Personal income tax changes. Changes in personal income tax for individuals

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PC "Taxpayer PRO"

PC "Taxpayer" - is intended for maintaining accounting records, preparing accounting and tax reporting to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund, FSRAR in electronic form on magnetic or paper media in approved forms and formats, including for transmission via telecommunication channels (TCC) with an electronic digital signature (EDS).

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What's new?

The ability to upload documents from the seller (invoices, UPD, Acts, TORG-12, etc.) into the program information base via electronic document management (EDF) according to approved formats (Accounting-EDO menu) has been implemented.

When calculating/recalculating vacation and vacation compensation, printing of a non-unified form for calculating average earnings has been added

New indicators in the "Counterparty Monitoring" section. Improved stability.

Added a new mode: "Salaries and personnel -> Calculation of dividends"

The ability to import from Bukhsoft Simplified System software has been added to the "Import from Bukhsoft programs" mode

Import of data from BukhSoft software products has been implemented. Menu "Settings and service", "Import, export", "Import from Bukhsoft programs"

Implemented output of form P-4 (statistics) to magnetic media

Tax return on the estimated income of an individual (form 4-NDFL, KND 1151021). New format 5.03.

Tax return for value added tax (VAT, knd 1151001). New format 5.06.

New form for corporate property tax. Format 5.05. Applicable from the first quarter of 2019.

A new mode has been added: Reporting, taxes and contributions -> 2-NDFL -> Certificates to different OKTMO. Designed to generate 2-NDFL certificates for 2018 for different OKTMO in different month ranges

For Unified Agricultural Tax payers (since 2019 they have become VAT payers): in the default value settings (on the "Special Modes" tab), the ability to exclude VAT from the transaction amount reflected in the Income and Expense Accounting Book has been added

Personal income tax changes

Due to innovations in the legislative framework of the Russian Federation introduced at the beginning of 2016, reporting is submitted using new improved forms 2-NDFL and 6-NDFL. Let's take a closer look at what specific changes in personal income tax will now have to be taken into account?

Personal income tax 2016: reporting period and reporting forms

The duties of tax agents include sending a report on the amount of income paid every 9, 6 and 3 months. A month is given to provide calculations for six months and quarters, and 3 months to send annual reports. To carry out computational operations, personalized accounting is not used, only the upcoming total.

Filling out 2-NDFL will happen differently. The improved form is now designed to allow tax authorities to monitor financial accruals and insurance premiums paid, as well as the validity of reported cost information. This means entering generalized indicators without providing details for each individual. In the new personal income tax form 2016, changes also concern the method of sending reports; it must be an electronic form. The right to use paper media remains only with individual entrepreneurs and organizations with a staff of less than 25 people, therefore, less than 25 employees should receive the corresponding income included in the reporting.

New penalties

The current changes to personal income tax in 2016 also concern the procedure for calculating fines.

  1. For ignoring the requirements for the deadlines for sending the report, a fine of 1000 rubles will be charged for each month.
  2. Suspension of banking operations is possible if reports are not sent within 10 days after the deadline.
  3. New article 126.1 regulates the amount of the penalty for providing false data - 500 rubles for each document. Within 3 days, the user can send repeated data and will not have to pay a fine if he discovers errors himself.
  4. A fine of 200 rubles is paid for failure to comply with the requirements for submitting reports via the Internet.

New changes in personal income tax deductions are also presented by Law No. 113-FZ. The material income generated by loan funds can be received at the end of each month during the loan period. Also on the last day of the month is the receipt of income on accountable amounts if the advance report was approved after the employee returned from a business trip. Previously, these issues were controversial.

Personal income tax reporting through the Taxpayer PRO PC

Despite the fact that personal income tax deductions underwent changes in 2016, the use of the Taxpayer PRO PC still simplifies the reporting process. All innovations have already been entered into the database of the software package; a new solution has also been introduced for organizations with a large number of branches.

Certificate 2-NDFL and the procedure for filling it out have been changed starting with reporting for 2018a new certificate has been added in form 2-NDFL, approved by order of the Federal Tax Service dated October 30, 2015 No. ММВ-7-11/485@. The main changes affected the reference book “Deduction Codes” (Appendix 4 to the order). So, for deductions for the first and second child there will be separate codes - 114 and 115, for deductions for the third and subsequent children there will be one code - 116. Now there is one code, regardless of the child’s serial number - 108. There will also be codes for double deductions for single parents and if one of the parents refuses to deduct (codes - 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125). These changes are taken into account in the program below.


