Formation of personal files in the archive. How to archive an employee’s personal files

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The period for retaining documentation regarding former personnel depends on the nature of the information. How long are the personal files of dismissed employees kept? According to the current Federal Law No. 125-FZ dated October 22, 2004, personnel records are left in the archives for 75 years. Documents for personnel dismissed after January 1, 2003 remain in the archives for 50 years.

How an employee’s personal file is formed

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 1998 No. 640 regulates the procedure for collecting information about personnel. The documentation required by the employer includes:

  • Questionnaire, resume, characteristics and personal sheet for personnel records.
  • Copies of passport, educational documents (diplomas, certificates), TIN, insurance certificate, documents on marital status.
  • Information from certification.
  • Labor contract.
  • Orders from the employer (on appointment, transfer to another position or place of work, vacations and business trips).

The personal file of a dismissed employee, formed according to the dossier principle, remains in the organization’s personnel service until the end of the calendar year. Within 3 years from the date of dismissal, documents undergo archival and technical processing and are transferred to the company archive.

Storage of personal files of dismissed employees in the archive is carried out in the presence of an annual inventory. An authorized personnel specialist compiles a list of employees dismissed in a particular year. The year of termination of the employment relationship is indicated on the cover of the case.

How long are the personal files of dismissed employees kept?

This period is calculated from the end of the calendar year when the citizen was dismissed. According to the established practice of archiving, the storage period for the personal files of dismissed employees begins to count from January 1.

Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated August 25, 2010 N 558 establishes specific periods during which documents must be kept in the archive. According to the law, the storage periods for the personal files of dismissed employees are:

  • 75 years - for personal cards of persons who left office before the beginning of 2003.
  • 50 years – for personal cards of citizens who terminated their employment relationship later than January 1, 2003.
  • 75 years - for travel cases of those workers who were sent abroad.
  • 75 years – for data on income, property and liabilities of civil servants.
  • 5 years – for characteristics and resumes of specialists.
  • 75 years – for data on rehabilitation issues.
  • 3 years – for documents about persons not hired.
  • 75 years – for original copies of personal documents (certificates, employment certificates, diplomas, certificates, certificates).
  • 5 years – for papers that are not included in personal files (applications, certificates, reports, memos).
  • 75 years – for acts of acceptance and transfer of personal files of civil servants during transfer.
  • 75 years – for documents about the subject of personal data (notifications, consents to information processing).

Rules for using archival information

Civil servants, legal entities and individuals are responsible for ensuring the safety of information about former personnel during regulated periods. Citizens and company representatives can submit requests and appeals for access to the archive of personal files of dismissed workers.

HR specialists provide free copies and certificates of documents related to social and pension issues, benefits and compensation. The data can be used as evidence. After use, the seized documents must be returned to the owner or possessor.

Archival information can be transmitted in the form of electronic documents. In some cases, specialists from libraries, museums, scientific organizations, and government agencies publish reference and information publications.

Documents regulating work when transferring cases to the organization’s archives

The personal files of dismissed employees are subject to transfer to the organization’s archives according to the inventory (clause 23 of the Instructions on the procedure for creating, maintaining and storing personal files of employees, approved by Resolution of the Committee on Archives and Records Management under the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated March 26, 2004 No. 2). They must be bound in a hard cardboard cover with 4 holes or bound, taking into account the possibility of free reading of the text of all documents, dates, visas and resolutions on them. Metal fasteners (chips, paper clips, pins, etc.) must be removed from the files.

Also, files of permanent, temporary (over 10 years) storage and personnel records are transferred to the organization’s archive (clause 204 of the Instructions for record keeping in state bodies and organizations of the Republic of Belarus, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus dated January 19, 2009 No. 4).

Algorithm of actions when transferring personnel files to the organization’s archive

Step 1. We create an inventory of cases.

The transfer of cases to the organization's archive is carried out according to case inventories compiled by structural divisions or employees responsible for the relevant areas of activity, under the methodological guidance of the organization's archive.

For a sample of a list of personnel affairs, including personal files of dismissed employees, see the “Useful Documentation” section on p. 27 magazines.

