Husbands Allegrova in order. Favorite Men Irina Allegrova

the main / Former

After the divorce with him, the singer gave promise no longer to contact men.

The former spouse Allegrova died - Igor Kabesta. Irina called him "his beloved husband," however, Igor brought her most suffering. How much did the singer have legitimate husbands, with whom she lives now and who gives her love?

Igor's cabbage heart stopped in one of the hospitals of St. Petersburg. He was 57 - according to the current standards is completely young.

As the relatives of Igor told, he lay down in the clinic for a planned survey. However, she picked up an infection that passed into the heavy form of inflammation of the lungs ...

In recent years, Igor Kapusta tried to establish relations with his ex-wife. But Irina Allegrova was against any contacts with the "most beloved husband." She, who passed through four marriages, was now disappointed in his institute itself ...

Wedding called ... Magomaev

Her first hike in the registry office happened pretty early, in 18 years. Although later Irina and recognized that great love for her husband - Basketball player Georgia Tairova - she did not experience. Rather, it was "marriage": the girl was then placed in love with his vocal teacher, Great Muslim Magomaeva. But I realized that the Mother does not pay attention to her, I decided to take revenge on him. And this despite the fact that George went crazy half of the female population Baku. But he saw only Irina, brought her a basket of flowers, and in general he cared beautifully and romantic.

The wedding was loud. The parents of Irina - Seraphim Mikhailovna and Alexander Georgievich - riddled in Baku (the family moved there, when Irina turned nine years old) Pir to the whole world. In this marriage, the only daughter of Irina - Lala was born. But even the appearance of the baby could not reconcile her with her husband - this, in general, someone else, and a distant person.

After another quarrel, Irina gathered things and moved to the parental home. And later, it decided at all for more serious changes in his life. Leaving the daughter on the care of the parents, she went to conquer Moscow. She no longer saw her first spouse, and daughter Lala with his native father never emerged ...

"Wanderer" and Ovsienko

In the first-hearth Irina soon met his second spouse. Vladimir Bleker worked as an artistic director of the "Young Voices" ensemble and was one of the first to appreciate the talent of the future star.

But here the Soviet authorities intervened in the case: they say that soon after the wedding, Vladimir was arrested for currency frauds. In those days it was fraught not only for the Bleker itself, but also for all his closest relatives - including for his wife.

Career Allegrova, who just started to go to the mountain, was threatened. It was possible or fighting for a beloved, or to move aside. Irina then chose the second option, because of which her husband was very worried. Only after 30 years he was able to forgive Allegrov. And not so long ago, Irina even sang a bluker song, which he wrote for her when they were still spouses ...

After a divorce with Bleker, Irina met a man who managed to make a real star from her. Vladimir Dubovitsky was the head of the fashion group "Electroclub". Soloists in the team numbered several - Igor Talkov, Victor Saltykov, Raisa Said Shah. But it was Allegrova with the filing of Dubovitsky, it became in the team of arrivals.

Irina's career went uphill, but the family life was difficult. It is rumored that Dubovitsky, a big connoisseur of female beauty, did not always have been racks at meetings with representatives of the opposite sex. Because of this, there were often quarrels between the spouses.

During one of which Vladimir, gathering things, moved to live to ... Another singer - Tatiana Ovsienko. Moreover, the rival later recognized that she had repeatedly had the thoughts to "give" Dubovitsky back to the Allegrova family. Since having visited Iru and Lalu, which he brought up as a native daughter, Vladimir was often "dependent" they have indefinitely, and when he returned, it was as if not his ...

But the divorce after all took place. As they say, it is Dubovitsky Allegrova who dedicated her piercing hits "Wanderer My" and "Photo 9x12". However, he did not live with Oxienko. After some time, it was rumored that the producer was born an extramarital daughter from Miss Russia Yulia Akhonkov. Ovsienko filed for a divorce, Dubovitsky married his child's mother and emigrated to America with a new family.

"Empress" and cabbage

After the painful divorce Irina Allegrova and met Igor Kabust. More precisely, he was all the time nearby - danced in her team, where he came from Pugachevsky "Recitala".

And not one came, and together with the dancer named Tatiana, with which he lived for several years.

As Igor recalled later, together with his companion he felt quite comfortable, until she realized that the employer was the Empress herself Irina Allegrova - nourishes it clearly not working interest.

"I confess, suffered from its excessive attention, made the view that I did not notice anything," he frank himself later in one interview.