Since 1999, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise GNIVTS Federal Tax Service of Russia has annually released a free program for preparing information on the income of individuals in electronic form F3-99, F3-2000, 2 NDFL 2015 - 2-NDFL 2018.
To prepare information, FSUE GNIVTS Federal Tax Service of Russia offers programs from third-party developers that have a fundamentally new interface, unusual in comparison with previous programs.
Pravcons offers the 2-NDFL program, which is a continuation of a series of programs. The program has a familiar interface, import of data from last year’s programs, a free function for testing prepared data, including other programs, and the entire set of functions implemented in the 2-NDFL 2015 – 2 NDFL 2018 programs.
The program was created with the participation of the developers of programs 2 NDFL 2015, 2 NDFL 2018. And this means a 100% guarantee of successful completion of the report with the tax authorities (we are also the developers of the CHECKXML verification program), if testing in the 2-NDFL program was successful.
Due to the fact that the development of the program 2-NDFL was not financed from the state budget; it was distributed on a commercial basis.
Before payment you can Download program from our website and verify its functionality.
The commercial basis allows the user of the program to receive real technical support, which is obviously different from free analogues. And this point is especially important when preparing such reports.
The testing function in the 2-NDFL program is provided free of charge. If you generate a report in any other program that does not check the generated file, then the 2-NFDL program will allow you to load the generated report file, test it, and print an error log.
Also, the 2-NDFL program provides the ability to import data from an income certificate file into the program itself. After this, the user has the opportunity to correct errors in the report. However, generating a new, corrected 2-NDFL certificate file is only possible in the paid version of the program.
The 2-NDFL program, unlike versions of previous years, comes with a ready-made Address Classifier (Kladr), and, therefore, no typical difficulties in the import procedure will arise. Otherwise, working with the program itself is as simple and straightforward as in previous years.
The procedure for purchasing the program completely coincides with the procedure provided for programs in the Pravcons series and is described in the section .


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Pension Fund (CheckXML) + 2 Personal income tax 2018

Guarantee of delivery - the CheckXML testing module, developed by us, is installed not only in this program, but also in all Pension departments and the Federal Tax Service.

Any officially employed employee has the right to receive a report for taxes, which the employer is obliged to transfer to the budget in accordance with the law. For this purpose, there is an approved reporting form in the form of a code. After transferring the necessary payments to the budget for its employees, the employer has the opportunity to provide the employee with such a certificate.


The new version of the Bukhsoft program offers expanded functions for its use.

  • For example, here it is possible to receive information from the 1C program.
  • An option has also been added here that allows automatic transmission of data on warehouse balances (accounts 40 and 41).
  • Settlements with counterparties that are entered into account 60 can also be transferred to the Bukhsoft program.
  • In this version, it is easier to take into account information on personnel that was previously located in the 1C program.
  • All tariffs for taxes and insurance fees relating to residents of Crimea, in connection with its annexation, have also been added here.

To date, all updates regarding the 2017 changes have been made to the program:

  • Data relating to the minimum wage;
  • Information on tariffs used for maternity benefits;
  • Information about contributions to various types of funds;
  • Contributions at rates of 9 and 6 percent have been added;
  • New sample reporting forms have been added to the program.

Now merchants and small businesses have the opportunity to use transactions reflecting the transfer of taxes to the budget. You can download the program from the official website.


A very convenient 2-NDFL program, suitable for any entrepreneur who seeks to introduce modern accounting tools into his business.

  • This program is free and available to any user, as it does not require specialized education.
  • It also includes all the updates that will allow you to keep full records of transactions.

But there is also an extended updated version of this product, which makes it possible to use it in the economic activities of the enterprise. By purchasing a paid version, an entrepreneur can be sure of constant technical support from the designers of this program. You can download the program for free.


In the SBIS program, any manager or entrepreneur can easily fill out and print a document in the form of a 2-NDFL certificate for their employees.

  • Here you can make changes or additions to ready-made certificates at any time.
  • By installing the VLSI program, you can add information about specific employees to an already generated package of certificates.

