How to find out at home that you or a loved one have been bewitched. Is it possible to find out a love spell on yourself?

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Let's look in detail at how to find out who cast a love spell at home - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Let's talk about methods of magical diagnostics, how to independently find out whether a person has a love spell? A magical love spell cast by a real magician begins to have an effect on the victim quite quickly. But not suddenly, but gradually, imperceptibly, little by little introducing certain changes into the life of the bewitched guy.

It is obvious that an effective love spell changes a person’s destiny, takes it to a new line. But what will happen to a bewitched man, whether magical coercion will benefit him or harm him, depends on very many factors, a whole complex of circumstances and nuances. It often happens that it can be harmful, and then the witchcraft must be removed. But, before doing this, you need to find out whether the love spell was on a girl or a young man. This is what I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, want to focus your attention in this article.

How to check at home if a person has a love spell

People sometimes change their destinies at will, this happens. You shouldn’t see harmful witchcraft and black magic love spells at every step. You can only go so far. Undoubtedly, an effective love spell on a man is done in order to obtain certain benefits from the victim. And the practicing magician, or his client, achieves his goal. But, here's walking under under the influence of a strong love spell- it's a difficult matter. They ask me how to find out if I have a love spell on me, or am I at the mercy of my subjective delusions? You can find out. There are various methods - from the simplest (diagnosis with a chicken egg) to real methods of diagnosing a love spell on a guy, requiring knowledge and prediction skills.

The behavior of a bewitched man (or woman, since women are also bewitched, but less often) changes, but not dramatically, as they say on the Internet. Any magical love spell program needs a period of time to gain a foothold in a person’s energy and begin its work – influencing the thoughts of the bewitched guy, his emotions and libido. What exactly should happen to a person at this time is always very clearly stated in the text of the plot of a strong love spell between a man and a woman. Therefore, when choosing a love ritual, beginners in magic need to carefully read homemade love spells and delve into their essence.

A change in behavior after a love spell was cast on a guy, a restructuring of the main characteristics, new habits that could be interpreted as oddities appear gradually. A self-bewitched person begins a secret life, a secret attraction, which he will try to hide if he is a married man, and therefore not free, bearing the bonds of marriage and obligations. So, if you value your family hearth, be more attentive to your beloved husband.

And it wouldn’t hurt to understand how to find out at home whether there is a love spell on your husband. Those who do not have such obligations behave more openly. They openly express their love feelings. They say that loved ones and those around them immediately notice the changes happening to a person and can guess the strong influence of love magic and a love spell cast at a distance. To me, this is just nonsense. This is said by those who do not understand either the mechanisms of practical magic or its essence. Those around them generally do not care what happens to the bewitched man, since people in the modern city live separately, individual lives, or in the interests of a narrow space - their own family. They will not worry about the question of whether the man from the apartment opposite, or a colleague with whom they can exchange a few words at work, has a love spell.

Close people will also not immediately notice changes in a person and sound the alarm. And if we take into account that the majority of modern people generally deny love magic the right to exist, then the reasons for the strange transformations and withdrawal of a person under the influence of a love spell made during menstruation will be sought in other areas.

How to check for yourself whether there is a love spell on your husband

Yes, many do not believe, but meanwhile, love magic is a serious weapon in the hands of sorcerers who know how to wield it. This weapon is immaterial; the practicing sorcerer accomplishes things with intention and word, but the result is quite specific. Find out how to determine for yourself whether a man has a love spell. This information will help to identify the true causes of problems in the wife’s relationship with her husband and eliminate them.

In addition to methods for identifying an induced love spell, there are ways to determine the type of love spell made, as well as identify the enemy. If you know exactly who is casting a spell against you, you can do purges with return, since you have every right to give the enemy what he “rewarded” you with. After removing the love spell from your beloved man, it is necessary to install protection against repeated exposure. Magical defenses need to be periodically updated and strengthened; this is not a panacea, since any defense can be broken or weakened.

Hot question: how to find out if you have a love spell

Practicing magicians determine the presence of a love spell on any person using various techniques. You can determine whether a guy has a love spell using a recent photo of him. In addition, on the basis of such magical diagnostics, the compatibility of partners, the possibility of creating a love union and the birth of children in this family are determined from the photo. In general, in general, magical diagnostics is a complex of different ways of collecting and viewing information.

In order to accurately find out whether a person has a love spell, the magician turns to various methods, including the Tarot predictive system. In addition, predictions on Runes, palmistry techniques, drawing up horoscopes and forecasting the development of certain life events are widely used. All these viewing tools are capable of providing both a general picture of a person’s fate and reflecting the current situation. But just like at home determine if there is a love spell, and is it possible to establish the presence of magical influence on oneself? And also, how to understand whether a loved one has a love spell or not.

Self-diagnosis of a love spell using a candle

It is clear that an ordinary person who does not practice black magic or other magical practices does not have professional tools for diagnosing a love spell on himself. Fortunately, there is always an alternative. I, magician Sergei Artgrom, want to talk about a very simple diagnosis of a love spell that you have made, which you can do yourself.

For this method of finding out a love spell on a person you will need:

  • candle
  • photo of someone you suspect has a magical negative

Photo is required for remote diagnostics. In this case, they take a new full-length photo of the person who will be tested. You can use this method for yourself, and if you have characteristic symptoms of a love spell, determine whether you have a love spell on yourself, on your own, at home. To find out whether a love spell has been cast on yourself, you need to smoothly move a burning candle in front of you in a spiral. Watch the flame, how it changes, how it reacts to this or that part of your body. The flame reacts very subtly to changes in the structure of energy, which certainly arise from witchcraft influence on the human biofield.

If you want to check for yourself whether there is a love spell on the guy, do everything the same way, moving the candle next to the person being tested. Be attentive to the behavior of the flame. Conclusions can be drawn about the nature of the love spell cast on the husband based on information received from the person himself, including his experiences, sensations, changes in behavior. This technique can be used for any person; it will help check whether there is a love spell on his wife, and will give a fairly clear answer as to whether the man is bewitched.

How to interpret a candle diagnosis - is there a love spell on a woman?

If you are using a candle to try to determine whether a woman has a love spell, look at which parts of the body the flame begins to change - it fluctuates, crackles, smokes, or the candle “cries” a lot.

If this is observed in the upper area of ​​the body - head, neck, shoulders, we can assume the presence of:

  • black envoltation,
  • crown of celibacy,
  • black wedding,
  • strong zombie influences,
  • a number of the strongest destructive damage associated with the mental plane and fate
  • closing life paths,
  • generational damage,
  • damage to insanity, etc.

If the flame gives a reaction in the chest area, there is probably an effect on the person's senses through the blood. Any magical effects are possible:

  • kindling love,
  • passions,
  • influences creating temperamental attraction.

If there were doubts about whether a man has a love spell, diagnostics with a candle can dispel doubts.

The reaction of the flame in the lower abdomen and at the level of the genital organs indicates the most likely effect on lust - strong sexual love spells, egillet. Black damage for infertility and the removal of vital energy can be diagnosed in a similar way. This simple home technique allows you to find out whether a love spell was on a girl or a guy with very probable reliability. After self-checking, you should begin rituals to remove the love spell cast on your loved one.

How to find out at home that you or a loved one have been bewitched

Sometimes a person finds himself in a situation where he is endlessly attracted to someone. It seems that a person is humiliated, treated in such a way that he should hate, but there is still an irresistible craving, and it is impossible to cope with it. Or your chosen one cannot leave his former love alone and constantly talks about her. You involuntarily begin to think about a love spell or binding.

A love spell can completely change a person's life. Mistresses often take their husbands away from the family in this way. Young girls in love bewitch the chosen one, who has no feelings for them, without even thinking about the consequences. Intervention in the energy sector always produces consequences, sometimes not the most pleasant and irreversible. But how can you find out if a person has a love spell without involving psychics and magicians?

