Who is now the head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation? Administration of the President of Russia

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Although the president is the main person in the country, he cannot simultaneously carry out and control all ongoing processes. To ensure the proper functioning of the state apparatus, there is a whole extensive network. This system is headed by the Chief of Staff of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

The person holding this position is responsible for many departments and officials. All people employed in the government apparatus daily resolve many issues and overcome difficulties that stand in the way of Russia's development. The Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation helps the head of state fulfill his immediate duties. He has a decisive vote in approving various programs and projects. This is the person who has great influence, but at the same time - no less important responsibility.

General facts

Such a position as the head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation appeared immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the formation of an independent state. The person in this position is appointed by the President of Russia himself. This is an official serving for the benefit of the people who directs the work of the state apparatus. The head of the Russian Federation gives general instructions, and the head of the administration understands them in more detail. Over the past quarter century, many different political figures have held this position. Since 2016, this place has belonged to Anton Vaino.

Functional responsibilities

The Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation has a number of powers and responsibilities. He is the main representative of the state apparatus in all federal and local bodies, as well as in international and Russian organizations.

It is this official who organizes the work of the units. He conveys instructions through their leaders and superiors.

Anton Vaino, who now holds the post of head of the administration, is also engaged in dividing responsibilities between his deputies. The manager must also control assistants and advisers. His power even extends to representatives of federal districts.

The head of the state apparatus is also involved in legislative activities. On behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, he can make his own adjustments to the adoption and signing of various decrees, orders and resolutions. Programs and projects are placed on his preview table. Before such documents are seen by the head of state, they must be approved by the head of the administration.

The same applies to personnel changes. All proposed candidates are initially reviewed by the head of administration. For the convenience of organizing his work, he has the right to choose the number and staffing levels of departments that are under his authority. This opportunity extends to the country's Security Council, as well as to the federal districts. The manager also selects the information that should be classified. He has the right to encourage, punish and assign ranks to employees of the state body subordinate to him.

The head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation listens to all wishes and orders from the president. Then the official organizes their distribution to a certain circle of people and timely execution. The head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation can also submit a request to receive the necessary data from various government bodies.

The manager’s responsibilities also include preparing estimates to meet the needs of the state apparatus. This official must take into account all funds that will be spent on the activities of the president, his representatives and deputies.

Position of first deputy

This post was established back in 1993. The First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation at that time was alone, and this position was held by A.I. Tretyakov. Now, due to the large range of responsibilities, this place is divided between two officials - A. A. Gromov and S. V. Kiriyenko.

Responsibilities of first deputies

The first deputy heads of the administration are engaged in personnel changes. They are competent to appoint officials to the following positions:

  • Deputy Head of Department;
  • chief advisor;
  • advisor;
  • consultant;
  • expert specialist;
  • Leading Specialist;
  • specialist of the first category.

They can also dismiss from the above positions, impose disciplinary sanctions, or, conversely, apply incentive measures.

If the head of the administration gives the go-ahead, then his first deputies can sign contracts and employment contracts. They distribute allocated funds at their own discretion. These officials directly supervise the work of the units subordinate to them. Their sphere of influence extends to the activities of judicial and law enforcement agencies. They can introduce reforms of federal relations and local government.

Deputy position

At the moment, the post of deputy is occupied by three officials - Magomedov M.M., Ostrovenko V.E., Peskov D.S. Deputy. The head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation conducts information, analytical and organizational activities. Officials in this position work with both federal and local authorities. Deputies are much closer to representatives of local government, and therefore are a key link between them and the President of Russia. The Main Territorial Administration (State Council) is also under their influence.

One of the deputies is separately involved in preparing lists of those who, for whatever reason, are nominated for state awards. Officials intervene in special cases when granting citizenship or if it is necessary to resolve any personnel issues.

Presidential Press Secretary

One deputy head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation has special responsibilities. This is a person with good communication skills. This position is called a press secretary, and it appeared relatively recently in Russia. This post is now occupied by D.S. Peskov. This person performs many functions. He is a very important person who represents the President in front of the media.

