August Pedagogical Conference. The annual August Pedagogical Conference was held in Zhukovsky near Moscow August Pedagogical Conference

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On August 28, within the framework of the "August Conference 2017" on the basis of school No. 5 in Divnogorsk, a small thematic platform was held - "School of the Leader", "School of Self-Government".

The concept of the platform is “We do it ourselves (leaders-adults) - we do it together”. 31 volunteers of MBOU secondary school No. 5 worked at the site. Before the start of the sites, the volunteers conducted team building, then the participants walked along the road map, together with the volunteers, all the sites:
1. Algorithm of the electoral process: Conducted by Korolenya Evilina (an active participant in the School of the Leader, the Pedagogical Squad, summer camps on Baikal, Mass Media Camp).
2. Designing: conducted by Lilia Golovkova (an active participant in the School of the Leader, the Pedagogical Team, summer camps on Lake Baikal, Participant in the Reserve Shifts project, Ecovision).
3. Pedagogical team as a means of vocational guidance in the educational institution: conducted by Isupova Angelina (an active participant in the School of the Leader, the Pedagogical Team, in August 2017 she was delegated for active work to Baikal).
4. Pioneering - Baikal technologies: conducted by Vladislav Maksimov, Dmitry Yanochkin, Alexey Altukhov (active participants in the School of the Leader, the Pedagogical Team, summer camps on Baikal).
5. Reserve shifts - SNP technologies in the year of Ecology, in the year of the 100th anniversary of the Reserve system: conducted by Daria and Ksenia Grigorievs. (active participants in the School of the Leader, the Pedagogical Squad, protected shifts in Khakassia and Ergaki).

There were 33 guests - employees of all educational institutions in Divnogorsk.
Government, public and business representatives:
- Murashov Yu.I. Chairman of the City Council of Divnogorsk;
- Putivsky A.N. Deputy Chairman of the City Council of Divnogorsk, head of the company "Techpolymer";
- Cheburashkin K.S. Deputy Head of the city of Divnogorsk;
- Kabatsura G.V. head of the Department of Education in Divnogorsk;
- Smorgon A.L. Chairman of the Public Chamber of the city of Divnogorsk, head of the Paritet company.

The result of the site’s work was the proposals made to the resolution of the “August Conference 2017”:
1. Initiate the creation in the city of Divnogorsk of the City School Parliament, which unites students from all educational institutions in Divnogorsk. On the project site Lilia Golovkova defended the project of the School City Parliament. The guests expertized this project, prompted the schoolchildren what, from their point of view, could be added.
2. Conduct an educational and economic game during the autumn holidays for students in schools in the city of Divnogorsk during the spring holidays for pupils of preschool educational institutions.
3. Within the framework of the Education Strategy of the city of Divnogorsk, using the funds allocated by the municipality, to hold the II meeting of the "School of Leaders" in the Eco-Park "Admiral".
4. Every year for students of the city's schools and guests, conduct a local history quest "Keys to the City".
5. In the 2017-2018 academic year, attract enterprises and the society of the city of Divnogorsk, draw up case studies and conduct the "School of Real Affairs" in three stages.

On August 29, Lilia Golovkova spoke at the plenary session of the August Conference 2017. She told the audience of 136 people about the work of the site, showed a video made by the Pyaterochka television studio and made proposals to the resolution, which were approved by the majority of those present.

SNP coordinator in MBOU secondary school No. 5, Divnogorsk, Smorgon S.B.

The All-Russian August Meeting of Pedagogical Workers was held on August 19–20, 2016 in Moscow on the basis of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of Russia and completed a series of similar meetings in the subjects of the Federation.

More than 500 teachers from 66 regions of the Russian Federation took part in the meeting. Among them are the winners of the All-Russian competition "Teacher of the Year", teachers who have been awarded the honorary title "People's Teacher of the Russian Federation", and teachers who have trained the winners of All-Russian, international Olympiads, competitions of professional skills.

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Five discussion platforms worked within the framework of the meeting: “On increasing the prestige of the teaching profession in society”, “The national system of teacher growth and improving the professional standard of a teacher”, “Infrastructure of school education”, “Reducing the bureaucratic burden” and “School of Russia: towards new educational results ".

From the transcript of the plenary session:

D. Medvedev: I will say two words in order to hand over the reins of government and introduce the new Minister of Education and Science, Olga Yuryevna Vasilyeva. Please love and respect.

O.Vasilyeva: Today is the second day of our pedagogical council. The pedagogical meeting in August is a very good Russian tradition, because educators get together and discuss the tasks to be solved in the new academic year. How is this pedagogical council different? For the first time such a meeting is of all-Russian significance, although in each region such meetings are held in a different format in the last two weeks before the start of the academic year.

I want to give you some numbers. 83 regions, 680 participants are representatives of state and municipal executive and legislative authorities, these are teachers, the pedagogical community, and representatives of the parent community. What did we do yesterday and what will we discuss today? The All-Russian Pedagogical Council updated the issues of work on the instructions of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, analyzed the current situation and provided an opportunity to discuss issues that concern us, children, parents and society as a whole.

Now very briefly: it is known that five sites worked. I will represent each of them. First, I want to give the floor to Mikhail Gennadyevich Mokrinsky, director of the Letovo school, who will present the results of the work of the School Education Infrastructure platform.

M. Mokrinsky (Director of ANO "School" Letovo ""): Presenting the work of the “School Education Infrastructure” platform, I must say that the work was carried out all day yesterday, firstly, very interested, and secondly, constructively. For all participants in this section, the conversation was not only about infrastructure, but for the majority - about accessibility and for everyone without exception - about the quality of education, which is provided and guaranteed by this very infrastructure. As it turned out, everyone had something to say on this topic. Therefore, today I am voicing only the main proposals and considerations that were voiced at this site. There were much more of them, some of them will go as proposals at the regional level and for the attention of the participants themselves.

The first part was about the construction of school buildings. Coincidentally, today the construction of school buildings in the regions is simultaneously two positive dynamics. The first is demographic positive dynamics, and the second is connected with the development of federal state standards. Both of them require that children in schools have time and space to work together, in groups, with teachers in well-organized activities, and that we have the opportunity to plan every next step better and better. . And in this sense, we are talking not only about reducing the number of schools working in two shifts, so that schools working in three shifts disappear as quickly as possible, so that at the same time there is a rotation of school buildings with the departure into oblivion of those that have already survived to practically complete wear. The point is that schools should be ready to combine different formats of education at the same time and that all this should be of high quality. And in this sense, the common wish of those who worked as part of our site was to continue the program to create new school places and give this program a priority, which is very important.

Second topic. When we build these schools, all the main things that we want to see at the end are laid down initially in the designs of school buildings. And we have a lot of new good projects, they appear in the regions, teachers in focus groups, architects and builders who also want to do a good job are working on them. But, despite the fact that there are many good projects, they are all made according to the standards that have evolved for many decades. And it often turns out that these standards do not take into account the most important thing - how the teachers themselves see the quality of the future educational process. And in this sense, the proposal of the section from which I speak today is as follows. Think about creating a mechanism that will allow you to first implement a certain amount of advanced projects, on which you can rely in the future, on which this advanced pedagogical experience can be built. Then describe the realized findings, then do the most important, the third part of the work - analyze and turn them into regulatory requirements. And this is the second wish from our site.

And finally, the third. About educational equipment. We would like it to be affordable and of high quality. Today, of course, many teachers adhere to traditional teaching in their work - chalk, rag, blackboard. But the further, the greater the role of modern educational equipment, so that the educational process is built in a normal, modern way. And we must strive to ensure that the production of school equipment affects all aspects of equipping schools, so that it is as close to the regions as possible and that its quality corresponds to the diversity of schools.

Therefore, on behalf of the site, the following proposal: at the federal level, provide for measures to support Russian equipment manufacturers so that they are able to produce it at tomorrow's quality level. And for the regions to actively participate in this .

T. Svetenko (Director of the Pskov Linguistic Gymnasium): Another very important issue was discussed at the site. The problem concerned school buses. We believe that school buses are a fairly large, very important social project, which is also a tool to ensure the availability of quality education. Therefore, we propose to develop an appropriate program at the federal level that will allow teachers living in rural areas and small towns not to worry about providing schools with the necessary and high-quality transport.

D. Medvedev: Naturally, I will carefully analyze the results of work at all sites, including the first site, which our colleague Mikhail Gennadievich just spoke about. (Mokrinsky).

A few remarks about where we are in this respect and what lies ahead of us.

It is clear that the infrastructure of school education is the foundation without which education simply cannot develop. We are aware of this in the Government, and that is why, even at a time when everything is very difficult for us in terms of money, a large program was put forward and implemented to create kindergartens throughout the country. And now we have moved on to the school building program.

I would like to assure you right here at our meeting that we will implement this program to the end, no matter what the cost. Because we understand very well that we can pass good laws, write excellent textbooks, train brilliant teachers, raise salaries, but if there is nowhere to study, then our education will degrade. And the prestige of the teacher will degrade, and in general everything will, unfortunately, be in a very sad state.

