Psychological portrait of a dragon woman. Leo - Dragon Love compatibility of Leos born in the year of the Dragon, according to the eastern horoscope

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Dragon Leo is a symbol of nobility and personal charm. The horoscope of Leo, born in the year of the Dragon, is distinguished by rare inspiration and the ability to take on any responsibility. This is an excellent leader, and the number of subordinates does not matter - the more, the better. He goes towards his goals directly and sometimes too harshly for himself. In this regard, it would be appropriate to recall the expression: “When the forest is cut down, the chips fly!”

If such a person is passionate about something, he devotes himself entirely to this matter, often forgetting about other matters and areas of life. As a result of the vivid manifestation of this peculiarity, Leo-Dragon misses a lot in his life, and when he realizes it, something is already lost irretrievably. The Dragon-Leo is able to achieve his goals so quickly that he does not notice how close people suffer. This may concern parents, children, loved ones.

Character of the Dragon-Lion

The character of people of this combination of signs inclines towards the manifestation of power, but both in anger and in mercy, the Dragon-Leo always retains a human appearance - it will never humiliate and shows generosity; he will always share what he has and is ready to provide support in any difficult situation.

Social status for Leo-Dragon is also not an empty phrase. For the sake of improving his situation and for the sake of career growth, if a real situation arises, Leo-Dragon does not spare himself. When it comes to personal prestige and maintaining the image of a successful person, we will see in his face a real workaholic. In general, the position and status of the Dragon-Leo plays a significant role in his motivation.

The Dragon-Leo is not only a tireless worker, but also an enviable lover. His strength is enough for a lot - if only he had the appropriate attitude, he would have enough energy! The material side of the life of the Dragon-Leo, as a rule, is also in perfect order. The Leo Dragon is focused on external brilliance and respect from others, so he will not sit idly by! And, as you know, the road can be mastered by the one walking.

Dragon-Leo Man

This is always a bright man, even if his field of activity is the most ordinary and unremarkable against the general background. He finds pleasure in everything and knows how to create a holiday in any conditions. People of this type are very loved and strive to be in his company. The Dragon-Leo man always knows what he wants, but most of all he wants to be interesting and in demand in the team where he spends most of his time.

In love, he is impetuous and rarely restrains himself, subordinating himself to the voice of reason. If he loves, then in such a way that everything around him echoes his feelings, everything around him “sings and dances”! He knows how to create an atmosphere of joy, fun and ease. He is capable of idolizing the woman he loves, but in return he will demand praise and loud recognition of his merits. His wife should not shine brighter than he himself shines, and this is an important condition for a happy family life with a Dragon-Leo man.

Dragon-Leo Woman

For a woman, this combination of signs is very favorable in terms of career, self-development, and service to some global cause. She is dedicated to inspiring and leading. Her best qualities are in great demand in professional and social activities, so the Dragon-Leo woman is, as a rule, successful in the business sphere of life.

For personal life, such a combination already has its “disadvantages”, but only if the character is “pure” or typical for its combination of signs, which is rare. The main difficulty for the Dragon-Leo woman may lie in realizing one simple thing: men who are calmer, softer and more practical will be drawn to her, while she wants to see a man even brighter and more active than herself as her husband! A woman, she is always a woman, and the Dragon-Leo woman also dreams of finding support in a man, of feeling a reliable shoulder to lean on in difficult life circumstances.

In these real conditions, when a man himself will look for a reliable support and inspiration in the Dragon-Leo woman, not only the keeper of the hearth, but also his fuse, it is extremely difficult for her to accept such a man and at the same time experience satisfaction and feel completely happy. But it is not impossible when there is understanding and sobriety of perception of reality.

The choice remains with the Dragon-Leo woman. In the end, for harmony in the family, she needs a man who is balanced, flexible, but also independent enough and internally strong so that she respects him. An unbridled and too hot man will create more problems for her than provide real support in life.

Excessive Dragon. Can only tire people.

Eastern horoscope: year of the dragon
Zodiac horoscope: Leo sign

Leo-Dragon is expansive and full of self-esteem - however, for good reason! He is noble and usually has a good sense of humor. This Dragon loves to show generosity to those who are less fortunate in life than him. He is very open and hospitable. Loves to be the center of everyone's attention.

