Becherovka vodka composition. Aperitif

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If one of your friends has visited the Czech Republic, then most likely you have the main Czech souvenir in your bar - a bottle of Becherovka liqueur. Indeed, Becherovka’s country of origin is the Czech Republic, or rather, the famous Karlovy Vary health region. This national drink has been produced since 1807, and during socialist Czechoslovakia it was the main export product. Today it is one of the world's most popular bitter herbal liqueurs.

History of Becherovka

Joseph Vitus Becher (1769 - 1840) was an experienced businessman - he traded in maritime and colonial goods, and also experimented with perfumery and the creation of tinctures in his shop "Three Foresters". In 1805 he spent a lot of time with Prince Maximilian von Plettenberg's physician, Christian Frobrig. This pharmacist gave Becher a unique composition of herbs for tincture. In 1807, Jan Becher began selling English bitter liqueur, and the word "Becherovka" began to be used in 1834.

The drink was initially positioned as medicinal: people came from far away to buy this magical tincture for stomach diseases, which heals not only the body, but also the soul. Unlike dried herbs and supplements, it was a ready-to-drink drink, so it was very popular.

Already during the First World War, the tincture conquered Europe, Turkey and Egypt, and after the end of the ban on alcohol - the USA and Great Britain.

Since 1838 and for 40 years, the company has been led by the founder’s son, Jan Becher. It was he who created the liqueur the way it is exported today. In the 1945-50s, only 500 bottles of liquor were exported per year, and in the 1960s - already 100 hectoliters annually.

After World War II, the family business was nationalized, and the brand was owned by the state for 57 years. Today the company has again been transferred to private ownership.

Despite the fact that production has changed hands several times, technologists manage to preserve Becherovka’s traditional recipe, recreated from the notes of Christian Froberg.

Becherovka - what kind of drink is it?

The national Czech drink belongs to the classic bitter herbal liqueurs. The drink has a rich, sweetish and at the same time bitter-tart taste. The color of the drink is sunny golden. Many compare it with another herbal liqueur - the popular Jägermeister. Those who know well what Becherovka tastes admit that it drinks much softer and more pleasant than Jägermeister. It is drunk as an aperitif or, most often, a digestif, in the evenings from small glasses.

Becherovka is served in shot glasses for strong drinks; the manufacturer also produces gift sets complete with glasses or special porcelain cups for use for medicinal purposes.

Composition and medicinal properties of Becherovka

Only two people in the world know the exact composition of Becherovka; all these years it has been passed down in the Becher family through the male line. Becherovka is made from the famous medicinal Carlsbad water, a mixture of herbs and spices and natural sugar. It is known exactly how many herbs are in Becherovka: 20 types of herbs and spices are collected for the liqueur, including anise, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, orange zest and others. Experienced sommeliers, who know how to distinguish the composition by the subtlest shades of taste and aroma, also guess wormwood and chamomile in the composition.

Only 4 ingredients are collected in the vicinity of the plant, and the rest are brought from different parts of the country and from abroad. The exact composition and proportions cannot be recreated, so Becherovka remains a unique drink.

The collected herbs in jute bags are dipped in alcohol, heated and the maceration process is carried out for a week - all the active substances from the dry mixture are transferred into the alcohol tincture. The resulting extract is diluted with water, mixed with sugar and placed in oak barrels for several months. This produces an incredibly tasty and aromatic liqueur (or tincture, which is also correct) called Becherovka.

The medicinal properties of Becherovka are due to its bitter taste: the herbs cause the secretion of gastric juice and bile, increase appetite and promote digestion. That is why 20 grams of liquor taken before a meal relieves heartburn, poor appetite, belching and other digestive disorders. Becherovka in medicinal doses also helps with more serious diseases, for example, it helps to heal the mucous membranes of internal organs with stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Let's not forget that the liqueur is made on the basis of the healing water of the Karlovy Vary region: in itself it improves metabolism and normalizes many processes in the body.

To maximize the benefits of Becherovka, it is important to choose the right dose. As Hippocrates said, “everything is medicine, and everything is poison - it’s just a matter of dose.” For medicinal purposes, it is correct to drink Becherovka 20 milliliters per single dose. This is a little more than a tablespoon in volume. When you have a cold, just add a few drops of liqueur to your tea.

Since Becherovka is essentially an alcohol tincture with a strength of 38 degrees, it also has contraindications. It is not recommended to drink it during periods of exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases, with increased or decreased blood pressure, or liver diseases. Despite its beneficial properties, you should not give it to children - in this case it will only cause harm.