Functions of a press secretary

He works as both a marketer and an event manager. The press secretary must organize various kinds of events at the highest level. The image of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and the head of state himself depends on the work of this person. He is responsible for communication between governing bodies and the public through journalists. This position involves the creation of a communication field around the state apparatus. The person holding this position must be able to present information correctly in order to manage the perception of the people. D.S. Peskov is engaged in correcting and smoothing out harsh expressions, negative and erroneous actions of the president and his assistants.

His main job is to interact with the media. This official provides necessary materials to journalists, prepares and edits interviews, and deals with requests from various publications and television channels. With the development of information technology, the person holding this post has another responsibility - maintaining pages on social networks. He supervises the preparation of press conferences and interviews. Participates in the organization of advertising campaigns.

Division of responsibilities

The head of the department of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation cannot independently carry out all the tasks assigned to him. For this he has special assistants. Each of them is responsible for their own sphere of influence.

One of the assistants is preparing material for the president's speeches. As a rule, its sphere of influence is education, science and culture.

Another official is assigned to process applications from citizens. This person is responsible for the office, that is, organizes office work. His responsibilities include working with documents, issuing approved orders, instructions and instructions.

Another assistant's job is to review and implement various promising projects. He is responsible for the implementation of government programs and participates in the development of new methods for organizing the administrative apparatus in the presidential administration.

Domestic and foreign policy

Since the assistants to the head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation have their own personal responsibilities, then, naturally, there is a person who is responsible for resolving issues related to the foreign policy of the state. He makes important decisions in the field of international relations and military-technical cooperation of the country.

In contrast to him there is a person who deals only with the internal politics of the state. This person must successfully interact with various parties, political associations, trade unions, religious and public organizations.

MOSCOW, August 12 – RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin dismissed Sergei Ivanov from the post of head of the presidential administration, the Kremlin said in a statement.

Ivanov was appointed special representative of the president on environmental issues, ecology and transport, and in his new position he retained his seat on the Russian Security Council.

Why is Ivanov leaving?

Putin noted that he was pleased with the work of the head of his administration. According to the president, Ivanov himself asked to be transferred to another job.

“I understand your desire to move to another area of ​​work. I really hope that in your new place you will use all your knowledge and experience to work effectively,” the president said.

“I will try to work just as actively, dynamically and effectively in my new post,” Ivanov replied.

Sergei Ivanov has served as head of the presidential administration since December 2011. Before that, he worked as Deputy Prime Minister for three years.

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Who headed the presidential administration

The presidential administration was headed by Anton Vaino, who previously served as deputy head of the presidential administration. Putin noted that Ivanov himself recommended his candidacy.

Vaino noted that in his post he will continue the anti-corruption work that his predecessor began. The new head of the presidential administration also promised to cooperate with the government.

“We will carry out all this work in close cooperation with the government, the chambers of the Federal Assembly, heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public organizations and associations,” the new head of the presidential administration noted at a meeting with the head of state.

Anton Vaino has worked in the presidential administration since 2002. Since May 2012, he served as deputy head of the administration.

Instead of Vaino, Putin appointed head of presidential protocol Vladimir Ostrovenko as deputy head of the administration.

Anton Vaino also joined the Security Council. In addition, Putin included in the Security Council his plenipotentiary representative in the Siberian Federal District Sergei Menyailo, plenipotentiary representative in the Northwestern Federal District Nikolai Tsukanov and Deputy Secretary of the Security Council Rashid Nurgaliev.

The Security Council is an advisory body under the head of state, which was formed in June 1992. Members of the Security Council are personally appointed by the President; the post of Secretary has been held by Nikolai Patrushev since May 2012.

Reaction to changes in the presidential administration

Political scientists believe that personnel changes indicate Vladimir Putin’s intention to rejuvenate his team, and do not rule out that today’s decisions will be followed by a continuation.

