Petersburg, where he settled on July 11 at a hotel. Now it becomes clear who the man was who, at the beginning of the novel, shot himself on the Liteiny Bridge. But what happened to Lopukhov after all? After all, they found only his shot-through cap.

Soon after Vera Pavlovna found out about what had happened and began to pack her things for the trip, a friend of her husband and Kirsanov, a student Rakhmetov, came to visit her. The following is a detailed story about this person, his relationship, lifestyle and many interesting character traits. The image of Rakhmetov is mysterious and unsaid, but all critics see him as a future revolutionary, and the author calls Rakhmetov "a special person."

At the time of the story, Rakhmetov is only 22 years old, however, he has already seen a lot. To develop the will and temper the character, the young man slept on nails, helped the barge haulers on a journey along the Volga, to maintain physical strength he ate only beef.

Belonging to a noble family and being a rich man, Rakhmetov easily parted with money in favor of the poor, led a Spartan lifestyle, spent only part of his income on himself. The image of Rakhmetov, in the best possible way, personifies the new people to whom Chernyshevsky's novel is dedicated.

Rakhmetov's visit to Vera Pavlovna that fateful day was not accidental. The student brought the woman a note from Lopukhov. In it, Dmitry Sergeevich asks his "sweetheart" to obey this person in everything. Rakhmetov himself calmly and reasonedly explains to Vera Pavlovna that Rozalskaya has many contradictions with Lopukhov. They have too different characters, so such a union could not exist for a long time.

Rakhmetov's words reassure Vera Pavlovna, she completely agrees with such arguments. After a while, the woman leaves for Novgorod, where she meets Alexander Kirsanov.

Chapter four. Second marriage

Vera Pavlovna receives a letter from Berlin from a man who calls himself a close friend of Lopukhov. In this message, the stranger allegedly conveys the thoughts of Dmitry Sergeevich. For example, that he and Vera Pavlovna are very different people. Parting was the best way out of their situation. Lopukhov analyzes all the circumstances of their strange family life.

Vera Pavlovna answers the letter. She analyzes in the same detail the actions of her husband, Alexander Kirsanov, and her own. Relationships within their triangle were distinguished by reasonable egoism, which corresponded to the lifestyle of her friends, and later of Vera Pavlovna herself.

The family life of Rozalskaya and Kirsanov goes on as usual. The couple live on Sergievskaya Street, closer to the Vyborg side. Their house has neutral and non-neutral rooms, which are allowed to enter only after knocking.

Everyone is working hard because another sewing workshop has opened. However, Vera Pavlovna does not forget about herself, she leads a lifestyle that she likes. The spouse is happy to help with this. He is keenly interested in all the affairs of his wife, her mood and well-being. In difficult times, Alexander Kirsanov is ready to lend a man's shoulder. And the beloved spouse helps his wife to study medicine. Vera Pavlovna sometimes goes to her husband to work, to the hospital. In the nineteenth century, women practically did not work as doctors, so Vera Pavlovna's decision was bold.

In a word, everyday life and holidays in the Kirsanov family are filled with interesting things and communication.

The fourth dream of Vera Pavlovna

This time Vera Pavlovna sees in a dream historical pictures, in the center of which is the image of a woman in different eras and among different peoples. But, neither in Astarte, nor in Aphrodite, nor in another woman-queen, Vera Pavlovna does not recognize herself. Nor does she personify herself with the beautiful lady, for whom the knights are fighting in the tournament. Vera Pavlovna understands that love for a woman in the past was ardent, tender, sublime. But she was never free from violence, did not bring a woman real happiness.

And suddenly Vera Pavlovna sees herself in the form of a woman-goddess. Her face is illuminated with the radiance of love. Then bright pictures of the future of Russia flash before the eyes of the woman. Happy people live in beautiful houses there, who work with joy, and indulge in stormy fun in the evenings and on weekends. It is for the sake of such a future that we need to work fruitfully, steadfastly endure all the difficulties and problems of today.

Soon Vera Pavlovna, in tandem with her associate Natalya Mertsalova, opens her own store on Nevsky Prospekt. Women dream that in a few years they will have many sewing workshops, maybe even more than ten. Several more years passed in this way without any special incident.

