Dialogues in English - samples and colloquial expressions. Dialogue about food (eating out) Dialogue in English on the topic of food

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In the following video, the dialogue is repeated twice: the first time you just listen and do not see the text, the second time you need to repeat it after the announcer, and you will see the text of the dialogue on the screen.

Text of dialogue in English

Host: Hello sir, welcome to the French Garden Restaurant. How many?
Charles: One.
Host: Right this way. Please have a seat. Your waitress will be with you in a moment.
Waitress: Hello sir, would you like to order now?
Charles: Yes please.
Waitress: What would you like to drink?
Charles: What do you have?
Waitress: We have bottled water, juice and Coke.
Charles: I’ll have a bottle of water please.
Waitress: What would you like to eat?
Charles: I’ll have a tuna fish sandwich and a bowl of vegetable soup.

Text of the dialogue with translation into Russian

Hello sir, welcome to the French Garden Restaurant. How many? — Hello, sir. Welcome to the French Garden restaurant. How many of you?
One. — One
Right this way. Please have a seat. Your waitress will be with you in a moment. — Go here. Please sit down. Your waitress will come over now.
Hello sir, would you like to order now? — Hello, sir. Would you like to order now?
Yes please. — Yes.
What would you like to drink? — What will you drink?
What do you have? — What do you have?
We have bottled water, juice and Coke. — We have bottled water, juice and cola.
I'll have a bottle of water please. — A bottle of water.
What would you like to eat? — What will you eat?
I’ll have a tuna fish sandwich and a bowl of vegetable soup. — I'll have a tuna sandwich and a bowl of vegetable soup.

In the next video, the same dialogue, only animation has been added and phrases appear at the moment they are spoken.

