Not an anxious person 60 questions. Taylor test

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Taylor test


Put “yes” next to those provisions with which you agree, and “no” next to those with which
You don't agree.


Question Answer
Yes No
1 I can work for a long time without getting tired
2 I always keep my promises, regardless of whether it is convenient for me or not.
3 My hands and feet are usually warm
4 I rarely have a headache
5 I'm confident in my abilities
6 Waiting makes me nervous
7 Sometimes I feel like I'm good for nothing
8 I usually feel quite happy
9 I can't concentrate on one thing
10 As a child, I always immediately and resignedly carried out everything that was assigned to me.
11 Once a month or more often I have an upset stomach
12 I often find myself worrying about something
13 I think I'm no more nervous than most people
14 I'm not too shy
15 Life for me is almost always associated with a lot of stress.
16 Sometimes it happens that I talk about things that I don't understand
17 I don't blush more often than others
18 I often get upset over small things
19 I rarely notice my heart palpitations or shortness of breath
20 I don't like all the people I know
21 I can't sleep if something is bothering me
22 I'm usually calm and not easily upset
23 I often have nightmares
24 I tend to take things too seriously
25 When I'm nervous, I sweat more
26 I have restless and interrupted sleep
27 In games I prefer to win rather than lose.
28 I'm more sensitive than most people
29 It happens that indiscreet jokes and witticisms make me laugh
30 I would like to be as happy with my life as others probably are
31 My stomach is bothering me a lot
32 I am constantly preoccupied with my material and official affairs
33 I am wary of some people, although I know that they cannot harm me
34 Sometimes it seems to me that difficulties are piled up in front of me that I cannot overcome
35 I get confused easily
36 At times I become so excited that it prevents me from falling asleep
37 I prefer to avoid conflicts and difficult situations
38 I have attacks of nausea and vomiting
39 I've never been late for a date or work
40 I definitely feel useless at times.
41 Sometimes I feel like cursing
42 I almost always feel anxious about something or someone
43 I'm worried about possible failures
44 I'm often afraid that I'm going to blush
45 I often feel overwhelmed by despair
46 I am a nervous and easily excitable person
47 I often notice that my hands shake when I try to do something.
48 I almost always feel hungry
49 I lack self confidence
50 I sweat easily, even on cool days
51 I often dream about things that are better not to tell anyone
52 I very rarely have stomach pain
53 I find it very difficult to concentrate on any task or work
54 I have periods of such intense anxiety that I cannot sit in one place for long
55 I always answer emails immediately after reading them
56 I get upset easily
57 I almost never blush
58 I have much less fears and fears than my friends and acquaintances
59 It happens that I put off until tomorrow what should be done today
60 I usually work under a lot of pressure

Thanks for answers!

Key to the Taylor Personality Anxiety Scale


The Taylor Personality Anxiety Scale is designed to diagnose a subject's anxiety level.

The deceitfulness scale introduced by V.G. Norakidze in 1975, allows us to judge demonstrativeness and insincerity.

The questionnaire consists of 60 statements. For ease of use, each statement is presented to the subject on a separate card.

Key to the test

Anxiety scale:

  • Answers “yes” to points are scored 1 point: 6, 7, 9 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 54, 56, 60;
  • “no” answers to items: 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 14, 17, 19, 22, 39, 43, 52, 57, 58.

Lie scale:

  • Answers “yes” to points: 2, 10, 55 are scored 1 point;
  • “no” answers to points: 16, 20, 27, 29, 41, 51, 59.

First, you should process the results on the lie scale. It diagnoses the tendency to give socially desirable answers. If this indicator exceeds 6 points, then this indicates the subject’s insincerity.

Then the total score on the anxiety scale is calculated.

Interpretation of the result

40–50 points – considered as an indicator of a very high level of anxiety;

25–40 points – indicates a high level of anxiety;

15–25 points – about the average (with a tendency to high) level;

5–15 points – average (with a tendency to low) level;

0–5 points – low level of anxiety.

Extraversion Scale


Neuroticism Scale


Psychoticism Scale


Lie Scale


Five-Factor Personality Inventory (short version, Big5)


Here are a number of characteristics that, to one degree or another, correspond (or do not correspond) to you. For example, do you agree with the statement that you are a person who enjoys spending time in company? Please, next to each statement on the form, circle the number that shows to what extent you agree or disagree with this statement:

1 completely disagree 2 rather disagree 3 difficult to say 4 rather agree 5 completely agree

It seems to me that I am a person who:
1. talkative

2. tends to find fault with others

3. does his job conscientiously

4. is often sad and depressed

5. full of new ideas, original

6. reserved

7. responsive and selfless

8. can be somewhat frivolous

9. copes with stress easily, is calm

10. loves to learn new things

11. energetic, active

12. may start a quarrel

13. an employee you can rely on

14. can be tense

15. smart, thoughtful

16. full of enthusiasm

17. easily forgives insults

18. can be disorganized

19. often worries

20. has a developed imagination

21.usually quiet and silent

22. trusting

23. is often lazy

24. emotionally stable, it is difficult to upset him with anything

25. inventive

26. self-confident, assertive

27. can be uncommunicative and cold

28. brings the job he started to completion

29. subject to frequent mood swings

30. appreciates aesthetics and art

31. can be shy and reserved

32. kind and attentive to everyone

33. diligently performs any work

34. remains calm even in a tense environment

35. prefers monotonous work

36. sociable, open

37. can sometimes be rude to others

38. plans his affairs and follows his plans

39. loses his temper easily

40. likes to think about something

41. has little interest in art

42. enjoys collaborating with other people

43. easily distracted

44. well versed in art, music or literature

Rating scale (“R” denotes reverse score)