They say, Allegrova aroused his girlfriend Igor and offered her to step aside. And found a dancer a good place - in the team of Philip Kirkorov ...

Irina Allegrova and Igor Cabusta lived together for eight years. Many called their relationship Mesallians - a new satellite was younger and in age (nine years old), and according to the status. But Irina then literally fleed on the wings of love.

Officially, Irina and Igor did not register their relations, but they decided to the sacrament of the wedding. In order not to attract the attention of the public, they came to church under strange surnames. Then the wedding frames were used in the video clip "Wedding Flowers" - in fact, then everything became known.

As the cabbage told him, their marriage destroyed ... Favorite daughter Allegrova.

"She is an extremely difficult person and rushed into our life when she wanted. In the big house it was impossible to retire, she set up mom against me. At that time, Lala was 28 years old, and this child never worked anywhere. Although she has already been married and gave birth to the Son. "

According to Igor, the daughter was led by an ordinary female envy. Although in the musical circles everyone knows that in fact the husband of Allegrova was a big female lover, and at some point Irina simply misunderstood his campaigns to the left.

"How good I am good!"

Parting with a young husband Irina Allegrova survived not easy. Igor himself told that his "ex-", remaining alone, almost cut.

"I was alone when I learned that after my departure Irinka took up a bottle," he frank himself with journalists. - They say, two years she did not part with a glass, locked in her house. I do not hide, that she and when I often drank. In this state, I became angry, I tried to restrain her. "

The reality was such that Allegrova and without cabbage continued to remain all the same empress. True, lonely: the singer gave a promise no longer to contact men. And for many years now she lives alone in his luxurious country mansion, and all the unaffected love gives his loved ones - the daughter of Lala and his grandchildren Alexander. His position Irina considers very comfortable.

I all got married four times, because it seemed to me that it was not that a woman was not perceived next to a man. But you can not even imagine how good I am now! I realized that every age gives her charms. I gladly wake up in the morning, I have a very calm in my soul. This is another stage of life. Top!

But Igor Cabesto, after parting with Allegrova, could not find himself. He was engaged in business, even married. However, in 2012 fell on drugs - a package with two kilograms of prohibited substances was found in his car.

The former husband of the singers was convicted and spent five years in a strict regime colony. It is the stay in the places not so distant and sighed his health. Going out to freedom, Igor wanted to start a new business, marry again. But these plans were never given to come true ...

Photo V. Tarakanova.

Irina Aleksandrovna Allegrova. Born on January 20, 1952 in Rostov-on-Don. Soviet and Russian pop singer, actress. People's Artist of Russia (2010).

Father - Alexander Grigorievich Allegrov (April 15, 1915 - 24 May 1994) - director, actor, honored artist of the RSFSR, AZSSR. Back in the young years, officially changed his real name of Sarkisov on Allegrov (allegrov's alias comes from the Italian word Allegro, which means "frisky, funny").

Mother - Seraphim Mikhailovna Sosnovskaya (October 26, 1923 - April 12, 2012) - actress, singer. He possessed an opera voice.

Grandfather - Grigory Minaevich Sarkisov, musician, accountant auditor, Baku. Grandmother on Father - Maria Ivanovna Sarkisova, housewife, mother of seven children, Baku.

Grandfather on Mother - Mikhail Yakovlevich Kalinin, Burning from Tashkent. Grandmother of Mother - Anna Yakovlevna Kalinina, Hairdresser from Tashkent.

The first years of life, Irina Allegrova held in Rostov-on-Don. In 1961, the family moves to Baku. Parents worked in the Baku Theater of the Music Comedy. They had Mstislav Rostropovich, Galina Vishnevskaya, Aram Khachaturian, Muslim Magomayev, Tatiana Schmyg and others.

Upon arrival in Baku Irina graduated from the second class of the secondary school and the first class of the music school, playing the introductory exam, the work of Johanna Sebastian Baha. She was taken immediately in the third class of the Central Music School (CMSH) at the Baku Conservatory in the Piano Class (specialty - a pianist-accompanist), which she graduated, playing the second concert S. Rakhmaninov's graduation exam.

In parallel with the music school, she visited a ballet circle, draws sketches of clothes. In childhood, Irina declares itself as a singer, taking part in the Transcaucasian jazz festival in Baku and taking second place.

In 1969, Irina finished school. But due to the disease, I miss the entrance exams in the Baku Conservatory at the Performing Faculty. Because of the pop voice, Irina was invited to voice Indian films at the Indian Cinema Festival in 1969. In the same year, the future singer leaves for tour with the theater of the song Rashid Babutov.

