Eight Rockefeller Hearts. Eight Rockefeller hearts (1 photo) Rockefeller how many hearts

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American billionaire David Rockefeller passed away today, March 20, at his home in New York. He was 101 years old. This was reported by the New York Times. According to the representative of the Rockefeller family Fraser Seitel, the cause of death was chronic heart failure.

David Rockefeller was not only a legendary businessman (he is the ex-president of Chase Manhattan Bank, but also the grandson of oil tycoon and the first-ever dollar billionaire John Davison Rockefeller). He is also the record holder for the number of organ transplants.

Seven times he had a heart transplanted - there was not a single person in the world who owned eight hearts. David Rockefeller experienced his first transplant in 1976, when he was 62 years old. The last one was in August 2016.

In the medical world, David Rockefeller is such a legend that Russian surgeons are quite familiar with the history of his illness.

The reason for the first heart transplant was cardiomyopathy, a disease that made the heart muscle unusable, '' cardiac surgeon Vladimir Khoroshev told Life. - Simply put, the heart has ceased to function as a pump, to perform its direct function. With such a diagnosis, an artificial heart has not yet been invented, there is only one way out - a transplant.

After the first transplant, David Rockefeller, as expected, took immunosuppressants - drugs that suppress the immune system so that the body does not reject the donor heart.

Subsequent transplants for Rockefeller were done because the donor heart ceased to function: the body still rejected the tissues of the new heart, - said V. Ladimir Horoshev. - Need to understand that it is almost impossible for ordinary people to do a second transplant. It is very expensive. He had such an opportunity. A heart transplant is a very expensive operation. At least 10-12 specialists take part in it, plus analyzes, diagnostics, and donor search (usually donor hearts are taken from deceased people). An operation like this, especially the last one he had when he was 99, costs millions of dollars.

According to the doctor, the cause of the banker's death was not operations, but "a combination of reasons - first of all, age."

As the vice-president of the Interregional Public Organization of the Transplantation Community Alexei Zhao said, seven heart transplants are a unique case, and if the patient did not have a big name and an impressive budget, none of the specialists would undertake organ transplants.

In America, a patient or an insurance company pays for the operation itself, medications, supplies, but the heart as a donor organ is priceless, you cannot buy it. To get it, you need to go through the queue. According to the doctor, it is not known for sure whether Rockefeller went through the line, especially all seven times, but it can be assumed that the famous name and money helped him speed up the process.

So many transplant operations are due to the fame and financial capabilities of the patient, he said. - It is extremely rare for an ordinary patient to have a chance of a second transplant; a third is almost out of the question. This moment is due to a large deficit and a queue for donor hearts.

The doctor noted that a fair turn is a very serious matter.

Every patient has the right to a transplant if there is a vital need, the doctor said. - But in case of organ deficiency, the most optimal recipient is chosen, who will live longer. Therefore, when a person is 90 years old and has already had several transplants, doing another one is impractical from a social point of view and in terms of costs. The heart could go to a young man who would have lived with him for another 50 years.

It is also known that David Rockefeller survived two kidney transplants.

David Rockefeller successfully had a heart transplant for the sixth time in the last 39 years, according to World News Daily Report. The operation, which lasted six hours, was performed by a group of private surgeons at the billionaire's and philanthropic family estate in Pocantico Hills, New York. 99-year-old Rockefeller literally a few hours after that was already joking with reporters and said that feels good.


36 hours after the operation, he allowed the press to ask him a few questions. “Every time I get a new heart, it’s as if I’m breathing new life into my body. I feel energetic and alive,” the billionaire commented on his condition.

When asked about the secret of your longevity Rockefeller replied that it lies in the ability to live simply. "People often ask me this question, and I always answer the same thing: you need to love life. Live a simple life, play with your children, enjoy the things that you like, spend time with good, loyal friends," the billionaire explained with a kind smile.

He underwent his first heart transplant in 1976. Then, Rockefeller had a car accident, after which he had a heart attack. The transplant was carried out 24 hours after the tragedy, and a week later he was already jogging. In addition to heart surgery, the billionaire underwent kidney transplants twice - in 1988 and 2004.

