Dream Interpretation: The deceased comes to life in a dream. Why do dead people dream of being alive? Loff's Dream Interpretation: a person who died alive in a dream

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according to Ayurvedic dream book

Seeing a corpse in a dream means that you will quickly and recklessly get married and be unhappy.

I dreamed about a corpse

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a corpse in a dream is unlucky, since this dream is a harbinger of sad news. Possible bad prospects in commercial affairs. The young man will face disappointment and lack of pleasure. Seeing a deceased person dressed in black is a sign of the imminent death of a friend or a desperately difficult situation in business. Seeing corpses on the battlefield portends war and, in general, a complication of relations between countries and political groups. Seeing the corpse of an animal portends an unhealthy situation in business, a deterioration in well-being. Seeing one of your family members dead portends an illness in one of your close relatives or a break in family relationships. For lovers, this is a sure sign that they will not be able to keep their sacred vows to each other. Covering the eyes of a deceased person with coins in a dream means that unscrupulous enemies will rob you, taking advantage of your temporary powerlessness. If you place the coin on just one eye, you will be able to regain your lost property after an almost hopeless struggle. For a young woman, this dream foreshadows grief after she trusts dishonest people. If a young woman sees the owner of the store where she works in a coffin, the dream foretells her admirer’s cooling towards her. If in a dream the head of a corpse separates from the body and falls, the dream is a sign of future intrigues against it. If a coffin with a corpse is standing in the hall of a store, the dream foreshadows losses and troubles that will affect many. The dream encourages a more sober assessment of one’s actions.

Why do you dream about a corpse?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

separation, if familiar; stranger - luck; (for a woman) - cooling of relationships; disintegrates - good, for good; a lot of corpses and no bad feelings - unexpected things, success in an unexpected place; own - happy marriage; completion of affairs.

Why do you dream about a dead man?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

to rain, change of weather; outside the coffin - a guest; a famous loved one is a messenger of fate; news of this person’s wedding or good fortune, if you see him in a coffin; a stranger in a coffin - to benefit; resurrected - to trouble, losses; dies again - death by resemblance (name, appearance); resolution of the situation if the sleeper himself; the dead man is angry, making noise - to payback; takes something - unfortunately with loved ones or the sleeping person himself (if he takes clothes); gives - also to trouble, except for money - to wealth; food is given by a dead person - to health or personal happiness; clothes - for patronage, well-being (depending on what kind of clothes); see Coffin.

Each dream book explains the soul seen in a dream in its own way. When interpreting a certain dream about souls, the dream book points out the details of the plot, and you must analyze the situation in real life.

What does it mean to have a dream about people’s souls?

Whose soul did you see in a dream:

I dreamed about my soul

If you dreamed about your soul in a dream, then problems may arise in reality. Their causes will be hasty decisions, frivolous acts, and negligence.

In a dream, the soul is a ghost - in reality, danger lurks. The threat will be posed by stupid actions and actions performed for the sake of self-interest. In reality, you should carefully consider your steps and take a responsible approach to decision-making.

Dreaming about dead people

The appearance of the souls of the dead in a dream gives it an alarming meaning. This is considered a reflection of real events when there is longing for a lost person in life.

The vision can be interpreted in an unusual way. Sometimes the sign prophesies recovery and financial well-being. There may be a chance to start a family and get long-awaited results.

Spring dream book

The arrival of a soul in a dream can foretell death in reality. Moreover, it must be precisely established that this is really your soul, even if it has a different appearance.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

One’s own soul wanders, walks, leaving the body. The dream is considered a harbinger of recovery from a serious illness.

French dream book

I dream that my soul flies into the sky. In real life, the vision prophesies serious worries about lost wealth.

Vanga's Dream Book

A spirit appearing in a dream is a sign of piety and religiosity. It is also a testament to honesty, caution, nobility and mercy. The vision showed prayers for the salvation of one’s soul - in reality a situation will arise when one will have to ask for God’s support. Only after this will peace and harmony come to life. It is a dream that the soul flies away from the body - a serious illness or death will soon overtake.

What happened to the soul in a dream:

The soul flies away in a dream

A spirit hovering nearby or separated from the body warns of trouble. Their occurrence is associated with haste and rash decisions.