Extraversion: 1, 6R, 11, 16, 21R, 26, 31R, 36

Friendliness: 2R, 7, 12R, 17, 22, 27R, 32, 37R, 42

Conscientiousness: 3, 8R, 13, 18R, 23R, 28, 33, 38, 43R

Neuroticism: 4, 9R, 14, 19, 24R, 29, 34R, 39

Openness to experience: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35R, 40, 41R, 44

Question no. Your Answer Question no. Your Answer Question no. Your Answer Question no. Your Answer
1. 1 2 3 4 5 12. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
2. 1 2 3 4 5 13. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 14. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
4. 1 2 3 4 5 15. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
5. 1 2 3 4 5 16. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
6. 1 2 3 4 5 17. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
7. 1 2 3 4 5 18. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
8. 1 2 3 4 5 19. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
9. 1 2 3 4 5 20. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
10. 1 2 3 4 5 21. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
11. 1 2 3 4 5 22. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Full name of the technique: Five-Factor Personality Questionnaire (short version)

Short description: Although the questionnaire was created as a means of measuring “normal personality traits,” the authors suggest that it will be useful in clinical and applied areas, as well as in research.

The questionnaire was created with an honest and cooperative subject in mind and does not contain scales designed to verify the veracity of answers. Therefore, correct instruction of the subject is very important.

Literary source: Psychological support for working with senior personnel of internal affairs bodies: Methodological manual. - M.: State Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2003. - 211 p., pp. 67-69.

Scales: Extraversion, Neuroticism, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness.


This test questionnaire contains 60 statements. Read each statement carefully. For each statement, choose the answer option that best reflects your opinion. Mark the selected answer:

1. Completely disagree 2. Disagree 3. Indifferent 4. Agree 5. Completely agree

1. I'm not an anxious person.
2. I like it when there are a lot of people around me.
3. I don't like to spend time daydreaming about things.
4. I try to be friendly with everyone I meet.
5. I keep my things clean and in order.
6. I often feel that I am worse than others.
7. It’s easy for me to laugh.
8. I try to always stick to the same way of doing things.
9. I often quarrel with my family members and friends.
10. I can always set myself a good pace in my work.
11. I sometimes feel like I'm falling apart when I'm under a lot of stress.
12. I don't consider myself a very joyful person.
13. I am fascinated by images that I find in art or nature.
14. Some people consider me selfish and selfish.
15. I am not a disciplined person.
16. I rarely feel unhappy.
17. I really really like talking to people.
18. I think that controversial statements by lecturers can only confuse and mislead students.
19. I would rather cooperate with other people than compete with them.
20. I try to complete all tasks that are given to me conscientiously.
21. I often feel tense and very nervous.
22. I like to be where something is happening.
23. Poetry makes little or no impression on me.

24. I tend to be cynical and skeptical about other people's intentions.
25. I have a clear set of goals and work systematically to achieve them.
26. Sometimes I feel like an absolutely worthless person.
27. I usually prefer to work alone.
28. I really like to try unusual dishes.
29. I think that most people will use a person if it benefits them.
30. I waste a lot of time before starting work.
31. I rarely experience fear or anxiety.
32. I often feel overwhelmed with energy.
33. I rarely notice the moods or feelings that different environments evoke.
34. Most of my friends love me.
35. I work hard to achieve my goals.
36. I often get angry at the way people treat me.
37. I am a cheerful, lively person.
38. I think that to solve personal problems, sometimes you should turn to authorities.
39. Some people consider me cold and calculating.
40. When I make a commitment, I can definitely be relied upon.
41. Too often, when things go badly, I lose heart and quit what I started.
42. I am not a cheerful optimist.
43. When I read poetry or look at a work of art, sometimes I feel trembling or strong excitement.
44. I am practical and cold in my views.
45. Sometimes I am not as efficient and reliable as I should be.
46. ​​I am rarely sad or depressed.
47. My life has a fast pace.
48. I have little interest in speculating about the nature of the world or the state of humanity.
49. I usually try to be caring and attentive.
50. I am an efficient person who always gets the job done.
51. I often feel helpless and want someone else to solve my problems.
52. I am a very active person.
53. Most of my friends consider me a very inquisitive person.
54. If I don't like people, I let them know it.
55. It seems to me that I will never be able to become an organized person.
56. I was often ashamed.
57. I would rather go my own way than lead other people.
58. I often enjoy playing with theories and abstract ideas.
59. If I need to, I am willing to manipulate people to get what I want.
60. I strive for excellence in everything I do.


Answer no. Number of points
Neuroticism, total points =
Extraversion, total points =
Openness to experience, total points =
Agreeableness, total points =
Consciousness, total points =


You are presented with statements and questions regarding your character. If you agree with the statement or answer the question “yes,” then put a “+” sign in the form under its number; if you disagree or answer “no,” then put a “-” sign. You shouldn’t think about the answers for long; there are no right or wrong answers here.

1. You are more often in a cheerful and carefree mood.

2. You are sensitive to insults.

3. Does it ever happen that tears come to your eyes at the cinema, theater, in conversation, etc.?

4. Having done something, you doubt whether everything was done correctly, and do not calm down until you are convinced of it again.

