Elder Porfiry Kavsokalivit: "Life and Words". about education

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“Medicine, my child, means poison. Do not think that medicines are always beneficial. They are still harmful. Why do we take medicine? Because we are sick. Why are we sick? Because we're nervous. Why are we nervous? Because we sin. But if we allow Christ to dwell in our soul, then sin runs away, nervousness runs away, sickness runs away, and we throw away medicines.

…Maybe the idea that a cancerous tumor … is stronger than God was born in your head? If so, then you are making a big mistake. There is nothing greater than our Lord. He, and He alone, is above everything! And everything depends on Him!

…Do you know what to do when you are sick? You need to ask God to forgive you your sins. And God, since you, being full of suffering, will turn to Him with humility, will forgive your sins and heal your body ...

The cure for cancer is very simple. Doctors use it daily, it is constantly at their fingertips… But God does not reveal this remedy to them, because Paradise has been filled lately as a result of cancer!”

Elder Porfiry Kavsokalivit

Rev. Porfiry Kavsokalivit (1906-1991)

Mental and bodily ailments

The elder always, no matter how serious a person’s bodily illness, first of all paid attention to the illness of his soul. Many of the sick who came to Father Porfiry persistently asked him to pray only for deliverance from their bodily illness. They did not have the patience to endure their infirmities. These people believed that if they did not get well and the disease took on a protracted character, then this would shake their faith in Christ and, in the end, lead them to mental breakdown. But, according to the Elder, everything was the other way around: sin, an unrecognized illness of the soul, darkened their eyes, and they did not notice the highest enlightening significance of their bodily illness, which the love of God allowed them. The elder knew that if he prayed only for their bodily health, he would not help them, because fundamentally they would remain unhealed. He always tried to combine the treatment of the body with the treatment of the soul.

One Christian psychiatrist, speaking at a religious meeting, said: “As a psychiatrist, I am not a doctor of the soul of a person, but of his nervous system. I'll explain in more detail. A mentally ill person is only an unrepentant sinner, because the soul becomes ill only when a person commits sins and does not repent. Christ alone is the physician of human souls. But by the grace of God even the saints have the knowledge of the soul. They know both their own soul and the souls of others. A person who has not attained holiness, a passionate person who does not have knowledge of his own soul or the souls of other people, can he be a doctor of souls? Christ and, by the grace of Christ, His saints, who are capable of the most difficult - the healing of the soul, can cope with a much more "easy" task and heal the body if its health benefits the soul.

Bodily infirmities serve the inexpressible providence of God's love. Here it is appropriate to recall the primitive common people's opinion that illness is God's punishment for sins, and health is a reward for virtues. But in reality it may be quite the opposite. Thus, very many saints are aggravated by many bodily ailments, and many people who live in sin and are far from repentance never get sick. Of course, no one denies that a soul broken by sinful passions is a fertile ground for the development of many bodily ailments. And vice versa, a pacified soul, filled with Divine compunction, creates the necessary prerequisites, both for its own healing and for healing the body. However, in the final analysis, the health of every person, which, like a wave of the sea, either comes or goes, serves the pedagogical purposes of God, hidden from us, but revealed to His saints.

Medicines. Christ. Doctors

The elder did not reject medicines, but he did not give them the first place in the treatment of the sick. One day he asked me, "What is medicine?" I replied, "Some kind of chemical compound that we take to get well." My answer did not satisfy him. “Tell me what is the cure? Does the word itself mean nothing to you?” I couldn't find anything to say to him. Then the Elder continued: “Medicine, my child, means poison. Do not think that medicines are always beneficial. They are still harmful. Why do we take medicine? Because we are sick. Why are we sick? Because we're nervous. Why are we nervous? Because we sin. But if we allow Christ to dwell in our soul, then sin runs away, nervousness runs away, sickness runs away, and we throw away medicines.”

Such an opinion of the Elder seemed to me unusually simple and useful. Father Porfiry, like a spiritual "storm", gradually reached the innermost depths, finding out the causes of our illnesses, disorders, sins, the absence of Christ in our souls. Thanks to him, I began to better understand the meaning of the words of the Apostle Paul, spoken about those who received Christ into their souls: We are oppressed from everywhere, but not constrained.

During one of our meetings, the Elder told me: “When we are overcome by illness, in order to avoid mistakes, we must listen to the recommendations of doctors and behave reasonably. But above all, we must follow the will of God and have full confidence in His love.” The Elder always knew how to balance and harmonize the lofty spiritual task set before man and his bodily needs.

Jealousy and cancer

The Elder said to one sister: “Women who are jealous of their husbands very often get cancer. For this reason, even the wives of priests fall ill. All diseases are caused by irritability and nervousness.. They provoke the formation of even kidney stones.

Sin brings disorder into the functioning of the human body

– Geronda, I often take medicine. And as far as I know, you don't even drink coffee.

“I already told you about it. When a Christian surrenders himself to the Lord with complete trust, He sends down peace and tranquility into the body of a person, into his insides. As a result, the internal organs and glands begin to function normally, and we, freeing ourselves from what previously bothered us, regain health.

Sin, irritability and selfishness lead either to excessive activity or to a decrease in the intensity of the body's work, which results in the appearance of diseases. The body itself knows the correct middle path and strives for peace and quiet. For example, when I had an ulcer, the doctor gave me one medicine, it was called Zantac. As soon as I took it, the pain immediately subsided. “That's how! I said to myself. - This is not good. So this medicine somewhere else will harm the body.” And I didn’t take it anymore, preferring to endure the pain better.

The elder once asked me about our mutual friend. I answered:

– Geronda, at night he has insomnia, and in order to fall asleep, he is forced to take sometimes Stedon, and sometimes Tgapkhep.

“Tell him,” said the Elder, “let him come here, to me, or let him call on the phone.

Our life depends on ourselves

Once the Elder began to talk about our life. I was also lucky to hear his words. This is what he said: “Our life depends on ourselves. What do we want from her? How we want, so we can live. In order to fulfill our desires, there are no difficulties and obstacles. But they ... may not have any excuses. We must live according to God, and this is within our power. Fasting is the right way of life. This post doesn't hurt anyone... There is no harm from it. I know very well that no one has ever gotten sick from fasting.».

A person becomes ill when he begins to fight with people and circumstances. Everything that the Elder told us, he confirmed with his own life.

Diseases from demons

I was in the cell of the Elder in Kallisia. We talked about illnesses, and Father Porfiry told me that the cause of disease can be both sin and satanic influence. To help me understand this better, he told me the following story: “One day a woman came to me in complete despair. She was literally dying of grief. The reason for this was her husband, who, according to her, suffered from asthma. She felt sorry for him, but she could do nothing to help him and suffered greatly from this. But I saw it all in a different light and told her: "I will help you if you agree to do what I tell you." “I will do whatever you tell me,” she replied. Then I say: “So, go back to your home. You will enter through the front door and go into the room where your sick husband lies. Stay with him for a while and see what he does. Then get up and tell him, "I want to go to the market for a while to buy something." However, do not go to the market, go out through the front porch, go around the house and go through the back door to the kitchen. It's next to your husband's room. But be careful that he doesn't find you. Sit there for about an hour and listen to what your spouse will do. Then go around the house again and go straight to his room. Again pay attention to what he will do when he sees you.

The woman did as I told her. The next day she came to see me again. "Well?" I asked her. “As soon as I went through the front door,” the woman said, “and entered my husband’s room, he began to cough violently, spit on the floor and complain that I don’t love him, I don’t regret it at all and leave him alone, alone with his illness . Then I told him that I would go to the market for an hour. A new attack of coughing and new complaints began. Walking around the house, going to the kitchen and listening, I found that my husband's room was completely silent. An hour passed, and I again went to him. As soon as I opened the door and he saw me, a new attack of coughing and complaints began that for an hour, while I was gone, he could not cope with the cough, called for help and almost died, abandoned by everyone.

"Now do you understand what's going on?" I asked her. “I’m all confused,” she replied, “I don’t know what to think.” “Now I’ll explain everything,” I said. “Your husband has a demon. I saw it when you came to me yesterday. The devil brought asthma to your husband in order to deal with you with its help. Being a very sensitive and easily hurt person, you, seeing his suffering and hearing his complaints that you didn’t seem to worry about him at all, because of your experiences, completely withered. However, your husband does not look at all worried. He coughs, spits and complains only when you are near him, because this blow is directed at you. As soon as you leave, he calms down.

The woman looked at me with all her eyes, and slowly the meaning of what was happening began to reach her consciousness. I told her how to fight the enemy and what needs to be done so that both she and her husband can get rid of the demon. The woman listened to me, and now life in her family has become better.

I was deeply impressed, on the one hand, by the misanthropic cunning of the enemy, and, on the other, by the extraordinary insight of the Elder and the success of his treatment. To my question “Geronda, was this asthma not real, fictitious?” he replied: “No, it was real, ordinary asthma, but the devil was the cause of it. He used her as a weapon to kill a poor woman."

Sickness is God's Visitation

As for himself, the Elder prayed only for the salvation of his soul. And nothing else. Even when he was seriously ill, when numerous, incurable, painful illnesses that had exhausted his body for years put the Elder on the fine line between life and death, even then he did not deviate from his rule. He never prayed to God for the healing of his own ailments. Because, as Father Porfiry himself said, illness is God's visitation. And woe to that person whom God will not visit. He is now lost to God. Healthy and wealthy are far from the doors of Paradise. Both the rich and the healthy alike are in danger of never getting in—to remain outside the bridal chamber.

However, what the Elder himself never did for himself, he asked and expected from us, his spiritual children. “Pray for me,” he said, “because I am very sinful and alone, being burdened with so many illnesses, I am not able to bear all the burden of my iniquities. Ask God to look upon me and support me.” Once I found the Elder seriously ill. He did not have the strength not only to greet me, but even simply to wipe off the sweat that appeared on his forehead from severe pain. I was forced to tell him:

- You, Geronda, have performed such a great many miracles. As far as I know, you have healed the terminally ill, even cancer patients. Finally, you have such boldness towards God that I don't know if anyone else on earth has. Why don't you, with your boldness, pray to God to save you from these diseases?

“That, my child, I will never do!”

- But why? You don't ask God for anything bad, do you?

Because I don't want to force God!

His answer startled me, disarmed me, and silenced me. During these difficult hours, I remained close to the Elder and watched how he fought the disease - silently and with complete calm.

It should be noted that during this ordeal I did not hear from his lips a single word of discontent, indignation, complaint. He did not talk about his illness, did not express the slightest annoyance at such a difficult test that the God-Man Jesus allowed him. On the contrary, countless times I heard the Elder utter his two most beloved words: “My Jesus! My Jesus! My Jesus!"

Love for the Elder, sorrow and pain tore my heart. During these difficult hours, it was more than obvious to all of us that The elder is trying to beg the Lord not to save him from pain and illness, but to strengthen him, give him the strength to bear them.. And he succeeded. It should be noted that the Elder always acted in such situations in exactly the same way as this time. His prayer for help was always answered.

In general, it must be said that the Elder had prayer as a means to solve all problems. A long, diligent prayer, which he bequeathed to us, his spiritual children.

Illness becomes a real boon

Elder Porfiry considered sickness to be a great blessing from God. As you know, he himself was a very sick person. God allowed the blessed Elder to be tested with many ailments. Most of all, Father Porfiry suffered from terrible headaches, causing fainting states, when he could no longer communicate with people. However, more than once, when it was urgently needed, the Elder, even being close to fainting from pain, continued, by the grace of God, to talk and give his advice to people. He neglected his illness and cared only for the prosperity and salvation of others. Through the prism of weakness and pain, Father Porfiry saw the manifestation of God in man. When a person suffers, he clearly feels his weakness. He cannot find support for himself in himself, because his strength has left him. But he strives to overcome these difficulties and surrenders himself to God's love and philanthropy. Communion with God through unceasing prayer, giving one's life into the hands of God's providence gives a person's being a real power that comes from God and leads to salvation. That is, to unity with God and the communion of the life of the Trinity Deity.

When we asked the Elder how he felt, he answered us. Experiencing such a difficult test, he found the strength in himself to reveal to us the great truth: “God loves us immeasurably and wants us to become for Him
ours, so that we give ourselves wholly to Him.” “Let us commit our whole life to Christ our God.” It is easier for a sick person to surrender himself into the hands of God, because illness takes away our confidence in our own strength. And then our illness becomes a real boon for us. Therefore, the Elder said: “Do not ask God to get well. He knows what is good for you and acts according to His infinite love that He has for man.”

One girl, the spiritual child of the Elder, on the day when Father Porfiry had a cataract operation on his eye, took other girls with her, and they went into the forest. There, shedding streams of tears, the girls prayed for the healing of their Elder. After some time, Father Porfiry invited this girl to him and asked: “Why are you gathering sisters and you are crying for me in the forest?” “Because, Geronda,” she answered, “we want you to be healed.” And what did the Elder answer her? " Pray for me to be good, not for me to be well", - he said.

Hieromonk Andrei, a dermatologist, who shortly before his death took monastic vows on the Holy Mountain, when he was a cleric of the church of St. George in the town of Nea Palatia in Oropos, often visited the Elder. Once, as a dermatologist, he asked Father Porfiry for permission to look at his hand. On the right hand of the Elder, in addition to the rest of his illnesses, the skin was damaged, so at one time he even wrapped this hand with bandages. I relate this incident as Father Andrei himself told it to me.

