Cancer tiger in the year of the rooster. Year of the rooster for the tiger woman and man

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We can happily say that Tigers in 2017 incredibly lucky. Most of the key moments will occur precisely in the period under review, and, perhaps, will change the life of the Tigers for the better. But in order for luck not to wag its tail, you must work hard, and not sit back.

From the very beginning of the year, you will notice that people will begin to need you. There will be a proposal for a joint work or joint vacation. Such demand will allow you to become a recognizable person and take a fairly significant position in society.

True, astrologers saw the danger that would come from any one area of ​​\u200b\u200blife, so try not to get too carried away by this or that occupation. Tigers should learn to harmoniously distribute their time and then they will be in time everywhere without harming themselves or others. As for the love sphere, there will presumably be complete calm.

Horoscope for female Tigers

Women born under this star have always been impulsive and quick. In 2017, we will have to slightly reduce such activity and act deliberately. To avoid unpleasant consequences, try to simulate the situation in advance, “try on” many different moves - in general, be prepared for anything.

Young girls in the period under review are likely to finally meet the only one with whom they want to start a family. As for already married ladies, they should pay more attention to their husband, as well as children. In 2017, your loved ones will need your help every minute.

Horoscope for male Tigers

Be prepared for the fact that in 2017 you will be offered to take a responsible post. The authorities have been eyeing you for a long time and see that you are actively working. In order not to frighten off luck, continue to work at the same pace and very soon you will find yourself in a comfortable chair of the head.

Notably, Tiger men will also experience the sweet taste of victory. The girl you have been seeking for a long time will finally pay attention to you. Don't miss this chance.

Love horoscope 2017 for Tigers

As the astro forecast says, the Tigers will feel an incredible craving for self-development and a desire to start large-scale social activities at the very beginning of 2017. Therefore, the Tigers simply will not have free time for partners. Try to moderate your ardor a little, otherwise by spring you risk being left without a loved one, because few people like it when they ignore him.

In turn, representatives of this sign will be susceptible to intrigues and fleeting relationships. Such "spree" will not bring much harm to the family, but it is better to try not to get into such ridiculous situations. As for lone tigers, they also will not become unnecessarily worried about the fact that they cannot find their other half.

Career Horoscope for Tigers

In the upcoming year of the Rooster, the Tigers will easily cope with any test associated with professional activities. And all due to the fact that their performance will be at the maximum level.

Such determination will lead to the resolution of the most difficult tasks, moreover, luck will not leave the representatives of this sign for a long time. Tiger people are not afraid to take risks, although the risk may not always be justified.

Don't miss your chance to show off your diplomatic skills, which will be especially developed this year. This will allow you to establish business in an area where you need to constantly communicate with people and negotiate important contracts.

Finance Horoscope for Tigers

Tigers are very fond of money, so with the onset of the year of the Rooster, they will try to find additional sources of income. To achieve financial well-being, you can start acting illegally, which in the future will entail criminal liability. Do not take rash risks to avoid difficulties in the future.

But deliberately risking the Tigers is not only necessary, but also useful. The stars predict success in money matters in this particular field. Play the lottery, participate in the prize draw, place bets - you will definitely be lucky! If you decide to take a loan, then first think carefully about whether you can make a certain amount every month.

Health Horoscope for 2017

2017 will be different from the previous ones in that the Tiger will finally think about his health. Already in late February - early March, representatives of this sign will meet a person (or an unexpected incident will happen to them), who will force them to radically reconsider their bad habits and get rid of them.

In the summer periods, attention should be paid to the genitourinary system - it can fail. Perhaps an exacerbation of diseases of the bladder or the appearance of kidney stones. Just do not get carried away with medications to avoid liver problems.

Horoscope by zodiac signs for Tigers

Tiger - Aries

There is a huge possibility that Aries will have a long-awaited career advancement. True, this offer may not be quite what you expected. You may have to change the type of activity or even the address of registration. Before making a fateful decision, listen to your inner voice, consult with loved ones. In 2017, try not to show aggression, otherwise it will soon return to you with triple strength.

