Funny scenes for adults at a Russian fair. Scenario for an autumn fair at school, methodological development on the topic

home / Divorce


  • continue to familiarize students with the cultural traditions of the people;
  • to develop respect for the native country among the younger generation;
  • promote the development of group and individual work skills;
  • develop communication skills and creative abilities of students;
  • cultivate goodwill in relationships with peers.

Preliminary work:

  • distribution of roles according to students’ communication abilities;
  • learning songs, poems, ditties, dances; - selection of musical accompaniment, festive decoration of the hall;
  • preparation and production of costumes.

Participants: 7th grade students.

Location: assembly hall of the gymnasium.

(The phonogram of a Russian folk song sounds)

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear guests! Welcome to our fair!

Presenter 2: In the old days, we were very fond of holding folk fairs. Fairs were considered a holiday, and popular wisdom says: every soul is happy about the holiday!

Presenter 3: In the old days there were different fairs - spring, summer, autumn and winter. In the fall, in October, Pokrovsky fairs were held. They began after the Orthodox holiday, which was called the Intercession of the Mother of God, which is why the autumn fairs were popularly called Intercession fairs.

Presenter 1: Winter fairs began after the Orthodox holiday, which was called the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Therefore, the first winter fairs were called Vvedensky fairs, followed by Christmas fairs.

Presenter 2: At the fairs they not only traded and bought, but also had fun as best they could: they sang songs, danced, measured their strength, boasted about their craft, and gave gifts!

Presenter 3: Do you want to visit an ancient fair?

(The audience answers in unison “Yes”!)

Presenter 1: Then, Barkers, gather the people!


Guests are welcome, invited and uninvited!
Thin and fat, funny and boring!
Everyone hurry up and come to us!
We are glad to have all guests!

Barker: People old and young, married and single, you are welcome on our holiday!

Barker: Hello winches, hello pullets!


Well done guys, funny daredevils!
Venerable and young, plump and thin
We welcome guests like good news!

Barker: We welcome everyone, warmly welcome you, and invite you to the fair!


Hello dear guests,
Small and big!
Shaggy and mustachioed, Young and married!
Today we have a fair - a noisy bazaar.
Here you will find products for every taste!
First of all, as usual,
Let's get acquainted.
I am an amuse-buffoon,
And my name is Timoshka!
I'm a dancer and singer
Well done.
I sing with my feet, I dance with my voice,
In general - how I live!

I invite everyone to our holiday.


People gather, the fair opens!

(The “sellers” come onto the stage with the “product” in their hands, and the “buyers” with bags and wallets. They look out for the goods from the “sellers”, ask the price, bargain. The hawkers noisily enter the stage, and exclamations are heard.)

1st lottoshnik:

There are toys at the fair
Painted rattles!

2nd lottoshnik:

There are cheesecakes, bagels,
Get your rubles ready!

3rd lottoshnik:

I offer my product
Not for a ruble, not for two!
I'll give you a fairy tale for a good one,
For a funny saying!

Seller 1:

Fair, fair
Cheerful, bright.

Seller 2:

Come in, fly in
Just don't open your mouth!

Seller 3:

There are good products!

Seller 4:

Samovars for sale!

Seller 1:

Sunflower seeds
Selling Alena!

Seller 2:

I sell to everyone, everyone
And I give change to everyone!

Seller 3:

Tambourines, firecrackers,
Games, rattles!

Seller 4:

There is one for our kids
Multi-colored balls.

Seller 1:

Nuts, nuts - delicious, with honey!
Let me put Timoshka in my pocket.

Seller 2:

Fair without serpentine
What a sad picture!
Confetti and serpentine
We'll sell it to everyone today!

Seller 3:

Bagels, gingerbreads,
Pies and crumpets!

Seller 4:

Confetti, lollipops,
Buy well done!

(A Gypsy comes onto the stage with a horse - an image of a head or a horse on a stick - which he holds in his hand).

Gypsy:(addresses the Cossack):

Hello, Ivan Petrovich! How are you living? Do you often get sick?

Cossack: Great! What do you care? Aren't you a doctor?

Gypsy: Don't be afraid, I'm not a doctor! I'm Gypsy Mora from the choir! I sing in a bass voice and wash it down with kvass!

Cossack: Don't talk with your tongue, don't speak with your teeth! Say what you need to say and get out of here!

Gypsy: My friend Foma, who is completely crazy, says that you need a good horse!

Cossack: This, brother, is the case! It’s been a long time since I got a horse! Just, is the horse good?

Gypsy: Not a horse, but a miracle! He runs, trembles, stumbles, but if he falls, he doesn’t get up!

Cossack: Wow! That's a horse! And what color?

Gypsy: Piebald, with spots, with a shaggy mane, crooked, hunchbacked, of the English breed, you will lead her through the vegetable gardens without people laughing!

Cossack: Yes, I look, the horse is very young - not a single tooth in its mouth!

Gypsy: Why do you need a horse with teeth? No teeth, less to eat!

Cossack: You know what, Maura from Glee Club? Go with your horse, kindly and safely, away from here before your sides are broken off!

1st lottoshnik:

Tara-bars, rastabars, there are good goods.
Not a product, but a real treasure, grab it in great demand!

2nd lottoshnik: Garden apples, honey apples, pears, pineapple - stock up!

3rd lottoshnik: Oak buckets, painted rockers! Buy, choose!

Timoshka: Oh yes goods! And the one is good - and the other is good. Choose whichever you want! Whose is better?

Seller 1: We trade honestly - all of Moscow knows.

Seller 2: Our product will be better than yours.

Seller 3:

To brag is not to mow,
Your back won't hurt.

Seller 4:

They brought a cart of rotten rowan
Yes, a pound of chaff - and we are glad.

Seller 1:

And you are burnt cakes
Yes, cockroach legs.

Seller 2: We have a product without deception.

Seller 3: And ours is flawless!

Seller 4:

We invite everyone!
We invite everyone!

Sellers in unison:

We do not sell goods,
We only give away for free!

Seller 1: For the songs!

Seller 2: Here's to the jokes!

Seller 3: For the games!

Seller 4: For jokes!

Timoshka: Hurry up, honest people - the fair is calling!!!


Whom do I see! Dear friend,
Baked cockroach - Timoshka!


My eyes are bursting,
Clap the balalaika.
Yes, this is Eroshka!
Where are you going?


I walk around fairs
I am entertaining people.
I, buffoon Eroshka,
A basket full of games and fun.

Timoshka: Erokha, what did you buy?

Eroshka: What I bought, I sell.

Timoshka: I suppose you bought it for a nickel, but sell it for a ruble. I'm also a businessman! What did you buy?


Yes, nursery rhymes!


A village was driving past a man,



I just saw it
At once I fell from the pipe.

Timoshka and Eroshka(together):

We are smart guys.
We are naughty guys.
We invite everyone to the holiday
Let's sing tall tales!



Oh, burn, speak
The spoon players started playing.
Tambourine lost
They started playing with spoons.


Whom do I see! Dear friend,
Baked cockroach - Timoshka!


My eyes are bursting,
Clap the balalaika.
Yes, this is Eroshka! Where are you going?


I walk around fairs
I am entertaining people.
I, buffoon Eroshka,
A basket full of games and fun.

Timoshka: Erokha, what did you buy?

Eroshka: What I bought, I sell.

Timoshka: I suppose you bought it for a nickel, but are selling it for a ruble. I'm also a businessman! What did you buy?


Yes, nursery rhymes!
Buffoon jokes! Hold it!


A village was driving past a man,
Suddenly the gate barks from under the dog.


The horse ate porridge, and the man ate oats,
The horse got into the sleigh, and the man drove.


I just saw it
At once I fell from the pipe.
He belted himself with a poker and put a fence on his head.
And he came running here to talk about all sorts of nonsense!