5. As a child, you were as brave as others your age.

6. Do you often experience sudden changes in mood from a state of boundless jubilation to disgust for life and for yourself?

7. Are you usually the center of attention in society or in a company?

8. Does it ever happen that you are in such a grumpy mood for no reason that it is better not to talk to you?

9. You are a serious person.

10. Are you able to admire or admire something?

11. Are you entrepreneurial?

12. You quickly forget if someone offends you.

13. Are you kind-hearted?

14. When dropping a letter into a box, do you check by running your hand along the crack of the box that the letter has fallen into it?

16. As a child, did you ever feel scared during a thunderstorm or when meeting an unfamiliar dog (or maybe this feeling still happens now)?

17. You strive to maintain order in everything and everywhere.

18. Your mood depends on external circumstances.

19. Do your friends like you?

20. Do you often have a feeling of inner restlessness, a feeling of possible trouble or misfortune?

21. You are often in a somewhat depressed mood.

22. Have you ever experienced hysteria or a nervous breakdown at least once?

23. Is it difficult for you to sit still for a long time?

24. If you have been treated unfairly, you usually consider it necessary to vigorously defend your interests.

25. Can you slaughter a chicken or a sheep?

26. You get annoyed if a curtain or tablecloth hangs unevenly at home, and you immediately try to straighten it.

27. As a child, you were afraid to be alone at home.

28. Do you often have causeless mood swings?

29. You strive to be a highly qualified worker in your profession.

30. Do you quickly become angry or angry?

31. Can you be absolutely carefree?

32. Does it ever happen that a feeling of complete happiness literally permeates you?

33. Do you think you would be a presenter at a comedy concert?

34. You usually express your opinions quite frankly, directly and unambiguously.

35. It is difficult for you to bear the sight of blood; it causes you discomfort.

36. Do you like work with great personal responsibility?

37. You tend to speak out in defense of people who have been wronged.

38. Would you be afraid to go down into a dark basement?

39. You prefer work in which you need to act quickly, but the requirements for the quality of execution are low.

40. Are you sociable?

41. At school you willingly recited poetry.

42. Did you run away from home as a child?

43. Does life seem difficult to you?

44. Does it happen that after a conflict or resentment, you were so upset that going to work seemed simply unbearable?

45. Can you say that when you fail, you don’t lose your sense of humor?

46. ​​If someone offended you, would you be the first to take steps towards reconciliation?

47. You love animals very much.

48. You sometimes come back to make sure that you left your home or work place in order and that nothing unexpected happened there.

49. You are sometimes haunted by a vague thought that something terrible might happen to you or your loved ones.

50. Do you think that your mood is very changeable?

51. Is it difficult for you to speak in front of a large number of people?

52. You can hit the offender if he insults you.

53. You have a very great need to communicate with other people.

54. You are one of those who, when faced with any disappointment, falls into deep despair.

55. You like work that requires energetic organizational activity.

56. You have enough persistence to achieve your goal, despite the fact that you have to overcome many obstacles on the way to it.

57. A tragic film can move you so much that tears come to your eyes.

58. Do you often find it difficult to sleep because the problems of the past or future day are always spinning in your head?

59. At school, you gave hints or let your friends copy.

60. It would take a lot of willpower for you to walk alone through a cemetery at night.

61. Do you carefully ensure that every thing at home is always in its place?

62. Does it happen that you go to bed in the evening in a good mood, and the next morning you get up in a depressed mood, which lasts almost the whole day?

63. Do you easily get used to new situations?

64. Do you have headaches?

65. You laugh often.

66. You can be friendly even with those whom you clearly do not value or respect.

67. You are an active person.

68. You are very worried about injustice.

69. You love nature so much that you can call it your friend.

70. When leaving home or going to bed, do you check whether the gas is turned off, the lights are off, and the doors are locked?

71. You are very timid.

72. Does your mood change when you drink alcohol?

73. In your youth, you willingly participated in amateur performances.

74. You view life somewhat pessimistically, without expecting joy.

75. Do you often want to travel?

76. Your mood can change so dramatically that the state of joy suddenly gives way to gloom and depression.

77. Is it easy for you to cheer up your friends in a company?

78. How long have you been offended?

79. How long do you experience the sorrows of other people?

80. As a schoolchild, you often rewrote a page if you accidentally made a blot on it.

81. You treat people with caution and mistrust rather than gullibility.

82. Do you often have scary dreams?

83. Does it happen that you are afraid that you will throw yourself under the wheels of a passing train or fall out of a window located on a high floor?

84. In a cheerful company you are usually cheerful.

85. Are you able to distract yourself from difficult problems that require your solution?

86. You become less inhibited and feel freer under the influence of alcohol.

87. In conversation you are stingy with words.

88. If you had to act on stage, you would be able to get into the role so much that you forget that this is just a game.

Answer form


1) Hyperthymic- elevated background mood combined with a thirst for activity, high activity, and enterprise.

2) Excitable- increased impulsiveness, weakening control over impulses and drives.

3) Emotive- sensitivity, impressionability, depth of experience in the field of subtle emotions in spiritual life.

4) Pedantic- rigidity, inertia, long-term experience of traumatic events.

5) Anxious- high level of anxiety, tendency to fear, increased timidity and timidity.