Views of Becherovka

As we have already said, the composition of the original Becherovka includes 20 types of herbs. However, there are other versions of the drink with additional ingredients - linden blossom, red wine or citrus fruits. Although the buyer is primarily familiar with the classic version of Becherovka in a green glass bottle with a yellow and blue label, today the plant also produces other varieties of Becherovka.

The brand portfolio includes the following varieties:

  • Becherovka Original is a classic of the genre, based on the secret recipe of the founding father. Strength - 38 degrees.
  • Becherovka Cordial is a tincture with linden blossom, its strength is slightly lower.
  • Becherovka Lemond (“Becherovka lemon”) is a liqueur with a bright citrus hue, its strength is only 20%.
  • Becherovka KV 14 is an interesting version with red wine.
  • "Ice and Fire" (ICE and FIRE) is an innovative product in the line with a strength of 30 degrees. Ideal for cocktails with tonic or ginger ale.

In Russia you can only buy two types of liqueur, original and lemon. When traveling around the Czech Republic, you can stock up on other varieties.

There is also great variety in terms of packaging - this drink is sold in volumes from 50 ml to 3 liters.

In any type of liqueur, the recognizable taste of Becherovka remains: bittersweet, bright and spicy, with a long, pleasant aftertaste.

How to drink Becherovka correctly and what to eat

Over the long history of its existence, enthusiasts have come up with many ways to drink Becherovka. The manufacturer on the website recommends drinking the liqueur in its pure form, serving chilled. This tradition dates back to the time the liqueur was created, because back then it was a medicinal tincture, and no one thought about which glasses to pour Becherovka into and what to serve it with.

However, today it is customary to accompany strong herbal liqueur with other drinks. Of course, we are not talking about vodka or cognac, but tea, coffee and juices will perfectly complement the taste of Becherovka.

  1. One of the popular ways to consume it is to drink Becherovka with beer. This is often done in Slovakia - they wash down a glass of cold Becherovka with light beer. This method appreciates the aftertaste that beer acquires after the liqueur. This method also has an obvious side effect: rapid intoxication. However, if the procedure is not repeated too often, you will be able to appreciate the taste of the unusual tandem without consequences.
  2. If you are confused by the bitter taste of the tincture, try drinking Becherovka with apple juice. Dilute in the proportion in which you will be pleased to drink the drink.
  3. Various cocktails are prepared based on herbal liqueur. Their names can be very different, but Becherovka goes well with tonic, blackcurrant and cherry juice. For example, the Magic Sunset cocktail includes 40 ml of Becherovka Original, 150 grams of fresh orange juice and Grenadine syrup in an arbitrary proportion. On the official website of the manufacturer, it is recommended to prepare a Becherovka cocktail: a traditional version with tonic (proportions to taste) or Beton espresso - “Original Becherovka” (40 ml) + tonic (100 ml) + espresso coffee (15 ml).

The best snack for Becherovka will be fruits and berries, but meat and fish delicacies do not go well with the taste of Becherovka. Apples, oranges, dates, dried fruits and especially dark chocolate - this is what Becherovka is best served with.

In the Czech Republic, Becherovka is drunk exclusively in the evenings, after a hearty dinner - here the drink is perceived as a digestif. Czechs recommend eating it with a slice of orange flavored with cinnamon. Becherovka that is too warm is difficult to drink, although it becomes more aromatic, so cool the drink properly before serving.

Shelf life

It is believed that this herbal balm has no expiration date - that is, Becherovka can be stored for as long as desired. However, it is better to use an open bottle within six months, since this is the shelf life of Karlovy Vary mineral water, on the basis of which Becherovka is made.

Getting to know Becherovka

The modern factory where the liqueur is produced meets the growing demand for the drink. It was built in Karlovy Vary in just one year. The first bottles were released here in 2010. Do you want to know what herbs are included in Becherovka, what it is like and what is the best way to drink Becherovka? We are ready to talk about all this in detail at the plant during the tour.

Not every drink becomes legendary. Czech Becherovka is among the rare exceptions. For more than two centuries it has been produced according to the same ingenious recipe and, what is most surprising, the secrets of production are kept secret.

The drink was conceived as a medicine (it was created by the pharmacist Josef Becher). Today it is, to a greater extent, a popular liqueur, which can be appreciated only by learning how to drink and eat it correctly.

Original liqueur

No matter how hard competitors tried to sort out Becherovka’s ingredients, they were never able to find out about them all. It is only known that the liqueur contains more than two dozen medicinal plants (mostly herbs), and that among them there is definitely anise and cardamom, cinnamon and cloves, and even allspice and orange peel.

