Pickled cherries. Recipe with step-by-step photos

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The queen of summer is considered to be cherry. It is she, the ruby ​​beauty, that we feast on with pleasure, bending the branches, heavy from the abundance of berries. Cherry in its own juice is a kind of time machine, or, if you like, a virtual bridge connecting us in the cold winter with the sunny summer. Oh, how good these round berries will be in dumplings, pies and compotes. The aroma of cherry, spreading throughout the apartment, immediately fills it with comfort, warmth and the promise of happiness.

Cherries in their own juice are the simplest type of preparation, which will not take much time, but will give you a lot of pleasure. And besides, you can choose any option you like: with or without seeds, with or without sugar. The main ingredient is cherries, and it’s worth paying close attention to. The berries must be ripe, fresh and quite large; they will better retain their shape if you suddenly choose the seedless option, plus they have a lot of juice, which is very important for this type of preparation. After removing the pit, the pulp of small cherries takes on a not very appetizing shape, and in winter, cherries in their own juice should, you see, also please the eye. Before preservation, cherries must be carefully sorted, wormy, unripe or spoiled fruits, all twigs and leaves must be removed. The cherries selected for preparation must be washed extremely carefully so as not to bruise them, otherwise they will release their juice ahead of time.

Now about the bones. This activity requires patience and time, but if you involve other family members in this matter, the work will go faster and more fun. After all, everyone loves cherry pies in winter. There are more than enough options for removing a bone. Some people arm themselves with special devices, others use a pin the old fashioned way or simply pull out the bones with their hands. The main thing is that the pulp remains as intact as possible.

Decided to leave the cherries with pits? Even easier. Then your task is to carefully sort it out, wash it and start preparing it. Such berries will undoubtedly look more beautiful, but do not forget that they are not intended for long-term storage. After 8-10 months, the substance contained in the seeds begins to turn into hydrocyanic acid - a dangerous poison that can easily be poisoned. So it is advisable to use the preparations before this time, turning them, for example, into aromatic compotes.

To prepare cherries in their own juice, take small glass jars - 0.5 l or 1 l - this is very convenient: you open it and immediately use it for its intended purpose. Before storing the cherries, wash and sterilize the jars in your usual way. For all types of cherry preserves, use varnished tin, aluminum tin, and if screw jars, then metal screw caps. Such lids are less susceptible to oxidation.

Just a few words about storage. Cherries in their own juice feel great at room temperature, but jars must be stored in semi-darkness or darkness, as cherries can change color in the light. So arrange your treasured preparations for the time being in cozy pantries. Let them await their finest hour there.

And now, armed with our simple but important tips, choose a recipe to your taste and, as they say, in good time.

Natural cherries in their own juice with pits

cherries - quantity as desired.

Sort through the cherries, rinse them thoroughly under running water, then let the water drain, place in prepared sterilized jars to the top and fill with boiling water. Cover the filled jars with lids and sterilize: 0.5 liter jars - 15 minutes, 1 liter jars - 20 minutes. During sterilization, cherries settle, so you need to periodically replenish the jars by adding the required number of berries to them. After sterilization, roll up the jars, turn them upside down and leave them like that until they cool completely.

Cherries with pits in their own juice with sugar (method No. 1)

cherries - quantity at your discretion,

Sort through the cherries and remove spoiled berries. Remove the seeds from about a third of the berries selected for preservation, grind the pulp in a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. Add sugar to it at the rate: per 1 liter of juice - 300 g of sugar and bring to a boil. Let the juice simmer a little until the sugar dissolves well. Place the remaining cherries in clean sterilized jars, pour hot cherry juice over the berries and sterilize: 0.5 liter jars - 20 minutes, 1 liter jars - 25 minutes at a temperature of 100ºC. Then roll up the jars, turn them upside down, cover with something on top and leave until completely cool.

Cherries with pits in their own juice with sugar (method No. 2)

cherries - quantity as desired,

Place the prepared cherries selected for preservation tightly into clean, sterilized jars, pouring 1-2 tablespoons every 2 cm. sugar and shake the jars periodically so that the berries are distributed evenly. Top each jar with a couple of tablespoons of sugar as well. Cover the filled jars with lids and place them in a saucepan with water. Sterilize at a temperature of 100ºC: 0.5% liter jars - 15 minutes, 1 liter jars - 20 minutes. Then carefully remove the jars of cherries from the pan, roll up the lids, turn over, wrap and leave to cool completely.

Pitted cherries in their own juice with sugar (method No. 1)

1 kg cherries,
300 g sugar.

Sort out the cherries. Wash them thoroughly, without pressing too hard, and remove the seeds. Place the prepared pulp in a saucepan, add sugar, bring to a boil, remove from heat and, pack in clean, sterilized jars, roll up the lids.

Pitted cherries in their own juice with sugar (method No. 2)

sugar - 1 cup. for every kilogram of berries.

Sort through the collected fruits, remove the seeds and in a prepared enamel bowl, sprinkle the cherry pulp with sugar at the rate of 1 cup. sugar per 1 kg of cherries. Leave the berries in this form for 12 hours so that they can soak in sugar and release the required amount of juice. Then put the pan with the cherries on the fire and let it boil. Place the berries in sterilized jars, pour in the juice released during cooking and immediately cover with boiled lids. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them up and leave to cool. When they have cooled completely, store the workpiece in a dark place.