How to find out that you have been bewitched

There are several options for determining a love spell on a husband or any other person.

Human behavior

The easiest way to understand is monitor human behavior. The person will be confused, the mood will change dramatically. In five minutes a person can cry and laugh. Constantly talks about who bewitched. He reacts aggressively to any attempts to admit the presence of a love spell. If the person who ordered the love spell disappears for a long time, the person begins to feel sad and becomes depressed.

On candle and decoration

You need to take a candle and silver jewelry (it can be a ring, chain, bracelet, etc.). You need to light the candle and place it on your heart with your right hand. Accordingly, there is a silver item in the left hand.

Closing your eyes, you need to try not to think about anything for about ten minutes. Throw away all the thoughts that burden you, relax.

After ten minutes, your eyes can be opened. If there is a love spell, then the candle will be restless, most likely black spots will appear.

On a chicken egg

You will need a very fresh egg. Store-bought eggs will not work. Perhaps you have friends who have chicken; you can ask them for an egg or buy it at the market. Before you start diagnosing, check yourself to see if the egg is fresh. To do this, place the egg on the table and twist it. If it rotates slowly, the egg is suitable. If it spins quickly, it means that the egg is not very fresh, and therefore it is not suitable for the ritual.

You need to take a photo of a person who, in your opinion, may have a love spell. The egg needs to be rotated clockwise right before the photo. Then you need to take a bowl of plain water and break an egg into it. If the protein in the water is transparent, then there was no love spell - you were mistaken. But if the white is cloudy, there is an unpleasant odor, or the egg is generally rotten, then it is definitely there.

On water and candle

Requires a candle, bowl and water(either river or holy). The candle should be cut into small pieces. The pieces are placed in a ladle. You need to pour water into a bowl and place it in front of the photo. If a person himself wants to check whether he has a love spell, it is better to do the ceremony in his presence instead of a photograph. The wax in the ladle should be held over the person or photograph for about three minutes. After this, the wax in the ladle needs to be melted with something and very quickly poured into the water.

Once in the water, the wax immediately hardens. Once frozen, the wax should have an unusual shape. The wax needs to be taken out of the water and examined. If the piece is whole, then the person’s energy is pure. But if the piece is slightly broken and the vodka is colored, there is a love spell and it needs to be removed.

Love spell protection

Protection against love spells can be achieved using an amulet that you can make yourself. To do this you will need 6 white candles and 1 red. Regular candles will also work, but the previous option is a little more effective.

In addition, you will need a human comb and a cloth (preferably white). The amulet is created on the outgoing moon from sunset to dawn.

At sunset you need to place 6 candles in a circle and one in the middle. A comb wrapped in fabric is also placed in the middle. Candles should be lit in the same order as they were placed. Afterwards, a request is made in a whisper so that all evil spirits leave the person and sadness leaves him.

From now on, the comb will be your amulet. Try not to give it. Firstly, hygiene is maintained, and secondly, now this comb stores your energy, it is better that no one gets it.

There is also a simpler option.

A simple solution

To get rid of a love spell, you need to create a good mood for the person. From birth, a person already had a talisman, which he abandoned over time. What kind of amulet was this? Favorite toy. The toy creates a good mood for the child, with it he feels protected. A favorite toy is something very familiar. But as we grow up, we all give up this protection.

Now is the time to return it. No, no one forces you to look for your childhood toy and carry it everywhere. You need to create a new one, with your own hands. This could be a small doll or, for example, a horseshoe. You can buy a horseshoe in a store and decorate it with something. The toy should not be heavy so that you can always carry it with you.

The main thing is not to forget that any magic can be corrected by the church. If traditional methods do not help, you should turn there. Surely there will be help. If church forces also do not save you, there is only one option left - contact a specialist.

For more ways to remove the spell, watch the video:

How to determine a love spell on a man or woman

A love spell is a magical effect on a person’s will, and love spells differ only in the degree of suppression of this very will.

The consequences of any (regardless of effectiveness) violence against nature are the most serious and negative, this should be remembered by everyone who is planning to make a love spell.

Whether you cast a love spell on your own, or turn to a professional magician with a request to read certain conspiracies and perform rituals in your interests - it doesn’t matter. The love spell will hit you, rolling back, like a coiled spring, and the bewitched person himself - it will be bad for everyone, but you will suffer the main punishment. But nothing will happen to the magician - unlike amateurs, he knows how to protect himself, and the entire burden of the backlash will fall on the person who ordered the love spell.

Retribution will not necessarily be immediate - but it will come, it will overtake you at the most inopportune moment, you can’t even doubt it! In the end, a love spell will not only not give the desired result - it can turn your life into a nightmare. And only you yourself will be to blame for this.

There are no safe love spells; it will roll back and hit you with all the force that was applied during execution.

As a result of a love spell, instead of the cheerful person you love, there is a risk of getting a weak-willed, apathetic, uninterested zombie. Moreover, given that a love spell awakens the darkest sides of the soul, it may well turn out to be physically dangerous.

The person who has been bewitched will become the same only if the love spell is removed in time. Remember this and think before you take any action.

Was there a love spell?

The love spell begins to work immediately after execution, the person’s behavior changes dramatically, and those around him immediately notice this. Visible reasons why you can immediately identify a love spell (both love and other types): a person seems to be constantly thinking about something important, frowns and wrinkles his forehead, and draws his eyebrows together. He is inhibited, does not immediately respond to his name, is thoughtful, gloomy; if you ask about his health, he will answer that everything is fine and, most likely, will become irritated.

The consequences that a love spell brings with it, among other things, are illogical, strange, unusual behavior of a person, which makes it possible to recognize the love spell initially. A person may forget much of what he did recently; poor memory and a suffering expression on his face are also sure symptoms of a love spell.

Instead of apathy and lethargy, on the contrary, painful agitation may appear, accompanied by long, painful and futile attempts to determine, establish something significant, recognize some ephemeral mystery, remember something very important.

A person is constantly tormented by riddles that are unsolvable for one reason only - they don’t actually exist.

This is due to the fact that the brain is trying to find a logical basis for the melancholy and anxiety that has arisen from nowhere and is associated with the absence of the person who ordered the love spell nearby.

How to diagnose a love spell?

How do you know if a person is bewitched? Sometimes this can be very important, because strange behavior can be explained by other reasons - sometimes they are banal, and it would be a mistake to define the symptoms as the consequences of a love spell.

Therefore, if you have discovered strange behavior of a loved one, which suggests possible consequences of a love spell, check it using one of the folk methods.

Roll a fresh, raw egg clockwise over the photo for three minutes.

Break this egg into a bowl of water - if the white is light and transparent - the oddities of the face in the photograph are not the consequences of a love spell.

If the white is cloudy, there is an unpleasant odor, or the egg is rotten - this is definitely a love spell (or damage, depending on the condition of the egg). You need to think about who did or could have done such a love spell - and take measures to save the victim.

If a person himself thought about his unenviable position and began to search on the Internet “How to understand that you have been bewitched?” - this means he has an iron will and enormous resistance to magic. It will be easier for such a person to cope with the consequences that a love spell has in store for him.

Signs of a love spell in men are better determined by female magicians, signs of a love spell in women are better determined by male sorcerers.

However, both of them can easily save the unfortunate person from this unpleasant and dangerous “gift” for him.

You can and should protect yourself from a love spell (as well as from damage). If you find broken matches, cigarette butts, pins, needles, tufts of wool, tufts of hair, scattered earth or sand on your doorstep, mark them away from the door while reading a prayer. Do not take them with your hands, do not touch such linings with a household dustpan or broom, do not throw them into a household bucket - the one who cast a love spell on you or a person close to you is just waiting for at least part of the lining to fall under the roof of your home.