6) Cyclothymic- periodic change of hyperthymic (high mood, activity) and dysthymic (low mood, lethargy) phases.

7) Demonstrative- demonstrative, theatrical behavior, egocentrism, thirst for constant attention to one’s own person.

8) Unbalanced- weakness of will, restlessness, tendency to idleness and entertainment, cowardice, lack of initiative.

9) Dysthymic- decreased background mood, fixation on the dark sides of life, ideomotor retardation.

10) Exalted- a wide range of emotional states, a tendency to easily become delighted with some events and completely despair of others.


The questionnaire contains 10 scales reflecting types of accentuations. In the key, the numbers indicate the scale numbers. If the subject’s answer coincides with the “+” or “-” sign in the cell after the scale number, he is given one point on this scale. When calculating test results, the sum of points scored on each scale is multiplied by the specified coefficient.

1- Hyperthymia

3 - Emotivity

Multiply the resulting amount by 2

5 - Anxiety

7- Demonstrativeness

Multiply the resulting amount by 3

9 - Distinction

Multiply the resulting amount by 6

Mini-mult Questionnaire (short version of MMPI)

The MMPI was proposed by American psychologists in the 40s and 50s. Adaptation was carried out in the USSR in the 60s at the Institute. V. N. Bekhterev F. B. Berezin and M. P. Miroshnikov. The Mini-Cartoon questionnaire is a shortened version of the MMPI, containing 71 questions, 11 scales, 3 of which are evaluative. The first 3 rating scales measure the sincerity of the subject, the degree of reliability of the test results and the amount of correction introduced by excessive caution. The remaining 8 scales are basic and assess personality traits. There is no time limit for conducting the survey. (More details in appendix)

:You will now read statements about your health and your character. Read each statement and decide whether it is true or false about you. Don't waste time thinking. The most natural solution is the one that comes to mind first.

1. Do you have a good appetite?
2. In the morning you usually feel that you have slept and rested.
3. There are a lot of interesting things in your daily life.
4. You work under a lot of pressure.
5. Sometimes such bad thoughts come into your head that it’s better not to talk about them.
6. You are very rarely constipated.
7. Sometimes you really wanted to leave home forever.
8. At times you have bouts of uncontrollable laughter or crying.
9. At times you experience nausea and the urge to vomit.
10. You have the impression that no one understands you.
11. Sometimes you feel like cursing.
12. You have nightmares every week.
13. You find it harder to concentrate than most people.
14. Strange things have happened (or are happening) to you.
15. You would achieve much more in life if people were not opposed to you.
16. As a child, you once committed thefts.
17. It happened that for several days, weeks or whole months you could not do anything, because it was difficult to force yourself to get involved in work.
18. You have interrupted and restless sleep.
19. When you are among people, you hear strange things.
20. Most people who know you do not consider you an unpleasant person.
21. You often had to obey someone who knew less than you.
22. Most people are more satisfied with their lives than you are.
23. Many people exaggerate their misfortunes in order to gain sympathy and help.
24. Sometimes you get angry.
25. You definitely lack self-confidence.
26. You often feel as if you have done something wrong or bad.
27. Your health and well-being may deteriorate if people criticize you and demand too much from you.
28. You are usually satisfied with your destiny.
29. Some people love to command so much that you want to do everything contrary, although you know that they are right.
30. You think that they are plotting something against you.
31. Most people are capable of achieving benefits in a not entirely honest way.
32. Your stomach often bothers you.
33. Often you cannot understand why the day before you were in a bad mood and irritated.
34 At times your thoughts flowed so quickly that you did not have time to express them.
35. You think that your family life is no worse than that of most of your friends.
36. At times you are convinced of your own uselessness.
37. In recent years, your health has been generally good.
38. Have you ever had periods during which you did something and then couldn’t remember what it was.
39. You think that you have often been undeservedly punished.
40. You have never felt better than now.
41. You don't care what others think of you.
42. Everything is fine with your memory.
43. It is difficult for you to carry on a conversation with a person you have just met.
44. Most of the time you feel general weakness.
45. You rarely have a headache.
46. ​​Sometimes it was difficult for you to maintain your balance when walking.
47. Not everyone you know likes you.
48. There are people who try to steal your ideas and thoughts.
49. You believe that you have committed actions that cannot be forgiven.
50. You think that you are too shy.
51. You are almost always worried about something.
52. Your parents often did not approve of your dating.
53. Sometimes you gossip a little.
54. At times you feel that it is unusually easy for you to make decisions.
55. Your heart palpitates and you often feel out of breath.
56. You are quick-tempered, but easy-going.
57. You have periods of such restlessness that it is difficult to sit still.
58. Your parents and other family members often find fault with you.
59. No one is particularly interested in your fate.
60. You do not condemn a person who is not averse to taking advantage of the mistakes of another.
61. Sometimes you are full of energy.
62. Your vision has deteriorated recently.
63. You often have ringing or noise in your ears.
64. There have been times in your life (maybe just one) when you felt like you were being hypnotized.
65. You have periods when you are unusually cheerful for no particular reason.
66. Even when you are in society, you usually feel lonely.
67. You believe that almost anyone can lie to avoid trouble.
68. You feel more acutely than most other people.
69. At times your head seems to work slower than usual.
70. You are often disappointed in people.
71. You abused alcohol.

