How to cook beef liver so that it is soft and juicy. How to cook beef liver so that it is soft Beef Stroganoff with sour cream and beef liver

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Method: Cooking Number of servings: 3 Preparation time: 40 min Cooking time: 35 min

Greetings, dear readers! Our conversation today will be devoted to such an offal, amazing in its dietary and taste qualities as beef liver. This organ is a real source of nutrients. It contains magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, zinc, ascorbic acid, copper, as well as many other elements and vitamins necessary in the daily human diet. The calorie content of the liver is only 127 kcal.

However, many novice housewives are faced with a problem: how to cook beef liver that is tasty and soft? After all, this meat requires a very delicate approach, taking into account many nuances. The slightest deviation from the recipe can lead to the finished dish being dry, hard or bitter. However, do not despair, below we will consider in detail a simple recipe for preparing juicy beef liver in sour cream, as well as all the intricacies of working with this product. So, let's begin!


Cooking process

  • Step 1

    If you purchased an unprocessed organ, then first of all you will need to remove the gallbladder. It should be cut out, grabbing the pulp adjacent to it, which in this area has a greenish color. Next, you need to remove the film from the liver, otherwise the meat will become tough after cooking.

  • Step 2

    Large vessels, veins, excess fat, and bile ducts must also be removed so as not to spoil the taste and texture of the finished dish. The most convenient way to do this is to cut the meat with a sharp knife along the vessels and ducts.

  • Step 3

    Cut the liver into small pieces and soak in cold milk for half an hour. Then dry the meat on a paper towel. This is necessary so that the finished liver has a delicate taste.

  • Step 4

    Let's begin the actual process of preparing the dish. Cut the meat into strips about one and a half centimeters thick. Peel the onion, cut it into large rings, and chop the carrots.

  • Step 5

    Fry chopped onions and carrots in a frying pan with preheated olive oil. Fry them over medium heat until golden brown (about 10 minutes).

  • Step 6

    Dip the chopped meat in flour and then place it in a preheated deep frying pan. Please note that the liver must be fried over high heat, for five minutes on each side.

  • Step 7

    Place the fried vegetables in the pan with the meat and simmer for about another fifteen minutes. Then add sour cream (you can use cream instead) and continue to simmer our dish for another five to seven minutes. Please note that you need to salt the liver and add spices to it shortly before it is ready, otherwise it may turn out dry and tough.

  • Step 8

    Serve the finished dish with gravy; if desired, it can be garnished with parsley sprigs. The best side dish for this meat is mashed potatoes, but it also goes well with buckwheat, pasta, legumes or mushrooms.

Now let’s talk about little tricks with which you can cleanse your liver without much difficulty. First, you need to rinse it thoroughly in cold running water, and then hold it in a container with hot water for one minute or simply scald it with boiling water. After these manipulations, just one or two cuts will be enough to separate the film without any extra effort. To prevent the meat from slipping out of your hands while cleaning, dip your fingertips in salt. Salt will not only prevent slipping, but will also help remove excess bitterness. Then rinse the liver again. But in order to get a tender, juicy dish, you need to be able not only to properly prepare this unique offal, but also to choose it. Therefore, let us dwell on some of the intricacies of buying a liver.

  • It is best to buy products from trusted farms: the liver is a very delicate organ responsible for filtering blood, so it can retain antibiotics and harmful chemicals, which are often fed to animals by unscrupulous producers.
  • It is recommended to buy chilled liver: freezing leads to the fact that the product later turns out to be tough and tasteless.
  • Being fresh, this organ has a slightly sweetish odor and a rich, uniform red-brown color (too dark or light color indicates that this is the meat of an old or sick animal). The blood they secrete should be bright scarlet.
  • Under no circumstances buy a product if it has a sour or ammonia smell.
  • The surface should be shiny, moist and smooth without any scratches, damage, blood clots, stains, weathered areas or, especially, plaque.
  • Try to press on the liver before purchasing: the fresh offal is not sticky and quite elastic, the pit that appears from your touch should disappear in two to three seconds.
  • Roughness on the sections suggests that the liver was soaked in special solutions to make it appear fresh longer.

Be sure to pay attention to the appearance of the bile ducts (they look like small holes); their edges should not differ in color or structure from the organ itself. What distinguishes beef liver from the organs of other animals is a white film, which is relatively easy to remove from a fresh product. Despite the fact that this organ contains many useful substances, it should not be eaten too often by people with high blood cholesterol. Now we know how to properly select, clean and cook beef liver so that it is tasty and soft.