If you live in your own home, take a broom and throw suspicious objects as far from your threshold as possible. After this, do not bring the broom into your yard, much less under the roof. For an apartment, you can offer an option with a homemade paper dustpan and broom.

Burning a thrown item or performing other rituals is strictly not recommended, because the element of fire, before destroying the item, will enhance its effect, and the smoke will cause you no less harm than the item itself. although there is an opinion that it can be burned at a deserted pedestrian intersection - the habitat of demons. Then the force directed at the victim will hit the performer or customer.

An experienced magician can correctly destroy an object planted for a love spell, observing the necessary rituals.

And if there is a forest or park near your house, and you have a good understanding of the species and age of trees, take the lining there, pull out an annual aspen, throw the thrown things into the hole and stick the tree upside down. In this way you will protect yourself, and the performer or customer of the magical influence will receive a well-deserved punishment.

How to find out if a person has a love spell

If you begin to feel tired, have nightmares at night, are haunted by obsessive ideas, or suddenly feel a craving for a previously indifferent person, then this can mean one thing - you have been bewitched. Today we will tell you how to find out if a person has a love spell.

You will also learn about:

  • how to determine a love spell in a man;
  • how to find out that a woman has been bewitched;
  • how to determine a love spell on yourself;
  • how to find out who cast a love spell

How to recognize a love spell and find out who cast it

If you are observant, you can recognize the signs of a love spell. For men, women and yourself. They manifest themselves differently in people of different genders. Now we will look in detail at how to identify and remove a love spell, and also find out who did it.

Definition of a love spell on yourself

It is very difficult to notice changes in your behavior, and even more difficult to recognize them, but if close people constantly tell you that you are not behaving as before, that you have become rude, aggressive, that you are moving away from your family, this may mean that someone is attacking you. then he made a love spell. If you don’t trust your loved ones, then analyze your actions, watch yourself, if you notice that your mood often changes, attacks of aggression appear, depression lingers, then you have really been bewitched.

In this case, you need to seek help from a specialist to remove the love spell.

How to find out if there is a love spell on a man at home? Everything is very simple, if you suspect something, just watch your man to see if he has started behaving strangely lately. Now we will tell you in detail how to identify the signs.

Symptoms of a love spell in a man appear after sexual contact, no matter with whom, with his wife or with another woman, he will simply behave differently than before.

The very first sign of a conspiracy is a constant feeling of anxiety and self-doubt. A man is constantly drawn to the one who charmed him. He also constantly feels guilty before everyone. He is constantly drawn to the woman who has bewitched him.

A man stops paying attention to his family members; he will become rude to his children, wife, and parents.

After a love spell, the husband does not experience sexual attraction to his wife.

A person seems to be constantly in prostration and does not notice anyone or anything. Bewitched men do not take any initiative; he will never discuss his problems with loved ones; you will hear one answer to all questions: “Everything is fine.”


All this can cause the following consequences:

  • impotence;
  • alcoholism;
  • family breakdown;
  • loss of interest in life;
  • serious problems at work;
  • health problems.

If you are sure that someone has bewitched your lover, immediately seek help from a magician or psychic in order to save your family.

Symptoms of a love spell in women will not be difficult to notice, since by their nature women are very emotional and will begin to change very dramatically under the influence of magic.

The first thing that changes is the way of life and behavior in public, for example, the woman who constantly sat at home will begin to attend wild parties, and the one who, on the contrary, loved noisy companies, will withdraw into herself and stop going out in public.

Also, a symptom of a love spell is excessive cruelty towards family members, a caring mother turns into a cold and indifferent one.

Women become indifferent to everything that happens around them. All this happens because the woman lives in dreams of the one who bewitched her, and cannot think about anything else.


If it is too late to determine that a love spell has been cast on a woman, this can lead to the following negative consequences:

  • severe headaches;
  • blood pressure problems;
  • infertility;
  • suicidal thoughts;
  • nervous breakdowns

All these negative consequences will lead to the destruction of the family, and every day the woman will increasingly be visited by thoughts of suicide. So, to avoid unwanted problems, contact a specialist who will help you remove the magic from the woman you love.

How to find out who cast a love spell

It is important to determine that you have a love spell, but it is even more important to know who did it. This is necessary in order to make it easier to neutralize its consequences.

In order to find out who exactly cast a love spell on you, you don’t need to spend a lot of effort. It’s all very simple, think carefully about whom you have been feeling a constant attraction to lately, especially for those people who were indifferent or whom you previously hated. You will be able to distinguish unhealthy cravings from true love. The love spell will suppress your will, and you will feel unhappy. The person who bewitched you will constantly appear in your dreams, and you will no longer feel sexual attraction to your legal spouse or wife. Such an unhealthy craving for a certain person can only mean one thing: the person has bewitched you.

To your soulmate

As for casting a love spell on your loved one, it is also very important to know who did it. Try to use leading questions to find out who your husband or wife is thinking about. Just don’t do it like during an interrogation, otherwise nothing will work out. Ask what you dreamed about, who dreamed about it, what they did in everything. Also pay attention to who your significant other often talks about, especially if there was complete indifference to this person before. A bewitched person will in every possible way defend the one who bewitched him if suddenly one of his loved ones begins to discuss him or accuse him of something. All these facts will indicate to you who made the love spell, and you will be able to neutralize the magic.

How to neutralize the magic of a love spell

When you already know who cast a love spell on you or your loved ones, it is very important to remove it urgently. Because if you put everything on hold, the negative consequences will only intensify.

At sunset

This ritual is suitable for men and women. Go outside at sunset, look at it and say the words of the lapel:

“You know life, and you also know the dead, since you return to the ends of the earth, and you roll towards the dead luminary, then you will measure yourself with my black burden, and you will become familiar with my badness, and with it you will go to the ends of the earth, and there is my bad will remain, will not return, but will remain there forever. Amen".

You can remove a love spell from your spouse using salt. Start doing the ritual in the morning. Pour it into a frying pan and heat over low heat. While the salt is heating up, read the plot:

“Salt is white and pure, cleanse the servant of God... take away from him everything that has been spoiled, everything that has been damaged, everything that has been smoothed out, everything eaten with food, drunk with drink, taken with a lining, with a bad eye, with an evil word given. Whether it be a girl or an old woman, or an old man, or a man, take it off, take it away on the fast water, my word is strong, my will is strong. Amen".

At the moment when the salt begins to darken, remove the pan and pour the contents into a plate. Take a photo of your spouse and place it under the bowl. In the evening, place the photograph on a plate and sprinkle some of the salt directly on the photograph. It is also necessary to repeat the words of the conspiracy. In general, the ritual should be repeated four days in a row. On the last day after the conspiracy, wash off the salt and photo with running water.

Take a blank sheet of paper and write the following words on it: “I remove the love spell from (full name), burn it in candles.” After this, light seven wax candles and place them in a circle, placing the leaf in the center of the circle. Then imagine the image of your wife and read the prayer to Saints Cyprian and Ustinya.

“Holy Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina! Hear our humble prayer. After all, although you ended your earthly temporary life early with martyrdom for Christ - you had to endure terrible torment, but in spirit you do not depart from us living. You always teach us to follow the Lord’s commandments and help us to patiently bear our cross. You have the boldness to intercede for us sinners before Christ God and the Most Pure Mother of God. And at this hour we ask the unworthy Servants of God to intercede for us (names of people are called). Ask the Lord to make us safe from demons, sorcerers and unkind people. And we glorify the Holy Trinity: Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

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Lovers rarely analyze the source of their feelings. Romantic emotions completely take over their being. But it happens differently. If love is unnatural, imposed from the outside, it suppresses and drags you down to the bottom of depression. How to identify this, how to understand that you have been bewitched? Why do this? Let's look at it in detail and step by step.

What is a love spell?