B 1 N B 17 N B 33 N B 49 N В 65Н
B 2 N B 18 N B 34 N B 50 N B 66N
B 3 N B 19 N B 35 N B 51 N B 67N
B 4 N B 20 N B 36 N B 52 N В 68Н
B 5 N B 21 N B 37 N B 53 N В 69Н
B 6 N B 22 N B 38 N B 54 N B 70N
B 7 N B 23 N B 39 N B 55 N В 71Н
B 8 N V 24 N B 40 N B 56 N
B 9 N B 25 N B 41 N B 57 N
B 10 N B 26 N B 42 N B 58 N
B 11 N B 27 N B 43 N B 59 N
V 12 N B 28 N B 44 N B 60 N
B 13 N B 29 N B 45 N B 61 N
B 14 N B 30 N B 46 N B 62 N
B 15 N B 31 N B 47 N B 63 N
B 16 N B 32 N B 48 N B 64 N
Scales Answers Question no.
L False (N) 5, 11, 24, 47, 53
F N 22, 24, 61
True (B) 9, 12, 15, 19, 30, 38, 48, 49, 58, 59, 64, 71
K N 11, 23, 31 , 33, 34, 36, 40, 41, 43, 51, 56, 61, 65, 67, 69, 70
1 (Hs) N 1, 2, 6, 37, 45
IN 9, 18, 26, 32, 44, 46, 55, 62, 63
2(D) N 1, 3, 6, 11, 28, 37, 40, 42, 60, 65, 71
IN 9, 13, 17, 18, 22, 25, 36, 44
3(Well) N 1, 2, 3, 11, 23, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 40, 41, 43, 45, 50, 56
IN 9, 13, 18, 26, 44, 46, 55, 57, 62
4 (Pd) N 3, 28, 34, 35, 41, 43, 50, 65
IN 7, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 22, 27, 52, 58, 71
5 (Pa) N 28, 29, 31, 67
IN 5, 8, 10, 15, 30, 39, 63, 64, 66, 68
6 (Pt) N 2, 3, 42
IN 5, 8, 13, 17, 22, 25, 27, 36, 44, 51 , 57, 66, 68
7(Sc) N 3, 42
IN 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 30, 38, 39, 46, 57, 63, 64, 66
8(Ma) N
IN 4, 7, 8, 21, 29, 34, 38, 39, 54, 57, 60

It diagnoses the tendency to give socially desirable answers.

If this figure exceeds 60%, then this indicates the subject’s insincerity.

Online test to determine the level of personal anxiety

Anxiety is a condition that occurs in situations of uncertainty, when it is impossible to predict the time or nature of the threat. At the same time, the person feels an incomprehensible feeling of growing danger.

This condition is situational in nature, that is, it most often occurs in certain situations, but it can be an individual feature of the individual.

The easiest way to assess the level of anxiety is using the Spielberger-Hanin test, which consists of two scales - the personal anxiety scale and the reactive anxiety scale.

Reactive anxiety is tension, anxiety, even nervousness that arises in specific situations. You can determine the level of this indicator in a separate test.

Personal anxiety - this term is used to describe a stable state of perceiving a large range of situations as threatening.

It can occur in response to any stimuli, for example, minor fluctuations in health (both somatic and psychological), the need to somehow change one’s life position, or the peculiarities of perception of certain aspects of reality.

Personal anxiety is basically a feature of a specific personality, how a person reacts to external and internal changes. This is a person’s readiness for anxious reactions, consisting in uncertainty about the future, constant worry about it.

Is it good or bad?

Of course, we need to worry about what awaits us in the future, what the consequences of our actions will be. This stimulates a person to be collected, responsible, try to do his job better, and set certain goals for himself.

But we should not forget about the other side of the coin - a high level of personal anxiety disrupts a person’s normal functioning, prevents him from concentrating on his goals and thinking sensibly. All energy is spent on exhausting worries, and not on specific actions.

Personal anxiety may increase with the following pathologies:

Recommendations for taking a test to assess the level of personal anxiety

To assess the level of personal anxiety, you need to answer 20 questions presented in the questionnaire.

Read the suggested statements and choose those that most accurately describe your state at the moment. The most important rule is to give the answer to the question that first comes to mind.

Online anxiety test: How anxious are you?

Take this test and based on its results, draw the necessary conclusions about your anxiety.

How anxious are you? - Good test

How anxious are you? - good advice, but I'm really restless

How anxious are you? - I agree, I would add suspiciousness (although there may be another test for it)

How anxious are you? - Okay, that's what I thought.

How anxious are you? - Let's correspond

Taylor Anxiety Test

Here is Taylor's online anxiety test. After passing the test, one of 4 possible options will be given, which will correspond to your level of anxiety. For the purity of the results, it is recommended to answer the questions as honestly and sincerely as possible.

About the Taylor test

This test is based on the J. Taylor Anxiety Personality Scale, which was first published in 1953. It is made up of five dozen statements that the subject must either confirm or refute.

These statements were selected from the MMPI (Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Inventory) based on their ability to identify individuals with chronic anxiety reactions.

Testing duration ranges from 10 to 30 minutes. To make the survey process as convenient as possible, it is better to offer each statement to the person printed on a separate sheet.

The most common options for using the technique are adapted tests processed by Nemchinov T.A. and Norakidze V.G., who supplemented the test with a lie detection scale, which can be used to determine whether a person was deceiving during the survey.