What are we planning to do? Most of our schools, let me remind you, were built in the 1960s and 1970s. In the next 10 years, we need to create the capacity to train almost a huge number of students. I mean the growth of 3.5 million student places. This is a colossal state task. Until 2025, we will have approximately 6.5 million seats. For this year, let me remind you, we have planned 25 billion rubles to start this program. The program has started. This year it will give us an increase of approximately 50,000 places, which is about 100 schools. But this is the very beginning. I am sure that this year and in the coming years we will cope with these tasks. But it is no less important, of course, to deal with the issues that Mikhail Gennadievich spoke about. I also mean regulatory regulation - to create modern school designs so that we do not have to redo them in a few years, so that they have a certain margin of safety, so that they are designed not only for a larger number of students (they, obviously, after some time will become larger), but that they meet modern educational standards. These are the projects we need to create. And I hope that we can do it together with you. What I mean? We talk all the time about the need to use so-called standard projects. That's right: so that the school does not turn into an expensive palace, but is a modern, high-tech building. But at the same time, the best standard projects, as, by the way, in the Soviet period, we need not only to choose, but also to replicate. This will make construction cheaper, and therefore, just build schools faster, and on the other hand, use best practices. So I am ready to support all these ideas that were voiced on the site.

As for the issues related to training equipment. We have been dealing with this topic for quite a long time. When we met with the moderators of the sites, I specifically asked the question: is this the most Russian equipment, is there something to rely on? Received the answer that in principle it is. If this is so, if it satisfies you, first of all, as teachers, as leaders of education, then we will bet on Russian manufacturers, because, of course, it is better for us to support our own, and not to purchase various Chinese flasks, test tubes or globes. It is better if we do all this at home.

And finally, with regard to the school bus program. I remember very well how, about 10 years ago, we in the Government talked about the fact that the school bus fleet that operates in the countryside, in the provinces, is practically worn out and needs to be updated. And then a fundamental decision was made to do it. During this time, we have managed to purchase and deliver 26.5 thousand buses to the regions. This significantly changed the situation.

But time does not stand still. Indeed, the service life of the bus is limited, and the service life of the bus for transporting children is generally severely limited, so we are now forced to return to this program again. Frankly speaking, we hoped that the regions would be more actively involved in this work. But now there are problems of financing regional expenses, so the federal center made the following decision: just yesterday I signed the first one on the purchase of new buses for delivery to the regions. This is 1,800 new school buses in 2016 for a total of 3 billion rubles. So this work has begun and will continue. And buses are already going to the regions. I would just like to orient you all: you can tell your heads of education systems, the governors, to tell them to meet them.

O.Vasilyeva: The next platform - "School of Russia: towards new educational results" - will be presented by the moderator Vita Viktorovna Kirichenko, director of the Kaptsov gymnasium No. 1520.

V. Kirichenko (Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow "Gymnasium No. 1520 named after the Kaptsovs"): The achievement of new educational results, the need for which is obvious, is inextricably linked with updating the content of education, the creation of modern regulators of educational activities, the availability of tools and mechanisms that can ensure the quality work of a modern teacher. Yesterday, this was the topic of discussion on our site, and, according to the participants, it turned out to be useful and, most importantly, constructive. We discussed exemplary educational programs that the professional community is waiting for on the eve of September 1. And it was gratifying to hear that another high school program is ready and will be available from September 1 of this school year.

We talked yesterday about subject concepts. Some of them have already been created, some of them are being worked on. And everyone expressed confidence that these documents, regulators, are needed not only by subject teachers, not only in the subject on which the concept was created, they are important for all participants in educational activities. Concepts that have absorbed problems of a meaningful, methodological, motivational nature set the direction of activity, help to understand where, how and why we are moving.

We could not ignore a very important issue, new to the modern school, related to the achievement of meta-subject results. It is quite obvious that in order to achieve this level of results, we need to consolidate all the efforts of professional communities - both associations of subject teachers, and educational and methodological associations of all levels - both regional and federal. We need well-coordinated work and the same understanding by all participants in the educational process of the new results that we want to achieve.

Separately, the conversation turned to tools, about what helps us today to solve the tasks facing everyone. First of all, we are talking about the information and educational environment, that, despite the abundance of existing materials, the experience of their use, the question of understanding what has already been developed, and further steps, understanding that that certification is needed, a high-quality, professional examination of the materials that we, teachers, use in our work.

And one more question, very important, very necessary and timely. We are talking about the next steps to achieve personal results. More recently, the organization "Russian Movement of Schoolchildren" was created. She takes her first steps. Yesterday we said how important it is to have a common understanding, to unite the efforts of all of us, because both the Russian Movement of Schoolchildren and every school in the Russian Federation solve common problems. We cannot achieve these results without pooling efforts, competent, rational use of time, responsibility for our every step.

Yesterday, almost all of us talked about how important responsibility and literacy are in the profession of every teacher. Naturally, we cannot be the same age as our children, but we must be their contemporaries in order to achieve these new educational results. These results are not an end in themselves, just as the quality of education is not an end in itself. This is the road to a decent life for each of us.

I will announce one decision from our site, in my opinion, very important. This is the creation of an interdepartmental mechanism for interaction between the regional and federal levels of executive power, which will ensure the implementation of everything planned on an ongoing basis.

M.Rusetskaya (acting rector of the Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language): Vita Viktorovna, speaking about new requirements for new educational results, said that an effective mechanism, a tool for achieving them is the electronic educational environment. Indeed, significant progress has been made in recent years. Today, the school actually uses electronic resources, services to achieve educational results, improve the skills of teachers, and interact with children and parents. This is already the norm of our life, the norm of professional activity.

But at the same time, we talked on our platform that the requirements for new results of education are born not only in the education system, they are also born outside, dictated by the changes that are taking place in society and in the economy. We see that electronic communications and online learning are new realities today. There are practically no professions in which there would be no requirements for the competencies of electronic communication, work in electronic environments. More than 60% of our daily communication, according to experts, is communication in electronic environments. Therefore, we believe that the project related to the creation of the Russian Electronic School and its development should reach a new level. We need an effective electronic educational environment, a school that would have resources in accordance with Russian standards, which would be carried out by leading teachers, according to the best programs of Russian education in Russian. First of all, they would ensure the availability of education not only to residents of our entire country, but also abroad - to those who wish and have an interest in Russian educational programs. This is an effective tool for individualization, because today only online learning, only e-education can meet the challenges of all groups of students: both children with disabilities and gifted children who have increased motivation and require a program of a high level of complexity. And of course, this is a new environment for the development of teachers.

We kindly ask our platform, Dmitry Anatolyevich, to support the initiative to create the Russian Electronic School and give it the status of a state initiative in the field of educational policy.

D. Medvedev: I'm in favor with both hands. Because at some point he himself tried to do everything to ensure that such qualitative changes took place during the implementation of our first national school project. When we were just thinking about everything, starting, there was not even any talk of any electronic environment, the task was much simpler, although at that time it seemed extremely difficult - just bring the Internet to every Russian school. At that time it was about 50 thousand schools. And we did it even faster than I thought. But it was a technological challenge. It is complex and expensive, given that we have a huge country, very different, with different technological capabilities, but it is still a technical challenge. Much more important was the task of ensuring that educators accepted this new communicative environment. This is a very difficult topic for any person, and for a school teacher too. But we must admit that our school passed this exam brilliantly, I mean our entire teaching staff - both young teachers and mature ones. They very quickly mastered this communicative environment, began to speak the same language with the students. And it’s very important that not only students reach out to the teacher, but also that the teacher understands what language the children communicate in, and this is the language of modern life, electronic language, the language of electronic communications. Therefore, I am sure that the Russian Electronic School has a great future, and, of course, I am ready to do everything so that this project is implemented faster.

O.Vasilyeva: The next platform is “On increasing the prestige of the teaching profession in society”. It will be presented by the moderator Fedorov Valery Valerievich .

V. Fedorov (General Director of the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion): The theme of the special status of the teacher, the prestige of the teaching profession is so important, so significant that, probably, it cannot be trusted only to teachers. This is a problem of society as a whole, because if the teacher is not sufficiently motivated, not confident enough, not free enough, then he will not be able to teach and educate a truly free, comprehensively developed, open and modern person. If the teacher feels like a victim of circumstances, then, of course, he will not be able to turn his student into a creator and creator. Therefore, in our section, we were looking for ways to increase the prestige of the teaching profession both within the teaching community - such self-identification, and in society as a whole.

To begin with, a statement of what has been happening in the past few years. Wages - a very important material factor - have really grown (decrees are being implemented). Young people started coming to school. Over the past three years, teacher vacancies have become much smaller - less than 1% in Russia, statisticians say. The difficult economic situation has once again increased the value of working at school in that it guarantees stability and security. For the first time in recent decades, the share of young teachers has equaled the share of teachers of retirement age. The teaching profession is once again becoming attractive to young people. For several years now, the competition for pedagogical areas of training has been steadily growing.

However, lately we often hear that averages do not reflect reality - teachers' salaries are cut, bonuses and additional payments for the quality of work are unfairly distributed.

In this regard, we have formulated several proposals. First and, probably, the main thing: the May decrees must be strictly implemented, no matter how difficult it is now for the state from a financial point of view. This is the responsibility of the Federation in the first place.