Chinese astrologers consider the mythical Dragon to be a symbol of good luck, dignity and power. This creature bestows luck and nobility on all people born in the year of the Dragon.

Leo-Dragon is doubly noble. This makes their personality seem sophisticated, overly confident and moody. Leo-Dragon is a majestic creature, they are leaders!

Leo-Dragon is a dreamer and optimist, they are accused of not looking at things seriously enough. These people sometimes lack sensitivity, so their actions and words can have an unpleasant effect on the mood of other people.

However, they try to be understanding and compassionate, but end up saying or doing things that are cruel. They love meeting other people, and are truly happy when they are with people they can trust.

Leo-Dragon is usually a highly intelligent person, and makes good use of this feature when planning his future. He has a better idea of ​​what he wants in life than most other people.

Potential Leo-Dragon partners should share their ambitions, hopes and dreams. As parents, these Leos pass on a high degree of ambition to their children.

They have excellent organizational skills, and their intelligence allows them to cope with the most complex tasks mentally. Such people prefer creative work, know how to manage money wisely, and think at least twice before buying something.

In his free time, Leo-Dragon is prone to quiet relaxation alone. They will listen to music, read books, indulge in foods - all this helps them relax.

In essence, the Leo-Dragon is relatively calm, but like all Dragons, he has a tendency to be hot-tempered and unrestrained in his tongue. As they age, they become softer, show patience, and generally cope with the tendency to lose control of themselves.

The dragon of the zodiac sign Leo is a person with wings, capable of not only flying and building crazy plans, but also seriously leading. With the latter, excesses happen - even with wings, he protects not only his territory, but also the slightest interests and affairs. Such a lion attracts to itself like a magnet. It is not difficult for him to find allies and associates.

But it’s not worth provoking the dragon lion into a conflict. Although, it should be noted that with defeated opponents, the dragon lion man can be royally magnanimous.

Leo the dragon is noble and even gallant with both equals and subordinates, and is even capable of sharing what fate sometimes generously bestows upon him. He believes in it, but is always ready to radically influence the fate of others.

Being a workaholic and doing a huge amount of work, the Leo Dragon is capable of even more. Often he has several love affairs and even families and supports everyone financially. Money, as well as the methods of obtaining it, are not a problem for these people, and for women of dragons and lions, too.

Liana Raimanova

The noble Leo-Dragon is a person full of self-esteem, but not without a healthy sense of humor. The man of these signs smart, perceptive, can laugh at himself and takes criticism calmly. His virtues also include generosity: Leo Dragon is always happy to help those who are less fortunate in life than himself.

According to Chinese astrology, the Dragon is a mythical symbol of fortune. Therefore, luck favors representatives of this sign in almost all important endeavors. This animal also gives its charges nobility and self-confidence. The same qualities are characteristic of representatives of the fifth sign of the zodiac: Leo-Dragons received a double portion. Due to this, they tend to show excessive self-confidence and are very capricious.

By nature, Leo-Dragon is a born leader; he is valued and respected in almost any society

But those around him are often offended by him, since the representative of this zodiac combination is rather stingy with emotions. Due to this, the words and actions of Leo-Dragon seem tough or even aggressive from the outside.

No matter how indifferent such a person may seem, in fact he is a very generous person. Leo, born in the year of the Dragon, is not alien to compassion and the desire to understand others. Close people are well aware of this trait of his character, so only with them does Leo-Dragon feel truly comfortable and is not afraid to look rude.

Finding those you can trust is not the least important thing on this person’s list of priorities. Being an excellent planner of your own future, he understands that partners in love and friendship must have ambitions, hopes and dreams similar to his own.

Leo-Dragon is an active and charming person who is sociable

Thanks to their prudence and high intelligence, Leo-Dragons make good organizers. They are not without a creative streak, but when planning their own budget they show enviable scrupulousness.

Leos born in the year of the Dragon love to enjoy the little pleasures in life. Listen to a pleasant melody, sit in a chair with an interesting book, treat yourself to a delicious cake - such little things play an important role in maintaining the mental balance of Leo-Dragons. Without simple daily joys, it is difficult for them to feel comfortable.

Hot temper is a typical Dragon character trait. The influence of the zodiac horoscope does not aggravate it, but does not nullify it either

This causes a lot of trouble in life for young representatives of the sign, but with age they learn to control their statements.