Pitted cherries in their own juice without sugar

large, ripe cherries - as many as you can eat.

Sort through the cherries, cover the selected berries with cold water and leave for 1 hour. Then remove the seeds from the berries and place the pulp in a saucepan. Next, place the seedless fruits in sterilized jars, fill them with the juice remaining in the pan and place the filled jars to sterilize as follows. Cover the bottom of a large pan with a thick cloth, place the jars on it, pour so much cold water into the pan so that it does not reach the neck by 2 cm. Set the pan with jars on gas and sterilize: 0.5 liter jars - 15 minutes, 1 liter jars - 20 minutes from the moment the water boils. After sterilization, carefully remove the jars from the pan, seal tightly with boiled lids, wrap and leave until completely cool.

“Drunk cherry” in its own juice for pastries and cakes

1 kg cherries,
700 g sugar,
300 ml water,
200 ml vodka or cognac.

Wash selected ripe and large cherries thoroughly and shake off the water. Add sugar to the water and bring to a boil over low heat, stirring occasionally. Place the cherries in boiling sugar syrup and cook for 10 minutes, periodically skimming off any foam that forms. Then remove the cherries from the syrup, place them in clean, sterilized jars, and add vodka or cognac to the hot syrup and mix well. Pour the resulting solution over the cherries, immediately roll up the jars with sterilized lids, turn them upside down and leave until they cool completely. Store this preparation in a cool, dark place.

Cherries in their own juice in a slow cooker

1 kg cherries,
1 stack Sahara.

Sort through the cherries, wash them, dry them slightly, place them in a multicooker bowl, add sugar and leave for 4 hours to release the juice. Turn on the “Steam” mode for 20 minutes to dissolve the sugar, then set the “Stew” mode to 60 minutes. If the multicooker has a “Cooking” mode, first turn it on for 30 minutes, and then switch the multicooker to the “Stewing” mode for 1 hour. Place the finished cherries into pre-sterilized jars and seal them with boiled lids.

Prepared cherries in their own juice will help you stay in a dreamy cherry mood all winter and maintain optimism, filling your tired body with tasty and healthy vitamins.

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Cherry fruits contain a huge amount of macroelements and microelements, acids and vitamins that the human body needs every day. These are zinc, iodine, iron, manganese and others;

Macroelements: potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium;

Acids: malic, citric, salicylic and succinic, folic;

Vitamins: C, B1, E, A, PP, B2.

In addition to the listed substances, it contains: sugar, tannins, enzymes, nitrogenous substances and anthocyanins. They are also not unimportant. Cherries are an excellent preventive measure for a number of diseases, as well as an excellent dietary product.

Pickled cherries - homemade recipes

Cherries can be consumed fresh, in compotes, or they can be pickled. And today Homemade Preparations offers you several recipes for making pickled cherries.

  • Pickled cherries - recipe No. 1

Water – one liter;

Sugar – seven hundred grams;

Vinegar - three-quarters of a glass;

Cinnamon – three – five grams;

Sweet peas - seven pieces.


Sugar should be dissolved in warm water. Then, place the container with the solution and bring to a boil. After this, add the remaining ingredients, mix everything and remove from heat.

The cherries should first be washed and placed in jars. The hot marinade is poured into jars with cherries, then the jars with the contents are sterilized for five minutes and sealed.

  • Pickled cherries - option No. 2

Water – one liter;

Sugar – seven hundred and fifty grams;

Cloves - two pieces in each jar;

Cinnamon - a small piece in each jar;

Vinegar - seven hundred and fifty grams.


The stalks are first removed, the cherries are washed and placed in jars. Cloves and cinnamon are added. Prepare a marinade from water, sugar and vinegar and pour into jars. Sterilize jars with contents for ten minutes, then seal.

  • Pickled cherries - option No. 3

Water – one liter;

Sugar – four hundred grams;

Vinegar - one quarter glass;

Sweet peas - five pieces;

Cinnamon - a piece;

Cloves - two pieces;

Anise - a few seeds.


The cherries are first washed, dried and placed in sterilized jars.

A marinade is prepared from all the ingredients. All ingredients are mixed at once, except vinegar. Bring the solution to a boil, add vinegar, boil for several minutes and remove from heat. The marinade is filtered and poured into jars. Banks are closing.

To make pickled cherries tastier, it is best to use cloves in inflorescences and whole cinnamon.

You can use it while preparing the marinade - the cherries will turn out as if they were in their own juice.

Cherriesone of the most common, tasty and healthy berries in our gardens. Winter preparations are not complete without them. Most recipes for preserving cherries for the winter are family recipes and are passed down from generation to generation. But perhaps someone will discover something new in harvesting cherries. There are several ways to stock up on cherries for the winter: whole freezing, “vitamin”, drying, drying, candied fruits. And, of course, canning - juice, compotes, preserves, jams, marmalade.

Did you know? The homeland of cherries is the Mediterranean. In Russia, domestic cherries have been known since the 12th century and almost immediately gained recognition and began to be planted in entire gardens.