Tiger - Taurus

The stars know that you like to take risks and go ahead, but in 2017 you should reduce your ardor a bit and think about the future. You should not commit rash acts, because they can result in major financial problems. Yes, and the reputation of Taurus will be significantly damaged. It is best if there is a close person near you who, at the moments of choice, will tell you the right path.

Tiger - Gemini

Do you want to live without the hassle and not know the financial difficulties? Then work hard in that direction. In 2017, every circumstance will be in your favor. The main thing is not to be distracted by gossip and intrigue that will surround you with a dense ring. The rooster wants to warn you - do not trust anyone! Perhaps even an old acquaintance will want to set you up in one case.

Tiger - Cancer

The coming year of the Fire Rooster will give Cancers a big surge of energy, self-confidence and playfulness. You will constantly be in high spirits, which will allow you not to pay attention to minor failures, but to persistently move towards your goal. In this, Cancers will even win over other signs - the Rooster will not be so favorable to them. The only temptation that representatives of this sign will face will be entertainment. You will literally be drawn to the festivities and "doing nothing."

Tiger - Lion

Despite the fact that the Rooster is a homebody, the Lions will not stay at home. Pleasant and exciting journeys await you. They can be both at work and from your personal motives. Don't worry that traveling will make your co-workers forget about you or think you're on vacation. On the contrary, they will respect you even more for such ability to work. The stars advise Leos in the professional field to take less risks and not to commit rash acts.

Tiger - Virgo

In the realm and career, Virgos will be extremely lead. The boss appreciates your work, and, perhaps, will offer you a promotion. If you have been dreaming of changing jobs for a long time, then in 2017 there will be a very real chance to make it happen. In the spring, astrologers advise representatives of this sign to pay attention to the message of their body. As soon as you feel tired and apathetic, urgently put aside all your affairs and take a little rest.

Tiger - Libra

In 2017, many of the representatives of the Libra sign will feel the attention of the opposite sex. This will not only increase Libra's self-esteem, but also help to achieve a good financial condition. Perhaps in the middle of the year you will meet a certain patron who will suit your life in the best possible way. Although Libra will have no problems with money, the stars still warn them against rash spending.

Tiger - Scorpio

You should not celebrate the New Year holidays for a long time - you need to immediately return to pressing matters. The rooster will appreciate such zeal and reward you with generous gifts. For those Scorpios whose work is related to business trips, 2017 has prepared a lot of exciting and productive trips. As for family affairs, you will have to entrust the reins of government to your soulmate - you simply will not have enough time for everything.

Tiger - Sagittarius

With the approaching year of the Rooster, astrologers advise Sagittarius not to give up what they love. If you have some kind of hobby or passion, then there is a huge chance that it will bring you a stable income in 2017. Of course, the amounts will not be large, but additional earnings have not bothered anyone yet.

Tiger - Capricorn

Capricorns should discard all grievances and make peace with friends who have long “gone” from their lives. Perhaps the words spoken in haste harmed the person, but he is already ready to forgive you, just waiting for the first step. Admitting guilt is not easy, but you can’t even imagine what feeling you will experience after reconciliation.

Tiger - Aquarius

You are so tired in the previous year that the rest asks for itself. Do not ignore your desires - relaxation somewhere on a warm island has never bothered anyone. On the contrary, after this trip, Aquarians will be full of energy for new achievements. In addition, the financial situation promises to be not only stable, but also profitable. Therefore, Aquarius can afford to travel.

Tiger - Pisces

Representatives of this sign in 2017 should hide. Do not make decisions too quickly, do not answer immediately to the question asked to you, do not trust new acquaintances.

Let you plod along at the end - remember, the time will come and you will receive your reward for such a wait-and-see attitude.

Video horoscope

The Year of the Fire Rooster will be a springboard for the Tigers. The heavenly bodies have not been so favorable to the Tiger for a long time - any business that the representatives of this sign undertake will end quickly and successfully. A favorable forecast for 2017 does not mean that there will be no problems in the life of the Tiger at all, but this active sign will easily overcome any obstacles. Cheerful and optimistic Rooster will allow him to take any bar!