In English Translation into Russian
Mary: I was thinking about cooking something special tonight. What do you think about it, Pete?Mary: I'm thinking of cooking something special tonight. How do you look at this, Pete?
Peter: Sounds good. Let's do that!Peter: I'm for it! Let's do that.
Mary: How about roast turkey with potatoes?Mary: How about roast turkey and potatoes?
Peter: Potatoes are fine, but I really don’t like eating any poultry.Peter: Potatoes are good, but I don’t like poultry at all.
Mary: You seem to be a picky eater. Then, what do you like or what are you used to eat?Mary: You seem to be a picky eater. What then do you like to eat or what are you used to?
Peter: I am picky indeed. My mum always said that too. When I was a child it was hard to cook something to my taste. Things haven't changed much since then. I used to like only sweets and ice-cream. Each time we had a family meal with starters and main courses, I would simply hide somewhere not to eat it.Peter: I'm actually picky. My mom always said that too. As a child, she had a hard time pleasing my tastes. I only liked sweets and ice cream. Every time during family meals with first and second courses, I hid somewhere so as not to eat.
Mary: So, what do you mean? Do you want to say you don’t like any kind of meat?Mary: So what does that mean? Are you saying that you don't like eating meat at all?
Peter: I really don't. Gradually, I understood that being a vegetarian suits me best. I prefer fruits and vegetables. I especially like dishes from pumpkin or zucchini. Fruit salad is fine for me too.Peter: Yes, that's right. Over time, I realized that I am more of a vegetarian. I prefer fruits and vegetables. I especially like pumpkin or zucchini dishes. I also love fruit salads.
Mary: How about seasonal salads? For example, in summer I like fresh tomato and cucumber salad with onions, various herbs and seasonings.Mary: How about seasonal salads? For example, in the summer I like to eat salads of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers with onions and various seasonings.
Peter: Yes, me too. I definitely like garden-fresh salads. I don't like seasonings though.Peter: Yes, I love that too. I really like fresh salads with vegetables from the garden. I just don't like seasonings.
Mary: Oh well. Since it’s winter and I don’t have any fresh vegetables, I suggest we eat out tonight. What do you say?Mary: I see. Well, since it's winter and I don't have any fresh vegetables, I suggest we dine out today. What do you say?
Peter: Great idea! I know one good restaurant nearby, where they offer two separate menus. One is specially designed for vegetarians.Peter: Great idea! I know of a good restaurant nearby that offers two menus to choose from. One of them is compiled specifically for vegetarians.
Mary: Sounds good. Let's do that!Mary: I'm for it! Let's do that.
(Two hours later)(Two hours later)
Waiter: Good evening, madam! May I take your order?Waiter: Good evening, madam! May I record your order?
Mary: Yes. I would like pasta with grilled salmon and a portion of green salad with Italian dressing.Mary: Yes. I would like grilled salmon pasta and a side of fresh vegetable salad with Italian dressing.
Waiter: Anything to drink?
Mary: A glass of white wine, please.Mary: A glass of white wine, please.
Waiter: And you, sir? Are you ready to order?Waiter: And you, sir? Are you ready to order?
Peter: Yes. I would like a portion of zucchini soup to start with and the same salad my girlfriend has ordered.Peter: Yes. To start, I'd like a bowl of zucchini soup and the same salad as my girlfriend.
Waiter: Do you mean the green salad with Italian dressing?Waiter: You mean a salad of fresh vegetables with Italian sauce.
Peter: Yes, but only without any spices or dressings, please.Peter: Yes, but no sauce or any condiments, please.
Waiter: Anything to drink, sir?Waiter: Would you like something to drink?
Peter: A glass of mineral water, please.Peter: A glass of mineral water, please.
Mary: You seem to be a fan of healthy lifestyle.Mary: It sounds like you're a fan of healthy living.
Peter: I am indeed, but more of a healthy eating as I don’t do any sports or physical exercises.Peter: That’s right, but rather healthy food, since I don’t do sports or any kind of physical exercise.
(One hour later)(After an hour)
Waiter: Would you like to try our desserts?Waiter: Would you like to try our desserts?
Mary: With pleasure! I’d like to try a cinnamon cake with Irish cream.Mary: My pleasure! I'd like to try the cinnamon Irish cream cake.
Waiter: How about you, sir?Waiter: And you, sir?
Peter: I’ll have a fruit salad with yougurt.Peter: I'll have a fruit salad with yogurt.
(Half an hour later)(After half an hour)
Mary: What did you think of the restaurant’s cuisine?Mary: What do you think about the cuisine of this restaurant?
Peter: I really liked it. My soup was delicious. You should also try it sometimes.Peter: I really liked her. My soup
was excellent. You should try it sometime too.
Mary: Yes, I will. I've never tried zucchini dishes before. I also liked my pasta with grilled salmon. The chef must be a real professional.Mary: Yes, I'll try. I've never eaten zucchini dishes. My grilled salmon pasta was good too. The chef is definitely a professional.
Peter: The desserts were also amazing.Peter: The desserts were excellent too.
Mary: Yes, without a doubt. We should come here more often.Mary: Yes, definitely. We should come here more often.

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To consolidate lexical material and useful grammatical structures in the series of articles “Recipes in English,” we invite you to study audio dialogues in English with translation on the topic: “In the Kitchen.” Let's look at the vocabulary of the recipes we have previously studied in common everyday situations: shopping, telephone conversation (discussion of a recipe),

conversation with a waiter in a restaurant, communication while preparing dinner in the kitchen.

Audio dialogues in English. "In the kitchen". Dialogue 1.

“Caesar Inspired Salad”

- Hello, honey! I’m going to prepare something very tasty this evening. So here’s the shopping list…

- Hello dear! I'm going to cook something very tasty tonight. So here's the shopping list...

— Sounds interesting! By the way, I’m in a supermarket now. Let me guess… You adore Mediterranean food… Fish, greens, vegetables?

- Sounds interesting! By the way, I'm in the supermarket now. Let me guess, you love Mediterranean food... Fish, greens, vegetables?

- Of course, you’re right! Who knows me better than you?

- Of course you are right! Who knows me better than you?