Timoshka and Eroshka(together):

We are smart guys.
We are naughty guys.
We invite everyone to the holiday
Let's sing tall tales!


Under the Tsar and under the Pea, mischievous buffoons
On the way to the booth we lost a drum.


Oh, burn, speak
The spoon players started playing.
Tambourine lost
They started playing with spoons.


The cricket sat in its corner,
Cockroaches on the pole,
Sat down, sat down,
They sang a song.


Oh, burn, speak
The spoon players started playing.
Tambourine lost
They started playing with spoons


Oh, burn, speak
The spoon players started playing.
The echo dances, the shadow dances,
Everyone is dancing!
The cricket sat in its corner,
Cockroaches on the pole,
Sat down, sat down,
They sang a song.


Oh, burn, speak
The spoon players started playing.
Tambourine lost
They started playing with spoons
Oh, burn, speak
The spoon players started playing.
The echo dances, the shadow dances,
Everyone is dancing!

(“Buyers” walk around the stage, choose a “product”, bargain. At this time, they meet Kum and Kuma at the fair).

Godfather: Hello Kuma! How are you doing? Did you buy a lot of stuff?

Kuma: Good day, Kumanek! I have enough goods! No wonder they say: life is bad for those who have an empty house! So I try, because every house is run by the mistress!

Godfather: Oh, Kuma! You are much better off boasting! As they say, I got up early, but didn’t exert myself too much!

Kuma: And you, Kumanek, come and visit! Look how we live: we don’t slurp cabbage soup with bast shoes!

(A salesman appears on the stage with ropes and ropes, they hang on his shoulder, on his neck).

Rope seller: Come and fly! The goods are not stale! Hemp ropes, tarred ropes! They don’t burn in fire, they don’t drown in water!

(A Cossack approaches the seller).

Old Cossack: Is the product expensive? I need a hemp rope, something strong, and a new one!

Salesman: If I know you, I’ll take it inexpensively: give me three hundred!

Old Cossack: Are you asking so much? I'll give you two and a half, and in addition a club with a hump!

Salesman: Few! At least give the kids some extra milk!

Old Cossack: Well, okay, I’ll add another nickel, but I’ll take the goods for a reason. I'll check the strength first.

Salesman: Who's young here? Who's the smart one here? Shouldn't we measure our brave strength? Shouldn't we show off some remarkable daring?

Old Cossack:(Addresses the audience): Hey, my dear sons! Peter, Ivan, Danila and Andrey! Come here quickly! Amuse the brave little girl, amuse good people, please me, an old man, with your prowess!

Tug of war is hard work
Only our strong men want to play!
Hey! Hey! Strongmen! Don't sit on the stove!
Hug the rope tighter and drag it towards you!

(The game “Tug of War” is played)

Old Cossack: (after the end of the competition game):

Well, sons, I loved looking at you! A good son is a father's joy!

Salesman: Like the Cossack father, like the son - well done!

(A Cossack woman approaches with her daughter).

Cossack woman: Raising children is not about counting chickens! Here is my Maryanka, little, but already a mistress! I walked around the fair all day and didn’t forget about anyone! Show me, daughter, what did you buy?

Maryanka:(takes it out of his wallet and shows it to everyone):

A sash for my dear father, so that he can girdle himself in battles! For my beloved mother - a scarf, in the middle - a golden flower! Brothers - falcons, new boots! Little sisters - new mittens!

Cossack woman: Well, what did you see for yourself, daughter?

Maryanka: Yes, I would sing to you, mother!

Cossack woman: Where the song flows, life is easier there! Sing, daughter, let everyone listen!

Maryanka: Are ditties okay?

Cossack woman: Okay, then we will not only listen, but also sing along. A good song invigorates the spirit!

Old Cossack: Without roots there is no tree, without song there is no people! Hey, laughing girls, start singing ditties. Sing quickly to please your guests!

(Girls come out and sing ditties)

We'll sing ditties for you,
Wonderful, after all
That the old ladies will go dancing,
The old people will dance.

I was sitting on the window
My darling was riding on a cat!
I began to drive up to the window,
I couldn't hold the cat!

Guard! Guard!
Cossack Misha drowned!
Not in a swamp, not in a river -
Just in sour milk!

I have two fun things to do.
In that region and in this one,
I love one in winter,
And the other - in the summer.

A village close to the forest,
Tired of mosquitoes
The girls have become attached to us,
Like it or not, love it.

I'll go out, I'll go out and dance
In new shoes,
All the guys are saying
That I'm like a picture!

There was a clock hanging on the wall,
There was a clock hanging on the wall,
The mice tore off the weights,
And the clock did not start ticking.

Don't go, dear, to the village,
And you follow the steps,
Don't be sorry for my potatoes
Go straight through the yards.

Across the field - I love Kolya,
In two - Ivanushka,
Five years later - I love you again
Dear Sanya.

Eh, I stomped
I trampled
I ate thirty-three cheesecakes,
I almost burst.

We sang what we could
Danced from the heart
Come out to the circle, whoever is brave,
Sing louder and dance!

Boy 1:

We walked through the market
We bought gifts for everyone.

Boy 2:

Ay tari, tari, tari
I bought amber for Masha.

Boy 3: I bought ribbons - up to my knees.

Boy 4:

To the swan sisters
I bought some mittens.

Boy 1:

And Vanyushenka-Vanyushka
I bought everyone a pillow.


No pillow, no feather bed
I bought some cattle for myself.


Hey guys are good
Let's clap from the heart!
Sisters go to the market,
Everyone is rosy, white-faced.
They came themselves and brought their mother.


We came to the fair to take a walk
And choose gifts.

Seller 1:

For young women - shawls,
We embroidered it ourselves!
Silk, satin
All the girl's supplies!


Oh yeah atlas
I’ll buy it for my daughters in reserve
There will be money left
I’ll buy Maryushka earrings.
There will be pennies left
Daryushka spoons.
I’ll give Annushka, my daughter, some stockings.
Katerina - a handkerchief
There is a flower in the middle.
And I’ll buy it for pennies
Dunyasha's shoes.


Wow! The artists played and played

Yes, we lost the bag.

Come on: through the stump-deck

To all honest people...

Run! In bags!

Leading: At our fair there is a place for song, dancing and games. Let's go out into the circle and play!

(Game “Sack Run”)


Sack running is not just a race.
Strength alone is not enough here.
Here the strong will fall
And he will leave the race.
Well, jump jumpers!
Pancakes for the winner!

1st lottoshnik:

Stand in a row, choose in a row: pipes, firecrackers.
Beautiful - nice, entertaining for children!

2nd lottoshnik:

Scarves, combs, painted cockerels.
A small expense, come, honest people!

Eroshka: I brought fun for everyone... But where is he? Has he really escaped?

Parsley: Yes, here I am! Here. Crow! Hello guys! Why are you neighing like foals?


Hurry up to see
Just for half a ruble
Cheerful Russian Petrushka!


Yes, it's me, the witty, funny guy
And everyone knows this!

Eroshka: Once you come, congratulate the audience.

Parsley: I don't see any Bagel.

Eroshka: Petrusha, we need to invite the public.

Parsley: It's time to munch on bagels!

Eroshka: No, shout “Let’s start the farce!”


Guard! The bully is attacking!
Save yourself who can
And whoever can’t, the police will help.

Eroshka: Don't confuse the words! Shout: “We have a big show today!”


We have a big crime today...
Three were beaten, and with stones!
Run away people, otherwise you too will get hit!

Eroshka: What a troublemaker! I will announce it myself. We're having a fun party today!

Parsley: Today we have a donkey and a ram!

Eroshka: Anyone who has humor is welcome to join us!

Parsley: Those who don’t have it – go home!