In 1970, Irina Allegrova began working in the Yerevan orchestra under the control of Konstantin Orbel.

In the 1970s and 1980s, Allegrova performed in various musical groups with which she traveled to the Soviet Union.

In 1975, Irina Allegrova tries to enter Gitis, but does not pass in the third round. Begins to work, giving private music lessons and working as a concertreaster in the choreographic school.

In 1976, Irina Allegrova was admitted to the orchestra under control. Then runs the soloist in the ensemble "Inspiration" during Moskoncert.

In 1977, Irina becomes a soloist of the "Young Voices" ensemble at the Tambov Philharmonic, which becomes the laureate of the II All-Union Song Competition "Sochi-78". In 1979, the ensemble falls into two: "torch" and "cruise".

From 1979 to 1981, Irina Allegrova works in VIA "Torch". In this team, the Accompanic Pianist worked.

In 1982, Irina Allegrova did not work for 9 months and wanted to leave the singer's career. At that time she was engaged in part-time at home - baked cakes, cakes and other sweets. Cooking occupation is one of the main hobbies of the singer. In 1982, I. Allegrova undergo touring the musical theater together with Lyudmila Senchina. Subsequently, Irina Allegrova and Igor Talkov will take part in the formulation of the Music-poetic composition-musical of Theodore Drier "Sister Kerry" to the music in the Markarit Terekhova Music Theater.

In 1983-1984, Irina Allegrova operates in variety of restaurants and hotels. In the same period, she meets the young producer Vladimir Dubovitsky, who leads Irina Allegrov for listening to Oscar Feltsman.

In 1985, O. Feltsman writes for Irina, the song "Voice of the Child", with which she debuts on the creative evening of the composer and for the first time appears on the song "Song of the Year" Festival in 1985. Irina becomes the soloist of the "Lights of Moscow" ensemble, whose artistic director became Feltsman.

Irina Allegrova sings in the backing vocal, there are solo songs between departments. In 1985, a disk giant comes out, on which the solo songs of Allegrova ("Hourglass", "I am Love" and the "voice of the child" are recorded for the first time. Soon O. Feltsman became hard to ride with a team on tour, and he conveys a group David Tukhmanov. The rock band "Electroclub" was formed, the first soloists of which Irina Allegrova were, Igor Talcov and Raisa Sed-Shah. The group performs the songs of D. Tukhmanov and makes debut at the "Song-86" festival with the composition "Old Mirror". The most famous song of the first composition was the composition "Clean ponds".

Irina Allegrova in the group "Electroclub"

In early 1987, the team takes part in the Golden Charton competition with the song performed by Irina Allegrova and Igor Talkov "Three Letters" and becomes a laureate - it became the first success on the professional scene. Comes out the first disc group with 8 songs. This year, Irina records several songs for feature films: "time to fly" (the song "Boy-cloud") and "The investigation is conducted by experts" (the romance "Vain words", whose first performer was I. Allegrova, later Alexander Malinin quail) .

At the end of 1987, I. Talkov leaves the "Electroclub". With Talkov's departure to the team, the musicians of the Forum group come together with Viktor Saltykov, and the group becomes known as "Electroclub-2". In the same year, concerts of the "Electroclub-2" group are held in the city of Zhdanov, a record number of spectators visited the speech - 17,000 people, and in the survey of TASS for June 1988, the Eleklub-2 group ranks 1st in popularity. The group takes part in the shooting of the program "Meeting of Friends, or Fairverk-1".

In 1989, a second disk of the "Electroclub-2" group with 9 songs of David Tukhmanova, 3 of which was performed by Irina Allegrova, on gramzapance "Melody". At the end of the year, the singer takes part in the "Song-89" festival with the song "Toy" and in the "Christmas meetings" Alla Pugacheva (the song "Blue Rose").

Irina Allegrova performed a few songs of Igor Nikolaev in the group concert, written for Irina ("toy", "my tender and gentle beast").

In early 1990, Irina Allegrova divorces Vladimir Dubovitsky and leaves "Electroclub-2", according to the singer, "Holding in the hands of the Future Hit Igor Nikolaev" Wanderer ". Also from the group left the director, sound engineer Lazar Anastasiadi and drummer. In less than a year, Irina Allegrova is named according to the results of the audience voting of the "Sound Track" Hit Parade (the only then hit parade) of the best singer of the year.