The elder let him examine his hand. After that, Father Andrei bought an ointment and brought it to Father Porfiry. “Use this cream, Geronda,” he said, “and in a few days your hand will be completely healthy.” “Father Andrei,” replied the Elder, “this inflammation on my hand was allowed by God. And now you've come to take from me what God has given me." Having said this, Father Porfiry refused to take the ointment.

I'm sick but I'm happy

– Where does it hurt you, Geronda?

– What should I do, Geronda, to find joy in life?

– Read the Holy Scriptures, go to church, have a confessor, partake of the Holy Mysteries – in a word, be a good Christian. Then you will find the joy you seek. You see that I'm sick now, but I'm happy. Likewise, when you draw a little closer to Christ, you will find joy in your life.

Prayer and sickness

“Pray not for God to deliver you from your various illnesses,” the Elder once told me, “but for you to be at peace through mental prayer, being patient. It will be of great benefit to you."

“Do not ask God to relieve your suffering from various diseases, do not force Him to do this in your prayers. But with unfailing fortitude and patience endure your ailments, and you will see what benefit you will get from it.

Prayers for the success of the operation

One of our good friends, a very pious woman, became very ill. When she was told that an operation was needed, she began to submit notes to priests, monks and monasteries to pray for her. When we asked the Elder to pray for the sick woman, he said: “Oh! How many prayers for her healing, as I see, go up to God!” Through the prayers of the Church, the operation was successful, and this woman recovered.

I made the sign of the cross over her and she was healed

Father Porfiry said:

“Once a nun came to me. Noticing a tumor the size of a walnut on her arm, I said to her:

- Let me show you to the professor (then I served in the church at the clinic).

“I came here not to show myself to the professor, but to see you, Geronda,” she answered.

I blessed her, crossed her hand and sent her back to the monastery. The tumor soon dissipated.

During the confession of one woman, it was revealed to my spiritual eyes that she had breast cancer.

– Are you healthy? I ask her. - You have something.

Yes, Geronda. But I'm embarrassed to talk about my illness.

“Go now to such and such an office, it’s nearby, to such and such a doctor, and ask him on my behalf to examine you, and then come back and tell me about the results.

When she returned, she said that she had indeed been diagnosed with a cancerous tumor. Doctors sent this woman for examination, and three days later she had to go to the operation.

Then I knelt down, told her to stand beside me too, and ordered me to say a prayer to myself. I also began to pray to myself. Then, having made the sign of the cross over this woman, I, in accordance with the recommendations of the doctors, sent her for examination.

When she came in for surgery three days later, she was perfectly healthy. The tumor disappeared without a trace.

The doctor, not himself, comes down to my temple and says:

- Geronda, what did you do to this woman that she became completely healthy? If three days ago I had not seen this tumor with my own eyes and felt it with my own hands, I would never have believed that she had it.

“My eyes see a lot,” the Elder finished. - Lots of miracles. The grace of God works according to the faith of people.

Believe that miracles happen in our time. Because Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

I will pray for you and you will get better

- I was waiting for you! You did not believe not only my words and assurances, but even my prayers. Well, what will you do with you, blessed child? You interrupted your vacation, which you need so much, and came in a hurry to see me? Are you saying that my prayers didn't reach you and that's why you came here?

With these words, the Elder met one student, wishing in this way to show his displeasure at the fact that she was so unfaithful. Then he said:

“Well, now tell me what the doctors who conducted the examination told you?”

- The same thing that you said, Geronda. The thing is bad! It's cancer! “Here she burst into tears.

- Why are you crying? Where is your faith in God? You even forgot what I told you on the phone. Or maybe the idea that a cancerous tumor ... is stronger than God was born in your head? If so, then you are making a big mistake. There is nothing greater than our Lord. He, and He alone, is above everything! And everything depends on Him! So, enough tears. I want to see my children not sad and unhappy, but joyful and happy. Well, let me, as promised, read you a prayer, and then you will see how quickly your health will improve.

And so it happened. Father Porfiry began to read a prayer, which took quite a long time, at the same time overshadowing the site of the tumor with a cross. The elder applied the cross to the sore spot with such force that it left visible imprints on the skin. His faith was so strong that the result was bound to be positive.

At the end of the prayer, Father Porfiry received a notice from God. His holy countenance shone with joy. His request was heard. The great God, in whom he believed so strongly, whom he worshiped and whom he served with such selflessness for more than one decade, took heed of his fervent prayer and performed a great miracle. The disease was defeated.

In an instant, the patient became healthy. The elder looked into her eyes and immediately noticed a change in them. Instead of tears, joy lit up in them. Hope has taken the place of despair. Gloom gave way to a smile, illness to health, and, finally, death to life! Indeed, how beautiful are the fruits of faith.

- And what happened to the tumor, which was already the size of an egg? I dared to ask when the story was over.

- And what do you think?

- I asked you...

- I'm asking you.

- What do you want? She almost disappeared, disappeared, vanished. She went back to where she came from ... After a few days, it was impossible to even understand where she was. Do you know who our God is? Who is he?

- He who created everything and changes everything according to His will.

- Right! This is true. My blessing be with you.

I was very sick. It was wonderful

The elder revealed to us the mysteries of God not only in his conversations. The example of his life was for us also a vivid revelation of the Divine Mysteries. There is no doubt that the strength of the Lord is perfected in weakness. In the bodily ailments of Father Porfiry, the wondrous deeds of God were revealed and His Name was glorified. By patiently enduring his illnesses, the Elder confounded the devil and became faithful to God to death, without pursuing any selfish goals, but only out of love for Him. In this he imitated Job, who was blameless, just, and God-fearing and shunned evil. The elder laughed at the boastful speeches of Satan and once again showed his great love for God, which never ceases. God allowed the devil to tempt Father Porfiry with bodily ailments, and he accepted this test with the selflessness of a loving child. His selflessness helps us to understand a little bit the words he said - an expression of his amazing experience: “ I was very sick. I suffered greatly. It was wonderful».

The elder did not just want to get sick - to be smitten with suffering and feel painful self-pity from his defeat. On the contrary, he heroically endured every satanic wound, defeating it with the power of Christ, in order, like the holy martyrs, to soar above the tormented body even more mentally healthy.

« From many of my sins …»

Once Father Porfiry said to me:

“When I was young, I asked God to give me cancer so that I could suffer for the love of Him. One winter, the elders sent me for snails. It was snowing and I spent four hours collecting these snails. Wet, cold as ice, the bag with them hung over my shoulders. So I got pleurisy. We had neither good food nor medicine in our cell. I am all dried up, only skin and bones remain, and I tell the elders that this is how I will die. Soon my brother came from far away. He put a pull-out patch on my back, you know what that is?

- No, I do not know.

- It's a square piece of skin, it is glued to the back in the place where there are accumulations of fluid. This patch absorbs all the fluid from pleurisy and swells like a sponge.

A week later, this patch was cut off with scissors along the edges along with the skin. My suffering was terrible… From pain I sang: “From many of my sins…”

Then a wax-based plaster was applied to the wound. This patch collected pus and was often changed. Each change brings new suffering.

Since I was in need of enhanced nutrition, the elders sent me to Athens for a month. After recovering, I returned immediately. But soon he fell ill again. Then I went to Athens for two months. Shortly after I came back healthy, the disease knocked me down again. In the end, the elders, after consulting, decided to finally send me out of the cell. Shedding streams of tears, I said goodbye to them. The second novice of the elders accompanied me to the ship. We both cried all the time.

“Father,” I told him, “don’t cry, I will return.”

“My child,” he said to me in turn, “do not cry, the Most Holy Theotokos will bring you back.”

If you have such a faith, then you do not need doctors

Once we asked Father Porfiry: “Often people are healed even from incurable diseases. How does this happen?" And he answered: "By faith." We asked again: “What does it mean by faith?” The elder told us: “When a sick person neglects the medical knowledge of doctors and puts everything on God, then he induces the providence of God to take care of his healing. And thus, he recovers. Once a woman came to me who had breast cancer and said: “I will not turn to anyone, neither to doctors, nor to anyone else. God's will be done." Then I answered her: “If you have such faith in God, then you don’t need doctors.”

Cancer tumor of the Elder and his holy patience

When, after the examination, the doctors told me that I had cancer, I was delighted and said: “Glory to You, God. So many years have passed, and You have not forgotten my request.” I have a tumor right here in the pituitary gland. It grows and presses on the optical center. So my eyesight began to deteriorate.

With one eye I see a little light, and with the other I see people, but I can no longer make out faces, I see only silhouettes. My tongue has become somewhat thicker and longer, so that it already interferes with my mouth, and my voice has changed. The pains are terrible. Then I arm myself with patience and begin to pray. But with very severe pain, even praying becomes impossible. However, I do not grumble or complain.

- Geronda, take some painkillers, then you will feel better.

“I don’t take painkillers, but I tell myself what you have already heard: “Does Christ not know that I am in pain? Knows." So, with patience I bear the Cross of Christ. What do you think about that? I told you everything. Maybe some people think I'm crazy? I like this madness, but I do not oblige you to do the same as me. You do as you see fit, as you can. And for myself, I chose this path ... I love you, my child, do you know that?

Yes, Geronda, I know. And I love you and ask God to have mercy on me with your holy prayers.

– In my illness, I ask God to have mercy on me and forgive my sins. When a person reaches the state that he had before the fall, then God does not allow him to get sick. When God wants, He can make us healthy in an instant. But it's not easy. And only those who can accommodate understand this.

I don't ask God for healing

“Now my legs have begun to take away, they no longer hold me. I can only move a little here in the cell. I also began to forget everything, my memory worsened. But I do not ask God to heal me, but only that He forgive me my sins.

Often I think of you and pray the Jesus Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me” for you too. Call me more often."

Sincerely submit your illness to the will of God

During one of our meetings, the Elder told me: “Do you know what to do when you are sick? You need to ask God to forgive you your sins. And God, since you, being full of suffering, will turn to Him with humility, will forgive your sins and heal your body too. But be careful: never pray with a second thought, do not say: "My God, forgive me my sins," while your mind is completely occupied with your bodily ailment. Such a prayer will not work. When you get up for prayer, forget about your bodily weakness, accept it as a penance imposed for the remission of your sins. And don't worry about what's next. Leave it to God, He knows what He's doing."

So simply, the Elder explained to me that the illness of the body is a consequence of the illness of the soul, that is, the consequence of my sins. The forgiveness of sins received by God as a result of humble prayer brings healing to the soul, and over time, when God is pleased, the body is also healed. The elder emphasized that we should pray simply, without any ulterior motives. In prayer, you need to ask only for the remission of sins. Because in order to heal a disease, only one thing needs to be done - to eliminate its cause.

Prayer that is not performed in simplicity, when the sick person asks for the forgiveness of sins only in order to receive only bodily health, is ineffectual due to the greedy intention of the sick person.

According to Father Porfiry, Christ, responding to the humble petition of the ailing person for the remission of sins, to his selfless faith in His great mercy, at first does the more difficult, and then, when He himself considers it necessary, moves on to the easier. First, God heals the root - the disease of the soul, sin; and then the branches - the disease of the body.

Pain makes us better

Once Father Porfiry told me: “Thanks to illnesses, when we endure them meekly, asking God to forgive our sins and glorifying His name, we become better.”

Paradise filled with cancer

During a conversation with his spiritual children, the Elder said:

“The cure for cancer is very simple. Doctors use it daily, they always have it at hand, as I, by the grace of God, know. But God does not reveal this remedy to them, because Paradise has been filled lately as a result of cancer!

Diseases became for him a field for the acquisition of virtues.

God, according to His inexplicable providence, united the salvation of the Elder and thousands of his spiritual children with his illnesses and the need for their healing. Over the years, the ailments of Father Porfiry multiplied and became for him a field for the acquisition of virtues. One day, going to the Elder and seeing that he was very unwell, full of pity, I asked him:

– Are you sick, Geronda?

- Yes very much.

- Where does it hurt?

– What do you have, Geronda?

It's easier to say what I don't have! So many diseases that I don't even know what I have. My life is hanging by a thread.

But this hair was held by God and for decades did not allow it to break. And He did this not so much for the Elder, because he was always ready to leave this world, but for us. But we, due to our negligence, were strangers to worthy preparation for eternity. We needed Father Porfiry, and he knew it. Therefore, the Elder prayed to stay with us here on earth for a while. Hundreds of his spiritual children also prayed for this. The sisters of the monastery, sparing no effort, day and night showed their concern for Father Porfiry. One day he said: Many times I went to heaven, but your prayers brought me back". It was a life-and-death struggle during kidney surgery, during a severe myocardial infarction, and during an unsuccessful cataract operation ...

When the Elder had a cataract, the doctors practically abandoned him. The patient, as a result of the fact that for many days he remained without food, gastric bleeding began. His long-suffering body turned into a skeleton covered in leather. It was dangerous for the patient to lie down, and the Elder, who was in terrible pain, was kept upright, as if he had been crucified.

Test of patience

For several months I did not see the Elder, and finally I came to him again. His health was slowly improving. He told me, "Now I have to be very careful, because this nasty disease may someday kill me." But he immediately corrected himself: “Although there are no bad diseases, because God allows all diseases.”

At the end of our conversation, the Elder said: “This illness has made me very tired. For so many months I have not left this room, but I really want to get out of the city, into nature. Pray for me". These words of his seemed to me somehow childish, some kind of slight complaint and regret, which are forgiven even by saints.

Some time after his recovery, Father Porfiry said: “That evening, when I had a heart attack, I could not stand the abundance of light.”