(Gypsy appears on the stage. Instead of a horse, he has a kitten in his hands. He is very happy. Petting the kitten, he approaches the Cossack to whom he wanted to sell the horse).

Gypsy: Listen, Ivan Petrovich, I sold my horse!

Cossack: Yah! Are you lying?

Gypsy: True, by the time they brought her home, she died. But I have nothing to do with it! I sold her alive!

Cossack: Well, now I see you’re selling the kitten?

Gypsy: God be with you, Ivan Petrovich! What kind of kitten is this? It's a mountain leopard! Buy it, you won't regret it!

Cossack: Oh, gypsy Mora from the choir, get out of my sight, otherwise I’ll chase you with a tattered broom!

(Gypsy quickly leaves the stage).

Clown 1: We are clowns, we are clowns - merry pranksters.

Clown 2:

And that's why they always call
Us to the kids for the holidays.

Clown 1:

Ruddy, shaggy,
Cheerful, big-nosed ones!

Clown 2:

Where did you buy it, sir?
That red tomato?

Clown 1:

That's an impolite question
This is my own nose!

Leading: Get ready, people, for a merry round dance! Get ready, people, the game is calling everyone!

(The game “Golden Gate” is being played)

Game conditions: Two children hold a towel in the form of a gate arch; the children, holding hands, gradually walk back and forth.

The song is sung:

Golden Gate,
Let me through
The mother will pass first,
He will guide all the children,
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second time is prohibited,
And for the third time
We won't miss you!

(“The gates” are “slammed” after the song; those who do not have time to pass are eliminated from the game.)

Seller 1:

Here, here, ladies and gentlemen!
Apples for sale, delicious garden ones,
Pears for sale, sweet and honey.
Hit the goods, turn around,
But don’t think that it’s a gift,
And pay up!

Seller 2:

Bell balalaika, Tula samovar.
Buy more fun, citizens, goods!
For Manek and Vanek - honey gingerbread.
Tula gingerbread, Moscow gingerbread -
Baked back in the time of Peter the Great.

Ulya: Hello, Phil!

Filya: Hello, Ulya!

Ulya: What, did your mother send you gifts?

Filya: Mother sent pancakes.

Ulya: Where are they?

Filya: I put them under the bench.

Ulya: What an eccentric you are, Filya!

Filya: How about you, Ulya?

Ulya: I would put them in the oven, you would come and eat.

Ulya: Hello, Phil!

Filya: Hello, Ulya!

Ulya: What, did your mother send you gifts?

Filya: Mother sent a sundress.

Ulya: Where is he?

Filya: I put it in the oven

Ulya: What an eccentric you are, Filya!

Filya: How about you, Ulya?

Ulya: I would hang him.

(Music sounds, children disperse in a circle and come back together again).

Ulya: Hello, Phil!

Filya: Hello, Ulya!

Ulya: What, did your mother send you gifts?

Filya: Mother sent a ram.

Ulya: Where is he?

Filya: I hung it up.

Ulya: What an eccentric you are, Filya!

Filya: How about you, Ulya?

Ulya: I would take him into the barn, give him water to drink, and give him some hay.

(Music sounds, children disperse in a circle and come back together again).

Ulya: Hello, Phil!

Filya: Hello, Ulya!

Ulya: What, did your mother send you gifts?

Filya: Mother sent her sister Nastyushka.

Ulya: Where is she?

Filya: And I took her into the barn, gave her water to drink, and gave her hay.

Ulya: What an eccentric you are, Filya!

Filya: How about you, Ulya?

Ulya: I would sit her on a chair and give her some tea!

(Music sounds, children disperse in a circle and come back together again).

Ulya: Hello, Phil!

Filya: Hello, Ulya!

Ulya: What, did your mother send you gifts?

Filya: Mother sent a pig.

Ulya: Where is she?

Filya: I sat her down at the table and gave her tea.

Ulya: Oh, you, Phil, you simpleton!

1st lottoshnik:

Plates, toys, clay whistles!
Don't spare your wallet
Buy the goods, my friend!

2nd lottoshnik:

Pins, needles,
Steel jokes!

3rd lottoshnik:

Brought here
The most fashionable products
Russian national,
For our guests
From all volosts!

(Staging “About the Merchant, About Petrushka and About the Old Lady”)

Parsley: Oh, party, oh people! Hey, it's a fair! Hello, kids, girls and boys! Have you already eaten pancakes? Did they leave it for me? Wow, how greedy!

(an old lady appears).

Old lady: Are you begging again, Petrushka? After all, I told you that begging for gifts is not good!

Parsley: It’s a shame for me - everyone eats pancakes, but in our house we only have radish tails and holes in the tablecloth...

Old lady: And you would sing, work, maybe earn money for pancakes. (leaves).

Parsley: I don't know how to work with my hands. I can only use my tongue. I spin them as I please, but I tell them nonsense! How can you make money using your tongue? Oh! Someone's coming! (a merchant appears).

Merchant: I am a fine merchant, I am a great, great cunning man, I deceive people, I sell bad goods for good ones! But I’m always fed, dressed and having fun! (notices Petrushka) Oh! Who are you?

Parsley: I am Parsley.

Merchant: I see that it is not an animal. What are you doing here?

Parsley: I am the local gossip, the tongue-tied advisor. I give advice, or rather, I sell!

Merchant: Ah well! Well, if you know everything, tell me why I’m freezing in a sable fur coat, but you, so smart, don’t freeze in a holey fur coat?

Parsley: Well! It's simple! I made holes in the fur coat myself - for ventilation! The wind flies into some holes and out of others - that’s why I’m warm. It's even hot.

Merchant: Wow!

Parsley: Not “wow,” but 25 kopecks from you, uncle!

Merchant: For what?

Parsley: For advice!

Merchant: But I won't give it to you!

Parsley: But I didn’t tell you the main thing: when you make holes in a fur coat, you need to say magic words.

Merchant: Which?

Parsley: 25 kopecks!

Merchant: Yes, I can buy you and your fur coat, and then no words are needed!

Parsley: Why buy - let's change! You give me your cold fur coat, and I will give you my magical fur coat!

Merchant: Deal!

(An exchange is made, the merchant leaves).

Parsley: Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! You fooled a fool! Not 25 kopecks, but 33 rubles!

Old lady: Is that you, Petrushka, singing?

Parsley: And I earned a fur coat!

Old lady: Oh, woe is me! He stole a fur coat! Where is my stick - to teach Parsley to beat wisely? (leaves).

Parsley:(teasingly after her): Oh-oh-oh!

(The merchant returns).

Merchant: Deceiver, give me my fur coat! I'm completely chilled in yours!

Parsley: And I'm chilled in yours! Here I stand, waiting for the red girls to come to warm me.

Merchant: Take off my fur coat!

Parsley: Okay, let's change again. Just wrap yourself in your fur coat, let the girls think that you are me! (Parsley runs away).

Old lady: There you are, bastard! Wrapped in a fur coat? Are you hiding your eyes in shame? (hits the merchant) Don't lie! Do not steal! Don't deceive honest people!

Merchant: Oh, I won't! Oh, forgive me! Oh, I won't do it again! (Both leave. Petrushka appears.)


As Pushkin once said
“A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a “hint” in it!
Taught to the merchant Parsley
A lesson against greed!
Well, why are you sitting?
At least give me a treat for a fairy tale!!!

Leading: Well done, Petrushka, eat pancakes to your health! Just don’t just eat, but also listen to us! The day is already drawing to a close, the fair will soon close.

Eroshka and Timoshka ( together):

And we are closing trade
We're leaving for America to get married!

Leading: There were a lot of merchants here, there was a lot of goods!

Presenter: It’s good when there is peace and tranquility on Russian soil, when holidays and fairs are endless and everyone has fun at them!