Second suggestion. Understanding the intricacies of payroll accounting today is very difficult not only for an ordinary teacher, but often for a school principal. There should be clear and understandable general approaches to everyone, a common framework for the sectoral wage system is needed. Three different models of remuneration in education used today in the regions should be replaced by one.

The third idea and suggestion: teacher's work should be rationed. It is necessary to set an upper limit on the hourly load, to exclude cases of discrimination. Through additional payments, concrete results of labor should be encouraged. The mechanism for distributing these payments should be absolutely transparent.

And the fourth idea is related to additional education. Today it is the most important branch of the education system, and children's art schools are the most important link in it. Their activities are aimed at the spiritual and moral education of children by means of art, at the disclosure of the creative potential of the emerging personality of the child. State support for the system of additional education for children should become one of the most important areas of state cultural policy. In this regard, we propose to take all necessary measures to raise the salaries of teachers of children's art schools to the level of teachers in secondary schools.

O.Vasilyeva: Moderator's word. Please, Efim Lazarevich Rachevsky, Director of the Tsaritsyno Lyceum.

E. Rachevsky (Director of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of the City of Moscow "Education Center No. 548" Tsaritsyno ""): I would like to add to what Valery Valeryevich said (Fedorov) so as not to give the impression that additional education is only an art. Without additional education, we will not have an engineering culture. Russia today confidently occupies a leading position in school education, and not only in school education. The image of a nerd - remember in the films the image of a nerd? - became completely different. This, as a rule, is a successful fifth-grader or ninth-grader who is involved in athletics or weightlifting, is able to fight back, and is actively involved in social and other networks. Today it is good to study prestigiously. A modern Russian teacher is the level of high technology, this is the level of high culture.

D. Medvedev: You certainly had one of the most interesting sections, although each section is important. But this section touches on the teachers' corporation itself.

It is clear that for any profession, and even more so for the profession of a teacher, prestige is an extremely important component. For a teacher, prestige is, in fact, an assessment of his activities by the state, because, despite the rather large number of private schools, a lot still depends on state regulation in private schools. And we understand it. The task of the state is to contribute to the maximum extent to the high prestige of teaching work - both morally and financially. You all mentioned the presidential decrees of May 7, 2012. They played an absolutely fundamental role in changing the pay system for teachers in schools. Indeed, in recent years, wages have been brought up to the average for the region. I get reports about this almost every week, and overall it [reporting] looks pretty decent. But as soon as you start talking about the situation as a whole, a lot of questions immediately arise regarding the actual situation, including the so-called average indicators, declines. I want you to hear this from me: The government and I, we are aware of this and will do everything to remove these types of problems, even with the understanding that, on average, the situation looks quite decent and corresponds to the decisions that were laid down. in the relevant decree.

But the problem is not only in averages, the problem is also in the so-called payroll accounting, which has just been mentioned. Indeed, this is a rather subtle story, if we take the view of an ordinary teacher, a person who, in general, is not obliged to understand how the wage system works, at least in subtleties. However, on the other hand, all this payroll accounting should be understandable and transparent. Here we talked about the existence of three models, the need to switch to one model, the need to start standardizing, the need to introduce universal criteria, and a number of other proposals were made. I want to tell you a very simple thing: we are ready to do what is convenient for you, just as it is convenient for teachers. Let's discuss this and make a decision. We can return to some of the old principles of calculating wages - I mean the base part, salary, allowances, and so on. We can keep the principles that exist today, when the main set of decisions is made at the school level. Both approaches are possible. But this should not be a decision imposed by the new Minister of Education, colleagues in the Government, the Government as a whole, the governor. This should be a decision that has matured in the pedagogical community. I kindly ask you to continue this work and finally prepare proposals for us. We will, no doubt, take them into account.

Regarding further education. I realized that everyone supports the idea of ​​increasing the remuneration of teachers of additional education. Then we will have to do the simplest thing - to try to find money. We will try to do it.

O.Vasilyeva: The next platform, the next round table - "National system of teacher growth and improvement of the professional standard of the teacher." I invite the moderator, Yevgeny Aleksandrovich Yamburg, school No. 109.

E.Yamburg (Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow "School No. 109"): There was a very deep conversation. Now it is said that the teacher should have a worthy existence. The idea is not new, even Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote at the beginning of the last century: a poor teacher is a shame for the country. We are all for the fact that the level does not decrease. But I can say something else. All world experience has shown that wage increases in themselves do not lead to any new quality of education. It's like pumping gold into the sea and waiting for the fish to hatch. A very serious question arises. It's great that we are investing in infrastructure, in schools, in computers. But until we understand that the most important investment is in the head of a teacher, we will not get a new quality. This discovery is not only worldwide, 140 years ago Ushinsky wrote that no reform of education, no improvement of the school is possible except through the head of a teacher. Therefore, in the center, of course, qualifications. Let's be frank: we have 25 pedagogical universities left. They were merged, blurred - somewhere justified, somewhere not. But they still have a different task than universities. This is a different preparation. Centers for advanced training were optimized in many places, they turned out to be superfluous. Without this, how will we raise a new teacher?

Fulfilling your order, we have developed professional standards. Developed two years ago. These professional standards of a teacher are a response to challenges. Everyone is talking only about the information environment. It really was a new challenge. But the decision on the concept of inclusive education? When are both healthy and developmentally delayed people sitting in the same class? And who taught the teacher to work with them?

There are powerful demographic shifts. We have a lot of children in schools who do not have Russian as their native language, they do not speak it at home. But this is a new competence - teaching Russian as a foreign language. Architectural supervision is carried out in 46 regions, I am the head of the standards implementation group and I can say that this process is just beginning. It is impossible to demand from a teacher what we have not taught him.

The directive is to introduce from 2017. I believe that we are not ready to introduce from 2017, it takes time. These are very dangerous things. Many regions report: we are ready. Do you know how they do it? Schools of the seventh, eighth type are liquidated - for children with developmental delays, and such children - in regular schools. In this situation, special care must be taken.

The teacher must have professional growth and feel it. It's about salary and status. You have to put money into this. Let's imagine what happens. We finally saw a teacher of the highest category. It doesn't matter what it's called. What's the idea? His workload should be halved with children, he must, like a surgeon, in order not to lose the sensitivity of his fingers, work with children, but his main mission is: he is the bearer of advanced pedagogical practices. What prevents it today? Normative base. As a director, I have the right to hire teachers only for direct work with children, and methodological work does not go into seniority or retirement.

We are talking about the fact that in parallel with the introduction of professional standards, it is necessary to understand what regulatory framework prevents them from being changed. But these are systemic things. They say there is no staff shortage. It's different. I travel around the country, and, say, in the Volgograd region there is a huge shortage of mathematicians, physicists, and so on. And in large cities, young people cannot get into schools, the neck is almost closed. Because age teachers are sitting, God bless them. Why are they sitting? Because the pension is small. But if we appoint them as supervisors or mentors, slightly increase the pension, introduce young people, my soul as a director will not hurt - they will be supervised. And again, this requires only a change in the regulatory framework, and not additional money.

A lot can be done, but at the same time it is necessary to lay down the basic things clearly. No introduction of new standards should lead to a deterioration in the economic situation of the teacher and the deprivation of his social benefits. That is, this can and should be done, and then there will be both professional growth and teacher training, and we will achieve what we want - a new quality of education.

T. Kupriyanova (Deputy Chairman of the Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers of the Russian Federation): We are very pleased that literally at every discussion platform there was a conversation about what to do and what solutions to find, so that there was a closer linkage of the growth of the material support of the teacher with his achievements, with an increase in the efficiency and quality of his work.

The same thing happened on our discussion platform. We analyzed what measures are being taken now. In particular, we recalled (and this simply had to be done) that within the framework of the Russian tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations, uniform recommendations are adopted every year to improve the wage system in state and municipal institutions. And the task of the members of the Russian tripartite commission every year is to promptly make changes to the system of organization of wages, and in order to help ensure the priorities of state policy in the public sector in various sectors, and in order to stimulate the professional growth of workers. In particular, for several years now, recommendations have been made to increase the salary part of the salary structure, and not at the expense of special additional funds, but through the redistribution of funds. It is very important that our society and every teacher really understand that the qualified work of a teacher, which requires special training, very high qualifications, must be deservedly appreciated, so that there really is an attraction of young, talented, experienced, and that the best do not leave school. .

Therefore, a very big request to you, Dmitry Anatolyevich: please give instructions to the governors of the regions. After all, there are such proposals, they are justified, but the situation hardly changes. It turns out that in many regions our actual salary, or wage rate, is 20-25% of wages, everything else is additional payments and allowances with the use of increasing, decreasing coefficients. And it turns out that these additional payments and allowances often do not depend on job duties and the quality of their performance, or on the implementation of the educational program. We look forward to your personal participation in this.

D.Medvedev: Of course, we need a national system of teacher growth, but a modern system, moreover, taking into account the specifics - regional specifics and individual specifics.

There was a question about the guaranteed part of the teacher's salary. Should we return to such a system or not? It seems to me that the answer, again, should be given by the pedagogical community itself, but at the same time we must take into account regional differences, the preparedness of schools, teaching staff, and simply the actual level of remuneration. But I absolutely agree: the situation looks completely abnormal when the base salary is 5 or 10%, and everything else is allowances, and the teacher does not understand how they are calculated. This causes irritation, a feeling that everything is being done incomprehensibly, opaque and unfair, and this is the worst thing that can happen.

