Test to determine the leading perceptual system. Perception tests

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Auditory, visual, kinesthetic test. Diagnostics of the dominant perceptual modality S. Efremtsev. (Methodology leading channel of perception)

S. Efremtsev’s diagnosis of the dominant perceptual modality serves to determine the leading type of perception: auditory, visual or kinesthetic.

Which sense organs are most likely to “respond” to you when you interact with the outside world? What type of people are your loved ones? How do they perceive the world around them: visually, auditorily, or by touch? The Perceptual Channel technique will help you better understand yourself and others.

Each of us has a leader among our sense organs, which reacts faster and more often than others to signals and stimuli from the external environment. Similarity of types can contribute to love, discrepancy gives rise to conflicts and misunderstandings. If you know what type of people you care about and just know, it will be easier for you to convey information to them and understand what they want to tell you. For example, how do people with a certain type of perception know that someone loves them?

Visual (visual perception) - by the way they look at it.
- Kinesthetic (tactile perception) - by the way it is touched.
- Auditory (auditory perception) - by what is told to him.
- Discrete (digital perception) - according to what logic dictates.

Auditory, visual, kinesthetic test (diagnosis of the dominant perceptual modality by S. Efremtsev / perception technique):

Instructions for the test.

Read the suggested statements. Put a "+" sign if you agree with this statement, and a "-" sign if you disagree.

Test material (questions).

1. I like to watch clouds and stars.
2. I often hum to myself quietly.
3. I don’t accept fashion that is uncomfortable.
4. I like to go to the sauna.
5. In a car, color matters to me.
6. I recognize by steps who entered the room.
7. I am entertained by imitation of dialects.
8. I attach serious importance to appearance.
9. I like getting a massage.
10. When I have time, I like to watch people.
11. I feel bad when I don’t enjoy movement.
12. Seeing clothes in the window, I know that I will feel good in them.
13. When I hear an old melody, the past comes back to me.
14. I like to read while eating.
15. I like to talk on the phone.
16. I have a tendency to be overweight.
17. I prefer to listen to a story that someone is reading than to read it myself.
18. After a bad day, my body is tense.
19. I take a lot of photographs willingly.
20. I remember for a long time what my friends or acquaintances told me.
21. I can easily give money for flowers, because they decorate life.
22. In the evening I like to take a hot bath.
23. I try to write down my personal affairs.
24. I often talk to myself.
25. After a long car ride, it takes me a long time to come to my senses.
26. The timbre of a voice tells me a lot about a person.
27. I attach importance to the way others dress.
28. I like to stretch, straighten my limbs, and warm up.
29. A bed that is too hard or too soft is torment for me.
30. It’s not easy for me to find comfortable shoes.
31. I like to watch television and videos.
32. Even years later I can recognize faces I have ever seen.
33. I love walking in the rain when the drops hit my umbrella.
34. I like to listen when people speak.
35. I like to engage in active sports or perform any physical exercises, and sometimes dance.
36. When the alarm clock is ticking close by, I can’t sleep.
37. I have good stereo equipment.
38. When I listen to music, I beat the beat with my foot.
39. I don’t like visiting architectural monuments on vacation.
40. I can’t stand clutter.
41. I don’t like synthetic fabrics.
42. I believe that the atmosphere in a room depends on the lighting.
43. I often go to concerts.
44. Shaking hands tells me a lot about a given person.
45. I willingly visit galleries and exhibitions.
46. ​​Serious discussion is interesting.
47. Much more can be said through touch than words.
48. I can’t concentrate in noise.

The key to the test is auditory, visual, kinesthetic.

Visual channel of perception: 1, 5, 8, 10, 12, 14, 19, 21, 23, 27, 31, 32, 39, 40, 42, 45.
Auditory channel of perception: 2, 6, 7, 13, 15, 17, 20, 24, 26, 33, 34, 36, 37, 43, 46, 48.
Kinesthetic channel of perception: 3, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 22, 25, 28, 29, 30, 35, 38, 41, 44, 47.

Levels of perceptual modality (leading type of perception):
13 or more – high;
8-12 – average;
7 or less – low.

Interpretation of results:

Count the number of positive answers in each section of the key. Determine which section has more “yes” (“+”) answers. This is your type of leading modality. This is your main type of perception.

Visual. Words and phrases that are associated with vision, images and imagination are often used. For example: “I didn’t see this”, “this, of course, clarifies the whole matter”, “I noticed a wonderful feature”. Drawings, figurative descriptions, photographs mean more to this type than words. People belonging to this type instantly grasp what can be seen: colors, shapes, lines, harmony and disorder.

Kinesthetic. Here other words are often used and definitions , for example: “I can’t understand this”, “the atmosphere in the apartment is unbearable”, “her words touched me deeply”, “the gift was something like warm rain for me.” The feelings and impressions of people of this type concern mainly what relates to touch, intuition, guesswork. In conversation they are interested in internal experiences.

Audial. “I don’t understand what you’re telling me,” “this is news for me...”, “I can’t stand such loud melodies” - these are typical statements for people of this type; Everything that is acoustic is of great importance for them: sounds, words, music, sound effects.