Leading: Let us love and protect our land, like our glorious ancestors, who knew how to hold a saber in their hands, but also sang and danced well!

To the Slavic family - no translation! This means that the song will never cease in Rus'!

(The final song is played, performed by the choir by all participants in the performance).


  1. Sayings, proverbs, riddles / Comp. A.N. Martynov. – M., 1986.
  2. Dal V.A. Proverbs of the Russian people: In 2 volumes - Vol.2. – M., 1984.
  3. Kuznetsova E.G. Games. Quizzes, entertaining lessons at school. A manual for teachers and parents./ M.: Aquarium, 1998. - 128 p.
  4. Box of miracles, children's village gatherings and other school extracurricular activities. Cheboksary: ​​CLIO, 1997. – 98s.

Scenario of the holiday “Russian Fair”.
A buffoon comes out to the background music.
To the fair! To the fair
Hurry up everyone here!
There are jokes, songs, sweets
Friends have been waiting for you for a long time!
Buffoon: Hello, kids!
How are you doing?
Child: Today we have a fair!
Buy everything in reserve!
Child: We are merchants - barkers,
We are great guys!
All our products are excellent:
Spoons, combs, roosters!
Child: Come, try it on
Our ribbons and scarves!
Don't waste your time,
Get your wallets out!
Have you seen my friend Marfushka here?
Children's answers
So she hasn’t come to our fair yet, then I’ll start one.
Buffoon: Today we will show you the fair entertainments that were bright
page of folk life in Rus'. The festivities were a bright event, noisy and universal
holiday, and popular wisdom says: Every soul is glad for the holiday. Not at fairs
They only traded and bought, but they also had fun as best they could: they sang, danced,
measured their strength.
I'll go look for her. At our fair you can buy a cow and bargain.
A dramatization of S. Mikhalkov's poem "How an Old Man Sold a Cow."
How an old man sold a cow (View cartoon)

Marfushka: Hello, dear guests! You haven't seen my friend here
buffoon. After all, she promised that she would come, but she herself is late. Do you know about the patroness?
fairs and trade Paraskov Pyatnitsa. Paraskova Friday. That's what they named one girl,
born in the third century in the city of Iconium (now Türkiye). In the description of her life
it is said: the parents especially revered the day of the week - Friday, which is why they named their daughter
Paraskova, who was born on this day, which translated from Greek means
There is a belief that Paraskova Pyatnitsa walks the earth in the form of a young beautiful
girls and notes who lives and how: he rewards the hardworking, and rewards the lazy
punishes. So let there be no place for laziness or boredom at our fair.
The fair has always been popular among the people. And especially held: autumn, spring and
summer fairs.
Our people loved the fairs so much, artists and craftsmen began to
decorate with scenes from fairs: boxes, draw pictures, decorate toys
stories from fairs.
Fairs were held everywhere: in cities, towns, villages.
People were selling everything
At the fairs they were sure to attend and amuse buyers. Sellers and just
onlookers: buffoons, gypsies, amateur artists, but what is a fair without an accordion player.
Well, what fair would it be without: roller coaster rides, mummers, carousel rides.
Marfushka: The musicians started playing
And my feet started dancing
We are funny ditties
Let's sing it for you now.

1. We know a lot of ditties
Both good and bad.
It's good for him to listen
Who doesn't know any.
2. And in our yard
The frogs croaked.
I'm barefoot from the stove,
I thought girlfriends.
3. They say about me:
“He doesn’t know how to bake bread!”
Well, what a wonder
To the shovel, and to the oven!
4. For me, for the combat
Boyfriends wow!
Grisha, Misha, Senechka
Not enough time.
5. Listen guys,
We will sing awkward things.
A pig grazes on an oak tree,
A bear is steaming in a sauna.

And I have a character
Like stinging nettle.
12. I don’t have a sweetheart,
And my friend has seven.
I asked: “Where did you find them?”
“I sowed it in the garden!”
13. I walked through the village
And I saw Petrusha.
I sat and cried under the fence
The chicken offended me.
14. Samovar, samovar
Golden leg.
I sowed peas
Potatoes have grown.
15. Giggles and giggles
Our guys are tiny.
Because of the hummocks, because of the stumps
Our boys are missing.
16. We stop singing ditties
Until another evening.
You sit until the morning
If there is nothing to do.
6. I'm from a high fence
I'll fall straight into the water.
Well who cares
Where will the splashes go?
7. I will harness the cat to the droshky,
And the kitten in the tarantass.
I'll take my good one
Show off to all people!
8. There is a cart under the mountain,
Tears are dripping from the arc.
There is a cow under the mountain
Puts on boots.
9. I'm working, working,
I'm not afraid of work.
If your right side gets tired,
I'll turn left.
10. The boys and I danced
Rubber boots.
The whole village was staring
They just opened their mouths.
11. I have a rose in my pocket,
The rose is fragrant.
Marfushka: All items sold out
And rather - containers and bars.
No, friends, that won't do.
Let's keep having fun!
Marfushka: Yes, and you all stayed too long,
We warmed up in our seats.
Come out to dance and play
Stretch your legs.
Song "Fair".

I invite guests to ride the carousel.
1. Skomorokhs ask ancient Russian riddles. The guys and guests guess.
She is small, thin,
The braid is long. Answer: Needle and Thread
Chicken - on chicken,
And the Little Russian is on the street. Answer: Izba
Small, round,
And you can’t lift it by the tail. Answer: Tangle
Two brothers want to fight
Yes, my arms are short. Answer: Rocker
The longest one
Long nose
And the hands are small. Answer: Scythe
A black hen sits on red eggs. Answer: Bowler
I'll put it in a golden bowl,
I'll beat you there and turn back. Answer: Poker
Forty floor - one hem. Answer: Roof
Marfushka: And now guys, we will play the Russian folk game “Tsar and
workers." The guys unite in groups of 23, approach the king and perform a pantomime
show what kind of work they can do. If the king guesses right, he takes them
workers. If not, then the workers leave, and everyone says in unison: “I didn’t guess, without
workers left!"

2. Buffoons tell boring tales and nursery rhymes.
Dear guests, would you like to eat some sweets and listen to some nursery rhymes?
1) Fedul! Why did you pout?
The caftan was burned.
Can you sew it up?
There is no needle.
How big is the hole?
One gate remains.
2) Troshka! Why don't you come out of the forest?
Caught the bear!
So bring it here!
He's not coming!
Go yourself!
He won't let me in!
3) Son, go to the river for some water.
My belly hurts.
Son, go eat some porridge!
Well, since mother says, we have to go.
3. Dance "Ring".
First the guys (4 couples) dance. Then each dancer invites a guest. Dance
performed again (8 pairs).
4. Competition for “Best Costume”. The best dressed guest wins the competition,
whose costume contains the most elements of traditional Slavic costume.
5. “How many lambs are in a bunch” - you need to guess offhand. Which of the participants will
closer to the exact number - he won the competition.
6. “Whistles” participants need to play some tune on a toy whistle,
so that others can guess the melody.
These could be, for example, the following melodies:
“Evening ringing”, “Moscow evenings”
“Lambada”, “Katyusha came ashore”
7. “Peddlers” are indispensable participants of the Fair. The essence of the competition: each of
playing with a cap on their head, and on it a tray with a side. Different ones are placed on the tray
objects - toys, all sorts of little things. You need to run a certain distance (or
pass with obstacles) so that not a single object falls from the tray.
8. “Wall to wall” such entertainment is always held at the end of the Fair.
The essence of the competition: participants are divided into 2 groups, each group takes turns and
cheerful music is turned on for her - the participants begin to dance. The one wins

a group that managed to “outdance” another group that danced more energetically.
You can take any music, depending on your taste. Here are versions of songs about the fair:
Leontiev Valery – “Fair” “You Can’t Buy Love” (from the musical “Sorochinskaya
Have a successful Fair!
Buffoon: So the sun has set,
Our fair has closed.
Come visit us again
We are always glad to have guests!
And now I invite you to have some tea!!1
The children leave the hall to the music.