  • Years of the Tiger: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022.
  • Personal qualities: courage, independence, honesty, activity, despotism, innocence, laziness, reliability.
  • Best Professions: businessman, theater and film actor, financial expert, analyst, trader, literary critic, advertising specialist, sales manager, pilot, office administrator.

Forecast for the Tiger for 2017 Rooster

Alas, discomfort cannot be completely avoided. Tigers are unbridled by nature, sharp and eager to take the lead too much. Such behavior is not always justified. The Rooster insists that the Tigers temper their desire to command others, learn to control their arrogance, rudeness and irritability. If you can’t cope with negative traits, you will have problems in communicating with people around you. It is possible that in the second half of the year you will greatly offend a close friend.

The Fire Rooster advises the Tigers to switch to creative activities - they have enough energy to spare. If the Tiger is not lazy and makes every effort, then the Rooster will make sure that the final results of 2017 are simply stunning. Astrologers warn that conflicts and showdowns will be a waste of time that can be usefully spent at work or devoted to your business.

In 2017, the Tigers will be able to overcome any adversity.

The inherent conflict of the Tigers can lead to the loss of important business partners. So keep a close eye on your words and emotions at the beginning of spring - they can cost you too much. If this situation does arise, then, despite the outward manifestations of coldness and rudeness, inside you will be torn from experiences.

The Fire Rooster asks the Tigers to acknowledge the fact that they themselves are not without sin and make mistakes as often as other signs. Another trait that Tigers should learn is the ability to ask for forgiveness. The symbol of 2017, who is a true diplomat, insists on the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Only tolerant Tigers will be able to get all the promised bonuses from the Rooster, so stop roaring in the new year.

Like all members of the cat family, the Tiger is often lazy. However, the businesslike Rooster does not forgive lazy people. Don't think that once things are going well enough, they can be left to chance. If you let your business out of the spotlight, you may run into unexpected problems that cannot be solved on the spur of the moment.

Love and relationships

In 2017, Tigers may rethink their personal lives. Many representatives of this sign will want freedom and diversity. Beware of thoughtless actions! Try to convey to your partner the essence of the problem, and you will be able to re-ignite the storm of feelings. Of course, the Tigers do not accept routine and routine, but look at the situation from the other side: home comfort puts you in the state of a complacent cat, and a measured life is often synonymous with a stable and strong family.

The patron of 2017 warns of the danger of breaking off relations with relatives if the Tigers do not moderate their inherent aggressiveness and audacity. You can get into a serious fight with your parents or other family members if you keep growling at them at the slightest provocation. The support of loved ones will come in handy at the end of 2017, so try to avoid conflict situations and maintain warm relationships.

Don't be afraid to take the big step in your relationship - it's time to get married!

Tigers who have already found their mate, but have not yet started a family, can plan a wedding celebration. The rooster favors marriages, promising such couples a harmonious and long life together. The only danger is the jealousy of the Tigers - temper your temper, there is no need to be jealous of a loved one for every pillar. Do not try to control everything - the partner will try to break out from under your care, which can lead not only to a quarrel, but to a break in relations.

Tigers who have not yet found their soul mate will enjoy the favor of the Fire Rooster. You will be extremely lucky in amorous adventures. However, the symbol of 2017 hints: it's time to become more responsible and serious. You have been independent for too long and changed partners like gloves. The rooster believes that the time has come to carefully select the object of sympathy and go on dates only with those who you really like.

Children will require special attention from Tiger parents. Take a closer look at the behavior of your child - if the child has become too thoughtful and absent-minded, ask about his problems. Most likely, your offspring will need advice. Try to give recommendations not in an orderly tone, but in the form of a friendly conversation. In the second half of the year, observe the environment of the child - perhaps one of the close friends uses acquaintance for personal gain.


In general, the area of ​​health will not bother the Tigers. An exception is the area of ​​psychosomatic diseases - excessive nervousness can adversely affect the state of all body systems. Remember that nervous breakdowns are too frequent companions of your sign, so do not neglect preventive measures.