On the other hand, it seems to me unnecessary to return to rigid, fixed forms of remuneration, as it was in the Soviet period. Therefore, I would propose once again to analyze the relationship between the guaranteed part of the teacher’s salary in the structure of the total salary and bonus payments, allowances, prepare recommendations and, at the same time, suggest that the regions themselves at the regional level decide what to do. Moreover, the methodological component would remain with the Ministry of Education. Because if we now propose a single scheme for everyone, I am afraid that not all schools will be happy about this, even though some part of the schools will feel more confident in this case. This is a delicate question, but with what I cannot but agree and in what I would like to support what Evgeny Alexandrovich Yamburg said: no matter what we do with the system of remuneration of teachers, with professional standards - any of these novelties should not lead to a deterioration in the economic position of the teacher. This is absolutely unacceptable. Let's start from this.

O.Vasilyeva: The floor is given to the director of the Naslednik school, a member of the elective headquarters of United Russia Dukhanina Lyubov Nikolaevna.

L. Dukhanina (Head of the Department of the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", Director of the ANO "School" Naslednik ""): The United Russia party holds a large number of meetings with parents in kindergartens, schools, and vocational education institutions. Today we hear positive feedback about such implemented programs as the construction of kindergartens, the construction of swimming pools, the program for the repair of sports halls in rural schools. Of course, the start of the program for the construction of new schools was welcomed with joy. This is important, useful and joyful for our population. It empowers our children. Russia occupies one of the leading positions in the world in terms of the level of accessibility of all levels of education, and this cannot but rejoice us.

What worries our people? These are the problems of inequality of educational opportunities, the decline in the role of education as a social lift. The educational infrastructure on the territory of our vast country is unevenly distributed, and so far today in rural areas our children have fewer opportunities to receive advanced educational programs, to study in sports schools and music schools. In the early 2000s, a very large program was implemented to create basic schools, saturate the infrastructure, and attract young teachers to the countryside. However, this is still not enough today. As before, the educational trajectory for children in rural areas is poorer and shorter.

We note the presence of inequality of opportunity in urban areas as well. It is known that the city has public schools and there are schools that are difficult to get into. They implement an advanced level program, a large block of additional education, these schools offer very interesting paid educational services. As a result, children from different social groups end up in different schools with different quality of teaching, with different chances of passing exams in the 9th and 11th grades. Starting from 2017, the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education provided support for schools with poor educational results. In our opinion, we need to increase the scale of this program, because today the program provides for more than 20 subjects. We believe that today this scale is insufficient to stop negative processes.

But the difference is not only in the position of schools. In recent years, we have been doing a lot of evaluating the individual results of children, and this is a very important and necessary task, it needs to be dealt with. But one must understand that such a procedure sometimes becomes a barrier in the way of some children, including those from socially weak groups.

For example, preparation for the exam. Today, the USE does not raise questions - it is an objective independent tool for assessing the result of a child. However, the vast majority of parents say that it is impossible to achieve high scores in the Unified State Examination without the services of tutors. A similar opinion is present today with regard to passing exams in the 9th grade. And here again, differences in family incomes naturally manifest themselves: not every family can afford a tutor or a very good tutor for their child. In practice, this leads to an accumulation of differences in capabilities.

40% of children from lyceums, gymnasiums, schools with in-depth study of subjects additionally study subjects with tutors, study additional foreign languages. This figure is one and a half times lower for an ordinary district school and even lower, of course, for a rural school. Not all families can pay for tutors. As a result, parents worry that children with potentially poor test scores are beginning to be squeezed out of the education system. We need to control the individual results of the child's achievements, but this control cannot be a mechanism for differentiating children - we need to provide targeted support to children who need help with preparation. This is a signal to the system to organize targeted support.

The issue of accessibility, quality and compliance with the educational standards of our textbooks is still acute. Free textbooks today in the country are provided in full by two thirds of the subjects. In other subjects, parents are forced to pay. The average cost of a set of textbooks is 3,500 rubles, which is quite a big expense for the budget of many Russian families. Free textbooks are a state guarantee. Dmitry Anatolyevich, we ask you that the Government take additional measures to provide textbooks by the beginning of the school year.

There are fears in society that vocational education may become available only to representatives of certain groups. We know your position that state-funded places in universities will not be reduced. We support your position and hope that nothing will change in a different direction.

The appearance of paid educational programs in secondary vocational education is alarming. According to the law on education, secondary vocational education is free and publicly available. We also ask the Government to pay attention to this and provide those guarantees to the population that are enshrined in the Constitution and the law on education.

The task of the United Russia party and its goal is to take care of people, so it is important for us that the space of education in Russia really be a space for a large number of social elevators for our children. It is important for us to provide them with equal educational opportunities.

M.Pildes (Director of GBOU "Academic Gymnasium No. 56", St. Petersburg): We have long been talking about reducing the bureaucratic burden on teachers, about de-bureaucratization of the school. Today we must talk about the fact that we have made serious progress in a positive direction, many issues have been resolved, which is very pleasant. In particular, a lot of things that concerned the tasks that the Ministry of Education and Science was supposed to fulfill have been done. I know this from my own school. When the document came out on simplifying the work on the work program, everyone was happy. There were eight specific points, now there are three. This is a very good sign, but we must move on.

It is urgent to resolve the issue with other departments that are constantly interested in getting information from the school. Yesterday, our colleagues shared, counted: several thousand different requests per year. Questions for any school, big or small.

On behalf of the huge number of participants in our yesterday's section, I would very much like to ask you, Dmitry Anatolyevich, to achieve a limitation on the reporting of schools, especially in the case of open access. We were very clearly prescribed what the site should be like. I know for sure that site contests are held, it's all checked. It is the responsibility of school leaders to organize the solution of this problem so that the sites are interesting, readable and useful for those people who would like to receive information about the school. This is the first topic.

The second topic is related to checks. Experienced, intelligent people are sitting in this hall, who perfectly understand that if we do not check and they do not check us, our eyes will blur. Checks are very important for the development of both the team and the educational organization. But inspections also require cutbacks, especially inspections of those institutions that show a high level of performance. This will greatly support the schools.

T.Vorobyova (Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow "Lyceum No. 1535"): At our discussion platform (however, like at everyone else), the informatization process was discussed, which is designed to optimize our work, help us achieve better results with less effort. So it turned out that this does not always optimize. A lot of departments, various structures want to receive information, reports from educational organizations - they introduce, create various automated systems, databases that educational organizations are invited to fill out. Their number is growing at an incredible rate. And we have a very big request: is it possible to instruct the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications to integrate databases so that questions related to educational organizations, students, teachers do not have to be filled in several (and sometimes this figure reaches a dozen) databases. Here is our request to the Government and to you.

D.Medvedev: A few words on the last part of the questions and the last platform dedicated to reporting. Of course, the task of the school, the task of the teacher is to teach, not to write reports. This is completely obvious. And I fully agree with what was said here. I already spoke on this topic during one of the forums in Novosibirsk. I was simply struck by the figure that they gave me then: it turns out that 80% of what teachers and school management (principal, head teacher) write to different places is not related to the educational process at all. That is, these are not requests from the Ministry of Education and Science, but these are third-party requests. We need to deal with this. Of course, it will not be possible to completely avoid reporting, and I cannot promise you that. But this reporting should be understandable, without repetition, and I absolutely agree that this reporting should not contain publicly available information. It's time for all departments to learn how to use existing databases and existing electronic resources - school sites, where all the information is posted. Therefore, I want to support this idea right away.

Now, about reducing the reporting as a whole. Of course, I'm all for it too. I have already given instructions on this subject. I would like to inform you that the departments are preparing a response by September 1 to generally reduce the total number of reports. If necessary, we can amend the legislation.

With regard to the idea of ​​limiting the number of inspections for those educational institutions, schools that have proven themselves normally, which do not have any problems. I think that this is also possible, this is the principle that we apply to any subject of law that behaves in a lawful manner. I think this applies to school as well. If the school does not have any serious problems, the number of inspections in relation to such a school should definitely be less, but the criteria for this should be developed by the Ministry of Education. Olga Yuryevna, I ask you to do this, to see how this program could be implemented.

Concerning electronic bases. I agree that these databases seem to exist, and everyone is glad that now it is not necessary to fill out logs, as before, in a number of cases it is enough to drive in data. But if these databases do not work well, do not interface with other databases, if you have to drive in the same thing ten times, this means that the electronic document management at school does not work normally. Of course, I will give instructions to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. Although there are similar problems in other departments, for schools and hospitals this is generally an intolerable situation. We will try to solve this problem electronically as soon as possible.

Dear Colleagues! I want to say that it is in our power to create the most modern system of school education. A system that is worthy of our country in the 21st century. We have absolutely everything for this, there is the most important thing - there is you. Of course, in order to do this, correct state decisions and state will are needed. You can be sure of this. In the near future, I will hold a meeting of the Presidium of the Council for Strategic Development, which will be specially dedicated to the school. What does it mean? We are returning to the national project, which, in my opinion, played a very positive role in the transition of the school to the modern dimension - naturally, we are returning to a new level. I ask you all to take an active part in this.