Chapter five. New faces and denouement

At the beginning of the chapter, the author tells in detail about Katerina Vasilyevna Polozova and her father, a retired captain, who wasted his estate and retired. On a well-deserved retirement, he decided to go into trade and soon succeeded well in this business, becoming a millionaire. Then, however, he went bankrupt again, but Polozov still had some savings for a comfortable life.

The paternal feelings of the former captain for his daughter are somewhat similar to those of Marya Alekseevna. Polozov is also not devoid of tyranny, and many of his actions are aimed only at obtaining his own benefit. He forbids his daughter to meet with the secular ladies' man Solovtsov, with whom Katerina Vasilievna is deeply in love.

On this basis, a serious conflict is taking place in the Polozov family, as a result of which Katerina Vasilievna had a nervous breakdown, and she was on the verge of death. Alexander Kirsanov helped the girl get out of this state, opened his eyes to a man who was not worthy of her love. At the same time, Kirsanov was able to convince Polozov that such methods cannot be used to raise an adult daughter, she must be given freedom of choice.

Meanwhile, life in the Kirsanov family goes on as usual. The work of sewing workshops brings not only a constant income, but also makes it possible to spend your free time in an interesting way. Many interesting people come to visit the Kirsanovs, among them, mainly, young students, like-minded people. They are all hardworking, live by strict rules, and are practical.

One day, among the guests of the Kirsanovs is Katerina Vasilievna Polozova (now Beaumont) with her husband Charles, an agent of an English firm. The spouse speaks excellent Russian, since he spent more than twenty years in Russia. The relationship between Charles and Catherine is based on mutual feelings, however, it is quite rational, without unnecessary worries and passions.

It soon turns out that Charles Beaumont is the ex-husband of Vera Pavlovna Dmitry Sergeevich Lopukhov. On Liteiny Bridge, he only faked suicide, so as not to interfere with the love of Vera and Kirsanov. Then Lopukhov went to America, where he became an entrepreneur and earned substantial capital.

Both families experience great joy in communication and spiritual closeness. They live in the same house, often receive guests, organize holidays and picnics.

At one of these events, a lady appears in mourning. A strange woman is in the center of attention of the guests, she talks a lot, pours jokes, sings and tells the story of her love.

Chapter six. Change of scenery

The last chapter of the novel is very short and shrouded in an aura of mystery. Two years have passed since the picnic. We see the mysterious lady again, only now not in black, but in a bright pink dress and with a beautiful bouquet. She goes to the "Passage" accompanied by acquaintances of young men and a man of about thirty.

Critics rate this image differently. There are two main versions.

  1. A lady in mourning, and then in a pink dress - the image of the revolution from the dreams of Vera Pavlovna. A woman is transformed when her time comes.
  2. The mysterious lady is Olga Chernyshevsky's wife. When her husband was imprisoned, she wore black clothes, and when he was released, she put on a bright holiday dress.

The end of the fifth chapter and the sixth are written in a special style, with hints and omissions. The author most likely could not speak openly about the impending revolutionary sentiments. Perhaps he did not do this on purpose in order to make the reader think and decide on their own.

Nikolay Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

What to do?

From stories of new people


The novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky "What is to be done?" was written within the walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress in December 1862-April 1863. Soon published in Sovremennik, it played a colossal, incomparable role not only in fiction, but also in the history of Russian socio-political struggle. No wonder thirty-eight years later V.I.Lenin also titled his work, dedicated to the foundations of the new ideology.

Published in a hurry, with an incessant eye for censorship, which could prohibit the publication of successive chapters, the journal text contained a number of negligence, misprints and other defects - some of which have remained uncorrected to this day.

The issues of Sovremennik for 1863, containing the text of the novel, were strictly withdrawn, and the Russian reader for more than forty years had to use either five foreign reprints (1867-1898), or illegal handwritten copies.

Only the 1905 revolution lifted the censorship ban on the novel, which was rightfully called the "textbook of life." Until 1917, four editions were published, prepared by the writer's son, MN Chernyshevsky.

After the Great October Socialist Revolution and until 1975, the novel was reprinted in Russian at least 65 times, with a total circulation of more than six million copies.