Although there are three main channels of perception, a person processes his life experiences in four ways. After all, there is also a digital channel - a kind of internal monologue associated with words and numbers. Digital (aka discrete) – a very unique and quite rare type, which is characterized by a special perception of the world. Expressions of emotions, conversations about feelings, colorful descriptions of pictures of nature, etc. It’s hard to expect from discretes. This type is focused primarily on logic, meaning and functionality. In a conversation with a discrete person, one gets the impression that he doesn’t seem to feel anything, but he knows a lot, and even more - he strives to find out, comprehend, understand and sort it out. But this is not true at all! People with a digital channel of perception are incredibly sensitive and vulnerable
Among representatives of this type there are especially many chess players, programmers, as well as all kinds of researchers and scientists. In their vocabulary there are often expressions: “where is the logic here?”, “we need to analyze the situation”, “so, by the method of elimination we find out...” Since discrete individuals perceive the world through logical comprehension, it is worth communicating with them precisely with the help of logical arguments, preferably also supported by statistical data.


Visual type

Method of obtaining information

Through vision - through the use of visual aids or directly observing how the relevant actions are performed

Perception of the surrounding world

Receptive to the visible side of the surrounding world; have a burning need to make the world around them look beautiful; easily distracted and anxious when faced with clutter

On a person’s face, his clothes and appearance


Describe the visible details of the situation - color, shape, size and appearance of things

Eye movements

When thinking about something, they usually look at the ceiling; when they listen, they feel the need to look into the eyes of the speaker and want those who listen to them to also look into their eyes


They remember well visible details of the situation, as well as texts and teaching aids presented in printed or graphic form.


Auditory type

Method of obtaining information

Through hearing - in the process of talking, reading aloud, arguing or exchanging opinions with your interlocutors

Perception of the surrounding world

They feel the need for continuous auditory stimulation, and when it is quiet around, they begin to make various sounds - they purr under their breath, whistle or talk to themselves, but not when they are busy studying, because at these moments they need silence; otherwise they have to tune out the annoying noise that comes from other people

What do you pay attention to when communicating with people?

The person's first and last name, the sound of his voice, the manner of his speech and the words he said


Eye movements

Usually they look left and right and only occasionally and briefly look into the eyes of the speaker


Remember conversations, music and sounds well


Kinesthetic type

Method of obtaining information

Through active movements of skeletal muscles - participating in outdoor games and activities, experimenting, exploring the world around us, provided that the body is constantly in motion

Perception of the surrounding world

They are accustomed to the fact that activity is in full swing around them; they need room to move; their attention is always focused on moving objects; They are often distracted and annoyed when other people cannot sit still, but they themselves need to constantly move

What do you pay attention to when communicating with people?

On how the other behaves; what does he do and what does he do


Words denoting movements and actions are widely used; they talk mainly about business, victories and achievements; as a rule, they are laconic and quickly get to the point; often use their body, gestures, pantomime in conversation

Eye movements

They are most comfortable listening and thinking when their eyes are down and to the side; they practically do not look into the eyes of the interlocutor, since it is this position of the eyes that allows them to learn and act at the same time; but if there is a bustle near them, their gaze is invariably directed in that direction


They remember their own and others’ actions, movements and gestures well.

"I see sound, I hear color,
I feel someone's thoughts
Premonitions gnawed at my brains,
Words melt the skeleton.
I know God and love
I feel the limits of meaning
The moon hung tensely
Reality squeezes my throat again.
But opening a soft ringing
purple heartbeat
The soul breathes in ecstasy
The colors of the twelve sides."
(C) Rada Voitsekhovskaya

When I was in school, I saw the colors of letters and words, and even started making a comparison table, trying to collect statistics from my classmates. Then I gave up this business because I realized that if anyone perceives the color of letters, then this is a purely individual matter, and that if there is any general pattern, then I obviously don’t have enough “experimental” people to identify it.
In early childhood, we are all predominantly kinesthetic. It's hard not to be kinesthetic when you're lying in a wet diaper. As we grow, we expand a range of ways of perceiving the world around us and/or we shift the focus of perception towards one of the types of perception.
But the reverse process also occurs - under the influence of upbringing, some of the channels for perceiving information are blocked by stereotypes imposed by society.

Below is a short article and a test to determine the dominant type of perception. Well, if anyone still doesn’t know about themselves :)

“Auditory, visual, kinesthetic, digital... In this article we will try to understand not only the meaning, but also the practical application of the words “auditory, visual, kinesthetic, digital.”
A person receives information from the outside world through 5 sensory channels: visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory and gustatory. (These are officially recognized channels; there are more subtle ones, which scientists are gradually beginning to pay attention to, my comment). Each of these channels, in turn, occupies a place of certain importance in the overall system of perception. Significance refers to the volume, importance and quality of information received. Human sensory systems can be either an innate dominant type (brilliant composers who perceived the world around them as different music) or an acquired one (textile workers working in the production of black fabrics distinguish up to 40 shades of black, while all other people - 2 -3 shades).
For one reason or another, different people develop dominant channels of perception.
There are 3 main types of perception:

1. An auditory person is a person for whom the main information comes through the auditory sensory channel. At the same time, the auditory representative system itself has 2 directions of perception:
a) auditory-tonal - this is a system of perception of sounds and tonal sequences (i.e. sound as a physical phenomenon, in its pure form);
b) auditory-digital - a system of perception of sound in the form of words and their combinations (i.e. perception of sound in a logical, semantic form).
Auditory learners have poor visual memory for faces, but recognize a person well by their voice. A pronounced auditory learner may even close his eyes during a very serious conversation so that the “extra” channel of information does not scatter his attention. In his speech, an auditory speaker much more often uses words associated with his dominant perception system: “I heard that...”, “sounds quite strange...”, etc. For the most part, auditory people are quite talkative, although there are exceptions. The speech of an auditory person is quite diverse and emotionally rich; they prefer to express their thoughts and feelings with the help of sounds (words, exclamations, screams). Auditory learners usually love music and are well versed in it, often humming something out loud while thinking or doing something. Among the category of audiophiles, there are generally quite a lot of composers, musicians and other professions related to music.