Inventories of the affairs of structural divisions must be compiled and executed no later than December 31 of the year following the year in which the affairs were completed, and submitted to the organization’s archives during the next office year. This means that the section of the inventory, including cases completed in 2009, must be compiled and approved by the head of the organization no later than December 31, 2011.

The inventory of personnel files includes files whose storage period exceeds 10 years (hiring orders, personal files, personal cards, etc.). Cases with other documents on personnel are not included in the inventory (for example, orders for granting vacations, imposing penalties, sending workers, vacation schedules, correspondence on personnel issues, etc.).

Inventories of personnel files are compiled in all structural divisions of the organization in which the relevant files are formed. In addition to the personnel service, such inventories can be compiled in the accounting department for cases that include personal accounts, and in their absence - on the payroll statement.

Based on the case inventories of structural units, personnel files are transferred to the organization’s archives.

Information describing each of the cases included in the inventory constitutes a descriptive article, which contains:

Serial number;
- case index;
- title of the case (volume, part);
- date of the case (volume, part);
- number of sheets in the file (volume, part);
- storage period of the file (volume, part);
- note.

The inventory columns are filled out in strict accordance with the information on the cover of the case.

Rules for compiling an inventory of cases

When compiling an inventory of cases, the following rules must be observed:

Each case (volume, part) is entered into the inventory under an independent serial number;
- the numbering order of cases in the inventory is gross. This means that the numbering of the cases included in it continues from year to year. For example, if the annual section of the consolidated inventory of personnel cases for 2009 included cases from No. 1 to No. 30, then the gross numbering of cases in the annual section of the consolidated inventory for 2010 will begin with No. 31;
- case titles are entered into the inventory in accordance with the accepted systematization scheme based on the nomenclature of cases;
- the inventory columns are filled out in strict accordance with the information that is included on the cover of the case;
- when several cases in a row with the same headings are included in the inventory, the title of the first case is indicated in full, and the headings of subsequent cases are indicated with the words “The same.” At the same time, other information about the cases is entered into the inventory in full (on each new sheet of the inventory, the title of the case is reproduced in full);
- if the case contains documents for several years, then the case refers to the year in which it began. At the same time, at the end of the annual sections of the summary inventory of cases of each subsequent year, during which the case continued in office work, a note is made: “For documents for 2010, see also inventory No. 3/2009 for 2009, cases No. 5, 7, 15.” ;
- cases started in one organization and completed in another (for example, during reorganization) are included in the consolidated inventory under the year in which they entered the organization that completed their office work;
- the inventory column “Note” is used to make notes about the transfer of cases to the organization’s archive, about cases received from other structural divisions during the office year, about the peculiarities of the physical state of cases, etc.

All cases included in the inventory must be systematized, i.e. are arranged in a specific order to make them easier to find. To systematize personnel files in the summary inventory, it is necessary to apply the chronological principle. It involves compiling sections of the consolidated inventory for each year.

The headings of cases in the annual section are systematized according to the nominal principle, i.e. by names of types of documents or cases in the following sequence:

Orders for personnel;
- personnel registration cards;
- personal accounts of workers and employees for wages (payroll statements);
- personal files of dismissed employees;
- unclaimed work books;
- acts on the investigation of accidents and documents thereto.

The personal files of dismissed employees are separated into a separate subsection of the annual section of the summary list of personnel affairs. They are systematized in the inventory according to the alphabet of surnames; last name, first name and patronymic are indicated in the nominative case. Cases with personal cards are also systematized in the inventory according to the alphabet of surnames.

Several personal files of dismissed employees can be formed into one file. At the same time, the headline on the cover of such a case reads:

“Personal files of dismissed workers
from the letter "D" to the letter "F".

In large organizations in which personnel files are formed in various structural divisions, it is necessary to use the structural principle when compiling annual sections of the consolidated inventory of cases. In this case, the headers of personnel cases are placed in the annual section in the following sequence:

Personnel department
1. Orders for personnel.
2. Personal cards of dismissed workers.
3. Personal files of dismissed employees.
4. Unclaimed work books.