For schoolchildren. Happy holiday!

Fair scenario for school-age children

Characters: Presenter, Buffoons, sellers (children), Musician, Cab driver, Barin,

Progress of the holiday.

Two buffoons appear in the hall.
1st buffoon. Attention! Attention!
The fair opens
People are gathering.
2nd buffoon. Hurry up everyone!
Come to the fair
Wipe your eyes.
Yes, buy something!
1st buffoon. We have everything like in Greece:
Even overseas spices.
Come, don't be shy,
Don't waste your money!

2nd buffoon. For your pockets
So many booths have been built,
Carousels and swings
For holiday fun
Together. Come, come,
Buy everything you need!

Sellers praise their goods in unison

Educator. We are waiting for guests at the fair
From all volosts -
Big and small
Cheerful and remote!
Children of the younger group ride on toy horses.

Leading. Welcome
Come to our fair.
Our product
Visible and invisible.
Come and take a look
Yes, take something.
1st seller. Vegetables! Vegetables!
Fresh vegetables!
Not brought from somewhere,
And those here, near Moscow,
Raised with love, with soul!
Come with a big basket!

Children of the younger group sing the song “Garden Round Dance”.

2nd seller. Who wants sour cream and cottage cheese?
Cream in a jar and in a pot!

Children of the younger group sing the song “Two Grouse”

3rd seller. And here is a children's toy -
Living Parsley.
Such a great original
Moscow hasn't seen it yet!
Oak legs,
Silk curls,
Doesn't drink wine
Doesn't break glass!

Children show a puppet show (puppets: Parsley, Doctor, Barbos the dog).

Musician. Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!
Hello, dear gentlemen!
I came here to have fun, make you laugh, amuse you
And congratulations on the holiday!
Leading. And to our guests
It's time to get ready for the road
Yes, say goodbye to us. They all had time to look at the fair
They bought goods and made us happy.
Thanks everyone for visiting,
Now you're in for a treat.
Look into my tent -
I'll give you some candy or chocolate.
Have a nice trip
Yes, still come to us!

4th seller.
Wooden spoons for anyone?
Suitable for eating porridge from a bowl,
And also sing and dance
Yes, play along with the harmonica.
They amuse, have fun,
There's no reason to be bored!

The comic song “My Vanyushka” is performed. Children dance and play musical instruments.
Barin arrives.

Cab. Make way, people!
Barin's horse is lucky!
Leading. But Barin is in a hurry:
He is afraid that the fair will close.
Won't have time to buy everything
Yes, fill your belly.
The cab driver (brakes the horse). We've arrived!
Master. Wow, I'm out of breath and sweating!
I made it on time.
Let me take a look at the fair, I think.
I won’t sit at home.
It's so much fun here
Booths and carousels.
I want to buy something
Yes, delicious food.

The sellers offer their goods to the Master in unison.

Master. Hey sellers!
How hard they try
My eyes are wide open.
I want to buy everything.
I'll pay now
I'll pick it up on the way back.
I take this, I take this... I take everything!

The master gives the sellers coins.

Leading. Hey, Master, look, don’t go broke,
Stop in time!
There is no holiday without dancing,
There will be a Karapet dance.
1st seller.
Come on, Master, dance,
It hurts the legs are good!
5th seller.
Who wants pots?
molded from clay,
Burnt in the oven,
Wide and thick
Thin and flat
With spout and handles,
All sorts of squiggles?
So that both kvass and milk
They were easy to pour into.
To prevent the dough from getting too hot,
So that the porridge does not burn.
My pots are elegant
Yes, very foldable!

The folk song “Pots” is performed.

1st seller.

Pies, buns, rolls,
Just out of the oven.
Delicious, rosy, hot!

The song “Treacle with Ginger” is performed.
Come out to play
Braid the wattle!
The song-game “Wattage” is performed.

1st seller.

And my product is a sight for sore eyes,
One meal.
Printed gingerbread cookies,
Very fragrant.
As soon as you approach,
Take it right away.
Try it, come on over,
Don't swallow your tongue!
Go away, melancholy!
Game "Gingerbread Board"!

The folk game “Gingerbread Board” is played.

Let's dance together, this way and that,
Cheerful dance "Krakowiak".
Children perform the Krakowiak folk dance. The sellers go to their places.

Y seller (to Barin).

And we have yes for you,
The shoes are just right.
Take my word for it,
Sit down and try it on.
What a miracle these shoes are -
Not small, not big.
Take your boots
On your feet.
The folk game “Shoemaker” is being held
Master. Oh, I sang, I danced,
I gained enough impressions for a whole year.
Hey cab driver!
Cab. I'm here, Master!
Master. It's time to head back!
Sellers (in unison). Master, don't forget the goods!
The master goes around the sellers and collects the goods.
Our master has acted up,
Yes, I almost went broke.
Look how it's breaking.
And the horse's legs get tangled,
Just look, it will fall.
Leading. Happy to you, Barin,
Get to home
It won't break anywhere.
Master (with all his might). Thank you....

Children dressed as gypsies come in, dance, and tell fortunes by hand.

9th seller.

Flour, flour!
White, light.
Which the hostess will take,
That one’s dough will come together in no time!
A pie will be baked, magnificent and tall,
For glory and treats to the whole world!
And for our joy and food!

Children come out with a pie and sing a wish song “And God bless the one who is in this house.”

At the end, a fair and sale is held, and parents solve riddles.

The holiday ends with a collective tea party.

Fair scenario

Buffoon 1 and Buffoon 2 are participating
A group of children with prepared concert numbers

Call of the people

1. eyebrows are black, cheeks are scarlet
we guys are barkers
come one at a time
we'll tell you what's what

2. here, here! Leave home
hurry up to our fair
from all ends, from all sides

1. hurry up, hurry up
we invite everyone to join us,
who loves fair and success
Merry fellows, let's get acquainted
I am buffoon Proshka, and I am Timoshka
Very nice!
And the evil and gloomy ones turn back

2. good afternoon, guests are invited and welcome
people old and young, married and single
You are welcome to the fair!
Guests are welcome here, like good news

1. make yourself at home don’t be shy
take a walk at our fair

2. You are welcome, dear guests
welcome to the fair
come in, make yourself at home
a good guest always fits in

1. from all doors, from all gates
People came, people came running
Wow! Walk the fair

2. called - called the honest people
a wide fair in your yard
to the youthful enthusiasm!

1. we were expecting guests today
we prepared, we tried
don't waste your time
applaud friends

children's performances

2. make way for honest people
perhaps a fair in a round dance

The fruitful region of Kuban
fertile land, song - seeds friends
(theatrical number of seeds)

These young chicks are our preschoolers
and they dance and sing and live very merrily
(song performed by children chickens)

Games with holiday guests
games with children
relay races
Russian folk games
round dances

1. fair, fair, fair fair
according to ancient custom
We love to celebrate the fair,
love and see you off!

2. bye Proshka!
1. bye Timoshka

Fair scenario with games and riddles

Equipment: Fake gate with the inscription “Fair”, umbrella – “carousel”, stands – 4 pcs., hats – 2 pcs., large scarves – 2 pcs., cube module – 2 pcs., bast shoes – 4 pairs, galoshes – 2 pairs, rattles according to the number of fans, fake flowers - according to the number of participants, hoops - 2 pcs., stereo system, CD recordings with soundtracks of songs, dances of different nations, costumes of buffoons.

The hall is festively decorated.

Children and their parents enter the hall through the gate to the accompaniment of music.