However, even if someone manages to reveal all the secrets, it is unlikely that it will be possible to start producing Becherovka outside the Czech Republic: its main secret is the healing water from Karlovy Vary. The keepers of the recipe (by the way, it is passed down from generation to generation through the male line) once conducted an experiment - they tried to make the drink outside their country. “One to one” did not work out.

Although the composition and production technology were completely reproduced, when plant ingredients placed in a canvas bag are infused for a week and then poured into oak barrels, in which the drink is born over several months.

Interesting! According to a recipe from 1807, the original Becherovka is produced with a strength of 38%.

Several varieties have been created:

  • Becherovka Cordial – 35% strength (linden blossom is included in the set of herbal ingredients);
  • Lemon Becherovka is the weakest of the entire “venerable family” with a strength of 20%;
  • Becherovka Ice and Fire – 30% strength;
  • Becherovka KV-14 – its strength is 40%, red wine is included in the composition.

Almost all types of liquor are very strong and intoxicating. However, the “burning taste” may be muted by a slice of orange cinnamon. In addition, Becherovka is rarely consumed in its pure form, which makes it possible for those who do not drink very strong alcohol, especially ladies, to enjoy the drink. However, by drinking liqueur with beer (there is such an option), you can get an even more intoxicating alcohol than the original.

Using Becherovka as a medicine, drink 20 ml of it during meals (without diluting) or adding a little to tea. The beneficial properties of the drink are not a myth at all, not a trick that justifies the use of alcohol.

Medical studies have confirmed: Becherovka is beneficial for the digestive system, accelerates metabolic processes in the body, and protects against various infections.

We use according to the rules

In the language of professionals, classic Becherovka is a digestif. This is the name for drinks that are served after finishing a meal to help the body quickly cope with everything eaten and drunk. Becherovka KV-14 has a different purpose; it is usually served as an aperitif - before meals, to increase appetite.

There are several options with which you can drink the original liqueur:

A frank letter from a reader! Pulled the family out of the hole!
I was on the edge. My husband started drinking almost immediately after our wedding. First, a little at a time, go to a bar after work, go to the garage with a neighbor. I came to my senses when he began to return every day very drunk, he was rude, and drank away his salary. It really got scary when I pushed him for the first time. Me, then my daughter. The next morning he apologized. And so on in a circle: lack of money, debts, swearing, tears and... beatings. And in the morning we apologize. We tried everything, we even coded it. Not to mention conspiracies (we have a grandmother who seemed to pull everyone out, but not my husband). After coding I didn’t drink for six months, everything seemed to get better, we began to live like a normal family. And one day - again, he was late at work (as he said) and dragged himself in the evening on his eyebrows. I still remember my tears that evening. I realized that there was no hope. And after about two or two and a half months, I came across an alcoholic on the Internet. At that moment, I had completely given up, my daughter left us altogether and began to live with a friend. I read about the drug, reviews and descriptions. And, not really hoping, I bought it - there was nothing to lose at all. And what do you think?!! I started adding drops to my husband’s tea in the morning, but he didn’t notice. Three days later I came home on time. Sober!!! A week later I began to look more decent and my health improved. Well, then I admitted to him that I was slipping the drops. When I was sober, I reacted adequately. As a result, I took a course of alcotoxic medication, and for six months now I have had no problem with alcohol, I was promoted at work, and my daughter returned home. I'm afraid to jinx it, but life has become new! Every evening I mentally thank the day when I learned about this miracle remedy! I recommend to everyone! Will save families and even lives! Read about the cure for alcoholism.
  1. In its purest form. This method helps to appreciate the richness of the bouquet. The liqueur must be cooled to 5-7°C; this requirement also applies to glasses. They should be small in volume, repeating the shape of a bell, with a thick bottom. After taking a sip, the liquor is held in the mouth for half a minute.
  2. Combined with coffee or tea. Depending on the size of the cup, add 20-40 ml of Becherovka to the drink. Such a drink is considered medicinal (strengthens the immune system, improves overall well-being) provided that no more than 60 ml of liquor is consumed during the day, divided into 2-3 servings.
  3. With beer. Some may think that such use is barbaric. However, in the Czech Republic they respect both drinks - herbal liqueur and light beer brewed from live wheat. Under no circumstances should they be mixed in the same container. First, they drink a glass of Becherovka (up to 40 ml), followed by a mug of cold beer. Connoisseurs note the original aftertaste created by the combination of herbs and malt, but warn that this method of consumption is fraught with an unpleasant hangover.
  4. With juice. In this case, the drinks are mixed, and in any ratio that is required to make the drink less or more strong. The standard ratio is 3:1 in favor of the juice. Apple, cranberry, and cherry are best suited for this purpose.