5. Personal accounts of employees according to wages.

Annual sections are formed in chronological order, compiling a summary inventory of personnel affairs. In organizations with a small volume of personnel files, instead of annual sections, it is allowed to create a summary inventory of cases for several years. This is also done in organizations in which, for some reason, annual sections were not compiled. In this case, a summary inventory of cases is compiled according to a chronological (in structureless organizations) or chronological-structural principle.

It is permissible to compile independent case inventories for certain categories of personnel cases, for example, personal files, personal cards. In such a summary inventory, personal files and cards are arranged alphabetically by the last names of dismissed employees.

At the end of each annual section of the summary inventory of personnel affairs, a final entry is made after the last descriptive article (if the inventory is compiled over several years at once, then the final entry is made at the end of the last descriptive article for these years). It indicates in numbers and in words in parentheses the actual number of cases included in the section, the first and last numbers of the cases reflect the features of numbering (the presence of missing and lettered numbers, etc.). The final entry is signed by the compiler of the section, indicating his position and the date of compilation.

Individual and summary records of personnel cases

Case inventories are the primary accounting documents for individual and summary records of personnel cases. Unit accounting is carried out by assigning an independent number to each case. On the cover of each case there is a case code, which includes the fund number, inventory number and case number according to the inventory.

The summary accounting of cases is recorded in the final entry to the inventory, which is placed at the end of it. Each change in the number of cases in the inventory, if they were disposed of or received, is reflected in the final record.

After this, a new final entry is made for the inventory, which is certified by the signature of the archivist making the entry. When retiring cases from the inventory, in the “Note” column at the level of each retired case, make a note “Retired” (or “Lost”).

Inventories of cases of structural divisions have serial numbers. The inventory number consists of the index of the structural unit according to the nomenclature of the organization’s cases, the year for which the cases are included in the inventory.

Letter designation of case inventory numbers

The letter designation “ls” is added to the number of the inventory of files for personnel, and “v” is added to the number of the inventory of temporary (over 10 years) storage cases.

The index of the inventory of cases for personnel of the personnel service consists of the number assigned to the personnel service according to the nomenclature of cases, the initial letters of the name of the category of documents included in the inventory (“l/s” - personnel), as well as the year in which the cases included in the list were opened inventory


No. 2 l/s-2011, where 2 is the number of the personnel service section according to the nomenclature of cases, l/s is the designation of the category of cases, 2011 is the year in which the cases were opened.

Step 2. We draw up a schedule for transferring cases to the archive and coordinate it with the heads of structural divisions.

Cases are transferred to the organization’s archives according to the approved schedule. The shape of the graph is arbitrary. It is compiled by the head of the archive or the person responsible for the archive, and then it is agreed upon with the heads of structural divisions.

STEP 3. We submit the agreed schedule to the head of the organization for signature and approval.

Step 4. We check the correctness of the formation and execution of files to be transferred to the organization’s archive.

When accepting and transferring files to the archive, it is necessary to check the correctness of the formation and registration of files (registration of personal files must be carried out by the organization’s personnel service (HR specialist)), compliance of the number of cases included in the list of cases of a structural unit with the number of cases opened in accordance with the nomenclature affairs of the organization. Deficiencies and inaccuracies identified during the inspection are eliminated by structural units.

From the editor:
Read more about the formation and execution of cases in the magazine “I am a HR Specialist”, 2011, No. 22, p. 12.

Step 5. We transfer cases to the archive

We transfer permanent and temporary (over 10 years) files to the archive in parallel with the transfer of personnel files. Let us remind you that files of temporary (up to 10 years) storage are not transferred to the archive of the organization and after the expiration of the temporary storage period they are subject to destruction.

Transferring files of temporary (up to 10 years) storage to the archive of an organization in exceptional cases is permitted by decision of the head of the organization. This decision should be formalized by an order from the head of the organization, which will be an order on the main activity. The transfer of such cases to the archive is carried out in agreement with the archive of the organization according to the nomenclature of cases. Please note that these documents are not required to be transferred to the archive, i.e. If such a decision is made and the archive agrees, then the cases will be transferred according to the nomenclature.