You all remember Churchill's famous phrase that teachers have power that prime ministers can only dream of. Fair. But for my part, I am sure that both the Prime Minister and the Government of our country should use their considerable power to develop our Russian school and to support teachers. Do not hesitate, we use this power.

Scenario of the August

pedagogical conference 2013

1 block - 13:00-13:10 - Grand opening of the Conference


(Against the background of music and slide show sounds like a poem)

Vedas: Birds gather in flocks for warmth, to the south.

A breeze flew through the silence of the already compressed fields.

The year goes on for a long time we know the eternal circle,

For the past summer, lone leaves from the branches are sad.

Here it breathed a coolness, and the leaves, hurrying like Cinderella from the ball,

Overtaking each other, they fly off in an unrestrained haste from the branches.

Summer is over, and autumn has arrived.

Autumn. School. Call. And native smiles of children.

Teachers' council, schedule, lessons, calls, changes,

At school, laughter, hubbub, noise from feet running up the stairs.

This means that the teacher has started his shift again

And, as before, he entered his bright classroom for the first lesson.

There are many ahead. Many victories and discoveries.

The graduate again in May will step into the distance beyond the school threshold.

In the meantime, there will be many good and kind events.

Augustovka gives you a start, dear teacher!

(Presenter's exit)

Vedas: The school year is just around the corner.

It's busy time again.

And here today again with you

We decide what it will be!

Good afternoon, dear participants and guests of the conference!

We are pleased to welcome you before the start of the new academic year at the traditional August conference, at which the results of the past academic year will be summed up, priority areas of activity and tasks for the future will be identified.

I would like today's conference to fill this day with a festive mood and instill in us hope and faith in further success.

The August conference is a special pedagogical tradition, warmed by the warmth of the last summer days and love for the profession. This is the countdown time for new cases, a new round of life in education, which marks the beginning of a school marathon one more year long.

It brings one of the most significant days of the year closer - a holiday from which the road to the World of Knowledge began and begins for each next generation.

Every year on September 1, thousands of kids cross the threshold of the school for the first time, where you meet them - experienced teachers, kind mentors, caring teachers.

(pupils come out to the music of "Mustachioed Nyan")

1 student: We've been waiting for this moment for a long time.
When this high podium
We will enter, guys from grade 1
With my word and heartfelt greetings.

2 student: I'm seven years old this year
Now I'm big, I'll go to study!
I will try, I will not be lazy!
I am very happy that I am a student!

3 student: There will be new standards
new textbooks,
And with a computer, friends,
We are just wizards!

4 student: In the ocean of information
Through the mass of illustrations,
We will sail the necessary course.
Necessary! - Let's change the world!

5 student: And the teacher will lead us to knowledge

Dear goodness, dear discovery

Expensive, not easy, but interesting.

Dear with a smile, a joke and a song.

6student: The teacher and I will open
Star world and the edge of the earth,
Let's lead the endless sea
Caravels are ships.

7 student: We promise you to study better,

So that everyone can be proud of the students.

Although we managed to get some rest,

Beloved teacher!

ALL. It's time to hit the road again!

The song "Hymn to teachers" or any song about the school.

Vedas: At the conference there are guests of honor ?..................................................


Pedagogical and executive employees of educational institutions of the district;

Teachers of preschool institutions and additional education;

Veterans of pedagogical work and young specialists;

Heads of rural settlements;

Members of the public and heads of various organizations and departments who care about education issues.

_____ people were invited to the conference, ____ arrived.

Dear participants and guests of the conference, pedagogical conference Belogorsky district “Modern education. New contexts. New Solutions» Let 2013 be considered open.

(Dear participants and guests of the conference, the August conference of educators in the Belogorsk district is declared open).


The word for greeting the teaching staff of the Belogorsk district is given to the Head of the Administration of the Belogorsk district …………………

2 block- 13:10-13.15 Video "Modern education - lessons, changes" (Mass media center "Infoshkolyar +")

Vedas: The coming century symbolizes the era of science and knowledge, high technologies and innovations, social and cultural transformations. All this requires an appropriate level of education.

In the schools of the district, a lot of work is being done to create a modern school, an educational system adequate to our life.

We bring to your attention video "Modern education - lessons, changes", which will tell us how this problem is solved in our Belogorsk district.

3 block- 13:15-13:45 Report of the head of the MKU Department of Education of the Belogorsk district “Modern education. New contexts. New Solutions»

At present, the field of education is becoming a priority, and the content of education is one of the factors in the economic and social progress of society.

The strategic goals of the development of education are aimed, first of all, at the formation of a person of the 21st century: professionally and socially mobile, competitive, highly moral, cultural, and healthy.

So, as before, our main task is to improve the quality of education.

The issues of creating comfortable, safe conditions for education and upbringing are in the field of view of the district executive power. To start a conversation about what educational institutions are entering the new academic year with, I invite the head MKU Department of Education of the Belogorsk District

4 block- 13:45-14:00 School uniform defile “Culture begins with clothes…”

Phonogram "The first fine September day .."

A boy and a girl come out in old school uniforms.

Vedas: The school year will start soon

The student will go to school.

He must become exemplary

And a number of rules to follow.

Wear a school uniform

To always be neat.

Masha is a first grader,

uniform dress,

starched apron,

You can sit at the desk.

On apron - frills,

And on dress - folds!

Where can I get fives

To be all right!

Perhaps no other topic related to school life causes so much controversy and discussion, as many opposing opinions as school uniforms.

Long gone are the days when schoolgirls ran in brown dresses with white cuffs, white or black aprons, and the boys wore uniforms in the popular navy blue. It was canceled a few years ago. Now she is back in school.

Fashion, fashion, the years go by.

Everything changes in fashion.

modern school clothes,

It appears to your judgment!

Your attention is invited to a modern collection of clothes for schoolchildren of educational institutions of the Belogorsk region.

(phonogram, defile )

5 block- 14:00-14:40 Summing up the work of the sites

Consideration of the project, adoption of the resolution of the conference

Vedas: The August Pedagogical Conference continues its work. We sum up the work of the sites.

Discussion platform No. 1 - “The new law “On Education”. A look into the future". And the site manager is invited to the stage: …….., Deputy Head of the Moscow State University Department of Education of the Belogorsk District

Creative platform number 2 - "Federal State Educational Standards: Implementation Practice». The floor is given to the head of the site: .... the chairman of the RCPMK of primary school teachers

Consulting platform No. 3 - "Improving the quality of pedagogical activity based on improving the methods of teaching subjects of the physics and mathematics cycle and computer science"

Site manager: ….., Chairman of the RCMMC for Teachers of Physical and Mathematical Disciplines and Informatics.

Consulting platform No. 4 "Modern approaches to teaching the Russian language and literature as the basis for the formation of universal educational activities"

Site manager: …, Deputy Director for UVR.

Creative platform No. 5 "Continuity of NOO and LLC in the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard" (dissemination of the experience of teachers in the educational field of art and technology in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in elementary school, presentation of the circle program, lesson, methodological topic)

Site manager: ……. Chairman of the Republican Center for Aesthetic and Technological Disciplines.

Information platform №6 - "School after school"

Site manager: ... chairman of the RCPMK, deputy directors for educational work, class teachers;

Creative platform No. 7 - "The new law "On Education": features of preschool education"

Site manager: …. chairman of the regional problem-creative group of pedagogical workers of preschool education.

Discussion and creative platform No. 8 - "Features of teaching a foreign language in modern conditions"

Site manager: …… English teacher MOAU secondary school s. Vasilievki

Creative platform No. 9 - "Teaching natural geographical disciplines in the context of the modernization of the education system of the Belogorsk district"

Site manager: ....chairman of the Republican Center for Natural Geographical Disciplines.

Creative platform No. 10 "Priority directions for the development of professional competence of teachers of educational institutions working in the field of physical culture, sports, and physical education of children, in the process of introducing and implementing the Federal State Educational Standard"

Site manager: Chairman of the Republican Center for Physical Culture and Life Safety Teachers.

Information platform No. 11 "The state and tasks of modern historical education"

Site manager: …chairman of the Republican Center for the Humanities.

Vedas: And we have left consider the project and adopt a resolution of our pedagogical conference?

6 block- 14:40-15:20 Rewarding "Teacher: profession, vocation, destiny". Closing of the plenary session

Vedas: Dear friends! At the August meeting, we accept young professionals, graduates of pedagogical universities and colleges who have come to work in our educational institutions, into the large pedagogical family of the region. I would like this day to be remembered by them, become a holiday, a day of acquaintance with the traditions of teaching, with the best teachers of the region. As usual, let's greet them.

Invited to the stage……..

Vedas: All the best in a person comes from the Teacher. It is from him that the spiritual connection of generations, knowledge and times is established. The teacher is responsible to the past, present and future of the country, influencing the views and beliefs of its citizens, educating and shaping the consciousness of the nation. And the teachers of the Belogorsk district honorably fulfill their civic duty, constantly enriching their knowledge in order to generously give it to their children.