In 1929, the publishing house Political Prisoners published a rough, half-encrypted text of the novel, which had been discovered in the Tsar's archives shortly before; his reading is the result of the heroic work of NA Alekseev (1873-1972). ([Obituary]. - True, 1972, May 18, p. 2.) However, from the point of view of the requirements of modern textual criticism, this edition in no way can satisfy us today. Suffice it to say that variations and crossed out passages are not reproduced in it. There are many inaccuracies in the publication "What is to be done?" as part of the 16-volume "Complete Works" by Chernyshevsky (v. XI, 1939. Goslitizdat, prepared by N. A. Alekseev and A. P. Skaftmov): in comparison with him, this book contains more than a hundred corrections.

Strange as it may seem, but until now there has not been a scientific publication of the novel. Its text has never been fully commented on: some places that were understandable to contemporaries, but dark for us, remained undisclosed or misinterpreted.

This edition for the first time gives a scientifically verified text of the novel and fully reproduces the draft autograph. The supplement contains a note by Chernyshevsky to A.N. Pypin and N.A. The appendix contains articles on the problems of studying the novel, and the notes necessary for its correct understanding.

Sincere gratitude to the granddaughter of the great revolutionary and writer, N.M. Chernyshevskaya for a number of advice and constant friendly help and M.I. Perper for important textual instructions.

The main text of the novel, a note for A. N. Pypin and N. A. Nekrasov, the article "Problems of Studying the Novel" What Is to Be Done? "And notes were prepared by S. A. Reiser; the article "Chernyshevsky the Artist" - G. Ye. Tamarchenko; draft text - T. I. Ornatskaya; bibliography of translations into foreign languages ​​- BL Kandel. The general edition of the publication was carried out by S.A. Reiser.

"What to do?"

From stories of new people

(Dedicated to my friend O.S.Ch.)

On the morning of July 11, 1856, the servants of one of the large St. Petersburg hotels at the Moscow railway station were at a loss, partly even in alarm. On the eve, at 9 o'clock in the evening, the gentleman arrived with a suitcase, took the number, gave his passport for registration, asked for tea and a cutlet, said not to be disturbed in the evening, because he was tired and wants to sleep, but that tomorrow they would certainly wake up at 8 o'clock, because he had urgent business, he locked the door of the room and, making noise with a knife and a fork, rustling with a tea-set, soon became quiet — apparently fell asleep. Morning has come; at 8 o'clock the servant knocked on the yesterday's visitor - the visitor does not give a voice; the servant knocked harder, very hard - the newcomer still does not respond. He was obviously very tired. The servant waited a quarter of an hour, again began to wake him up, again did not wake him up. Began to consult with other servants, with a barman. "Has something happened to him?" - "We need to break down the doors." - "No, that won't do: you have to break the door with the police." We decided to try to wake up again, harder; if he doesn't wake up here, send for the police. We made the last try; did not get it; sent for the police and are now waiting to be seen with her.

At about 10 o'clock in the morning a police official came, knocked himself, ordered the servants to knock - the same success as before. "Nothing to do, break down the door, guys."

The door was broken down. The room is empty. "Look under the bed" - and there is no traveler under the bed. The police officer went up to the table - there was a sheet of paper on the table, and on it was written in large letters:

"I leave at 11 o'clock in the evening and will not return. They will hear me on the Liteiny Bridge, between 2 and 3 o'clock in the morning. I have no suspicions of anyone."

So this is it, the thing is now understandable, otherwise they could not figure it out, ”said the police official.

What is it, Ivan Afanasevich? the barman asked.

Let's have some tea, I'll tell you.

The story of a police official has long served as the subject of animated retelling and discourse in the hotel. The story was like this.

At half past three in the morning - and the night was cloudy, dark - fire flashed in the middle of the Liteiny Bridge, and a pistol shot was heard. Sentinels rushed to the shot, few passers-by came running - no one and nothing was in the place where the shot rang out. This means that he did not shoot, but shot himself. There were hunters to dive, after a few time they brought the hooks, even brought some kind of fishing net, dived, groped, caught, caught fifty large chips, but the bodies were not found and were not caught. And how to find it? - the night is dark. It is already at the seaside at these two o'clock - go and look there. Therefore, progressives arose who rejected the previous assumption: "Or maybe there was no body? Maybe drunk, or just a mischievous man, he fooled around - he fired, and ran away," otherwise, perhaps, he is standing right there in the busy crowd, yes laughs at the anxiety he has done. "

But the majority, as always, when reasoning reasonably, turned out to be conservative and defended the old: "what a fool - I put a bullet in my forehead, and that's it." The progressives were defeated. But the victorious party, as always, was divided immediately after the meal. Shot himself, so; but why? “Drunk,” was the opinion of some conservatives; "squandered," other conservatives argued. “Just a fool,” someone said. On this "just a fool" everyone agreed, even those who rejected that he had shot himself. Indeed, whether a drunken man, whether he missed a shot, or a mischievous person, did not shoot himself at all, but only threw a thing away - it’s all the same, stupid, stupid thing.