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Properly prepared beef liver, in addition to its undeniable beneficial properties, has excellent taste. We offer basic recipes, relying on which, and adjusting them with your additions in the form of a variety of vegetables, you can prepare beef liver that is tasty, soft and juicy.

Secrets of choosing beef liver

The result of a finished beef liver dish depends on the quality of the main product. When buying a liver, pay attention to the following points:

  • When choosing a product, focus on its smell, appearance and color. Fresh liver, due to its short shelf life (only three days), should have a sweetish smell and a rich, pleasant color. Too dark or light tone of the product will indicate its staleness.
  • Try to buy only fresh liver, not frozen.
  • A smooth, shiny and damage-free surface (film) of the liver will indicate its good quality. Pay attention to the cut. The granular structure will indicate the former ill health of its owner.

How to cook beef liver - product preparation

There are many options for cooking liver, but the final taste will depend on the technology of preliminary preparation of the product. Let's look at the most important points, following which you can make juicy, soft and tasty beef liver:

  • In order to remove the bitterness inherent in beef liver, the film that covers it should be removed. Pour boiling water over the product, then quickly, for a few seconds, immerse it in cold water. From temperature changes you can easily free the desired product from the outer rough film.
  • The dish will turn out tough and unpleasant in taste if large vessels, ducts and veins are not removed from the liver. When cutting portions, carefully remove any “defects” that come across.
  • Cold milk or soda solution (1 tablespoon per 0.5 liter of warm water) will help soften the structure of beef liver, make it soft and pliable, and get rid of the specific “aroma.” Soak the liver, cut into 1.5 cm thick pieces, for at least 30 minutes.
  • Fry the prepared slices in a well-heated frying pan, each side for no more than 3 minutes. Afterwards, simmer according to the recipe used. Stewing in sour cream or cream gives the liver special tenderness, juiciness and softness.
  • Add spices and salt liver dishes at the very end of cooking. If you do this early in the process, the liver will be dry, hard and rough-tasting.

How to cook tasty and soft beef liver - basic recipe

Prepare the liver as described above. Roll the pieces, cut into portions, in mixed flour and spices, fry until light golden brown on all sides. Ghee or vegetable oil is suitable for frying. Fried liver prepared in this way, if all processes are followed, always turns out juicy, soft and tender. Additions can include stewed or fried onions, carrots, and herbs. This liver is suitable as the basis for other liver dishes, for example stewed in sour cream or cream sauce.

How to cook tasty and soft beef liver in sour cream sauce

Mix the fried liver prepared according to the basic recipe with fried onions and carrots. Place in a saucepan. Pour in sour cream sauce (200 ml sour cream, 50 ml water, 2 tbsp flour, seasonings to taste) so that it completely covers the liver. Simmer over low heat for at least 30 minutes.

Liver dishes go well with cereals, mashed potatoes, a variety of salads, pasta and vegetables.

Beef liver is an offal that is rich in protein and iron. Very often it is prescribed to people suffering from anemia. Consumption of liver has a beneficial effect on the body's metabolic processes. Some people use this product for weight loss, because by consuming liver, for example, for breakfast, you can not remember about hunger for a long time, plus it saturates the body with additional energy.

I would like to note that many housewives often cook tasty and juicy beef liver. Because many people will like its taste and aroma. But there are also some disadvantages: after cooking, the liver can become tough and not juicy. In order to avoid such troubles, and not have to think about how to cook beef liver so that it is soft and juicy, you should follow the correct technology for preparing dishes from this product.

First of all, it is necessary to properly prepare the liver. To do this, it is freed from film, hard ducts and unnecessary veins. If the film is difficult to remove, then place the offal in hot water for a minute. To keep the liver soft, after cutting it into portions, immerse it in milk for at least an hour. Then even the oldest liver will acquire a delicate consistency after cooking.

To prepare this dish, prepare the liver as described above, if necessary, soak it in milk. Then we cut it into 1.5 cm thick plates. Then we beat it with a hammer on both sides. Next, the flour is mixed with salt and spices. Place pieces of liver on a heated frying pan, having previously rolled them in flour, and fry on both sides until golden brown.

In general, the liver does not take long to cook, so you shouldn’t fry it too much. Otherwise it will be tough. Separately, fry the onion rings in a frying pan until golden brown. The liver is mixed with onions, sprinkled with herbs and served hot. By following the technology for preparing this recipe, the liver turns out soft and juicy.