Medicines will make him well

When the patient’s health, after numerous prayers for him by his loved ones, did not improve, and he continued his treatment, taking the medicines prescribed for him by the doctors, the Elder said: “Pills, my child, will make this person healthy, because God wants it so.”

When Medicines Don't Help

“How does a doctor start treating? First he prays, calling for God's help, and only then he gives medicine.

You should also know this: when medicines do not help, it means that it is not the body that is sick, but the soul. And the healing of the soul, we can find only in Christ. Do you understand? Only Christ heals our soul.”

Postpone the operation

One day I went to my doctor to consult with him about my old illness. He advised me to have another re-examination in a year, and then go for surgery. I went to the Elder and excitedly told him about the doctor's advice.

After listening to me, he said: “Now everything is clear. And for so many days I wondered: what is it that torments me so much? “Father Porfiry again took the burden of my illness on his shoulders,” I thought. He then asked, "Have you already had surgery?" I answered no. Then Father Porfiry says: “Why do you need this operation? You know, it often happens that complications arise after surgery. I would advise you to refuse the operation and take this disease as a sting in the flesh.

Deciding to obey the Elder, a year later, as agreed, I went to the doctor for an examination. After the examination, the doctor said: “Your condition has not changed, the disease is not progressing. I would suggest that you take your time with the operation. Postpone it as long as possible. Come see me again in a year." I thought that the doctor's decision mysteriously echoed the Elder's blessing. Without saying a word to the doctor about these thoughts of mine, I left with the firm intention not to come here again. Therefore, a year later, I did not appear for another examination. One day, at a parish meeting, I happened to meet my doctor. He told me that the operation was no longer needed, because a drug had recently been developed in America that could completely cure my illness, and that this drug would soon appear in Greek pharmacies. I remembered the Elder and, not being able to see him, mentally thanked him. Father Porfiry was already in the heavenly villages.

Trust in God and you will be saved

When the Elder, after another illness, began to restore his strength and began to receive visitors, I went to see him. The words of Father Porfiry, spoken in a low, weak voice, amazed me: “When I was young,” he said, “I prayed to God that if He ever allowed me to get sick, this
the disease was cancer. You know, cancer is the best of all diseases. You do not take other diseases seriously, you hope that you will recover soon, and therefore you usually do not change at all internally. However, when you know you have cancer, then you say to yourself, “That's it. Here is the end. You don't have to deceive yourself. Now I'm leaving." People cannot help you, you stand alone before God. Your only hope is in Him. You grab onto that hope and save yourself. After my failed eye surgery and after taking huge doses of cortisone, I felt like an explosion in my head. It felt like my skull had been torn into small pieces. The pain was terrible. I thought God heard my old petition and it's cancer. But, alas... You know, I stopped this prayer for letting me have cancer after I told one bishop about it, and he reproached me, saying that selfishness is hidden behind this prayer. But the pain was very strong. It was wonderful".

The story of Father Porfiry plunged me into reverent horror, especially his last words: “The pain was very strong. It was wonderful". How often I did not have enough strength to follow the Elder.


A few years after the operation, my confessor's illness recurred. His health was deteriorating continuously, he needed a new operation. The suffering of the patient was unbearable, he himself did not eat anything, food was introduced to him through a probe. Day by day it melted like a candle. On one of my last visits, while my confessor was lying at home, he said to me in a quiet voice: “Tell Father Porfiry that I am suffering greatly and, falling on my knees, I ask him to pray for me. If it is the will of God that I live, then may He leave me on earth for the sake of my spiritual children. If God wants to take me away, then let him take me. Blessed be His name."

When I conveyed his words to Father Porfiry, he was very moved and asked me to call the patient immediately. This was followed by an amazing conversation between my confessor, who was already on the edge of the grave, with Father Porfiry, who three times in his life found himself at this last line. My confessor, due to the severe pain, could only answer in monosyllables - “yes” or “no”. The elder encouraged the patient, telling him about his own experience, about those days when he teetered on the verge between life and death. The "professor" of spiritual life, who repeatedly endured suffering on the cross, strengthened his "student" in the most difficult hours of his cross torment. Father Porfiry was talking on the speakerphone. On my knees, I listened to this conversation, and tears flowed down my cheeks.

Having finished the conversation, the Elder turned to me and said: “How amazing this is. Your confessor was next to me. Did you see him?" “No, Geronda, I didn’t see him,” I replied. “This is a great miracle. The bodies are far away, but the souls are near. I often call your confessor day and night, especially when I see that he is very ill. We agreed with him to pray together at the same time. I try to talk to him when it is especially difficult for him, and this brings him some relief. However, he, like me, is very tired of visitors. I understand all this very well, because I myself went through it. You did the right thing not to put him in surgery. Let everything remain as it is, as long as God permits. Almost losing hope for the recovery of my confessor, I asked Father Porfiry: “Geronda, if God wants, even now, can’t a miracle happen and my confessor will remain alive?” The elder replied: “With God, everything is possible.” But God, in His all-wise love, desired otherwise. A few days later He took my confessor to heaven.

Take care of your health

During one of our meetings, Father Porfiry, as a loving father to his son, gave me some private instructions. This is what he said: “Be careful what you eat. Do not eat those foods that, for health reasons, are harmful to you, and those that cause fullness. Don't lie in bed too long or you'll get sick again. Move, do not sit still, do something, but in moderation. Walk more, not too fast, but not too slow, avoid ups and downs, however small they may be. Take your walks on level ground, slowly, calmly, so as not to overwork. Get out of town. I won't tell you exactly where to go for walks, go where you like, as long as it's beyond Athens, away from the exhaust gases that are so harmful to your health. Don't go outside when it's too cold or too hot. When you go out into the cold, cover your nose and mouth with a scarf so as not to inhale cold air. And when it's hot, wear a Panama hat so you don't get sunstroke. Be careful, avoid emotional excitement and do not worry about what will happen. I know that no one puts pressure on you at work, and outwardly you look calm, but inside you torment yourself with thoughts: how not to lag behind others, how to do more and better. Have you noticed how you have now become internally calm, being on sick leave and not working for several weeks? When you move on to another job, then the complex of uncertainty about the future will completely disappear. Read the books of the holy fathers and pray. But first of all - do not worry, then you will quickly recover. The more you love Christ, the more you will rejoice and the less you will worry. Do everything with love and gratitude. Don't overwork and don't fuss. Take your medicines for the time being, but the day will come when you will throw them away.”

Having paid extra for the treatment, he moved to the best clinic

One time, an acquaintance of the Elder went in for an operation with a hernia. However, having found himself in the ward among patients with more serious diseases, he, succumbing to cowardice, could not stand it, gathered his things and left without having had an operation. Then, having paid extra for his treatment, he moved to another, better hospital. After this incident, many began to laugh at him, considering his act as cowardice. But Father Porfiry considered that the patient acted wisely, preferring higher pay and the confidence that he chose the best that was available to him for the operation. “But I,” said the Elder, “considering myself a wise man, got caught like an illiterate peasant.” So Father Porfiry repeatedly spoke about one medical error, as a result of which his health suffered greatly. “It is one thing when something is allowed to you by God, and another thing is when you suffer harm due to your own inattention, this should not take place.”

Tips, diagnoses, prescriptions

- One person asked the Elder why, as shown by a microbiological study of blood, he had an excess of cholesterol. Father Porfiry answered: "From experiences and from food."

– The man, whose nerves were out of order, asked the Elder about this, and he answered: “Look for the cause of your illness in your soul. What condition is she in?"

- The visitor said to the Elder: “Geronda, in recent years, when I began to pray more and resort to the Sacraments of the Church, I almost freed myself from my complex of uncertainty about tomorrow.” “So it should be,” answered Father Porfiry. “The grace of God has mercy on you.”

– One person had a rare fracture of the bones of the wrist, and the doctor suggested that he undergo surgery. The patient turned to the Elder for advice. Father Porfiry saw all the nerve endings passing and intertwining at the fracture point, and drew the visitor's attention to the fact that in the event of an unsuccessful operation, he could become disabled. In view of this danger, this man refused the operation. After some time, his hand passed and he forgot about his fracture.

– The Elder advised another person to refuse surgery on the prostate gland in order to avoid the development of a cancerous tumor there in the future.

– One evening the Elder was talking on the street with a group of visitors. It was about environmental pollution. Turning to the women, Father Porfiry said: You housewives, in order not to get sick, wash fruits and vegetables, and some even wash with soap. Is not it?"“Yes, of course,” the visitors replied. "But you do not know that evil is contained within", - the Elder finished his conversation.

God's will be done

A patient with terminal cancer asked his friend to ask the Elder if he would live. Father Porfiry did not answer this question. He only said that he was praying to God for the sick man, and sent him a rosary. A few days later, the sick man, with a prayer on his lips and with a rosary in his hand, went to heaven.

Joy in the Lord will heal you

Once upon a time, a doctor prescribed me one medicine for me to take daily. Father Porfiry generally avoided excessive use of drugs. Despite this, however, he respected doctors and took medicine as a necessary evil. When he found out what medicine I was taking, he suddenly became silent and seemed to think and began to pray. Then he told me, "Stop taking this medicine." This unexpected advice from Father Porfiry puzzled me, but I decided to obey and do as the Elder said. I stopped taking this medicine.

After some time, since the disease did not leave me, I underwent a comprehensive clinical examination. Taking a blessing from my confessor, I showed the results of the examination to another doctor, also the spiritual son of my confessor. After studying them carefully, this doctor said that, in his opinion, I should not have used the medicine that I had been using for more than one year and which I stopped using only very recently. He recommended me another medicine. I started using them. Then I remembered Father Porfiry. When I returned to the Elder and told him about my examination and the doctor's advice, he was delighted and exclaimed: “What are you talking about? Have you stopped taking this medicine? You see, and science shares my opinion. I'm not a doctor, and I don't know how, but the moment you told me about this drug, I knew you had to stop taking it. As it opened to me, so I told you. And you did a good job dropping that drug. But now it is necessary that Christ enter into your soul, so that it is filled with Divine love and joy. Joy in the Lord will heal you. When you are tired, you can take some medicine because of the weakness of the body. You should go through a full confession so that the secret ulcers of your soul are healed. This will bring great joy to you and to me. Now I'm sick, but God willing, we'll meet again." Everything the Elder said made a big impression on me, especially his words: “Joy in the Lord will heal you.” For the first time I heard about such a joyful prospect of treatment. After all, we are not talking about traditional methods of treatment, but about healing not only the body, but also the soul.

It seems that it is very difficult to become good, but in reality it is easy if a good start is made from childhood. And then, when you grow up, it is not difficult for you, because goodness is already inside you, you live by it. It is your property, which you will keep, if you are attentive, for the rest of your life...

Venerable Porfiry Kavsokalivit (1906-1991):

Will you have an abortion?

- Geronda, now, while I am still at the beginning of my pregnancy, everyone advises me to undergo a prenatal examination. This is done in order to be sure that you have a normal child, without any physical abnormalities.

– What will you do if the child has deviations? Father Porfiry asked me. - Will you have an abortion? If you have an abortion, then it's better not to ask me for any advice. Then I won't have anything to say to you.

Since you don't love each other

To some young spouses, the Elder said: "Since you do not love each other, the child who is soon to be born will have problems." This prophecy of Father Porfiry was exactly fulfilled. The old man believed that lack of love between spouses will certainly cause a problematic character in a child. Father Porfiry showed the effectiveness of the pedagogical theory, according to which “The upbringing of a child begins at the moment of conception.”

They are orphans too!

One day we were sitting with Father Porfiry and talking. He spoke to us about the tragic total lack of love in our time in the world. This, he says, makes people feel lonely, depressed, afraid, insecure and insecure about the future. “You go,” he said, “to the orphanage, look at the unfortunate little orphans there. They, like lambs that have lost their mother, are looking for which of the visitors will show them at least a little love. Children simply cling to such a person, and it is already difficult to tear them away from him. Go see how they yearn for love. What is the difference between children who are not loved by their parents? They are exactly the same orphans.”

You hurt even if you are silent

Father Porfiry said: “When people are angry and indignant, then, even if they restrain themselves and do not say anything, from them, that is, from the evil that is inside them, some kind of evil force comes out, which adversely affects others. Parents have a negative influence on their children when, seeing that they do not obey them, they become irritated, but restrain themselves and say nothing. They think: "In order not to injure the child, I will not say anything to him now." How could they know that their pent-up resentment is actually a sword that inflicts a mortal wound! Do you hear what I'm telling you? Mortal wound! You, even without uttering a word, can strike your neighbor to death. Our soul is not material, and therefore it is really affected by various spiritual forces, both good and evil.

When one person asked the Elder about the difficulties of communication at his work, he gave him this advice: “Never think badly of others. By your prayer, by your turning to Christ, you have a beneficial effect on your neighbors. Thinking badly of people, you influence them negatively.”

restless child

– How can we be, Geronda? Our child is very restless and shy.

“You are entirely to blame for this. Even when he was in his mother's womb, with your bad attitude towards each other, you inflicted mental trauma on him, the traces of which he will bear on himself all his life.

He is small, but ... he understands a lot!

Father Porfiry said that parents should always watch their behavior, even in the presence of infants. You should not think: "He is small and does not understand anything." Look at the attentiveness with which a baby, who cannot even walk yet, examines each new person who enters his nursery. In a matter of seconds, when you don’t even have time to think about anything yet, the baby will make a conclusion about what kind of person you are and give you his psychological assessment.