Cases are transferred to the organization’s archive in the presence of an employee of the structural unit from whom they are transferred. The inventory is compiled in 2 copies, in which in the “Note” column at the level of each case heading, notes about the existence of the case are made. At the end of each copy of the inventory, indicate in numbers and words:

The number of cases actually accepted into the archive;
- date of acceptance and transfer of cases;
- names of positions, signatures and transcripts of the signatures of the person who transferred the file and the archive employee (the person responsible for the archive) who accepted the file.

Cases transferred to the archive annually constitute annual sections of consolidated case inventories. Documents on personnel are included in the appropriate annual section of the summary list of personnel affairs. Based on such an inventory of cases in the archive, organizations search for documents necessary for issuing certificates of length of service and wages.

Natalia Kondakova, specialist in implementation of electronic document management systems

It includes data on how many sheets are stitched and numbered. This sheet also indicates whether there are damaged documents in the case, or whether new ones have been attached. The certification sheet is pasted onto the cover of the case from the inside. The HR employee puts his signature on this sheet. An employee’s personal file is kept in the archive for 75 years; for managers, this period is usually longer. But at the same time, if on the last working day an employee asks for copies of the necessary documents, this can be done; in this case, the file will not have to be stored, and the archive will be unloaded. Conclusion If you are an individual entrepreneur, then you don’t have to keep personal files for your employees. Although it is better to do this, because based on practical experience it becomes clear that thanks to the personal file, you can instantly obtain the necessary information about the employee.

How to create an archive of personal files of dismissed employees?

The storage procedure requires following the following rules:

  • All personal files for employees are kept on paper and placed in folders with subsequent firmware and numbering
  • On the covers of each newly formed folder, serial numbers and the number of cases located there are indicated.
  • In the HR department, only folders with documents of actually working employees are subject to current storage.
  • All folders with papers of those fired should be archived and stored by date and within dates in alphabetical order if possible

IMPORTANT: current and archival storage must be organized in special cabinets inaccessible to moisture and fire. Storage periods for the personal files of dismissed employees The period during which it is necessary to store documents is determined by the legislator.

The basic rules were enshrined by the Board of Rosarkhiv on February 6, 2002.

How to properly prepare a dismissed employee’s personal file for archiving?


A final record is drawn up for the internal inventory, which indicates in numbers and in words the number of documents included in it and the number of sheets of the internal inventory. The internal inventory is signed by its compiler. If the case is bound or filed without an internal inventory of documents form, then the inventory drawn up in the prescribed form is glued to the inside of the front cover of the case.

Changes in the composition of case documents (withdrawals, inclusions of documents, replacement with copies, etc.) are reflected in the “Notes” column with links to the relevant acts. If necessary, a new final entry for the internal inventory and a certification note of the case are drawn up.

Archiving personal files of dismissed employees

Help: Preparing personal files filled out with violations for filing in the archive - some personal files are missing; - no new cases were opened for employees who worked part-time and were subsequently hired for permanent jobs. It is not possible to eliminate some violations (for example, receiving a statement from an employee who has been fired for a long time).

What should department employees do when preparing such cases for filing in the archives? What documents need to be completed? Should any notes be made in personal files filed with violations? - binding or binding; - numbering of sheets; - drawing up a certification letter; - drawing up an internal inventory of case documents (if necessary); - registration of details for the cover of the case.
If the case is being prepared for submission to the archive, all sheets of the internal inventory are also numbered, only separately from the sheets of the case. Logbook: how to keep It is necessary to take into account personal files opened for employees.

Its standard form has not been approved, which means you can take a sample from the Internet or purchase it in a store. The content of each column can be changed depending on the organization.

The log contains: case numbers, their start date, surname and initials of employees and other information. When a personal file is closed, a note is made in the journal: they put a date and enter the reason why the case was closed.


Additional information is usually entered in the “Other” or “Notes” column. Electronic personal file Now many Russian companies have implemented or have begun to implement automation of personnel records management.

It can hardly be called following fashion, rather a necessity.

Employee’s personal file: requirements for registration, what should be

A one-year shelf life is also established for vacation schedules. The period during which it is necessary to store documents confirming that an employee received education at the expense of the organization is determined by the requirements of tax legislation.

