How to spend money wisely? Expert advice. It is necessary to spend money correctly, and most importantly – wisely! Spending money

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In order to implement the BDDS financial control system at the time of generating applications for spending funds, it is necessary to study the interaction of the financial department with other departments, as well as develop unified regulatory and reference information. If it is not possible to automate the control of cash flows through the budget, then you can automate it through requests for spending funds.

Previously, I headed the financial department at JSC NAPO im. V. P. Chkalova.” This is one of the largest aircraft manufacturing enterprises in Russia with a staff of about 7,000 people. However, the company completely lacked planning rules spending money, regulations for drawing up documents for payment, principles for their approval. Divisions provided requests for spending funds and budgets for the month or quarter in the form of memos. At the same time, there was no single approved list of budget items and forms, as well as centers of financial responsibility. As a result, constant conflicts arose between the financial department and other departments; employees complained that applications were lost, not paid on time, and, as a result, the stated budget was not fulfilled.

In order to streamline payments and ensure control over the expenditure of funds, it was decided to implement the “Treasury” block as part of a project to implement a budgeting system based on the existing information systems “1C: UPP” and SyteLine. To achieve this, four problems were solved.

Structuring cash flows in order to control the expenditure of funds

First of all, the structure for constructing a cash flow budget was determined: cash flow items and their priority, forms for a register of payments and a payment calendar, as well as requests for the expenditure and receipt of funds were developed.

For the convenience of users, it was decided to tie the priority of payment to cash flow items, and at the same time limit the choice of items depending on the agreement and the central financial district. In order to ensure uniform rules for organizing the payment process that are clear to all departments, the company developed and implemented a regulation “Principles and procedures for the expenditure of funds.” This document contains:

  • rules for preparing documents for the receipt and expenditure of funds;
  • principles and procedure for approval and order of documents for payment;
  • algorithm for operational and current payment planning.

An important task of the regulations is to ensure that any monetary expenses are limited to amounts not exceeding the value of the relevant items DDS according to the approved BDDS (annual, quarterly or monthly) for each Central Federal District.

Introduction of generating requests for spending funds

When the responsible executor has a need to spend funds, regardless of the form of payment (cash or non-cash), he is obliged to create a request for payment. This document is created electronically in two systems: “1C: UPP” or SyteLine. The payment initiator must fill in all the required details in the application. Next, documents for spending funds are automatically uploaded to the information system “1C: UPP” in the status “Prepared” and posted there.

  • How to organize a budget control system: project experience

When submitting applications, the balance under the DDS item for the month (quarter, year) is automatically monitored for each division (CFD-executor and CDF-customer), project and contract. If the limit for one of the DDS items specified in the payment document is exceeded, then it is recorded in the 1C: UPP system, but is not posted. At the same time, a corresponding information message is issued.

In practice, the following situation may arise: the limit under the DDS item has been exhausted, but the application for spending funds has a high priority and it was not provided for in the budget for the current period. In this case, the document is checked for the possibility of adjustment using available funds under another article of the DDS of this Central Federal District or changes in the budget of this unit.

If a decision was made to cancel the payment or the counterparty did not fulfill its paid obligations (did not deliver goods and materials, did not provide a service) on an application for spending funds made in the 1C: UPP system, then the corresponding document must be closed in the 1C: UPP system. and necessarily in the SyteLine system.

Approval of an application for spending funds occurs as follows. The application is printed, the documents necessary for payment are attached to it, and it is endorsed by officials involved in the payment approval process. All approved applications are submitted to the financial department according to the register of receipt and transfer of funds, and they are assigned the status “Accepted”.

Development of a scheme for creating a register of payments and an application for spending funds

Responsible employees of the financial department daily create in the 1C: UPP system a preliminary register of payments for cash and non-cash payments to plan payment for the next business day. The register includes all applications submitted to the financial department before 12 noon of the current day. At the same time, the balance under the DDS item for the month (quarter, year) is monitored for the second time for each division (CFD-executor and CDF-customer), projects, contracts.

If the planned limit is exceeded in the current month, the application for spending funds is not included in the payment register. At the same time, in the 1C: UPP system it is assigned the status “Rejected”, and within one business day the document is returned under signature to the payment initiator for making a decision.

After formation in the 1C: UPP system, the preliminary register of payments is printed and agreed upon with the head of the financial department, chief accountant and deputy general director for economics and commerce. On the morning of the payment day, the preliminary register is submitted to the general director for signature. If, after approval of the register, there is a need to change some payments, then the responsible employees of the financial department in the 1C: UPP system in applications for spending funds change the “Expenditure Date” and exclude them from the register. After this, the payment register is assigned the status “Approved”, and all applications for spending funds included in the register automatically receive a similar status.

It is possible to create and post payment documents (expense cash orders and payment orders) in the 1C: UPP system only on the basis of applications for spending funds approved by the General Director, with the exception of those included in the operational register of payments.

Information about payments made (applications for spending funds) is carried out using the 1C: UPP system using reports such as:

  • Analysis of the register of applications for spending funds;
  • Distribution of payments by DDS items, orders and sources of financing;
  • Distribution of payments by FP items.

Reports are generated after information about payment is entered by employees of the financial department, no later than two working days from the date of payment.