The mother's fears were passed on to the child

When Father Porfiry was the rector of the temple at the city hospital in Athens, many doctors working there realized that he was endowed by God with outstanding talents, and showed him special respect. They often asked him to pray before a complex operation or, when they themselves found it difficult to determine the diagnosis, they asked his opinion.

Once the doctors called the blessed Elder to find out what he thought about one unusual case that they had encountered. A woman in the hospital gave birth to an ugly baby. The baby had a dark-colored growth on the cheek, shaped like an eggplant. Before expressing his opinion, Father Porfiry wanted to meet the mother of the child. From a conversation with her, he learned that in the neighborhood of her family there lived a young man who had exactly the same birthmark on his face as a newly born baby. The woman often, since they were neighbors, met him on the street and, naturally, felt sorry for him. When she got married and was already pregnant, her neighbor's face became a kind of nightmare for her. Seeing this young man, she thought: “What a horror for a mother to have such a child. If I were in her place, how would I bear it?

The sad thoughts that often tormented a woman during her pregnancy affected the fetus. As a result, a baby was born with the same terrible face as that of the neighbor of this woman. So father Porfiry explained this phenomenon to the doctors of the hospital and the mother of a newborn baby. Everyone agreed with him.

Instructions for pregnant women

The elder advised a pediatrician: “Tell women that they should be aware of how highly God honored them by deigning to become mothers. From the moment of conception of the fetus, they carry a second life in themselves.

Let them talk to the baby, caress him, stroking his stomach. The child somehow mysteriously feels all this.

Mothers should pray lovingly for their children. A child, both already born and still in the womb, feels a lack of motherly love, mother's nervousness, her anger, hatred and receives injuries, the consequences of which will be felt all his life. The holy feelings of the mother and her holy life sanctify the baby from the very moment of its conception.

Everything that I just said should be well remembered not only by mothers, but also by future fathers too.

Your child got sick because of your pride

In some cases, the “medical” intervention of the Elder was limited to the advice: “Do as God instructs you”; and in others, just a silent blessing. All this was effective and corresponded to the possibilities and needs of everyone.

So good at understanding psychology and ... losing a child!

The elder bitterly told me about the parents of a young man who had gone astray: “His father and mother are very educated people. They are well versed in psychology and, despite their knowledge, have lost their child. What is the use of this education? Only the grace of God, only our true love, if we sacramentally sacrifice it for our neighbors, can save both us and them.”

The boy rebelled because of your pride

The parents of one boy who fell ill with neurasthenia turned to Father Porfiry for advice and help. The elder immediately “saw” the soul of the child and said: “Your son has a very good soul, better than mine. She is healthy. It's just that the boy was traumatized and rebelled. The reason for this is your pride, as well as the bad company that your child has got into. Only your personal holiness will bring him well.". Hearing these words, the mother burst into tears in despair, considering holiness to be something completely unattainable for her. Then the Elder said to her: “Do not think that holiness is something inaccessible to man. Sanctification is easy. You just need to acquire humility and love.”

Rebellious child and good father

Father Porfiry said that a good father should never lose interest in his child. Even when children enter adolescence, become tougher, begin to rebel, disobey, their views often begin to diverge from their father's. It is here that the art and love of a good father should be manifested.

Children, until they grow up, due to their inexperience, commit many unreasonable acts, thereby causing irritation and anger of parents, especially fathers. Sometimes the head of the family becomes hardened and, recklessly forgetting about the need to remain a good father, becomes a harsh policeman. The harm that he inflicts in this case on his child is very often irreparable.

If a young man is firmly convinced that his father is a really good father, if he realizes that he tolerates his reckless antics in a fatherly way, then until his death he will remember his father and say: “My father was a holy man. I knew him very well at a time when youthful madness raged in me.

The salvation of a child depends on your own sanctification

Cause of problems in children

One mother, who had serious difficulties with her children, asked the Elder: “Geronda, were my children born like this, or did our mistakes cause their problems?” Father Porfiry answered: “The reason for their problems is your mistakes. Although your children are also influenced by their friends who live in sin and slander Christ.”


“Your children should never hear you quarreling among yourselves… even when you raise your voice at each other!”

– But is it possible, Geronda?

- Of course available! Therefore, carefully remember my words: never any quarrels in front of children ... Never!

Confused Children of Confused Parents

Once the Elder was talking to us about the "confused" children of "confused" parents. About children who have psychological problems due to the fact that their parents, constantly in conflict with each other, create an extremely negative atmosphere in the house.

Father Porfiry believed that the problems hit these children already when they were still in the womb of their mothers. Because during pregnancy, their mothers did not care about leading a peaceful, calm, measured life, praying and resorting to the Sacraments of the Church.

I remember the case when the Elder advised one mother of five children to spend a month away from home, because due to her unreasonable behavior, the children constantly quarreled among themselves. They could not say anything openly to their mother, they were nervous and often turned their irritation on each other.

Possessing a great gift of reasoning, Father Porfiry acted differently in each individual situation. He did not have uniformity in his approach to people. The elder knew what advice would be within his power to fulfill this or that person.

Ten people could ask him the same question and get completely different answers. This is what is called "the individuality of the pastoral approach."

"Spiritual caress" of prayer

Whenever the Elder spoke about prayer, he meant not a superficial prayer performed from time to time, but a deep and lengthy one.

A woman I knew asked me to ask Father Porfiry about her son's problems. The elder told me: “The child has internal difficulties. This explains the motives of his behavior. By itself, he is good and does not want to do what he does. But something makes him act differently, he is bound by something. It is useless to correct the boy with persuasion, advice or threats. All this will only bring the opposite result, and the child may become even worse or remain as he is.

But he has a chance to get rid of his problems. In order for a boy to gain freedom, it is necessary that next to him be a holy man, a man of love, someone who would not instruct him, not intimidate him, but simply live in holiness. Then the child, seeing his holy life, will envy him and begin to imitate him. And above all, a child needs a man of prayer. Hot, strong prayer. Prayer works wonders. A mother loves to stroke and caress her child. But she must also practice the "spiritual caress" of prayer. When a mother wants to pet her child without prayer, he throws up his arms and pushes her away from him. But when she fervently prays to herself for her son, then he feels in his soul an inexplicable "spiritual caress" that draws him to his mother. In her prayer for the child, the mother should burn like a candle. Let her pray to herself, raising her hands to Christ and mysteriously embracing her child with them.

The more you pray, the more your daughter receives good thoughts.

Once the Elder said to me: “You are a pious person. And you want to force your loved ones to be as deeply religious and pious people as you are. Do you think something will come of it? Only one harm. Coercion causes resistance in people. You tell a person to "do it" and he doesn't do it because you told him to. A wave of opposition rises in him, and he ignores your words. But if your neighbor notices that you yourself are doing something, then maybe he will start doing something. A person sees you and thinks like this: "If he does it, I will do it."

If you start praying to Christ: “Lord, I ask you, give me understanding”, or “Lord, have mercy”, or “Send this person yourself”, and you will make this prayer constantly, then Christ will begin to put good thoughts into the person you are praying for. . Every time you say, “Lord, have mercy on my child,” your child will receive one good thought from Christ. The more you pray, the more good thoughts your child will acquire. Now the child is like an unripe orange, but little by little it will ripen and become what you want it to be. I have seen this from my own experience. For a person, this is the most effective way to solve any of his problems. On all other paths, which people often follow from their instinct, in most cases they will fail.

As an example, Father Porfiry told me one case with parents who had problems with their daughter. The behavior and lifestyle of this girl irritated them greatly. Her father constantly broke down and lost his temper. His patience was at the limit. He even had a manic desire to kill his daughter... In the end, the girl's parents came to Father Porfiry.

The old man said to his father:

“Don't you understand what's going on? The devil has bribed your daughter and is doing whatever he wants with her. Wherever he wants, he takes her there. Your behavior will lead to nothing good. Only prayer can solve this problem. Start praying with your wife for your daughter. Pray all the time. But don't say anything to the girl. Don't blame her for her behavior. When she, as usual, returns home late at night, you tell her: “Daughter, your dinner is in the refrigerator, take it out and eat it.” Then the girl will come to her senses and will be perplexed: “Where did my parents, these barbarians, get such nobility?” Only you do not stop praying, and soon your daughter will quarrel with her boyfriend and with all her bad company. When she comes to you to tell you she has abandoned her new friends, don't tell her, "Fine, you did well." Make an indifferent look and say: "We, daughter, do not know anything, do as you know, you know better."

Indeed, further events unfolded exactly as the Elder had predicted. One day, the girl announced to her parents that she had abandoned her new company. She embarked on the right path leading to salvation.

Pray for the children

– What did Father Porfiry tell you about children?

- He advised to communicate with children with love and kindness and pray for them to God. Since there were only boys in our family and they lived alone in Athens during their studies, we always had difficulties with them. A little trouble, I'd say.

- How many children do you have?

- Three sons. I came to Father Porfiry and told him: “Geronda, we have problems with children.” “They will be resolved,” he replied. The time will come when they will disappear. You just pray, and God will talk with the souls of your children. You will see that they will become very good people.”

How did he advise you to pray?

“Pray,” the Elder told me. - Address God in your own words, say what you think, and He knows how to act. God does not want you to address Him with any special words.

When I came to Father Porfiry another time, he told me: “Now we will pray.” I ask: “What should I say, Geronda? Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me?" - "Yes Yes. Get on your knees and we will pray together…” And together we prayed silently. So we prayed for a while, and I kept waiting for him to say: “Okay, enough.” Finally, the Elder got up from his knees: “Good,” he said. “Now go home. When you come next time, we will pray again.”

– When you prayed with Father Porfiry, did you feel something special, unusual?

- Yes. Always. I often came in upset, but always left happy, as if I had no problems at all.

Advice for Widows and Orphans

The death of my husband was a serious trauma for our children, Konstantin and Dmitry. They were then ten and twelve years old.

Father Porfiry, who could see the depths of their souls, said: "They are injured, they are wounded." The elder helped me a lot, especially with my eldest son, for whom the loss of his father was a terrible blow. He advised me to treat him with meekness and love. “Pay no attention to the fact that the son sometimes argues with you and is rude,” he said. “The boy himself does not want to act like this, but at that moment he cannot speak differently.

However, after some time, he already repents of his words. If we begin to get irritated and indignant, then we will act according to the will of Satan and all together we will fall into his net.

Father Porfiry often said: “There is one way that eliminates all problems in the relationship between children and parents. This is the path of holiness. Become holy and you won't have any trouble with your children."

– You didn’t ask the Elder how we can become saints?

- Of course, I asked. And he said, “It's very simple. You will become saints when Divine grace comes." And when I asked him how I can acquire this Divine grace, he replied: “Humility and prayer. But our prayer must have power, it must be alive. If we pray with faith and constancy, then our prayer cannot fail to bear fruit.”

« Never force your children to do anything, he advised. - When you want to tell them something, then speak with a prayer. Children do not listen with their ears. It is only when the enlightening divine grace comes that they begin to listen to what we tell them. In prayer, tell the Most Holy Theotokos what you wanted to tell your children, and She herself will manage everything. Your prayer will be the "spiritual caress" that you will surround your child with. He accepts this kindness. Sometimes we want to caress the child, but he runs away. But children never resist "spiritual caress."

I will tell you about how I saw the effect of these advice of Father Porfiry in practice. We went on vacation with the kids. Soon the eldest son found himself new friends, and in the evenings we no longer saw him at home and did not know where he went and what he did. I told him: “Stop it, son! Do not go! Why are you leaving again? What are you doing there? Where are you going?” is what all mothers usually say. But he didn't listen to me.

Once I remembered Father Porfiry's advice, and as soon as the eldest son left, I took the akathist to the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos and began to read it. Before I had time to read the akathist to the end, my son unexpectedly returned home. He asked me: “Mom, where did you say you want us to go tonight?” The answer of the Most Holy Theotokos came without delay. Only then did I understand how important it is to build my relationship with children on the basis of the advice of Father Porfiry.

Father Porfiry always gave me the most comprehensive answers to any questions regarding my children.

My children were horse riding. I had to buy my own horse. Since this was an important step for us, I went to consult the Elder. He supported our intention to buy a horse. And I had determination. Then Father Porfiry called our children to him and said: “Horse riding is wonderful. Feel the joy that you are sitting on a horse and everything is working out for you.

The boys were delighted when the Elder advised them to take up mountain skiing as well. He said: "When you ski down the mountain, look at the sky, at the snow, at the beautiful view that opens before you, and think Who created all this." Thus, without any violence, Father Porfiry, through his creations, directed my children to their Creator.

The elder gave the boys the following advice: “Do not forget about your textbooks and homework. Do so. Read the textbook. Tired? Go to the horse, ride a little. When you come back with fresh energy and sit down for lessons, they will no longer seem so boring to you.

His wife and children were not in church

One man, returning home from church, saw that his wife and children were not in the temple, and thought: “Just look at what is being done! Today is Sunday, and they didn't go to the temple and didn't receive a blessing! Well, what to do with them? This behavior of the family greatly upset him.

A few days later, this man came to Father Porfiry for confession. He didn't tell him anything about what happened. Suddenly, the Elder himself says to him: “I understand you. But listen to what I'm going to tell you now: never again do what you did last Sunday."

"How, Geronda?" - he asked.