For the uninitiated, it is necessary to clarify what exactly we have to deal with. To figure out how to understand that you have been bewitched, you should get acquainted with the definitions. Magic provides everyone with a whole set of tools for interfering in someone else's fate. One of them is a love spell. This is a program specially embedded in the aura that causes a craving for the customer. It should be noted that the victim’s feelings only resemble love, but are not it. Sincerity, openness, and selflessness are absent in relationships. They cause in a person a barely perceptible feeling that what is happening is wrong, similar to the one that arises when you suspect deception. Girls are advised to listen to their intuition if you want to know how to understand that a man has bewitched you. The love program works in the aura due to the energy allocated for other purposes: health, well-being, happiness, and so on. Therefore, a love spell leads to the emergence of negative circumstances and situations that make you suffer. A person in love thinks that he is “fighting for reciprocity,” but in fact he is increasingly succumbing to the black energy induced by the witch.

Observe your emotions and behavior

A little more additional information. She will help explain how to understand that you have been bewitched and what to do. Let us briefly describe the main signs of magical influence felt by the victim and noticeable from the outside. They need to be analyzed if you suspect that you have become a victim of a witch. Signs visible to the victim:

  • Constantly drawn to a person, you can’t think about anything else.
  • You react aggressively to criticism of your “loved one.”
  • You often get colds.
  • You regularly become a victim of various types of accidents: from breakdowns of household appliances to fires and transport accidents.
  • Menstruation becomes very painful (although it used to be normal).
  • Sleep is disturbed and nightmares appear.
  • Cravings for alcohol, smoking or something worse.
  • There is no desire to communicate with friends and relatives.
  • Former interests and hobbies are no longer of interest. The center of attention is the object of adoration; it obscures everything else.
  • Frequent mood swings from apathy to inexplicable hysterics.

People, when they start to figure out how to understand that you have been bewitched, try to identify all the listed signs in themselves. In fact, one or two are enough to suspect something is wrong. Love spells are different and manifest themselves individually. This must be taken into account when diagnosing.

Ask your loved ones, talk to them

In diagnosing magical influences, the most important stage is the first stage, namely: awareness of the problem. Understand: the victim of witchcraft is internally sure that he is in love. She (or he) does not want to listen to others who insist that the chosen one is unclean in soul. If a guy is wondering how to understand that a girl has bewitched you, success is practically in his hands. Therefore, it is recommended to talk with a close, trusted person. Ask him how your behavior seems to him from the outside. You should pay attention to the following signs:

  • Displaying unreasonable cruelty or indifference towards friends and family.
  • Detachment, unwillingness to listen to what they say.
  • Inappropriate reaction to comments about a loved one.
  • Negative assessment of those people whom you previously liked (important!).
  • Frequent mood changes.

If a loving person confirms in a frank conversation that you are behaving in accordance with the symptoms listed above, no longer find out how to understand that you have been bewitched. The answer, unfortunately, is yes. We urgently need to get rid of witchcraft spells.

Analysis of the “history of relations”

You know, people are designed this way: no matter what you tell them, they are in no hurry to give up their own opinion. This is also true in our situation. It’s not enough to explain how to understand that you’ve been bewitched. He is drawn to a person even with sincere, pure feelings. It is necessary for the victim to reach the truth herself. You don't need to work hard for this. Lovers love to remember the “history of the relationship”: how I met, what they said, and so on. This nice habit is offered to anyone who is interested in identifying the problem. If the “beloved” has not previously evoked any tender thoughts, and even, on the contrary, seemed unpleasant or disgusting, there is reason to think about it. The same thing happens when you met this person by chance, and previously similar personalities did not enjoy your sympathy.

Continue analysis

Girls who want to figure out how to understand that you have been bewitched by a man would do well to look at themselves from the outside. As a rule, a love spell suppresses the personality. Are you groveling in front of your partner? Answer this annoying question. Does he treat you like a queen, a jewel, an angel? Under the influence of witchcraft, a woman does not notice humiliation and outright bullying. Talk to friends or older relatives as they see it from the outside. Pure feelings are based on respect. If there is none, there is a love spell or you have not chosen the best partner. Look into your partner's eyes. The person who ordered the love spell avoids contact between souls. This is a subconscious reaction. If a person averts his eyes, there is reason to doubt his pure intentions.

How to understand that you have been bewitched by a guy: an experiment

Women have a special, magical energy. It is quite easy for a girl to prove to herself that she has become a victim of witchcraft. You need to do the following. Buy fresh chicken eggs. Be sure to ask if they were in the refrigerator. You need those that have not experienced frost, which means they remain alive. In the evening, pick one up. Sit alone and dream about your “loved one.” Remember the details of communication, affection, words, glances, smiles and the like. After about fifteen minutes, break the egg into a jar of water. Hold it above your head. Keep thinking about your feelings. You can read a prayer or ask your guardian angel for help. But this is optional. To diagnose a love spell, it is enough to transfer the image of the aura into the egg, that is, transmit your own emotions to it. The ritual is simple. Look into the jar.

Results of the ritual

Now check your energy by looking at the egg.

  • Lies at the bottom of the jar - there is no love spell.
  • “Snot” rises from the protein - there is an evil eye.
  • The yolk spills - a love spell.
  • There was blood in the egg too.
  • There is also an unpleasant rotten smell.

In fact, men also conduct this experiment. But their diagnosis is not so accurate. Sometimes the egg does not show a love spell. Women can use this method, it is accurate.

How to understand that you have been bewitched and how to get rid of it

Let's approach it from the other side. Witchcraft is insidious. It influences a person so much that she is ready to believe in anything, just not to leave the imposed harmful path. It is impossible to prove to a person that he has been bewitched until he himself thinks about it. It is necessary to make the victim doubt. If you think you have been under the influence of witchcraft, most likely you have not. The victim will suspect the customer of lying in the very last place. To remove doubts from your head, perform the ritual described above. Often it shows a negative result. This is wonderful! Enjoy your feelings and put the bad stuff out of your head. But if the result is positive, you should urgently get rid of the love spell. It's not particularly difficult to do this. In rare cases, the help of a real magician is required. First of all, stop communicating with the customer. Believers are recommended to go to the temple. Sometimes this is enough to get rid of a love spell. And the aura is cleansed of negative programs with the help of prayer. Here, for example, is a ritual popular among village grandmothers.

Getting rid of a love spell

Buy candles from the church. Determine the quantity yourself when you read the description to the end. Choose a time so that no one disturbs or interrupts you from work. If you have a trusted person, ask him to assist. You need to light one candle, remove the wick from the second and place the wax in a spoon. Place a bowl or bowl of water nearby. Melt the wax in a spoon in the fire of the first candle. At this time, read prayers. It is recommended in this order:

  • "Our Father".
  • "May God rise again."
  • “Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice.”

Pour the wax into the water. Repeat three times. The ritual should be carried out for seven days in a row, each time burning the candle to the end. Bury the wax in the ground away from people. It turns out that you will need fourteen candles. If you have a helper, ask him to pour out the wax. The first time - above the head, the second - in the heart area, the third - in the genital area. While you are carrying out the cleansing, it is forbidden to meet and talk with the person who ordered the love spell. If your suspicions turn out to be unfounded, it’s okay. You cannot kill true love with such a ritual, it will only become stronger. Good luck!

The most complete description in all details - how to find out whether a person has a love spell on their own with a sufficiently strong and safe magical effect.

A love spell is a magical effect on a person’s will, and love spells differ only in the degree of suppression of this very will.

The consequences of any (regardless of effectiveness) violence against nature are the most serious and negative, this should be remembered by everyone who is planning to make a love spell.

Whether you cast a love spell on your own, or turn to a professional magician with a request to read certain conspiracies and perform rituals in your interests - it doesn’t matter. The love spell will hit you, rolling back, like a coiled spring, and the bewitched person himself - it will be bad for everyone, but you will suffer the main punishment. But nothing will happen to the magician - unlike amateurs, he knows how to protect himself, and the entire burden of the backlash will fall on the person who ordered the love spell.