In 2017, Tigers are shown relaxing treatments - sign up for a relaxing massage or relax at a nearby spa. The stars say that the Tigers will benefit from exotic treatments such as fish peeling or chocolate wrapping.

Don't forget about sports. Of course, active and dynamic Tigers are often fit and slender by nature, but this does not eliminate the need to maintain a figure. Celestial bodies recommend Tigers a sport that will make it possible to get rid of adrenaline reserves - learn roller skating, skateboarding or flyboarding.

Take up active sports - they will do you good

Remember to rest, because your body is too often functioning at its limit. In 2017, astrologers advise Tigers to rest several times. If possible, try to go on vacation during the winter holidays and in the fall, taking your vacation. However, a lazy vacation will not do any good - in winter, take a ticket to a ski resort, and spend your summer vacation on sightseeing trips.

Tigers will need a mental boost, so be sure to include nuts in your diet. Despite the fact that the Tiger is by nature a meat eater, in the year of the Fire Rooster, the stars recommend not overloading the body with fatty meat. Reconsider your diet in favor of turkey and chicken, try to fall in love with fish dishes.

Work and career

Tigers are waiting for professional success and recognition of merit. Representatives of this sign will plunge into work with their heads. Such zeal will be noted by management - career advancement awaits you. By the way, in 2017, the stars recommend that the Tigers devote the lion's share of their time to their careers - you will be able to achieve results. If you do not take advantage of this opportunity, career aspirations will have to be pushed back a few more years.

By devoting all your time and energy to your career, you will achieve a promotion

The Fire Rooster patronizes those who are not afraid of risk. If you have long wanted to quit your job and start your own business, this is the right time to take this step. Remember that you should not give in to difficulties on the first day. Success for you will lie in an optimistic attitude and a well-chosen team of employees and partners.

The year promises to be successful for the Tigers, whose work involves business trips and trips. You have an easy road and meetings with useful and interesting people. If you work in an office, then try to take on creative projects - the Rooster does not like monotony, but creativity encourages and approves.


The sphere of finance will be quite prosperous for the Tiger. However, you should not relax - all your achievements will be proportional to the efforts expended. Astrologers advise avoiding unplanned expenses, as there is a risk of buying an absolutely unnecessary thing. Properly allocate the budget - financial receipts during the year will be quite uneven, so you will have to live on the principle of "sometimes thick, sometimes empty."

Be careful when shopping so as not to buy too much!

The stars say that you can afford a few risky investments - they will bring small but pleasant dividends in the future. In the year of the Fire Rooster, Tigers should not borrow from relatives - there is a risk of ruining relationships. If necessary, it is better to take a loan, but carefully read the contract for mention of hidden fees.