“When you come home from the temple and notice that your family members were not at the service, then do not be indignant, do not be nervous, do not get annoyed. With the blessing you received in the church, silently pray to yourself: “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.” So you slowly calm down. After all, because of the nerves, you have a pinched intestine and your stomach starts to hurt. Does your stomach hurt?"

“Yes, it hurts,” the man replied. He was amazed at the foresight of the Elder and repented of his misdeed.

Do what Christ calls us to do, and all your problems will be solved

Once, when I was talking to Father Porfiry in his cell, the telephone rang. The elder did not pick up the phone for a long time. Finally he said to me: "Please pick up the phone and ask who is calling and on what matter." A woman called from Northern Greece. She said that she needed to talk to Father Porfiry. The elder said, “Tell her that I can’t speak right now. I have many people. Let her call in the late afternoon." I passed it on. The woman asked me to tell the Elder that she really asked him to pray for the resolution of one of her important family problems. Father Porfiry told her to answer that he would pray. The woman once again said that the decision was urgent. Then the Elder himself answered the phone.

He picked up the phone, but put it loosely to his ear so that I could hear their conversation. “Blessed one,” he said, “why are you so impatient? I told you that I was praying, and you think you need me to listen to you in order to find out about your problem? Is your problem something like that? But after all, not only you have problems, but also your husband. Here they are... (And Father Porfiry described in detail the problems of the head of the family). Both your first and your second child have problems, they… (The elder spoke about the problems of children). Is not it?" The woman, struck by the words of Father Porfiry, replied: “Everything is exactly as you tell me, Geronda.” “If this is so, then pray and do what Christ calls us to do. I will also pray. And don't worry, all your problems will be solved." From excitement, the woman could not find words to thank Father Porfiry.

The elder gave her other advice and blessings. He hung up the phone and turned to me. I looked at him as if struck by thunder. "You heard? What a miracle! What a great and good God we have! I am here, and she, an unfamiliar woman, is far away, and God clearly showed me, a sinner, her problems, the problems of her husband, children. How great is our God!”

Children should not be forced

One mother who asked Father Porfiry if it would be better for her to move to London with her children, he replied: “Don't buy a house in London, don't move there. You won't have a job there. The climate there is humid, people are strangers, indifferent, non-Orthodox. Your kids will miss it there. Better let them live here, where everyone is Orthodox Christians, Greeks. The climate is good here, and the children will be happy.”

« Children should not be forced. When they misbehave, then, like a mother, take action, but do not force them. You are doing a good job of reading the Scriptures to the children every day. If one of them does not want to listen, let him not listen. Take the rest of the children, go to another room and continue reading.

When you go to church and the children don't want to go with you, don't force them, but don't show indifference either.
Tell them: "Children, I'm going to church. Anyone who wants can come with me now or let him come later. So tell them and pray for them. When you pray for them, then God Himself will instruct them».

You loved them, but also put pressure on them

To other parents who had serious difficulties with their children, Father Porfiry said: “Do you see how you suffer with your children? See what they got to? You loved them, yet, lacking the necessary holiness to keep them close to Christ, you put pressure on them. When they were still small, you coped with them. Now they have grown and you have lost them. You must fight not with children, but with the devil who has taken up arms against your children. Talk to them less, but pray more for them.”

With incredible accuracy, the Elder penetrated the very essence of the problem.

So many years you made him...

One mother complained to Father Porfiry that her son no longer obeyed her, did not go to church, etc. The elder said to her:

“For so many years you made him do what you want, go where you want. Now he longs for freedom. Don't tell him "do this" or "don't do this". You only silently pray for him with love. If you saw that some Turk grabbed your son tightly and said to him: “Tell your mother such and such”, would you condemn your child? Would you be angry with your son?

You yourself are to blame for the fact that the child left you

The elder told us the following: “A mother came to me, all in tears. “My fourteen-year-old daughter left home three days ago,” she said. “My husband will kill her when she returns. What should I do?"

“You yourself are to blame for the fact that the child left you,” I replied. - The child requires a good, kind attitude towards himself. Tomorrow your daughter will return. Have food ready for her and warm bath water. She is very exhausted. Do not ask her about anything: where have you been? why did you leave? etc., otherwise she will leave you again. Give her only love and don't question her about anything."

I want to leave my parents

For a deeply religious girl, about twenty years old, her relationship with her parents reached an impasse. She wanted to leave home. For advice, the girl came to her father Porfiry and told him that she had a very bad relationship with her parents and she wanted to leave home. Father Porfiry asked why she could not improve relations with her relatives, what were her difficulties. The girl replied that her parents did not love her at all and that, moreover, she lived a church life, while they were completely worldly people. Then the Elder told her that since she was a believer, it would be more correct for her to love her parents, and not demand love for herself from them.

But you, too, act like a tyrant

Once, when I was in the cell of the Elder, as usual, the phone rang. Father Porfiry says to me: "Pick up the phone." Some stranger from a provincial town wanted to immediately speak with Father Porfiry. The elder picked up the phone, and I witnessed the following conversation:

“Well, what do you want to tell me about?”

– Father Porfiry, I have big problems with my son. He does not obey, he speaks out, he is insolent, he does not read anything, he is associated with bad companies.

- See see. He has psychological difficulties, he rebels and makes mistakes. But you, too, act like a tyrant!

And who else? You, of course. Don't you understand this yet?

“If so, father, then the situation is too serious. I must come immediately to see you.

“You don't need to come here. Consider that you have already arrived.

- When did I arrive, father? This is the first time I'm talking to you, and even then by phone.

“Here, now you have come. When we talk to you on the phone, it's like you came to me. You don't have to travel that far. Do as I tell you, and your relationship with your son will improve.

My daughter leads a sinful life

– My daughter, Geronda, leads a sinful life. How can I save her?

“With my own holiness. The only way. The holiness of parents saves their children.

We're in big trouble

Once, pious parents, father an engineer, mother a teacher, visited Father Porfiry to consult about their child, who had entered the time of turbulent youth.

“Geronda,” they asked, “what should we do?” The child has grown. We're in big trouble now! The boy comes home late ... does not obey ... behaves impudently and is associated with bad company.

“This is a period when you must be silent,” answered the wise Elder. - Hide your "piety". Don't provoke the child. Now is such a period: you are, as it were, dressed in festive clothes, and he is covered in dirt and tatters. This "pretty" look of you repels him and arouses in him a feeling of protest.

Tell the Blessed Virgin Mary

“Whatever you want to say to your children, say it prayerfully. Children's ears are closed. Only when enlightening Divine grace comes, then they hear what we say to them. When you want to say something to your children, say it to the Most Holy Theotokos, and she herself will manage everything. Your prayer will be that life-giving breath, that spiritual caress that warms, embraces, attracts the child.

Father Porfiry believed in the undoubted value of prayer in the spiritual life of a person. He advised his spiritual children not to forget to pray: “Pray simply, simply and humbly, with simple faith, not expecting God to answer you. Do not seek to see His hand, or His face, or His radiance. Nothing. Only one faith. When you talk to God, you are really talking to Him."

When you see how "German"grabs your child by the throat

One evening I came to Father Porfiry with a well-known Cypriot who holds an important post in Athens. This man financed the filming of the gospel story of the prodigal son. The script and everything needed for filming was already ready, and this man wanted to come to the Elder to find out his opinion about the future film and receive his blessing.

Father Porfiry told us a lot about the father mentioned in the parable, who forgave his prodigal son, and about what a father should be like in the modern world. He said: “When you see how a “German” (by “German” the Elder meant the devil) grabs your child by the throat, instead of being angry with your son for having strayed from the right path, turn to God. Learn to turn to God in prayer for your children. Instead of scolding them, tell God about your problems with children.”

You do not love your child with the love of Christ and therefore harm him

One day the Elder said to me: We must love with Christ's love, not man's.. Two years ago, a mother of four came here to ask me about them.

She told me what their names are and I say:

- Pay special attention to Charalampos, because he will bring you a lot of grief. (He was twelve at the time.)

Hearing this, the woman exclaimed:

- Father, what are you talking about? Charalampos is my best son. I take special care of him and love him the most because he is the youngest.

“You do not love him with the love of Christ, and therefore you harm him.

She did not believe me and, continuing to argue with me, left in a strong annoyance. I prayed and left her to the will of God.

Yesterday she came again with deep remorse.

“Forgive me, father,” she said. - That time I was offended by you, I said that you mislead people. Now I believe that you are receiving admonition from God. Father, Charalambius has left us. He has become a complete savage and brings us much sorrow. What do we do now? Indeed, I did not love him with the love of Christ, and by this I harmed him ... - Abundant tears flowed from her eyes.

Human love hurts a child

« Today's youth suffer from a distortion of the life instinct, and many want to commit suicide. Their parents are to blame for the weakness of children. Because in life they act purely humanly and torment children with their purely human love.

Do you know Mr N.? He has written several excellent books on pedagogy. He has five children, and all of them are either bullies or hippies. One of them committed suicide. His brothers and sisters attended the funeral. And they said, "Don't worry, we will avenge you."

Raise your children right

The elder told us that parents should slowly rid their children of a bad habit when a child believes that all the interests of his parents should be concentrated around him. Parents should teach their children to have the necessary flexibility, to be able to live with any people and adapt to any conditions. This is necessary so that children do not experience difficulties when they eventually plunge into this life, begin to communicate with hundreds of people with a variety of characters. They will have good relations with everyone, and they will not create enemies for themselves because of their petty selfishness and excessive complacency. This is what true pedagogy is.

Parents should not be angry with their children

The old man also said: Those parents who have difficult and ill-bred children, let them be angry not with them, but with the one who stands behind their children, with the devil. A we can overcome the devil only when we ourselves begin to become saints».

This brief advice can be of significant help to parents, teachers, doctors, all those who often have to communicate with people in general, and in particular to bring up children.

Never wish evil on your children

Father Porfiry said that parents should be very careful about what they say. They should bless, not curse their children. Our heart is the emitting transmitter, and our fingers are the antennae. At these words, he slightly raised his hands and spread his fingers. Each person radiates blessings or curses, happiness or misfortune, good or evil..

And the Elder told the following incident, which he witnessed. One boy went for a walk while his mother wanted him to take their donkey to pasture. When the child returned home, in terrible anger she began to curse him with terrible curses, as do uneducated, rude women with a difficult character, leading a life far from the Church. By the way, more than once she said: "May you die." The boy took the donkey, went to the pasture, but on the way he fell off the saddle, hit his head on a stone and died. People passing by picked it up and brought it home. The woman tore her hair out, but it was too late. That is why the Gospel advises us to bless and not to curse, since a blessing brings good, and a curse brings misfortune and misfortune.

Children suffering from neurasthenia

To a woman whose child was a neurasthenic, the Elder said that her son had a beautiful soul, and the cause of his illness was communication with bad company. He revealed to the mother that her child would be healed in an instant, and he even knew when it would happen, but he shouldn't tell her. Then Father Porfiry explained to the woman how her son would recover: he will be healed when his mother becomes a saint. And the first step to holiness for her will be that she quit smoking.

To a suffering father who brought his sick child to the Elder, Father Porfiry said: “Your son is good, but since you forced him to be an excellent student at school, he could not stand it, “broke down” and fell ill with neurasthenia. “But how did I, when I was a child, endure so many wars, hardships, and nothing happened to me?” the father asked. " But you lived in a different time' replied the old man.

Tomorrow her drug addict son will beat her and I can't help her.

The gifts of the Elder made him unusually sensitive to human grief. “One day, already late in the evening, we were forced to interrupt our examination of Father Porfiry,” recalls one of the doctors, “because many people gathered in the courtyard, waiting to receive his blessing before leaving. When I left the cell, the visitors were already approaching the Elder for blessing and kissing his hand. He was very tired and did not speak to anyone. The last woman came out in tears. When I returned, I saw that Father Porfiry was also crying. “This is how it always happens to me,” he said. “Now I saw that tomorrow this woman will be beaten by her drug addict son and demand money from her. And this unfortunate woman, of course, was tempted, having such a problem and not getting help ... What can you do, poor Porfiry? Lord Jesus…” And the words of prayer flowed from his lips.

How to raise children

When we talked with the Elder, he told about some cases from my life, talked about my family, about how to deal with children, of which the two elders had already reached the pores of youth. It seemed so natural.

He told me: “The oldest daughter should be treated like this, while the second child should be treated like this and that. Your youngest son is still a child, and you have no difficulties with him now. Father Porfiry clearly saw our entire family in front of him. And he didn't tell me about her to impress me, to impress me, no... he did it spontaneously. Such gifts are possessed by the saints of our Church. God vouchsafed me to experience the grace that lives in these people.

Father Porfiry, during our meeting, described to me the character of my daughter and my eldest son. I looked at them in a completely different way, it seemed to me that the Elder lived with my children as much time as I myself lived with them.

He told me that I should pray more for one of my children. “Everything you would like to say to your child,” said the Elder, “because of his complex nature, he does not want to listen to you, tell God. Pray before God on your knees, and by the grace of God, your words will reach the child.

Of another son, he said: “This boy is listening to what you say to him, but be careful. He agrees with your words, but quickly forgets everything. Therefore, kneel down again and pray to God for mercy so that your fatherly words fall on good ground so that they can bear fruit.

You show excessive love to one of your children

The old man said:

– Wishing to help a person, God distributes His gifts to people.

Then he explained:

“And sometimes He shows His grace to me. But only when you need to help someone. Just recently, a man from America called me to consult on a very serious issue that worried him.