The fact is that paragraph 3 of Article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes that in order to write off these costs to reduce taxable profit, the organization must keep all documents confirming training (agreement with an educational institution, an order from the head to send an employee for training, an act of provision of services, a diploma , certificate, certificate, etc.). Their storage period is limited to the duration of the training contract and one year of the employee’s work, but not less than four years.

Conditions for storing documents To store documents, an organization needs to equip special premises (safes or cabinets).

Archive of personal files of dismissed workers

In the course of work, the personal file is replenished with other documents. The last, final document in the personal file folder will be a copy of the order to terminate the employment contract.

This order follows from clauses 3.5.3 and 3.6.18 of the Rules, approved by the decision of the Rosarkhiv board on February 6, 2002. Documents are located in the personal file in chronological order as they are received (clause

3.5.5 of the Rules, approved by the decision of the Rosarkhiv board of February 6, 2002). Storing personal files In the HR department, keep the personal files of working employees only. Transfer the files of resigned employees to the archives for storage. Sew personal documents with four pins into a hard cardboard cover (binder) or bind them in such a way that you can read the text of all documents, including dates, visas and resolutions. Before filing (binding), remove staples from all documents.

State Archives: how to submit an employee’s personal file

When preparing files for filing (binding), metal fasteners (pins, paper clips) are removed from the documents. 3.6.5. Permanent files consisting of highly valuable documents or non-format documents are stored in closed, rigid, three-flap folders with drawstrings or in boxes. 3.6.6.

If there are unclaimed personal documents in the file (identity cards, work records, military IDs), these documents are placed in an envelope, which is filed in the file. If there are a large number of such documents, the latter are removed from the files and a separate inventory is drawn up for them.

3.6.7. At the end of each case, a blank form of the certifying sheet is filed, and at the beginning of the case (to record especially valuable documents) - a form for the internal inventory of the case documents. 3.6.8.

Registration of personal files of dismissed persons in the internal archive

The case certification sheet is drawn up in the prescribed form (Appendix 9), which indicates in numbers and in words the number of numbered sheets of the case, the number of sheets of the internal inventory, specifies the specifics of the numbering of case numbers (presence of lettered case numbers, missing numbers, numbers of sheets with pasted photographs, numbers large-format sheets, envelopes with attachments and the number of sheets enclosed in them), and also indicates the presence in the file of printed copies of brochures with the number of sheets in them, if they were not noted in the general gross numbering in the file. The document certifying the case is signed by its compiler.

All subsequent changes in the composition and state of the case (damage, replacement of original documents) are noted in the certification sheet with reference to the relevant act. It is prohibited to place the certification sheet on the cover of the case or the blank back of the last document.

Formation of cases And it should be carried out right up to the dismissal of the employee. It is then transferred to the archive for storage. This document cannot be destroyed for a certain period of time.

Required or optional? It has already been said that it is not at all necessary to lead employees. But any self-respecting enterprise has this kind of documentation. When is it necessary to create a dossier and when is it not? Rules on this issue are not prescribed by law anywhere. Maintaining an employee’s personal file A personal file consists of the cover of the personal file and the employee’s documents, which contain comprehensive information about the employee and his work activity (if we are talking about a student, then information about his training). managers and their deputies; leading specialists; financially responsible employees (cashiers, storekeepers, etc.); employees with the prospect of promotion, etc.


To transfer the file of a resigned employee to the archive, arrange the documents in reverse chronological order. This means that when you were hired, you compiled a personal file, the first page of which was an application for employment. When transferring the case to the archive, the first sheet will be a letter of resignation.

When filing an employee’s personal file, at the same time make an inventory of the documents being filed. File all available documents in your personal file for transfer to the archive: application form or resume, copies of educational documents, copies of orders for employment, dismissal and other orders that were issued during the employee’s work. These could be orders to increase or decrease salaries, transfers, perform additional duties, etc. Also attach all certificates that the employee has ever presented to your organization, a copy of the employment contract, additional agreements, regulations related to the employee’s work.

File the case in a folder with a binder, number all the sheets in the upper right corner. This must be done with a simple pencil. Hem the inventory at the top, sign the folder, put a letter code according to the initial letter of the employee’s last name, and also on the binding of the folder in large numbers the year of dismissal from your company.