Retribution will not necessarily be immediate - but it will come, it will overtake you at the most inopportune moment, you can’t even doubt it! In the end, a love spell will not only not give the desired result - it can turn your life into a nightmare. And only you yourself will be to blame for this.

There are no safe love spells; it will roll back and hit you with all the force that was applied during execution.

As a result of a love spell, instead of the cheerful person you love, there is a risk of getting a weak-willed, apathetic, uninterested zombie. Moreover, given that a love spell awakens the darkest sides of the soul, it may well turn out to be physically dangerous.

The person who has been bewitched will become the same only if the love spell is removed in time. Remember this and think before you take any action.

Was there a love spell?

The love spell begins to work immediately after execution, the person’s behavior changes dramatically, and those around him immediately notice this. Visible reasons why you can immediately identify a love spell (both love and other types): a person seems to be constantly thinking about something important, frowns and wrinkles his forehead, and draws his eyebrows together. He is inhibited, does not immediately respond to his name, is thoughtful, gloomy; if you ask about his health, he will answer that everything is fine and, most likely, will become irritated.

The consequences that a love spell brings with it, among other things, are illogical, strange, unusual behavior of a person, which makes it possible to recognize the love spell initially. A person may forget much of what he did recently; poor memory and a suffering expression on his face are also sure symptoms of a love spell.

Instead of apathy and lethargy, on the contrary, painful agitation may appear, accompanied by long, painful and futile attempts to determine, establish something significant, recognize some ephemeral mystery, remember something very important.

A person is constantly tormented by riddles that are unsolvable for one reason only - they don’t actually exist.

This is due to the fact that the brain is trying to find a logical basis for the melancholy and anxiety that has arisen from nowhere and is associated with the absence of the person who ordered the love spell nearby.

How to diagnose a love spell?

How do you know if a person is bewitched? Sometimes this can be very important, because strange behavior can be explained by other reasons - sometimes they are banal, and it would be a mistake to define the symptoms as the consequences of a love spell.

Therefore, if you have discovered strange behavior of a loved one, which suggests possible consequences of a love spell, check it using one of the folk methods.

Roll a fresh, raw egg clockwise over the photo for three minutes.

Break this egg into a bowl of water - if the white is light and transparent - the oddities of the face in the photograph are not the consequences of a love spell.

If the white is cloudy, there is an unpleasant odor, or the egg is rotten - this is definitely a love spell (or damage, depending on the condition of the egg). You need to think about who did or could have done such a love spell - and take measures to save the victim.

If a person himself thought about his unenviable position and began to search on the Internet “How to understand that you have been bewitched?” - this means he has an iron will and enormous resistance to magic. It will be easier for such a person to cope with the consequences that a love spell has in store for him.

Signs of a love spell in men are better determined by female magicians, signs of a love spell in women are better determined by male sorcerers.

However, both of them can easily save the unfortunate person from this unpleasant and dangerous “gift” for him.

You can and should protect yourself from a love spell (as well as from damage). If you find broken matches, cigarette butts, pins, needles, tufts of wool, tufts of hair, scattered earth or sand on your doorstep, mark them away from the door while reading a prayer. Do not take them with your hands, do not touch such linings with a household dustpan or broom, do not throw them into a household bucket - the one who cast a love spell on you or a person close to you is just waiting for at least part of the lining to fall under the roof of your home.

If you live in your own home, take a broom and throw suspicious objects as far from your threshold as possible. After this, do not bring the broom into your yard, much less under the roof. For an apartment, you can offer an option with a homemade paper dustpan and broom.

Burning a thrown item or performing other rituals is strictly not recommended, because the element of fire, before destroying the item, will enhance its effect, and the smoke will cause you no less harm than the item itself. although there is an opinion that it can be burned at a deserted pedestrian intersection - the habitat of demons. Then the force directed at the victim will hit the performer or customer.

An experienced magician can correctly destroy an object planted for a love spell, observing the necessary rituals.

And if there is a forest or park near your house, and you have a good understanding of the species and age of trees, take the lining there, pull out an annual aspen, throw the thrown things into the hole and stick the tree upside down. In this way you will protect yourself, and the performer or customer of the magical influence will receive a well-deserved punishment.

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How to determine a love spell

A love spell is a certain magical effect on a person in order to create an emotional and physical attraction to another person.

A love spell can radically change the life of any person. With the help of a love spell, mistresses take away their husbands from prosperous families, breaking strong marriage ties. With love spells, young, stupid girls tie guys to them forever, without thinking about the possible consequences.

Any intervention in the energy and will of another person entails a variety of consequences. How to determine a love spell? Is it possible to do this on your own, without the help of magicians and psychics?

The love spell begins to work immediately. A person’s behavior changes dramatically and those around him, especially close people, immediately notice this.

1. The bewitched feels strong love attraction to the one to whom the power of the love spell acts. He does not understand why such changes are happening to him. Therefore, he can behave either by accepting these feelings as his own, or by trying to understand them and push them away from himself. This state manifests itself either as complete submission to the one to whom one is bewitched, or detachment. But even when moving away, a person cannot get rid of these feelings and thoughts that are caused by a love spell.

The object of adoration is characterized by high suggestibility: a man idealizes his beloved, not noticing shortcomings, speaks in her words, expresses her opinion and defends interests other than his own, even when his loved ones directly point this out to him. To no avail! The bewitched man with a “tin” look mumbles his version.

A passionate desire for the object of desire, after sexual contact, a feeling of guilt, a desire to leave, at first, to go home as quickly as possible, on the way thinking that this is his last visit to his mistress. But the bewitched man cannot find a place for himself at home; his legs themselves carry him to her, the only one. In some cases, the bewitched even ask their wife for permission to temporarily leave, hoping that everything will work out and he will be able to pull himself together and return home. But it was not there!

2. Due to changes in the soul, feelings and thoughts, the bewitched person feels unwell. Persistent nervous tension appears, which can be eased by alcohol, causing the man to start drinking more and spending less time at home. If he does not immediately go to the rival who cast the love spell, then he finds refuge with friends with whom he arranges merry drinking sessions, just to be distracted and not think about his feelings.

3. The object of desire becomes the center of the universe for the person brought, everything else not connected with it fades into the background.

A previously efficient and able-bodied person suddenly loses interest in his favorite activity, work, business. Suffering losses or losing a job.

One of the important signs is an inadequate assessment of the current situation, a complete unnatural disregard for one’s own interests, the interests of one’s children, parents, spouses, even if one fully agrees with the indisputable facts of infringement of one’s own interests.

These are the signs of a love spell that may appear if a rival tries to bewitch your spouse on her own. If the love spell was made by a magician, and even a professional, then the effect will be much more accurate. There will be no these indirect negative manifestations, and feelings as a result of the love spell will become so strong that they can turn into natural love.

There are many ways to detect love spells. Let's consider the most accessible ones, in terms of complexity of execution.

Chicken egg - an ancient, proven method of identifying damage and love spells

Take the freshest chicken egg you can get. Store-bought ones (with a stamp) are not suitable. An egg bought the other day from some granny at the market would be ideal. You have to make sure that the egg is really fresh. To do this, spin it on a flat table surface. If the egg turns very slowly, reluctantly, it is fresh. If it spins wildly and doesn’t stop for a long time after spinning, it means it’s not that fresh and is not suitable for further actions.

We take a photo of the person on whom, in your opinion, a love spell was cast, and hold the egg for at least three minutes under this photo. You can simply hold it or rotate the egg clockwise (the second option is more preferable). Next, we place the photo in front of a container of water; it can be a medium-deep bowl or a shallow basin.