Program 2 personal income tax allows you to quickly and correctly prepare personal income tax certificate 2 on the income of an individual. The certificate form was approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. ММВ-7-3/909 dated December 6, 2011. Program 2 personal income tax is part of the Legal Entity Taxpayer program

There are several ways to fill out an income certificate:

  • filling out by sequentially typing all the details (discussed in detail in the article “”);
  • automatic filling using the “Legal Taxpayer” program;
  • automatic filling using the Accounting Kontur program

The procedure for installing the program and filling out the details of an individual entrepreneur or organization can be found in the post ““. Let me remind you that you can download a free program for filling out 2nd personal income tax from the official website of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate “Taxpayer of Legal Entities”

The process of filling out certificates program 2 personal income tax It's better to look at it step by step. Don't forget to install CLARD (address directory). You can download it from the Federal Tax Service website.

  1. Selecting a taxpayer: Settings – Taxpayers – Selecting the current taxpayer – Select. Screenshot 1.
  1. We fill out the employee directory: Taxpayer - Employees.

Adding employees: in the upper left corner there is a sheet with a plus (add) - a window opens for a new employee. We fill out the personal data in the appropriate fields: Last name, First name, Patronymic, SNILS, Taxpayer Identification Number (not mandatory, but desirable details), gender, date of birth, citizenship, identification document details, registration address and actual. If there is a blue arrow to the left of the field, it is a drop-down menu. Select one of the proposed options. If the registration address matches the actual one, check the box on the left. Screenshot 2.

3. The registration address is filled in in a separate window. To the right of the “Registration Address” there is a button with dots; when clicked, a new “Address” window opens. To the right of each line there is a button with dots; when pressed, a new window opens; you just need to select the desired option. After filling in the address - OK. Next, fill in the status: resident (citizen of Russia) or non-resident. If you fill in information for a manager, check the box “Signature authority.” OK. Screenshot 3.

  1. In the same way, we fill out the personnel data for each employee: Personnel number, date of hire or dismissal, type of work, nature of the work. Then press the buttons: Apply - OK.

This is how the entire list of employees is formed. You can add a new employee (sheet with a plus), edit entered data (sheet with a checkmark), delete data (cross), mark or unmark, print, etc. Screenshot 4.

  1. Add certificates: in the top line there is a sheet with a plus (Add) – type of entry of certificates “for employees” – OK – go to the employee directory. Screenshot 5.
  1. Selecting an employee: go by last name – Select. The Tax Rates window opens. Select the line with the “income information” attribute and the rate value of 13% (or another if necessary). Here you can generate a “message about the impossibility of withholding tax.” Screenshot 6.
  1. An income certificate has been generated. It is necessary to fill in some fields: the serial number of the certificate (issued from the beginning of the calendar year), enter the “Month” field and add lines (the button is highlighted in yellow). Screenshot 7.
  1. A window for entering codes and amounts of income and deductions will open. By clicking the “Add” button, you need to add the income code from the directory that opens. It is possible to use multiple income codes. For each income code, enter the amount of income for each month in the “Income” table. When entering the same amounts for several months, use the “Accrue” button. Enter the amount of income, period of receipt, “Accrue”. That is, it is possible to enter amounts for each month or as a group operation.

The “Deductions” table reflects professional tax deduction codes or amounts that are not fully taxable. If the income code provides for deductions, then this table will be active for input. If not, then deductions cannot be entered. For example: according to income code 2000 - no deductions are provided in this table. The amount of deductions should not exceed the amount of income. After entering information on income - OK. Screenshot 8.

  1. In the same way, add lines to the “Deduction codes” field. In the window that opens, select the desired code for property, social or standard deductions and enter in the same line the amount of deductions provided in the tax period, OK. If a property deduction is provided, then clause 4.2., clause 4.3., clause 4.4 are additionally filled in. according to the Notification issued by the tax authority. Screenshot 9, 10.
  1. From section 5, only clause 5.4 is completed. “Tax amount withheld” and clause 5.5. “Tax amount transferred” according to accounting data.

Then you need to calculate the document using the “P” button and control using the “K” button. If no errors are found during monitoring, the certificate can be written down (button with a diskette image) and printed (printer image). Screenshot 11.