You can record the year of dismissal for one employee or for several who quit in the same year. If you are keeping records of several employees, then put all the personal files in one common folder and sign the year of dismissal on the binding. You can store a maximum of 250 sheets in one folder. Form each complex case not only by year of dismissal, but also by last name alphabetically.

When transferring all cases to the archive, make a delivery list. In the first column, indicate the serial numbers of the cases, in the second, the indexes of all cases by nomenclature. The third column is filled in by the name of the headings, the fourth - by dates, the fifth - by the number of sheets, the sixth - by shelf life, you can fill out the seventh column if there are notes or additions.


Employees' personal files are kept in the archive for 75 years from the date of receipt. If necessary, certificates are issued from them for registration of a pension, confirmation of length of service or other information, but only to the personally resigned employee or by court order.

Preparing and submitting files to the archive is an integral part of document flow. Their registration begins in the organization from the moment the documents are created, and ends with transfer to the archive at the end of the calendar year or storage period. In some cases, files are kept for longer than one year. These include, for example, documents relating to personnel records.


To ensure that the process of files in the archive does not take time, you should follow their registration during the current document flow. When transferring files to the archive for permanent or temporary storage, you need to bind documents, number sheets, a final inscription, if this is provided for in the work instructions, and also draw up an internal inventory.

In this case, on the title page of the file submitted to the archive, the name of the organization or enterprise, the index in accordance with the nomenclature of the files are indicated, the date of opening and closing of the case, as well as the storage period are noted.

Documents to be submitted to the archive are filed in a separate folder with a hard cover. If a document has a special document, it is usually not bound, but placed in a file or envelope and attached to the case. At the end of the bound and numbered file there is a certification sheet, and at the beginning - an internal inventory. In this case, the thickness of the case should not exceed 40 mm, and the number of sheets should not be more than 250.

For cases that are stored in the archive permanently, as well as temporarily, but not less than 10 years, an inventory is drawn up for transferring the cases to the archive. At the same time, a separate inventory is drawn up for documents that are related to personnel records. The names of cases are entered into it, each of which is assigned a serial number, and a nomenclature code is also indicated. Inventories are made in two copies if the files remain in the organization’s archives. If cases are to be transferred to the state archive, there must be four copies.

Cases that are subject to storage after their completion for less than 10 years may be archived at the discretion of the organization’s management. The need to submit files will depend on the workload of the archive, the frequency of access to old documents, etc.


  • how to submit documents for registration

A huge and separate area of ​​archival work is considered to be those issues that relate to the preparation of documents for their delivery to the organization’s archive. That is why they deserve serious attention, since during this stage of working with documents, various methodological and practical errors are often made, which in the future can cause negative consequences in the work of the archive.


All work that relates to the transfer of documents to the archive, including personnel papers, is usually divided into the following stages: - first of all, it is necessary to carry out the formation of documents in the current proceedings and after its completion;
- after the formation of cases, they must be formalized in accordance with all established rules;
- then conduct an examination of the value and prepare for archival storage;
- make an inventory of all documents transferred to the organization’s archives;
- at the last stage, transfer the official ones to the organization’s archive.

First, you should carry out the correct formation of documents related to personnel in certain complexes, that is, in files. Official documents such as orders on various aspects of the activities of company employees and personnel, which have different time frames allocated for their storage, should be generated in special folders. This stage is necessary because some of the orders that relate to personnel are devoted exclusively to real issues affecting the place of work, as well as employees and movement within the work position. This type of paper must be stored in the archives of the enterprise for at least seventy-five years. At the same time, the largest part of the orders that relate to personal, operational issues of the activities of company employees: orders on business trips, on duty, and so on. Such documents must be kept for five years. For the convenience of using the search and facilitating work in different cases, you should create papers for a five-year period and a seventy-five-year period.

It is necessary to correctly form personal accounts of the enterprise’s employees and all employees that relate to wage data strictly in alphabetical order. All papers in personal folders should be placed only in chronological order by the date of their receipt. It is also necessary to create an archival inventory for all papers located in the folder, which contains such details as: - name of the paper;
- serial number of the paper included in the inventory;
- number of sheets in the document;
- date and document number (if necessary);
- a final record of the number of sheets of papers included in the personal file;
- note.