“This decision, in my opinion, needs to be considered in the context of previous personnel decisions. Various characteristics were pointed out there, but there was one more characteristic that was lost and which, in general, now comes to the fore in this particular case. I mean age. Vladimir Putin is consistently rejuvenating his team. Younger people are coming, a new generation of elite is coming,” Alexey Zudin told RIA Novosti.

“I don’t see any conflict situation here or anything related to the emergence of disagreements, problems in Ivanov’s relations with the president. I think that we are talking, perhaps, about Ivanov’s desire to simply leave this post and we are not talking about there was no conflict background. It is known that Ivanov himself has somehow been less immersed in business lately, so this may well be his voluntary decision,” said Nikolai Mironov, head of the Center for Economic and Political Reforms.

Reshuffle in the presidential administration: what political scientists sayIt is hardly worth seeing a political motive in the change of the head of the Russian presidential administration. Rather, we are talking about a simple human factor, say political scientists with whom Vladimir Ardaev spoke.

Mironov called Anton Vaino a “good, faithful performer” and a “convenient” figure in the post of head of the presidential administration.

“The fact is that there are different groups of influence, and this person specifically did not have any direct relationship with any of them, that is, he is such an equally distant figure and a very good performer in fulfilling his position,” added the head of the Center economic and political reforms, emphasizing that new personnel changes in power are possible in the fall - in preparation for a difficult 2017 from an economic point of view and presidential elections in 2018.

“The reformatting of the team will be quite significant. Many people, firstly, are already old, many people have simply lost the necessary energy and are not seriously involved in business,” the political scientist is sure.

Kadyrov expects the new head of the Kremlin administration to support ChechnyaThe acting head of Chechnya expressed hope that with the appointment of a new head of the presidential administration, assistance to the region will become even more serious.

President of the Center for Strategic Communications Dmitry Abzalov, in turn, believes that the appointment of Anton Vaino will increase the efficiency of the presidential administration and “fit it into a tight schedule on the eve of the presidential election campaign.” At the same time, according to Abzalov, Sergei Ivanov will most likely remain one of the key figures in the circle of the head of state.

The first deputy chairman of A Just Russia, Mikhail Yemelyanov, said that the reshuffle will not entail changes in the substantive policy of the administration, since it is largely determined by the head of state himself.

A transcript of the president’s meeting with Sergei Ivanov and Anton Vaino appeared on the Kremlin’s official website.

Vladimir Putin:Dear Sergey Borisovich!

You and I have been working together for many years, and we are working successfully. I am pleased with the way you complete tasks in assigned areas. I remember well our agreement that you asked not to be used in this area of ​​work in the position of Chief of the Presidential Administration for more than four years, so I understand your desire to move to another area of ​​work. I really hope that you will use all your knowledge and experience to work effectively in your new place.

Anton Eduardovich has been working with us as your deputy, also for several years, and has been working successfully. Sergei Borisovich recommended you as his successor to the post of Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. I want to offer you this job.

I hope that you will do everything to ensure that the work of the Administration is as effective as before, that it is carried out at a high professional level, that here, in this work, there is as little empty bureaucracy as possible, on the contrary, that it is filled with specific content and contributed to solving problems that face not only the Administration, but also in key areas of economic and social development.

Sergey Ivanov: Vladimir Vladimirovich, first of all, thank you very much for your high assessment of my work over the past 17 years.

Indeed, at the beginning of 2012, you and I had a conversation where I asked you to entrust me with this very difficult, of course, one might say, even troublesome area of ​​work for 4 years. It so happened that I was the head of the Presidential Administration for 4 years and 8 months.

I recently became interested in history. The Presidential Administration turned 25 years old, I was already the 11th head of the Administration, and to my surprise I discovered that I was a record holder: I worked in this position for 4 years and 8 months.

I will try to work just as actively, dynamically and, most importantly, effectively in the new area of ​​work.

Vladimir Putin: Thank you.

Anton Vaino: Thank you for your trust, Vladimir Vladimirovich. I consider the main task of the Administration to ensure your activities as head of state. This concerns legislative work, monitoring the implementation of your decrees and orders, including the May decrees. Of great importance is the analytical work carried out in the Administration on monitoring and assessment of internal political processes, socio-economic issues, and events in the international arena.