But grace revealed to me another serious problem that this man had, but about which he did not say anything. I told him. "Be careful. You show excessive, special love to one of your children. Having a weakness for him, you devote all your time only to him. With this preference, you caused serious psychological trauma to your youngest child, a girl who became jealous of her brother. She has serious psychological problems, you will bring her great harm, for which you and only you will be responsible. So, be careful! Watch what you're doing!"

Live economically

The Elder gave the following advice to one widow: “Work and pray. Don't throw money around. Live economically, always take the change that is given to you when you shop at the bazaar. Don't tell your kids, "We have money." Give the children some money, and if they start asking for more, say, "We must live economically, otherwise the money will run out." Don't trust anyone with your financial matters, not even your own brother."

Unhealthy relationships

The elder helped people to understand and get out of confusing situations. Naturally, the result was only if the person strictly followed the advice of Father Porfiry.

A young man, wanting to create a strong family, decided to meet a good girl and propose to her. He made it a rule before every serious step to always come to Father Porfiry and ask him for advice. So, after listening to him this time, the Elder said: “I see that you have complete confusion in your soul. You continue to maintain your old unhealthy relationship with one fickle girl. There you have complete uncertainty. When you are near her, she is burdened by you, treats you with disdain and drives you away. And when you leave, she becomes jealous, wants you to return to her, and calls you again. If you don't break up with her once and for all, you won't be free to start a family the way you want. Now you're out of favor with this girl. If she, allegedly remorseful, calls you to explain everything to you, then you don’t go, because otherwise you will stay with her again, and this story will never end.

The young man did not listen to Father Porfiry. Responding to the first call of the girl, he went with the firm intention of personally ending the uncertainty, and as a result ... he stayed with her, and the prophetic words of the Elder came true.

Do you know what good people they are?

Once, while in the town of Agia Roumeli, in Crete, Father Porfiry, having talked with the local priest, Father George, asked him to step aside so that he could pray. Father George left, soon dozed off and fell asleep. He was woken up by the sound of footsteps from a large group of European Boy Scout tourists passing near where he was sitting. Looking around, he saw Father Porfiry standing on the edge of a cliff and blessing young people passing by. When the tourists passed, the Elder turned to the priest and said: “Do you know what good guys these are? But they are like sheep without a shepherd.”

They have sinned with all sins, but I love them!

The elder once said to me: “Once young men and girls came to me. They were unfortunate guys. Whatever they have tried in their lives, they have committed all kinds of carnal sins, but I love them.

Father Porfiry did not justify the misdeeds of young people: he characterized them as carnal sins, but at the same time he loved them as precious souls for which Christ died. With his love, he, like a magnet, attracted people to himself and gradually healed them from the service of the flesh. Such a fatherly attitude of the Elder was misunderstood by some guardians of morality, who were disappointed in Father Porfiry. Progressives, on the contrary, rejoiced, believing that the Elder was "tolerant" of carnal sins. Neither one nor the other did not understand that sin cannot be overcome either by severe condemnation of the sinner, or by the criminal "legalization" of his fall. Elder successfully struggled with sin, loving the sinner and helping him to realize the responsibility for his fall and the possibility of his liberation in Christ both from falls and from their consequences, through repentance, forgiveness and life in God. He wanted to lead these souls into a new life, not torment them with the past..

Don't Tell Your Students About Christ

“Geronda,” I once said to the Elder, “of course, the university pays me to teach cardiology, and not to read sermons. After all, some students may not want to listen to them. Some of them are simply unbelievers. Or, perhaps, Geronda, it would be nice to say at least once, at the end of the cardiology course, when the students applaud me, and I applaud them: “Guys, take a step towards Christ!”

"Why are you splitting up?" Father Porfiry answered. – Are you going to the lecture as a communion?

Yes, Geronda.

– Do you take communion every Sunday?

- Yes, I take communion, as you blessed.

- Then, Georgy, Christ goes to the audience. Why do you need words, since you are carrying Christ there, since you yourself, while you are giving a lecture, are a Christ-bearer? What will you tell students about Christ? Leave everything as it is. Don't tell them anything.

Is with a whole bunch of hippies

The elder said: “Once a hippie came to me - all in amulets and rings, and he was wearing some very colorful, strange clothes. He asked me to take him. The nuns were worried, they came to ask me, and I ordered that he be let through. As soon as he sat opposite me, I saw his soul. He had a kind soul, but crippled and therefore rebellious. I spoke to him lovingly and he was very touched. “Geronda,” he said to me, “until today, no one has ever spoken to me like that.” I called him by his first name and he wondered how I knew him. “God revealed to me your name,” I told him, “and that you traveled to India, and that there you met the gurus and became their follower.” He was amazed. We talked a little more about his problems, and he left very satisfied.

He comes back next week with a whole bunch of hippies. They entered my cell and sat around me. Among them was one girl whom I felt very sorry for. They had good souls, only crippled ones. I did not speak to them about Christ, because I saw that they were not yet ready to hear about Him. I talked to them about what was interesting to them. When we finished our conversation and they got up to go, they said to me: “Geronda, be so kind as to let us kiss your feet.” I was embarrassed, but there was nothing to do, I allowed it. After that, they gave me a blanket. Now I will ask that they bring it, and you will see it. It is very beautiful.

After a while, that girl came to me, a hippie, alone. Her name was Maria. I saw that Mary, in her spiritual aspiration, was ahead of her friends, and for the first time I spoke to her about Christ. The girl accepted my words. She came a few more times and got on a good path. Maria even told her friends: “Guys, I never could imagine that, being in the company of hippies, I would know Christ.”

This incident made a strong impression on me. Perspicacity, combined with the Elder's pastoral gift and sincere love, attracted these misguided but sympathetic young men, whom some overzealous Christians are sure to meet with contempt. These guys asked the Elder for permission to kiss his feet. And it was their first visit. I was very ashamed of myself. For so many years I went to Father Porfiry, and I did not have the humility to think about something like that. And these young people, like a sinner who washed Christ's feet with myrrh and wiped them with her hair, kissed the Elder's feet and gave him a blanket. Father Porfiry, like a child, rejoiced at their gift for the height of the spirit that he symbolized. I marveled at the unknown ways that Divine grace follows to save the souls of men. From that day on, I kissed the feet of the Elder when he lay on the bed, without asking his blessing for this.

Entangled in religions and heresies

Many entangled in Eastern religions and various heresies came to Father Porfiry with a request to help them. Most of them were young people.

As they themselves said, thanks to the advice and blessing of the Elder, they were healed not only from mental, but also from bodily diseases. Many of them had previously turned to psychiatrists, but this did not bring them any relief. They found healing only from Father Porfiry.

When, contrary to your nature, you feel like a girl or a boy

Father Porfiry said that he knew young people with a natural tendency to be transgender. That is, being young men, they felt more like girls, and vice versa. However, these people not only did not turn to evil, submitting to the demands of a nature alien to them, but, on the contrary, they kept their own nature bound by chaste and holy thoughts. And having lived their lives like earthly angels, these people received the great crown of virginity by the grace of the crowner of Christ.

Naturally, the radiance of the crown that the Lord bestows corresponds to the degree of temptation passed.

“Therefore,” Father Porfiry said, “the reward corresponds to the temptations. Therefore, we especially honor the memory of the great martyrs. A right-minded person is not indignant at the test that the Lord allowed him, but rejoices and thanks Him for the honor that has been shown to him.

For the sake of the children, he stood on his feet all the way

Once the Elder, on his way to Mount Athos, was traveling from Thessaloniki to Ierisso (From Thessalonica to Ierisso, the bus takes about two and a half hours). When he approached the ticket office, there were no more tickets for seats, and he was forced to ride standing up. On the bus, not far from Father Porfiry, several young people were sitting, who were talking merrily among themselves. One person reproached the guys: how do they not pay attention to the fact that an elderly hieromonk is standing next to them. But the young people, as if nothing had happened, continued to sit in their seats. Then the man in a stern voice ordered one of them to give way to the priest. But none of the guys ever moved. Full of indignation, this man stood up and gave his place to the Elder. Father Porfiry thanked him, but did not sit down. He rode standing up to Ierisso. At the end of the journey, the man asked the Elder why he did not take his place, and he replied: "I sacrificed him for the sake of the children." Seeing that he did not understand his answer, Father Porfiry explained: “You did the wrong thing by reprimanding these young people. They acted badly - they left the elderly hieromonk standing and, on their own initiative, did not give way to him, as they should have done. If they stood up after your reproaches, and I would sit in their place, or if I sat in your place, then the guys would not realize their bad deed, but, on the contrary, would feel they were right. And now, after I had stood so long before them, their consciences awakened and silently condemned them for this transgression. This is the only way a person can be saved. When he repents, not because someone condemns him from the outside, but when his own conscience convicts him, from within.

Give in to save your child

One twenty-five-year-old young man, full of ambitious ideas, demanded that his father buy a nearby store and they would increase their sales. But he considered it economically completely unprofitable and turned to Father Porfiry for advice. The elder, possessing the gift of clairvoyance, told him that his son would need a few more years to get rid of youthful egoism. The father himself saw that their relationship had come to a standstill, as they say, “found a scythe on a stone,” and guessed that the young man decided to leave him if he did not fulfill his requirements. Seeing the future, Father Porfiry said: “It seems to me that your son may make a mistake, but you will commit a crime if you prefer, it is better to lose your son than to suffer financial losses that are not so great for you and you are quite capable of incurring them. Make one mistake in so many of your successful business ventures, and you will maintain a good relationship with your son. Wait, a few more years will pass, and he will no longer suffer from his selfishness ... Let the erroneous enterprise be his first life lesson. The father gave in. He lost some money, but saved his son.

An indifferent young man becomes a believer

In 1989-1990, N. visited the US states of Virginia and North Carolina, where he held spiritual talks. Among his listeners there was a Greek woman who was just about to go to Greece and asked for advice from a confessor. N. suggested that she turn to Father Porfiry, whom he knew and who helped him a lot.

When this woman returned to America and met with N., she told him that she had met the Elder, and warmly thanked him for the recommendation. She was greatly impressed by the fact that Father Porfiry described to her in detail her home in America, their shop and their children. About one of her children, he even said that he had a mole on his body. At that moment, she did not attach much importance to this remark of the Elder.

With great respect and admiration, telling her children about Father Porfiry, about what he told her and what revelations he made, the woman said that only in one place did Father Porfiry "mistake" when he emphasized that her son had a mole on his body. Then the young man, touched to the depths of his soul by his mother's story, said that he really had a mole, but he did not tell anyone about it. Naturally, the mother, from infancy not seeing her son naked, could not know that he had a mole.

From his youth, the young man was indifferent to the Church. This incident was a turning point for him. He began to establish himself in the faith and became a deeply religious person.

Tips for parents about children

In 1977 my wife became pregnant. The joy was boundless. Our first concern was to tell Father Porfiry about this, who shared all our sorrows and joys from our first meeting. He strengthened us with his prayers and advice, filled with wisdom and inspiration from above.

So we came to him and told him about this good news. He was very pleased. Joy was clearly reflected on his face.

- Now your happiness has become complete! - he said. Our good God has given you everything! You are good people, and the Lord arranges so that the good people have no need for anything. I have already told you this many times. You will have a child. But you, my children, are like unfaithful Thomas. You don't believe what I'm telling you. I know that you love me, but you are of little faith and easily go astray ... Well, what to do with you ... Come to me more often, because you need it. When you arrive, I see that you are gloomy and full of despair, and when you leave, I see you joyful and happy, strengthened in faith. Your car is no longer barely dragging along the road, but simply flies.

And now,” continued the Elder, “sit down. I will tell you a few words that you, as parents-to-be, should never forget. I would like you to remember well what I will tell you now, keep it in your head and perform it verbatim if you do not want your child to be unhappy and you along with him.

Hundreds of parents come to me and with tears in their eyes ask to help their children. Because some of them got involved with drugs, others got into bad company, others insult them, ask for money to spend in card clubs, lose gambling, and when their parents have nothing to give them, they begin to threaten them and even beat them! Parents go so far as to curse their children, and the day and hour they brought them into the world! I saw parents shed bitter tears because of the moral decline of their children and repeat a thousand times that it would be better if they were not in the world! Because then they would have one misfortune and one sorrow that they have no children, whereas now, they tell me, we have a thousand misfortunes and as many sorrows from our children, so that we are even ashamed to show ourselves in public. Parents beg me to help them with my prayers to save their children. But when I ask them what you did to help these unfortunate creatures, they answer, almost all the same, that they could not do anything, because the children, as soon as they reached adolescence, got out of their control!

No, I tell them, you're too late. If you missed your childhood years and waited until adolescence came up to take care of raising your children, then here are the consequences. Expect even worse. The child is like dough. The softer the dough, the easier it is to mold. The same is true with children. The smaller the child, the easier it is to educate, form character, teach and develop.

And now, when you remembered that you have children, or, rather, they themselves reminded you of themselves with their disobedience, their harassment, their misdeeds and, in general, their immoral behavior, it is already too late. The bird has flown away. And if the bird breaks out of the cage, then it is not easy to catch it, even almost impossible!

The upbringing of a child is the beginning and the end of those obligations that parents have to a human being, which they, with Divine assistance, have brought into the world! Parents who have failed in the proper upbringing of their child can be considered as failed in everything! In everything! Can you hear me? Suppose there are parents who have devoted their entire lives to increasing their financial turnover in order to increase their income and become wealthy people, while doing nothing to properly educate their children. So, I tell you, they not only gave nothing to their children, but, on the contrary, worked hard to make them lazy, idlers and criminals! Yes! I assure you of it. They raised criminals!