We are starting the procedure of rewarding teachers and invite to the stage ....

Honorable Mention……. Awarded…….

Word for the award.... provided……

Vedas: Teachers, you touch gentle souls,
Your spark sparkles for centuries.

In the hearts of children forever settle,
Live in their hopes and dreams,
Teachers, you are reflected in the students,
And continue in your students.

To be awarded with Certificates of Honor ……….. invited ……………….

On the stage for congratulations and awards .... you are invited to……………………….

After the awards ceremony

Vedas: Dear colleagues and guests of the pedagogical conference! We congratulate you on the start of the new academic year!

May he give you the joy of creativity, capable, talented students, personal happiness and the fulfillment of all your hopes!

And let them settle in your life forever
Fun, luck, love for each other,
We wish you happiness,
Health, of course

And smart and kind students.

Option 2 - Keep it warm and cozy

You within the walls of your school!

And if the eyes of the disciples shine,

Striving for knowledge of the truth of science,

Then know, teacher, devotion, love,

They put their hearts into our hands.

And remember, we are responsible for everything:

For their sorrows, joys, hardships.

And each of our lessons, and our advice

Students carry through the years.

So let everything be fine with you,

And ideas and dreams will become clear.

And at work, as in personal life,

You will be with luck on you!

Thank you students, dear colleagues, and good luck in life!

See you soon!

Salut, amazing friendly people!

Good luck to all of us: the school year has come!


to the motive of the song "And the battle continues again"

    Here comes the school year again

Since September he comes to us.

So get ready teacher

Again for knowledge in the campaign!

Pr: After all, your school is waiting for you,

Girls, boys family.

And the time is to dare and create,

Teacher, hurry up to learn!

    There is no greater calling

No profession needed

How to teach different sciences

In schools and kindergartens.

Pr: But know - the works are great!

And all your graduates

With love they keep you in my heart,

Teacher's feat - it is holy!

    We want to wish you

Never lose heart!

New victories to you, success

Glory and honor to know!

Pr: And let it not always be easy for you,

But the goals go far!

Sometimes the price is not easy

Teacher - for us you are a hero!

15:20-16:00 Concert-gift "Open your heart to childhood!"

Nadezhda Avdeeva
Pedagogical August Conference "Modern Education: New Requirements, New Opportunities, New Responsibility"

Within the theme conferences“Results and prospects for the development of the municipal system education: new needs, new opportunities, new responsibility» we present the performance of MBDOU kindergarten No. 10 for 2016-2017. and development targets for 2017-2018.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational Kindergarten No. 10 is working steadily in development mode. It is characterized by wide and intensive use innovation processes, real practical changes, the content of which is the implementation of the development program.

The mission of the institution is to create conditions for pupils to receive high-quality education and upbringing that allows you to successfully live in a rapidly changing world, through individualization educational process and implementation new educational technologies.

transition educational institutions from operating mode to development mode was preceded by the need to define "zone of proximal development" DOW - what can be done now with a certain position of all participants educational process. One of the most important directions for solving this problem is the intensification educational process, i.e., the development and implementation of such forms and methods of teaching that would provide for the purposeful development of the mental abilities of pupils, the development of their interest in cognitive activity, independence and creativity.

Improving the structure educational process, its methods and organizational forms, introduced elements of novelty - the implementation innovative projects:

1. Regional innovative platform"Regional component in educational - educational process of preschool education as an innovative organizational and pedagogical form of socialization of pupils"

Objective of the project: Education and upbringing of preschool children in a holistic educational process on the basis of spiritual, moral, moral, patriotic and socio-cultural values ​​through familiarizing children with the history and culture of their native land.

Currently implemented, stage II - meaningful and active (2016-2017 academic year, the purpose of which was to implement pedagogical activities for the moral and patriotic education of preschool children in all educational areas.

Within the framework of which the following events of the city and regional levels:

main direction innovative activities of MBDOU kindergarten No. 10 is:

Kindergarten became a member of the All-Russian network project of civic-patriotic education "Russia through the eyes of children", the purpose of the project is to develop and test effective forms of work with children of senior preschool age on patriotic education. The project is implemented under the patronage and active participation of the Institute of Mobile educational systems(IMOS). The project is long-term, lasting 1 year. The project included children, parents, educators of 8 senior and pre-school groups.

City workshop for teachers Preschool educational institution within the framework of the All-Russian network project "Russia through the eyes of children":

At the seminar teachers of our institution shared their experience in using the regional component for the moral and patriotic development of preschool children in their educational work – 5 open classes were held for city ​​teachers.

The main directions, stages of work of a preschool institution on the subject of the seminar were presented by the head of the MDBOU kindergarten No. 10 Kastrulina E. B., introduced the seminar participants to the organization educational process and developing subject-spatial environment, outlined the goals of each direction in educational space preschool educational institution, within the framework of which work is carried out on the moral and patriotic development of pupils.

Regional workshop with international participation "Patriotic education and the formation of historical consciousness among preschoolers through project activities", which is dedicated to the third anniversary of the kindergarten and is dedicated to a great event in the life of the inhabitants of our region, the 80th anniversary of the Rostov region.

As part of the workshop, kindergarten teachers demonstrated their skills in organized educational activities(6 open classes are presented) for the implementation of the direction "Raising Patriots" educational preschool programs for teachers from 26 cities and districts of the region.

The seminar discussed important topics related to the organization of work to preserve the historical and cultural traditions of the Don Cossacks. With reports spoke: party project coordinator "Kindergartens for children", Deputy of the Rostov-on-Don City Duma Elena Melikhova. She introduced pedagogical to the composition of the region, the work plan for 2017, approved within the framework of the project, spoke about the stages of its implementation and activities aimed at the spiritual and moral education of children in the preschool system education. The seminar was also attended by specialists from the State Budgetary Institution of Education and Trade of the RO RIPC and PPR. A. Sundukova, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Preschool and Primary education made a presentation "Quality Management education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, and N. Korchalovskaya, candidate pedagogical sciences, associate professor, presented the report “Spiritual and moral development and education preschoolers: main directions and aspects of implementation in educational process” and other representatives of our huge preschool community who attended the workshop.

2. Municipal innovative platform« Pedagogical and psychological support, creating conditions for the development and improvement of the talent of sports gifted children in gymnastics and athletics"

Order of the Municipal Office Department education administration of the city of Donetsk, Rostov region dated 18.08.2015 No. 439.

Supervisor innovative educational platform:G. V. Arnaut, physical education instructor.

Objective of the project: Formation of positive-emotional qualities, attitudes and sustainable interests in physical culture, orientation to a healthy Lifestyle, the implementation of an individual approach to working with physically gifted children of senior preschool age by creating a set of conditions aimed at the comprehensive development of the personality of a preschooler.

To achieve the main goal of the project, in September 2016, groups were formed for gymnastics and athletics. Preliminary data on children studied (state of their health, past illnesses). The number of additional students in sections in the 2016-2017 academic year was more than 90 people. During the year, training sessions, sports competitions, as well as activities to improve the health of children, improve overall physical fitness in order to develop abilities.

Kindergarten became a member of the All-Russian Network innovative project"Creating a methodological base for organizing the development of basic physical qualities in children of senior preschool age in in accordance with the requirements of GEF DO”, the purpose of which is the formation of methodological support for the organization of the development of basic physical qualities in children of senior preschool age in in accordance with the requirements GEF DO and improvement of indicators of development of the main physical qualities of children of senior preschool age.

Within the framework of the All-Russian network project, online videos were conducted during the training broadcasts: open class in physical culture "Safety and healthy Lifestyle» , master class instructor "GTO and preschooler", as well as sports sections and competitions in which the pupils showed the best results. The team of girls and boys of MBDOU Kindergarten No. 10 took 1st place in competitions"Winter Games" which were held on February 15, 2017.

Kindergarten students took part in competitions in artistic gymnastics "Spring Swallows", which took place on May 13 and 17, 2017 on the basis of MBUDO DYuSSh No. 2, young gymnasts of kindergarten No. 10 showed excellent results:

I place - Roslyakova Ksenia, Dudnikova Polina, Danilina Olga, Shalimova Daria.

II place - Shpakovskaya Alina, Grishechkina Yana, Glushchenko Varvara.

III place - Denisenko Margarita.

June 2017 educational institution received, the next status of the regional innovation platform. Order of the Ministry of General and Professional education Rostov region dated June 26, 2017 No. 478.

Regional innovative project"Equal starting opportunities for all the children of Russia» , was developed pedagogical team in order to create an effective model of inclusive education preschool children with disabilities opportunities health in the conditions of preschool education and creation of conditions for its implementation.

For the same purpose, a correctional center will begin its work on the basis of the kindergarten from September 2017. "First Inclusive", under the motto “Every child is special, all children are equal”.

Teaching, children teacher must educate himself. In order to increase professional potential teacher and improvement of educational educational process on the basis of the kindergarten, there are 3 city methodological associations:

- "Modernization of the system of physical culture and recreation work in preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard";

- « Modern educational technologies and methods in work speech therapist»;

- “Moral and patriotic education as part of educational program formed by participants educational relations of preschool educational institutions in the context of GEF DO".