Break the egg into the water, first breaking the shell with a knife. If the protein that gets into the water has a transparent, not cloudy consistency, then there was no love spell. But if the white is cloudy, has an unpleasant odor, and sometimes it happens that the egg turns out to be completely rotten, then a love spell was cast on the person shown in the photo.

In a similar way, you can detect a love spell over a person’s head: twist the egg clockwise around the back of the head, and not over the photo, then break the shell and pour the egg into the water.

This is the most accurate method for diagnosing a love spell. Method 1 . Required, one or more, container and water. Regarding water: it can be holy water or well or river water. You can use any candles, both church candles (preferably) and regular ones from the store. The candle must be cut into small pieces with scissors or a knife - there should be enough wax to get a clear picture. As you cut the wax, think about what you are going to do, about the information you are going to receive. All these pieces are poured into one ladle.

Such diagnostics can be carried out as from photographs and in the presence of the person himself. A photograph of a person is placed in front of a container of cold water, or the person himself sits down, expressing a desire to reveal his love spell. For three minutes, the wax in a ladle (can be replaced with a large iron spoon) is held in front of a sitting person (before the photo). The pieces of wax are then melted over any heat source to a liquid state. While melting the wax, place the photograph next to you, it is advisable that the photograph be full-length, so the information will be more complete. Look at the photo or concentrate on the person and the information you are about to receive.

When the wax has melted, you need to pass it over the photo three times clockwise and, placing the scoop in the middle of the vessel with water, pour the wax into the water in one confident movement. Wax, in contact with water, quickly hardens. Wait a few minutes for the wax to harden.

While the wax hardens, it is already possible to obtain some information on the casting.

  • If the water that surrounds the wax remains clean and the surface of the wax is clean, then this means that no magical effects were produced on the person.

When the wax hardens, it takes on an unusual shape. The already hardened wax is removed from the water and examined. Here it is important to correctly read the information coming from a piece of wax.

  • First, we take the casting and turn it over; if there are no strong irregularities on the other side, then everything is fine, but if there are significant growths that sometimes reach the bottom of the container, then there is a magical effect and it is necessary to take measures to eliminate it.
  • If the piece is solid and does not have many branches, then otherworldly spells have not been introduced into the person’s energy.
  • If the wax has a clumsy structure, with many cloudy branches, if the water is colored, then there was a love spell and it must be removed urgently.
  • Method 2. The second method, which will help determine whether there is a love spell, is more often used for self-diagnosis. To do this you will need a silver item (for example a chain) and a candle. Light a candle, take it in your right hand and place it at heart level. Take a silver item in your left hand.

    Close your eyes and, trying not to think about anything or be distracted by anything, sit like this for 10 minutes.

    During this time, the candle will burn and in the presence of any magical influences, the candle flame will not behave calmly, shoot, smoke, black smudges will appear on the candle, smudges of strange shape are a clear sign of a love spell.

    Method 3. Take there are three wax candles in the church. Candles must be consecrated, because consecration cleanses from possible negativity accumulated on objects, and also impregnates consecrated objects with light and positive forces.

    Take the wax in your hands:

    • If the wax falls apart into pieces, it is very likely that a black love spell has been cast on your husband.
    • If the wax is a single figure, then the situation will be better. Look at the figurine. The more complete and smooth it is, the fewer breakdowns in a person’s energy.
    • If the figure has a strange curved shape, if there are “shoots” or “dents”, then these are signs of an altered biofield, which indicates a possible evil eye, damage or a love spell of not very strong power. It is best to show such a wax casting to a magician, or even better, do the casting together with a magician or ask a specialist to diagnose the presence of a love spell.

    How to determine if there is a love spell in the house?

    Have you ever found broken matches, cigarette butts, needles, pins, scraps of animal hair, women’s hair twisted into a small bun, scattered earth or sand under the threshold of your apartment (house)? Any of the listed items found in the home itself or nearby may indicate a love spell and damage caused. Carefully inspect your loved one's clothing. A woman's hair wrapped around buttons should arouse suspicion. Sometimes, wanting to cast a love spell on him, mistresses put pieces of dog and cat hair under the lining of their beloved man. A cat and a dog can never get along with each other. By investing the fur of these animals, the mistress forever brings discord into the family relationships of her beloved man.

    It is advisable to remove unfamiliar objects found at the apartment door away from the door. You can’t sweep them away with a house broom and dustpan, and you can’t put them in your trash can. You can't pick it up with your hands. If you find a suspicious item, remove it with a paper dustpan and broom. Such simple household items can easily be made from an old newspaper.

    You should not burn or perform other rituals on found objects. The smoke generated during combustion can cause no less harm than these thrown objects. Only an experienced magician can destroy a thing correctly planted for a love spell, observing the necessary rituals.

    Based on materials from,,

    PS. A love spell is the most popular and dangerous type of love magic. People in love think differently: wanting with all their hearts to achieve the reciprocity of their chosen one, they are ready to perform feats and real madness at any cost. Many people sincerely believe that a set of simple manipulations, supported by a phrase or two, will present them with the favor of a loved one on a silver platter or, on the contrary, will make them stop loving.

    If suddenly for some reason you decide to cast a love spell, then keep in mind:

    Firstly, no matter how strong your feelings are, a love spell is violence against another person. The “victim” will always subconsciously understand that the suddenly flared up feelings are inspired, and if the effect of the love spell weakens, the person will not experience any warm feelings for the one who bewitched him.

    Secondly, there are no “good white” or “bad black” love spells. Don’t deceive yourself, in any case, a love spell is a manipulation of someone else’s consciousness and nothing good can happen here.

    Thirdly, the power of magic often depends on the amount paid for the spell or image of the object (most often a love spell is made from a photo), as well as the strength and skills of the magician. There are often situations when people, in a fit of despair, turn to ostentatious charlatans. They won’t be able to help in any case, but it’s easy to twist a love plot into a real curse or damage.

    Fourthly, the consequences of love magic cannot be removed by psychological (psychoanalytic, psychiatric, psychotherapeutic, etc.) methods. Their methods can only weaken the impact. A lapel will not help in this case (the result will be the same damage). In this case, only an experienced parapsychologist can remove the love spell.

    How to find out at home that you or a loved one have been bewitched

    Sometimes a person finds himself in a situation where he is endlessly attracted to someone. It seems that a person is humiliated, treated in such a way that he should hate, but there is still an irresistible craving, and it is impossible to cope with it. Or your chosen one cannot leave his former love alone and constantly talks about her. You involuntarily begin to think about a love spell or binding.

    A love spell can completely change a person's life. Mistresses often take their husbands away from the family in this way. Young girls in love bewitch the chosen one, who has no feelings for them, without even thinking about the consequences. Intervention in the energy sector always produces consequences, sometimes not the most pleasant and irreversible. But how can you find out if a person has a love spell without involving psychics and magicians?

    How to find out that you have been bewitched

    There are several options for determining a love spell on a husband or any other person.

    Human behavior

    The easiest way to understand is monitor human behavior. The person will be confused, the mood will change dramatically. In five minutes a person can cry and laugh. Constantly talks about who bewitched. He reacts aggressively to any attempts to admit the presence of a love spell. If the person who ordered the love spell disappears for a long time, the person begins to feel sad and becomes depressed.

    On candle and decoration

    You need to take a candle and silver jewelry (it can be a ring, chain, bracelet, etc.). You need to light the candle and place it on your heart with your right hand. Accordingly, there is a silver item in the left hand.

    Closing your eyes, you need to try not to think about anything for about ten minutes. Throw away all the thoughts that burden you, relax.

    After ten minutes, your eyes can be opened. If there is a love spell, then the candle will be restless, most likely black spots will appear.