In 1990, the singer left the "Electroclub" group. His song-flagship, Irina Allegrova believes the "wanderer" of Igor Nikolaev. In the repertoire of Irina Allegrova, "photography" appears, "there was no sadness", "do not fly away, love!", "Believe in love, girls", etc. In the same year, Irina begins to regularly appear on television and toured with a solo program.

First, the singer's producers are engaged in herself, it later takes to help the director of Hiezri Baytasieva. The song "Wanderer" falls into the Final "Song-91". Along with the cycle of songs I. Nikolaev in the repertoire of Irina, the songs of Victor Seagull "Transit" and "Bestnik" appear, which also become hits.

In 1992, the singer gave concerts in one of the major audiences of Russia - in the SC "Olympic" five solo concerts in three days. In the same year, a video comes to the song "Daughty My" with the participation of Alexander Domogarov. Allegrova produces his first giant disk and magneto alone "Wanderer My". In the same year, the singer was recognized as "tour number 1".

In 1994, the first CD allegm "narrowed mine" comes out. This year, Irina Allegrova was named the hit parade of the "sound track" of the best singer of the year in 1990-1993, receives the "Ovation" premium in the nomination "The Best Pop Singer 1992/93".

In 1995, the singer released his second disk "Hijacker". Concerts under the name "Empress" are held in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, the first branch of which consisted of old hits, and the second is a program from new songs - "Empress", "unrequited love", "hijacker", etc.

Irina Allegrova - hijacker

Since 1996, I. Allegrova began a three-year cooperation with Igor Cool. The viewers are presented to the premiere of the program "I cloud to explore hands", which was held in the GCC "Russia" within 6 days. The concert was released a disk with the same name. Irina Allegrova replaced the image - an elegant and static grand lady, wrapped in experience, appeared on replacing Berbal Irina. The singer regularly takes part in the creative evenings I. Cool, writes songs in the studio in New York to the music of the composer for the second joint album "Unfinished Roman", 4 days in a row presents a new eponymous program in the USGC, removes 2 clips in the USA - "Do not be late" and "monologue" (the actor Oleg species becomes partner for shooting).

In 1997, continuing cooperation with I. Cool, the singer produces an album "Empress", in which there was not a single song of the composer. Under the same name is a big tour with a new solo program.

In 1999, I. Allegrova takes part in creative evenings I. Cool and presents a new joint program "Double table".

In October 2000, with the support of the ARTES Cultural Fund, Irina Allegrova presented the Benefis 2000 concert program. Alexander Peskov, Alexander Buynov, Lev Leshchenko, Gregory Leps, Igor Nikolaev, Lala Allegrova, Vladimir Vinokur, Joseph Kobzon, Larisa Rubalaskaya, Igor Krutoy, Sergey Penkin, Lolita, Alyona Apina, Victor Chaika, group "Ex-BB " Total included 34 songs.

At the end of the year, at the "Song-2000" festival, Irina Allegrova was awarded a memorable prize named after Claudia Shulzhenko for a great contribution to the development of domestic song.

In 2001, the album "All first" came out.

In 2002, a show program "on the blade of love" was created with the composer, poet, director-director Alexei Garnizov. The program entered 20 songs. On the song of the Year, the song "Dylyubi Love" is coming (music Y. Donskoy, the words S. Sokolkin).

On October 30, 2002, in the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Irina Allegrova was awarded the title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation".

In November 2002 he was awarded a commemorative medal "200 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs".

In December 2002, Irina Allegrova's album "On the Blade of Love" with songs from the eponymous program.

In 2003, Irina Allegrova submits the program "We together" from the trilogy cycle "on the blade of love".

In 2004, at the ceremony of the third annual Prize "Chanson of the Year", I. Allegrova received a prize "Golden String" for the best duet of the year "New Year's dreams" with.

In October 2004, the XVIII solemn ceremony of the Savior's Church of the Savior was held in the hall of the Church Cathedrals of Christ the Savior: Irina Allegrova was awarded the Order of the Ruby Cross for permanent and active participation in charity shares.

In October 2004, a joint album with Mikhail Shufutinsky "Popolas" is published.

In March 2005, the appointment ceremony was held by the appointment of Irina Allegm Councilor of the EurAsEC Secretary General for Culture (on a voluntary basis) in the EurAsEC secretariat.

In the fall of 2005, the album "Happy Birthday!", At which 12 compositions of Alexey Garnizov and Evgenia Muravyova were collected.