If in a dream the spirit has completely disappeared, then in reality there will be regrets, worries, and frustrations. This is a sign of missed chances, opportunities that would later lead to happiness.

The soul leaves the body

The sign symbolizes ideas to which serious contributions have been made. But it may turn out that they are not important. Probably, strength and health are wasted, and the result will be minimal.

In Vanga’s dream book, the souls of people leaving the body prophesy a sad event. Soon the news will come about the death or dangerous illness of a loved one.

In a dream they want to take your soul

The vision symbolizes the suppression of impulses. In real life there are hopes and goals that you want to achieve.

The dream also means the presence of fear, limitations in action, the need for freedom and the disclosure of one’s potential.

What kind of soul did you dream about?

A black soul appeared in the vision. This situation is unfavorable. Enemies and ill-wishers will begin to actively act, disturbing the peace. In reality, you should be observant, which will help you notice and prevent danger in time.

There are several other interpretations in the sources that explain the appearance of the etheric body in a dream. According to the French dream book, spirits in hell, if a sick person dreams of them, mean a speedy healing. In the summer dream book there is an interpretation of the vision, where there is a conversation about the spirit among atheists. This means that soon there will be communication with a priest. Praying in church for the salvation of the spirit, according to the autumn dream book, is a sign that it is time to do this in reality.

A change in weather is the most common interpretation of a dream where the dead are seen alive. Especially if these are unfamiliar people who did not play a significant role in the dreamer’s life. For example, a deceased neighbor or former colleague. Also, such dreams can foreshadow changes in the dreamer’s life, but the changes are minor.

A dead man haunts a sleeping person in a dream

The memories haunt me. A person constantly mentally returns to the past. Nostalgia and melancholy do not allow one to live in peace.

The dead man comes to life before our eyes

Such a dream foreshadows pleasant events: a visit from long-awaited guests, the return of something that seemed lost forever.

Talking to the dead in a dream

Conversations with the dead can answer many questions that torment the dreamer in real life. Often you can interpret the message literally. Sometimes deceased relatives express some complaints, their dissatisfaction. For example, when a suffering mother dreamed of her dead son, she strictly ordered her not to mourn him anymore: “Mom, I’m already standing waist-deep in water from your tears.”

Sometimes the dead are silent in their sleep. The dreamer himself tries to start a conversation, but they do not make contact with him. Such a dream suggests that the deceased person who came in the dream simply has nothing to say. He wishes the dreamer all the best and came to remind him of himself.

Sitting at the same table with the dead. Such a dream can mean extremely unpleasant events: health problems or even imminent death. Especially if the dreamer’s birthday is celebrated in the company of deceased people.

The deceased is angry or sleeping - this is a dream that warns that the time has come to reconsider your behavior. There is a possibility of making a fatal mistake. The key to understanding this dream is the topic of conversation and the words spoken by the deceased.

A dead man laughs in his sleep. This means that the dreamer is on the right path. In all his endeavors he will be blessed with good fortune and luck.

Joint walks or trips with the dead symbolize the past, which will soon remind itself.

If you dream of a photograph of a deceased person, then the meaning of such a dream will be determined by the appearance of the person depicted in the photograph. If the face is kind and calm, then you should not expect trouble. If the facial expression is angry, then the personal life of the sleeper may soon be tested. Parting with a loved one, various disagreements and grievances in the family are possible.

Why else do dead people dream of being alive?

You can find the key to such dreams if you carefully listen to your inner feelings and compare them with the current situation. For example, people who have died often remind those living today of themselves in this way. Through a dream they ask to be remembered.

Often the dead come in a dream to warn the dreamer about impending changes in his fate.

Sometimes the dead come in dreams because they are thought and remembered a lot. Very often, relatives are deceased, but they don’t say anything. It’s just the subconscious realizing the desire to see a loved one again. In reality this is impossible, so dead people come alive in dreams.

Seeing your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream means getting rid of difficulties and problems.

Seeing living loved ones dead means that their life will be extended.

A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin.

Whoever sees that he has found a dead person will soon become rich.

If the deceased whom you see in a dream does something bad, then he warns you against doing it.

Seeing a single deceased means marriage, and seeing a married deceased means separation from relatives or divorce.