2. Visual - a person who perceives the bulk of information through the visual channel. Here, too, various forms of visual perception are distinguished: the color scheme, the image of the picture as a whole, the image of logical symbols (numbers, words, etc.). A visual person tends to gesticulate a lot during a conversation, thereby trying to convey his thoughts or feelings with the help of the images he creates. While listening to information that is serious for themselves, visual learners, like auditory learners, may also not look at the interlocutor, however, unlike the former, they do not close their eyes, but can draw or write something, in this way creating their own perception of what they heard. Visual learners have a good visual memory for faces and easily recognize people they may have seen a long time ago. In his speech, a visual person more often uses words and phrases associated with his main sensory system: “it seems to me that...”, “it looks like something...”, “it’s obvious...”, etc. Visual people love to observe (including people), contemplate nature, and they can make good artists. A visual person can be recognized by his behavior, when his gaze is constantly trying to find something to do, to catch something in his field of vision (even if this object is not of particular interest to him).

3. Kinesthetic - a person who perceives information best through tactile sensations. Our skin is the largest organ with many differentiated receptors (pressure, heat, cold, pain). The number of certain receptors in different people can vary quite greatly, which is why we all perceive pain, cold and other irritants so differently. A kinesthetic person associates his words and actions in one way or another with physical sensations. In a conversation with a kinesthetic learner, you can often hear phrases like “I feel that this is...” or “this makes common sense...”. Kinesthetic people remember people or events through the prism of their feelings during contact (a strong handshake, a cold office during negotiations, etc.). Kinesthetic people, as a rule, have a better developed sense of smell and taste (the least informative systems in our body).

Sometimes the fourth type of perception is classified as a separate category - digital (or discrete type). This type involves the analysis of all other perception systems and based on them there is a general picture of information. This type of perception cannot be considered primary either, since it implies some processing of information received by other systems, as well as logical comprehension, however, it is still necessary to take into account this type of perception as “digital”.

Since there are no pure types of perception (except for serious anatomical or physiological pathologies) and all our sensory systems work cooperatively (although there is a dominant system), intersystem connections in sensations often arise. For example, there is such a thing as “cold” or “warm” colors. A person looking at “cool” colors feels the ambient temperature 3-5 degrees lower. This phenomenon is used in rooms with constantly elevated temperatures (walls are painted with “cold paints in foundries, engine rooms, etc.). Here there is a connection between the visual and tactile perception systems. Another example is that people speak much more quietly in the dark (for no apparent reason) than in normal or bright light. There is a synergy between the human auditory and visual systems. Another example of this type is the “colored” hearing of the composers Scriabin and Rimsky-Korsakov - they heard sounds “colored” in different colors.

To more accurately determine the leading type of perception, there are various tests, one of which is offered below.
This test is a list of 48 statements to which you must answer “agree” or “disagree” as applied to yourself. Write down the numbers of statements with which you agree on a sheet during the test. In order for the results to have the least error, you need to try to abstract yourself from the fact that you are taking a test and try to simply answer the questions, trying to immerse yourself in your feelings in relation to the phrases proposed below.

1 - I like to watch clouds and stars
2 - I often hum to myself
3 - I don’t accept uncomfortable fashion
4 - I love going to the sauna
5 - the color of a car is important to me
6 - I recognize by the steps who entered the room
7 - it amuses me to copy someone's dialect
8 - I spend a lot of time on my appearance
9 - I really like massage
10 - when I have time, I like to look at people
11 - I feel bad when I don't enjoy walking
12 - looking at some clothes in a store, I am convinced that I will feel good in them
13 - when I listen to an old melody, I remember the past
14 - I often read while eating
15 - I talk on the phone very often
16 - I believe that I have a tendency to be overweight
17 - I prefer listening to a book than reading it on my own
18 - after a difficult day my body is tense
19 - I take photos with pleasure and a lot
20 - I remember for a long time what friends and acquaintances told me
21 - I easily give money for flowers, because they brighten my life
22 - I like to take a hot bath in the evening
23 - I try to write down my affairs
24 - I often talk to myself
25 - after a long trip in the car it takes me a long time to come to my senses
26 - I can learn a lot about a person by the timbre of their voice
27 - I often judge people by the way they dress.
28 - I like to stretch, straighten my shoulders, warm up while working
29 - a bed that is too hard or soft is torture for me
30 - I have a hard time finding comfortable shoes
31 - I really like going to the movies
32 - I can recognize a person by sight even after many years
33 - I like to walk in the rain when the drops hit the umbrella
34 - I can listen to what they tell me
35 - I love to dance, and in my free time I also play sports
36 - when I hear the clock, I can’t sleep
37 - I have a high-quality stereo system
38 - when I hear music, I start to beat the beat with my foot or fingers
39 - I don’t like to look at architectural monuments on vacation
40 - I can’t stand clutter
41 - I don’t like artificial fabrics
42 - I think that the atmosphere of the house depends on the lighting
43 - I like to go to concerts
44 - a handshake can tell a lot about a person
45 - I enjoy visiting museums and exhibitions
46 - serious discussion is an exciting activity
47 - a touch can say much more than words
48 - I can’t concentrate in noise

Processing test results:

Place the numbers you wrote down in those sections where they appear in the above table of answers.
Calculate in which section you got the most numbers (statements with which you agree) and see your dominant type of perception. If the number of digits is approximately equal in each section, then you do not have any one dominant sensory system and your type is digital (or discrete)."