This was the end of the night on the bridge. In the morning, in a hotel near the Moscow railway, it was discovered that the fool had not been fooled, but had shot himself. But as a result of history, there remained an element with which the defeated also agreed, namely, that if he did not play pranks, but shot himself, then he was still a fool. This result, which was satisfactory for everyone, was especially lasting precisely because the Conservatives triumphed: in fact, if he had only played a mischievous shot on the bridge, then, in fact, it was still doubtful whether he was a fool or just a mischievous person. But he shot himself on the bridge - who is shooting on the bridge? how is it on the bridge? why on the bridge? stupid on the bridge! and therefore, undoubtedly, a fool.

Again some doubts appeared: he shot himself on the bridge; on the bridge they do not shoot, - therefore, did not shoot himself. - But in the evening the hotel servant was summoned to the unit to look at the shot-through cap pulled out of the water, - everyone admitted that the cap was the one that was on the road. So, undoubtedly, he shot himself, and the spirit of denial and progress was finally defeated.

The novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky "What is to be done?" created by him in the chamber of the Peter and Paul Fortress in the period from 12/14/1862 to 04/04/1863. in three and a half months. From January to April 1863, parts of the manuscript were transferred to the commission on the writer's case for censoring. The censorship found nothing reprehensible and allowed the publication. The oversight was soon discovered and the censor Beketov was removed from office, but the novel was already published in the Sovremennik magazine (1863, No. 3-5). The bans on the issues of the magazine did not lead to anything and the book was distributed throughout the country in "samizdat".

In 1905, under Emperor Nicholas II, the ban on publication was lifted, and in 1906 the book was published in a separate edition. The reaction of readers to the novel is interesting, as they are divided in opinions into two camps. Some supported the author, others considered the novel devoid of artistry.

Analysis of the work

1. Socio-political renewal of society through revolution. In the book, the author, due to censorship, could not expand on this topic in more detail. It is given by half-hints in the description of Rakhmetov's life and in the 6th chapter of the novel.

2. Moral and psychological. That a person with the power of his mind is able to create in himself new given moral qualities. The author describes the whole process from small (the fight against despotism in the family) to large-scale, that is, revolution.

3. Women's emancipation, norms of family morality. This topic is revealed in the history of Vera's family, in the relationship of three young people before Lopukhov's alleged suicide, in Vera's first 3 dreams.

4. Future socialist society. This is a dream of a beautiful and bright life, which the author unfolds in the 4th dream of Vera Pavlovna. Here is the vision of lightened labor with the help of technical means, that is, the technogenic development of production.

(Chernyshevsky writes a novel in the chamber of the Peter and Paul Fortress)

The pathos of the novel is the propaganda of the idea of ​​transforming the world through revolution, the preparation of minds and the expectation of it. Moreover, the desire to actively participate in it. The main goal of the work is the development and implementation of a new method of revolutionary education, the creation of a textbook on the formation of a new worldview for every thinking person.

Story line

In the novel, it actually covers the main idea of ​​the work. It was not for nothing that at first even the censors considered the novel nothing more than a love story. The beginning of the work, deliberately entertaining, in the spirit of French novels, aimed to confuse the censorship and, along the way, attract the attention of the majority of the reading public. The plot is based on an uncomplicated love story, which hides the social, philosophical and economic problems of that time. Aesop's narrative language is permeated through and through with the ideas of the coming revolution.

The plot is as follows. There is an ordinary girl Vera Pavlovna Rozalskaya, whom the selfish mother tries in every possible way to pass off as a rich man. Trying to avoid this fate, the girl resorts to the help of her friend Dmitry Lopukhov and enters into a fictitious marriage with him. Thus, she gains freedom and leaves her parents' house. In search of earnings, Vera opens a sewing workshop. This is not an ordinary workshop. There is no hired labor here, women workers have their share of the profits, therefore they are interested in the prosperity of the enterprise.

