Triple Alliance 1891. Entente and Triple Alliance

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The military-political bloc of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy, which formed in 1879-1882 and marked the beginning of the division of Europe into warring factions and the preparation of the First World War.

Having concluded an alliance with Austria-Hungary in 1879, Germany, in order to isolate France, energetically sought a new ally in Italy. Austria-Hungary, wanting to provide its rear in case of war with Russia, was also interested in strengthening cooperation with Italy. As a result of negotiations on May 20, 1882, an alliance treaty was concluded between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy in Vienna.

They made a commitment (for a period of five years) not to take part in any alliances or agreements directed against any of these countries, to consult on issues of a political and economic nature and to provide each other with full support. Germany and Austria-Hungary pledged to provide assistance to Italy if it were attacked by France. Italy was to do the same in the event of an unprovoked French attack on Germany. Austria-Hungary was assigned the role of a reserve in case Russia entered the war.

The treaty provided that in the event of an unprovoked attack on one or two parties to the treaty by two or more great powers not participating in the treaty, all three parties to the treaty would enter the war. In the event of an unprovoked attack on one of the parties to the treaty by one of the great powers not participating in this treaty (except France), the other two parties were obliged to maintain benevolent neutrality in relation to their attacked ally. The agreement provided for a preliminary agreement between the parties on joint actions in the event of a threat to one of them. The parties pledged “in all cases of common participation in war not to conclude a truce, peace or treaty except with mutual consent.”

Following the signing of the treaty, Austria-Hungary and Germany, at the insistence of Italy, took note of its special statement, the essence of which was that if England was one of the powers that attacked its partners, then Italy would not provide military assistance to its allies as provided for in the treaty . (Italy was afraid to enter into conflict with England, because it could not withstand its strong navy).

On February 20, 1887, the second treaty of alliance between the powers of the Triple Alliance was signed in Berlin. He confirmed all the provisions of the 1882 treaty and set its validity until May 30, 1892. At the same time, separate Italo-Austrian and Italo-German treaties were signed in Berlin, supplementing the obligations of the 1882 treaty.

The Italo-Austrian Treaty obliged its participants to try to maintain the territorial status quo in the East.

The Italo-German Treaty contained the same commitment to maintain the territorial status quo in the East, but left freedom of action for both sides on the question of Egypt. It further stated that if France were to attempt to seize new North African territories and Italy found it necessary to oppose this, then in the event of war Germany would provide Italy with the same military assistance as was provided for in the 1882 Treaty of Alliance in the event of a French attack on Italy. During any war jointly undertaken against France, Germany pledged to assist Italy in its efforts to obtain from France “territorial guarantees to secure the borders of the kingdom and its position at sea.” Additional treaties were kept secret and were in force until May 30, 1892.

On May 6, 1891, the Treaty of the Triple Alliance was signed for the third time in Berlin. Its text included all the provisions of the 1882 treaty and the Italo-Austrian and Italo-German treaties of 1887. In addition, Germany and Italy pledged to make efforts to maintain the territorial status quo in Cyrenaica, Tripolitania and Tunisia in North Africa, and if this became impossible, Germany pledged to support Italy in any action taken "in the interests of balance and obtaining legal compensation ". It was further added: “It goes without saying that if such a case occurs, both powers will also try to enter into an agreement with England.” The treaty was concluded for six years, with an automatic extension for the next six years, provided that one or the other party does not denounce it one year before its expiration.

From the end of the 19th century, Italy, frightened by the growing Anglo-German hostility and suffering damage from the customs war waged against it by France, began to change the course of its policy. In 1896, she recognized the French protectorate over Tunisia, and in 1898 she concluded a trade agreement with France. In 1900, she agreed to the seizure of Morocco by France in exchange for recognition of Italian “rights” to Tripoli. In 1902, she entered into an agreement with France, pledging to remain neutral in the event of a Franco-German war caused by Germany. But formally Italy remained a member of the Triple Alliance and participated in its new renewal in 1902, secretly informing France about this.

On June 28, 1902, the fourth treaty of alliance between Austria-Hungary, Germany and Italy was signed in Berlin and concluded for a period of six years, with the terms of the extension stipulated in the previous treaty. In a secret declaration communicated to the Italian government on June 30, the Austro-Hungarian government announced that it was committed to maintaining the territorial status quo in the East, but would do nothing that could interfere with Italian actions dictated by its interests in Tripolitania and Cyrenaica.

On December 5, 1912, the fifth treaty of the Triple Alliance was signed in Vienna. Its contents were identical to the treaties of 1891 and 1902.

In 1915, with the entry of Italy into the First World War (1914-1918) on the side of the Entente, the Triple Alliance collapsed.

Formation of the Entente.


Military-political blocs during World War I.