When reading the result, the lie scale is first checked and if it gives a result of more than 6 points, then the person did not answer sincerely. Next, according to a special table, the state of anxiety of the subject is assessed, from low to very high.

Depending on your answers, your level of anxiety will be assessed using the Taylor Index. Number of questions: 50. Approximate completion time: 10 minutes.

Anxiety test, anxiety online

Dear visitors to Oleg Matveev’s psychological help website, increased, often unfounded, destructive anxiety (feelings of anxiety, fear) prevents a person from becoming successful, achieving success in life, in the family, at work, in relationships...

You are invited to take an online test for anxiety (feelings of anxiety, fear) and find out your level of anxiety, and, if desired, get rid of it.

Online test for anxiety, anxiety, fear

Select the answer “Yes” or “No” to the proposed statements of the anxiety test; Be truthful to yourself when answering the test questions.

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Anxiety level test (Taylor test)

The Taylor test is used to determine the level of anxiety and a person’s tendency to stress and depression. Below is a version of the test, supplemented with a lie scale, which allows you to judge a person’s demonstrativeness, his insincerity in answers, and his tendency to give socially approved answers.

80–100% - very high level of anxiety;

50–79% - high level of anxiety;

30–49% - average level of anxiety, with a tendency to high;

11–29% - average level of anxiety, with a tendency to low;

0–10% - low level of anxiety.

If the result is more than 60%, then this indicates the person’s insincerity, which also indicates increased anxiety.

Anxiety test B.D. Spielberger and Yu.L. Hanina

Anxiety test

self-esteem (high, medium, low anxiety).

Instructions (PART I)

Read each of the sentences below carefully and choose the appropriate option depending on HOW YOU FEEL AT THIS MOMENT.

Instructions (PART II)

Read each of the sentences below carefully and choose the appropriate option based on HOW YOU USUALLY FEEL (NOT RIGHT NOW).

Many scientific works have been devoted to the issues of anxiety and stress; a large number of questionnaires and tests have been developed to diagnose anxiety and assess its level in each individual. It is very important to know the level of anxiety, since it is this indicator that determines the individual’s behavior as a reaction to some external stimulus (situation).

Spielberger Alert

Many works and works were written by Charles Spielberger. In accordance with the works of Spielberger, anxiety as a state and anxiety as a property should be distinguished. The first defines anxiety as a short-term reaction to a stimulus (the body’s normal reaction to an emergency situation), the second - as a person’s tendency to develop anxiety (depending on personal qualities). Based on this division, Ch. Spielberger developed an anxiety test. The test was adapted for the Russian-speaking population by Yu.L. Khanin, a well-known figure in the field of psychology in his circles. Therefore, the test is named after two scientists Spielberger and Khanin. This test is of great importance for diagnosing anxiety levels.

It is with this diagnosis that the study of various personality disorders begins. You can immediately take the Spielberger-Hanin test online and understand whether neuroses and ailments (dizziness, discomfort in the heart) are a consequence of an increased level of anxiety. In addition, the test allows you to assess the level of anxiety independently, as part of self-control and self-analysis of personality traits and perception of certain situations, which contributes to self-education.

An anxiety test, which takes only a few minutes to complete online, allows you to assess your anxiety level in two areas: assessment of situational anxiety and personal anxiety. As a matter of fact, this is the only test that allows you to evaluate these two indicators within the framework of one study; there are no other analogues.

The essence of the test

A certain level of anxiety is a natural state caused by human life. Problems, experiences, worries, situations perceived by the individual as a threat to self-esteem, etc., provoke a change in the level of anxiety during the day. The test allows you to assess an individual’s predisposition to anxiety at the moment and in the future, for which 2 scales have been developed:

  • The questionnaire assessing situational anxiety is built on a number of statements, the relevance of which a person evaluates on a scale from 1 to 4, where 1 is completely false, 4 is absolutely true. Statements like “I am calm”, “I am anxious”, “I am happy” describe the state and mood here and now. Anxiety, depending on the situation, can be caused by the emotions experienced at a given specific moment in time: anxiety, despondency, joy, sadness.
  • The questionnaire assessing personal anxiety contains statements such as “I worry a lot about troubles and cannot forget about them for a long time,” “I worry too much about trifles,” “I am a balanced person.” That is, in this case, a person evaluates the state over a long period, for which he has to do an introspection of his state of mind and personal perception of problems. If situational anxiety depends on the current moment in time, then personal anxiety characterizes the number of anxious situations over a long period of time, the speed and depth of their experience.

After passing the test, the level of anxiety is calculated: the higher the score, the higher the level of anxiety. The advantage of this test is not only that it simultaneously assesses anxiety levels at a specific point in time and over a long period, but also that it identifies a wide range of situations to which a person reacts.

What do the results mean?

If during the test it turns out that situational anxiety is at a high level, and personal anxiety is below average, it means that the person is experiencing an emotion (positive or negative) during this period, but will quickly cope with anxiety with anxiety. The opposite indicators indicate that a person tends to worry often, perceives reality subjectively, constantly feels threatened and tends to worry about it for a long time.

Of course, in one case, anxiety does not arise when experiencing any emergency situations, but in another case, a person reacts so emotionally to a similar situation that not only anxiety increases, but stress also arises. Moreover, such experiences, for example, in a week, may not occur at all, or maybe several times a day. This results in constant depression and stress. Therefore, for a deeper analysis and identification of the causes of anxiety, additional tests should be performed.