I consider important the work that Sergei Borisovich began in the Administration on your instructions. It concerns anti-corruption, improving personnel policies and the fundamentals of the state civil service.

I mean that we will carry out all this work in close cooperation with the Government, the chambers of the Federal Assembly, the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public organizations and associations.

Sergey Ivanov: I would like, if possible, to add two more words.

Anton Eduardovich and I have known each other for a long time, from the time we worked in the Government under your leadership. For the last almost five years we have been communicating literally on a daily basis, and I am absolutely convinced that Anton Eduardovich, in all his business, professional, and personal qualities, is ready for this work.

Vladimir Putin: Fine.

Anton Eduardovich, I wish you success in your new area of ​​work. I hope that you will work efficiently, professionally, and energetically. And you will help not only me as the head of state, but also your subordinates. You will help ensure that the same working and highly sought-after contacts for joint effective work continue between the Administration and the Government of the Russian Federation.

I also hope that public organizations and public associations will feel in you as the head of the Presidential Administration their reliable partner.

Anton Vaino: Thank you for your trust.

TASS DOSSIER. On August 12, 2016, by decree of the head of state Vladimir Putin, Anton Vaino was appointed head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation, who replaced Sergei Ivanov in this post.

Anton Vaino became the 12th head of the administration since the establishment of this body.

The editors of TASS-DOSSIER have prepared a certificate about 11 heads of the department since its founding.

Yuri Petrov

Yuri Petrov (1939-2013) became the first head of the Russian presidential administration on August 5, 1991. He began his leadership career in the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU, where he worked under Boris Yeltsin, and then in 1985 replaced him as first secretary.

Then, in 1988-1991, he was the Soviet ambassador to Cuba. After leaving the administration on January 19, 1993, Petrov headed the State Investment Corporation until 2001 (specialized in attracting foreign investment into the Russian economy and managing state assets). Then he retired and died on October 24, 2013 in Moscow

Sergei Filatov

From January 19, 1993 to January 1996, the head of the administration was Sergei Filatov (born 1936). Before his appointment to the Kremlin, from November 1991 he served as First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, and from 1992 he was a member of the permanent composition of the Presidential Security Council. On January 19, 1996, he left government service in connection with his appointment as deputy head of Yeltsin’s election headquarters. He headed the Public Movement to Support the President in the 1996 elections. Since 1997, he currently heads the Foundation for Socio-Economic and Intellectual Programs.

Nikolay Egorov

From January 15 to July 15, 1996, the administration was headed by the former governor of the Krasnodar Territory Nikolai Egorov (1951-1997). After leaving the Kremlin, he again took the post of head of Kuban. In December 1996, Egorov lost in the second round of elections for the post of head of the regional administration to Nikolai Kondratenko. He died after a long illness on April 25, 1997 in Moscow.

Anatoly Chubais

In July 1996, after Yeltsin was re-elected for a second presidential term, the post of head of administration was taken by Anatoly Chubais (born 1955), one of the leaders of the presidential election campaign. He headed the department from July 15, 1996 to March 7, 1997, after which he again (held this post in 1994-1996) was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Viktor Chernomyrdin.

In 1998-2008 headed the Russian open joint-stock company "UES of Russia". In 2008, he was appointed general director of the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation (since 2013 - chairman of the board, member of the board of directors of the limited liability company Rusnano Management Company).

Valentin Yumashev

In March 1997, Chubais was replaced by another member of Yeltsin’s election headquarters, his adviser on interaction with the media, Valentin Yumashev (born 1957). He headed the department until December 7, 1998. After his resignation, he was appointed advisor to the President of the Russian Federation “on a voluntary basis.” Since 2000, he became a member of the founders of the Foundation of the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, is currently a member of the foundation's board.