Entente- a military-political bloc of Russia, England and France, created as a counterweight to the “Triple Alliance” ( A-Entente); formed mainly in 1904-1907 and completed the delimitation of the great powers on the eve of the First World War. The term arose in 1904, initially to designate the Anglo-French alliance, and the expression was used l'Entente cordiale(“cordial agreement”) in memory of the short-lived Anglo-French alliance in the 1840s, which bore the same name.

The creation of the Entente was a reaction to the creation of the Triple Alliance and the strengthening of Germany, an attempt to prevent its hegemony on the continent, initially from Russia (France initially took an anti-German position), and then from Great Britain. The latter, in the face of the threat of German hegemony, was forced to abandon the traditional policy of “brilliant isolation” and move to - however, also traditional - a policy of blocking against the strongest power on the continent. Particularly important incentives for this choice of Great Britain were the German naval program and the colonial claims of Germany. In Germany, in turn, this turn of events was declared an “encirclement” and served as a reason for new military preparations, positioned as purely defensive.

The confrontation between the Entente and the Triple Alliance led to the First World War, where the enemy of the Entente and its allies was the Central Powers bloc, in which Germany played a leading role.

The Triple Alliance is a military-political bloc of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy, formed in 1879-1882, which marked the beginning of the division of Europe into hostile camps and played an important role in the preparation and outbreak of the First World War (1914-1918).

The main organizer of the Triple Alliance was Germany, which concluded a military alliance with Austria-Hungary in 1879. After this, in 1882, Italy joined them. The core of an aggressive military group was created in Europe, directed against Russia and France.

On May 20, 1882, Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy signed the secret Treaty of the Triple Alliance ( Austro-German Treaty of 1879, also known as Dual alliance- Treaty of Alliance between Austria-Hungary and Germany; signed in Vienna on October 7, 1879.

Imprisoned for a period of 5 years, subsequently renewed several times. Article 1 established that if one of the contracting parties was attacked by Russia, then both parties were obliged to come to the aid of each other. Article 2 provided that in the event of an attack on one of the contracting parties by any other power, the other party undertakes to maintain at least benevolent neutrality. If the attacking side receives Russian support, then Article 1 comes into force.

The treaty, directed primarily against Russia and France, was one of the agreements that led to the creation of a military bloc led by Germany (Triple Alliance) and to the division of European countries into two hostile camps, which subsequently opposed each other in the 1st World War war).

They made a commitment (for a period of 5 years) not to take part in any alliances or agreements directed against one of these countries, to consult on issues of a political and economic nature and to provide mutual support. Germany and Austria-Hungary pledged to provide assistance to Italy in the event that it “would, without a direct challenge on its part, be attacked by France.” Italy was to do the same in the event of an unprovoked French attack on Germany. Austria-Hungary was assigned the role of a reserve in case Russia entered the war. The allies took note of Italy's statement that if one of the powers that attacked its partners was Great Britain, then Italy would not provide them with military assistance (Italy was afraid of entering into conflict with Great Britain, since it could not withstand its strong navy). The parties pledged, in the event of common participation in the war, not to conclude a separate peace and to keep the Treaty of the Triple Alliance secret.

The treaty was renewed in 1887 and 1891 (with additions and clarifications made) and automatically extended in 1902 and 1912.

The policy of the countries participating in the Triple Alliance was characterized by increasing aggressiveness. In response to the creation of the Triple Alliance, a Franco-Russian alliance took shape in 1891-1894, an Anglo-French agreement was concluded in 1904, an Anglo-Russian agreement was concluded in 1907, and the Entente was formed.

Since the end of the 19th century, Italy, which was suffering losses from the customs war waged against it by France, began to change its political course. In 1902, she entered into an agreement with France, pledging to remain neutral in the event of a German attack on France.

After the conclusion of the London Pact, Italy entered World War I on the side of the Entente, and the Triple Alliance collapsed (1915). After Italy left the alliance, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire joined Germany and Austria-Hungary to form the Quadruple Alliance.

For the Triple Alliance of 1668, see: Triple Alliance

Triple Alliance- a military-political bloc of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy, formed in 1879-1882, which marked the beginning of the division of Europe into hostile camps and played an important role in the preparation and outbreak of the First World War (1914-1918).

The main organizer of the Triple Alliance was Germany, which concluded a military alliance with Austria-Hungary in 1879 (see: Austro-German Treaty). After this, in 1882, Italy joined them. The core of an aggressive military group was created in Europe, directed against Russia and France.