As you can see, using programs 2 personal income tax for bulk filling out income certificates for individuals, it is very convenient.

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Program 2 personal income tax for 2011, 2012, 2013 (free download) updated: July 27, 2013 by: Everything for individual entrepreneurs

PFR+2NDFL program 2009 intended for:
1. Submitting a report to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on questionnaires and individual information for 2009 (in 7.0 XML format),
2. Preparation of documents for registration, replacement and issuance of duplicates of insurance certificates of compulsory pension insurance.
3. Formation of reports for 2009 to the tax office in form 2NDFL.
4. Full testing of reporting files for the Pension Fund of Russia and 2NDFL 2009.

The uniqueness of the program is that it was created by the same authors who dealt with these types of reports within the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (A. Ekzhanov) and the State Scientific Research Center of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation (D. Chuvilov).
Testing of files for the Pension Fund and 2-NDFL is carried out FOR FREE!

In the programs of the "BukhSoft 2010" series it is implemented new procedure for calculating contributions to the Pension Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, Social Insurance Fund
The features of calculating contributions to the Pension Fund when combining the general taxation regime and UTII are also taken into account.

July 28, 2008
Adopted by the Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of July 28, 2008 No. 225p “On approval of the application form for voluntary entry into legal relations for compulsory pension insurance for the purpose of paying additional insurance contributions for the funded part of the labor pension, Instructions for filling it out, as well as the format for submission to the territorial body of the Pension Fund Russian Federation application for voluntary entry into legal relations for compulsory pension insurance for the purpose of paying additional insurance contributions for the funded part of the labor pension in electronic form (data format)"

A letter from A.P. Kolesnik, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Russian Pension Fund, was sent to the divisions of the Russian Pension Fund. dated 01.10.2007 No. AK-15-26/10650 “On the provision of individual (personalized) accounting documents from 01.01.2008 in format 7.0.”
In accordance with this letter, from 2008, questionnaires of insured persons and other documents on personalized accounting will be accepted by branches of the Russian Pension Fund only in form 7.0 (XML).

The CheckXML testing program is also constantly updated:
In accordance with the Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 2006 N 192p (as amended by the Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated July 28, 2008 N 224p) “On the forms of documents for individual (personalized) registration in the compulsory pension insurance system and instructions for filling them out” were approved forms of documents for individual (personalized) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system and a new format for the reporting file in the Pension Fund of Russia - format 7.0 XML.

Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated October 21, 2002 N 122p “On the forms of documents for individual (personalized) accounting in the state pension insurance system and instructions for filling them out” (in accordance with which requirements were imposed for reports on personalized accounting since 2002 - format 4.0 ) is declared invalid.

To test and receive files with individual information and questionnaires in format 7.0, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the company have developed a new CheckXML (WIN) program, which replaced the CheckPSN (DOS) program.

Requirements for personalized accounting 2009 >>


The legal basis for generating reporting in form 2NDFL for 2009 is Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated October 13, 2006 No. SAE-3-04/706@ >> .
The PFR+2NDFL program 2009 takes into account all the provisions of this regulatory act, as well as clarifications from the Ministry of Finance and letters from the Federal Tax Service issued in pursuance of this Order this year.
In particular, the requirements of the Order of the Federal Tax Service dated December 20, 2007 N MM-3-04/689@ "On introducing amendments and additions to the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated October 13, 2006 N SAE-3-04/706@" (Registered with the Ministry of Justice) were taken into account RF January 21, 2008 Registration No. 10950).
There have also been changes in Article 224 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation: the income tax rate for individuals who are not tax residents of the Russian Federation has been reduced from 30 to 15 percent in relation to income received by them in the form of dividends from equity participation in the activities of Russian organizations (Federal Law dated May 16. 2007 N 76-FZ). current year.
The requirements of the Order of the Federal Tax Service dated December 30, 2008 No. MM-3-3/694@ “On introducing amendments and additions to the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated October 13, 2006 No. SAE-3-04/706@” were also taken into account.
In the new version of the program, the Address Classifier has been updated and other reference books necessary for successful reporting have been clarified.
The program provides service capabilities (importing data from the previous year’s program, both with and without accruals, generating a tax card based on the 2NDFL form, etc.)