Test Auditory, visual, kinesthetic, discrete. Who you are?

External world. How do you perceive it?

In every person, except for the introvert and extrovert, one of four main character types can be identified. These are kinesthetic, visual, auditory and discrete. I would like to note that it is extremely rare to come across a pure type, more often a double or mixed type, in which one type predominates.

The most common type is kinesthetic learners (40% of the population), followed by visual learners (30%), then discrete learners (20%) and, in the minority, auditory learners (10%).

Here are four statements. They are not finished. Under each of them there are four endings. Indicate the ending that suits you best with the number 4, the one that suits you a little worse with the number 3, etc. Place 1 in front of the ending that suits you least. Do this under each of the four statements.

Calculate the total points for each group and compare them. The most points correspond to the leading perception system. A little less - the auxiliary system, that is, the one that is also quite actively involved in your collection of information. Systems that are less of a priority for you will be in third and fourth place.

But if the sums of points for all letters are approximately equal, you skillfully switch from one system to another, harmoniously combine them and, as a result, extract the maximum amount of necessary information, which allows you to more correctly structure your behavior in communication and understand others.

(A) - auditory

(K) - kinesthetic

(B) - visual

(D) -discrete

1.You make important decisions based on...

Feelings and intuition; (TO)

Whatever sounds better; (A)

What looks better and is more beautiful; (IN)

Accurate and meticulous study of all circumstances and prospects. (D)

2. During a conflict with a person, you are most influenced by...

Whether or not I can clearly see another person's point of view; (IN)

The logic of his argument; (D)

How in touch are you with his feelings, does he share his experiences. (TO)

3. You most easily understand what is happening to you when...

Look at yourself carefully in the mirror and decide what to wear; (IN)

Catch your feelings; (TO)

You express it in words; (D)

4. The easiest thing for you...

Select the ideal volume and sound on the stereo system; (A)

Work with the text, choosing the most successful passages related to the subject being studied; (D)

Choose extremely comfortable furniture. (TO)

Find the perfect color combinations. (IN)

5. What you remember best is...

Melodies and sounds; (A)

Logical constructions; (D)

Aromas and taste (K)

Faces, colors, pictures. (IN)

6. You...

Tune in to the sounds in your environment; (A)

You are good at comprehending new facts and data; (D)

Very sensitive to how the fabric your clothes are made from affects your skin; (TO)

Always pay attention to the color of the room you find yourself in. (IN)

Note: It is quite obvious that a simplified and short test such as this will not provide absolutely accurate data. But it can be applied in a variety of environments, including the analysis of business management styles, as well as counseling on marriage and family issues.

VISUALS- these are people who “see” the world around them.

Visuals sense the personal space around them very well, and if you suddenly invade it, they immediately “close themselves” by crossing their arms and legs. They do not tolerate touching, much less hugging. They often give the impression of being snobbish, although this is not always the case...

It is the visual man who loves with his eyes. For him, the main thing is how a woman looks, how beautiful her face is and how proportionate her figure is.

Visuals cannot work without pre-developed schemes. When starting work, they must clearly understand the strategy. Visual learners love visual aids and well-designed reports. Talentedly systematizing work, these people know how to correctly distribute tasks among employees. Visual people, as a rule, are not only the best specialists in their field, they are the most active and know how to use their memory better than many, but they cannot be told “no” and influenced by shouting.

AUDIO- this is a very rare type of people.

They have amazingly acute hearing and excellent memory. When communicating, they do not have to look at or touch the interlocutor, the main thing is to hear him.

Audials are human tape recorders. They can remember and reproduce any of your stories down to the smallest detail. But under no circumstances should you interrupt them, because... they will immediately become silent and will no longer talk to you. Outwardly, an auditory person may seem stubborn and arrogant. But this impression is deceptive; auditory people, as a rule, are very sincere and attentive people, always ready to listen to you and help you with advice. Auditory learners make excellent psychologists, excellent musicians and lecturers.

KINESTHETICS- “feel” the world around them. People in this category do not know how to hide their feelings, their eyes give them away, so they often lower them. The answers to the questions are simple and straightforward. They make decisions based on their feelings.

Kinesthetic people love visiting saunas, taking hot baths, and simply love getting a massage. After an unpleasant day, they are in a state of “squeezed lemon” for a long time. Kinesthetic learners hate uncomfortable clothes and prefer comfort in everything. They perceive touch better than words, and love serious discussions. They allow only the “chosen ones” into their inner world.

DISCRETS- This is a very peculiar type of people. They are more focused on meaning, content, importance and functionality. As one boy said: I fell in love with garlic after I found out how healthy it is.

Discrete people seem to be divorced from real experience - they think more in the words themselves, and not in what is behind the words. For them, what is written or spoken is, as it were, reality. If for everyone else words are access to experience, then for Discrete people all experience consists of words. The problem with a discrete system is that it by itself, without accessing other channels, is not capable of changing information. Words turn only into words, and everything returns to the starting point.

S. Efremtsev’s diagnosis of the dominant perceptual modality serves to determine the leading type of perception: auditory, visual or kinesthetic.