Representatives of the eastern sign of the zodiac Tiger are ambitious people who can quickly make informed decisions. They are strong players and keep themselves well in any situation, they know how to solve complex problems, but at the same time they really don’t like to lose. Despite their energy, Tigers are self-satisfied animals who love to soak up the sun, hiding from the hustle and bustle. So are the representatives of this sign, they will not overwork themselves with unnecessary problems and obligations, but they know exactly what they want and what they should strive for. This distinctive feature of people born under the eastern sign of the Tiger will help in the year of the Rooster to purposefully move towards their goal and not turn off the intended path. But the Tigers will have to be prepared for the fact that for the sake of success they will have to sweat a little. They should learn to cope with their own desires and emotions and not act spontaneously. The secret of the success of the representatives of this Chinese sign is that every step, every movement will be planned in advance. Many representatives of this sign expect big changes that will force them to change their usual environment for something new and unknown. In the year of the Fire Rooster, Tigers need to be a little more patient and loyal to others, because they are used to baring their teeth and growling at every opportunity, and not everyone will like this. In order to avoid the destruction of relations and the emergence of conflicts, representatives of this sign should show tolerance and begin to respect the rights of those around them. Tigers will need to learn to admit their own mistakes, and even better, try to correct them. It is not necessary to achieve complete understanding through humiliation, you can just take the first step towards reconciliation or some good deed that will show that you are actually friendly and kind. In 2017, the Tigers will have to learn how to resolve issues not with their powerful influence and authority, but by showing diplomacy, finding compromises and making concessions. Horoscope for 2017 for the Water Tiger (1962) Unlike those born under the sign of another element, the Water Tiger will be quite balanced and calm. He will radiate absolute confidence in his abilities, and in this he will be absolutely right. The Fire Rooster, the patron saint of 2017, is favorable to those born under the sign of the Water element, so luck will accompany the Tigers throughout the year. Water Tigers are able to rationally spend their own resources and objectively assess their capabilities, which will greatly help them achieve their goals. Representatives of this sign will not torment themselves with doubts and indecision. The Year of the Rooster will bring them many pleasant moments that will be associated with positive changes in their lives, the conquest of new heights and the fulfillment of long-standing desires. At the beginning of this year, the Water Tigers will clearly plan their actions and set specific goals for themselves. Certainty and determination will be the main trump cards in the game that the Tigers will create themselves, so all their plans and strategies will be successfully implemented. Representatives of this sign will easily take risks, experiment and achieve their own. A wave of success will overwhelm the Water Tigers in the second half of the year, and only then will they breathe a sigh of relief and be able to afford to relax and unwind.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Wood Tiger (1974) Despite the fact that the elements of the representatives of this sign are Wood, they have a sharp mind and high intellectual abilities. Wood Tigers are excellent team players, so the Rooster will bring them many opportunities and perspectives in teamwork, as well as in interpersonal relationships. Wood Tigers are very friendly and sociable, they easily make contact, but at the same time they defend their point of view to the last. The Red Rooster will reward representatives of this sign with amazing organizational skills, thanks to which they will easily and naturally achieve their goals. Everything that previously seemed so distant and impossible will be tough for the Tigers this year. With their powerful grip and ambition, the Tigers will be able to restore justice, and get what they rightfully deserve. Tigers, born under the wooden element, quickly grasp everything on the fly. This quality will be useful to them in learning a new craft, getting an education or mastering new skills. They will show their observation and ingenuity, and use the information received in a completely unpredictable and new way. Thanks to this, their well-being will improve, and with it their financial opportunities.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Fire Tiger (1986) Representatives of this Chinese zodiac sign, born under the element of Fire, will be very successful and enterprising in the year of the Fire Rooster. And the thing is that they and the owner of 2017 of the same element. The rooster will endow them with inexhaustible energy, which will incinerate the Tigers from the inside. They will always want to do something, to run somewhere. In each of their deeds, actions, decisions made, fire will be visible. They will do anything for the next dose of adrenaline, so do not be surprised if suddenly they do something that no one expected of them or suddenly, for no reason, they are going on a trip. The main horse of the Fire Tigers in the year of the Rooster will be their energy and unpredictability, which will lead them to their destination.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Earth Tiger (1938, 1998) Earth Tigers are more rational and pragmatic people. They will never make unnecessary gestures, if it is not necessary. The affairs of the representatives of this sign will go up sharply, from which their confidence and self-esteem will increase several times. They are able to make decisions in a balanced and deliberate way, and also easily and persistently overcome the obstacles that arise in their path. Earth Tigers are practically unsurprising. They are capable of any turn of events and never get confused. A creative approach to solving many problems will help the representatives of this sign to get away with it and surpass themselves. They are executive and responsible, for which they will be generously rewarded by the ruler of 2017, the Fire Rooster.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Metal Tiger (1950, 2010) Those whose element is Metal will show only positive human qualities in the year of the Rooster. Their altruism and generosity will push them to do good deeds, which is why many of the Metal Tigers will spend most of their time organizing charitable events and events. Their main goal will be to help those in need. In this they are all. But the more the Tigers give, the more they will receive. This applies to the material sphere, and financial, and even warm and sincere feelings. Tigers will warm their relatives and friends with their warmth, and in return they will receive a hundred times more.