    On a chicken egg

    You will need a very fresh egg. Store-bought eggs will not work. Perhaps you have friends who have chicken; you can ask them for an egg or buy it at the market. Before you start diagnosing, check yourself to see if the egg is fresh. To do this, place the egg on the table and twist it. If it rotates slowly, the egg is suitable. If it spins quickly, it means that the egg is not very fresh, and therefore it is not suitable for the ritual.

    You need to take a photo of a person who, in your opinion, may have a love spell. The egg needs to be rotated clockwise right before the photo. Then you need to take a bowl of plain water and break an egg into it. If the protein in the water is transparent, then there was no love spell - you were mistaken. But if the white is cloudy, there is an unpleasant odor, or the egg is generally rotten, then it is definitely there.

    On water and candle

    Requires a candle, bowl and water(either river or holy). The candle should be cut into small pieces. The pieces are placed in a ladle. You need to pour water into a bowl and place it in front of the photo. If a person himself wants to check whether he has a love spell, it is better to do the ceremony in his presence instead of a photograph. The wax in the ladle should be held over the person or photograph for about three minutes. After this, the wax in the ladle needs to be melted with something and very quickly poured into the water.

    Once in the water, the wax immediately hardens. Once frozen, the wax should have an unusual shape. The wax needs to be taken out of the water and examined. If the piece is whole, then the person’s energy is pure. But if the piece is slightly broken and the vodka is colored, there is a love spell and it needs to be removed.

    Love spell protection

    Protection against love spells can be achieved using an amulet that you can make yourself. To do this you will need 6 white candles and 1 red. Regular candles will also work, but the previous option is a little more effective.

    In addition, you will need a human comb and a cloth (preferably white). The amulet is created on the outgoing moon from sunset to dawn.

    At sunset you need to place 6 candles in a circle and one in the middle. A comb wrapped in fabric is also placed in the middle. Candles should be lit in the same order as they were placed. Afterwards, a request is made in a whisper so that all evil spirits leave the person and sadness leaves him.

    From now on, the comb will be your amulet. Try not to give it. Firstly, hygiene is maintained, and secondly, now this comb stores your energy, it is better that no one gets it.

    There is also a simpler option.

    A simple solution

    To get rid of a love spell, you need to create a good mood for the person. From birth, a person already had a talisman, which he abandoned over time. What kind of amulet was this? Favorite toy. The toy creates a good mood for the child, with it he feels protected. A favorite toy is something very familiar. But as we grow up, we all give up this protection.

    Now is the time to return it. No, no one forces you to look for your childhood toy and carry it everywhere. You need to create a new one, with your own hands. This could be a small doll or, for example, a horseshoe. You can buy a horseshoe in a store and decorate it with something. The toy should not be heavy so that you can always carry it with you.

    The main thing is not to forget that any magic can be corrected by the church. If traditional methods do not help, you should turn there. Surely there will be help. If church forces also do not save you, there is only one option left - contact a specialist.

    For more ways to remove the spell, watch the video:

    Is it possible to find out a love spell on yourself?

    You know, people who fall under the influence of black spells rarely think about how to find out if I have a love spell on me. When a ritual is done professionally, the thought of resistance simply does not occur to a person. Your own feelings are perceived very harmoniously.

    But due to the fact that nowadays rituals are described by everyone who is not too lazy, they are carried out carelessly and unprofessionally. This is why people have all sorts of doubts. And therefore, it is quite possible to understand the presence of a love spell.

    The process is actually not complicated. It is important to think about this topic here.

    The most difficult moment is to be able to look at what is happening from the outside, to feel that something is not going as it should.

    Bewitched people can rarely reach this point on their own. And it’s good if such thoughts appear in your head. This means: either there is no love spell, or it was carried out very poorly. Both are positive things.

    How to find out

    First of all, you should identify signs of magical influence. Of course, not all of them will be manifested in your situation.

    Love spells work quite individually in the aura. But some will definitely be very obvious. The main signs of a love spell are:

    • constantly drawn to the customer, it seems impossible to spend even a minute without him;
    • sleep is disturbed;
    • minor troubles occur regularly;
    • electrical appliances break down (a very obvious sign of a negative program), light bulbs burn out when you touch the switch;
    • in women, the monthly cycle is disrupted, or painful sensations appear in the lower abdomen;
    • you absolutely do not want to listen to someone who criticizes the object of passion;
    • Nerves are on edge: sometimes tears, sometimes laughter. And those around you react strangely to your behavior. It seems inadequate to them.

    If you find at least a couple of signs in yourself, then do not hesitate, perform the ritual. This is necessary in order to get rid of witchcraft influence. It ruins your life.

    Maybe now it seems like you can’t live without a customer. In fact, this person only uses your energy, practically kills.

    How to check it yourself

    Church candles are required for the ritual. Go to the temple and buy it.

    By the way, if you feel internal resistance, a reluctance to go to a holy place, then there is definitely negativity. Try to overcome yourself.

    • Buy more candles. Two are enough for the ritual. But then you still have to clean it. Therefore, stock up on candles and holy water. Useful, in a word.
    • At home, clean the rooms and ventilate them. The ceremony may not produce results if you conduct it in disarray. At this time, calm your thoughts.
    • Tune in this way: as it is, so it should be. I will accept any result. The truth is better than the gradual destruction of a person by another person, an aggressor, in fact.
    1. Break one candle or cut it with a knife. Light the second one.
    2. Place the first piece in a regular tablespoon and heat it in the flame.
    3. In this case, you should read the “Our Father” three times and ask to show you the witchcraft, if any.
    4. Pour the wax into a bowl of water. It will freeze instantly.
    5. Remove the piece from the water and examine it.

    You should concentrate on the general outline of the piece. Use your imagination and turn it in different directions. What does it look like? The love spell appears with the following symbols:

    • Christmas tree;
    • barrel;
    • devil or witch;
    • heart with arrow;
    • well;
    • the bucket is empty;
    • fence, pikes, spears or something else sharp.

    In addition, if there is a through hole in the wax, it means that they tried to make a black love spell. It should be removed urgently.

    When the piece is smooth, without obvious protrusions and holes, and looks like an egg, then there was no need to worry. Your aura is clean, there is no negativity in it.

    Chicken egg method

    But just in case, perform one more ritual at home. It requires a fresh egg and holy water.

    1. Fill a regular half-liter jar with half the water. Add a little sacred.
    2. Take the egg in your hands.
    3. Read the Lord's Prayer three times. After that, “Virgin Mary” once.
    4. Then place the egg in the third eye area (between the eyebrows).
    5. Think about what caused your suspicions.

    You should keep it on your forehead for about fifteen minutes. Do not be distracted under any circumstances, think about your feelings and their manifestation. It would be good to think about the object of passion.

    Ask yourself: what does this person want from you? How does he really feel about you? Are you getting nervous? This is already a sign of a love spell. If there is a feeling of guilt, self-doubt - the same.

    Break an egg into a jar of water. Don't look right away. Raise it above your head. It is necessary to hold it in the crown area for another fifteen minutes.

    Believe me: if there is a love spell, then you will begin to think further about the relationship with the customer, delve into events, analyze situations. And at this time you need to distract yourself from painful thoughts and pray.

    After fifteen minutes, put the jar on the table and see what has formed in it.

    What does the egg say?

    If the yolk breaks, the result is positive.

    If it smells bad, too. There is blood - the same thing. But the love spell is made on blood (or menstruation).

    It's a bad sign when the protein rises to the surface and forms small bubbles above the water. How many are there, count them. The number means the number of rituals performed by the customer or magician.

    Look at the side of the jar. If it seems that if the squirrel rose in mountains, it means that the love spell was cast on food. Sometimes in its bizarre curves you can see the one who cast the spell.

    For example, it seems: there are young ladies in crinolines standing in the bank, therefore, a woman or several took part in the rituals.

    The ladies will be shown a man - a sorcerer - figurines of horsemen in a jar. Just take a closer look, there is a lot of information there.