Which sense organs are most likely to “respond” to you when you interact with the outside world? What type of people are your loved ones? How do they perceive the world around them: visually, auditorily, or by touch? The Perceptual Channel technique will help you better understand yourself and others.

Each of us has a leader among our sense organs, which reacts faster and more often than others to signals and stimuli from the external environment. Similarity of types can contribute to love, discrepancy gives rise to conflicts and misunderstandings. If you know what type of people you care about and just know, it will be easier for you to convey information to them and understand what they want to tell you. For example, how do people with a certain type of perception know that someone loves them?

Visual (visual perception) - by the way they look at it.
- Kinesthetic (tactile perception) - by the way it is touched.
- Auditory (auditory perception) - by what is told to him.
- Discrete (digital perception) - according to what logic dictates.

Auditory, visual, kinesthetic test (diagnosis of the dominant perceptual modality by S. Efremtsev / perception technique):

Instructions for the test.

Read the suggested statements. Put a "+" sign if you agree with this statement, and a "-" sign if you disagree.

Test material (questions).

1. I like to watch clouds and stars.
2. I often hum to myself quietly.
3. I don’t accept fashion that is uncomfortable.
4. I like to go to the sauna.
5. In a car, color matters to me.
6. I recognize by steps who entered the room.
7. I am entertained by imitation of dialects.
8. I attach serious importance to appearance.
9. I like getting a massage.
10. When I have time, I like to watch people.
11. I feel bad when I don’t enjoy movement.
12. Seeing clothes in the window, I know that I will feel good in them.
13. When I hear an old melody, the past comes back to me.
14. I like to read while eating.
15. I like to talk on the phone.
16. I have a tendency to be overweight.
17. I prefer to listen to a story that someone is reading than to read it myself.
18. After a bad day, my body is tense.
19. I take a lot of photographs willingly.
20. I remember for a long time what my friends or acquaintances told me.
21. I can easily give money for flowers, because they decorate life.
22. In the evening I like to take a hot bath.
23. I try to write down my personal affairs.
24. I often talk to myself.
25. After a long car ride, it takes me a long time to come to my senses.
26. The timbre of a voice tells me a lot about a person.
27. I attach importance to the way others dress.
28. I like to stretch, straighten my limbs, and warm up.
29. A bed that is too hard or too soft is torment for me.
30. It’s not easy for me to find comfortable shoes.
31. I like to watch television and videos.
32. Even years later I can recognize faces I have ever seen.
33. I love walking in the rain when the drops hit my umbrella.
34. I like to listen when people speak.
35. I like to engage in active sports or perform any physical exercises, and sometimes dance.
36. When the alarm clock is ticking close by, I can’t sleep.
37. I have good stereo equipment.
38. When I listen to music, I beat the beat with my foot.
39. I don’t like visiting architectural monuments on vacation.
40. I can’t stand clutter.
41. I don’t like synthetic fabrics.
42. I believe that the atmosphere in a room depends on the lighting.
43. I often go to concerts.
44. Shaking hands tells me a lot about a given person.
45. I willingly visit galleries and exhibitions.
46. ​​Serious discussion is interesting.
47. Much more can be said through touch than words.
48. I can’t concentrate in noise.

The key to the test is auditory, visual, kinesthetic.

Visual channel of perception: 1, 5, 8, 10, 12, 14, 19, 21, 23, 27, 31, 32, 39, 40, 42, 45.
Auditory channel of perception : 2, 6, 7, 13, 15, 17, 20, 24, 26, 33, 34, 36, 37, 43, 46, 48.
Kinesthetic channel of perception : 3, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 22, 25, 28, 29, 30, 35, 38, 41, 44, 47.

Levels of perceptual modality (leading type of perception):
13 or more – high;
8-12 – average;
7 or less – low.

Interpretation of results:

Count the number of positive answers in each section of the key. Determine which section has more “yes” (“+”) answers. This is your type of leading modality. This is your main type of perception.

Visual. Words and phrases that are associated with vision, images and imagination are often used. For example: “I didn’t see this”, “this, of course, clarifies the whole matter”, “I noticed a wonderful feature”. Drawings, figurative descriptions, photographs mean more to this type than words. People belonging to this type instantly grasp what can be seen: colors, shapes, lines, harmony and disorder.

Kinesthetic. Here other words and definitions are more often used, for example: “I can’t understand this”, “the atmosphere in the apartment is unbearable”, “her words touched me deeply”, “the gift was something like warm rain for me.” The feelings and impressions of people of this type concern mainly what relates to touch, intuition, guesswork. In conversation they are interested in internal experiences.

Audial. “I don’t understand what you’re telling me,” “this is news for me...”, “I can’t stand such loud melodies” - these are typical statements for people of this type; Everything that is acoustic is of great importance for them: sounds, words, music, sound effects.

Although there are three main channels of perception, a person processes his life experiences in four ways. After all, there is also a digital channel - a kind of internal monologue associated with words and numbers. Digital ( aka discrete) – a very unique and quite rare type, which is characterized by a special perception of the world. Expressions of emotions, conversations about feelings, colorful descriptions of pictures of nature, etc. It’s hard to expect from discretes. This type is focused primarily on logic, meaning and functionality. In a conversation with a discrete person, one gets the impression that he doesn’t seem to feel anything, but he knows a lot, and even more - he strives to find out, comprehend, understand and sort it out. But this is not true at all! People with a digital channel of perception are incredibly sensitive and vulnerable
Among representatives of this type there are especially many chess players, programmers, as well as all kinds of researchers and scientists. In their vocabulary there are often expressions: “where is the logic here?”, “we need to analyze the situation”, “so, by the method of elimination we find out...” Since discrete individuals perceive the world through logical comprehension, it is worth communicating with them precisely with the help of logical arguments, preferably also supported by statistical data.