The eastern horoscope for 2017 for the zodiac sign Tiger is a generalized astrological forecast of events for 2017 typical for all representatives of your zodiac sign. For a more accurate representation of the upcoming events of 2017, it is necessary to draw up a personal horoscope for 2017.

You will reconsider your life values ​​and re-prioritize. Future success depends on which path the Tiger chooses, and he will have to rack his brains. First, he needs to think and analyze everything, taking into account all the details, and only then make a final decision. This choice will not be easy, because the Rooster, generous with gifts and surprises, will scatter the most promising opportunities on your way, and you should choose only one thing that seems most significant to you - whatever it is.

The planets and Fate itself favor the representatives of this sign, this year they will protect the Tigers from potentially erroneous conclusions and rash decisions, and therefore, in any matters, both the most important and non-essential, you should be guided by your inner feelings. During this period, the intuition of the Tigers will sharply sharpen, and some individuals, who are particularly sensitive, will begin to predict the future without even realizing it (most likely, this will be expressed in small things). In 2017, the Tiger will be especially courageous, quick-witted and independent.

The tiger is a real fighter for justice and a hard worker who is used to doing everything himself. The same epithets can be applied to the patron saint of 2017 - the Fire Rooster. However, from time to time the Tiger is overcome by laziness - despite its incredible activity and dynamism. Each person born in the year of the Tiger can rightfully be called a “person of mood”. If there is a serious reason or an irresistible desire, these people will give everything 100 percent, but no other circumstances will ever force them to act - in the absence of these two conditions, the Tiger will not even lift a finger. However, this quality is not a disadvantage, it rather helps the Tiger. In fact, this is not laziness - the Tiger subconsciously filters out everything that is meaningless and unnecessary, everything that has no real basis, and leaves only the most rational and profitable decisions that he makes without any doubt. And it doesn’t matter in which particular area of ​​\u200b\u200bprofessional activity the representatives of this sign are engaged - impressive success awaits them everywhere.

In the year of the Rooster, the actions of the Tiger will be extremely unpredictable. He will want to squeeze his loved one in a strong hug and not let go anywhere, but excessive control can become suffocating. Such mood swings can lead to misunderstanding and kill harmony in a relationship, so the Tigers need to work on themselves. They must learn to control their emotions and restrain their fleeting impulses and desires - only in this way will they be able to avoid quarrels and conflicts. But even if the Tiger becomes the master of his true essence, having learned to control it, he still will not be able to change it.

You should not step over yourself - just try to discuss your condition with your loved one in a peaceful and balanced manner, and your partner will definitely understand and support you. Your sincerity and openness will be the match that will ignite the fire of your love and passion. It is better for married and married representatives of this sign to be open and sincere with their other half - this way you will strengthen your relationship, and not destroy them. The tiger may be disturbed by the atmosphere in his own house or some household chores, so he can constantly look for reasons to invite guests or ask for guests himself, he will begin to actively attend public places and various events. Do not be surprised if the Tiger suddenly gets into the habit of ordering pizza and having lunch right in the office or having dinner with the family in a restaurant, because the mere thought of having to cook and then wash the dishes can seem terrible to him. Some Tigers like to stay at home. From free predators, they turned into domestic cats - calm, gentle and caring. And they do not have to worry about family relationships, because the family has always been, is and will be the main priority in their lives.

When communicating in a group, the Tigers should be more restrained, because this year manifestations of a difficult character and aggression are very likely, which can lead to a major quarrel and a break in relations with friends, relatives or colleagues. That is why, as soon as you notice at least some signs indicating that the conflict is about to flare up, you better step back and fade into the background until everything calms down. This year, many Tigers will take the most serious step in their lives - they will tie the knot. Do not be afraid of the unknown, some kind of change and responsibility - you will perfectly cope with all this and become the happiest family man in the whole world.