If the deceased whom you saw in a dream did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar.

Seeing a dead person alive in a dream and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world.

The Koran says: “No, they are alive! They find their inheritance from their Lord.” (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks to the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended.

If the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person in a dream, he will receive benefits and wealth from where he did not expect.

And if he does this with a deceased person he knows, he will acquire from him the necessary knowledge or money left behind by him.

Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with the deceased will achieve what he has long lost hope for.

Whoever sees in a dream that a dead woman has come to life and has had sexual intercourse with him will have success in all his endeavors.

Seeing a dead person silent in a dream means that he from the other world treats the person who saw this dream favorably.

Anyone who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and pleasing in life from the side from which he did not expect.

And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad act in the future.

Seeing a deceased person rich in a dream means that everything is fine with him in the next world.

Greeting a deceased person in a dream means receiving favor from Allah.

If a deceased person is naked in a dream, it means that he has not done any good deeds in life.

If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, then he will really die soon.

The blackened face of a deceased person in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah.

The Koran says: “And to those whose faces turn black, (it will be said): “Have you not renounced the faith that you accepted?” (Sura-Imran, 106).

Whoever sees that he enters the house with the deceased and does not come out will be on the verge of death, but then will be saved.

Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping in the same bed with a deceased person means longevity.

Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die in the same way as the deceased died.

Seeing a deceased person performing Namaz in a dream in the place where he usually performed it during life means that he is not doing well in the afterlife.

Seeing him performing Namaz in a different place than where he performed it during his life means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for his earthly deeds.

A dream in which the deceased is in a mosque indicates that he is deprived of torment, for a mosque in a dream means peace and security.

If in a dream a deceased person leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the lives of these people will be shortened, because in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead person.

If someone sees in a dream how in some place some previously deceased righteous people came to life, this will mean that goodness, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the residents of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go well.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

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Dream interpretation of corpses

Absolutely all people dream. Although there are people who claim that they don’t have dreams, you shouldn’t believe it, it’s just that the person who saw the dream about the night plot does not remember it.

During the night, we try to rest and gain new vital energy. Dreams can be filled with pleasant moments, neutral ones - i.e. do not evoke any special emotions, and sometimes you have nightmares when you wake up after which the dreamer cannot come to his senses for a long time.

Agree, who likes to see violence, disasters or corpses of people and animals?

But a dreamer who sees a nightmare should not be afraid of the dream, because very often an unpleasant plot can foreshadow something good and favorable in real life.

The main thing is to correctly interpret night vision; for this it is better to use a dream book. It is with the help of this publication that even the most confusing dream can be interpreted.

So what does a dream in which you see a corpse portend? Remember the dream plot you saw, perhaps you dreamed:

If you dreamed of a corpse

  • dreamed of a friend or stranger being dead;
  • corpses of children or adults;
  • several dead people;
  • in the dream the dead were alive;
  • dead bodies floated on the water;
  • kissed the dead man;
  • they lifted him up;
  • the dreamer was lying next to the corpse in his sleep;
  • the body of a dead man clung to the dreamer;
  • the sleeper discovered the dead man;
  • The dreamer in the dream performed an autopsy.

Some dream scenes may simply shock the dreamer, but it is worth remembering that the dreamed pictures are just a harmless dream. In addition, the interpretation of a dream in which a corpse was seen has a favorable meaning and foretells happiness in the dreamer’s real life.

Seeing a dead person's body

Why do you dream of seeing corpses from the outside? Expect good luck and success in all your endeavors.

Why do you dream about many corpses? A favorable period has begun in the dreamer's life. A person who has seen this dream can now take on any undertaking and still count on success. Right now you can begin to realize your cherished desires.

If in your dream a corpse came to life and moved towards you, or it even spoke to you, then this vision foreshadows a large number of vivid and emotional events in real life.

If you saw a dead body in water in a dream, then what you saw foreshadows changes in real life. They recognized a friend of theirs in the drowned man - to unexpected news. What does the night plot portend: many corpses of people floating on the water? All difficulties in your everyday life will soon disappear, life will become easier and more enjoyable.

The dream book interprets: a corpse was flying in the air - you can achieve great success without much effort.