    If the squirrel rises in peaks, but does not reach the edge of the water, it means the love spell is weak. It is already being destroyed. But it still needs to be removed. It’s good when the egg in the jar looks like it’s in a shell.

    It lies calmly at the bottom and nothing rises from it - a sign of a clean field, without negative programs. Water and eggs should not be left at home after the ritual.

    If you have been diagnosed with a love spell, then take it outside and bury it under a dry tree. Or better yet, take it to the churchyard and throw it on the old grave.

    Magical influences are a very popular way of influencing a person. Especially often, some people seek to resolve issues in the love sphere with the help of love spells. And if on a subconscious level you understand that something is wrong with you, then you should suspect that you have been subjected to an energetic attack.

    The question of how to understand that you have been bewitched comes up very often. And this is understandable, because foreign influence is very dangerous, as it can destroy a person’s protective energy field. This, in turn, will lead to the fact that a variety of failures will begin to haunt the person, and he may become seriously ill.

    You can suspect the presence of a love spell based on certain signs. And if you are a strong person, then you can even notice them in yourself. To understand that you have been bewitched, you should analyze your internal state to see whether you have an irresistible attraction to a specific person. If you admit that other than this person, all other people simply do not interest you, and you sincerely believe that life without him is simply impossible, then we can conclude that you are under the influence of a love spell.

    But you should not do anything until you have completely diagnosed yourself with the help of special magical rituals. Only they will finally help you become convinced that you have really been bewitched. Self-diagnosis is usually carried out using wax.


    Ritual with one church candle

    If you are interested in the question of how to find out that you have been bewitched, then you can use the following ritual. To carry out self-diagnosis, you will need to purchase a candle in a church shop. If you are truly bewitched, then you are unlikely to be able to force yourself to go to the temple, which will be an additional sign of the presence of a love spell.

    In addition to the church candle, in the ritual you will need to use your own silver product, for example, a ring or chain. You need to carry out the love spell self-diagnosis ritual in the evening, secluded in a separate room. It is advisable to dress in light, loose clothing and remove any jewelry.

    First you need to light a church candle and take it in your right hand. The candle should be held at heart level. This is the location of the heart chakra, which is responsible for the human sensory sphere. You should take a previously prepared silver product in your left hand. Then you need to close your eyes and give up any extraneous thoughts, focusing on the desire to find out the truth about whether an energy attack was committed on you in order to bewitch you. In absolute silence, you need to sit in this state for 10 minutes.

    After this, you need to open your eyes and look at the burning candle that you are holding in your hand. If it burns calmly, then there is no love spell on you and all your troubles are caused by everyday reasons. And a strong craving for a specific person is most likely caused by unrequited love.

    The restless flame of a candle, as well as the fact that it smokes and crackles, indicates the presence of a love spell. In this case, you need to take urgent measures to remove the foreign influence.

    Using wax for diagnosis

    To find out that you have been bewitched, you can use a professional ritual using wax. It allows you to obtain reliable and complete information about the presence of a love spell. But it will be difficult to decipher it yourself.

    To find out that you have been bewitched, you need to prepare in advance:

    • A container filled with spring water, to which you should add a pinch of salt.
    • Wax scoop.

    The ritual uses wax, which is cut from church candles. If it is not possible to purchase them, then you can cut it from household candles, but it is important that pure wax without dyes is used when making them. In order to obtain complete information about the love spell effect, you need to cut quite a lot of wax into the scoop.

    The wax should be melted in a ladle using a water bath. While it melts, you need to stand in silence and think only about how important it is for you to find out whether there is a love spell on you.

    When the wax has completely melted, you need to carefully pour it into a container filled with spring water. After the wax cake has hardened, its condition can be used to judge the presence of a love spell.

    First you need to turn it over and examine the reverse side:

    • If, on the other hand, the wax cake is absolutely smooth, then there is no love spell and you are most likely just a very suspicious person.
    • If there are growths and depressions on the back side, then you have a love spell and you need to take urgent measures to remove it.

    Of course, not every person can decide to self-diagnose. Therefore, in most cases, it is better to turn to a loved one for help. He will be able to diagnose without you, but for this he will need a recent photograph of you, in which you are depicted in full growth.

    To carry out the diagnostic ritual, you will also need an egg and some spring or holy water. It is very important that the egg is fresh and homemade. Therefore, it must be purchased at the market from the owner. An egg from an incubator will not work. Water should be poured into a tall glass glass or jar.

    Before performing the ritual, you need to hold it in your hands for some time in order to fill it with your own energy. After this, the egg needs to be moved over the head of a person who may be under the influence of a love spell or based on a photograph of this person.

    During this process, the following words should be spoken:

    “An egg from a domestic chicken, filled with natural power, help me find out the truth about the Servant of God (person’s name). Are love spells cast on him (her), which will harm him and interfere with true love? I conjure you, help me and tell me the truth.”

    After this, the egg should be placed under the bed of the person being diagnosed overnight. The next morning, the egg should be carefully broken into a glass filled with spring water. After this, the contents of the glass must be carefully examined. If the egg has retained its natural shape, then there is no love spell.

    But any damage to the natural structure indicates that the person is under the influence of a love spell, like this:

    • A yolk that has spread in the water indicates a black love spell, which is almost impossible to remove on your own.
    • If vertical flagella are separated from the protein, then this indicates a pore, and not a love spell.
    • When a network of threads forms on a squirrel, this indicates a fresh love spell, which, if you react quickly, can be removed without any negative consequences.
    • If an image in the form of a boat appears on the squirrel, then this indicates that the person is now suffering from the consequences of a love spell cast on one of his close relatives in the past.

    Thus, recognizing a love spell at home is not very difficult. And this must be done at the slightest suspicion of an energy attack. This will allow you to receive timely help and prevent serious negative consequences.

    The most popular are love spells cast through food, drinks and personal belongings, but there are also ways to bewitch a person by turning to natural phenomena such as rain, snow and even the morning and evening dawn.

    What awaits you in the near future:

    Find out what awaits you in the near future.

    How to find out who did the love spell?

    There are types of magical effects that are not recommended to be ignored. Love spell (as well as damage) is one of them. The point is not even that in the case of a forcible attachment of one person to another, love is replaced by obsession. Witchcraft intervention punches natural holes in a person’s energy field, and this is fraught with illness, personal and work problems, and a general deterioration in the quality of life.

    It turns out that the drying must be removed as quickly as possible (before it has time to really harm the victim). But the customer is unlikely to calm down without achieving the desired effect, therefore, the attacks will continue. Targeted protection is required. But how can you find out who cast the love spell to neutralize all future attempts?

    Listening to our own feelings

    The person who ordered the love spell is not too encrypted; he is nearby, in plain sight, ready to emerge from the shadows at any moment. So the principle of “look who benefits” works great when searching for a person who has thrown a magic noose. An insidious seductress or an unlucky admirer, not getting what they want in the usual way, are more likely to turn to the help of witchcraft than some unknown “Mr. X.”

    Dreams will help you verify the reality of your suspicions. At some point, the same character will begin to appear in them. The visions will have a pronounced sexual connotation - the desire, passion, longing that a bewitched person experiences for the “master” is difficult to explain by natural reasons. This is a nightmare that drains all the strength from the victim, so the feeling after waking up is reminiscent of a severe hangover.

    The second important point is the obsessive thoughts that inevitably return to the person who ordered the love spell. You may think about him with inexplicable warmth or incredible irritation, the main thing is that this happens for no real reason. The name of the “owner” is spinning in my head, like a sticky tune from a cheap hit song.

    Love spell on a loved one - looking for the culprit

    It is more difficult for outsiders (even the closest and most loving) to identify the aggressor, but with a strong desire it is possible. You just need to listen carefully to the potential victim. A person under the influence of a love spell mentions the “master” with or without reason (and it doesn’t matter in what context). Plus he can start

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