Nikolay Bordyuzha

The Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Bordyuzha was at the head of the administration for the shortest period - 102 days. On December 7, 1998, he was appointed head of the department, and on March 19, 1999, he left this post. After his resignation, he was for some time the chairman of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation, in 1999-2003. Ambassador to Denmark. Since 2003 - Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

Alexander Voloshin

From March 19, 1999 to October 30, 2003, the administration was headed by Alexander Voloshin. He has worked in the department since 1997, first as an assistant and then as deputy head of the administration. In 2003, he was relieved of his post “at personal request.” In 1999-2008 headed the board of directors of RAO UES of Russia. Currently serves on the boards of directors of First Freight Company (the largest rail freight operator in Russia) and the Dutch company Yandex N.V.

Dmitry Medvedev

On October 30, 2003, Voloshin was replaced by his first deputy, Dmitry Medvedev. He headed the administration until November 14, 2005, when he was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Fradkov. In 2008, he was elected President of the Russian Federation, replacing Vladimir Putin in this post. At the end of his term of office on May 8, 2012, he was appointed Chairman of the Russian Government and currently heads the cabinet.

Sergei Sobyanin

From November 14, 2005 to May 7, 2008, the administration of the head of state was headed by Sergei Sobyanin. Previously, since 2001, he was the governor of the Tyumen region. After resigning from the post of head of the administration in May 2008, Sobyanin went to work in the cabinet of ministers of Vladimir Putin, where he took the post of deputy prime minister and chief of staff of the Russian government. Since 2010 he has been the mayor of Moscow.

Sergey Naryshkin

On May 12, 2008, Sergei Naryshkin became the head of the administration. Before his appointment, he was Deputy Chairman - Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation. The Cabinet of Ministers at this time was headed by Mikhail Fradkov, and then Viktor Zubkov. After being elected as a State Duma deputy on December 4, 2011 from United Russia, Naryshkin resigned as head of the administration on December 20, 2011. The next day he was elected chairman of the lower house of parliament of the sixth convocation.

Sergey Ivanov

On December 22, 2011, former Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian government Sergei Ivanov became the new head of the department. Released by decree of the head of state on August 12, 2016 at his own request and appointed special representative of the President of the Russian Federation on environmental issues, ecology and transport. Ivanov was in office the longest of all the heads of the presidential administration - 1 thousand 695 days (as of August 12, 2016). Previously, the record belonged to Alexander, who headed the administration for 1 thousand 666 days.

The presidential administration is a body without which the first person will not be able to fully perform his functions. Dozens of departments and hundreds of officials every day help the country's chief civil servant solve problems that stand in the way of the development of the state.

General information

Why is the administration of the President of the Russian Federation needed? Its structure, functions and other features suggest that it is needed to assist the head of state in the performance of his duties. The president makes decisions, but physically cannot control the implementation of each of them. This is where his own administration helps him. This one prepares all sorts of proposals on the country’s foreign and domestic policy. The top priority, of course, is for projects to protect Russia’s sovereignty.

The President of the Russian Federation allows her, together with other federal bodies, to develop national programs and monitor their implementation. Finally, she is responsible for the president’s personnel decisions. In addition, the administration is in charge of awarding state awards of the Russian Federation. This body helps the head of state monitor compliance with human rights and freedoms at all levels of government.


Any bill requires hundreds of pages, thousands of edits and many hours of work. Therefore, even if the president supports or rejects another document, he does not deal with the procedural preparatory details. For this he has his own administration. The Russian Federation has a parliament. There the president makes his amendments and conclusions. But before the first person does this, the document undergoes additional verification and preparation by the administration. The same thing happens with bills that the president himself initiates and submits to the State Duma.

What other work is the Russian Presidential Administration doing on this front? The structure, powers and other features are such that this body prepares reports, certificates, analyzes and other documents necessary for the head of state. Another function of the administration is the promulgation of laws, decrees and orders already signed by the president.


Among other things, the presidential administration ensures the activities of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. It includes the heads of law enforcement agencies and some other officials who meet with the top official in order to discuss state measures in the field of countering terrorism and other pressing threats. The administration prepares minutes of meetings and plays the role of moderator.