Visual type

Method of obtaining information

Through vision - through the use of visual aids or directly observing how the relevant actions are performed

Perception of the surrounding world

Receptive to the visible side of the surrounding world; have a burning need to make the world around them look beautiful; easily distracted and anxious when faced with clutter

On a person’s face, his clothes and appearance

Describe the visible details of the situation - color, shape, size and appearance of things

Eye movements

When thinking about something, they usually look at the ceiling; when they listen, they feel the need to look into the eyes of the speaker and want those who listen to them to also look into their eyes

They remember well visible details of the situation, as well as texts and teaching aids presented in printed or graphic form.


Auditory type

Method of obtaining information

Through hearing - in the process of talking, reading aloud, arguing or exchanging opinions with your interlocutors

Perception of the surrounding world

They feel the need for continuous auditory stimulation, and when it is quiet around, they begin to make various sounds - they purr under their breath, whistle or talk to themselves, but not when they are busy studying, because at these moments they need silence; otherwise they have to tune out the annoying noise that comes from other people

What do you pay attention to when communicating with people?

Eye movements

Usually they look left and right and only occasionally and briefly look into the eyes of the speaker

Remember conversations, music and sounds well


Kinesthetic type

Method of obtaining information

Through active movements of skeletal muscles - participating in outdoor games and activities, experimenting, exploring the world around us, provided that the body is constantly in motion

Perception of the surrounding world

They are accustomed to the fact that activity is in full swing around them; they need room to move; their attention is always focused on moving objects; They are often distracted and annoyed when other people cannot sit still, but they themselves need to constantly move

What do you pay attention to when communicating with people?

On how the other behaves; what does he do and what does he do

Words denoting movements and actions are widely used; they talk mainly about business, victories and achievements; as a rule, they are laconic and quickly get to the point; often use their body, gestures, pantomime in conversation

Eye movements

They are most comfortable listening and thinking when their eyes are down and to the side; they practically do not look into the eyes of the interlocutor, since it is this position of the eyes that allows them to learn and act at the same time; but if there is a bustle near them, their gaze is invariably directed in that direction

They remember their own and others’ actions, movements and gestures well.

Informal version of the test.

If your friend or you do not have the opportunity or time to take the C Efremtsev test, then you can determine the main channel of perception as follows. Ask him (or yourself) how he (you) would like to spend his vacation (abstract vacation, “dream vacation”).

Now watch in which direction he (you) averted his eyes before formulating an answer. Depending on the direction of gaze, we can tell what images a person creates: visual, auditory or kinesthetic (tactile).

1. If the gaze is directed upward, then this indicates the formation of visual images, drawing a picture - visual.
2. If the gaze is directed downward, this means that the person is trying to listen to his feelings and sensations - kinesthetic.
3. If the gaze is directed straight, either to the left or to the right, without moving up and down (as if towards the ears), then this indicates the formation of sound images - auditory.

For accuracy, try to find answers to more questions. They can be anything, for example: “How would you like to celebrate the New Year?”, “What are your plans for the coming weekend?”, “Remember the most pleasant event in the last month,” etc.

To make your final decision, carefully analyze the answers to the questions asked. For example, if to the question: “Where is the best place to spend a vacation?”, a person uses the following epithets when answering:

1. Azure sea, yellow sand, mountain view from the window, bright sun, tanned girls in swimsuits and other visual images, then probably the person is a visual person.
2. Warm breeze, the smell of the sea, hot sand, heat on the body from tanning, relaxation, spa hotel, etc., then most likely the person is a kinesthetic person.
3. The sound of waves, silence at dawn, the cry of seagulls, fiery music, the whistle of the wind, etc., then a person is an auditory person.

It is extremely difficult for visual learners to remember information by ear, and a kinesthetic learner is unlikely to be able to appreciate your new hairstyle (a visual learner will), but perfume or the ability to do a massage is easy!

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Do you know that by understanding your type of perception (who you are: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, digital) you can increase the quality and speed of your learning and be able to convey your thoughts to a person with high accuracy? How to determine the types of information perception and how to use this knowledge in communication and learning will be discussed in detail in this article.

A ten-year-old child who was considered completely incapable of learning was brought to a wise teacher. Parents complained that no matter how hard they tried, they could not teach their son the simplest arithmetic. No matter how hard they tried to fold sticks, apples, or point with their fingers, nothing came out. He couldn't learn to add and subtract. The teacher talked to the boy for a few minutes. Then he asked his parents to sit aside while he taught their boy to count. Then the teacher asked the boy to stand up and jump over the pebbles. At first the boy simply jumped over the stones. Then the teacher said: “Look, do one jump, then a second, and then jump twice more. How many times did you jump in total?” And suddenly the boy answered - 4. Then the boy jumped and counted even more, in one day he mastered arithmetic, which ordinary children master in six months. The parents sat with their mouths open.

Why was this possible? The teacher was wise. He understood that this boy needed to be taught a lesson so that he managed to perceive. He didn’t just hear, but perceived it in the way that was most understandable to him.

Today we will talk about what types of perception there are, and how understanding the types of perception of information helps in relationships and learning. And also about how to determine your type of perception.

In the simplest approximation, there are four types of information perception: visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, digital.