In 2006, cooperation with composer Viktor Seiky was resumed. In February, the premiere of the song V. Seagulls "Meeting" in the GCCZ "Russia" at the concert "New songs about the main thing". In the spring of 2006, new songs of Victor Seagull "Goodbye", "Okay," "Angel" and others, whose premiere took place in June at a concert in New York.

In April, I. Allegrova received the Award "Best Singer of Russia of Armenian Origin" at the awards ceremony at the State Concert Palace in Moscow.

2007 - anniversary. On the birthday of the singer on the first channel was shown the watch documentary "Crazy Star of Irina Allegrova".

Crazy star of Irina Allegrova

On October 25, 2007, the new album of Irina Allegrova "Allegrova-2007", which includes 14 compositions.

In December, Irina Allegrova and Grigory Leps became laureates of the XII Annual National Prize "Golden Gramophone" and the Festival "Song-2007" with a duet song "I do not believe you."

In 2008, on the Awards of Muz-TV Duet I. Allegrova and G. Leps "I do not believe you" wins in the nomination "Best Duet of the Year".

On January 15, 2010, Russian President signed a decree on the assignment of the honorary title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" Irina Allegrova "For great merits in the field of art."

April 15, 2010 Irina Allegrova at the "Sound Track" festival was awarded the prize "for constancy and unpredictability".

In October 2011, in Kiev, during the confirmation of the concert for the anniversary of the National TV channel "Inter" I. Allegrova, it announces the decision taken to complete the "big concert activity" and declares the beginning of a large farewell tour, which starts in Moscow in the IC "Olympic" March 7 And covers the cities of Russia, CIS countries, Europe and the USA.

February 26, 2016 Allegrova participated in the anniversary concert R. Pauls. On September 15 of the same year, Allegrova gave a free charitable solo concert for the Day of the Elderly in the Ice Palace in St. Petersburg.

Irina Allegrova in the program "Alone with all"

The growth of Irina Allegrova: 172 centimeters.

Personal life Irina Allegrova:

In 1971-1972 It was married to George Tairov, a basketball player from Baku, he was already dead. Irina said that marriage was a mistake. She came out for him to marry his first love.

In 1972, Daughter Lala Allegrova was born, director of pop and mass spectacles, graduated from the Russian Academy of Theatrical Art. Director of the Faculty (Alexey Garnisha Workshop). Husband Lalya - Artyom Sergeevich Artemyev, Russian Sambo and Judoist, Judo Champion in Judo, Champion and Veritor of Russian Championships in Sambo, Sambo Champion, Master of Sports of Russia International Class for Sambo and Judo. The co-owner of the "School of Fight Artem Artemyeva" is prominent. Lalya has a son Alexander (born on September 28, 1995).

The second husband, with whom he lived in 1974-1979, - Vladimir Bleker, artistic director of the ensemble "Funny guys", in which Irina worked. Posted for her song "Flood", which she performed after 30 years on the song of the Year 2013. Received a term for currency frauds. The singer is still friendly with the second husband. "Memories about this marriage remained only good, confirmation of this is our today's relationship," Irina said.

The third husband is Vladimir Dubovitsky, producer, musician. It was a bass guitarist in the Oscar ensemble of Feltsman "Lights of Moscow" (Irina - soloist), head of the David Tukhmanov Group "Electroclub". Married consisted in 1984-1990. In 1990, Irina leaves the group and divorces with V. Dubovitsky, whose wife soon becomes.

The fourth husband is Igor Cabbage, a dancer from her team. She is older than 9 years. They lived together in 1994-2001, were heard under other people's names in 1994 (officially in the registry marriage was not issued). Divided because of constant modifies. In 2012, the cabbage was accused of illicit drug trafficking (2 kg of Haisisch found in his car), received 6 years in prison. Igor Kabesta in one of the hospitals of St. Petersburg.