All requests for spending funds approved by the budget of the current month, but not paid in this period, are included by the initiating departments in the budget for the next planned month in agreement with the head of the financial department. He, in turn, on the last working day of the current month in all such applications changes the “Date of expense” parameter to the second working day of the next planned month.

Drawing up a payment calendar

For the purpose of operational and current cash flow planning, a payment calendar is generated in the 1C: UPP system based on electronic documents such as planned receipts and requests for spending funds.

  • Payment calendar: tasks for creating a cash management tool

Adjustment (balancing) of the payment calendar is carried out daily based on the results of its analysis, taking into account changes in plans for receipts and payments. During this event, it is necessary to ensure that the daily total cash balance in all accounts and cash registers is non-negative. In cases where this value is positive, but there are not enough funds in individual accounts or in the cash register to pay expenses, a decision is made to move money from other accounts. Depending on the size of the balances, measures are taken to eliminate the deficit or use the company’s free funds:

  • in the event of a shortage of funds, it is necessary to change the expense date to a later date in those applications for which the payment date (critical) has not yet arrived;
  • if there is a surplus that exceeds the amount of the established reserve for unforeseen expenses, in applications with a payment date (planned) earlier than the established deadline, in agreement with the payment initiator, the expense date is changed to an earlier one;
  • if the amount of cash surplus exceeds the needs of the enterprise, then a decision is made on options for using the released amounts.

Thanks to the implemented solution, the company was able to implement dual control of the cash budget in real time, establish feedback between participants in the process, reduce the risk of cash gaps and organize a more rational use of funds.

Larisa Kazakova, PA Polet - branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise GKNPTs im. M.V. Khrunichev"

Has been working in the financial sector for more than 13 years. She was the financial director of such companies as MarketService LLC, the Commercial Equipment Factory Group of Companies, and the head of the financial department at JSC NAPO im. V. P. Chkalova”, iLogistica Group of Companies. Since December 2014, he has been working at PA Polet, a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise GKNPTs im. M.V. Khrunichev." Among the significant projects implemented are the establishment and implementation of management accounting with subsequent automation in the BEST-4, “1C: 7” system in MarketService LLC; introduction of a budgeting system, restoration of management accounting and financial stability in the Trade Equipment Plant Group of Companies; development and implementation at JSC NAPO im. V.P. Chkalov" systems for monitoring accounts receivable, forming and monitoring the execution of the cash flow budget. Currently, he is implementing a project to transfer accounting and tax accounting from the memorial order system to the 1C: UPP system based on the 1C: UPP 1.3 platform in Polet software.

How to spend money correctly

Greetings, dear readers! I remember that two years ago my uncle had almost nothing at all. All the money earned was immediately spent or distributed to friends as a debt.

But now the situation has changed dramatically. My uncle made excellent renovations in his apartment and bought a new car.

All I had to do was reduce the expenditure side of my personal budget. Want to learn how to spend money wisely? What expenses can you safely avoid? In the material below I will share with you extremely useful recommendations.

We all make bad financial decisions from time to time: buying two chocolates for the price of one, accumulating discounts on loyalty cards, picking up extra items at sales. We understand that we don’t really need all this, but we justify ourselves:

  • So what if I already have a hard drive. I'll buy another one in reserve, since there are such discounts.
  • Yes, I have nowhere to wear this dress yet. But when the opportunity presents itself, I will be irresistible.
  • Now, if I buy a membership to a fitness club for a year at once, I will definitely start going to the gym. Moreover, it will be cheaper this way.

As a result, the hard drive lies unpacked, the dress takes up space in the closet, and you appear at the fitness club a couple of times by the end of the year. If you recognize yourself in these examples, this article is for you. We will tell you what prevents you from making informed financial decisions, how to spend money correctly and how not to succumb to the provocations of marketers.

Experience emotions

There is a stereotype that women are more prone to unwise purchases. This is not true: neither men nor women have a part of the brain that is responsible for rationality in finance. This does not depend on gender, age and social status. But it depends on emotions. These are the biggest obstacles to spending money correctly:

  1. Sale! These trousers cost 6000₽, but now only 2000₽! I'll take it! And another butterfly for them, they are going to the wedding soon anyway.
  2. These are the shoes of my dreams! I always wanted exactly these, but couldn't find them anywhere. So what if I already have three pairs, I need THESE! URGENTLY!
  3. Ooooh! What a cute notebook! I’ll buy it, the notebook will always come in handy.
  4. Have I been hunching over all month in vain? I deserve this quadcopter!

Then you realize that you got carried away and vow that you will never make such unwise purchases again. But you guessed it wrong: emotions will surge again and force you to buy the very thing you cannot live without. To prevent this behavior from becoming an obstacle to a prosperous old age or a family trip abroad, fight your emotions.


Suppressing or ignoring emotions is not an option: they will win anyway. This means you need to survive them: if you suddenly want to buy an item unplanned, run for your life. Under no circumstances engage in conversation with sellers: “How much do you still have left? Will they sort it out quickly? It doesn't matter, just walk away and don't do anything until the morning.

And in the morning ask yourself: “Why do I need this thing?” Think through the scenarios in which you will use it, just objectively. How often will you do this? Can you really afford it? And if you don’t buy it, what will you spend the money on? Now you know what to do.

This is useful to do even in relation to nonsense spending. Small expenses are the most dangerous: one purchase is unnoticed by the budget, but once you count them over a year, you will have accumulated starting capital for a dignified old age.