Lion-Dragon – active and charming person, who is characterized by sociability. If he stops denying sentimentality in every possible way, he will begin to attract others like a magnet. It is pleasant to communicate with such a person, but it is better to refrain from quarreling with him. The Lion-Dragon will not calm down until it completely crushes the enemy morally. After this, he will most likely be generous and offer a branch of peace.

Both men and women born in the year of the Dragon know how to manage finances like no other. They can earn a very large sum if necessary, as long as they have somewhere to spend it. Often, almost all the funds of the representatives of the sign are spent on supporting the family. Leo-Dragon is very frivolous in terms of personal relationships, so he may well have an affair on the side, or even more than one. At the same time, he will financially support all partners, even if this means working several jobs.

Leo-Dragons know how to set priorities correctly, they always know exactly what they want from life

The Leo-Dragon man is a bright and extraordinary personality. Even if he has an unremarkable appearance and the most ordinary job, he will still attract the attention of others with his extraordinary character. Representatives of the fifth zodiac sign are characterized by sociability, curiosity, and the ability to enjoy everyday pleasant little things.

Leo-Dragons know how to set priorities correctly and always know exactly what they want from life. This creative people, full of inspiration and optimism. Even under the most unfortunate external circumstances, the Dragon does not lose his spirits and conveys a good mood to those around him. For this he is highly valued in society, for the same reason he rarely manages to be alone - he is too in demand among others.

Leo-Dragons are also respected by their superiors. They are responsible, hardworking and calculating, they can solve several problems at the same time, spending a minimum amount of time on it.

The Leo guy born in the year of the Dragon has many different talents and knows how to apply them in everyday life.

Thanks to his non-standard type of thinking, he can easily solve a problem that baffles others. These people are universal: achieve success in leadership positions, but they can work productively even in subordination. In any case, the career of a man born under the signs of Leo and Dragon will certainly be successful.

Men born under the sign of the Dragon have a hot-tempered and stubborn character. The influence of the zodiac horoscope adds selfishness and excessive self-confidence to these disadvantages. Leo-Dragons are not used to taking other people's opinions into account; it is difficult for them to make compromises.

These people's character is not weak, but it is difficult for them to control their own emotions. Excessive temper often causes hostility among others. It is worth noting that Leo-Dragons do not skimp on only bad emotions; the manifestation of good ones is very difficult for them. No matter how gentle and compassionate a person is on the inside, from the outside he will always seem callous and indifferent.

The excessive temper of Leo-Dragons often becomes the cause of hostility among others

A girl born under the influence of the sign of Leo is not devoid of royal grandeur. She has a firm, confident gait, refined manners, and a sophisticated style of dress. It is important for representatives of the sign not only to always look spick and span, but also to demonstrate their presentability in other ways, for example, intellectually. They put a lot of effort into creating an image, and believe that such sacrifices should not be in vain. Friends and comrades of the Leo woman are select circle, into which only the most worthy are admitted. The criteria for choosing a soul mate for Lionesses-Dragons is also very high.

Thanks to their attractive appearance, crowds of fans always hover around them, but the girls of the royal sign deign only a few with their attention. To conquer such a lady, a man will have to work hard. Compliments, gifts, bright and original ways of showing sympathy - this is the minimum set with which you can claim the heart of a Dragon woman.

Conquering it is only half the battle. Representatives of this sign are frivolous and quickly lose interest in monotonous relationships.

To keep such a girl, it is necessary to constantly complement the union with her with originality. At the same time, you cannot apply pressure: Lionesses really don’t like it when their freedom is limited.

Their character is strong, tough, stubborn. But not without flexibility: they can forgive almost any offense and insult, since they are fully endowed with generosity. The Leo girl, born in the year of the Dragon, loves to command. In a leadership position, she has a greater chance of achieving success. She is responsible and smart enough to manage a large department or her own business.

Their character is strong, tough, stubborn, but not without flexibility.

The most serious disadvantage of the character of the Lioness-Dragon is incontinence. Often she speaks first, and then she thinks and in hindsight realizes that she offended her interlocutor. Sometimes this fact remains completely unknown to her; she only throws up her hands in bewilderment at the claims of others.