On May 20, 1882, Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy signed the secret Treaty of the Triple Alliance. They made a commitment (for a period of 5 years) not to take part in any alliances or agreements directed against one of these countries, to consult on issues of a political and economic nature and to provide mutual support. Germany and Austria-Hungary pledged to provide assistance to Italy in the event that it “would, without a direct challenge on its part, be attacked by France.” Italy was to do the same in the event of an unprovoked French attack on Germany. Austria-Hungary was assigned the role of a reserve in case Russia entered the war. The allies took note of Italy's statement that if one of the powers that attacked its partners was Great Britain, then Italy would not provide them with military assistance (Italy was afraid of entering into conflict with Great Britain, since it could not withstand its strong navy). The parties pledged, in the event of common participation in the war, not to conclude a separate peace and to keep the Treaty of the Triple Alliance secret.

The treaty was renewed in 1887 and 1891 (with additions and clarifications made) and automatically extended in 1902 and 1912.

The policy of the countries participating in the Triple Alliance was characterized by increasing aggressiveness (see: Moroccan crises, Italo-Turkish War). In response to the creation of the Triple Alliance, a Franco-Russian alliance took shape in 1891-1893, an Anglo-French agreement was concluded in 1904, an Anglo-Russian agreement was concluded in 1907, and the Entente was formed.

Since the end of the 19th century, Italy, which was suffering losses from the customs war waged against it by France, began to change its political course. In 1902, she entered into an agreement with France, pledging to remain neutral in the event of a German attack on France. After the conclusion of the London Pact, Italy entered World War I on the side of the Entente, and the Triple Alliance collapsed (1915). After Italy left the alliance, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire joined Germany and Austria-Hungary to form the Quadruple Alliance.

The military-political bloc of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy, which formed in 1879-1882 and marked the beginning of the division of Europe into warring factions and the preparation of the First World War. Having concluded an alliance with Austria-Hungary in 1879,... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

Triple Alliance- (Triple Alliance) (1882), a secret alliance between Germany, Austria and Italy; concluded in May 1882 on the initiative of Bismarck. The three powers agreed to support each other in the event of an attack by France or Russia. Those. renewed every five... ... The World History

TRIPLE ALLIANCE- 1882 military-political bloc of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. In 1904 07, as a counterweight to the Triple Alliance, a bloc of Great Britain, France and Russia was created (see Entente) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

TRIPLE ALLIANCE- 1882, military-political bloc of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. In 1904 07, as a counterweight to the Triple Alliance, a bloc of Great Britain, France and Russia was created (see Entente (see ENTANTE)) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

TRIPLE ALLIANCE- a coalition of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy, which arose in 1882 and played a major role in the outbreak of the World War of 1914 18. Having concluded an alliance with Austria-Hungary in 1879, Germany, in order to isolate France, energetically sought a new ally in the person of... ... Diplomatic Dictionary

Triple Alliance- (Tripelallianz) concluded to maintain peace in Europe between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy, after the collapse of the alliance of the three emperors, concluded in September 1872 between the German Emperor Wilhelm I, the Austrian Franz Joseph and ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Triple Alliance- (Central Powers)Central Powers, a military-political alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy, concluded in 1882... Countries of the world. Dictionary

Triple Alliance- ... Wikipedia

Triple Alliance- Triple Alliance (source) ... Russian spelling dictionary

Triple Alliance 1882- The Triple Alliance of the military-political bloc of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy, which formed in 1879-1882, which marked the beginning of the division of Europe into hostile camps, played an important role in the preparation and outbreak of the First World War 1914 1918 ... Wikipedia


  • Georgy Ivanov, Irina Odoevtseva, Roman Gul. Triple Alliance. Correspondence 1953-1958, . The material in this book, introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, is of significant value for researchers of Russian culture of the 20th century. Correspondence of poets Georgy Ivanov and Irina Odoevtseva with... Buy for 619 rubles
  • Triple Alliance Georgy Ivanov - Irina Odoevtseva - Roman Gul, Aryev A. (comp.). The material in this book, introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, is of significant value for researchers of Russian culture of the 20th century. Correspondence of poets Georgy Ivanov and Irina Odoevtseva with... Buy for 393 rubles
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A well-known example of confrontation between political blocs in the international arena is the clash of large countries during the 1900s.

During the period of tension before the events of the First World War, powerful players on the world stage banded together to dictate their policies and have an advantage in deciding foreign policy issues. In response, an alliance was created, which was supposed to become a counterweight in these events.

Thus begins the history of confrontation, the basis of which was the Entente and the Triple Alliance. Another name is Antanta or Entente (translated as “cordial agreement”).

Countries participating in the Triple Alliance

The international military bloc, which was initially formed to strengthen hegemony, included the following list of countries (see table):

  1. Germany- played a key role in the formation of the alliance, concluding the first military agreement.
  2. Austria-Hungary- the second participant to join the German Empire.
  3. Italy– joined the union last.

A little later, after the events of World War I, Italy was withdrawn from the bloc, but nevertheless the coalition did not disintegrate, but on the contrary, it additionally included the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria.