Compare prices

Remember how many times you came to a store for a specific purchase and immediately bought there without comparing the price with other stores.

Imagine that your friend ordered a leather smartphone case from an online store. You decided to order the same and went to the same online store.

We ordered a case and paid 200 for delivery. You are happy with your purchase until you accidentally end up in another online store with the same cases for 400 cheaper and free shipping. If we had looked better, we would have saved 600.

Chances are, when you buy something, you're not too concerned about the cost. If you're willing to pay, the item is worth it. But before you part with your money, imagine how you will feel if you later find the same thing cheaper elsewhere? What could you spend the difference on?

What if you put this difference aside, next time you add another difference to it, then another and another. Put this money at compound interest, open a brokerage account, buy stocks that will grow by 25% every year? Of course, your plans didn't go that far, but just appreciate the magnitude of one small difference in price.

Don't rush to give money to the seller. If you really need an item, look elsewhere and choose the most economical option. If you need this thing suddenly and irrevocably, return to point 1.

Don't give in to your surroundings

Psychologists say that we are similar to the people who surround us. If you take your five closest friends and calculate their average income, your income will be about the same. The same applies to the number of working hours, trips abroad and expenses:


A week before payday, friends invite you to a bar. You have no money, so your friends pay for you on credit or you pay with a credit card. This means that you have already started spending the salary that you have not yet received.

A friend bought a membership to an expensive fitness club and talks about how cozy the locker rooms are, attentive instructors, and how clean the pool is. And now you are no longer satisfied with the rocking chair in the basement of your house, and you buy a subscription to a friend’s fitness club. It turns out that you paid for the subscription, and for the entire duration of the subscription you will spend money and time on the road to the fitness club.

A friend posts photos of new trinkets on Instagram three times a week: jewelry, perfume, clothes. You want to be no worse, and you buy that too.

You are invited to a wedding. You know there will be wealthy guests there. In order not to lose face, you buy a gift that you cannot afford. You also spend money on an outfit, a hairdresser and a taxi.

The environment is the most emotional reason for irrational financial behavior: you are happy to spend less, but your friends won’t understand.

Try this:

  • unfollow braggarts on social networks. It is not necessary to remove them from friends, the main thing is not to see them in your feed;
  • talk to close friends. Let them know that you can no longer spend a lot of money, explain why this is important to you. Set a rule: per month I can spend 5000 on entertainment, as soon as you exhaust it, the entertainment for the month is over, you do not take on debt.
  • lead by example. Let your friends not influence you in finances, but you influence them. Tell us where you invest your money, what part of your salary you save, what you save for, and how you manage your home budget.

Be moderate

Remember that spending money correctly does not mean not spending it at all. Just identify what is unnecessary and irrational in order to put it aside for something more important: education for children, home, old age. You won't feel happy if you can only spend on retirement.

But you will also not feel happy if you pamper yourself in your youth and spend your old age in poverty.


How to manage money correctly?

Remember how many times on payday you went to great lengths, and then after a week of unreasonable spending, you began to suck your paw, cursing yourself for squandering.

With all this, you looked with surprise at the people giving you advice on how not to spend money, considering them boring misers. And they probably complained more than once: “It’s all about the low wages. If it were bigger, then there wouldn’t be any lack of money in my life.” I hasten to disappoint you: you are not alone in your delusions.

I observed the painful process of changing my attitude towards money and spending, getting rid of illusions about a small salary in the example of my friend Yana. After graduation, she went to work in a government organization with a really small salary, which was not enough for anything.

A year later, she moved to a private office, where the salary was twice as high as her previous one, but Yana still didn’t have enough for anything. After another year of working in a private company, my friend was promoted, significantly increasing her salary. But here are the miracles: Yana did not stop complaining that “there is no money.”

When I got tired of her whining, I decided to stun my friend: “Look: in just two years you began to receive almost 5 times more than your first salary, prices during this time have not increased significantly, but still you continue to complain about the lack of money. So maybe it’s not about bad employers who don’t give you millions, but about your attitude towards money? Maybe we should stop wasting them?”


First, remember: money, regardless of its quantity, must be treated with care. Money does not tolerate disrespect, so you cannot:

  • scatter them anywhere (even if we are talking about small coins);
  • carry them crumpled up in your pockets or micro-wallet;
  • they don’t know the accounts;
  • rush to spend as soon as some bill comes into your hands;
  • ignore the possibilities of their increase.

If you don’t do all this, that is: you don’t have “white” (1, 2, 5) pennies scattered around the house, you have a large and beautiful wallet that you adore (this is important!), you know how much money you have, what expenses you have made, and do not miss the opportunity to earn more than now, which means the problem lies in the fact that you simply do not understand how to spend money correctly.

“An ignorant attitude towards money breeds greed and great fear.” Robert Kiyosaki

5 surefire ways

Plan your expenses. This means that you should not make rash purchases, even if all your nature demands to immediately buy an absolutely useless, but such a beautiful vase.

When you go shopping, always make a list and don’t deviate from it unless you forgot to include something you really need.

Live within your means. You must clearly understand what you can afford with your salary and what you cannot. It is only little fools who can demand expensive purchases from their mother, not paying attention to the presence/absence of money; an adult is simply obliged to control his impulses.