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Depression test

30% of women and 15% of men suffer from depression. Of these, only half seek professional help. However, depression not only affects quality of life, but also affects physical health. Thus, 30-40% of people who suffered strokes, heart attacks and cancer were found to have depression, which began to develop before the disease led to hospitalization. Depression is also a cause of suicide - from 45 to 60% of all suicides are committed by patients with depression.

It is worth remembering that depression can also occur without changes in mental state, but manifest itself in the form of complaints about the physical state (the so-called “masked depression”). Thus, 80% of those suffering from depression experience anxiety. And in half of patients with depression, a combination of symptoms of depression with such bodily complaints as:

  • vegetative and endocrine disorders (vegetative-vascular dystonia, dizziness, functional disorders - constipation, colitis, etc.; neurodermatitis, skin itching, anorexia, bulimia, impotence, menstrual irregularities);
  • pain (headache, heart pain, neuralgia - trigeminal, facial nerves, intercostal neuralgia, lumbosacral radiculitis);
  • psychopathological disorders (generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder - obsessions, hypochondria, neurasthenia);
  • character disorders (drug addiction, substance abuse, impulsivity, conflict, outbursts of aggression, hysterical reactions);
  • biological rhythm disturbances (insomnia; hypersomnia).

The Beck Depression Inventory is one of the first tests created to assess depression. Its accuracy in detecting depression has been proven in numerous trials.

The questionnaire consists of 21 groups of statements and takes 5-10 minutes.

Anxiety test

(Taylor's anxiety level measurement technique)

Anxiety is a condition characterized by increased anxiety and fear, which arise both in individual situations (for example, an exam) and are constantly present. In this regard, they divide: anxiety as a situational reaction, and anxiety as a personal characteristic.

Anxiety as a situational reaction (i.e. fear) is a normal emotional reaction to danger for any person. Anxiety as a personal trait (i.e. anxiety) is a disproportionate reaction to danger or a reaction to an imaginary danger, which over time leads to emotional exhaustion, self-dissatisfaction and often psychosomatic illnesses.

Anxiety often accompanies obsessive-compulsive disorders, and is also an important sign of depression - in 80% of patients with depression, complaints of anxiety predominate.

The technique consists of 50 questions and takes 5-10 minutes.

Life Satisfaction Scale

The Life Satisfaction Scale (QLESQ) was created by American psychiatrist Gene Endicott in the 1990s. The technique allows you to assess how much a person experiences pleasure in different areas of his life.

The scale is a simplified version of the Quality of Life (QOL) questionnaire. “Quality of life” in medicine refers to the influence of the underlying disease from which a person suffers on his well-being in various areas of life (physical, emotional, intellectual, etc.)

Quality of life (life satisfaction) decreases not only with physical illnesses. With various psychological difficulties and psychiatric diseases, the symptoms may not be so obvious (for example, with mild depression), but the person feels unhappy, dissatisfied with himself, others and life.

The technique consists of 14 statements and takes 5 minutes.

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Taylor test (Anxiety level test). Taylor Anxiety Scale.

The Taylor test is designed to measure symptoms of anxiety. Published by J. Taylor in 1953

The scale in question consists of 50 statements to which the subject must answer “yes” or “no.” Statements were selected from the Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Inventory (MMPI) set of statements. The selection of test items was based on an analysis of their ability to distinguish between individuals with “chronic anxiety reactions.”

Here is a version of the methodology adapted by T. A. Nemchinov and V. G. Norakidze, who in 1975 supplemented the questionnaire with a lie scale, which allows one to judge demonstrativeness, insincerity in answers, and consists of 60 questions.

Here you can take the Taylor test online for free.

Tests are useful, but theory without practice is dead.

Even more tests and information - on the website psychoanalysis.rf

Interpretation of test results:

80–100% - very high level of anxiety;

50–79% - high level of anxiety;

30–49% - average (with a tendency to high) level of anxiety;

11–29% - average (with a tendency to low) level of anxiety;

0–10% - low level of anxiety.

It diagnoses the tendency to give socially desirable answers. If this figure exceeds 60%, then this indicates the subject’s insincerity.

Deceit is one of the indicators of anxiety.

Anxiety is the tendency to experience anxiety under a variety of circumstances.
If the situation is truly fraught with danger, then a state of anxiety is useful: it will help you be more careful and avoid unpleasant consequences. But if anxiety arises, as they say, out of nowhere, it prevents a person from living and working normally, makes him nervous, and causes a certain psychological discomfort to him and those around him.

The following test will help you find out whether you are prone to increased anxiety.
All statements must be answered “yes” or “no”.