First, soak the prunes in boiling water. Then we prepare the liver, cut it into squares and lightly beat it on both sides. Sprinkle salt and spices on top, place steamed whole pitted prunes in the middle and secure with a toothpick.

Pour water into a deep bowl, add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil and place the liver in one layer so that it is half covered with liquid. Simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes, then turn over and cook until done. Be sure to close the lid so that the liver does not get chapped on top.

The liver should be in the broth in which it was stewed. If you let it brew a little, it will only improve the taste. After cooking, the toothpicks can be removed, the stuffed offal will not fall apart. When serving, pour over the sauce in which it was stewed. The dish turns out tender and soft, even if you do not pre-soak the liver in milk.

To prepare such a masterpiece, cut the prepared liver into large cubes. Then sprinkle with salt, spices and mix. Let it brew for a bit. Next, transfer to a deep bowl, add vegetable oil, and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Separately, at the same time, fry the onion until golden brown and add to the liver. Simmer for another 5 minutes.

Then dilute the sour cream with a little water, add to the liver, simmer for several minutes, add starch, previously diluted in a small amount of cold water, and bring to a boil. Turn it off. When served, it goes perfectly with any side dish. Liver prepared using this technology has a high combination of taste. The dish turns out tender and soft.

Juicy beef liver stewed in pots

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare the liver by cutting it into medium cubes. After that, the onions and carrots are chopped into small cubes, and the potatoes into medium cubes, so that they do not boil over during stewing, and fried until half cooked.

The liver is breaded in flour and salt and fried until golden brown until half cooked, you can do this over high heat in a hot frying pan, stirring quickly. This is done so that in further cooking technology the liver does not become hard. Since this product cooks quickly, you should not simmer or fry it for a long time, otherwise it will have a “rubbery” consistency.

Next, take clay pots and place the semi-finished liver on their bottom in equal quantities. Place onions and carrots in the second layer. After fried potatoes. Then prepare the sauce. To do this, dilute sour cream with water, bring to a boil and add a little chopped dill, salt, add spices and pour into pots up to the shoulders.

Then the pots are covered with lids and placed in the oven or oven. They cook there for 20 minutes over medium heat. At this time, the liver is ready, and the vegetables are soaked in sour cream sauce. After that, the pots are removed from the oven, sprinkled with cheese on top, put in the oven so that the cheese melts and taken out. Serve hot.

This dish is convenient because it is distinguished by its usefulness in human nutrition, as it retains all vitamins and nutrients to the maximum. The liver turns out tender and just melts in your mouth. Since it is not over-stewed, and this is the most key point in preparing dishes from this offal. If the liver is overcooked, it will never be soft and juicy, so it is necessary to follow the correct cooking technology, because then it will be impossible to correct such a defect.

I offer several recipes for preparing dishes from beef liver - a product, unfortunately, not very popular. Many people ignore it because of its specific taste, and in vain. Incredibly delicious pancakes, cutlets fried in a frying pan with sour cream and onions - the list goes on. In any case, all dishes are distinguished by excellent taste and health benefits.

How to cook juicy and soft beef liver

Liver is a delicate product, a step to the right is a step to the left, and the dish is ruined. I suggest you learn the secrets of preparing offal so that you can be guaranteed to get truly tasty, tender, juicy and soft liver. When purchasing, pay close attention to the choice and preparation of the piece for cooking at home.

  • The attitude towards frozen foods is twofold: the liver does not lose its beneficial properties, but becomes rough. Try to purchase fresh, chilled product.
  • Smell the piece if you have the opportunity. Fresh liver has a slightly sweet smell. Any sourness should alert you.
  • Press on the piece and a hole will appear, which will quickly recover, this is a sign of freshness.
  • Remove film, blood clots, veins and vessels from the piece. Removing the film will also remove the bitterness inherent in the liver. To do this, scald the piece with boiling water and immediately plunge it into cold water for a couple of seconds - the unwanted element will be easily removed.
  • One of the secrets to tender and soft beef liver is pre-soaking. Extraneous specific aromas and harmful substances accumulated in the product will be removed. The usual means for soaking is milk. Kefir and soda solution work well (a small spoon per half liter of warm water). Pour over the cut pieces and leave for half an hour.
  • If you want a large piece to remain juicy, place it in a well-heated frying pan. The high temperature oil will “grab” the top surface of the bush and “seal” the juices, keeping them inside. Fry for 2-3 minutes, then start stewing. Do not overcook, the product will come out rubbery and not too juicy.
  • Salt the dish at the end of cooking, otherwise the liver will become dry and tough.
  • Do not spare onions, they are very friendly with the product, in addition, they make the dish juicier, sharing the juice with the dryish liver.