Every day, the President of Russia interacts with a variety of public organizations, political parties, religious associations, chambers of industry and commerce, etc. Each time in such cases, the head of state relies on the activities of his own administration. In fact, she prepares the daily routine of the country's chief official. The same applies to his interactions with foreign politicians and government agencies. The administration also controls smaller aspects of the president’s activities (granting citizenship, pardons, etc.).


The presidential administration is not a monolithic entity. It consists of several divisions and management. Each part of this complex mechanism has its own strict function. Distribution of powers helps make the department's work more efficient.

The structure of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation begins with the head of the administration. Other important persons are assistants to the first person, his press secretary, head of protocol, advisers, authorized representatives in the federal districts, the Constitutional Court, the State Duma, and the Federal Assembly. All these officials report directly to the head of state. This is the structure of the Russian Presidential Administration. The layout of this government body resembles an intertwined network, but all threads ultimately lead to the first person. The president identifies and appoints these people, thus creating a team of managers and performers convenient for himself.

Administration Manager

The presidential administration is often compared almost to a shadow government or to the department of gray cardinals doing their work in the shadows. This is far from true. The head of the administration, by virtue of his position, must always remain a public figure. This is explained by the huge complex of his responsibilities.

This official represents the administration in local governments, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, foreign and international organizations. The head controls the work of all departments of his department. He coordinates the activities of advisers and assistants to the head of state and distributes responsibilities among his own deputies. The structure of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation is such that its head manages the authorized representatives of the president in the federal districts.

Deputy heads

According to the regulations, the structure of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation presupposes that the head of the administration has two deputies, who at the same time have the status of assistants to the president. They are the ones who prepare proposals on the current areas of work of the head of state.

These officials carry out individual assignments. One of them is responsible for domestic policy (he controls the internal policy department of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation). The structure of the body is such that deputy heads provide the president with proposals affecting draft federal laws, decrees and orders on the first person’s desk. They can also lead working groups responsible for organizing events with the participation of the president.

and referents

There are certain officials in the presidential administration who have the status of his advisers. They prepare information, analytical and reference materials, as well as recommendations on certain issues. Advisors ensure the activities of advisory bodies. They sign documents that fall within their area of ​​competence, and also interact with various departments within the administration.

Referents are needed to prepare abstracts of addresses and speeches of the president. They carry out advisory and information work and carry out individual instructions from the head of the administration.

One of the structural divisions of the presidential administration is the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Its secretary is appointed by the head of state. He informs the president about problems related to Russia's internal and external security. This is the structure of government bodies of the Russian Federation.

The Secretary of the Security Council presents reviews to the Council in which he assesses the state of security of the country. This official is responsible for developing the concept of formulating the strategy of law enforcement agencies. The theses he developed could form the basis of the president's annual address. The Secretary of the Security Council coordinates the development and implementation of federal programs adopted to improve security within the Russian Federation. In the event of a state of emergency or martial law being declared, he is entrusted with enormous responsibility for the work and interaction of state law enforcement agencies. The secretary also proposes to the president candidates for membership in the Federation Council. This official interacts with the entire administration, as well as the government, the State Duma and leaders at the federal level.

Other divisions

In addition to the Security Council, there are other independent divisions in the presidential administration. These are the state legal department, the office, the foreign policy department, and the protocol-organizational department. Divisions consist of departments. Their maximum number (as well as the maximum number of employees) is set by the president.

Expert management is necessary to analyze information and develop scenarios and forecasts for the future of social relations in the country. It conducts research and seminars at which current issues of both foreign and domestic policy of the state are discussed. The management structure of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation is designed in such a way that it is this unit that is involved in the methodological and organizational support of scientific, publishing, information, educational and social projects.

Presidential representatives

The president needs representatives in order to effectively interact with others, including parliament and the court. These officials attend meetings, establish contacts, and add issues proposed by their boss to the agenda. First of all, it helps to pass bills quickly and with maximum benefit.

Without a representative in the Supreme Constitutional Court, the country cannot have a president. It is he who is responsible for the implementation of the main law on the territory of Russia. And for this, he needs to constantly check with the Constitutional Court, taking into account its opinion when making certain decisions.