And do you know why? Because money, falling into the hands of corrupt people, brings evil not only to them, but also to those poor people who communicate with them. Because the need forces these latter, in fact, to sell themselves to the rich, and they use them as weak-willed individuals, where, when and how they want. But always - in evil!

Haven't you ever heard the folk wisdom: Money corrupts the conscience "? More correct words about what money does with the human mind, at least, I have not heard. Since time immemorial, people have noted that even conscience is sold for money. You don't have to look far for examples. Didn't Judas betray Christ for money? For 30 pieces of silver? It's self-evident! Isn't this example enough to prove in the destructive action of money when it is in the hands of people who do not have God inside them? So, those who do not care about the right education of their children, who do you think they are raising? They are raising Judas! Yes! It's Judas! O unfortunates! They are laying up treasures for themselves here on earth, and they are not interested in the Kingdom of Heaven!

Moreover, the wealth that they collect here, neither they themselves will have time to use, nor their ill-bred children will be able to keep it. And do you know why? Because the parents themselves suffer from an incurable disease called the love of money! And this disease will not leave them until the grave. They remain indifferent to all the other blessings that God has given to man. Therefore, they will die without using their money! As for their children, whom they allowed to sink to the point that they became completely incapable of anything, they are simply not able to save this money! After all saving money is more difficult than earning it!

That's why no proper upbringing - nothing. The child receives the right upbringing not in the way we want, and even more so not when we want!

Education begins from the moment the child is conceived and continues throughout the entire period of gestation. From the day a child is born and up to his coming of age, concerns about his correct upbringing only increase, not decrease.

I tell you the most important thing and therefore I want you to pay special attention to this! When the child is still in the mother's womb, parents should already begin to take care of him! Yes! Already!

You ask me: what can we do for a child who is still in the womb?

And I will answer you: we ourselves are nothing! But the One who gave it to be conceived is everything! Indeed, is there a greater miracle than the miracle of conception? Of course not!

Therefore, we must turn to Him and in our fervent prayers, beg Him to take care of the perfection of the body and soul of the conceived child. And He will control everything by the grace of the Holy Spirit. But our prayers don't stop there. Vice versa! After the birth of a baby, as it grows, our prayers for it should also multiply.

In this way, we show that we really trust the correct upbringing of our child to God Himself. And when our child is under the direct, constant supervision and protection of God, then we can be sure that he will never stray from the right path.

During confession, I asked the Elder to tell me something about my children, and he replied: “Your son is more like you, and your daughter is more like her mother. So you divided them, one - one, the other - another, so that no one complains.

Before Father Porfiry, shortly before his death, finally left for the Holy Mountain, I asked him if I had the right attitude towards my son. “You treat your son the way you should,” the Elder replied. “But pay attention to how you treat your daughter.”

Indeed, the day before I gave her a severe reprimand for a little prank, which she allowed herself at the table during the meal.

« Love your children deeply Father Porfiry told me. - Love hard.

Parents are to blame for children's difficulties. All problems start with parents. Parents must become saints, then their children will be sanctified, and then there will be no more problems.

When parents don't get along, they raise difficult children.».

Father Porfiry constantly said: “ If parents do not live in peace and harmony, then children will have difficulties».

And again: “We should not scold our children. It is best to contact them for advice. If we want children to do something, then first of all we ourselves should set a good example for them, and then we should stretch out our hands to God and pray.”

“We must have time, before the children are 12 years old, to instruct them with our good example.”

“We should not force anyone to go to Church. Christ said: Who wants to follow me».

A certain woman asked Father Porfiry:

- Geronda, what should I say to my son, who, as it seems to me, has recently become very close friends with one girl? What sins can he fall into with her! Besides, neither my husband nor I like this choice of his.

- Do you know this girl? the Old Man asked. - No.

"Then what makes you think she's bad?" Do not scold your son, as you often do, but tell him: “Listen to me, my child, I am almost constantly among the holy brothers, and I do not like what you are doing. Please fix it. After all, God does not favor what you do. And your son will decide what to do. It's clear?" It is necessary not to reprimand children, but to set a good example for them. Do not teach constantly and do not scold your children,” the Elder told me.

- What should I do, Geronda? she asked.

— Pray and say everything to God, so that a blessing descends from above ... and not vice versa, as it happens now. Tell your children that they must learn their lessons so that they can become good people and not get mixed up in bad company.

When we ask children to do something, or to be careful somewhere, or to comfort a younger brother or sister, it unites them.

You can not caress or express your love for one child in front of another. Children are jealous.

Three forces act on the soul: good, bad and the third - neutral - the power of the soul itself.

The more energetic the child, the more vulnerable and sensitive he is.

Who did not hold a belt in his hand, he does not love his child.

The way of thinking of modern society harms children. Modern society has a different psychology, a different pedagogy, which is aimed at raising atheist children. This way of thinking leads to self-will. You see the result of this in children and youth.

The youth today demands: “You must understand us!”, but we must not be led by it. We will pray for children and youth, we will live right and preach the gospel, but we will not adapt to their spirit, we will not distort our faith. It is not possible to help them by adopting their way of thinking. We must remain Christians and preach truth and light.

Let the children learn from the holy fathers. The teaching of the fathers will tell the children about confession, about the passions, about evil, about how the saints conquered evil in themselves. And we will pray that the Lord will penetrate deep into their souls.

According to the brochure: “Athos Elder Porfiry Kavsokalivit. Children and youth. Instructions for children, youth, their parents. IG "Kormchaya", 2012

In every era, the Lord sends the righteous to the earth - so that people take their example, absorb their wise instructions. The famous Athonite elder Porfiry Kavsokalivit, who lived in the 19th century, became famous for his sayings and also for his gift to heal people.


Born Evangelos (name before becoming a monk) in a simple Greek family. His parents firmly preserved the truths of the Orthodox faith, and taught their son to obey God. The poor peasants could not give their son an education because they did not have the means to do so. From an early age, the child was forced to work - he helped in the garden, grazed cattle, traded. The boy already then reached out to God, inspired by the life of one saint.

But he was able to achieve his dream only at the age of 15. One familiar Athos monk decided to take him to his cell. The skete where they lived was called Kavsokalivia. The young man immediately began to lead the life of an ascetic:

  • slept very little, for which he lay down directly on the floor;
  • did not wear shoes;
  • worked in the garden;
  • spent a lot of time in prayer.

Soon the brethren considered that Porfiry Kavsokalivit was worthy to accept the monastic rank.

Departure from Athos

Ascetic exploits thoroughly undermined the health of the young man. He was sent several times to be treated, but it soon became clear that the climate of the holy mountain did not suit the monk. He was blessed to go to another monastery. Soon the local archbishop ordained the future elder to the priesthood, giving him a new name - Porfiry. Soon he was appointed monastic confessor. This is a very big responsibility, because it is necessary to monitor the spiritual health of all the brethren.

Over time, the saint became an archimandrite, helping in the hospital temple of Athens. Seeing the wisdom and insight of Porfiry Kavsokalivit, even doctors often turned to him for advice. All the money (and there were not so many of them) that the priest relied on for his work at the hospital, he gave to the needs of his relatives. The archimandrite organized several workshops to give people the opportunity to earn money.


At the end of his life, Porfiry, as he dreamed, managed to return to Athos. He settled in his former cell, taking several disciples. The date of death was revealed to him in advance. Together with his cell-attendants, he prepared a grave, next to his house. He thought a lot about how he would meet with the Savior and answer to Him.


Elder Porfiry Kavsokalivit gave advice to everyone who came to him for spiritual help. He taught people to always live in peace. Since a person is a spiritual being, he must take care of the purity of his thoughts, not allow anger, irritation. Even mental aggression can inflict deep wounds on others.

  • Many are turned away from God by the fact that there are diseases in the world. The elder, on the other hand, argued that even such a terrible disease as cancer is not sent in vain - through it people go to heaven.
  • Read the Scriptures as often as possible. If a word has sunk into the soul, it is necessary to think about it separately.
  • People must repent, otherwise they cannot be saved.

Elder Porfiry Kavsokalivit gave many instructions to parents about children. Why are many sick children being born today? Because their father and mother do not love each other, they often quarrel. Even a baby understands and perceives all this.

  • Adults should never swear in the presence of children. Even talking in raised tones can injure the soul of a child.
  • A pregnant woman received from God a very honorable gift - motherhood.
  • Life begins with conception - you need to talk with the child, drive bad thoughts away from yourself. The mood of the mother is transmitted to the baby.

You can turn to the elder both with prayers for health and for the multiplication of faith.


Rejoice, Athos, humble sheep,

Porfiry, Preacher of Love,
Glory to the monks, fertilizer to the saints,

For the new Spirit gave reasoning,
To another, faith and the actions of forces.
To you, all opened up,
Like a mystery of God's Grace.

Elder Porfiry Kavsokalivit - advice, life was last modified: June 7th, 2017 by Bogolub

“As soon as one thought is born in us, in which there is no love, know that we have received the spirit of malice”

Elder Thaddeus Vitovnitsky

“Because of egoism, a person is on the side of the evil spirit, that is, he develops with an evil spirit, and not with a good one ... We have reached the point that in our time we have made the earth one mental hospital! And we don’t understand what the reason is here ... "

Rev. Porfiry Kavsokalivit

Non-peaceful thoughts destroy us and the world around us — An egoist serves evil spirits, not good ones — How to break out of the vicious circle of passions — Difficulties of the first steps towards God

People now attach very little importance to their thoughts, and after all, what our thoughts are, such is our life. A noble person is a person with noble thoughts - then both words and deeds will be appropriate. If the thoughts are evil, then no matter how hard we try to hide them behind external decency, nothing will work out - the soul feels the soul, evil, even at the level of thought, is transmitted to others, sowing irritability, misunderstanding, and conflict around oneself. A peaceful person with calm, kind thoughts, by his very presence, brings peace and harmony to his environment.

Serbian elder Thaddeus Vitovnitsky (1914-2003) said: " Our life is what our thoughts are» . And he also said that “if our thoughts are peaceful and quiet, kind and generous, then this affects not only our own state - we also exude this peace everywhere around us: both in the family and in our country ... If they live in us negative thoughts, then this causes great harm to us! When evil is in us, we transmit it, pour it out - on relatives, in the family, in any circle where we are. We can carry both great good and great evil; and if so, man, it is better to be kind - for your own good! Because destructive thoughts destroy our world, and we have no rest. .

"Elder Porfiry Kavsokalivit"

Metropolitan Athanasius of Limassol

I wanted to talk to you, my dears, about the memory of one saint who rested on December 2nd. This is the saint of our time, the great saint. And I'm not just going to tell you a story, I want us to see: everything that is taught and talked about in the Church can be translated into real life.

Elder Porfiry (that was his name) rested in 1992. Perhaps you have heard of this great man. The Lord honored me to know him personally, and to know him intimately enough. I visited him many times. And since he was an Athos monk, he rested on Athos. So I met him there too. And maybe I was one of the last people he spoke to… We talked to him on the phone the day before his death. This elder, my dears, was a great phenomenon of our time. Numerous books have been written about him eyewitness accounts. I think it is possible to compile whole volumes, many volumes, which will include descriptions of various cases that were witnessed by people who were next to him, who communicated with him. I will tell you about some of the events in his life that I observed personally or heard from people who knew him.

Elder Porfiry's family was from Asia Minor, but he himself was born and raised in the vicinity of Athens. While still a child, he read the life of St. John Kalivit (in the Russian tradition, John Kuschnik). This was an unusual saint. One day he decided to leave his home. He left, became a monk, and after many years decided to return home. All this took place in Rome. His parents wept, wept for the loss of their only precious child. Saint John lived with them for about thirty years. His parents were very rich people, but the saint settled in a hut, which they made for him, because they mistook him for a poor beggar. So he lived in this hut in the garden of his house, his own slaves laughed at him, threw him some scraps, tortured him and mocked him. And he continued to live there, enduring all this until his death. Right before his death, he unexpectedly gave his parents the handwritten Gospel that his mother had given him. So it turned out that it was their son. But he died immediately. This very small handwritten Gospel of St. John Kalyvit is kept on Mount Athos to this day.

“It is true that without love for people you cannot love God. But it is also certain that only through love for God can you truly love people.

The Pope of Rome has long intended to subdue the Orthodox Church. But the day will come when the dialogue with the Catholics will come to a standstill. They won't get anything...

No matter how unfair the accusation against you, you do not need to be indignant, even internally. This is also evil. After all, the beginning of evil is evil thoughts. When you get upset and indignant, even mentally, you destroy your spiritual dispensation. You hinder the work of the Holy Spirit and allow the devil to multiply evil.”

Orthodoxy - Appearance. Clothes - Hinduism - Smoking - Love for God and neighbor - Freemasonry - Thoughts - Fasting - Pope - Holy places - Dreams - Chiliasts (Jehovah's Witnesses) - Psychic - Various tips

Venerable Porfiry Kavsokalivit(1906-1991):

For the first time I understood what Orthodoxy means

The basis of Orthodoxy is the presence of the Holy Spirit. As the great father of our Church said Saint Irenaeus of Lyons, where the grace of the Holy Spirit is clearly tangible, there is the Church.