Creation of the Triple Alliance

The history of the Triple Alliance begins with an allied agreement between the German Empire and Austria-Hungary - these events took place in the Austrian city of Vienna in 1879.

The main point of the agreement was the obligation to enter into hostilities on the side of an ally if aggression was carried out by the Russian Empire.

In addition, the pact stipulated the requirement that a neutral party be observed if the allies were attacked by someone other than Russia.

At the same time, Germany was worried about the growing position of France in the international arena. Therefore, Otto von Bismarck was looking for ways that would push France into isolation.

Favorable conditions arose in 1882, when the Austrian Habsburgs were involved in negotiations, which played a decisive role in Italy's decision.

The secret alliance between Italy and the Germany-Austria-Hungary bloc consisted of providing military support in the event of military aggression by France, as well as maintaining neutrality in the event of an attack on one of the countries participating in the coalition.

Goals of the Triple Alliance in World War I

The main goal of the Triple Alliance on the eve of the war was the creation of a military-political coalition that, in its power, would oppose the alliance of the Russian Empire, Great Britain and France (opponents).

However, the participating countries also pursued their own goals:

  1. The German Empire, due to its rapidly growing economy, needed as many resources as possible and, as a result, more colonies. The Germans also had claims to redistribute spheres of influence in the world, aimed at creating German hegemony.
  2. The goals of Austria-Hungary were to establish control over the Balkan Peninsula. For the most part, the matter was carried out for the sake of capturing Serbia and some other Slavic countries.
  3. The Italian side had territorial claims on Tunisia, and also sought to secure its access to the Mediterranean Sea, bringing it under its absolute control.

Entente - who was part of it and how it was formed

After the formation of the Triple Alliance, the distribution of forces in the international arena changed dramatically and led to a clash of colonial interests between England and the German Empire.

Expansion in the Middle East and Africa prompted Britain to become more active, and they began negotiations for a military agreement with the Russian Empire and France.

The definition of the Entente began in 1904, when France and Great Britain entered into a pact, according to which all colonial claims on the African issue were transferred under its protectorate.

At the same time, obligations for military support were confirmed only between France and the Russian Empire, while England in every possible way avoided such confirmation.

The emergence of this military-political bloc made it possible to level out differences between the major powers and make them more capable of resisting the aggression of the Triple Alliance.

Russia's accession to the Entente

The events that marked the beginning of the Russian Empire's involvement in the Entente bloc occurred in 1892.

It was then that a powerful military agreement was concluded with France, according to which, in the event of any aggression, the ally country would withdraw all available armed forces for mutual assistance.

At the same time, by 1906, tensions between Russia and Japan were growing, caused by negotiations on the Portsmouth Treaty. This could provoke Russia's loss of some Far Eastern territories.

Understanding these facts, Foreign Minister Izvolsky set a course for rapprochement with Great Britain. This was a favorable move in history, since England and Japan were allies, and the agreement could resolve mutual claims.

The success of Russian diplomacy was the signing of the Russo-Japanese Agreement in 1907, according to which all territorial issues were settled. This significantly influenced the acceleration of negotiations with England - the date August 31, 1907 marked the conclusion of the Russian-English agreement.

This fact was the final one, after which Russia finally joined the Entente.

The final formation of the Entente

The final events that completed the formation of the Entente bloc were the signing of mutual agreements between England and France to resolve colonial issues in Africa.

This included the following documents:

  1. The territories of Egypt and Morocco were divided.
  2. The borders of England and France in Africa were clearly separated. Newfoundland completely went to Britain, France received part of the new territories in Africa.
  3. Settlement of the Madagascar issue.

These documents formed a bloc of alliances between the Russian Empire, Great Britain and France.

Entente plans in the First World War

The main goal of the Entente on the eve of the First World War (1915) was to suppress Germany's military superiority, which was planned to be implemented from several sides. This is, first of all, a war on two fronts with Russia and France, as well as a complete naval blockade by England.

At the same time, the members of the agreement had a personal interest:

  1. England had claims to the rapidly and confidently growing German economy, the rate of production of which had a suppressive effect on the English economy. In addition, Britain saw the German Empire as a military threat to its sovereignty.
  2. France sought to regain the territories of Alsace and Lorraine lost during the Franco-Prussian conflict. These lands were also important to the economy due to the abundance of resources.
  3. Tsarist Russia pursued its goals of spreading influence over the important economic zone of the Mediterranean and settling territorial claims on a number of Polish lands and territories in the Balkans.

Results of the confrontation between the Entente and the Triple Alliance

The results of the confrontation following the First World War were the complete defeat of the Triple Alliance- Italy was lost, and the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian empires, which were part of the union, disintegrated. The system was destroyed in Germany, where a republic reigned.

For the Russian Empire, participation in the Entente and the First World War ended in civil clashes and revolution, which led to the collapse of the empire.

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