Don't collect credits money that you cannot repay, get rid of the habit of constantly borrowing, because sooner or later this will lead you to financial ruin.

Distribute your salary immediately. If you receive it in cash, then when you get home, immediately distribute the bills into different envelopes: “for rent”, “for food”, “for clothes”, “for entertainment”, “for summer vacation”, “for the future” and etc.


There is no need to castlage over the course of a month and pretend that the money from the envelope “for food” itself crawled into the envelope “for clothes”.

An envelope “for the future” is generally an emergency reserve that needs to be transferred either to a deposit, or at least to a traditional piggy bank.

How to spend money correctly?

Love sales, promotions, discount cards. Today, megamarkets offer many opportunities to save on necessary (and often spontaneous) purchases. It would be a sin not to use them.

Train yourself to follow the progress of promotions and sales. Don't ignore purchasing non-perishable foods at wholesale prices either.

Learn to save on what you can. The presence of meters significantly reduces the cost of utilities.

Many old things can be reanimated rather than thrown away. A dinner prepared with your loved one and eaten in a romantic setting by candlelight is no worse than a restaurant meal. Gotsan in a nightclub should be replaced more often with visits to theaters, exhibitions, festivals - both cheap and useful.

Don't go shopping on payday. Wait at least a few days, and when going to the store, do not take all the money you have at once, take only the amount needed for your planned purchases, plus 40-50 rubles (just in case).

Keep your money on a bank card. If you receive your salary on a card, do not withdraw it all at once. Withdraw the amount needed to pay for utilities and buy groceries; let everything else remain on the card for now.


Moreover, it is better not to carry the card with you, but to leave it at home, so as not to succumb to the temptation to pay for an unnecessary purchase at the terminal.

When necessary, know how to turn on austerity mode. Did you buy coveted expensive shoes or did one of your relatives suddenly fall ill and need money for treatment? Then turn on strict economy mode: no extra expenses, so as not to go beyond your budget.

Don't be afraid to say "No." Friends invite you to a nightclub, cinema or bowling, but you no longer have the money for it? Just tell them “No!”, this is not the last party in your life, you will find something else where to spend the money.

Get rid of bad habits. Do you realize how much a pack of cigarettes costs today? Every day you are ruining your health for money! Now calculate your monthly expenses for the crap that is killing you!

I hope you understand how to spend money correctly and will no longer complain about your low salary, but simply change your attitude towards it.


Secrets of home “accounting”

Well, why does it happen that at the beginning of the month you put a large sum of money in your wallet, and after 15 days the bills disappear somewhere, as if it were not a leather wallet, but a real sieve? Moreover, this applies not only to women (who are considered terrible spenders), but also to men.

Saving money is actually quite simple. It is much more difficult to persuade yourself to make some sacrifices for the sake of well-being.

People naively believe that one single purchase cannot unsettle them. Maybe! And not even for one month. That’s why it’s so important to open your wallet with a clear head. How to learn this? Follow these tips:

Record your purchases

Remember how our grandmothers scrupulously collected receipts from stores and kept house books? At the time, their behavior seemed petty. But they were right and knew exactly how to spend money wisely. Try to write down all your purchases for at least a week, right down to travel tickets. No, you won't save money that way.


But you are guaranteed to notice several expense items that could be cut. For example, the endless cups of coffee that you buy in the office lobby. Or the tenth bottle of perfume this month.

You will still give away “unwanted” scents to your friends, so why buy them? And needless to say, such purchases lift your spirits. Look at how much money is spent on them, and finally learn how to spend your salary wisely.

Plan your spending

This is also one of the secrets of the old generation. They (our wise mothers and grandmothers) planned everything ahead. How much per month should you spend on groceries, how much on clothes, how much should you save for unexpected expenses. Yes, yes, you heard right. They even managed to save a few pennies from their salaries.

Because they knew that anything can happen in life. We spend money as if we are insured against illness or life's troubles. Of course, if you have such insurance, you don’t have to read this article. But for those whom illnesses and troubles still overtake along the path of life, it’s time to draw up a detailed budget for the next month.

Just approach this task as intelligently as possible. Take your salary as a basis, not your immense appetites. Of course, every girl needs a Gucci handbag, but maybe it’s better to save a couple of thousand for a trip to the sea?

If your first attempt at budgeting doesn't go well, don't despair. Learning to wisely distribute the funds you earn is much more difficult than earning them. So learn from old mistakes and plan again. Until you fit into your intended budget and understand how to spend money correctly.

The shops!..

This is the scourge of modern women. How can you resist a dizzying dress with a bright price tag, when the recently received salary rustles pleasantly in your wallet? Moreover, a lot of money was received, and the dress is such a trifle.

Next comes a handbag (to go with the dress, of course), shoes and jewelry. Why so many purchases at once? After all, you only wanted to buy a dress on sale? Everything is simple here. It just didn’t fit into the existing wardrobe, and it certainly needed to be supplemented with suitable details.


And here you are, tired but happy, returning home with shopping (and a half-empty wallet), trying on a new dress to show it to your family, but it’s too small (or too big). Moreover, there is no second one like this in the store... And you have to return the purchase.

Now look around. Where do you put your handbag and acid green shoes? They looked amazing with the dress. But alone, that’s a completely different conversation. Of course, you can try to return them to the store. But why do you need all this rigmarole? Wouldn't it be easier to go home immediately after getting paid? Then there would be no unreasonable expenses and unnecessary disappointments.

