Sending and receiving a fax. Sample format for a business letter faxes How many numbers are in a fax example

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Fax processing _ 101

Setting up the fax phone book

This feature allows you to save names and

fax recipient numbers and transmission settings.

There are two settings options: Separate And Group.

Separate: Phone book capacity - 500 fax numbers.

For numbers saved in a category Separate, provided

speed dial ( Nom. fast dial).

Group: when regularly sending one document to several

Groups are created for recipients. You can store up to 100

group dial numbers. Posts saved in category

“Group”, you can select from the list to send on the tab

Basic menu Fax. Group can be made up of

multiple entries in a category Separate.

Storing individual fax numbers

(Nom. fast emb.)

1. Select Fax > Basic > Separate.

Edit: change settings ID, Nom. fast dial And Nom.


Created: creating a new entry Nom. fast dial.

Delete: deleting the selected entry Nom. fast dial.

Search: searching for a fax number saved in the phone book

enter ID.

Compiled by: conclusion ID, Nom. fax and information about the group (if

Note: adding a dedicated fax number to the list

sending on the tab Basic.

Cancel: canceling the current task and moving to the previous one

2. Click Created.
3. Enter the recipient's name in the field ID using pop-up

keypad and the corresponding fax number in the field Nom. fax With

using the numeric keypad on the control panel.

ID: the name is indicated here.

Nom. fast dial:

Nom. fax: In this field, enter the fax number consisting

only from numbers. If necessary, provide the telephone code.

4. Click OK.

Storing group fax numbers (Number


1. Select Fax > Basic > Group.
2. Click Created.
3. Click the input area in ID gr. emb.: and enter the name using

the keyboard that appears.
Select Nom. gr. emb.: using left/right arrows.

ID gr. emb.:: Entering the group name.

Nom. gr. emb.:: this field is automatically filled in

the first free speed dial number. For appointment

another number, use the left/right arrows.

4. Click OK.

5. Select an entry from the list Speed ​​dial numbers and press

button Add.. Repeat this step until everything is

the required entries will not be entered.
Be sure to copy the highlighted list number Numbers

speed dial in the left panel, which represents

list of groups.

Setting up the fax phone book using

SyncThru™ Web Service

Store fax numbers via a network-connected computer

possible through the SyncThru™ Web Service program.



3. Click The address book > Users.
4. Click Add.
5. Enter Name, Speed ​​dial number And Fax number.
6. Click Apply.


1. Open your computer's web browser.
2. Enter the device's IP address; after that it will open

SyncThru™ Web Service application.

3. Click The address book > Group.
4. Click Add a group.
5. Enter Group name And Speed ​​dial number.
6. Add individual addresses to a fax group.
7. Click Apply.

Transfer upon request

The query function is activated when one fax

the device requests sending a document from another. She allows

transfer from the remote device even if

the sender is not there. To receive the document you must

establish a connection with a remote device and request transfer

fax In other words, the device on which the original is stored

is being questioned.

To use this feature it must be implemented

in both the sending and receiving devices.

The on-demand transfer process proceeds as follows:
1. The sender stores the original documents in the device.

2. The sender provides the recipient with an access code.
3. The recipient dials the fax number and when prompted

the corresponding request enters the access code. (See "Sending

remote fax request" on page 102.)
By pressing the button Start, the recipient accepts the stored in memory

remote device fax.

Fast means of communication, in particular fax, are now becoming increasingly widespread. It is used to transmit telefax messages (faxes).

Fax- a document received using a special device (telefax) via telephone communication channels. A fax is essentially a copy of a transmitted document. Any types of documents and attachments to them can be transmitted by fax: tables, drawings, diagrams, drawings, photographs. However, faxes in most cases are a type of business correspondence between business partners and organizations. Registration of a fax is carried out similarly to registration of a business letter, only in the details Destination instead of a postal address The city code and fax number of the recipient are indicated.

Additional data supplied by the machine (telefax) itself is:

Sender code

Date and time of transmission, as well as its duration

Fax number from which the information was sent

Number of pages transferred

If received faxes contain important information and are intended to be used for a long time, they must be copied because the fax paper of many fax machines is not durable. With expensive fax machines that use plain paper, copying is optional.