The benefits and harms of cherry fruits

Cherries are indispensable for improving performance and immunity. Berries are an excellent source of well-absorbed vitamins, minerals, organic acids, and fructose. The fiber, tannins, inositol, coumarin, melatonin, pectin, and anthocyanins contained in it normalize metabolism and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous, cardiovascular systems and musculoskeletal system. In addition, they have a positive effect on memory and brain function.

The beneficial properties of cherries are used in the treatment of epilepsy, diabetes, anemia, angina pectoris, hypertension, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, and insomnia. And also for colds - as an antipyretic, expectorant, and sedative. Cherries have long been famous as “rejuvenating berries” that prevent aging and promote rejuvenation of the body. Their antioxidant and antimicrobial effects have been proven.

Did you know? Cherry berries contain vitamins A, C, E, PP, H, group of vitamins B, calcium, iron, copper, sulfur, molybdenum, manganese, chromium, fluorine, sodium, zinc, iodine, cobalt, boron, phosphorus, rubidium, magnesium , vanadium.

There are some restrictions on the consumption of cherries. Eat berries with caution in case of high acidity, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, gastritis, gastroenteritis, and some chronic diseases of the intestines and lungs. In general, the approximate norm of cherries per day for a healthy person is 400-450 g of fresh berries. And if the season is over, then pre-prepared fruits.

Important! To prepare stocks, only ripe, carefully sorted, whole berries, without signs of disease, are used.

Various winter cherry recipes are very popular.

How to dry cherries

Drying is the oldest, proven way to preserve cherries for the winter. Drying cherries in the sun will take about 6-8 days. The collected berries (may or may not be washed) are laid out on the prepared surface and leveled so that there are small distances between them. The container with cherries is left in partial shade outside in sunny, hot weather. From time to time, the berries need to be carefully tossed and turned over. Dry in an electric dryer or oven.

If you have a special electric dryer for berries and fruits, then the instructions should indicate the parameters and process for preparing the final product, then just follow the instructions. If dried in the oven, then wash and dry the berries with a towel. Cover the baking sheet with parchment, pour cherries in one layer and place in the oven. But the oven door is not closed completely, it must be slightly open. The drying temperature for the first 1.5-2 hours is 55-65 °C, then 30-45 °C.

IN The cooking time may vary, so pressing your finger on the berry will be a guideline: if no juice comes out, then the cherry is ready. They also dry pitted cherries, only before drying they allow time for the juice to drain, and then blot the berries with a napkin or towel. Ready berries are stored in small linen or paper bags at room temperature. Storing dried cherries is not allowed at high humidity - otherwise the fruits will become moldy and spoil.

Dried Cherry Recipes

Cherry preparations made from drying for the winter are successfully used by many housewives.

Method 1. The seeds are removed from the berries and the cherries are boiled in syrup - 1 liter of water per 700-800 g of sugar. Then the berries are taken out and the syrup is completely allowed to drain, and then blotted with a napkin. Dry in the oven or cabinet at a temperature of 40-45 ° C until ready. Readiness is determined by pressing on the berries - no moisture should be released.

Method 2. Pitted cherries are covered with sugar - 1 kg - 500 g. Leave for a day and drain the juice. The berries are poured with the prepared syrup - 350 ml of water per 350 g of sugar. Heat almost to a boil - to a temperature of 90-95 ° C and hold for 4-5 minutes. Next, the cherries are removed and allowed to drain completely. Next, dry as in the first method.

Important! Dried and dried cherries should be firm and elastic to the touch, but without wet areas of pulp and juice release..

Features of freezing cherries, how to preserve cherries for the winter

If you have a large freezer, or even better, a freezer, then use ways to freeze cherries for the winter. The main advantage of freezing is the almost complete preservation of all micro-, macroelements and vitamins in the berries. You can freeze cherries in bulk - that is, rinse them and put them in a plastic container, bag, glass (with a lid) and put them in the freezer. Or you can freeze the berries individually and then fill them into a freezing dish. To do this, the washed cherries are laid out on a tray and placed in the freezer; when the berries are frozen, they are poured into containers, etc. - repeat several times.

Did you know? When frozen separately, the berries do not stick together when thawed, do not fall apart and have a more attractive appearance.

If you need to freeze cherries with the pits removed, take the pulp, put it in a container and fill it with cherry juice to the brim. To prepare the juice, take pitted cherries and sugar in a 1:1 ratio. The berries are covered with sugar, and the extracted juice is poured into a container. It’s even easier to freeze the “vitamin” - pitted cherries are twisted or crushed in a blender with added sugar 1:1, containers are filled, and they are placed in the freezer. Seedless frozen berries are great for baking, dumplings, making jelly, other desserts and, of course, for fresh consumption after defrosting.

Important! Select containers of the required volume for freezing - already thawed cherries should be used immediately. It is not stored or re-frozen!

Preservation of cherries

There are a lot of recipes, we will give only a few - quite simple ones.

  • Jelly– add a little water to the seedless berries and steam under the lid for 5-6 minutes. Then puree until smooth and add fruit juice (usually apple, but other juice is possible) and sugar. For about 1 kg of berries - 230-250 g of juice and 450-500 g of sugar. Boil until thick and pour into jars.
  • Jam– washed cherries are pricked with a needle (skewer, toothpick) and poured with syrup. For syrup - 200 ml water and 500 g sugar per 1 kg of berries. Leave for 5-6 hours. Afterwards, the separated juice is drained and another 450-500 g of sugar per 200 g of liquid is poured into it and boiled separately for 15 minutes. Then the cherries are poured into it, kept for another 4-5 hours, then boiled until tender and sealed in jars.
  • Compote– Sugar is added to seedless berries. Proportion – 1 kg/400 g. Place on fire, stirring constantly, bring to 85-90 °C, leave for 5-7 minutes and then immediately fill the jars and roll up.