Don’t be like chronic alcoholics, who need serious protection in the form of a vigilant wife in order to get home on payday. Even though shopaholism has not yet been officially recognized by doctors as a disease, it won’t hurt to learn how to treat your illness wisely. So go home on payday. And don't look back at the colorful shop windows.

Shopping wisely

Gotcha? It's only the second day after payday, and are you already going shopping? No, no, you shouldn’t lock yourself inside four walls for a month, in fear of spending all your money. You just need to learn to spend your honestly earned money wisely. Don't take all your money with you.

Make a detailed list of your upcoming purchases, calculate approximately how much money they will cost, and take with you a little more than the amount you got after the calculations. This way you won’t be able to spend extra money and will fit into your intended budget (you’ve already drawn it up, right?)

So, let's say that you understand how to spend money correctly, and by the day of your next payday, there is some money left in your home safe. Commendable. Only after this many people immediately forget about all the home accounting lessons and run to spend the saved money, motivating their squandering by the fact that a new salary is already on the way.

Wait. This way you will never make capital. Put everything you have saved into a bank card. And preferably at interest. Don't believe in the modern banking system? Then give the money to a close friend for safekeeping until you can learn to refrain from unnecessary waste on your own.

Do you want to be a wealthy person? Then don't borrow money. Never. Even if it seems to you that there is no other way out or that the amount borrowed is very insignificant, and returning it will be as easy as shelling pears.


It’s better to live on potatoes alone than to eat sausage at someone else’s expense. Judge for yourself: today you are missing a hundred, and you take the missing amount from a friend.

But you have to give it away. And this means that in your next salary you won’t have exactly the same hundred. What will you do? Borrow again? Not seeing any patterns? But it’s much easier to learn to spend money wisely and start saving until payday instead of walking around with your hand outstretched.

Learn to save

Do you know what costs us the most? Our bad habits. You just need to calculate how much money we smoke per month, or how much we drink espresso from the machine. Did you count? Now multiply the resulting figure by 12 months.

Impressive? Maybe it's time to quit smoking? Or limit the amount of coffee you drink to three cups a day (this is the amount doctors call safe for the body)? And if you again want to take a drag on a fragrant cigar or go down to the lobby for a fragrant and strong drink, remember how much money you are losing.

And best of all, come up with a prize for yourself with this money. Something that I never had enough money for before. For example, a new tablet. Or a leather jacket. And let one temptation fight another.

For some reason, when talking about saving, many people completely forget about utility bills. But we also spend money on them. Moreover, a considerable amount every month. Therefore, pay your attention to this expense item. If you still don’t have meters installed in your apartment, install them.

If you are washing dishes, do not turn on the faucet at full power. Let the tap water run moderately. Turn off the lights in rooms you are not currently in and try to use energy-saving lamps.


It often happens that the next salary is still very far away, but the money in your wallet has long since run out. This happens because sometimes people make the wrong financial decisions - buying unnecessary things or unnecessary products. We will talk about how to spend money correctly in this article.

How to save money?

Netizens often ask the question, how to learn how to spend money correctly? Experienced financiers recommend using one of the following methods.


Keep a notebook in which you will write down all small and large purchases. Thanks to this, you will be able to understand where the money is going and which expense items are unnecessary. After 1-2 months, calculate how much money you need to buy everything you need and what purchases you should avoid.

Plan all future expenses carefully. Make a list of regular monthly payments - utilities, food, loan payments, etc. Read it carefully to understand what you shouldn’t spend your money on.

Don't borrow money. This is the main rule that you should pay special attention to. People who are accustomed to living in debt cannot properly plan their expenses, because they constantly think about the need to return a certain amount. In this case, a person cannot plan his budget. If you already have debts, try to pay them off as quickly as possible.

On payday, you should not go to shops or the market on the way. When you have a large sum in your wallet, various temptations arise, so it’s better to go home and make a list of expenses. If you want to learn how to spend money correctly so that you always have savings, follow this rule.

Get a very ordinary piggy bank at home. Throw small money there throughout the month. In a month, you will be pleasantly surprised at how much money you can collect this way.

Store money on the card. Cash is spent much faster than money on a bank card. While a person goes to the ATM to withdraw the required amount, he can reconsider whether to make a purchase or not.

Part of the money from the card can be deposited into a deposit account. Thanks to this, you can save a lot in a year and buy some necessary expensive item. Experts recommend saving 10% of your salary per month. Once you understand how to spend money correctly during a crisis, you can gradually increase the amount.

Learn to save on bad habits. Try quitting smoking, eating fast food, or drinking beer after work. This will allow you to significantly save money and improve your health.


Successful people who know what to spend their money on never buy the cheapest product, but at the same time, they do not overpay for a big name or a well-promoted brand.

Remember that a low price is not a reason to buy another sweater or jeans if your closet is already completely filled with things.

Learning to cope with emotions

The main enemy of any person who wants to learn how to save is his emotions. For example, you made a decision, I want to work for myself in order to gain financial independence. In any business, the most important thing is patience because from day one you will not be able to make much profit.

Therefore, you have to work hard from morning to evening, receiving nothing in return. The only joy is buying new things that will help add at least some variety to your workday.