The sun is rising bright
People are rushing to the fair.
The gates open,
Come in, gentlemen.

Participants go through the gate and take their places.

Titus enters.

Filya: Hello, Titus! Where are you going?

I'm going to the fair.
Here the people have gathered
The Fair will come soon.
Multi-colored flags!

No! Pancakes and rolls -
Let the stoves sit in a warm place!
Our fair is different
We will play with the people!

Titus: I thought they sell goods here, I’ll buy something for myself! (crying)

I was thinking of buying gifts: a scarf for my mother, boots for my father, earrings for my grandmother, and a ribbon for my sister, right up to my knees!

Filya: What are you talking about, Titus, our fair is not simple, it is not like any other fair in the world.

This is a fair of folk games. Every nation has its own game. Today I invite you to games of different nations. Titus, it will be interesting, let's have fun. We invite you to the game, I will start the carousel.

The buffoon Filya holds an umbrella with multi-colored ribbons in his hands. Children take hold of the ribbons and, pronouncing words, move along the text.

Outdoor game "Carousel".

Barely, barely
The carousels are spinning
And then, then, then
Everybody run, run, run.
Hush, hush, don't rush,
Stop the carousel
One, two, one, two,
The game is over!

We guys are daring
We are naughty guys

We invite everyone to the fair,
At least we don't sell anything!

Our teams came to the fair: “Freckles” and “Droplets”.

And the guests, the boyarinas (judges), will appreciate the dexterity, dexterity and speed of the participants.


We wish from the bottom of our hearts
May your results be good!
So that you don't feel tired today,
And they brought everyone a lot of joy!

We invite you to play a Russian folk game.


Teams sit with their legs extended, one meter apart. On command, the last participant begins to jump over his legs and sits in front of the first, legs extended, etc., until the finish line.

Songs, games, round dances,
Will not go out of fashion
Get ready kids
It's time to play.

Georgian folk game "Take off the hat".

Two stands are placed: the first 1 meter from the start, the second 5 meters. The first one runs, takes off his hat from the second stand, puts it on the first stand, the next one from the first stand to the second, etc.

Titus: Hey, well done and girls, you want to play the Bashkir folk game “Yurta”.

The teams stand in their circle; in the center there is a cube with a scarf on it. To the music, everyone jumps, scatters, and moves around the hall. At the end of the music, everyone quickly runs to their scarves and pulls them over their heads, “building” a yurt.

Filya: Titus, do you like riddles?

Titus: I love it! Let's make a guess for the participants, can they guess them?


A sieve grows in the field,
Full of black grains.


My father had a strange boy,
Unusual - wooden..
He sticks his long nose everywhere.
Who is this?


Treats small children
Heals small animals
He looks through his glasses
Good doctor.....


The mouse has found a home
The mouse was kind
In that house, after all,
There were a lot of residents.


Not a tailor, but all my life
Walks around with needles.

The sun is shining, the linden tree is blooming,
Butterflies are flying. When does this happen?

We'll have a wonderful time here,
It's interesting to watch children play.

Titus: Let's play a Belarusian folk game.


You, Mikhasik, don’t yawn,
Put on your shoes.

Teams run around the sandals in a “snake” fashion in galoshes to the counter and back in a straight line.

We invite the children,
For an interesting game!

Khanty folk game "Deer and Shepherds".

Each participant is given a ring (diameter – 20 cm). In turn, everyone throws a ring - “maut” onto a stick held by the buffoons, at a distance of 2.50-3 meters.

(Accuracy is assessed).

The guys are bored at our holiday,
Come out, be brave.
And there is one game for you,
You'll love her!

Game with fans “Get it quickly!”

A large circle is drawn with chalk on the floor, into which rattles are placed scattered. The fans stand in a circle and begin to move with cheerful musical accompaniment. The music turns off, everyone tries to grab the rattle and lift it up. Whoever did not get a rattle sits in his place. As the game continues, the rattles are removed by the buffoons.

Filya: Let’s play the Nenets folk game “Reindeer Sleds.”

The child is wearing a “harnessed reindeer” hoop, the parent is holding on to the “musher” hoop. At the signal, the teams run to the posts, run around and come back, pass the hoop to the next pair, etc.

We are not too lazy to play and sing,
We could play all day.

Filya: Let’s play the Ukrainian folk game “Weave a Wreath.”

There are hoops at a distance of 8-10 meters. Participants take turns running to the hoop and placing flowers around it.

Filya: Titus, maybe we can fight and find out who is stronger, you or me?

Titus: Let’s play the Russian folk game “Cockfighting”

A circle with a diameter of 2 meters is drawn on the floor. One participant from each team enters the circle and, jumping on one leg, hands behind their backs, try to push each other out of the circle with their shoulders.

Filya: We invite you, the guests - the boyars, and you, dear participants, to watch the Russian folk dance performed by our girls!

Musical break "Russian dance".

Titus: Now let’s listen to our guest nobles, which team turned out to be the fastest, most agile, strong, nimble?

The hour of farewell is coming,
Our speech will be short.
We say to you: "Goodbye!
Until pleasant, new meetings!”

This is where the fair ends,
Who played, well done!

The buffoons present the children with sweet prizes and say goodbye to the participants.


Now it’s clear to me - this is how we need to carry out this line, this is the only way, we have every right to do this”... and waves his hand, seeing that I am trying to object to something.
It would never occur to anyone to ask me, or I myself, the question: why am I here? Job, specialty, task. But is that the only reason? No! And Marchenko? He's at a crossroads for us, I know. But could he have arranged his crossroads somewhere in the city? Didn't arrange it, didn't want it. And now - Leshka. More masculine work? Romance? And this, of course, but he has become attached to our life, to the search, to water and ice, and greedily rebuilds everything anew.
I think romance can be collected on any path, like flowers and berries. Only with romance it is easier, because flowers and berries are not everywhere and not always, but romance is everywhere, you just need to be able to see it.
And these are not words that everyone is born to serve people, even if he is not aware of this, it is so. You can serve them every day - clothing them, feeding them, transporting them, saving them, you can “borrow them” - creating hypotheses that people don’t want to hear about yet, but someday, perhaps, they will mark the dates of their appearance. And one more thing: everyone, consciously or unconsciously, every day of their life is looking for themselves and their place in the world.
Snezhny Pass
Rolling on sledges from side to side over snow-covered hillocks and bushes, we overcame a wide snowy pass and immediately found ourselves in the deepest snow of the upper reaches of some valley. Frost-covered trees stuck out from the snow. The lines of the slopes, terraces and mountains are laid out, as if drawn with patterns, and under this smoothness everything is swept away, everything is hidden.
The snow grabbed us like a soft trap - not a single step down, up, back to the pass and nothing to think about. We started by calling the valley Snezhnaya. They fought almost until death. Vanka tried to ram the deer into the snow wall. The reindeer sank completely into the snow, backed away, spun the sleds, twirled their antlers, and stared, as if there was an abyss beneath them. The guys made their way with their shoulders.
We descended to the upper terrace in the approaching darkness. Some huge black nests could be seen on the bare branches of larches standing sparsely among the cedar trees,
“But these are not nests,” someone whistled from behind. “These are wood grouse.”
"The wood grouse sat on the lower and upper branches completely motionless. There were a lot of them. This time only Vanka had a shotgun. Vanka drove up to one of the trees so that from his deer to the nearest wood grouse it was no more than three meters at a time, he assured us, which even hits the air without missing. We were glad - dinner would be great.
With difficulty pulling the gun from his back with one hand, Vanka spent a long time adjusting it to his bent knee. He pulled the bag with his coat out from under him and set it down. He tucked his other leg underneath him. Everyone waited silently. He aimed carefully and for a long time. Shot. The nearby wood grouse shuddered in surprise, almost lost his balance, but held on and again froze into a massive lump. The ones above and those on the sides did not respond to such an event in any way.
Vanka changed his position, took aim again, and fired. This time no one on the tree moved. The third time, the clear, giggling whisper of Kolka Shkil was heard from behind me:
- Van, Van, stretch your leg, maybe it will be better...
Despite the malice of the council, Vanka stretched out his leg, settled down, leaned back and missed again. Capercaillies darkened like stones on the thin carvings of a tree in the snow. Kolka, holding back, quietly sobbed behind me all the time. After the fifth miss he said loudly:
- Van, Van, take a hat, take a hat, without a hat you will know better...
Vanka angrily lowered his gun and touched the deer. We silently drove past a tree hung like a Christmas tree with toys and calm, surprised birds. No one made noise or tried to
The tent was set up in a deep snow well, a narrow trench-path was pushed through to nearby trees and dwarf cedar bushes. Vanka cut down several dry thin-stemmed leaves that looked like poles. Gray-green lichens hung on the larches in long shaggy rags. This was the only thing that could be fed to the reindeer: the reindeer couldn’t get to the ground and reindeer moss, if there was any, in the snow.
In the morning I stood under the larch tree for a long time. Not a sound. I wanted to destroy the silence, and I shouted something. But my voice only caused light snow to fall quietly from above.
Vanka caught the deer for more than an hour, sneaked up on them for some reason, fell waist-deep into the snow, crouched, then immediately rushed - The deer timidly shied away.