— My favorite fish is salmon. Your unchangeable thing - healthy arugula. What else? Oh, I missed lettuce! You put on that red striped dress yesterday, so you want me to buy some red wine and tomatoes. Just a second…You’re no longer on a diet, so here is a bread loaf in my basket. But tomorrow you’ll regret about this moment of weakness. That’s why I’m buying some fat-free cheese, olive oil and avocado too…And…Um…Here are some eggs and lemons…

— My favorite fish is salmon. Your constant “weakness” is healthy arugula. What else? Oh, I missed the lettuce! You wore that red striped dress yesterday. So you want me to buy red wine and tomatoes. Wait a second... You're not on a diet anymore, so there's a loaf of bread in my basket. But tomorrow you will regret this moment of weakness, so I buy low-fat cheese, olive oil and avocado too...And...Um...Here are eggs and lemons...

- Darling, I’m speechless...Wait a minute...Is it a joke?!

- Darling, I have no words... Wait a minute... Is this a joke?!

— Relax…I took a picture of your shopping list with the cellphone in the morning. Is it still there, in the bathroom?

- Relax, I took a photo of your shopping list on my phone this morning. Is he still there? In bathroom

Audio dialogues in English. "In the kitchen". Dialogue 2.

“New Year's tongue under vegetables”

Listen to the dialogue in English:

- Hi, Julia! How are you doing today?

- Hi, Julia! How are you doing?

- Oh hi, Natalie! I'm glad to speak to you! I’m okay, thanks for asking! You must be calling to figure out the “New Year’s tongue under the vegetables” recipe, right?

- Oh, hi Natalie! Nice to talk to you! I'm doing well, thanks for your interest! You must be calling to inquire about the New Year's Tongue with Vegetables recipe, right?

- You got it! That was so delicious! My husband can’t help but annoys me that I cook it for him. So here I am! But I know the general process. I just want to get some details.

- You got it right! It was so delicious! My husband pesters me about making this dish. So I'm calling! But I know the basic process. I just want to know the details.

- No problem! Take notes!

- No problem! Write it down!

- Let me ask you first, how long should I boil a neat’s tongue?

- Let me find out first, how long should I cook beef tongue?

— It depends on its weight and hardness. It takes about three hours.

- It depends on its weight and hardness. It takes about three hours.

— Okay, the vegetables like cucumbers and onions should be pickedled, right?

- Fine. Vegetables like cucumbers and onions should be pickled, right?

- Right! It’s the same to capers and olives, of course.

- Right! Of course, capers and olives too.

— I remember there were some carrots, sweet peppers, French bean and peas. How can I make them so soft and fragrant?

— I remember there were carrots, sweet peppers, green beans and peas. How can I make them so soft and flavorful?

— There was some broccoli and cauliflower too. It's a frozen vegetable mix. Boil this mix in a little salted water then make some French dressing.

— There was broccoli and cauliflower too. This is a mixture of frozen vegetables. Boil this mixture in lightly salted water, then prepare the French dressing.

— You’ve already told me how to make it. I need some olive oil, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar, am I right?

“You already told me how to do it.” I need olive oil, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar, right?

- Absolutely! Slice a tongue, cover it with some chopped boiled and pickled vegetables then put this dish in a refrigerator for pickling for 3-4 hours. Don’t forget to beautify the dish with quail’s eggs and fresh Cherry tomato halves.

- Absolutely right! Cut the tongue into slices, cover it with finely chopped boiled and pickled vegetables and place this marinating dish in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Don't forget to decorate the dish with halves of quail eggs and cherry tomatoes.

- Thanks a lot!

- Thank you very much!

Audio dialogues in English. "In the kitchen". Dialogue 3.

“Baked Dorado fish with Italian spices and vegetable salad with shrimp”

Listen to the dialogue in English:

— Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Johns. It’s nice to see you again in our restaurant! What would you like to try today?

Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Glad to see you again in our restaurant! What would you like to try today?

- Hello, thanks a lot. As you know we’re fond of healthy food. So what can you suggest for us to try this time?