The performance of a preschool institution is determined by its professional suitability, professional self-determination, self-development, i.e., the purposeful formation in oneself of those qualities that are necessary for the performance of professional activities. Pedagogical the team needs a motivated desire to self-education to self-expression. Participation in professional skill competitions gives a huge impetus to self-improvement and professional development, both for preschool institutions and teaching staff.

At the end of 2016, the kindergarten took part in the competition "100 best preschool educational institutions in Russia"- one of the most significant public awards in the field education. Its purpose is to identify the most successful preschool educational institutions.

According to the results of the MBDOU competition, kindergarten No. 10 was recognized as the winner of the competition "100 best preschool educational institutions in Russia", the head is awarded with a badge of honor "Head of the Year - 2016". Success has become possible thanks to the dedication and the creative work of the team, the support of parents and wonderful pupils of the kindergarten.

educational organization MBDOU kindergarten No. 10 is included in the Register for basis proposals of the Ministry of General and Professional education of the Rostov region.

The kindergarten team actively participates in competitions pedagogical skills of different levels, which allows you to realize your own pedagogical professionalism, demonstrate your pedagogical style, uncover secrets pedagogical excellence, to discover the unusual in the traditional.

In 2016 in the traditional municipal competition "Teacher of the Year" physical culture instructor Arnaut G. V. and teacher Duruchenko E. N. took part.

Galina Viktorovna took an honorable second place, Elena Nikolaevna became the Winner and continued to fight for the championship at the regional level of the competition, where she was recognized as the Laureate.

Regional competition of psychological pedagogical programs(from March 1 to April 28, 2017) Laureates - Zemlyakova Irina Olegovna, teacher- psychologist Povalyaeva Marina Ilyinichna, teacher-speech therapist MBDOU kindergarten No. 10 "Lazorik" Donetsk, program "Through the Looking Glass" for older preschool children with autism spectrum disorders.

In the city competition "Best pedagogical preschool worker education» accepted participation:

In nomination "Educator": Berezhnova Vera Alexandrovna(2nd place, Bondareva Irina Vladimirovna (3rd place, Motornaya Lyudmila Leonidovna, Poleva Irina Arkadievna, Sotnikova Nadezhda Alekseevna, Stoyanova Irina Nikolaevna, Strukova Oksana Evgenievna - participants;

In nomination "Physical Education Instructor"- Arnaut Galina Viktorovna became the Winner;

In nomination "Teacher-speech therapist, Teacher-defectologist"- Pirozhkova Ekaterina Mikhailovna, was recognized as the best and continued to fight for the Victory in the competition at the regional level of the competition. Summing up the results of the competition, Ekaterina Mikhailovna took the 1st place.

Analyzing performance pedagogical team for the last academic year:

379 diplomas of winners and participants of professional competitions;

367 diplomas of winners and participants of kindergarten students;

261 publications of teaching materials on Internet portals and the website of MBDOU kindergarten No. 10;

24 media publications.

In 2016-2017, 9 teachers promotion courses qualifications: four of them passed at the Rostov Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining of Workers education under the program“Designing the content of preschool education within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, 72 hours; the rest in "Center for continuous education and innovation» St. Petersburg under the program "Inclusive practice in preschool educational organization”, 72h. Speech therapists have completed an internship at the St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate teacher education“Improving the content and technologies of the organization educational activities for children with disabilities.

Certified for correspondence position - 4 pedagogical worker, received I qualification category - 5 teachers; the highest qualification category - 2 teacher.

Harmonious work pedagogical team makes sure that pedagogy- not a privilege for the elite, every creatively working educator can master this art.

Scenario of the August Conference of Educators

Uryupinsk municipal district

Airport sounds. Voice-over: "A comfortable liner, next to the city of Childhood, is waiting for its passengers"

Dance "Vacation"

Children go out to the same music "Vacation". The music stops

Anton: August. Summer in the yard...

Tanya: Kids are bored at home.

Semyon: It was in the evening,

Together: there was nothing to do.

Lisa: Semyon was playing on the laptop,

Natasha: Anton listened to music,

Semyon: Lisa looked at the iPhone,

Natasha: Tanya got into the Internet,

Tanya: Natasha has nothing to do.

Natasha: The dead hour has already passed - no one was talking.

Lisa: They bought me an iPhone yesterday

Tanya: Connected to the Internet

Anton: Serdyuchka has a new hit - horror, a headache

Tanya: All antennas, but no connection

Natasha: Tired of your Internet, is there no more news?

Simon: Here! An anniversary will soon be in the Uryupinsk district!

Anton: Wow! Birthday!

Natasha; How many days is this?

(The children are all looking at the laptop, a presentation is being shown "Uryupinsky district is 85 years old")

Anton: Uryupinsk district is 85 years old!

Natasha: Wow!

Tanya: Wow!

Music as background

Lisa: Do you know that in the Uryupinsk district, the buildings of all the schools that function today have been built in 85 years. And we have a lot of them: 1 lyceum, 15 secondary, 5 basic, and 1 elementary school.

Natasha: By the way, our school was built in the year our principal was born.

Anton: Wow! That is why she is so young and beautiful.

Natasha: School or principal?

Anton: Yes, both

Tanya: Do you know that in the Uryupinsk district for 85 years, 19484 graduates received school leaving certificates, of which 1472 received matriculation certificates at our school

Semyon: 262 graduates graduated from school with medals “For Special Academic Achievements”, 13 of them are graduates of our school

Natasha; On September 1, children will come to the schools of the district, and 110 will study at our school

Semyon: Do you know that among the teachers of our district there are 45 teacher dynasties.

Anton: Can you imagine, in the Uryupinsk district for 85 years, 311 graduates returned to their schools after graduation as teachers. And in our school there were 32 such teachers.

Lisa: I would also go to work as a teacher in our school.

Natasha: In the Uryupinsk district, all schools are good: the Internet, computer classes, gyms, new furniture. (Slides with photos from schools)

Lisa: Huh?! Wow!

Anton: Eh, guys, I really want to go to school. We have such a beautiful schoolyard there. Have you seen what kind of windows are now in the gym?. And the doors? (Slides about the school)

Semyon: Computers in the computer class are waiting, but now we have them at school in every second office

Tanya: And again, new books appeared in the library, and an oak tree grew on the third floor.

Lisa: Hurry up to school, I missed the teachers so much.

Children sing to the tune "It's time to hit the road":

Once in Dubovka, in August, in the evening,

When our guys have nothing to do at all,

We'll get together, we'll talk about this and that

And sing our favorite song:

It's time to go to our school, to our beloved, dear. We will start the lesson

The teachers come out and sing:

We are waiting for you guys, the silver bell is ringing for you

The teachers take the students away, 4 remain on the stage, they read poetry to the music:
1 teacher:

Birds gather in flocks for warmth, to the south.
A breeze flew through the silence of the already compressed fields.
The year goes on for a long time we know the eternal circle,
For the past summer, lone leaves from the branches are sad.
2 teacher:

Here it breathed a coolness, and the leaves, hurrying like Cinderella from the ball,
Overtaking each other, they fly off in an unrestrained haste from the branches.
Summer is over, and autumn has arrived.
Autumn. School. Call. And native smiles of children.

3 teacher:

Teachers' council, schedule, lessons, calls, changes,
At school, laughter, hubbub, noise from feet running up the stairs.
This means that the teacher has started his shift again
And, as before, he entered his bright classroom for the first lesson.

4 teacher:
There are many ahead. Many victories and discoveries.
The graduate again in May will step into the distance beyond the school threshold.
In the meantime, there will be many good and kind events.
Augustovka gives you a start, dear teacher!

(Leaders exit to solemn music)

Presenter 1:
Good afternoon, dear participants and guests of the conference!
Host 2:
We are pleased to welcome you before the start of the new academic year at the traditional August conference, at which today the results of the past academic year will be summed up, priority areas of activity and tasks for the future will be identified.
Presenter 1:
I would like today's conference to fill this day with a festive mood and instill in us hope and faith in further success.

Lead 2. The August conference is a special pedagogical tradition, warmed by the warmth of these last summer days and sincere love for the profession.

Lead 1. The conference is attended by delegations from all educational institutions of the Uryupinsk municipal district. These are teachers, teachers of additional education, educators, heads of educational institutions, veterans of pedagogical work.

Host 2:
Let's welcome our honored guests:

the head of the Uryupinsk municipal district Alexander Ivanovich Feronov;

Tatyana Yegorovna Matykina, Chairman of the Uryupinsk District Duma;

Presenter 1:
The honorary right to open the August pedagogical conference is granted to the head of the department of education, guardianship and guardianship of the administration of the Uryupinsk municipal district Voronina Irina Anatolyevna.

The opening of the conference by the head of the education department ends with the words: “Dear participants and guests of the conference! Allow the August 2013 Pedagogical Conference to be considered open.”


Host 2: To greet the participants of the conference, we invite the head of the Uryupinsk municipal district Alexander Ivanovich Feronov to this stage.
Congratulation of the head of the district

Presenter 1: The word for congratulations is given to the chairman of the Uryupinsk District Duma Tatyana Egorovna Matykina

Host 2:
The results of the work of the education system of the Uryupinsk municipal district and the tasks for the new academic year within the framework of the project "Our New School" will be introduced by the head of the department of education, guardianship and guardianship of the administration of the Uryupinsk municipal district Voronina Irina Anatolyevna
Speech by Voronina I.A.:



Presenter 1: In the Uryupinsk municipal district there is a school where the teacher's motto is: "Only up and only up!"