To test and receive files with reports in form 2NDFL 2009, the State Scientific Research Center of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation has developed a new receiving module, which is installed in the tax authorities. This module only carries out formal control over the compliance of the 2NDFL file with the approved formats. Checking a file in the PFR+2NDFL 2009 program, as in the 2NDFL 2005 -2008 program, is more “tough” and allows you to identify errors not only in the file format, but also provides a full check of the entered addresses and an additional check of the validity of the numerical values!

The UNIFIED program PFR + 2NDFL 2009 takes into account all the requirements of the tax authorities when accepting a report in the 2NDFL form and will be your reliable assistant! Tens of thousands of organizations have reported using this program in previous years!


Since 1997, when reports on personalized accounting and 2NDFL income certificates on magnetic media first appeared, the accountant actually had to do double work. First, enter the data in one program offered by the Pension Fund for personalized accounting, then in another, offered by the tax authorities.
The work could be made easier by commercial software products that included both of these capabilities. However, it was still necessary to check the generated files in different programs of these government departments.

An experienced accountant knows well what problems constantly arose with connecting the address classifier in each of the programs, and how many other problems there were that were solved differently for the purposes of personalized accounting and reporting in form 2NDFL.

One could only dream of a program that simultaneously allowed the generation of all reports and would itself carry out a guaranteed check of files in the PRF and 2NDFL. The main reason was that the Pension Fund and tax authorities did not cooperate in this area.

And now such a program has appeared!

The absolute advantage of the PFR + 2NDFL 2009 program is that it was created by those developers who personally participated in the creation of the software for receiving reports to the PFR and in the 2NDFL form.


Ekzhanov Alexander Ivanovich
Graduated from Moscow State University, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, in 1992. In the Pension Fund system since 1997. Engaged in software development for Pension Fund authorities and insurers. Author of the CheckPSN program, which has provided testing and reception of personalized accounting data since 1997. Author of the CheckXML (WIN) program, which is currently used by Pension Fund branches when receiving reports on personalized accounting.

Chuvilov Dmitry Vladimirovich
Graduated from Moscow State University, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, in 1979. He began working at GNIVC in 1996. Developer of the well-known free 2NDFL program, which was produced for taxpayers by GNIVC of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation for reports in the 2NDFL form from 1999 to 2004.

We thank these developers for being able to find personal time to create a unified program PFR + 2NDFL 2009. As a result, the program allows you not only to generate a report in the PFR and in the 2NDFL form, but also to fully test both of these reports. The experience and knowledge of these specialists in their areas allows us to guarantee the taxpayer and policyholder that the report file tested in the PFR + 2NDFL 2009 program will be successfully accepted by both the Pension Fund and the tax authority.
When developing the program, the wishes and experience of BukhSoft employees were taken into account regarding the issues that cause the greatest difficulties for accountants when preparing reports.
In particular, the program does not require importing the Address Classifier; it is already included in the program itself. When testing files in the Pension Fund of Russia and 2NDFL, a single address control module is used. There are many other little things and services provided to ensure quick and convenient work.


All testing functions in the PFR+2NDFL 2009 program are provided free of charge. If you generate a report in any other program that does not check the generated file, then the PFR+2NDFL 2009 program will allow you to upload the generated report file, test it, and print an error log. If you generate a 2NDFL report using other programs, we strongly recommend that you carry out additional control in the PFR+2NDFL program, since in addition to formal control, this program also contains preventive control, which is used by tax authorities at the desk audit stage.

Generating reports in the PFR+2NDFL 2009 program is paid. This opportunity was created by developers in their free time, outside the scope of their official duties. The rights to these modules are transferred by them under copyright agreements for commercial use. Use of the program by policyholders and taxpayers is a right, but not an obligation. However, the commercial basis allows the user of the program to receive real technical support, which is obviously different from free analogues. And this point is especially important when preparing such reports.

When preparing the PFR+2NDFL 2009 program, the developers took the structure of the BukhSoft program database as a basis. This makes it possible to easily transfer data from the reporting program to any Bukhsoft program for accounting in 2009. Registered users of the PFR+2NDFL 2009 program are offered the BukhSoft 2009 program with a 50% discount.

The procedure for purchasing the PFR+2NDFL 2009 program completely coincides with the procedure provided for the BukhSoft series programs and is described in the section

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