A person gets emotional, buys new clothes or household appliances and, as a result, causes serious damage to his business with such unplanned purchases. To avoid such mistakes, do not give in to momentary impulses that will not improve your life or bring joy.

Shopping behavior

Do you want to figure out how to spend money correctly in your family? Everything is very simple. You just need to learn to do it wisely. When going shopping, you shouldn’t take all the money you have in the house with you.


Make a rough list of what you want to buy and take a little more finance than planned on the list. In this case, you won’t be able to buy anything extra and therefore stay within your budget without any problems.

This approach will allow you to save a decent amount every month. Don't rush to spend this money. If you feel like you can't help yourself from spending, give it to a trusted friend for safekeeping or put it on a bank card.

Compare prices

Some people come into the store and immediately make a purchase. After that, they find the same thing in another store, but it costs much less. But this difference in prices could have been put aside or spent on other needs.

Therefore, if you are going to buy something, first of all, compare the price in different stores. You can find such information on specialized websites on the Internet.

By the way, you can make money from the difference in prices without leaving your home. To do this, just find an inexpensive product in Chinese online stores and sell it at a premium on social networks or through advertisements. This will allow you to receive a decent additional income practically out of thin air.

Buying experience

One of the most important rules is to buy as few things as possible and as much experience as possible. It doesn't matter how much your clothes cost if you wear them in Paris, for example. Things quickly depreciate and become boring, but the experience lasts a lifetime and allows you to earn a living. This purchase will serve you forever, as it has a 100% lifetime warranty.

Traps in supermarkets

According to experts, people make the most unnecessary, spontaneous purchases in supermarkets and large shopping centers. Such trading enterprises use various tricks to lure you into a trap. To understand what you can spend money on in supermarkets, you need to learn to identify all these tricks and avoid them:

  • Arranging goods on shelves. Experts have determined that the products that sell out the fastest in stores are the ones that come into the customer's field of vision first. In such places in supermarkets they display goods from which you can make a good profit due to its low cost;
  • Promotion "2+1". This method allows supermarkets to get rid of stale goods. And buyers simply spend extra money, receiving an absolutely unnecessary item as a gift;
  • Flavors that make you feel hungry. Almost every supermarket greets customers with pleasant aromas of fresh baked bread, coffee and sweets. If you go to the store on an empty stomach, you may end up buying a lot of unnecessary extra food that will spoil in a few days and have to be thrown away.

To avoid falling into one of the traps, make a shopping list before going to the supermarket and stick to it strictly. This will allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Avoid consumer loans

Affordable consumer lending has led to the ruin of many families. People are attracted by the availability of financial resources, so they use them without paying attention to the high cost. Sooner or later, this leads to a person falling into a deep financial hole.


Living on credit drags people down. Since consumer loans are the most expensive, they significantly worsen a person’s financial situation.

Therefore, if you want to buy a fashionable gadget or some household appliances, look for ideas for earning extra money in your free time and make purchases with your own money, not on credit.

Work on mistakes

After shopping, carefully analyze all your expenses. Pay special attention to purchases that were not on the list. To gain some experience and learn to fight your desires, you need to constantly work on your mistakes.

If you can identify the provocateur who is pushing you to take rash actions, it will be much easier for you to deal with him. This way you'll know what to avoid when shopping next time.

Calculate how much money you spent and how much you managed to save. Such information will bring you positive emotions and pleasure. Every penny saved will eventually turn into rubles and will allow you to gain long-awaited financial independence.

Anyone can learn to save money. The most important thing is not to get into debt, so as not to create needs for yourself. Manage your financial resources wisely and then all your expenses will be rational.

Do you hate opening an empty wallet when you really need money? Regardless of whether you have a lot of money or little, it is important to be able to spend it wisely; because this way you can get greater benefits at lower costs. Follow the tips in this article to cut your spending on essential items and take a smarter approach to your purchases.


Basic expenses

    Create a budget. Track your income and expenses to get a clear picture of your financial situation. Save receipts or write down your purchases in a notebook. Review last month's bills and add these expenses to your budget.

    • Sort your expenses by category (food, clothing, entertainment, etc.). Pay attention to the categories you spend the most money on (or the ones you feel like you're spending too much on)—they can be a good way to find savings.
    • After you've tracked your spending for some time, create a monthly spending limit for each category. Make sure your overall budget is less than your income for the period and you have enough money left over to save if possible.
  1. Plan all your expenses in advance. By giving in to momentary impulses, you increase your spending. Make a shopping list at home before you go shopping.

    Avoid impulse purchases. While planning your purchases in advance is a good idea, spontaneous shopping is a terrible idea. Follow these tips to avoid making rash purchases:

    Go shopping yourself. Children, friends who love shopping, and even friends whose tastes you follow can encourage you to make unplanned purchases.

    • Don't listen to advice from store consultants. If you need to know something, listen to the answer, but ignore all their buying advice. If they won't leave you alone, leave the store and come back later to make a decision.
  2. Pay the entire amount in cash at once. Credit and debit cards increase spending for two reasons: you have a lot more money to spend than usual, and because you don't see your money literally changing hands, you don't see it as a “real” spend. Likewise, writing expenses down to your account or using pay-as-you-go plans can make it much more difficult to realize how much you're actually spending.

    Don't fall for marketers' tricks. External influences are a significant factor that influences what we spend money on. Be vigilant and aware of the reasons why you are attracted to a particular product.