History of the Administration's Evolution

The presidential administration appeared along with the modern Russian state. Its status was first emphasized in the 1993 constitution. At first there were only 13 units. Over time, their number increased. Since Russia is a presidential republic, a lot in it depends on the will of the first person. The head of state performs a large number of functions, and all of them are reflected in one way or another in the work of the administration.

During the Yeltsin era, the administration went through several reformattings. When Anatoly Chubais was its head, the department significantly increased its influence on what was happening in the country. A few years later this imbalance was corrected. Today, the position of head of the presidential administration is occupied by Anton Vaino. The modern structure of the executive bodies of the Russian Federation is characterized by stability and sustainability. Having absorbed the experience of several stages in the development of Russian democracy, every day she helps the head of state to fully perform his functions as the most important official in the country.

"Very...", "over...", "always..."

Unlike Sergei Ivanov, the new head of the presidential administration cannot boast of a biography reminiscent of a spy novel, and has never had political ambitions. Friends describe 44-year-old Anton Vaino as an ideal administrator, a top-class apparatchik and a person personally devoted to Vladimir Putin.

Until Friday morning, the figure of Mr. Vaino, who had been close to Putin since 2003, when he began working in the presidential protocol department, was of no interest to absolutely anyone. Only in the spring, when members of the AP reported on their income, the media sparingly reported that Vaino did not have his own car, but he did have a plot of land in Estonia. The craving for a country that is exotic in comparison with Spain or Italy, as it turned out, is explained by the origin of the official. The grandfather of the new head of the AP was Karl Vaino - from 1978 to 1988, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Estonia. And although the grandson left the Baltic states before school, nostalgia for his small homeland apparently remained.

The offspring of the party nomenklatura were often destined for a diplomatic career. Vaino was no exception: he graduated from MGIMO in 1996, worked for 5 years at the Russian Embassy in Japan, and 2 years at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. And as a relatively young man - only 30 years old - he came to the Kremlin, where he successfully moved up the administrative line.

“Anton Vaino is an apparatchik of the highest class. For many years he kept track of the President's daily work schedule. Very correct! Always collected and organized. The kind of person who doesn't make mistakes. Amazingly efficient. He knows the entire political and managerial elite of the country perfectly,” Oleg Morozov, the former head of the internal policy department of the presidential administration, wrote on his FB.

Other acquaintances of the new head of the Administration give him similar characteristics: “very efficient,” “super efficient,” “never gets involved in politics.” And indeed: as Ivanov’s deputy, Vaino did not have his own front of work. Dmitry Peskov oversees the press service. Vyacheslav Volodin - domestic policy. (By the way, it was Vaino who was supposed to replace him during the pre-election leave, but in the end he jumped much higher.) Alexey Gromov - information policy. Vaino dealt with technical issues related to ensuring the activities of the president: he prepared documents, monitored the execution of decrees and instructions, was responsible for the schedule, and controlled personnel. Putin clearly valued his technical qualities and diligence: in 2008, he took him with him to the White House, and in 2012 he again called him to the Kremlin. And although some experts suggest that the powerful head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov, who is connected with the official’s father (Rostec owns 25% of Avtovaz, in which Eduard Vaino holds the position of president for external relations), may be behind Vaino’s promotion, to a greater extent This appointment fits into the personnel policy of Vladimir Putin himself, who has recently been relying not on old comrades, but on people little known to the public, but personally devoted. Security guards and members of the protocol service are physically closer to the president (they are constantly nearby: in the Kremlin, on trips, in country residences) and psychologically clearer to him. At least he knows exactly what to expect from them. “For Vaino, the new head of the FSO Dmitry Kochnev, and the Tula governor Dyumin, Putin has always been a conditional presence, under him they rose to the highest positions. This generation cannot imagine Russia without Putin. For these people, Putin is a sacred figure,” sums up political scientist Alexei Makarkin. By the way, it is no coincidence that the current head of the Kremlin protocol, Vladimir Ostrovenko, was appointed as the new deputy head of the Administration by presidential decree.

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