The Leo-Dragon girl is selfish and vain, she has high demands on others. If she does not find a person who meets all her numerous criteria, then most often she remains alone and may never marry at all. Lioness-Dragon is a strong and powerful person. But this does not mean that the chosen one, in contrast to her, should be weak. If the partner suits his girlfriend in everything, she will agree to “give up ground” a little.

Love compatibility for Leos born in the year of the Dragon

Leo-Dragon men are self-confident and fluent in the art of flirting, so they almost never experience problems communicating with the opposite sex. Falling in love, they completely surrender to the influence of feelings and lose the ability to think soberly. Leos crave praise and recognition of their merits, they like to challenge admiration from others, especially with your significant other.

Representatives of this sign believe that they deserve only the most beautiful and spectacular women, but they should not outshine their chosen one

It will be too difficult for Leo to experience an affair with a girl who is more successful than himself: this will deal a painful blow to his pride.

Men born under the signs of Leo and Dragon find it easy to start relationships, but difficult to maintain them. This is all due to excessive straightforwardness and the inability to restrain expressions in conflict situations. In the heat of the moment, such a man can say a lot of unnecessary things, which he later greatly regrets. But the pride characteristic of Leos does not allow them to admit that they were wrong and apologize normally.

Men born under the signs of Leo and Dragon find it easy to start relationships, but difficult to maintain them

Over the years, Leo-Dragon learns to show prudence in communicating with his chosen one. If his partner suits his character, he will begin to work on himself and will be able to change for the better.

The Leo woman, born in the year of the Dragon, is also not the easiest partner in a relationship. She is distinguished by her domineering character, which not every man will like. Lionesses need constant feeding of their pride, so they demand praise and attention from their loved one. If they don't get what they want, they begin to fade away. But if they receive it, they become faithful and loving spouses.

The Leo-Dragon girl approaches the choice of a partner very thoroughly. She will think a hundred times before entering into a serious relationship with a person. She will only accept a marriage proposal from a person whom she has managed to get to know well during a long acquaintance. If this woman’s chosen one is capable of understanding and support, the Lioness will be ready for a lot. She can even change her tough character by agreeing to a leading role.

Maximum compatibility Average
Minimum Compatibility
According to the eastern calendar Rat, Monkey, Rooster, Tiger, SnakeDragon, Bull, Horse, PigDog, Cat (Rabbit), Goat
According to the Western calendar Leo, Pisces, GeminiVirgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Cancer, Taurus, ScorpioLibra, Aquarius, Aries

Love compatibility for Leos born in the year of the Dragon according to the Western horoscope

  • Leo – strong friendship, fruitful business partnership. These people understand each other very well, but they are usually not happy in a joint marriage.
  • Virgo - different characters and temperaments do not allow partners to unite in a strong love union. But business and friendly relations between representatives of the signs are possible.
  • Libra – Leo and Libra look at relationships from different angles and expect completely different things from each other. This couple lacks mutual understanding.
  • Scorpio - there are many contradictions and disagreements in this union, but it is almost devoid of passion. Despite their different characters, Leos and Scorpios manage to get along well.
  • Sagittarius – the romance between Leo and Sagittarius brings both of them a lot of resentment and disappointment, but they do business well together.
  • Capricorn – Leos and Capricorns often become best friends; representatives of these signs understand each other very well. But the love compatibility of such a couple is low.
  • Aquarius – mutual understanding rarely reigns between Leo and Aquarius. In this couple, everyone is absorbed in themselves, but pays almost no attention to their partner.
  • Pisces - Pisces and Leo have dissimilar, but harmoniously combined characters. Representatives of these signs complement each other well.
  • Aries is a complex combination of two of the most stubborn signs of the zodiac. This couple has so many mutual claims that it is almost impossible to overcome them even with strong feelings.
  • Taurus is a fairly harmonious combination of signs; partners quickly get used to each other, which helps in friendship, but not always in love.
  • Gemini is a union of cheerful and optimistic people. Both love to enjoy life, and together they do it even better.
  • Cancer is a bright union, the depth of feelings in which will arouse the envy of others. But both partners are leaders by nature. If no one wants to give in, separation is inevitable.

The Leo woman, born in the year of the Dragon, is also not the easiest partner in a relationship.