1. I can work for a long time without getting tired.
2. I always do what I promise, regardless of the inconvenience experienced in connection with it.
3. As a rule, my hands and feet are warm.
4. I rarely suffer from headaches.
5. I am confident in my abilities.
6. Waiting annoys me.
7. Sometimes I seem to myself to be worthless.
8. Most of the time I feel quite happy.
9. It is difficult for me to concentrate on any one subject.
10. As a child, I readily carried out all the instructions given to me.
11. At least once a month I suffer from an upset stomach.
12. I often feel anxious about something.
13. I don't consider myself more nervous than most people.
14. I'm not shy.
15. Life for me is almost always associated with great stress.
16. Sometimes it happens that I talk about things that I don’t understand.
17. I blush no more often than others.
18. I often get upset over trifles.
19. I rarely notice my heart palpitations and shortness of breath.
20. I don’t like all the people I know.
21. I can’t sleep if something is bothering me.
22. I am usually calm and not easily upset.
23. I often have nightmares.
24. I tend to take everything seriously.
25. When I'm nervous, I sweat more.
26. I have restless and interrupted sleep.
27. In games, I prefer to win rather than lose.
28. I am more sensitive than most other people.
29. It happens that immodest jokes and witticisms make me laugh.
30. I would like to be as satisfied with life as others are probably satisfied.
31. My stomach bothers me a lot.
32. I am constantly preoccupied with my material and work affairs.
33. I am wary of certain people, although I know that they cannot harm me.
34. Sometimes it seems to me that such difficulties are piled up in front of me that I cannot overcome.
35. I get confused easily.
36. At times I become so excited that it prevents me from falling asleep.
37. I prefer to avoid conflicts and difficult situations.
38. I have attacks of nausea and vomiting.
39. I am never late for dates or work.
40. There are times when I definitely feel unwanted.
41. Sometimes I want to swear.
42. I almost always feel anxious about something or someone.
43. I am worried about possible failures.
44. I am often afraid that I am about to blush.
45. I am often overwhelmed by despair.
46. ​​I am a nervous and easily excitable person.
47. I often notice that my hands shake when I try to do something.
48. I almost always feel hungry.
49. I lack self-confidence.
50. I sweat easily even on cool days.
51. I often dream about things that are better not to tell anyone about.
52. I very rarely have stomach pain.
53. I find it very difficult to concentrate on any task or work.
54. I have periods of such intense anxiety that I cannot sit in one place for a long time.
55. I always answer letters immediately after reading them.
56. I get upset easily.
57. I almost never blush.
58. I have much fewer different concerns and fears than my friends and acquaintances.
59. It happens that I put off until tomorrow what should be done today.
60. I usually work under a lot of pressure.


Give yourself 1 point for positive responses to statements numbered 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 , 36, 37, 38, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 56, 60 and negative responses to statements numbered 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 14 , 17, 19, 22, 39, 43, 52, 57, 58.

Answers “yes” to provisions 2, 10, 55 and “no” to provisions 16, 20, 27, 29, 41, 51, 59 are considered false. If there are more than 5 such answers, the test results may be unreliable.
Calculate your total points.

Test results
40-50 points indicate a very high level of anxiety.
25-40 points – a high level of anxiety.
15-25 points – about an average level of anxiety with a tendency to high.
5-15 points – about an average level of anxiety with a tendency to low.
0-5 points – low level of anxiety.

Many scientific works have been devoted to the issues of anxiety and stress; a large number of questionnaires and tests have been developed to diagnose anxiety and assess its level in each individual. It is very important to know the level of anxiety, since it is this indicator that determines the individual’s behavior as a reaction to some external stimulus (situation).

Spielberger Alert

Many works and works were written by Charles Spielberger. In accordance with the works of Spielberger, anxiety as a state and anxiety as a property should be distinguished. The first defines anxiety as a short-term reaction to a stimulus (the body’s normal reaction to an emergency situation), the second - as a person’s tendency to develop anxiety (depending on personal qualities). Based on this division, Ch. Spielberger developed an anxiety test. The test was adapted for the Russian-speaking population by Yu.L. Khanin, a well-known figure in the field of psychology in his circles. Therefore, the test is named after two scientists Spielberger and Khanin. This test is of great importance for diagnosing anxiety levels.

It is with this diagnosis that the study of various personality disorders begins. You can immediately take the Spielberger-Hanin test online and understand whether neuroses and ailments (dizziness, discomfort in the heart) are a consequence of an increased level of anxiety. In addition, the test allows you to assess the level of anxiety independently, as part of self-control and self-analysis of personality traits and perception of certain situations, which contributes to self-education.

An anxiety test, which takes only a few minutes to complete online, allows you to assess your anxiety level in two areas: assessment of situational anxiety and personal anxiety. As a matter of fact, this is the only test that allows you to evaluate these two indicators within the framework of one study; there are no other analogues.

The essence of the test

A certain level of anxiety is a natural state caused by human life. Problems, experiences, worries, situations perceived by the individual as a threat to self-esteem, etc., provoke a change in the level of anxiety during the day. The test allows you to assess an individual’s predisposition to anxiety at the moment and in the future, for which 2 scales have been developed:

After passing the test, the level of anxiety is calculated: the higher the score, the higher the level of anxiety. The advantage of this test is not only that it simultaneously assesses anxiety levels at a specific point in time and over a long period, but also that it identifies a wide range of situations to which a person reacts.

What do the results mean?

If during the test it turns out that situational anxiety is at a high level, and personal anxiety is below average, it means that the person is experiencing an emotion (positive or negative) during this period, but will quickly cope with anxiety with anxiety. The opposite indicators indicate that a person tends to worry often, perceives reality subjectively, constantly feels threatened and tends to worry about it for a long time.

Of course, in one case, anxiety does not arise when experiencing any emergency situations, but in another case, a person reacts so emotionally to a similar situation that not only anxiety increases, but stress also arises. Moreover, such experiences, for example, in a week, may not occur at all, or maybe several times a day. This results in constant depression and stress. Therefore, for a deeper analysis and identification of the causes of anxiety, additional tests should be performed.

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