The appearance of such people as Father Porfiry proves that even today the Orthodox Church continues to exist, that we have firmly preserved the traditions of our faith since ancient times. It proves that the gifts of the Holy Spirit were sent down by God not only in the time of the apostles, as many heretics believe, but they are always alive and active in Orthodox tradition for all time.

“Medicine, my child, means poison. Do not think that medicines are always beneficial. They are still harmful. Why do we take medicine? Because we are sick. Why are we sick? Because we're nervous. Why are we nervous? Because we sin. But if we allow Christ to dwell in our soul, then sin runs away, nervousness runs away, sickness runs away, and we throw away medicines.

…Maybe the idea that a cancerous tumor … is stronger than God was born in your head? If so, then you are making a big mistake. There is nothing greater than our Lord. He, and He alone, is above everything! And everything depends on Him!

…Do you know what to do when you are sick? You need to ask God to forgive you your sins. And God, since you, being full of suffering, will turn to Him with humility, will forgive your sins and heal your body ...

The cure for cancer is very simple. Doctors use it daily, it is constantly at their fingertips… But God does not reveal this remedy to them, because Paradise has been filled lately as a result of cancer!”

Elder Porfiry Kavsokalivit

Rev. Porfiry Kavsokalivit (1906-1991)

Mental and bodily ailments

The elder always, no matter how serious a person’s bodily illness, first of all paid attention to the illness of his soul. Many of the sick who came to Father Porfiry persistently asked him to pray only for deliverance from their bodily illness. They did not have the patience to endure their infirmities. These people believed that if they did not get well and the disease took on a protracted character, then this would shake their faith in Christ and, in the end, lead them to mental breakdown. But, according to the Elder, everything was the other way around: sin, an unrecognized illness of the soul, darkened their eyes, and they did not notice the highest enlightening significance of their bodily illness, which the love of God allowed them. The elder knew that if he prayed only for their bodily health, he would not help them, because fundamentally they would remain unhealed. He always tried to combine the treatment of the body with the treatment of the soul.

It seems that it is very difficult to become good, but in reality it is easy if a good start is made from childhood. And then, when you grow up, it is not difficult for you, because goodness is already inside you, you live by it. It is your property, which you will keep, if you are attentive, for the rest of your life...

Venerable Porfiry Kavsokalivit (1906-1991):

Will you have an abortion?

- Geronda, now, while I am still at the beginning of my pregnancy, everyone advises me to undergo a prenatal examination. This is done in order to be sure that you have a normal child, without any physical abnormalities.

– What will you do if the child has deviations? Father Porfiry asked me. - Will you have an abortion? If you have an abortion, then it's better not to ask me for any advice. Then I won't have anything to say to you.

Since you don't love each other

To some young spouses, the Elder said: "Since you do not love each other, the child who is soon to be born will have problems." This prophecy of Father Porfiry was exactly fulfilled. The old man believed that lack of love between spouses will certainly cause a problematic character in a child. Father Porfiry showed the effectiveness of the pedagogical theory, according to which “The upbringing of a child begins at the moment of conception.”

There is only one way to avoid difficulties in raising children - holiness.

Christ reveals Himself only within the Church, where people, being together, love each other, despite sins; not because of their efforts, but because of the grace and love of Christ. The love of Christ holds us all together. He makes us one body, and we participate in the divine-human life of the Lord. Only in this way and in no other way can we rise above the destructive power of sin. And the pinnacle of truth is the holy Eucharist.”

Elder Porfiry Kavsokalivit

Athos Elder Porfiry Kavsokalivit (1906-1991) was born on February 7, 1906 in Greece. I got to the Holy Mount Athos from the age of 14.

Once, having come early to church, he, still a very young monk, stood in a dark corner and prayed. Then a 90-year-old Russian elder, monk Dimitri, a former officer of the tsarist army, entered the temple. Looking around and not noticing anyone, he began to pray, making prostrations. During the prayer, the elder was radiant with such grace that he stood in the middle of the temple, not touching the floor. Divine grace, poured out on the holy elder, touched the young monk as well. The feelings that engulfed him are indescribable. On the way back to the cell, after receiving the Holy Mysteries, his heart was filled with such joy and love for God that, raising his hands to heaven, he loudly exclaimed: “Glory to Thee, O God! Glory to Thee, God! Glory to Thee, God!”

When talking, at least in a journalistic environment, about the spiritual life and spiritual people, as a rule, one involuntarily comes up with the thought of some area of ​​higher education, cultural institutions related to persons who have achieved professional success in the study of science and art. In such cases, "spirituality" is usually meant in a completely abstract sense, which means the development of certain mental abilities, the adherence of certain people to certain ideologies and worldview systems.

Such an approach would cause considerable surprise in relation to the title of this study, because we are talking about a poorly educated person who has nothing to do with ideologies, or intellect, or culture, or writing. On the other hand, the Church Fathers characterize a spiritual person as a person possessing the “powers of the Spirit”, emphasizing that the spiritual person “arose from three elements: the Grace of the Heavenly Spirit, the logic of the soul and the earthly body”, which, of course, is also spiritual, when it participates in the Grace of the Holy Spirit.

Even to those who did not personally know Porfiry Kavsokalivit, but only read the book “Elder Porfiry Kavsokalivit. Life and Words”, it will not be difficult to understand that the elder was a patristic spiritual person and that his teachings are reliable guiding in a truly spiritual life. However, not only the content of this book, but also the spiritual life itself cannot be limited to a simple context. Therefore, we present some simple remarks on this issue. Having adopted the expression: “Homer is explained through Homer”, we will try to convey to you not only the spirit, but also the stylistic authenticity of the elder’s speech.

Elder Porfiry does not separate spiritual life from the rest of human life, he does not set up insurmountable barriers and divisions, as we usually do. He himself is an integral person, therefore he denies all kinds of abstractions impoverishing life. Thus, while attaching great importance to the interest in prayer and Bible study, hymnology, rules and church troparia, he in parallel draws our attention to a simple path in the countryside, to garden plants, flowers and trees, emphasizing that the pursuit of “art and music is very useful for the soul". He believes that all this acts as a “medicine” that helps in the treatment of a person.

He was a pure and whole person who wanted to see all other people whole and happy. Therefore, he saw all objects and the whole world as "guides" to the great love of Christ. “Everything is holy: the sea, and bathing, and food. Rejoice in everything. Everything enriches us, everything leads us to great love, everything leads us to Christ.”

When Elder Porfiry spoke about spiritual life, he did not refer to things he had read somewhere, but testified to his personal experience. Therefore, his words were more than convincing, they were based on the life experience and personal relationship of the elder with the greatest and most important thing in this world - with Christ, who is above all. He always said: “If you find Christ, it will be enough for you, you will not want anything else, you will calm down. You will become a different person. You live where Christ is. You live in the stars, in infinity, in heaven with angels, on earth with people, with plants, animals, with anything and everything.”

Where there is love in Christ, loneliness disappears. You become meek, happy, whole. There is no anguish, no illness, no pressure, no anxiety, no darkness, no hell. Christ lives in all your thoughts, in all your deeds. You have Grace, so you are ready to suffer for Christ. You are able to accept even unjust suffering. Moreover, you gladly accept unjust suffering for Christ... When Christ comes to your heart, your life changes. Christ is everything."

This relationship with Christ is a relationship intimate and permeated with love. The life of a Christian is "hidden with Christ in God." We find the same experience and the same instruction of the Apostle Paul in Elder Porfiry: “No one should see you, no one should even catch your movement in worship of the Divine. All this must take place in the deepest secrecy, as with hermits. Remember what I told you about the nightingale? He sings in the forest. In silence. Is it safe to say that someone hears him? What is someone praising? Nobody. How good it is to sing in the desert! Have you seen how he puffs his throat? This also happens to those who fall in love with Christ. If he loves, “the larynx swells. The one who loves Christ makes great efforts.”

The meaning of spiritual life, as the elder taught, is not forced labor; spiritual life is set in motion by love for God. To affirm and testify to this truth, he draws a parallel with human love: “Let's take an example from human life. A lover cannot live away from a loved one, he does not need to transfer the image of a loved one from mind to heart, but when he sees his beloved, his heart trembles. When he is away from her and thinks of her, his heart flutters again. He does not make any effort for this, all this happens involuntarily. So it is with Christ. But there, of course, everything is Divine. Divine love, this love is not carnal. This is a serene love, but more piercing and deep. Just like in natural love, when you don't see the person you love, you suffer immensely. But even then, when you are near your loved one, you suffer from love and cry tenderly, thus, in this case, you also suffer from love, without noticing it yourself, you are filled with tears of love, reverence and joy. This is piety.”

The fact that the main thing in the spiritual life is love is the link between the teachings of the elder and his life. Therefore, he emphasizes that “when you sincerely love, then even if you live in Omonia Square (Central square of Athens - Ed.), do not notice that you are on Omonia. You don't see cars or people or anything. You are inside yourself with the person you love. You live, you rejoice, you are inspired. Isn't this reality? Imagine that the person you love is Christ. Christ in your mind, Christ in your heart, Christ in your whole being, Christ everywhere.” In addition, he assures that all these are not empty theories, but his own experience and vision of the world: “This is what I do. I'm trying to find the means to love Christ. This kind of love is impossible to get enough of. How much your love for Christ grows, how much it seems to you that this is not enough, how much you want to love Him even more! Without realizing what is happening, you will rise higher and higher!”

The elder's teachings about a spiritual life based on love remain vital and motivating for us. In another context, he emphasizes that the spiritual life is “love, excitement, madness, Divine longing. It's all there in each of us. Our soul demands their acquisition. For many, however, religion is a struggle, anguish and anxiety. Therefore, many religious people are considered unhappy, because they see how far they are from happiness…” Here, of course, the elder is talking about some pathology that can appear in a person’s relationship with God, about a situation, unfortunately, very common among the so-called “ religious people.

The understanding of Christ as the basis of the inner world of the believer, the need for ardent love for Him are the main points not only in the teachings of Elder Porfiry, they were also a great achievement of his life. He lived the fullness of this relationship and calls us to tune in to the same frequency: “Constantly look up to Christ to draw closer to Him, you can work with Christ, live with Christ, breathe with Christ, be sick with Christ, rejoice with Christ. May Christ be everything to you. Let your soul ask, cry out, crying out to Him: “Oh, my Bridegroom, desired…” Christ is the Bridegroom, the Father, He is everything. There is nothing higher in the world than to love Christ. Everything we want is in Christ. Christ is everything. All joy, all joy, heavenly life. We have everything great when Christ is within us. The soul that is in love with Christ is always cheerful and happy, no matter how much labor and sacrifice it costs.”

To achieve love for God, a necessary condition is love for one's neighbor. Thus, we become one with Christ and acknowledge Him as our Father and head of the Church. “Love for one's brother breeds love for God. We will be happy when we secretly love all people. We will then feel that everything and everyone around us loves. No one can come to God if he passes by people.” This love also extends to those of whom we think that they are not on the right path, because love for our neighbors does not depend on morality. Also, our attempts to fix someone “are a kind of projection of ourselves. In fact, we want to become good, and because we cannot become good, we demand it from others, sometimes even insist on it. Although everything can be fixed through prayer, we often become irritable and begin to worry, and then judge. The “moralist” who has stuck in us when he sees someone wrong starts to protest, while in most cases he does the same. But he is not offended by himself, but by another. And this is not what God wants.”

This attitude of the elder is dictated not by any moral psychology, but by deep churchness, because all this exists in real church life. Father Porfiry emphasizes that Christ will appear among us in unity and love, in His Church. It is important for all of us that when we enter the church, we unite with our neighbors, accepting both their joys and their sorrows. In the church we pray for everyone, we suffer for the salvation of everyone and become one with the unfortunate, sick and sinners. No one should desire salvation only for himself, without asking for the salvation of others. When we separate ourselves from others, we cease to be Christians. On the contrary, we become true Christians when we deeply feel that we are members of the mystical Body of Christ, that is, when we live in unity in His Church. This shows the true meaning of the Church.

Elder Porfiry also teaches us that everything we do in the spiritual life should be done out of love and without ulterior motives. Every bow, every effort counts when made without any calculations - not to win something, even if it is heaven, but out of pure love for Christ. Thus, love gives meaning to everything, it is the path of suffering that makes a true Christian a poet. “He who wants to become a Christian must first become a poet. That's the problem! You must suffer. Love and suffer. Suffer for the one you love. Love makes you work for the good of your loved one. She runs, does not sleep, bleeds to meet her beloved. She sacrifices everything, counting nothing, no threats, no hardships. Love for Christ is another matter, it is something infinitely sublime.” And he immediately hurries to clarify: “And when I talk about love, I don’t mean the qualities that we acquire on our life path, but about heartfelt love for Christ and our neighbors.”

1 . John Chrysostom, On the Usefulness of Vague Prophecy 2.5, PG56, 182

2. Gregory Palamas, For the Holy Hesychasts 1,3,43, in the Scriptures, ed. P. Christou, volume 1, Thessaloniki 1962, p. 454.

3. The book was first published in March 2003 by the monastery of Chrysopigi (Golden Spring) in Chania, Crete. Its 7th edition is out today, while the book has been translated and distributed in English, Arabic, Romanian, Russian, German, Bulgarian, Italian and other languages. The footnotes in the article refer to this book.

4. Elder Porfiry, Life and Words, p. 379.

5. Ibid., p. 462.

6. Ibid., p. 219.

7. Qty. 3.3.

8 . Life and Words, p. 238.

9. Ibid., p. 260.

Translation from modern Greek: the editors of the online publication "Pemptusia".

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