Video on the topic

Compressing programs, folders, and files helps reduce their size without losing data, so compressed files and folders take up less space on local and removable drives. This is done using an archiver program. To create an archive from scratch, you will need the appropriate application.

You will need

  • - Archiver


Install an archiver on your computer. Today, WinRar and 7-Zip programs are considered powerful tools for creating archives. These applications are installed automatically. Run the .exe file and follow the installer's instructions to install the application onto your hard drive.

Select the files you want to archive. Select them and right-click on any icon in the group of selected files. From the drop-down menu, select the “Add to archive” command by left-clicking on it - a new dialog box will open in which you will need to set certain parameters.

On the “General” tab, enter its future name in the empty “Archive name” field, select the archive format – ZIP or RAR. Some operating systems have difficulty reading the .rar format, so if you are going to send the archive to another user and are not sure whether they will be able to open it, it is better to choose the .zip format. In the “Compression method” field, use the drop-down list to set the desired value.

To create a regular archive, these settings will be sufficient. Click on the OK button and wait until the files you have selected are packed into an archive. If you want to set additional settings, navigate through the appropriate tabs and change the values ​​in the fields you need.

To add a file to an already created archive, move the cursor to the file that needs to be added. While holding down the left mouse button, move it to the archive icon. When the “+” symbol appears, release the mouse button. The file will be added to the archive. Another way: open the newly created archive and place the desired file in it in the same way, answering affirmatively to the system request.

To delete an unnecessary file from a finished archive, open the archive, select the file to be deleted and press the Delete key. Confirm your choice. The same can be done by right-clicking on the file name and selecting “Delete files” from the drop-down menu. Confirm the action and close the archive.

Personal things. In personal files, all documents are located only in the chronological order of their receipt. For all documents contained in the personal file, an internal inventory must be drawn up, which contains the following details:

  • serial number of the document included in the inventory;
  • document number and date (if necessary);
  • Title of the document;
  • number of sheets in the document;
  • note;
  • final record of the number of documents in the personal file.

The approximate order of arrangement of documents in a personal file is as follows: internal inventory of case documents, personnel records sheet or questionnaire, job application, autobiography, certified copies of personal documents, certified copies of orders for admission, appointment, relocation, job responsibilities, certification documents etc.

Preparing HR files for transfer to the organization’s archives

Inventory of files submitted to the archive After receiving cases, when submitting documents to the archive, the head of the archive signs on three copies of the inventory of permanent storage cases and on two copies of the Acceptance Certificate for the delivery of documents to the archive. The second copies are returned to the sender, the rest remain in the archive.

The end of submitting documents to the archive ends with filling out accounting documents. Documents are transferred to state archives after the expiration of storage periods, but there are cases of early transfer of documents.

An example of early delivery of an archive could be the delivery of an archive for free storage during liquidation (bankruptcy) and vice versa, materials can be left for an additional period.

Documents archive

Based on the provisions of Article 9 of the Law “On Archiving in the Russian Federation,” the documentation of a non-governmental organization is considered its private property. However, upon liquidation of an organization, a mandatory condition is the submission of documents to the archive for storage.


This event is also carried out in cases of reorganization, when the transfer of documentation to the legal successor is carried out (the period for transferring cases in both cases is two months). It is also necessary to transfer files to departmental storage at intervals of approximately once every 3 years.

If there is a significant document flow, temporary storage of documentation may be required, for which the possibility of organizing temporary storage of documents is provided. The procedure for creating archival files To simplify the subsequent search for the required document in the archive, files must be generated according to certain parameters.

How to create an archive of personal files of dismissed employees?

  • drawing up, if necessary, an internal inventory of case documents;
  • entering clarifications into the details of the cover of the case (clarification of the name of the organization, registration index, deadlines of the case, title of the case);
  • compilation and execution of a case inventory.

Cases with a temporary storage period (up to 10 years inclusive) are subject to partial registration, and the following is allowed:

  • do not systematize documents in the case;
  • do not number the case sheets;
  • do not write certifications;
  • do not stitch (do not stitch).