Or pureed cherries with sugar - tasty and healthy, since the beneficial properties of the berries are almost not lost, especially if you use non-metallic utensils when cooking. To grind, you can use a meat grinder or blender, through a sieve - it’s troublesome and time-consuming. Cherries in sugar quick recipe. Seedless berries are twisted and covered with sugar - 1:2, mixed well. Leave to brew for 1 hour. Then mix thoroughly again, place to the top in sterilized jars, crush 0.5-1 tbsp on top. l. sugar and cover with nylon lids. Store in the refrigerator, basement, cellar.

For a liter of water, take one spoon of salt, one and a half spoons of sugar, add vinegar essence very carefully, half a teaspoon at a time, bringing it to the required concentration - the vinegar should be felt. It took two and a half teaspoons of vinegar essence for all the jars. Well, spices - black peppercorns, allspice, cloves, cardamom and cinnamon. Add all the spices according to your taste, or use this photo as a guide.

Because while it’s summer, while it’s barbecue season, there is no more interesting appetizer for meat and wine than this cherry!

Canned cherries - accompaniment to meat: stalic

The Chinese cut tomatoes, sprinkle them with sugar and eat them, mocking our division of vegetables, fruits and berries into those suitable for sweets and those suitable for meat. In fact, who decided what you should drink tea with, and what you should eat with a hundred grams? So you tried dipping a pickled cucumber in honey and...

Pickled cherries for meat

A blog is such a thing that you have to not only keep up with the times, but be a little ahead. Especially if it is a culinary resource. For example, the Christmas goose should be baked for everyone to see much earlier than the holiday itself - so that housewives have time to read the recipe, buy everything they need, make their own adjustments and prepare a luxurious dinner.

And if the same goose is available almost all year round, then seasonal products have a strictly defined period when they can be found in markets or garden beds.

Therefore, here either the culinary “writer” needs to be the very first at the stove and, without putting it off, sort out the photos and write, write, write, so that it is relevant! Or you have to be cunning.

I’m following the second path - I’m sorely short of time, and it’s unlikely that anything can overcome my laziness, besides, everything very much depends on personal mood and desire.

The trick is that almost all of my seasonal recipes for homemade preparations and jams are from a year ago))

Those. yes, for example, I make jam, take photos, but this usually happens in the middle of the season, when everyone who wanted to cook “summer in jars” has already found their recipe and made jam, and post an entry about strawberry jam when they sell it at the market already the last remnants, just stupid. Therefore, the material in pictures and notes is sent to the waiting list until next year.

But then I have everything almost ready, just put the words into sentences))

With this approach there is another undeniable advantage - over a long period I can estimate how long the product can be stored in jars, how the color and taste changes, and the control group of tasters is significantly expanding)))

All I’m saying is that today’s recipe is also last year’s; we haven’t moved to a country house yet, but we were already packing boxes. So my jars survived moving and wandering around refrigerators, cellars and room temperature conditions.

I’ll say right away that the main ingredient is cherries. For some reason, in our culture in our Siberian region they persistently call it “cherry” or “cherry on a stem.” This is due to the fact that such a tree does not grow very well in our latitudes, it is capricious, rarely reaches 2.5 meters in height, and our common cherry is called felt cherry - a low-growing shrub with a watery and also tasty berry, but not the same color as yours no real cherry flavor.

And the recipe, of course!

We sort the cherries, remove the stems and leaves, and leave the pits - they contain all the cherry flavor and aroma!

If the berries are dirty, rinse them carefully with cold water and dry them on a towel.

Then we put it in sterilized jars and fill it to the top. It’s better to take small jars - from jam or olives - it’s not a shame to put one on the table and the volume is small.

Pour boiling water over it, and after a few seconds pour the water into a separate container.

Firstly, this is how the primary heat treatment and removal of possible debris and dirt takes place, and secondly, this is how we find out the volume of the required amount of marinade.

We calculate the required amount of water - it should be 1.5 times more than the drained liquid, because... the salty solution will begin to be absorbed into the cherries with furious force.

On 1 liter of water required:

  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2-3 pieces black peppercorns
  • 2-3 peas of allspice
  • 1 clove
  • several cardamom seeds
  • pieces of cinnamon to taste
  • vinegar essence to taste

Cook the brine without vinegar - the grains of salt and sugar should completely dissolve, and the liquid should be brought to a boil.

Pour the brine into jars and pour in the vinegar essence - the vinegar should taste good, but this is a matter of taste. For example, I poured a teaspoon of essence into a 300 ml jar.

We close the jars with lids scalded with boiling water, turn them upside down, wrap them in a blanket and cool completely.

As I already said, I kept these jars in the refrigerator, in a cool cellar, and at room temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius. A year later, I still have a couple of jars left, and one has been open for a long time in the refrigerator - over time, only the color becomes richer, but the taste does not change - moderately sweet, sour and aromatic cherries with a very strong smell of spices.