Host 2: Dear colleagues, you are welcomed by the municipal budgetary educational institution Dubovskaya secondary school. From September 1 this year, the school will become a pilot school, so we invite you to fly with us over the school continent

The recording of Yu.Antonov's song "The long-awaited plane" sounds. Recording of airport sounds, voice-over of the announcer “Attention, attention! Boarding is announced for flight 20-13, next to the city of Childhood. The crew is requested to board the aircraft." Commander and 2 pilot come out.

Commander: Is the plane ready for flight? Report on the technical condition

2nd pilot: The selection committee is satisfied, all requirements are met by Rospotrebnadzor and Fire Supervision. The toilets are attached, the roofs don't leak, the windows don't blow.

Commander: And what about the food for passengers?

2 pilot: Funds are allocated, contracts with suppliers are signed, dishes are purchased in 2, no 3 times more than seats

Commander: Is the crew ready?

Pilot 2: The curriculum has been agreed, the schedule has been drawn up, the work programs are ready. Advanced training courses completed.

Commander: Has the order of the Ministry to introduce school uniforms been carried out?

2 pilot: Completed. You can see for yourself

The stewardesses come out. The song "The long-awaited plane":

Today we are all passengers

And let's take flight

Boarding has already been announced.

On the long-awaited plane.

Written notes, plans ...

Tough experience in luggage.

Let's take hands at the ladder -

And it's time for a good journey.

Overtaking the teacher's age.

Anything happens on the road.

Fate changes sometimes

And time flies by quickly

Frightening all of us.

But, as a lifeline,

The hand reaches out to the bell.

Let's look at each other

We are still on vacation.

Chorus: Teachers live only in flights,

Only in flights does a student grow.

Heart beats like a hunted bird

Overtaking the teacher's age.

Commander: Well done, I see that they have prepared for the flight. I was informed that some members of the crew decided to leave the board.

2 pilot: Exactly.Today we want to invite to this stage those whose selfless work has proved that there is no higher and nobler calling than a teacher, teachers - who, like stars, have reached our admiration and respect. These are teachers who have worked at the school for many years and are now retired.

Honoring veterans. Fanfare sounds. Slides. Veterans are taken out by children

Commander: Ivanov Vladimir Stepanovich, teacher of the Dobrinsky Lyceum, active, creative teacher. He skillfully builds partnerships with colleagues, with children, has a high capacity for work, combines democracy and exactingness in his work.

2 pilot: Demina Natalia Alekseevna - German teacher at Verkhnebezymyanovskaya secondary school, worked at this school for 35 years. Love for the job. Full dedication of strength and deep knowledge - these are the qualities that are characteristic of Natalya Alekseevna. Her secret is in her great diligence and honesty. Each of her lessons is not an imitation, not a copy - this is her creative style.

2 pilot. Alexandrin Gennady Pavlovich, teacher of the Dyakonovskaya secondary school.

Commander: The word is givenChairman of the Uryupinsk District Duma Tatyana Egorovna Matykina

Solemn music. Delivery of flowers, gifts. Children take veterans off the stage

Commander: Let the labor song be sung,

Head covered with gray

Life goes on without decreasing its pace,

Life is still right in everything.

2 pilot: We wish you health, light,

Rest, happy in everything,

To be warmed with warmth and joy,

The world and the house were desired for you ...

Commander: Dear veterans, a musical gift performed by Vladimir Simonov sounds for you.

Commander: It is very pleasant that our teaching staff is replenished, and today the educational institutions of the Uryupinsk district accept young specialists - energetic, charming, smart, knowledgeable, who have chosen a noble, responsible and very interesting profession - a teacher.

2 pilot: We invite on board our liner:

    Popova Yuliya Vasilievna - teacher of mathematics and computer science at MKOU Dolgovskaya secondary school (Volgograd social and pedagogical university).

    Usov Viktor Aleksandrovich, teacher of physical culture and teacher-organizer of life safety, MBOU Saltynskaya secondary school (Saratov Pedagogical College).

    Glukhova Sofya Vasilievna, teacher of history and social studies, MKOU Dyakonovskaya secondary school (VolGU).

    Suvorova Yulia Nikolaevna, teacher of biology, MBOU Krepovskaya secondary school (BSPI).

    Gavrilova Anna Olegovna, teacher of history, MBOU Krepovskaya secondary school (VolSU).

    Dimitreno Evgeny Nikolaevich, teacher of physical education, MBOU Dubovskoy secondary school. (Pavlovsky Pedagogical College).

    Diasamidze Maria Amiranovna, teacher of chemistry, MBOU Dubovskoy secondary school (Volgograd social and pedagogical university).

2 flight attendants come out

1 Stewardess: Now you are trainees on board our liner. Allow me to give you the "Job Responsibilities of a Young Teacher"

    The stewardess reads:

Everyone who assumes the position of a young teacher must:

    Arm yourself with plans and notes, lists and other papers to prove your professionalism.

    Remember that they have long said in Rus': "Talent must be hungry." Therefore, give up on everything and eat exclusively spiritual food.

    To amaze yourself and others with your own invention, imagination, talent, enthusiasm, as well as modesty and politeness.

1 stewardess: And now I ask you to take an oath and after each paragraph say: “I swear!”

Solemn oath

§1. We vow to uphold the Olympic motto "Faster, Higher, Stronger". This means: do not run faster than the wind during breaks, do not jump higher than the administration, do not be stronger than Atlanta, and do not carry bags with notebooks more than 10 kilograms.

§2. We swear louder than children not to shout and forgive their pranks.

Young professionals. We swear!

§3 We swear to love all children and keep the school faithful.

Young professionals. We swear!

2 pilot: What, not easy?. But you already swore

At the very moment when he called himself a teacher.

Keep this oath as long as possible

Embrace childhood with your love.

Commander:Colleagues of the new arrivals, congratulate the young professionals.

Presentation of gifts, congratulations from colleagues

2 pilot. Let the students love youLet them appreciate, understand the authorities,We wish you health, happiness,Reliable friendly hand.

Commander: Let your sense of humor
predominates among others.
And let the radiance of children's eyes
Accompanies you everywhere
Young professionals descend into the hall to the sound of music

Pilot 2: A musical gift performed by Vladimir Simonov sounds for young teachers

Commander: I would like to know more about our passengers.

2 pilot: Oh, our passengers are wonderful: the most intelligent, the most well-mannered, the most inquisitive, the most obedient, the most talented ...

Pilot 1: Everything is clear, but who flies first class?

2 pilot: Let's look at them

First graders come out to the music. Presentation by first graders:

    Open doors for us, school,

Take us in your arms.

In your big and bright tower,

Open doors wider.

Feel free to call us.

We came here to study

Do not beat the buckets at school.

    They say school is a burden

And not a holiday on halva,

Here they gnaw granite all the time,

A stake on the head.

    Very often thoughts jump

Like peas from the wall,

And the ends are hidden in the water,

Even bent into a ram's horn.

    Skins of seven from the guys are torn off,

And noodles will hang a cart,

Sometimes they hover in the clouds

And they poke their nose into everything.

    But we are not born with a bast,

We no longer sleep in our arms

If anything, then we'll be quits,

We stand up for ourselves.

    We do not slurp bast shoes,

Laziness is bypassed

And for us, we assure

The school will be your home.

First graders leave to the music.

Commander: Passengers are on board, the crew is in their places. I declare readiness No. 1

I appeal to everyone in this room today

Kindergarten teachers, are you ready to start a new flight?

Primary school teachers, are you ready?

Teachers of Russian and foreign languages, are you ready?

Teachers of mathematics, physics, computer science, are you ready?

Biology, geography, chemistry teachers, are you ready?

History and social studies teachers, are you ready?

Physical education, life safety and technology teachers, are you ready?

Principals and directors, are you ready?

Command and dispatch center represented by specialists from the department of education, guardianship and guardianship of the administration of the Uryupinsk municipal district, are you ready?

Administration and Duma of the Uryupinsk Municipal District, are you ready?

Irina Anatolyevna, the pedagogical community is ready for the beginning of the 2013-2014 academic year. Allow the school year to begin.

Well, colleagues, from the screw! Have a nice flight!

School bell sounds

Final song (to the melody "Moscow" by O. Gazmanov)

Through wars, fires, centuries

Silver ringing flies into the sky.

This sound is heard from afar -

This is the school bell ringing for us.

And our school army is growing

With each graduation of students.

And in the country everyone should clearly know:

School is the foundation.


And the bells are ringing for us again.

The students are waiting for us.

And we are on the gold banners

Let's write a chronicle of times.

We believe that we have reached the heights

Our star students

Leading them into free flight,

We light beacons for them.

And where fate will not throw

Come home soon.

Your native land is always waiting for you,

Our Uryupinsk Territory dear


Vivat, Uryupinsk district.

We are happy that we live here.

And we are the teacher's pen

Let's write a chronicle about him.

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