The beginning of a letter or fax may have the following address options:

Dear Igor Leonidovich!

Mister Zorin!

Igor Leonidovich!

Dear Mr. Zorin!

Dear Sirs! (used when the names of the recipients of the letter are unknown)

Then words of gratitude would be appropriate:

We were glad to receive your letter

Thank you very much for the fax dated 06/04/00

We gratefully acknowledge receipt of your letter.

Due to...

According to the contract dated... N...

In accordance with...

If the header of the response letter contains the information “link to the number and date of the incoming document,” then you should not repeat the link to the document in the body of the letter.

Depending on the subject of the letter (fax), the following phrases are used:

Sending cargo, document

We send you...

We would like to inform you...

We send you...


We remind you...

After the expiration of... the offer of our company becomes invalid


The concern... confirms receipt...

We confirm that the consignment of consumer goods has been received...


We inform you that...

We would like to inform you that...

We inform you that...

Please inform...

Please pay within... banking days...

We will be grateful if you...


We guarantee payment.

Our company guarantees the quality of products.


We are pleased to offer you...

We are sure that you will be interested...

Unfortunately, your request cannot be granted for the following reasons...

Unfortunately, we cannot satisfy your request in the near future due to...

Unfortunately, we cannot accept your offer due to...


The company reserves the right to contact... if you...

Delivery delays may result...

Unfortunately, the promises you made are not being fulfilled, so we are forced...


Please take part in...

We invite you...

We are pleased to invite you...

Letters can end with the following phrases:

We hope that our request will not be difficult for you.

We look forward to successful continuation of cooperation

We hope for your interest in expanding ties

Good afternoon, many of you know what a fax is and what it is used for, mainly for sending some documents. Currently, many people are abandoning the familiar fax machines, since it is easier and more economical to buy a multifunctional device (MFP) that combines a printer, scanner, and fax. In this article I would like to talk about an important feature, or rather about how to send a fax from an MFP to a subscriber’s internal number.

Many may think, why might you need to send a fax to an internal number? There are situations when the fax itself does not have a city number, but only an internal one. Basically, in such situations, the responsible employee transfers the call to a fax after receiving a request to accept it. The second time when you may need to send a fax to an internal number is, for example, when setting up a fax. Anyone who has done the setup understands that in this case it may be necessary to send more than a dozen faxes for everything to work as it should. And it is unlikely that it will be possible to involve third-party organizations in such operations. There is only one way out: Find a suitable service on the Internet for receiving and sending faxes, for example, rufax, register there and configure it by sending faxes to the online service.

This is where you need to enter an internal number, since your account is linked to one of them. The main number looks like this: 84952210550. After dialing it, the answering machine says enter your internal number 4 digits. But on a touchscreen multifunction printer like hp426 there are no buttons and the display becomes inactive.

In this case, here's what you should do. After entering the main phone number, you need to set a certain number of commas. One comma is 1 second of waiting after dialing the main number. We calculate the approximate time from the start of dialing to the moment the internal number is entered and enter this number of commas after the main number.

Example: after dialing the main number, the answering machine prompts you to enter an internal number. It takes 10 seconds to do everything. This means we enter a number like: 84952210550,,0001 on the MFP, and send a fax to it. Checked on Rufax.

If anyone has any questions, ask them in the comments.

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This section covers creating, sending, and receiving a fax message. Moreover, since the capabilities of Word as a text editor are wider than the built-in Outlook editor, we decided to consider creating a fax message using Word as well.

Creating a fax message using Outlook

Creating a fax message in Outlook is virtually no different from creating an email message. To create a new message just click the button Create(New) on the toolbar Standard.

In field To whom(Then) select the contact to whom this fax will be addressed. Outlook will automatically send a message to the number specified in the field Fax(Fax) for this contact. If the recipient's fax number is not listed in your contact list, you can enter the recipient's fax number using the keypad in the following format: . For example, to send a fax to 2343476, enter in the field To whom the following: .