As I expected, the pickled cherry for the meat turned out to be just perfect, no matter whether it was beef cutlets from the frying pan, grilled lamb ribs or the most tender pork shashlik on the grill. It somehow didn’t work out with fish and chicken - I still wanted lemon for the fish, and creamy sauce for the chicken.

Cherries have shown themselves well in vegetable salads - both cherries and the marinade are a great addition to even ordinary white cabbage with butter.

In practice, as it turned out, the control focus group was sharply divided into two camps - some were crazy about the berries themselves, while others fell in love with the marinade - even the idea arose to prepare more liquid to pour into a jug and place on the table next to the olive oil

In our country, a jar of such cherries rightfully takes pride of place on the holiday table next to a plate of olives and homemade pickles, cucumbers and tomatoes, very versatile and tasty!

And its miniature size allows you to present such a jar as a gift or souvenir to especially dear guests!

And the season! Cherry season is just around the corner! Do not miss!

Pickled cherries for meat - Panda's House

You can make not only jam and compote from cherries! Pickled cherries for meat - the perfect combination of sweetness and acidity, cherry aroma and taste of spices!,

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Salted cherry.

The Chinese cut tomatoes, sprinkle them with sugar and eat them, mocking our division of vegetables, fruits and berries into those suitable for sweets and those suitable for meat.

In fact, who decided what you should drink tea with, and what you should eat with a hundred grams?

Have you tried dipping a pickled cucumber in honey and eating it? Have you tried it?

Well, then it’s time for you to have a glass of wine and a piece of fried meat with a salted cherry!


  • Cherries - quantity required for canning
  • FOR BRINE: Water - 1 l
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons
  • Vinegar essence - to taste
  • SPICES: Black peppercorns, allspice, cloves, cardamom and cinnamon - quantity in photo

Cooking steps:

Sort the cherries, wash and then remove the stems. Place the cherries in sterilized jars.

Pour boiling water over the cherries and drain it, but pour the hot water not down the drain, but into a container from which you can determine how much boiling water it took you to cover the cherries in all the jars. That is, in addition to the primary heat treatment of cherries, you will also find out how much free space there is in the jars.

Take one and a half times more water than was collected from the jars and cook the brine. The fact is that some of the salt water will almost instantly penetrate the cherries and therefore about one and a half times more brine will be consumed than the fresh water that was enough to cover the cherries in the jars.

For a liter of water, take one spoon of salt, one and a half spoons of sugar, add vinegar essence very carefully, half a teaspoon at a time, bringing it to the required concentration - the vinegar should be felt. We used two and a half teaspoons of vinegar essence for all the jars. Well, spices - black peppercorns, allspice, cloves, cardamom and cinnamon. Add all the spices according to your taste, or use this photo as a guide.

Some sellers pass off another spice, cassia, which is very similar in appearance and slightly in smell as cinnamon. I always had some prejudice towards cinnamon, which disappeared when I tried real cinnamon.

Yes, real cinnamon is more expensive than cassia; it is sold in small tubes that are placed in individual test tubes. The difference in aroma is the same as between natural vanilla and vanillin.

Pour the finished brine into jars and place a proportional amount of spices - let them remain in the jar.

Close the jar with sterilized lids, turn the jars upside down, and cover with a blanket or blanket. Once the jars have cooled, place them in the pantry.

But I would advise not to close one jar, but to store it in the refrigerator.

Because there is no appetizer for meat and wine more interesting than this cherry!

By the way! Cherry infusion can be used to sprinkle meat while grilling shish kebab.

Salted cherry

The Chinese cut tomatoes, sprinkle them with sugar and eat them, mocking our division of vegetables, fruits and berries into those suitable for sweets and those suitable for meat. In fact, who decided what you should drink tea with and what you should eat with a hundred grams...

Pickled cherries - recipe

In the summer, when there are a lot of fruits and berries, you need to consume them fresh as much as possible, because they are an excellent source of vitamins and microelements. But you can also make excellent blanks from them. Some of them are suitable as an addition to sweet dishes, while others can be used as a sauce for meat. Now we will tell you how to prepare pickled cherries.

Pickled cherries

  • ripe cherries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • dessert red wine – 200 ml;
  • vanilla – 2 pods;
  • zest of one orange;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick;
  • clove (bud) – 1 pc.;
  • fresh mint leaves – 4 pcs.;
  • nutmeg - to taste;
  • water – 250 ml.

Cut the vanilla pods in half lengthwise. We scrape the seeds into a saucepan, pour water into it, add the pods themselves, chopped orange zest and the rest of the spices with sugar. Bring it all to a boil over low heat. Then turn the heat to minimum and cook under the lid for about 10 minutes. Then let it brew for another 10 minutes. Remove the pits from the cherries, put the berries in the syrup, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Then remove the saucepan from the heat and pour in the wine. Let the cherries cool and refrigerate them for 6 hours. Serve chilled with syrup.

How to make pickled cherries?

  • cherry – 1 kg;
  • water – 500 ml;
  • vinegar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt – 1/4 teaspoon;
  • clove buds – 2 pcs.;
  • cherry leaf – 1 pc.;
  • cinnamon – 3 g;
  • horseradish root – 5 g;
  • ground coriander – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • mustard seeds – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • vodka – 2 tbsp. spoons.