Love compatibility of Leos born in the year of the Dragon, according to the eastern horoscope

  • Dragon - a love union between representatives of the Dragon sign is likely to be successful: They treat each other with special warmth, although they never stop competing with each other.
  • The Snake is a rather successful union: what makes it so is the Snake’s wisdom, thanks to which it can easily smooth out all conflicts.
  • Horse - average compatibility in love relationships, low - in business relationships. But the friendship between these people turns out to be very strong.
  • Goat - very low compatibility, representatives of the Leo and Horse signs usually do not live together for more than a year, as they begin to irritate each other greatly.
  • Monkey - partners understand each other well, have a similar attitude towards life. It’s easy for them together, so the relationship between the Dragon and the Monkey often evolves into a happy marriage.
  • The Rooster is an excellent union; it rarely happens that the Dragon and the Rooster can be bored together if they do not have common interests and common ground.
  • Dog - a stormy showdown is not uncommon for this couple. Partners are capable of creating a conflict out of the blue, quarreling heavily and not talking to each other for weeks.
  • Pig - partners are compatible on some levels. Most successful on the friendly and business fronts.
  • The Rat is a fruitful tandem in which the partners complement each other as harmoniously as possible.
  • Ox - both partners are very stubborn, constantly compete with each other and fight for the status of leader, but if the love is strong, they can get along.
  • Tiger – above average love compatibility. Representatives of the Tiger and Dragon signs can bring each other a lot of benefits.
  • Rabbit - this couple may not be able to achieve complete mutual understanding, because the Rabbit will not agree to the leading role that the Dragon offers him. A friendly union between people of these signs is unlikely.

Over the years, Leo-Dragon learns to show prudence in communicating with his chosen one

Full characteristics of a Leo child born in the year of the Dragon

People born under the signs of Leo and Dragon show responsibility, dedication and leadership qualities. At the same time, they cannot be called too serious for their age - children of the presented astrological combination are active and inquisitive, and are always willing to play pranks.

If the parents do not find the correct use of the child’s energy, he will cause them a lot of trouble with his behavior.

Little Dragons tend to be aggressive when defending their own views. A Leo boy born in the year of the Dragon can easily get involved in a fight or become its instigator. In a calm state, such babies are very tactful, treat parents and teachers with respect. The Dragon child will be happy to take care of his younger brother or sister. The biggest authority for him is his own parents. He will always take an example, first of all, from mom or dad. For this reason, the Leo-Dragon, whether it is a boy or a girl, grows up too quickly, trying to become like its parents.

October 23, 2017, 01:48

The dragon sign gives her feminine qualities and outstanding intellectual abilities. Having a keen mind, analytical and synthetic, the Dragon woman is able to understand the most complex problems with amazing speed and easily distinguish the essential from the secondary. This is an ability that allows her to gain time compared to others. For some reason, it has as much rigor and logic as one could wish for. Her ideas sometimes always lack originality and relevance. She makes people respect herself.

A dragon woman does not have certain shortcomings for which men often reproach the weaker sex. Capable of seeing both sides of any issue, she has well-balanced and honest opinions, but only when her ego is not directly affected. Bias and bigotry are generally not part of her character. She is also incapable of meanness, pettiness, or hypocrisy. The Dragon woman greatly values ​​independence and secretly, if not openly, despises those members of her own sex who cling to men and do nothing themselves. Although she can sometimes seem talkative, her words often precede her thoughts, although she hates gossip. There is not a single trace of malice or deceit in her. Honesty, sincerity, and frankness - all this is inherent in her; she inspires confidence in all those who know her.

Dragon man and woman are not only naturally intelligent, but also have a generous, beautiful heart. The Dragon woman is generous and warm. Loyal to her loved ones, be it her friends or family, she will do anything to protect them and help them in their time of need. Often the Dragon woman is involved in charity work and has faith in the goodness of humanity; she refuses to believe in the cruel nature of other people and is firmly ready to trust them, sometimes to the point of naivety. She's not the kind of person who holds grudges; if someone betrayed her, she can forgive without much difficulty. Only very rarely does she allow herself to be under the shadow of pessimism, resentment or vindictiveness.

The Dragon woman loves to be in charge and in a position of power; precisely because she has enormous faith in herself and is fully aware of her personal magnetism. She is passionate, optimistic, enthusiastic, often to the point of impetuosity. It seems that she can handle anything and is always ready to take on any challenge that life offers. Whatever she takes upon herself, she will follow to its logical conclusion, but not give up! Difficulties bring out the best in her. She feels very well that she has a mission in this world. Courageous, she fights hard for what she believes is fair and worthwhile.