It didn't seem to work. The oldest billionaire in the world has passed away at the age of 101, having undergone six heart surgeries in his life. Of course, not free ...

With a golden spoon in your mouth ...

David Rockefeller was the third generation of the famous American financial dynasty. His grandfather, John Rockefeller, was the founder of the Standard Oil Company and the country's first dollar billionaire.

David was born in New York on June 12, 1915. He graduated with honors from Harvard in 1936 with a degree in English history and literature. But later he entered the London School of Economics. In 1940, the young Rockefeller received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Chicago and married his same age as Margaret McGraph, the daughter of a Wall Street law firm partner. Subsequently, in marriage, they had six children.

In the same 1940, David began his career. He first served as Secretary to the Mayor of New York, then as Assistant Regional Director in the Department of Defense, Health and Human Services. However, in May 1942 he went to the front as a private. He served in North Africa and France, served as an assistant military attaché in Paris, and was engaged in military intelligence. In 1945, he ended the war with the rank of captain, and in April 1946 he joined Chase National Bank in New York as assistant manager of the foreign department.

In 1952, David Rockefeller was promoted to the position of First Vice President of Chase National and facilitated its merger with the Manhattan Bank. So in 1955 the giant of the financial industry "Chase Manhattan" was created.

From 1961 to 1981, Rockefeller was chairman of the board and at the same time president of Chase Manhattan Bank, and since 1969 he also served as CEO of the bank. On April 20, 1981, he had to retire due to age, but he remained chairman of the International Advisory Committee of Chase Manhattan.

Along with his financial activities, David Rockefeller was involved in other projects, while becoming famous for his neo-globalization

and looks. He headed the Council on Foreign Relations, was a member of the famous Bilderberg Club, participated in the Dartmouth Conferences and the Trilateral Commission, supported various charitable

e and public organizations. By the way, in 2008 he donated $ 100 million to Harvard University, which is the largest private donation in the history of this educational institution.

Rockefeller in the USSR

In August 1964, Rockefeller met with Nikita Khrushchev. It was about increasing the trade turnover between the USSR and the USA. But two months later, Khrushchev was removed from office. In May 1973, a meeting took place between Rockefeller and Alexei Kosygin. As a result, Chase Manhattan became the first American bank to conduct financial transactions in the Soviet Union.

After perestroika, Rockefeller visited Russia several times - in particular, he met with the President of the USSR M.S.Gorbachev, negotiated with him on economic cooperation.

Six hearts

Back in 1976, after a car accident, David Rockefeller underwent heart surgery. Usually, after this, patients will have a long recovery period, there are many restrictions for them. However, a week later, David began to jog.

Over the following years, he underwent five more heart transplants. The last time this happened was in 2015. The operation was carried out right at the Rockefeller residence. It lasted six hours.

“Every time I get a new heart, it’s like a breath of life rolls over my body,” said David. - I feel active and alive. I am often asked the question: how to live long? I always answer the same: live a simple life, play with your children, enjoy everything you do. "

But is that the only thing? David's wife Margaret, who did not undergo such operations, died back in 1996, having lived a little over 80 years. And he himself died on March 20, 2017 at his New York home in Pocantico Hills at the age of 102. His fortune at this time was estimated at $ 3.3 billion.

Heart transplant is not easy and expensive. Many people cannot wait for a suitable donor for years. But if you have money, then everything is possible ... Or did David Rockefeller just inherit the "longevity genes" by nature? It remains to be seen how he managed to live to such an advanced age.

David Rockefeller was known not only as a billionaire and a member of the "world government", but also as the person who underwent seven heart transplants. The last one stopped on March 20, 2017.

On March 20, 2017, David Rockefeller, the oldest billionaire on Earth and the record holder for the number of heart transplants, died.

Rockefeller suffered his first transplant in 1976 after a car accident that provoked a heart attack.

Then he was 61 years old. At that time, heart transplant operations were performed infrequently, and the risk that someone else's heart would not take root in an elderly patient was high. However, everything went well, and a new heart began to beat in the billionaire's chest. And a week later, according to eyewitnesses, he already went for a morning run.