Vera and Aleksandr Kirsanov are mutually in love. To free his imaginary wife from remorse, Lopukhov fakes a suicide (it is with his description that the whole action begins) and leaves for America. There he acquired a new name, Charles Beaumont, became an agent of an English firm and, fulfilling its assignment, came to Russia to acquire a stearic plant from the industrialist Polozov. Lopukhov at Polozov's house meets his daughter Katya. They fall in love with each other, the affair ends with a wedding. Now Dmitry is announced to the Kirsanov family. Friendship begins with families, they settle in the same house. Around them, a circle of "new people" is formed who want to arrange their own and social life in a new way. Lopukhov-Beumont's wife Ekaterina Vasilievna also joins the business, arranges a new sewing workshop. Such is the happy ending.

main characters

The central character of the novel is Vera Rozalskaya. She is especially sociable, belongs to the type of "honest girls" who are not ready to compromise for a profitable marriage without love. The girl is romantic, but, despite this, she is quite modern, with good administrative inclinations, as they would say today. Therefore, she was able to interest the girls and organize a sewing production and more than one.

Another character in the novel is Dmitry Sergeevich Lopukhov, a student at the Medical Academy. Somewhat closed, prefers loneliness. He is honest, decent and noble. It was these qualities that prompted him to help Vera in her difficult situation. For her sake, he drops out of his last year and begins to engage in private practice. Considered the official husband of Vera Pavlovna, he behaves towards her in the highest degree decent and noble. The apogee of his nobility is his decision to stage his own death in order to allow Kirsanov and Vera, who love each other, to unite their fates. Just like Vera, he refers to the formation of new people. Smart, adventurous. This can be judged if only because the British firm entrusted him with a very serious matter.

Kirsanov Alexander is the husband of Vera Pavlovna, Lopukhov's best friend. He is very impressed by his attitude towards his wife. He not only loves her dearly, but is also looking for something to do for her in which she could fulfill herself. The author feels deep sympathy for him and speaks of him as a courageous person who knows how to carry on to the end the work he has undertaken. At the same time, the person is honest, deeply decent and noble. Not knowing about the true relationship of Vera and Lopukhov, falling in love with Vera Pavlovna, disappears from their house for a long time, so as not to disturb the peace of his loved ones. Only Lopukhov's illness compels him to appear for the treatment of a friend. The fictitious husband, realizing the state of the lovers, imitates his death and makes room for Kirsanov next to Vera. Thus, lovers find happiness in family life.

(In the photo, the artist Karnovich-Valois in the role of Rakhmetov, the play "New People")

A close friend of Dmitry and Alexander, the revolutionary Rakhmetov is the most significant hero of the novel, although little space is allotted to him in the novel. In the ideological outline of the narrative he played a special role and is devoted to a separate digression in chapter 29. The person is extraordinary in all respects. At the age of 16, he left the university for three years and wandered around Russia in search of adventure and character education. This is a person with already formed principles in all spheres of life, in material, physical and spiritual. At the same time, he has an ebullient nature. He sees his future life in serving people and prepares for this, tempering his spirit and body. He even refused his beloved woman, because love can limit his actions. He would like to live like most people, but he cannot afford it.

In Russian literature, Rakhmetov became the first practical revolutionary. Opinions about him were completely opposite, from indignation to admiration. This is the ideal image of a revolutionary hero. But today, from the standpoint of knowledge of history, such a person could only arouse sympathy, since we know how accurately history has proved the truth of the words of the Emperor of France Napoleon Bonaparte: "Revolutions are conceived by heroes, performed by fools, and scoundrels use its fruits." Perhaps the voiced opinion does not quite fit into the framework of the image and characteristics of Rakhmetov formed for decades, but this is really so. The above does not in the least detract from the qualities of Rakhmetov, because he is a hero of his time.

According to Chernyshevsky, using the example of Vera, Lopukhov and Kirsanov, he wanted to show ordinary people of the new generation, of whom there are thousands. But without the image of Rakhmetov, the reader could have a deceptive opinion about the main characters of the novel. According to the writer, all people should be like these three heroes, but the highest ideal that all people should strive for is the image of Rakhmetov. And with this I completely agree.

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