Fried liver in sour cream and gravy - recipe in a frying pan

If you want to cook a real dish with history - liver - fry it in sour cream. The name of the dish sounds beautiful and proud, and it is prepared quickly and easily.

Note: replace sour cream with mayonnaise or tomato paste, add cumin and coriander - you will get a completely different, but no less tasty dish.


  • Liver – 1 kg.
  • Sour cream of any fat content – ​​200 ml.
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Flour – 4 large spoons.
  • Milk - half a liter.
  • Salt, oil, spices.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Defrost the frozen liver in natural conditions, cover with milk and leave for an hour.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings and fry in oil until caramel-colored. Tip: add a little sugar, the future gravy will come out an incredibly beautiful color.
  3. Cut the liver into thin slices, dry with a towel and roll in flour.
  4. Fry in hot oil until crusty, add fried onion, stir.
  5. Continue to simmer the dish over low heat. Salt and add spices.
  6. Separately, dilute the sour cream with warm water and pour over the pieces, covering completely. Continue simmering for 20-25 minutes.
Add a few more recipes to your recipe box that will give you juicy, soft fried pieces of the product.

Juicy fried beef liver, soaked in kefir, with onions

The dish is dietary because no oil is used for frying. The meaning of soaking the product is twofold: you will remove any harmful substances and make the dish surprisingly tender and juicy, not requiring additional sauces. There is some kefir left over - use it to your advantage, don’t throw it away.


  1. Cut the product into pieces and pour kefir over it for an hour or two.
  2. Place the pieces in a frying pan without adding oil and start frying. If desired, you can add a little kefir.
  3. Add chopped onion, a clove of garlic, pepper and, stirring vigorously, cook for 3-4 minutes.
  4. Cover with a lid and continue to simmer until done.

Beef liver with apples - recipe in the oven

The dish is better known to culinary experts as Berlin-style cooking.


  • Beef liver – 500 gr.
  • Bulb.
  • Apples, green – 2 pcs.
  • Paprika, curry - a teaspoon.
  • Flour.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Salt – 3 teaspoons.
  • Pepper – ½ teaspoon.


  1. Cut the product into thin pieces, cover with film and beat a little. Breaded with flour.
  2. Heat the oil, add the pieces and quickly fry over maximum heat.
  3. Transfer the product to a paper towel to drain excess oil.
  4. Cut the apples into slices and fry for 1-2 minutes in the remaining oil from the liver. Transfer to a bowl.
  5. In the same oil, quickly fry the onion, cut into rings. Add curry and paprika and pepper. Once the onions have reached a caramel color, remove the pan from the burner.
  6. Place the fried ingredients in a baking dish in the following order: a layer of apples, then liver and onions on top.
  7. Place the mold in the oven, heated to 170 o C, for 5-8 minutes.

Soft beef liver fried with onions

The simplest frying recipe, I advise you to cut the liver into large enough pieces; if cooked correctly, they will turn out juicy and soft. Traditionally, the liver is cooked with the addition of a large amount of onion (feel free to add a lot). Additional flavor nuances will be added by pepper, nutmeg, and Provençal herbs.

You will need:

  • Liver – half a kg.
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Flour, salt, butter, pepper.


  1. Cut the offal into pieces of arbitrary size, soak in milk for 30 minutes.
  2. Dry the pieces a little, bread them with flour and place them in a frying pan on hot oil.
  3. Fry the pieces depending on the size. When ready, it will be gray when cut. By the way: many people like to undercook, so be guided by your preferences. Medium-sized pieces are fried for 5-7 minutes, overcook – they will turn out tough.
  4. Separately, fry the chopped onion and add it to the pan shortly before the end of cooking the liver. Add salt, season with spices and simmer together for just a couple of minutes.

Liver pate - a very tasty recipe

I offer a universal recipe for preparing a dish from beef liver, the simplest one. If desired, you can add other ingredients; if you want to know which ones, check the article on preparation, the principle of operation is the same.


  • Liver – 500 gr.
  • Carrot.
  • Bulb.
  • Butter – 50 gr.
  • Sunflower oil – 2 large spoons.
  • Pepper, salt.

How to cook:

  1. Quickly fry the prepared liver in oil until cooked.
  2. Separately, fry the grated carrots and finely chopped onions.
  3. Place all the ingredients in a blender bowl, add salt, pepper and chop until the consistency of the pate. Keep refrigerated.