Cocktails prepared with Becherovka:

  • “Ocean” – with grape juice, Blue Curacao liqueur and a slice of orange;
  • “Tears of Raquel” - with Triple Sec liqueur, which, without stirring, is carefully poured over Becherovka and set on fire;
  • “Oasis” – with pieces of lime, sugar and ice;
  • “Bianca” - with dessert vermouth, champagne and decoration in the form of raspberries and a slice of lime;
  • “Punsh” – prepared with lemon or other citrus juices, adding sugar syrup and water, heated and served hot.

Sometimes disputes arise about which Becherovka is more interesting - chilled or warm. Here is the opinion of experts: a warm drink resembles a medicine, and it is more fragrant. When cooled, it is inferior in the aroma of individual components, but it perfectly reveals the rich gamut as a whole - flavors are revealed one by one, one after another, the aftertaste is long and very pleasant.

Interesting! For those with a sweet tooth, types of Becherovka such as Cordial and lemon can replace dessert. They are usually served with cakes, butter cookies, and sweets.

If you can afford a drop of alcohol in the morning, add Becherovka to a cup of coffee or tea (anything will do, even hibiscus). During cold seasons, this will be a good prophylactic; the drink does not pose a threat to the gastric mucosa. An important nuance: adding milk is not recommended, but heavy cream would be quite appropriate.

Becherovka can be useful for those who are worried about their figure. A drink consumed after a meal speeds up the process of digesting food - instead of the traditional 4 hours, this work will take the stomach from 2 to 2.5 hours.

Do you want to try the liqueur the way it is drunk in the drink’s homeland, the Czech Republic? Fill the glass so that there is 1 cm left to the rim, garnish with a slice of citrus fruit (you can take grapefruit), sprinkle it with cinnamon. Have a drink.

If you want to “repeat”, pour the next glass no earlier than after 15-20 minutes. Do not overdo it, as the alcohol is very strong and you will still get a “blow to the head”, although not immediately, but after about half an hour.

What to snack on

Used in its pure form as a digestif, Becherovka does not need appetizers. This option does not suit everyone, because the stereotype comes into play: drink, eat. In this case, experts recommend serving sliced ​​fruit. Apples, bananas, grapes and berries – raspberries, strawberries – are appropriate. You can serve dried fruits (for example, dried apricots, dates), dark chocolate (slabs and in candies), and nuts.


Such elite alcohol as Becherovka requires an appropriate attitude. If you ignore the rules developed over centuries, the drink may disappoint you the first time.

If the ritual is fully observed, Becherovka will generously reveal her rich bouquet. It is also important that when consumed in moderation, liqueur remains a healing remedy, as the author of the drink intended it to be.

What is berekhovka? Let's delve a little deeper into history. In 1905, an English count came to the resort in Karlovy Vary to improve his health with his personal physician named Frobrig.

They were accommodated in a hotel called “Three Larks”, owned by the pharmacist Becher. The common interests in medicine between the pharmacist and the doctor led them to friendship.

For long evenings they could discuss recipes for tinctures and medicines, medicine. They wanted to create a recipe for a unique medicine or balm based on alcohol and herbs that would help against all diseases.

Soon the guest had to leave for his homeland. Shaking hands, he begged his friend to finish what he started. Becher kept his promise. He achieved his goal by mixing herbs and spices in the right proportions. Becher wrote down his miraculous recipe in his diary. He created a unique medicine based on alcohol or moonshine, which brought him not only worldwide fame, but also untold wealth.

In 1807, Becher sold bitter for nerve disorders and to improve the digestive system. Its first name was “Carlsbad, English Bitter.” By adding his last name to the name of the medicine, he immortalized himself in world history.

When the pharmacist died in 1841, his business passed to his heir and only son, Johann. And the new owner began to produce the tincture in the original bottles in which Becherovka is produced to this day. And only a grandson named Gustav, who inherited the craft, spread the healing drink throughout the world. The last heir did not continue the work of the dynasty.

When the Austrian king tried Becherovka, he was so inspired by this heady drink that he ordered about 55 thousand liters of Becherovka to be sent to his palace from Karlovy Vary.

The Czechs popularly call it Becherovka and it sounds like the thirteenth healing spring of Karlovy Vary. The classic recipe is kept in the strictest confidence, and now only two people know this recipe. Connoisseurs of the drink have reached only 20 medicinal herbs contained in the drink, which are placed in a canvas bag, and the bag is infused with alcohol.