Checking the correct grouping of documents into files is carried out in order to once again check the compliance of the documents in the case with the title according to the nomenclature, the location of documents within the case according to certain principles: on the issues under consideration; chronologically; geographically; alphabetically by correspondents, etc.

Submission of documents to the archive

Next comes the turn of stitching, binding and cover design, which should indicate the name of the organization, division, case and volume number, title, date of establishment, date of closure of the case. Finished cases are entered into inventories compiled for each type of case separately (personnel, permanent and temporary storage) in at least three copies.

One copy of the inventory is transferred for storage to the structural unit to confirm the transfer of files to the archive. 4) Ensuring their safety. Until the moment of transfer to the archive, the storage of prepared files is carried out by specialists from the records management service of the organization itself, who are responsible for them.

Their storage requires locked cabinets that prevent light and dust from entering the documentation. The arrangement of cases is carried out on the basis of the nomenclature of cases, which is located on the inside of the cabinet.

3.6. requirements for registration of cases accepted into the archive


Payroll statements are formed taking into account the order in which they are maintained in the organization’s accounting department, i.e. either in one case for the entire year, or by month, or for the entire organization, or for each structural unit. Personal payroll accounts are grouped into a file for a certain year and are arranged in alphabetical order by last name.

Pay slips and personal accounts can be generated within the year by structural division. Personnel orders relating to various aspects of the activities of the organization's employees, having different storage periods, are formed into different files.
This is necessary because part of the orders on personnel, and a small one at that, is really devoted to issues affecting the place of work, reassignment, and bonuses for employees. These documents must be kept for 75 years.

Illustrated tutorial on personnel records and office work

For 75 years, documentation is stored in which citizens' benefits and social payments are recorded (attestation reports, personal files, cards, employment contracts, etc.). Time sheets, business trip documentation, etc. are retained for 5 years.

Stages of preparing documents before submitting them for archival storage 1) Examination of the practical and scientific value of documentation This event is carried out by a specially created commission, which usually includes representatives of accounting, personnel services and an archivist. The task of the commission members is to examine the documents page by page, during which the documentation is differentiated into three categories:

  • For transfer to the archive. Cases on personnel, permanent and temporary storage with a period of 10 years are sent to the archive.
  • For storage in the structural divisions of the company.

3. prompt storage of documents

The inventory of HR service affairs is signed by the compiler indicating his position, agreed with the head of the organization's office management service and approved by the head of the HR service. The selection of documents for the corresponding period for destruction and the drawing up of an act on their allocation for destruction are carried out after drawing up the annual sections of the consolidated inventories of permanent storage cases for the same period. The specified inventories and acts are considered at a meeting of the organization's EC simultaneously. Acts approved by the organization's EC are approved by the head of the organization only after the expert verification commission (EPC) of the relevant institution of the state archival service approves the inventories of permanent storage cases; after this, the organization has the right to destroy the files included in these acts.

Submitting documents to an organization’s archive involves identifying documents with a temporary storage period of less than 10 years.

  • For destruction.

During the sheet-by-sheet inspection, deficiencies that need to be corrected are also identified. Then protocols are drawn up, which approve inventories for storage or destruction.

There are no specific deadlines for the frequency of commission meetings; the best option is once a year. 2) Registration of archival files. The registration of cases refers to the work of recording them, numbering sheets, as well as drawing up a certification letter with an internal list of documentation.

To register temporary storage files, a simplified scheme is used (checking their availability, preliminary systematization, transfer to the archive). Numbering and filing are not required.

In cases where the case consists of several volumes (parts), the general title of the case and the title of each volume (part) are placed on the cover of each volume (part). The headings of cases containing copies of documents indicate their copy number.

The authenticity of the case documents is not stated in the title. On the cover of the case, the extreme dates of the case are indicated in Arabic numerals - the year(s) of establishment and completion of the case.
If the case includes documents (appendices, etc.), the dates of which go beyond the last dates of the case, then under the dates of the case a new line is made about this: “the case contains documents for ... year(s).” Case dates may not appear on the cover of files containing annual plans and reports, as they are reflected in the case titles.

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