Discography of Irina Allegrova:

1992 - "Wanderer My" (LP)
1994 - "Daughty My" (CD)
1994 - "Hijacker" (CD) (1995 - Reprint, 1997 - reprint)
1996 - "I have a study with hands" (CD-Single)
1996 - "I have a cloud of study" (CD)
1997 - "Empress" (CD)
1998 - "Unfinished Romance" (CD)
1999 - "Theater ..." (CD)
2001 - "All first" (CD) (in the same year reissued)
2002 - "According to the blade of love" (CD) (in 2003 reissued)
2004 - "Popolas" (with M. Shufutinsky) (CD)
2005 - "Happy Birthday!" (CD)
2007 - "Allegrova 2007" (CD)
2010 - "Irina Allegrova. Exclusive Edition »(CD)
2013 - "First Love - Love Last" (in a duet with glory)
2016 - "Restart" (digital album and version on CD)

Irina Allegrova filmography:

1997 - "Old songs about the main 2"
2005 - "Emergency - 2" - Kameo
2005 - "Cheerful pictures" - Kameo

Video clips Irina Allegrova:

1985 - "Baby's voice"
1985 - "Old Mirror"
1985 - "Nerves, Nerves"
1986 - "The world is full of sounds"
1987 - "Dark Horse"
1989 - "Warry"
1989 - "Give me the word"
1989 - "Believe in love, girls"
1989 - "My tender and gentle beast"
1989 - "Toy"
1989 - "Stupid Boy"
1990 - "Wanderer"
1990 - "I believe I" (team song)
1991 - "There was no sadness"
1991 - "Do not fly away love"
1991 - "Photo 9x12"
1992 - "Candle, candle, candle"
1992 - "Daughty my, rich"
1993 - "Transit (transit passenger)"
1994 - "Unrequited love"
1994 - "I'll leave you"
1995 - "Enter me"
1996 - "Palm"
1996 - "I have a cloud of study"
1997 - "Unfinished Romance" (Duet with I. Cool)
1997 - "White Light"
1997 - "Curtain"
1998 - "Do not be late"
1998 - "Monologue"
2000 - "Shalya"
2001 - "No guilt's guilt"
2001 - "Everything is fine"
2003 - "We are two" (duet with A. Garnizov)
2007 - "I do not believe you" (duet with G. Leps)
2009 - "Wanted"
2012 - "Puck! Washer! "
2013 - "First Love - Love Last"

  • Name: Irina
  • Surname: Allegrova
  • Date of Birth: 20.01.1952
  • Place of Birth: Rostov-on-Don
  • Zodiac sign: Aquarius
  • Eastern horoscope: The Dragon
  • Occupation: singer, actress
  • Height: 172 cm

Her talent admire not only millions of fans and ascending stars, as well as the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian show business. She has long and deservedly bearing the title of "Empress" of the Domestic pop and her name, undoubtedly cause respect. She is gorgeous, cheerful, charming and radiant Irina Allegrova.

Photo of Irina Allegrova

early years

Until nine years, Irina Alexandrovna, along with his parents, lived in Rostov-on-Don. Father and mother were directly related to scene and art. Pope Alexander Allegrov became famous as an actor and theatrical director, his contribution to art was noted by the title of Honored Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR and RSFSR. And Seraphim Mikhailovna (Mom) was the owner of a luxurious opera voice.

After moving to Baku, the mother and father of the little Irina came close to the development of his daughter's creative abilities. In addition to the music school, the girl took the lessons of ballet and drawing. The future folk artist showed his talent already at the time, and performances in various competitions and festivals gave her the opportunity to pay attention to themselves. So, she managed to take second place at the Jazz Festival in Baku.

Since childhood, the girl was surrounded by matrahs of Soviet pop. In the family of the Allegrom frequent guests were Muslim Magomayev, Mstislav Rostropovich and other great artists. In Irina, the desire to speak on a big stage increasingly flared up, so after receiving a school certificate, she intended to enter the conservatory. But her plans intervened the disease, she failed to become a conservatory student. Soon Allegrova was toured as part of the troupe of the theater R. Babutov, and later worked in the Yerevan Orchestra Orbelyan.

Start of a creative path

The next attempt by Irina Aleksandrovna to receive education was admission to Gitis in 1975, but she also turned out to be unsuccessful. 1970-80 and the artists became rich in terms of work. During this time, she was a member of various musical groups, toured in the USSR, later worked as a concertremister, gave private lessons. In 1976, Irina Allegrova was lucky to get to the orchestra under the leadership of L. Rockov. In search of himself and their place on stage, she changed several teams, including the "inspiration", "young voices" and "torch" in the ensembles "inspiration". By the way, it was in the "Fare" she met a man who became her close to her close - Igor cool.

Until the moment when the singer became truly famous and popular, much happened: there was a creative crisis, and work in musicals, as well as participation in restaurant and hotel variges. Fortuna smiled Irina Alexandrovna, when she met Vladimir Dubovitsky. It was this young producer who became a link between Allegrova and Oscar Felzman.