The year of the Fire Rooster for the Tigers will be a year of major breakthroughs in career and in terms of professional growth. They will have the opportunity to set ambitious goals, experiment, try their hand at different areas, discover their talents and realize their creative potential, bring their plans to life and conquer new heights. Throughout the year, fortune will smile on the representatives of this sign, they are guaranteed success. The Rooster will open up many new opportunities for the Tiger, and if the Tiger wants to achieve the best results, he must concentrate on the most important issues without wasting time. It is very important to never stop: Tigers must constantly move - do something, put their plans into practice, learn, accumulate knowledge, improve. Only in such a crazy pace will they be able to maximize their results and achieve outstanding success in their careers and business.

Do not be afraid to take risks - of course, here we do not mean participation in some illegal adventures. All reasonable risks will be justified, and the Tigers will receive a generous reward. Their financial situation will begin to improve rapidly, but do not triumph and celebrate the victory too early - this is a bad idea. The receipt of income can stop at any time, so the main task of the representatives of this sign is to save, save money, invest money, and not waste it. In the year of the Rooster, the Tigers must be especially careful in terms of finances. It would be very good to keep track of earnings and plan expenses in advance - this will help you avoid unexpected purchases and save most of the money earned by hard work.

Svetlana Rozhenko

The freedom-loving Tiger and the homely Rooster cannot be called a harmonious couple. If at the beginning of the year they still try to behave neutrally, clasping their beak and fangs, then by the end they will have time to get bored with each other completely. However, one should not be discouraged: the horoscope for the Tiger for 2017 of the Rooster says that the striped predator will have many opportunities to succeed.

Love and family: horoscope predictions

Something, but the lack of romance among the representatives of the clawed sign is not expected. The personal life of lonely Tigers promises to be eventful, and love affairs - stormy, filled with scenes of jealousy, quarrels and reconciliations. True, it is precisely thanks to the frequent showdown of relationships that the novels that began during this period will turn out to be fragile, and only a few will succeed in scratching out a meeting with the capricious Rooster from the main love of his life. But if the striped predator keeps a regal temper in check, he will also have a chance to acquire a family hearth. It all depends on whether the mustachioed-striped is ready to take on new obligations or, following the example of the legendary cat, prefers to walk on its own.

The Rooster can play a cruel joke on someone by organizing a romantic relationship with two worthy contenders for the brave heart and the clawed paw of the Tiger at once. Making the final choice will not be easy, but the stars do not advise delaying the decision: if the double game is revealed, you risk being left alone. Married and married representatives of the striped sign should get rid of the habit of grumbling and, at the first opportunity, show fangs and claws to the chosen one. The Year of the Rooster will already be rich in conflicts, and with this approach, your family life will turn into dancing on a volcano! A joint trip to the sea, a common hobby, or a light "peppercorn" brought into intimate relationships will help save a marriage from a test of strength.

Finances and career of the Tiger in 2017 of the Rooster

The Tigers cannot count on easy victories in 2017. The rooster, who does not like the feline family, will not move his spur to make it easier for them to climb the career ladder. However, the noble bird will not do nasty things on the sly, so the strong-willed and stubborn will always have a chance to break through to the top. Here the Tiger will come to the rescue of ambition, forcing him to take on the most difficult projects, a truly bestial will to win and the ability to think non-trivially.

But the habit of shouldering the entire burden of responsibility on oneself under the motto "no one will do better than me!" can do a disservice to the closest relative of the king of beasts. Learn to work in a team, stop pulling the blanket over yourself, and your career will move uphill, and money will flow into your pockets in an inexhaustible stream. Those who plan to start their own business should enlist the support of sponsors, because the Tiger will hardly be able to cope with the carelessness of the Rooster alone.

The year is great for major purchases and investments. Everything that is spent wisely will return to the tiger's paws in double or even triple volume.

  • The coming year will be full of surprises. To clearly see the goal and avoid leapfrog in business, learn to plan your life.
  • Neither money nor a career will become a worthy incentive for the Tiger to move forward if he does not like the business itself. Try to learn how to enjoy the process, then the result will not disappoint.
  • Take a close look at nutrition, in the next 12 months your digestive system will be under attack.

The motto of the Tiger in 2017 is "Patience and work will grind everything." Having stocked up in early January with both, by the fall you will be able to proudly reap the rich fruits of your labors.

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