We dilute salt, sugar and vinegar in water. We boil the solution, and then cool it to approximately room temperature, pour vodka into the resulting marinade. Wash the cherries and remove the pits. Place the berries in the jar, shaking them so that they are compacted but not wrinkled. Add spices and pour the prepared marinade over it all. We close the jar and put it in the cold to marinate for 5 hours.

Cherries pickled in their own juice

Fill the jars with washed berries. Prepare the marinade: heat water, dissolve sugar in it, add cherry juice, bring to a boil, pour in vinegar. For a liter jar you will need 5 buds of cloves, a piece of cinnamon and 7 pieces of allspice. Pour the hot marinade over the berries and sterilize the liter jars for 7 minutes, and then roll them up.

Pickled cherries - recipe

Pickled cherries - recipe In the summer, when there are a lot of fruits and berries, you need to consume them fresh as much as possible, because they are an excellent source of vitamins and microelements. But it is also possible

Pickled cherries for the winter - recipes for home

Cherries are a juicy berry with a unique sweet and sour taste that can be preserved by canning for the winter. Cherries can be rolled up as jam, jam, as a spicy side dish for meat, fish or vegetable dishes, or pickled cherries for the winter. In addition to its unique taste and aroma, cherries contain vitamin C and other beneficial substances that will help with winter vitamin deficiency (vitamin deficiency).

Pickled cherries for the winter

Canned cherries go very well with meat and fish as a side dish addition. Its sweet and sour taste with a combination of spices creates a very pleasant aroma that will appeal to every gourmet. Because of the spices, cherries are not very sweet and cloying.

Products needed to prepare winter dessert:

  • one kilogram of ripe cherries;
  • three hundred milliliters of 9% apple cider vinegar;
  • five hundred grams of sugar;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • three carnation inflorescences.

How to prepare pickled cherries:

  1. First of all, prepare everything you need before actually preparing the snack. Sterilize containers and screw caps in any way convenient for you (steam, boiling water, in the oven). Rinse the cherries thoroughly so that not a single extra leaf remains.
  2. Place clean cherries in a deep bowl, without tearing off the branches, otherwise all the juice will leak out, and fill it with apple cider vinegar for twenty-four hours. Leave the berries to soak in a cool place until the vinegar turns cherry color. We pour the vinegar into another container; we will need it later.
  3. We remove the pits from the cherries and save the released juice for later use. Place the berries, half the required sugar, and spices in a deep bowl, mix thoroughly and place in a cool place for a day to marinate.
  4. Boil the apple cider vinegar in which the berries were infused for five minutes and pour it over the cherries. Stir the resulting mass and heat over medium heat until soft, but do not overcook. Remove from the stove, pour the remaining apple cider vinegar into the mixture and leave to steep for another hour.
  5. Place the cherries in jars and screw on the lids. Place a pan of hot (not boiling water) water on the stove, place the rolled containers there and sterilize them for about fifteen minutes. Carefully remove the blanks and wrap them in a warm blanket for a day, before turning them upside down. Transfer the cooled jars to a dry place with low temperatures (refrigerator, cellar) for winter storage.

Pickled cherries for the winter

Usually we are used to seeing canned cherries in the form of preserves, compotes and jams. But you won't be disappointed with this winter cherry recipe. With the help of numerous spices, the berries are not only sweet and sour (the natural taste of cherries), but also spicy. The aroma of this dish can please the most picky noses.

Ingredients you will need to make the sweets:

  • one kilogram of ripe cherries;
  • one hundred grams of powdered sugar;
  • two carnation inflorescences;
  • half a vanilla stick;
  • half a cinnamon stick.

Ingredients of the marinade:

  • four carnation inflorescences;
  • six peas of allspice;
  • four black peppercorns;
  • four bay leaves;
  • half a cinnamon stick;
  • half a vanilla stick;
  • six fresh mint leaves;
  • ten cardamom grains;
  • one hundred grams of sugar;
  • one hundred milliliters of 9% apple cider vinegar;
  • four hundred and fifty milliliters of clean water.

Cherries in marinade recipe:

  1. Before preparing the cherry twist, prepare all the ingredients and utensils. Sterilize containers and lids for workpieces using the most convenient method for you. Rinse the berries thoroughly in cold water, removing stems and leaves.
  2. Place the cherries in a deep bowl of water and leave for about fifteen minutes to finally get rid of excess debris. Remove the seeds over another bowl to retain the juice (we need it). Add powdered sugar, cloves, vanilla and cinnamon, mix and leave to steep for forty minutes.
  3. Move the pan to the fire, add all the ingredients for the marinade (above), add the resulting cherry juice and boil for fifteen minutes. Transfer the berries remaining in the bowl into sterilized containers.
  4. After this, pour the boiling marinade into containers along with spices, cover with lids and carefully roll up. Turning the jars upside down, wrap them in thick cloth and leave for a day. Send cooled containers with cherry preparation to a dry place with low temperatures for storage.

How to pickle cherries for the winter

In this recipe we will tell you how to pickle cherries for a cake. Cherry itself is a very juicy berry, so winter preparations from it can be made without the use of additional liquids. Such rolls turn out to be very tasty, viscous and healthy, since these berries contain a large number of vitamins and nutrients that will nourish your body during the harsh winter days.