- Hello. Thank you very much! As you know, we love healthy food. So what do you recommend trying this time?

— If you order the Grilled Dorado with Italian spices you will not be disappointed. This dish is just delicious!

— If you order baked dorado fish with Italian spices, you will not be disappointed. This dish is simply amazing!

— Describe us this dish in detail, please, to make it clear.

— Describe this dish to us in detail, please, to clarify.

— It’s grilled with some capers, rosemary springs, salt, ground pepper and Italian spices. It serves with lemon slices for sprinkling before eating.

— It (fish) is baked with capers, rosemary sprigs, salt, ground pepper and Italian spices. Serve with lemon slices for drizzling before eating.

- Good! In your opinion, what is the best proper side dish for the fish?

- Fine! And what side dish is most suitable for this dish in your opinion?

— Oh, I guess that “Shrimp salad with fresh vegetables” would be the best choice!

— Oh, I guess vegetable salad with shrimp would be the best choice!

— I’ve actually heard about this salad already. Is it with some sweet peppers, Feta cheese and Chinese cabbage?

- Actually, I've already heard about this salad. Is it with sweet peppers, feta cheese and Chinese cabbage?

— Exactly! And there’s some arugula and shrimps in it.

- Exactly! There's arugula and shrimp.

— What is this salad seasoned with?

— What is this salad dressed with?

— It’s seasoned with oregano, balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

— It is seasoned with oregano, balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

— I’m about to order these two dishes. Honey, what about you?

— I'm thinking about ordering these two dishes. Darling, how about you?

Audio dialogues in English. "In the kitchen". Dialogue 4.

“Chicken in aromatic spices” and salad “In Search of Summer”

Listen to the dialogue in English:

— I’m going to make dinner, but I need some help with cooking to make it faster.

I'm going to cook dinner, but I need help preparing it to make it faster.

– Ok, what am I supposed to do?’

Okay, what should I do?

I start making a chicken and you bring the ingredients. Give me the soy sauce bottle and a salt-cellar...Thanks. Take some cabbage, sweet peppers, boiled shrimps, kefir and basil from the refrigerator for the salad.

I start cooking the chicken and you bring the ingredients. Give me a bottle of soy sauce and a salt shaker...Thank you. Take cabbage, sweet peppers, boiled shrimp, kefir and basil from the refrigerator for the salad.

- Done! I’ve seen some Feta cheese in a refrigerator. Do you need it too?

Eat! I saw feta cheese in the refrigerator. Do you need it too?

- Yes, I forgot about it! Thanks for noticing!

Yes, I forgot about him! Thanks for noticing!

Cut all the ingredients for the salad, please.

Chop all the ingredients for the salad, please.

Why are you frying some garlic in olive oil?

Why are you sautéing garlic in olive oil?

— For the salad dressing. Pass me the Italian spices and the ground pepper mix.

For salad dressing. Give me the Italian spices and ground pepper mixture.

Here you go! And what about the chicken?

Here! So what about chicken?

— Frankly, I’ve forgotten the list of spices for it. I remember there was some paprika, dried ground garlic, basil, cumin and ground nutmeg. But what about the others?!

Honestly, I forgot the list of spices for her. I remember paprika, dried ground garlic, basil, cumin and ground nutmeg. But what about the rest?!

Let's check our spices! Curry, shredded coriander, dried ground onions, red hot ground peppers..?

- Let's check our spices! Curry, crushed coriander, dried ground onions, ground red hot pepper...

- Grab them all!

Grab it all!

Mum...Here is the spice mix with everything spoken...But, in addition, - dried ground onions, tomatoes’ powder, ground ginger and tamarind...

Mom...There's a spice blend here with all the ingredients we've discussed. But in addition - dried ground onions, tomato powder, ground ginger and tamarind...

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All About Food
All about food

I was thinking of cooking dinner tonight
I was thinking about preparing dinner tonight

Any ideas?
What ideas?

What about roast chicken?
How about fried chicken?