1985 marked for the singer on the beginning of a big creative path. Familiarity with Felzman identified the further scenic life of Irina Aleksandrovna:

  • with the song "The Voice of the Child" Allegrova, first hits the "Song of the Year";
  • the singer becomes the soloist of the "Lights of Moscow";
  • the "Electroclub" team is formed;
  • in a duet with Igor Talkov, Allegrova becomes the winner of the Golden Charton contest (1987);
  • recording multiple songs for movies;
  • participation "Song-89" and "Pugacheva Christmas Meetings";
  • solo performance of songs such as "toy", "Smear a tender and gentle beast."

In 1990, the departure of Irina Allegrova from Eleklubluba-2 became inevitable, but this fact gave the start of the truly solo career of the artist.

Solo Irina Allegrova

In the nineties, the fame and popularity of Allegrova with extraordinary speed rushed up. New songs, clips, new creative unions, touring tours, ovations, millions of fans - all "flooded" to Irina Alexandrovna. That period of creativity was remembered by the hits "Wanderee", "Hello, Andrei", "I'll leave you", "the hijacker", "I have a cloud of study."

In the middle of the nineties, the singer fruitfully cooperates with Igor Cool. In addition to solo compositions, the composer writes and songs for their duet. The executed "unfinished novel" literally conquered fans. By the beginning of the new century, there were several solo albums, concert programs, touring tours. Also did not work out without her participation, various festivals and "songs of the year". And if at the beginning of the nineties, the singer was still in the image known in the "Electroclub", then in the New Millennium she entered the image of a statutory experienced woman.

New time

Not one year in the works of Irina Allegrova did not pass without a trace. It was her talent, a desire and ability to laid out a hundred percent so clinging the viewer, and how many works were spent and how many work was done simply not to consider.

In addition to solo execution, the creative unions of the singer with I. Nikolaev, M. Shufutinsky, and Gregory Leps are remembered. Among numerous premiums, awards and merit:

  • in 2002 - the title of "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation";
  • awarding a memorial medal "200 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs";
  • prizes "Chanson Year";
  • order "Ruby Cross" for charitable activities;
  • appointment by adviser to the general secretary of the EurAsEC for culture;
  • awards MUZ-TV and Golden Gramophone for a duet with Leps;
  • laureate diploma "Songs of the Year".

In 2010, Irina Allegrova was awarded the title of "People's Artist of Russia".

The Empress of the Russian pop sang for fans on the largest concert venues of Russia, including in the State Kremlin Palace, SC "Olympic", HCCZ "Russia", in St. Petersburg Ice Palace. Allegrova drove along the whole of Russia, and also collected full halls in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Germany, Monaco, Baltic countries.

The story of a strong and volitional woman is trying to tell Russian TV channels, documenting films are devoted to her biographies. It does not seem without the participation of Irina Allegrova and concerts dedicated to public holidays. It is also an indispensable guest of the creative evenings of Russian pop stars, the guest of the guest of the New Wave festival, the Slavic Bazaar, "Christmas on Rose Farm. Often it participates in various TV projects:

  • "Property of the Republic";
  • the project "Home Scene" was sitting in a jury member chair;
  • there was a guest of the program "Alone with all" and others.

In 2011, the People's Artist announced the tour, which marked her care from the scene. As part of a farewell tour, she gave concerts in 2012, 2013, in 2014. However, in 2015 Allegrova declares "reboot": produces a new album and goes to a large tour with the same name.

Currently, the Empress of the Russian show business is preparing for the anniversary program, which is scheduled for March 2017.

Family life Irina Allegrova

Irina Alexandrovna has the only daughter of Lala. She was born in 1972, when the actress was married for the first time. Her spouse was George Tairov. The marriage existed only a year, now Allegrova speaks about him as a mistake of youth.

The second marriage took place in 1974, the chief of the singer was Khukruk "Merry Guys" Vladimir Bleher. The union collapsed in 1979, but good relations were preserved between the former spouses.

With the producer Vladimir Dubovitsky, the artist suacised relations in 1984. After their divorce, in 1990, Allegrova left the "Electroclub" group.

The fourth husband of Irina Aleksandrovna, but unofficial, Igor Cabbage was. The dancer worked in the band by Allegrova, and in 1994 the couple decided to get married. But this union did not pass the treason of the spouse and collapsed in 1999.

In 1995, Irina Allegrova became a grandmother. The grandson was called in honor of the singer's father - Alexander. Her daughter Lala is happy in marriage with judoist artem artemic.