Products needed for pickled cherries:

  • one kilogram of cherries;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • one hundred milliliters of 9% acetic acid;
  • two carnation inflorescences.

How to pickle cherries for the winter:

  1. First, prepare everything you need. Sterilize containers and lids for workpieces in any way convenient for you. Rinse the berries thoroughly under cold running water, first discarding the leaves and stems.
  2. Carefully remove the seeds so that all the juice does not leak out of the cherries. Place the berries in the jars to the middle, add sugar and repeat these steps again. Pour the remaining juice into the cherries, add cloves and acetic acid, and cover with a lid.
  3. Place a pan of water on the stove, first laying a non-dying towel on the bottom. Place the jars with the preparations in water and sterilize over medium heat for fifteen minutes. Taking them out of the pan, screw the lids on tightly.
  4. We move the containers under a warm blanket, placing them on the lid. After a day of infusion and cooling, we move them to the refrigerator or cellar until winter. The pickled cherries for the cake are ready.

Pickled cherries with pits recipe

Most people are not accustomed to seeing such sweet berries as cherries in tandem with meat dishes. But if you make them spicy enough and moderately sweet, then this combination will be very tasty and will not seem unusual or strange. The sweet and sour taste of cherries with notes of various spices goes well with meat dishes.

Ingredients (portion per 0.75 liter jar):

  • five hundred grams of cherries;
  • one tablespoon of coarse salt;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • three peas of allspice;
  • one inflorescence of carnation;
  • five cardamom seeds;
  • one cinnamon stick;
  • fifty grams of 9% apple cider vinegar.

Pickled cherries with pits:

  1. We will sterilize containers using the easiest method for you (steam, boiling water, oven). We wash the berries with water and get rid of debris (twigs, stems). Place the berries in containers, pour in boiling water and after thirty seconds pour the water into the measuring cup. This must be done for initial heat treatment and calculating the amount of marinade required.
  2. Place a saucepan with one liter of clean water on the stove, add all the necessary ingredients (except cherries and vinegar) and boil for ten minutes. Pour marinade and apple cider vinegar into containers with cherries and cover with lids.
  3. Again we move the pan (with the cloth on the bottom) to the stove and, placing containers with winter preparations there, sterilize for a quarter of an hour.
  4. After removing and screwing the jars, place them upside down under the blanket for the day. After this, place the cooled twists for storage in a cold room.

Pickled cucumbers with cherries for the winter

Cherries and currants, as well as cucumbers, contain many vitamins and nutrients. Refreshing cucumbers pair wonderfully with sweet and sour juicy berries, creating a unique and definitive taste for this winter preparation.

Products required for twisting:

  • one hundred grams of cherries;
  • fifty grams of red currants;
  • three hundred grams of fresh cucumbers;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • one horseradish leaf;
  • two inflorescences (umbrellas) of fresh dill;
  • two cherry leaves;
  • two red currant leaves.

Ingredients for one liter jar:

  • two teaspoons of salt (heaped);
  • four teaspoons of sugar (heaped);
  • thirty milliliters of apple cider vinegar.

The sequence to follow when preparing this snack is:

  1. Prepare everything you need for winter harvesting. Sterilize the jars by scalding the lids with boiling water or holding them over steam. Rinse all vegetables, berries and herbs thoroughly with water. Remove the stems and twigs from the berries, cut off the tails of the cucumbers and peel if they are hard. Chop the cucumbers into small cubes, two centimeters wide.
  2. Evenly distribute all the ingredients (except vinegar) into containers and pour boiling water over them. After five minutes, pour this marinade into a saucepan and place to boil over medium heat. Pour the finished brine back into the preparation, pour in the apple cider vinegar and place the lid on the neck.
  3. Place the pan of water on the fire after placing the containers with winter snacks there. Sterilize for a quarter of an hour. Carefully remove the jars and roll up their lids.
  4. Place the pieces upside down, wrap them in a warm, thick cloth and leave them for a day. After the allotted time, place the jars with winter twist in a dry place with a low temperature (refrigerator, cellar) for further preservation.

Prepare cherry preparations according to these recipes and you will be provided with vitamins and nutrients all winter, a sweet dessert and a spicy side dish, a tasty reminder of warm, summer days. Every time you open a jar of cherry roller, you will be immersed in the wonderful, unique aroma of summer berries with a sweet and sour taste. Azerbaijani pickled cherries will add variety to your dinner table and will undoubtedly please your family.

In addition to these recipes, you may also be interested in options for winter preparations, such as salted zucchini, pickled carrots and pickled oyster mushrooms.

Pickled cherries for the winter - recipes for home

Cherries can be rolled up as jam, jam, as a spicy side dish for meat, fish or vegetable dishes, or pickled cherries for the winter.


The question of how to freeze cherries for the winter is asked by every housewife, because in this state the berry retains all micro- and macroelements. But this is not the only way to fill the body with vitamins with the onset of cold weather. In this article we will get acquainted with the features of this product and its preparation secrets.