Presenters (together):





Rope seller:

(A Cossack approaches him.)







Cossack: ( addressing the audience):




Old lady:


Old lady:



- Parsley.





- Yes, yes!


- What is this for?

- For advice!

- So I won’t give it!


- Which?

- Give me 25 kopecks!



- Great!



  • Back
  • Forward

Fair scenario

- Hello, dear guests! You are welcome to our fair!

- In the old days, folk fairs in Rus' were a favorite pastime. They were considered a great holiday, and according to popular wisdom: every soul is happy about the holiday!

- Fairs were intended not only for trade, but also for fun: people danced, sang songs, boasted about their craft, measured their strength, and gave gifts!

- Do you want to visit the old fair?

- Then gather the people, Barkers!

- People young and old, single and married, welcome to our holiday!

(The rest of the Barkers pick up with poems, jokes and jokes, attracting people).

Presenters (together):
- Get ready, people, the fair is opening!

“Sellers” appear on the stage with “products” in their hands, and “buyers” with wallets and bags. They look at the goods from the “sellers”, bargain, and ask prices. The hawkers appear noisily, exclamations, ditties and poems are heard.

At this time, Kum and Kuma meet at the fair.

- Hello Kuma! How are you doing? What good things did you buy?

- Great, Kumanek! I've collected enough goods! It’s not for nothing that they say: life is bad for those who have nothing in their home! That's what I'm trying to do!

- You have a lot to boast about, Kuma! They say that even though she got up early, she didn’t exert herself enough!

-Come and visit, Kumanek! At the same time, you will make sure that we do not slurp the cabbage soup with bast shoes!

(The seller of ropes and ropes that hang around his neck and shoulder comes onto the stage.)

Rope seller:
- Tarred ropes, hemp ropes! They don’t drown in water, they don’t burn in fire!

(A Cossack approaches him.)

- What is the price of your goods? I need a hemp rope, something stronger!

- I’ll take it inexpensively if I know you: give me three hundred!

- You're asking too much! I'll give you two and a half and a club with a hump!

- Wow, not much! At least give the kids some extra milk!

- Okay, I’ll add another nickel, but I won’t take the goods just like that. I'll check the strength first.

- Is there anyone here who is young and daring? Who is not afraid to test their strength?

Cossack: ( addressing the audience):
- My sons! Andrey, Danila, Ivan and Peter! Come here quickly! Amuse the brave little girl, amuse the good people, and please me, an old man, with your prowess!

(The game “Tug of War” is played.)

- At our fun fair there is a place for games, dances, and songs. Let's all stand in a circle and play!

(The game “Sack Run” is played.)

- Get ready, people, for a merry round dance!

(The game "Golden Gate" is played).

An old woman and Petrushka appear on the stage.

- Oh, people, oh party! Hello, kids! Have you eaten pancakes yet? Did they leave it for me? Wow, how greedy!

Old lady:
-Are you begging again, Petrushka? How many times have I told you that it’s not good to beg for gifts!

- It’s a shame - everyone eats pancakes, but in our house we only have the tail of a radish and holes in the tablecloth...

Old lady:
- And you would work, sing, and maybe earn money for pancakes. (The old lady leaves).

- I don’t know how to work with my hands. I can only use my tongue. I spin them the way I want! Can you really make money with your tongue? Eh! (a merchant appears).

- I’m a big, big cunning man, I’m a great merchant, I deceive little people, I sell bad goods as good! (notices Petrushka) Oh! And who are you?

- Parsley.

- I see for myself, not a little animal. What are you doing?

- And I am a gossip, a local, tongue-tied adviser. I'm selling tips!

- Is that so? Then answer me, why is it that I am cold in a sable fur coat, but you, so smart, are not cold in a holey fur coat?

- Oh, it’s as easy as shelling pears! I made the holes in the fur coat myself - for ventilation! The wind flies into some holes and out of others - that’s why I’m warm. It's even hot.

- Yes, yes!

- Not “gives”, but 25 kopecks, uncle, from you!

- What is this for?

- For advice!

- So I won’t give it!

- But I didn’t tell you the main thing: you need to say magic words when you make holes in a fur coat.

- Which?

- Give me 25 kopecks!

- I’ll buy you and your fur coat, and no words are needed!

- Let's change! I’ll give you my magic fur coat, and you give me your cold one!

- Great!

(After the exchange, the merchant and Petrushka leave.)

- There were a lot of merchants here, there was a lot of goods!

- It’s good when there is peace and tranquility on Russian soil, when fairs and holidays don’t end and everyone around is having fun!

  • Back
  • Forward

Guests walk around the site, viewing the exhibition of crafts and other goods.

1 buffoon:
Please come here soon,
Come, honest people!
Start having fun
The fair is calling us all!

Music is playing. Parents and children take their places.

The buffoons come out.

1 buffoon:
Hello guys, dear
Small and big.
Hello, guests!

2 buffoon:
Hurry up to our holiday,
Sing and dance with us.
Just don't catch jackdaws.
Have fun watching us!

1 buffoon:
And now it's time
Open the fair, friends.
Come on, everyone, close your ears,
Let the firecrackers set off the fireworks!

Fanfare sounds. The buffoons take out firecrackers and explode them.

2 buffoon:
What we were waiting for has happened!
Our fair has opened!

1 buffoon:
Get to know us kids
We are no more fun in the world!
We are the buffoon guys
We don't like oohs and sighs.

2 buffoon:
We play on spoons.
We invite everyone to the holiday.
We won't grieve with you.
And now we will dance!

The kids won't be left behind either.
They will have fun with you.

Dance of Skomorokhs with spoons

1 buffoon:
Come, citizens,
We will please everyone!

2 buffoon:
We'll let you know before it's too late,
We have one condition
Be serious today
It's prohibited here.

1 buffoon:
It is also prohibited
Here to whine and mope,
And is strictly prohibited
Yawn, squeak and whine!

Song “At the Fair” by Shalamonova

2 buffoon
Don't waste a minute
Laugh merrily until you cry.
Every joke has a grain of joke in it,
The rest is all serious!
Do you hear, it seems like music is playing

Dance “Peddlers” 8 gr.
During the dance, sellers with trays approach the buffoons.