Channels of perception: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, digital

A person perceives information through the main five channels: visual, auditory, tactile, gustatory, olfactory. And after perception, the information is processed in our head, and the interesting thing is that it is processed on the basis one dominant system.

There are four main types of sensory systems:

  • Visual. When the visual information processing system is dominant: shape, location, color.
  • Auditory. The auditory information processing system is dominant: sounds, melodies, their tone, volume, timbre, purity
  • Kinesthetic. Sensory information is dominant: touch, taste, smell, sensation of textures, temperature
  • Digital. Associated with the logical construction of internal dialogue.

One should not think that the dominance of one means the weakness of the other. Just one of the systems most often is the starting, leading. It is the leading system that launches the thinking process and becomes the impetus for other mental processes: memory, representation, imagination.

For example, you are told, “Imagine the soft fur of a cat.” In order to visualize fur, you must first imagine a cat, and only then remember how soft its fur is. The auditory person first imagines the sounds of a cat (purring, meowing), and then can remember other sensations. The kinaesthetic sense immediately senses the touch of fur, and only then the visual image. Digital needs to say cat to himself and, after internal speech, imagine the image of a cat and fur.

Each of us sees the image of a cat in our heads, but for some it pops up immediately, and for others through their dominant system. The trigger system helps quickly translate stimulus into images in our brain. That is why understanding your leading system allows you to individually and accurately create the principle of perception and memorization of any information.

How to determine the types of information perception? Test to determine the type of perception

There are several ways to determine your type of perception and find out who you are: auditory, visual, kinesthetic, digital. Let's look at a few.

1. Self-observation. Look, what do you use most often during mental activity? How are your thoughts organized? Vivid pictures and images (visual), sensations (kinesthete), sounds and intonations (auditory), inner speech, logical connections, meanings (digital).

2. Below is a small list of words. After reading, try to understand what was the first thing that came to your mind, with what element did the idea begin? And what happened later?

  • Soft touch velvet
  • Musician playing violin
  • Medicine
  • Airplane taking off

If the first thing your idea started with is a picture, an image, then most likely you are a visual person. If the image began with sounds, and only then pictures were presented, then you are an auditory learner. If you needed to physically imagine how objects are located or you quickly developed bodily sensations - kinesthetic, and if you needed to say a word to make it appear - digital.

3. Take a short psychological test according to the method " Diagnostics of the dominant perceptual modality S. Efremtseva»

You can download it directly and, by answering the questions, determine your type of perception. Verification test: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, digital

4. Observe yourself and notice Which type of short-term memory Is yours most developed? What do you grasp quickly and easily: pictures, sounds, sensations, logical connections? What is easier for you to remember?

5. People of each type of perception use certain phrases in their speech and expressions specific to their leading, triggering system. However, I do not recommend relying on this particular test to determine what type you are. It can give an error in a number of cases when a person has accustomed himself to communicate in a certain way, use this method only as a complement to the above methods.

How can you determine who you are: visual, auditory, kinaesthetic or digital by speech?

Carefully monitor your speech and write down exactly the phrases that you use to indicate your opinion and your actions. Most often, a person of a particular type of perception uses phrases characteristic of this modality.


Uses words and phrases associated with visual actions: I didn't see, I saw, I noticed, I think it was colorful and great, it looks, focus, contrast, perspective, you see.


Phrases with auditory phrases: I can’t understand what you’re saying; didn't hear; I heard it; I recently heard; glad to hear from you; I heard it; the idea sounds tempting.


This type of perception is characterized by phrases that show them emotional and bodily responses: I can't stand it; it's disgusting; it is so sweet; goosebumps; so pleasantly warm; it was a powerful experience. Often their nonverbal signs are very indicative; facial expressions and gestures are telling and reflect the state and emotions of a person, even if there are not many nonverbal signs themselves.


Digitals are paying attention on logic and connections. A specific set of words is not typical for them: phrases of auditory and kinesthetic types may appear. Digital people often ask: what is the point of this; I don’t understand how this is connected; I would like to bring everything into a system; we need to streamline this somehow. However, such expressions are typical of most types with a good sense of organization. Therefore, identifying digital from speech must be done with great care.

Each type has its own characteristics that affect its perception of surrounding information, any educational processes, and interaction with other people. Let us analyze the characteristics of people of different types of perception.

Visual, auditory, kinesthetic, digital in the learning process

If you study a lot, go to courses, trainings, read, then understanding your own type of perception will help you organize your own learning process with maximum benefit.


The basis of their learning is visual information. For visual people, hearing and vision form a single whole, therefore, if such a person only heard the material (but did not see), then with a high degree of probability the information will be quickly forgotten. Visual learners instantly absorb all visual information, so it is most beneficial to use all methods and techniques for visually presenting the material:

  • mind maps
  • scheme
  • graphs
  • illustrations
  • photos
  • demonstration models
  • experiments, experiments

Visual learners learn best through visual examples, where they see the material they are learning in real time. Primary memory is visual. They remember well the location of objects, paths, roads, and are well oriented in space. Some noise is not critical for a visual learner; he can concentrate in an environment of some noise and successfully study the material.

Visual learners perceive text information well and are able to quickly learn speed reading.


Uses the auditory perception channel as a trigger. Inner speech is moderately developed. They perceive lectures, music, conversations, and dialogues well. They clearly and effectively maintain the line of conversation and conversation; often it is during the conversation that they grasp the meaning of the material being studied. Silence is necessary when concentrating. If you are an auditory learner, then be sure to listen to lecture material and audio courses. Learn together with others, discussing the topic being studied, thinking out loud about the problem.