    Wait for sales and discounts. If you know that you need a certain product, but not urgently, wait for the discounts on it to start or try to find a discount coupon.

    • Use a coupon or take advantage of a discount period only in the event that you “really need” this product or you decided to purchase it even before you found out about the discount. A low price is an easy bait for potential buyers to buy something they don’t need.
    • Buy seasonal items at other times of the year. A winter jacket will cost less in the summer.
  3. Study the offers. Before buying an expensive item, look for reviews online and find out how to get better quality for less money. Find a product that fits your budget and is of high quality, will last a long time and meet your requirements.

    Take all expenses into account. Otherwise, you will pay much more than what is indicated on the label of even many expensive products. Read all the fine print and consider the full cost before making decisions.

    • Don't be fooled by lower monthly payments. Calculate the total cost you will spend (multiply the payment amount by the number of months until payment) to find the best option.
    • If you take out a loan, calculate the total interest you will have to pay back.
  4. Allow yourself small joys from time to time. As strange as it may sound (isn't it like wasting money on something unnecessary?), it's actually much easier to stick to your budget and save money if you reward yourself for it periodically. Try to avoid all unnecessary expenses and, most likely, sooner or later you will relapse and spend much more.

    • Set aside a very small amount in your budget for these joys. Your goal is to reward yourself for completing your plan to keep your spirit up and prevent you from overspending.
    • If you usually treat yourself to something expensive, then try to find more budget-friendly alternatives. Take a bubble bath at home instead of at a spa, or rent a movie from the library instead of going to the theater.

Clothing expenses

  1. Buy only what you really need. Take a look through your closet to see what you already have. Sell ​​or give away those items that you don't wear or that don't fit you. After this, you will have a better idea of ​​your wardrobe.

    • Freeing up space in your closet is not an excuse to buy more things. Your goal is to find out which clothes you have enough and which ones you really don't have enough.
  2. Know when to pay more for quality. It is foolish to buy the most expensive branded socks, because they wear out quickly. However, spending more money on quality shoes can save you money in the long run.

    • Remember that price is not always an indicator of quality. Find companies that make durable clothing instead of believing that the most expensive option is the best.
    • Likewise, if possible, wait until discounts begin on the product you want. Remember not to use sales as an excuse for unnecessary purchases.
  3. Buy clothes at a second-hand store. In some of these stores you can find amazingly high quality items. At a minimum, you can purchase basic items for a fraction of their original cost.

    • Thrift stores in more affluent areas tend to get better quality clothing.
  4. If you can't find what you need at a thrift store, buy an inexpensive, off-brand item. A designer logo is not at all an indicator of the highest quality.

Food and drink expenses

    Make a menu and shopping list for the week. Once you've decided on a food budget, write down in advance the specific meals you'll be eating and what you'll need to buy at the store to prepare them.

    Find out how to save money on food. There are many ways to save on groceries, from buying in bulk to taking advantage of specific times during which certain products are cheaper.

    Eat in restaurants less often. Homemade food is much cheaper than restaurant food, so you can’t go to them spontaneously, especially if you’ve started saving.

    • Make lunch at home and take it with you to school or work.
    • Collect tap water in a bottle to avoid buying expensive bottled water.
    • Also, if you drink coffee often, buy an inexpensive French press and save money by making it at home.

Smart money savings

  1. Save money. Smart spending and saving are related concepts. Each month, try to put aside a certain amount into a savings account or other interest-bearing deposit. The more you save each month, the better your financial situation will be. But this, by and large, is the meaning of spending money wisely, isn’t it? There are several savings options you can consider:

    • Create an emergency fund.
    • Open an individual retirement account or pension savings fund.
    • Avoid unnecessary taxes.
    • Plan your menu for the week.
  2. Get rid of expensive habits. Bad habits such as smoking, drinking, or gambling can eat up all the money you save. Avoiding them will have a beneficial effect on both your wallet and your health.

We all have good and bad habits. Flossing your teeth, exercising regularly, and getting a good night's sleep are all good habits. However, there are also bad ones that can undermine a person’s financial health. To achieve long-term financial well-being, you need to turn off autopilot and start making active and informed decisions and learn spend money wisely.

Get rid of the bad ones money habits can be extremely difficult. It happens that they take root in the mind from childhood or as a result of the upbringing received, or they are the result of a simple lack of knowledge about personal finance. Even with the best intentions and discipline, a person still has some habits that continue to undermine his monetary success. Here are some options for managing spending habits that can leave your income-expense balance in disarray:

1. Any form of emotional spending should be avoided when trying to cope with the vicissitudes of fate - a kind of shopping to lift the mood; Shopping doesn't solve problems. Set some basic rules for yourself and unsubscribe from promotional mailings from your favorite stores.

2. Although lending money to family and friends is admirable, if they are unable to repay the loan, it can cause conflicts, resentment, and spoil the relationship between you.

3. Paying for everyone at a restaurant or bar can be a great thing to be proud of, but if it causes you to go into debt or put off important expenses, then you've gone too far.

4. Comparing and measuring success in life based on what kind of house you have or what kind of car you drive is a false premise. You may be tempted by the desire to keep up with the Ivanovs, but you don’t know whether your neighbors are living within their means.