Similar to an email message, enter the subject and body of the message. Once the message is created, use the example below to send it.

Example 14.7. Sending a fax

(In the Message form)

Fax Mail Transport Accounts


Once sent, the fax message is moved to the folder Outgoing(Outbox) and after the final procedure of sending and receiving the message, like an ordinary message, into the folder Sent(Sent Items).

Rice. 14.3. Fax message

Creating a fax message using Word

It was previously said that Microsoft Word 2002 can be an email message editor, but we will talk about this feature later in the "Outlook and Office" chapter. For fax messages, where clear and concise graphics are key, Word offers more options than Outlook. But this remark does not reduce the capabilities of the Outlook editor, but only emphasizes them. Because this example demonstrates the concept of Microsoft Office XP application integration, which allows the user, armed with the capabilities of the main Office applications, to automate and simplify their business activities. However, let's move from words to deeds.

Launch Word, create a simple document (i-document) and enter the required information into it. You can insert pictures, tables into the document, and generally completely format and edit it according to all the rules of Word. When the document is ready to submit, run the following example.

Example 14.8. Fax Wizard Word 2002

(In Word window)

File > New... -> General Templates

Letters and faxes

Fax Wizard

Next document: Document 1

Another FAX application (Figure 14.4)

Enter recipient details


Enter sender information

Rice. 14.4. Fax Wizard, step Fax Software

A few notes about the work Fax Wizard(Fax Wizard).

  • The address book.
  • The address book.

Rice. 14.5. Fax generated by Word Fax Wizard

So, the cover page for the fax message has been created. If necessary, you can change some parameters, for example, enter a note for the message, use the checkbox to set fax specifics

A few notes about the work Fax Wizard(Fax Wizard).

  • When entering information about the recipient, the sender can use the button The address book. Clicking it will bring up a dialog box of the same name, in which you can select a fax recipient for the contact. The Fax Wizard will automatically determine the fax number for the contact. Generally speaking, this data appears only on the title page.
  • Entering information about the sender is practically no different from entering information about the recipient. But in order not to enter information about yourself again each time, we recommend creating a contact for yourself and subsequently using the button The address book.
  • Just like Outlook, Word fax cover pages can be edited and the user can create their own cover pages using Word templates.

So, the cover page for the fax message has been created. If necessary, you can change some parameters, for example, enter a note to the message, use the checkbox to set the specifics of the fax (secret, urgent, for approval, etc.) - Then, making sure that the created fax message is ready to be sent, click the button send a fax(Send Fax) on the Fax Wizard toolbar.

If you will be using cover pages created by the Word Fax Wizard, it may make sense to disable adding a cover page for the fax itself. Otherwise, the recipient will receive two cover pages.

Sending and receiving a fax

Sending faxes is as easy as sending emails. When the fax message is ready to be sent, click Send/Receive on the toolbar Standard. An abstract fax will be sent, i.e. the fax will go to the folder Sent, without actually being sent to the recipient. This action indicates that the message format has been successfully converted. After a while a dialog box will appear Fax Monitor, demonstrating the procedure for dialing the recipient's number.

After automatic dialing and if the recipient's fax is ready to receive, the two fax machines will connect and the fax will begin transmitting. Procedures for dialing and sending faxes are displayed in the dialog box Fax Monitor. If necessary, the user can interrupt the fax transmission by pressing the End Fax Call.

Receiving a fax occurs based on the settings described above; in the case of automatic fax reception, no action is required from the user. Fax will automatically connect and receive the fax message, and then move it to the folder designated for storing such messages.

To view a fax, go to the specified folder and double-click to open the fax message.

When a fax is received, it is in graphic format, i.e. it is a drawing. You can look at it, rotate it, invert it, but it remains a drawing. If you need to work with a fax message as text, using, for example, Word, then the fax must be converted. Outlook and Office do not have a built-in OCR (Optical Character Recognition) editor, but there are many applications available that perform this conversion. For example, FineReader, which is a stand-alone software package. FineReader takes a fax, scans it and produces a standard text file as output.

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