Delicious liver pancakes

You'll have to tinker a little, but the beef delicacy pancakes can please even sophisticated eaters. Sometimes they put mayonnaise instead of sour cream; the taste of the pancakes only benefits.

You will need:

  • Beef liver – half a kg.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream – 2 large spoons.
  • Flour - half a glass.
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Salt - teaspoon.
  • Oil, pepper.

How to cook beef liver pancakes:

  1. Prepare the product for cooking by soaking it in milk for half an hour. Chop coarsely and grind in a meat grinder.
  2. Add flour and sour cream, beat in the egg. Stir the ingredients and leave to infuse for half an hour. The dough will not fall apart as the flour becomes sticky. The finished pancakes will turn out fluffy and tender.
  3. Salt, add pepper, stir again.
  4. Heat the oil and spoon the dough into the pan. Fry.

How to cook beef liver cutlets

A tender and juicy dish that does not require special skill; even children do not refuse cutlets.


  • By-product – 500 gr.
  • Bulb.
  • Semolina – 6 tbsp. spoons
  • Garlic – 2 cloves.


  1. Fry the chopped liver separately, or fry the finely chopped onion together. Cool slightly and grind in a meat grinder.
  2. Add semolina, crushed garlic, salt and pepper to the mixture. Stir.
  3. Let the cutlet mixture sit for half an hour. If you think that the minced meat is too liquid, add a spoonful of flour.
  4. Form into cutlets and fry on both sides.

If you want to expand your culinary horizons, watch the video recipe for cooking beef liver from the recognized television chef Ilya Lazerson. I don’t say goodbye, I love you, I kiss you, your Galina Nekrasova.

Offal is a fairly healthy type of food. They contain a large number of substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body. This type of food includes beef liver. This product can be called dietary. It is consumed fried, stewed, boiled. The sections of this article tell you how to prepare beef liver so that it retains its beneficial properties and has a wonderful taste.

Choosing the right product

Many housewives do not want to include such food in their diet. They think that liver dishes are too tough, dry and bitter. However, you should not refuse such a product.

After all, it has many useful properties. Beef liver contains substances that are necessary to maintain good health (amino acids, vitamins A and B). Thanks to these compounds, hemoglobin levels increase, the condition of the eyes and nervous system improves, and the body's defenses are strengthened. Today there are many dishes with this ingredient. Knowing how to cook beef liver correctly, you can diversify your diet with delicious dishes. Much depends on the choice of product. It should be neither too dark nor very light in color. The ideal color is the shade of ripe cherry. The presence of a large number of vessels and veins is undesirable. Therefore, it is better to purchase not the central fragment of the liver, but the outermost one. The surface of a quality product is smooth, without dry areas or dark spots. A sweetish, but not sour, odor is acceptable.

Features of heat treatment

Many housewives are interested in the question of how to cook beef liver soft and juicy. First of all, both raw and frozen products are suitable for frying, boiling or stewing. However, the first option is preferable. Pork liver undergoes heat treatment faster than beef liver. As a rule, there are fewer films and veins on it. But a significant disadvantage of this product is that it contains a fairly large amount of fat.

Calf liver is lean and has a fairly light color. Its structure is loose. The product obtained from an adult animal is denser. It requires more time for heat treatment. Speaking about how to cook juicy beef liver, it should be noted that you first need to rinse it and clean it of veins, and then soak it in milk for about 1 hour. Some chefs recommend sprinkling the product with baking soda. Then it will be juicier and softer. In addition, it is recommended to cook the liver for 20 to 40 minutes. However, this period of time may vary. It depends on the age of the animal, the length and thickness of the pieces.

Beef liver should be fried and stewed for 6 to 10 minutes. There is no need to exceed the heat treatment time. Otherwise, the product will turn out too dry and tough. Salt the liver a few minutes before the end of cooking. Cream and sour cream are also added to it. These components are not required to be used. However, they give the product juiciness and delicate taste.

Liver cooked with sour cream and onions

The dish contains the following ingredients:

  1. A little table salt and ground black pepper.
  2. Carrot (1 root vegetable).
  3. Half a kilo of beef liver.
  4. Onion head.
  5. 6 large spoons of high fat sour cream.

How about this recipe?

This product needs to be rinsed. The veins are removed from it, the films are removed. The liver should be chopped into fragments about 10 millimeters thick. The pieces are placed in a deep bowl with very hot water. Hold for about 5 minutes. The onion and carrots must be peeled and rinsed. The first component is cut into round slices, the second is crushed using a grater.