The benefits and harms of cherries

The beneficial properties of cherries were greatly appreciated by our ancestors. Moreover, they are present not only in the fruits, but also in the tree itself. For example, for chronic colitis, a decoction of twigs is used. Tincture from the stalks can reduce swelling. If signs of jaundice appear, then you cannot do without a decoction of fresh leaves with milk. Also, the green foliage of this garden crop will be a salvation for bleeding. Needless to say about delicious, fleshy fruits that are full of vitamins and minerals?

The list of trace elements contained in cherries is incredibly long. These are vitamins B1, B2, B6, B9, E, PP, H, C, A. Cherry is rich in calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, fluorine, iodine, zinc, manganese, nickel, cobalt, sodium, rubidium, magnesium, chromium, vanadium, copper, chlorine, sulfur and boron, and in terms of the amount of molybdenum this product is generally the leader . Cherries are recommended for use for nervous system disorders, colds, as an expectorant, kidney and lung diseases, arthrosis and for the prevention of heart attacks.

But these are not all the reasons why you should preserve cherries for the winter and enjoy fresh fruits in the summer. It contains coumarin, which significantly reduces blood clotting and, accordingly, the risk of blood clots. Ellagic acid prevents the development of cancer cells, and anthocyanins increase capillary tone, folic acid is useful during pregnancy. However, people with gastrointestinal dysfunction should not consume large quantities of these sweet and sour berries. And for gastritis, ulcers and diabetes, cherries are contraindicated.

Features of freezing and storage

Isn't it nice to treat yourself and your loved ones on a cold winter evening with baked goods full of bright summer flavors? It's easy, just freeze cherries without sugar for the winter, and then you can enjoy the natural taste of the berries at any time. If you harvest fruits from your garden, you don’t have to wash them. It is better to subject purchased ones to water procedures, but be sure to dry them well.

Remember, it is important to freeze cherries for the winter as quickly as possible, so the sooner you place the berries in the freezer, the more beneficial properties they will retain.

First, we lay it out on the board so that each cherry can freeze and not stick to its neighbor. Then we pour the already hardened fruits into a plastic container or bag. We defrost gradually, first you need to put it in the refrigerator overnight, and then let it defrost completely at room temperature.

Be careful with storing cherries for the winter if you plan to make compotes. You should not pour boiling syrup over the berries 3 times, otherwise you may get poisoned from drinking it. The same effect is caused by long-term storage of seams.

How are pickled cherries made?

We are all accustomed to ordinary preserves, jams and other sweets. But not everyone knows that this berry goes well with meat dishes. Pickled cherries can replace boring olives and olives, decorate any feast and make it unique.

  • Recipe No. 1

We will need 1 kg of berries, 100 g of powdered sugar and 100 ml of 9% apple cider vinegar, several clove stars and half a stick of cinnamon and vanilla. For the marinade, take 4 peas of allspice and black pepper, the same amount of cloves, bay leaves, 6, 10 cardamom grains, half a stick of vanilla with cinnamon, 100 g of sugar and 450 ml of purified water.

First, you should pour selected berries with cold water and let them brew for 15 minutes, then all the chemicals and inhabitants, for example, worms, will come out of the fruit. Remove the seeds and sprinkle the prepared cherries with powdered sugar, add cloves, cinnamon and vanilla, and leave for half an hour. After the berry has released its juice, you can start preparing the marinade. Place all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and pour the cherry juice into the marinade. Boil for 20 minutes. At this time, place the fruits tightly in sterilized jars. Fill the contents with hot liquid and add the spices remaining at the bottom of the pan. Let it sit for half an hour, sterilize for 20 minutes and roll up.

  • Recipe No. 2

There is another way to prepare pickled cherries for the winter. In this case, for 8 kg of berries, take 1 liter of water, 750 g of sugar and 80 ml of apple cider vinegar 9%. The fruits are prepared as in the previous case. In a sterilized container we put a couple of clove buds, allspice peas and a cinnamon stick. Then the containers are filled with the main ingredient. Prepare sweet syrup and add vinegar to it. Finally, pour the marinade into jars, sterilize for 5 minutes and seal. To avoid sudden changes in temperature, you need to turn the closed bottles upside down, wrap them in a blanket and leave until they cool completely. Now our delicious pickled cherries will wait in the wings for several months.

  • Recipe No. 3

Ingredients: 1 kg of cherries, 0.5 kg of sugar, 300 ml of vinegar, ground cinnamon and 3 cloves. Wash the berries well, but do not remove the stem; put them in a deep container, fill with vinegar and cover with a lid. In order for the cherry to soak, you need to place it in a cool place, for example, in a basement or on a balcony. After a day we check - the vinegar should turn burgundy, otherwise we leave it to steep for another 24 hours, only this time we place the bowl in the refrigerator.

Next, pour the vinegar into a container and remove the seeds from the berries. At the same time, collect all the juice that comes out, we will need it. Mix the cherries with juice, 250 g of sugar, cinnamon, cloves and leave to brew in a cool place for another day. The vinegar is brought to a boil, the future pickled cherries are poured into it and boiled until tender. Then pour in the remaining vinegar and let it brew under a closed lid for an hour.

Secrets of preparing spiced cherries

But these are not all possible preservations; recipes for spicy cherries are also incredibly popular. Berries prepared using this method can be served as a separate dish, decorated with baked goods, and they will also be an excellent addition to cocktails. And the aroma and unique taste will certainly make dishes with such fruits feast favorites.

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