Or beef stew?
Or beef stew?

I could go for roast chicken
I prefer fried chicken

Do we need to get anything?
Do we need anything?

I’m making a shopping list right now
I'm making a shopping list right now

What kind of vegetables would you like?
What vegetables would you like?

How about cabbage and potatoes?
How about cabbage and potatoes?

Sounds good
It sounds good

In that case, let's get a whole chicken
In that case, give me a whole chicken.

some cabbage, and a bag of potatoes
some cabbage and a bag of potatoes

And what about dessert?
What about dessert?

Why don’t we have hot fudge sundaes?
Why take our ice cream?

Mmm – sounds delicious
Mmm - sounds delicious

I don't have much cash left
I don't have much cash left

I'll have to stop by the bank
I should stop at the bank

before I go to the supermarket
before going to the supermarket

It might take me a while
It can take some time

Take your time
Take your time


I'd like a ham sandwich, please
I'd like a ham sandwich please

What kind of bread?
What kind of bread?

Whole wheat

Mustard or mayonnaise?
Mustard or mayonnaise?

A little mayonnaise, please
Some mayonnaise please

Lettuce and tomato?
Lettuce and tomato?

Yes, please
Yes please

And now about some cheese?
What about cheese?

I'll take some Swiss, please
I'll take some Swiss please

That's ham on whole wheat with Swiss
This is ham on wheat bread with Swiss

lettuce and tomato, and a little mayonnaise?
lettuce and tomatoes and a little mayonnaise?

That's right
It's right


A visitor in a new restaurant asks the waiter in disappointment: “Tell me, my dear, do you have anything else?” “Well, of course,” he replies, “I have chicken, ham, Swiss cheese in the refrigerator at home...”

I hope that the client did not leave hungry. Well, this is his story, but here is ours - find out more names of products and listen to their sounds in the topic about food - audio English for beginners. I hope in the evening your dinner will be no worse than what our foreign friends ordered. Bon appetit! A little more:

The new Russian, having been abroad and just returned, while having dinner in a restaurant, decided to surprise his friends at the table. With an important look, he asked the waiter if they had Dor Blue cheese. Having politely asked the client again and learned that it was cheese with bluish mold, the waiter answered with dignity that they do not have Dor Blue cheese, but they do have Dor Blue herring and semi-smoked Dor Blue sausage...

Friends, I hope that the following conversations about food, with the topic - listening to English dialogues - will further expand your vocabulary about food. Don't forget to subscribe to new audio topics and share information with your friends on social networks. Good luck!

Listen to English dialogues

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11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Dialogue. Food.

Boris: I`m staying in England only for a week and don`t know anything about traditional English meals.

James: For breakfast the English people usually eat eggs, bacon and sausages. At this time they always drink a cup of tea.

Boris: And then they have lunch. What do they usually eat for lunch?

James: The English lunch consists mostly of two courses: a main course and a dessert. The main course includes fish or meat with various vegetables. At five o'clock in the afternoon the English people have tea with cakes.

Boris: And what about the English supper?

James: The situation with supper is interesting here. Some English people have their last meal at about eight o`clock in the evening. They usually call this rather big meal dinner. And some English people have a small last meal. In this case they call it supper.

Boris: It is very unusual for me.

James: Let`s study our menu. It`s time to make an order.

Boris: The names of some dishes on the menu are new for me. I don`t understand what I will get. Could you recommend me what to order tonight?

James: Mushroom soup is always very good here.

Boris: Excuse me, but I don`t eat soup so lately. I would like a traditional English dish.

James: Roast-beef with cauliflower, green salad and fried potatoes must be delicious.

Boris: Fine, it sounds very well. And what are you going to order?

James: I`m really hungry. I order vegetable soup with meat balls, a well-done steak with mashed potatoes, green salad and black Spanish olives. And we take this red wine. Some cheese for you?

Boris: No, thank you. I would like to finish with black coffee without any dessert.

James: And I`ll have some ice-cream.

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