Receives information through actions and movements. He remembers any actions and practical exercises well. He perceives all information best through practical exercises and experiments, where he tests the information received with his own hands in practice. Information of a practical nature is especially well perceived: what moves and how, where to click.

It is important for kinaesthetic learners to feel, touch, smell, taste and fully experience the subject being studied. People of this type are very active, love and enjoy working. And they don’t like inaction. It is for kinesthetic learners that the saying “Movement is life” has a special meaning. It is very difficult for kinaesthetic people to maintain focus, they are easily distracted, it is difficult for them to sit still for a long time, or to do routine work.


They are well trained in all sciences that have strict logic and consistency: mathematics, physics, mechanics, technology. Such people often work in areas where there is a lot of research, mathematical and static processing, and programming. The main thing for digital is to understand the logic and connections in the material, to organize what is being studied into a system with clear cause-and-effect relationships. Therefore, during your studies, try to build the logic of the entire topic being studied. For this you can use:

Visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, digital in communication


“You meet people by their clothes...” the beginning of this famous proverb applies entirely to visual people. They attach significant importance to a person’s appearance and always pay attention to how a person looks, what clothes he is wearing, what facial features he has, how he moves.

When communicating, they can look into the eyes calmly and for a long time. Visual contact, inverted posture in communication, open postures are extremely important for the visual person. At the same time, they do not like to be close to their interlocutor and keep their distance. The main thing is to see well. Representatives of this type of perception quickly intuitively read the signals of body language and facial expressions, often without noticing it. Sometimes it seems to them that just by looking at them they know the thoughts of another person.

If you need to impress a visual person, try to pay the most attention to external beauty. The environment, your clothes, gait, facial expressions, and gestures should be as inviting as possible. To prove your words, provide clear examples, graphs, drawings, and be sure to demonstrate your arguments using samples and experiments. Show a picture instead of numbers: visual learners will have difficulty understanding the difference between 1000 and 10,000, but a visual example of the difference will convince them in most cases.

Visual artists themselves are good storytellers. They can imagine amazingly vivid and detailed pictures and talk about them for hours.


A conversation with an auditory student is often very pleasant. Auditory learners themselves are demanding of their speech; they speak measuredly, with competent changes in intonation. It’s nice to listen to them, it’s nice to talk to the auditory. But auditory learners themselves are very demanding of the speech of their interlocutors; they cannot tolerate errors in speech, incomprehensible and distorted speech. It is absolutely forbidden to shout or raise your voice at auditory learners; this will lead to alienation of the person. Audials are always a pleasure to listen to; they are wonderful storytellers and no less wonderful interlocutors, who can understand at a glance by their intonation and manner of speech.


Kinesthetic learners are especially sensitive to spatial surroundings and distances between interlocutors. Close people are allowed into the personal zone, but people they don’t know well are kept at a distance. For kinesthetes, an invasion of their personal zone is offensive, and they begin to experience strong negative emotions. It is best to gain the attention and trust of the kinaesthetic through actions, joint affairs, and common activities.

If you have to remember something, it is better to write it or draw it yourself. Conversations and verbal evidence will make the least impression on a person of this type of perception. And the kinaesthetic always strives to touch and stroke close people. Physical contact is important to him.


They are insensitive in communication and rarely show emotions in public. Particular attention is paid to the semantic, substantive part of the conversation. Beautiful but empty speech is unpleasant to them. With digital, it is best to get to the point in a conversation, proving the logic and correctness of your words with numbers and facts.

Features of each type of perception


The peculiarity of this type of people is that they are receptive to what is visible. They appreciate beauty in the surrounding space and do not tolerate disorder or dirt well. In the life of a visual person there are many ideas, dreams, dreams. They are often generators of ideas, since they can create completely unusual associations and connections in their imagination.


They perceive the world around them, paying especially close attention to sounds. They love music, melodies, and can often hum to themselves and hum songs. Sensitive and receptive to conversations, auditory people have acute hearing and good memory, especially auditory memory. They often choose as their occupation everything related to music, melodies, and oratory.


Kinesthetics are very sensitive to everything that happens around them. Their bodily and emotional sensations are closely intertwined. They love bodily comfort, the convenience of the surrounding space. Uncomfortable clothing or a thread tickling their neck can irritate a kinaesthete student. They love deep personal discussions, communication with emotional exchange, discussion of how others feel. For the kinesthete, touch has the deepest meaning and great value.


People of this type of perception are rarer. They tend to perceive the world around them through inner speech, through dialogue with themselves. Such people are primarily focused on the perception of meaning, logic, and consistency. Digital people always strive to understand and comprehend the essence of what is happening. They may be sensitive and vulnerable, but the world is interesting to them from the point of view of understanding meaning and logic, patterns. In a stressful situation, it is digitals that best maintain composure and calm, and can maintain clarity of thought and perception of the surrounding space.

Strictly speaking, the distribution of people into visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, and digital types is very simplified. In fact, each of these types can be mixed, or maybe with a different leading hemispheric system, which increases the number of options. But we'll talk about this later.

Of course, in each of us there is no pure one type of perception, sometimes they are mixed, sometimes the type of perception is different in a calm and emergency environment, in different situations. But understanding your leading system will allow you to better assimilate any information, understand your interlocutor and better convey your thoughts to him. Understanding your type of perception (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, digital) will allow you to understand how to study specifically for you, taking into account your individual characteristics.

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