How to cook soft beef liver? To do this, the surface of the frying pan must be heated. Place some vegetable fat on it. The liver is cooked on the stove until the crust appears golden brown. Then the vessel in which the product was fried must be covered with a lid. Simmer the dish for 5 minutes. You should add a little table salt and ground pepper to it. Pieces of onions and carrots are also cooked on the stove with vegetable fat. For the sauce, mix sour cream with 2 large spoons of very hot water. This gravy is combined with fried vegetables. A little salt and pepper is also placed in the bowl.

Prepare the sauce on the stove until it starts to boil. Then the gravy is combined with pieces of liver. The dish needs to simmer for about five more minutes.

This dish goes well with various side dishes (boiled cereals, potatoes), as well as vegetable salads.

A simple recipe for fried liver

The dish contains the following components:

  1. Onion head.
  2. 3 large spoons of wheat flour.
  3. The same amount of melted butter.
  4. Half a kilogram of beef liver.
  5. A little table salt and ground black pepper.

This is a fairly simple dish. To make it, the hostess will not need much time. How about this recipe?

This product should be rinsed. The veins are removed from it. The film also needs to be removed. The liver is chopped into small fragments. They need to be covered with a layer of wheat flour. The onion head is cut into semicircular slices. This product should be cooked on the stove with vegetable fat for about 5 minutes. Then liver fragments are placed on its surface. The food is sprinkled with table salt and black pepper. It is cooked on fire for 7 minutes.

Beef liver in mustard sauce

For this savory dish you will need the following ingredients:

  1. 3 large spoons of cow's butter.
  2. A glass of milk.
  3. 2 onions.
  4. Half a small spoon of spices.
  5. A little table salt.
  6. About 700 grams of beef liver.
  7. 2 large spoons of mustard.
  8. The same amount of wheat flour.

To prepare beef liver according to the recipe with mustard sauce, this product must be rinsed. It is cleared of films and tubes and chopped into small fragments. The pieces should be sprinkled with table salt and placed in a bowl with milk for about a quarter of an hour. Wheat flour is combined with spices. The liver should be coated with this mixture and cooked in a frying pan with cow butter. Then the pre-chopped onion is placed in the dish. The food should be left on the stove for some time. Then it is covered with an even layer of mustard.

After this, the liver must be kept on the fire for another two minutes.

Dish with added vegetables

The food contains the following components:

  1. 200 grams of green beans.
  2. 3 large spoons of vegetable fat.
  3. A little table salt and pepper.
  4. About half a kilo of beef liver.
  5. Onion head.
  6. Carrots (1 root vegetable).
  7. Bell pepper.

How to cook beef liver in a frying pan with vegetables?

To do this, the offal is washed and cleaned. They cut it into small fragments. The onion head should be chopped into semicircular pieces. The carrots are chopped using a grater. Bell peppers should be cut into slices. The liver is cooked over fire with vegetable fat for about 3 minutes. Then it is combined with vegetables. The dish must be simmered. Add a little table salt and pepper to it. After 10 minutes, the food can be removed from the stove.

Products for the liver according to an oriental recipe

The dish contains the following:

  1. Large spoon of starch.
  2. Onion head.
  3. 2 cloves of garlic.
  4. Half a small spoon of curry spice.
  5. The same amount of paprika.
  6. 3 large spoons of soy sauce.
  7. Half a kilo of beef liver.
  8. A little table salt.
  9. A large spoonful of tomato paste.
  10. The same amount of honey in liquid form.

How to cook soft beef liver in a frying pan according to an oriental recipe?

This is discussed in the next section of the article. In general, the food is considered quite original and interesting.

Cooking process

Beef liver should be rinsed and cleaned. The offal is chopped into small strips and beaten with a hammer. Starch must be combined with table salt, vegetable fat, spices and chopped garlic. The liver is placed in this mixture for about 15 minutes. The onion head is chopped into round slices. Soy sauce should be combined with tomato paste and honey in liquid form. Liver fragments are cooked over fire with the addition of vegetable fat. A golden brown crust should appear on the surface of the pieces. Then put the onion in the bowl and leave it on the stove for 2 minutes. Then the dish is combined with sauce. You can pour in 50 milliliters of hot water. The dish must be simmered for about 7 minutes.

There are many ways to cook beef liver. Recipes and food options are very diverse. The main thing is to follow a number of recommendations in order to select and process the product correctly. Then it will turn out tasty and will not lose its softness, juiciness and healthy qualities.

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