1 Peddler:
Today we have a fair,
Buy everything in reserve!

2 Peddler:
Dress up, get ready,
Go for a walk!

3 Peddler:
Hey people, don't yawn
Get out your nickels!

4 Peddler:
Dance, walk,
Just don't open your mouth!

5 Peddler:
Have fun, people, dance,
Check out our fair!

The peddlers leave.

2 buffoon:
Yes, there’s enough goods for everyone,
For Semyon, Daria, Yakov.

1 buffoon:
Come, poor one,
Come rich man
Come thin,
Come pot-bellied!

Sellers walk around the site, taking turns shouting out their words.

1 lotochnik:
Who wants pies, hot pies?
Hot, hot, ten kopecks for a couple
Akulina fried and baked it for Peter.

2 lottoshnik:
Here are the nuts! Nice nuts!
Delicious, with honey
Let's put on a hat

3 lottoshnik:
Unbreakable needles, threads, ribbons
Blush, lipstick - who needs what!

4 lotoshnik:
Vegetables! Vegetables! Fresh vegetables!
Not brought from somewhere,
And the local Azov people,
Raised with love, with soul.

5 lotoshnik:
Garden apples, honey apples,
Pears, pineapple - stock up.
The hawkers hand out goods and stand in the background.

6 lotoshnik:
The girls are beautiful, take away your handkerchiefs,
Beautiful girls, start the dance!

The girls performing the dance approach the seller and take apart the scarves.

“Dance with scarves” 10 gr.

7 lotoshnik:
Taras - bars - rastabars,
There are good products!
Not a commodity, but a real treasure -
Tools are in great demand!

8 lotoshnik:
Hey guys, well done
Buy bells!
And you will play with a rattle -
You'll scare away all the neighbors!

2 buffoon:
Well, are you guys sitting?
Al you don't want to play?
I hit the tambourine loudly,
I invite you to play in the orchestra!

"Merry Orchestra" performs "Yablochko"

1 buffoon:
The fair is noisy and singing. I hear someone coming towards us!

"Gypsy Dance"

Gypsy Rose enters to the tune of a gypsy melody.

I can't believe my eyes!
Are the gypsies really coming?... Really!
Hold your wallets tight,
Yes, take care of the rings and earrings!
Now they will start guessing and tugging at your sleeve,
Anyone can be tricked and deceived!

Ah ah ah! What a shame to scare you with gypsies!
We have not lived by deception for a long time.
Everyone calls me Rose.
And I’m a young gypsy, I’m not an ordinary gypsy.
I can do magic! I’ll go and tell good people good luck. Let me tell you my fortune, darling! ( takes the teacher by the hand) Oh, my precious one, I see the shine along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have many children. ( Suitable for one of the children): Oh, my killer whale, give me a pen and I’ll tell you my fortune and tell you the whole truth. Oh, I see the road, this is the road of life and it leads to a government house.
And the 4s and 5s are waiting for you, my diamond, in this house, the teachers will love you!

Disperse, honest people!
The little bear is coming with me!

The buffoon leads the bear on a leash to the gypsy woman
(the bear growls and bows)

Come on, Mishenka, take a walk around the fair,
Have a good dance and ask for a treat!

1 buffoon:
Treats must be earned!

But look how affectionate he is to me!
(strokes the bear, he growls contentedly and shakes his head)
Look how he walks! It floats like a boat in the sea!
Look at that! When my little target runs, the earth trembles.
(Gives a handkerchief to the bear)
You, Toptygin, dance and show all the people
Like old women dancing and waving handkerchiefs.

Bear Dance with a Handkerchief

Now show me how the old grandfather knocks his feet,
He grumbles at the boys.

The bear stomps its feet.

Well done, little bear!

Strokes the bear on the head.

Show me how the girls go to work.

The bear is walking slowly.

How do they get home from work?
The bear runs away.

Well, he ran away.

Bear:(returns with carousel)
I didn't run away! And I decided to amuse you. Do you want to ride the carousel?

2 buffoon:
Our kids from group No. 7 are rushing to ride the carousel.

Game "Carousel" 7 gr.

The gypsies and the bear leave.

1 buffoon:
For the sake of our fair
Let's all dance merrily
Children from group No. 6 will perform a cheerful dance “Dance”

Dance "Dance" 6 gr.

Lisa enters to the music

2 buffoon:
Where have you been, Foxy?
What did you buy at the fair?

Ah, I'm coming from Torzhok,
Looked at the cockerel
Loud and handsome.
It's a pity there wasn't enough money.

2 buffoon
So are you going without buying?

I've been fasting for three days.
On the shelves there is fish, meat,
Yes, the sausages are hung.
I'd like a piece of sausage
The fox has no money! ( rubs his eyes)

2 buffoon:
Don't worry, Fox, in vain.
At least we are not rich either,
But let's share it with you.

Have pity on me, people!
(Takes the treat and puts it in the basket.)
I also saw cheeses there,
It's a pity that there wasn't enough money.

2 buffoon:
Here's a piece of cheese for you.

I didn't have enough for butter.

2 buffoon:
Here's a pot of butter for you.

My kids are asking for meat!

2 buffoon:
Here are gifts for the fox cubs.

It's a pity that I'm not so rich.

2 buffoon:
Enough, Little Fox, to ask.

Oh, how I want to drink!

2 buffoon:
Here's a sip of water for you.

What good is water to me?
I would like a ladle of milk
The mug is not big!

2 buffoon:
Although we don’t feel sorry for gifts,
But you're just a beggar!

What are you, what are you, I'm kidding!
I will pay for the hotels:
I'll dance for the guys
And I’ll go feed the foxes!

To a cheerful narration. music
The fox dances and runs away with the basket.

1 buffoon:
Blow the pipes, beat the spoons!
Matryoshka is coming to visit us!
The painted matryoshka decorated the whole world.
He boasts about his clothes - he can't stand them.
The matryoshka opens and another one appears.

Matryoshka enters to cheerful music and walks around the area.

Hello, honest people!
I am a carved Matryoshka,
Everything is painted with a pattern.
I came to the fair
And I found girlfriends here.
My friend, get up now,
Sing along with the musicians.
Let's start our own round dance
Let's all sing a song!

1 buffoon:
Oh, guys, at the fair, apparently, there are no nesting dolls in sight. Let's look at them now.

“Dance with spoons - nesting dolls” 4 gr.

1 buffoon:
Our fair is noisy
Standing still is not allowed!

Dance "Quadrille" 11 gr.

Child – Peddler 8 gr.:
We sell flour here
Both wheat and rye.
How old are you? Car or two?

1 buffoon:
Ah, my head is spinning.

2 buffoon:
You will send to our home
Half a bag of rye flour
And a bag of wheat.

1 buffoon:
The bread will be great!
But where can I find helpers?
So that you can take everything home?

Everyone shrugs. The horse enters to the music.

I'm a young mare
But I forgot my teeth at home,
I will deliver any cargo,
If I don't fall now!

2 buffoon:
Come on, dear horse, give us a little ride!

The horse kicks and shakes its head.

2 buffoon:
What, don't you want to take us for a ride?
Maybe you want to dance?
Come on, clap your hands
Now a horse will dance for you!

Horse dance.

1 buffoon:
The fair has arrived with good things.
For those with gingerbread, pies, nuts.
And for whom with songs, dances, fun.

2 buffoon:
So the sun has set -
Our fair is closed!

1 buffoon:
Come visit us again
We are always glad to have guests.

2 buffoon:
It's time to go home!
Good horse, please take us home!

Horse: E-and-and-go!

Everyone lines up behind the horse and leaves the Fair

1 buffoon: The guests are leaving

2 buffoon: The autumn fair is closing!

The song "Golden Fair" is playing!

The script was taken from the Internet, supplemented and revised by me.

© 2023 -- Love, betrayal, psychology, divorce, feelings, quarrels