If a living corpse rose from the coffin, it means that the person who saw this dream should not count on changes in life.

To success and career growth

Did he grimace and stick his tongue out at you? Of course, you will achieve success in life, but will it be in an honest way? Remember that using such methods will never make you happy in real life.

The corpse was lying on the table - to success in the professional field. Career advancement with a corresponding salary increase is possible.

Seeing a dead person covered in blood means that in real life you will be able to carry out your plans.

If you dreamed that the flesh of a dead person was decomposing, then it is important to note whether you smelled:

  • without the smell of decay - to unexpected profits;
  • felt an unpleasant smell - a forgotten matter will make itself felt again.

Remember whose corpse you dreamed about.


Seeing the corpse of a young girl you know in a dream means a quarrel and disappointment in her.

Dreamed of an unfamiliar woman being dead - to conflicts in the dreamer’s real life


When you dream of a man’s corpse, the dream foreshadows difficulties in the professional sphere.


Why do you dream about the dead bodies of children? In real life, the person who sees this dream will face disappointment and trouble.

The dreamer's actions in the plot of dreams

Try to remember in detail what exactly you did in the dream, because deciphering the dream directly depends on this.

The dream book interprets: raising a corpse in night vision means you will receive a new task that will be pleasant for you and also easy to complete. Also, the plot of such dreams foreshadows fun in real life.

To see someone kissing you in a dream means that you will provide selfless help to others. And you will also find out good news.

Found a dead person - to great success in your endeavors.

Did the dreamer throw the corpse into the water? A nightly plot in a dream is a warning: the work you have started will be difficult to complete and will not be crowned with success. Before it’s too late, give it up or change your strategy radically.

In a dream you were lying next to a dead person - do not get depressed, because not everything is as bad as you think. Be optimistic!

When the corpse in your dream came to life and haunted you, a white streak came in real life. All difficulties and sorrows are left behind. The dead man grabbed you - luck and happiness are your faithful companions in life. The living dead indicate your indifference, because you are not interested in anything other than money.

A dead man entered the room - a sign of great vitality and energy.

Cutting a corpse means you are overly self-critical.

If buried

Hiding the body of a deceased person in a dream means that in real life you are a rather hidden person who likes to exaggerate and deceive. To bury - the dreamer is not the master of his life; he lets everything that happens take its course.

If you had a nightmare in which you carried parts of a human body with you, then the dream indicates: you should not live in the past, let it remain where it should be, think about the future, about the prospects that open up for you.

Animal corpse

Seeing dead animals portends illness. If a person who has had this dream should undergo a medical examination in order to protect himself from an upcoming illness.

Interpretation of popular dream books

In order to correctly interpret the plot of dreams seen, it is worth comparing the results obtained in well-known dream books.

Miller's Dream Interpreter

Miller's dream book notes that dead human bodies dream of sad news.

If the deceased was dressed in black clothes, this means difficulties in life, and a quick death of your friend is also possible.

Seeing a dead man on the battlefield means conflict situations in the country.

Miller's dream book indicates that if you put coins over the eyes of a deceased person in a dream, it means you need to beware of your enemies, as they can take advantage of your powerlessness and rob you.

Put one coin - the interpretation indicates that you will be able to restore your vitality.

Miller's dream book explains that for a woman to see in a night vision how the head of a corpse fell off is a sign of intrigue directed against her.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Seeing a dead person lying and recognizing someone you know in him means a quick separation from this person.

A stranger - to a favorable period in real life.

The body decomposed in a night vision without smell - to material wealth. An unpleasant odor emanated from the body - you will be exposed.

Carrying a dead person means problems.

Modern dream book

The dead man is seen in night scenes as a sign of impending troubles.

For young people, what they see foreshadows disappointment.

Seeing a dead person lying in a coffin is a sign of failure in real life.

Dreaming of a loved one being dead means a difficult period in family relationships.

For a person in love, a dream foreshadows the betrayal of a soulmate.

A young woman dreamed that she put a coin over the eyes of a dead man - a sign that she trusted others too much.

Although nightmares seen leave unpleasant sensations, dreams with corpses, as you can see, do not always portend bad things. Depending on many details, the dream is a harbinger of happiness and good luck in real life.

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