An incorrigible idealist - the Dragon woman is more idealistic than the male half of the sign, because... she refuses to put up with injustice and makes high demands on herself and others.

In contrast to her positive qualities, the Dragon woman has a number of conspicuous undesirable character traits. People are often irritated by her superiority complex and arrogant demeanor. There is always a certain complacency and dismissive indifference about her. Often vain and bossy, she reacts violently when she perceives herself as a target for criticism or when her abilities are questioned. Like a spoiled princess, she can sulk when she doesn't win at something.

Dramatic by nature, the Dragon woman always insists on being the center of attention. She will never give anything up to anyone. It seems as if for her the ends justify the means when it comes to satisfying her desire to hear admiration and appreciation for her. She does not shy away from snobbery or flattery. The Dragon woman can be overly eccentric, throw tantrums, be too squeamish and often brag. Her ambitions tend to go beyond all reasonable proportions. No amount of success can completely calm her heart. And if any of her countless whims and desires do not come true, she becomes extremely tense and angry, cursing the whole world instead of accepting failure humbly.

She skillfully takes care of her false pride. It would be impossible to convince her to play second fiddle in any field. She rarely bothers to show concern for the sensitivity of other people, sometimes saying nasty things to them, without regard for tact or diplomacy. She loves to impress people with her achievements, real or imagined. Verbal apologies are generally unrealistic for a Dragon woman. She will not tolerate any insult to her dignity and, like Don Quixote, who fought windmills, she will attack even when no one has hurt her pride.

Despite her protests to the contrary, she secretly longs for a life of ease and comfort, and is much more impressed by external wealth, luxury and splendor. She loves expensive clothes, luxurious dazzling jewelry, numerous trips to foreign countries and the like. Everything would be fine if she could afford such trinkets herself, and not through her man. One of her most serious problems in life is the problem of aging. The prospect of growing old frightens the Dragon woman, and she fights it with all her might to prevent the time of wrinkles from coming. She may prefer an early death to old age or try to stay young as long as possible, by all means.

Special mention must be made of her own attitude towards men in general. She considers herself completely equal in all respects to all members of the bearded sex, she has no feeling of inferiority in relation to them, and she takes pleasure in competing with them. Under no circumstances does she agree to be born a man. However, in a mildly tearful mood, she may have secret regrets about her condition as a woman, not because she finds anything wrong with her femininity in itself, but because she feels that everything would be simpler for her. if she were a man.

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Character of Dragon women - Leo: These women have a rich imagination and pronounced creative abilities. This is how they come up with brilliant ideas that bring good profits. What allows them to realize their ideas is determination, confidence and terrible perseverance. They rush into battle without thinking and often emerge victorious. These qualities allow them to become successful at a very early age.

Along with strong character and determination, they also possess simple human qualities. These are women who will not use lies and black methods to achieve their goals. They are kind, attentive to their loved ones and ready to provide any help to their friends. And they have a lot of them - their sociability and cheerful disposition often makes them the soul of any company.

Dragon women - Leos in love and relationships: These are noble women who cannot help but please the opposite half. They look after you beautifully, are gallant and are ready to help at any moment. This is not only an external representation, but also their internal state. They are deeply devoted to their chosen ones and will not change their choice. There are exceptions, and the reason for this may be complete disappointment in your partner.

Dragon women - Leos in finance and career: Most often they look like successful people with good income. They can achieve all these without difficulty if laziness does not overcome them. Fortunately, they care what others think of them, so they try to find a better job with a decent salary. They cope well with their responsibilities, but they are still better suited for leadership positions, where they can demonstrate all their talents.

Dragon women - Leos in family and marriage: They make the ideal head of the family. They are attentive to everyone, resolve all difficulties and organize a solid financial basis. But to get along with them, their companions will need special patience. Despite the care they provide, they often act only in accordance with their desires. They also make special demands on others, which are often difficult to meet.

Advice for Dragon-Leo women: Building relationships with them is not difficult, you just need to use certain methods. If their chosen ones want to get something, then they need to push them to this decision. This is done very simply - praise them in the presence of friends and tell them about their successes. They will definitely like it, and in a fit of emotion they may promise you to fulfill your request. And these women do not throw their promises to the wind.

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