5. Set up a “spending filter” in your life for expensive purchases. Before making impulsive and expensive purchases, give yourself at least 24 hours to think before making a purchase. It is important to differentiate between needs and wants. If you give yourself enough time to evaluate the need for your purchases, you will also have time to shop online for better deals.

6. If you don't keep track of your credit score, it can seriously harm your plans for the future. Your credit history may be affected by information about unpaid bills. Remember, it takes a long time to clear your credit history, and a bad credit history will have a huge financial impact if you intend to take out a loan or mortgage.

7. When it's time for promotions at work, don't be afraid to ask for a raise. As they say, if you don't ask, you won't get, and the vast majority of those who ask get what they want, be it a salary increase or some other type of incentive compensation.

8. After paying your bills for the month, you are the one who decides what to do with the remaining money. Spending it all instead of saving and investing the rest of your money can become commonplace. This often results in a person not having a “rainy day fund,” that is, money in case of an emergency. A good idea is to save 10% of your income and try to keep an amount in your “emergency fund” that you can live on for at least 6 months.

9. Mixing your personal and business lives together is great, but when it comes time to file taxes, it can create significant complications and headaches for you and/or your accountant. An accountant, of course, can handle all this, but will also require higher payment for his time.

10. If possible, try to avoid bank fees. Banks make money from the fees they charge you; One of the easy-to-avoid ones is ATM fees. Do not use third-party ATMs, which charge higher fees. You should also consider choosing a different bank that does not charge fees when using ATMs.

11. If you use credit cards, it's a good idea to understand exactly what you're doing with your money and how credit card interest affects your life. With minimum payments, it will take you years to pay off your debt.

12. Get rid of any memberships you don't use. Many of us decide to start going to the gym this time of year to lose a few pounds, but never get around to going.

13. Don't buy coffee, lunches and snacks on a daily basis. There's nothing you can do about it - it's temptingly easy to spend money, especially on all sorts of little things. Do a simple calculation: how much will one latte a day cost you per month?

14. If you don't check your bank and credit card statements and keep track of your expenses, then you're living in a money coma. Ask a friend or relative to help assess your financial situation and work together to develop a plan to improve it.

Remember get rich– this is a long process. Accumulating wealth is entirely up to you; Don't forget that this requires time, patience and the right habits.

Has anyone taught you how to manage your finances? Maybe your parents taught you how to handle money correctly in childhood, or was there a separate subject at school on this topic? Hardly.

For some reason, it is believed that you only need to learn how to earn money, and spending it is a simple matter, anyone can do it.

As a result, we don’t know how to spend money, we earn enough to go to a three-star hotel or buy a mid-priced smartphone, but we take out a loan to go to a five-star hotel and buy the latest iPhone model - we are no worse than our colleagues.

Even if we make expensive purchases not on credit, we spend almost all the money we earn during the year. As a result, the motto “from paycheck to paycheck” becomes relevant for us.

We also like to go to extremes in our relationship with money. Either we are not interested in money: “We are above this, as long as we have enough for food,” or we believe that there is nothing more important than money, and we make it the main priority in life. Such relationships with money cannot be called healthy.

Money gives freedom, scares and causes neuroses

No matter how much you want to get rid of the influence of money, it still means a lot. Money means security, comfort and stability, and ultimately, freedom.

Therefore, few people can be indifferent to money, and even the sight of a wad of money evokes a range of diverse feelings within every person.

Strong emotions are also associated with psychological problems - the so-called money neuroses, which are present in most people.

Greed, fear of being left without money, and with it without freedom and comfort, excessive wastefulness or the already familiar shopaholism. A person with such neuroses simply cannot spend money rationally and treat it correctly.

As noted by Konstantin Sheremetyev, Doctor of Science, scientist, researcher of the work of intelligence with more than 20 years of experience:

Most supposedly financial problems are actually psychological problems.

The worst thing is that you can live with these neuroses your whole life. And there are no positive aspects to this, since you are not spending money on what you really need, and you are not getting any pleasure from your purchases.

What to do? Understand your money neuroses and deep-seated needs, change your attitude towards money and do it as soon as possible.

Building a healthy relationship with money

To learn how to manage your money and change your attitude towards it, you won’t need years of practice - it’s enough to see your mistakes and techniques for correcting them once.

All the necessary knowledge on this topic was included in a small course “Red Wallet” from Doctor of Sciences, scientist, author of best-selling books about the work of the brain, intelligence and subconscious mind Konstantin Sheremetyev.

There are a total of 10 lessons in the course that help you understand the reasons for your greed or wastefulness, understand the roots of the problem and learn techniques that will help you manage money.

All 10 lessons can be read in one breath, and there is nothing complicated in them - all situations with money are clear and familiar to everyone, and analysis with examples generally removes all misunderstandings.

At the same time, there are new techniques here that I, for example, have never heard of. Take the same rule of three wallets, when you distribute money not according to expense items, as in countless financial management applications, but according to three psychological points.

In general, the course briefly but succinctly describes all the problems and rules for handling money in different situations: during force majeure, when communicating with relatives or other people, before expensive purchases, during discounts and sales, and so on.

And one of the most important rules, in my opinion, is to enjoy your money.

You earn money, you give your time, part of your life for it, and you simply must spend it with pleasure.

And, what is most surprising, you will have to learn this too. After all, getting pleasure is one of the criteria for a correct attitude towards money and the absence of psychological problems with it.

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