Irina was born on January 20, 1952 in Rostov-on-Don. Irina Father - Actor and Director Alexander Allegrov. In 1961, the girl together with his family moved to Baku, where at the same time with a secondary school attended musical. After the end of the music school in the biography of Irina Allegrova, admission to school was held at the Baku Conservatory. The first musical victory of the girl was obtained at the jazz festival held in Baku.

After graduating from school in 1969, Allegrova went to tour in his biography along with Rashid Babetov. And a year later, it began to work in Orchestra Orbelyan. In 1971 he was married, in a year she gave birth to her daughter Lalu, and in half a year - divorced.

After moving to Moscow in 1975, gives music lessons, it works in the Rock Orchestra. Allelers also solorates in the ensembles "inspiration", "young voices" (together with the team wins on the song contest "Sochi-78"). Then, in the biography of Allegrova, two years is carried out in fruitful work as part of the "Torch" ensemble.

After acquaintance in 1985 with composer Oscar Felzman, Allegrova performed a song specially created for her, "the voice of the child." Then, in the biography of the singer, Irina Allegrova comes a stage of touring together with the "Lights of Moscow", in which she was a soloist. Most popularity comes to it after the formation of the "Electroclub" group.

The group also entered Igor Talkov. In 1987, the Group releases the first album, becomes the winner of the Golden Charton Competition. In the same year, Viktor Saltykov comes to the group instead of Talkov, "Electroclub-2" is formed.

In 1990, the singer Allegrova in his biography began to perform solo. Her tour was extremely successful. Irina receives the title of the best singer, and holds the title for another 4 years. In 1992, her first solo album was released - My Wanderer. Irina participates in the "Song of the Year", "Slavic Bazaar", "Morning Mail", and in 1994 he produces the album "Daughty My". Then the disk "Rubber" was released, a new program "Empress" was drawn up. Working with Igor Steepy since 1996, Allegrova released the disk "I clutch with my hands." After that, in the biography of Allegrova, songs were recorded in the New York Studio, the program "Table for two" was released, as part of which was the song "Baba-Berk". In 1999, an independent album "Theater".

Then the albums "all first", "on the blade of love", "Popolas", "Happy Birthday" are created. In 2002, Irina Allegrova in biography receives the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Among its other prizes and awards: "Golden string" for the best duet with Shufutinsky (2004), Golden Gramophone premium (2007), "Best Duet of the Year" for the duet with G. Pleps (2008), "Muise Festival Tashir-2009 " and many others.

Irina grieved alone with his daughter for long. 2 years after the divorce met Vladimir Bleker. At that time, he was the head of the "Young Voices" ensemble. The girl liked him so much that he invited her to his team.

They immediately began to meet, between them the passion. Married he called her during a walk on the motor ship in the Moscow River. The wedding was modest, only the closest people were attended. But soon after the celebration, she is disappointed in his second husband. She even was bored by the "Young Voices" ensemble. She filed for a divorce and left him forever with an unpleasant sediment in the shower.

Vladimir Dubovitsky

Still in marriage with Bleker, the singer met Vladimir Dubovitsky. He turned her head, and she fascinated him. For the sake of her, he created the group "Lights of Moscow", and then - "Electroclub". Thanks to him, she became very popular. But after the wedding, she learns that he twists intrigues with young maidens. She raised his hysteria, he stood on his knees and asked for forgiveness, but she was impregnable.

Forgive the spouse she did not allow pride, so she was driven him.

Igor Kapusta

Igor Kalenkusta became the fourth spouse Igor Allegrova. Recently, he was a dancer in her team. Previously, 5 years later served in prison. At the time of their acquaintance, Irina was 44, and he only 35. Irina fell in love with him without memory, and he was in a relationship with another woman. Before Allegrova, he had no matter. Irina firmly decided that he would conquer Igor's heart. She achieved his own, Igor became her husband. To confirm their relationship before God, lovers were married in the church. However, in marriage, they lived only 7 years, for Irina it was the longest marriage.

Igor was tired of Irina, the more she did not give birth to him the child, which he dreamed so long. Therefore, he left her, she sobbed at night, begged him to return. Further personal life Igor with other women did not work out, later he was in prison. There he had a heart attack, relatives vinyli in all Allegrov, asked her for help. But she considered it necessary, no longer be part of the life of Igor. It hurts a lot of time she suffered after a break.

It is a pity that Irina did not have a personal life, but her career managed. She reached everything that could only. She had a difficult life, but now she is absolutely happy, and does not remember the past at all!

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