The main problem with transplantation is the rejection of the organ by the immune system. As with any transplant, the patient has to take immunosuppressive drugs. Today, the life expectancy of people after a heart transplant is estimated at more than 10 years.

Over the next 40 years, Rockefeller, according to media estimates, underwent six more operations.

The news of one of the latest operations spread throughout the media in 2015 - they wrote that Rockefeller had a sixth heart transplanted. The original source of the fake news was a publication that published fictitious notes.

Rockefeller received his last heart quite recently, at the end of 2016.

The previous one stopped functioning just a week after doctors warned the billionaire about organ wear.

Rockefeller did not talk too much about his operations. There are no details about them either in the memoirs or in the press. This is not surprising, given the negative public reaction to reports of the operation itself - people around the world expressed strong doubts that Rockefeller received new hearts in the queue for transplantation, and accused him of having deprived some of the other patients of the opportunity to survive ... Given the shortage of donor hearts, even repeated transplants are quite rare.

However, transplantologists who worked with the billionaire denied the connection between Rockefeller's solvency and the organs received.

In addition to hearts, Rockefeller underwent kidney transplants twice - in 1998 and 2004. It is possible that the use of immunosuppressants, which disrupt the functioning of the kidneys, led to the need for transplantation.

David Rockefeller was the grandson of the first-ever dollar billionaire John Rockefeller. He was the first of his kind who could live to be one hundred years old. Over the years, he managed to visit the secretary of the mayor of New York, the military, the director of the Council on Foreign Relations, the president of the bank, and met with world leaders. Rockefeller has donated nearly a billion dollars to various institutions, including $ 100 million to Harvard University, where he studied.

Because of his membership in the Bilderberg Club, which included influential politicians, bankers and businessmen, supporters of the conspiracy theorists accused Rockefeller of involvement in the "world government."

The cause of death of Rockefeller, according to a spokesman for the family, was a new heart failure. The billionaire died quietly in his sleep in his own bed.

The medical history of 101-year-old billionaire David Rockefeller, who passed away on Monday, March 21, became a medical legend during the lifetime of the world famous patient. He received a donor heart seven times and kidneys twice. This is a world record, no one in the world has received so many heart transplants.

David Rockefeller. Photo: Brendan Smialowski / Getty Images

Rockefeller underwent the first heart transplant in 1976 at the age of 62. His last transplant was made in August 2016. A heart transplant for such an old patient has no analogues - doctors impose strict age restrictions on people waiting in line for an organ transplant.

As cardiac surgeon Vladimir Khoroshev told Life, Rockefeller received his first new heart due to cardiomyopathy, this disease rendered the heart muscle unusable. At that time, an artificial heart had not yet been invented, so there was only an option with a transplant, the doctor notes.

Like all patients with organ transplants, David Rockefeller took drugs to suppress the immune system so that the body would not reject the donor heart. However, the heart surgeon notes, all subsequent transplants for Rockefeller were done due to the fact that his body rejected a new donor heart and it stopped working.

It is obvious that such practically unlimited access to donor organs is not available to ordinary people (usually donor hearts are taken from deceased people). In addition, a second transplant itself is an extremely expensive operation, costing millions of dollars.

According to Alexei Zhao, vice-president of the Interregional Public Organization of the Transplantation Community, seven heart transplants for Rockefeller are truly a unique case. If it were not for the famous name and financial power of the patient, experts would hardly agree to transplant an organ at such a respectable age.

The heart itself as a donor organ is priceless and cannot be bought. Sometimes people die without waiting for their donor organ for transplant. One can only guess how far the rules of this queue for a donor heart extended to Rockefeller, but it is obvious that the famous name and money helped him speed up this process seven times.

A fair turn for a donor organ is a very serious matter, says Aleksey Zhao. In case of organ deficiency, it is customary to choose the most optimal recipient who will live longer. When a person is 90 years old and has already had several transplants, it is inappropriate to do another transplant both from a social point of view and from a cost perspective. Such a heart could have saved someone's younger life, the doctor noted.

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