Becherovka began to be produced in many other countries, but nothing worked - the drink did not gain popularity. There is information that the secret lies precisely in Karlovy Vary - the resulting alcohol is made from healing mineral springs.


It is known for sure that Becherovka contains more 20 spices and herbs ingredients. Many gather directly in Karlovy Vary. The exact amount of ingredients, their proportions and how to prepare bitter is a very big secret that the family keeps under seven seals. And only two people know her - the production manager and the director.

A very important component for preparing the tincture, in addition to sugar, herbal ingredients and alcohol, is unique water, which has healing properties and undoubtedly greatly affects the taste and quality of the tincture.


The plant produces only 4 types of this drink, which can only be purchased in Karlovy Vary:


The companies that produce Becherovka advise drinking it from a cognac glass before dinner, sipping little by little in small sips. This drink has a good effect on the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

  1. You should have a snack with an orange slice flavored with cinnamon.
  2. In Slovakia, this drink is drunk with beer: 50 grams of Becherovka chilled in the freezer is drunk in one gulp and washed down with light, tasty and not very strong beer.
  3. Bitter is very good to add to coffee or tea to improve immunity and calm the nervous system. A great option for relaxing after a hard day is one teaspoon of the drink per mug of coffee or tea.
  4. The famous and wonderful cocktail, called Beton, is made by mixing Becherovka and tonic.
  5. Czech bitter goes well with apple or cherry juice.
  6. A great cocktail called Flame is made by mixing bitters with rum liqueur.


You must understand that you still won’t be able to reproduce the original recipe at home, but you can try to make a delicious bitter that will not be inferior in taste and quality to the Czech drink.

You will need half a liter of pure alcohol (the amount of alcohol determines the strength of the future bitter), a mixture of many aromatic herbs and a glass container for infusing and storing the alcoholic beverage.

Take the ingredients:

Cooking steps:

  1. Prepare mixed spices and pour the mixture with alcohol diluted with water one to one. You can fill it with vodka, but it is of very good quality. Close the jar with a tight nylon lid and place in a dark place.
  2. Shake and taste the drink every day for a week.
  3. On the 8th day of infusion, filter the tincture through a bandage or gauze. You should taste the tincture to make sure there are enough spices. If there are not enough spices, then leave to infuse with the spices in a dark place for another two days.
  4. Prepare syrup from sugar (250 mg) and water (250 mg) over very low heat so that the syrup does not boil.
  5. The now cooled syrup is mixed with the tincture, but you need to pour the syrup into the tincture. And you can taste it.

A homemade Becherovka recipe will cost you much less than the original bitter, but it will not be inferior to the taste of the original.

Attention, TODAY only!

Gained worldwide fame thanks to its original recipe and unsurpassed taste. Connoisseurs of elite alcohol are often interested in what ingredients are present in Becherovka, how to drink this drink correctly and what medicinal properties it has.

History of the invention of the drink

Becherovka liqueur was invented in the early 19th century by Czech pharmacist Josef Becher. In addition, Dr. Frobring, a native of Britain, took part in the development of the main recipe. These scientists met in Karlovy Vary, together they studied the healing properties of plants and conducted research, collected medicinal herbs in the vicinity of the city and created from them. Before returning home, the Englishman gave Becher a note in which he noted the main ingredients of the future liqueur and their proportions.

Over time, the Czech pharmacist finalized the recipe and in 1807 began selling the tincture as a means of normalizing the functioning of the digestive system. Since the drink was popular, its production was expanded, the bottle design was improved and a trademark was registered. At the end of the 19th century, the herbal liqueur was introduced to the European market.

Composition and types of liquor

The exact recipe and proportions of ingredients used are a trade secret and are protected by the state. Becherovka, whose composition of herbs and spices includes more than 20 types of plants, contains the following components:

  • water from Karlovy Vary springs;
  • alcohol;
  • sugar;
  • anise, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, wormwood, allspice, etc.;
  • orange zest.

The liqueur is produced using complex technology, but during the manufacturing process the natural healing properties of herbs are completely preserved. In addition, the liquid contains no preservatives, dyes or flavors.

There are 5 varieties of the drink produced under the Becherovka trademark:

  1. Original Becherovka. It is based on a classic recipe, unchanged since 1807. Alcohol content – ​​38%.
  2. Becherovka Cardial. A dessert type of liqueur with a strength of 35%. Made with the addition of white wine, honey and linden flowers. Bottled in brown bottles decorated with golden inscriptions.
  3. Becherovka Lemond. A low-alcohol drink that contains 20% alcohol. It has a sweet taste, a mild lemon aroma and a light yellow color. The main ingredients include citrus fruits. Sold in branded transparent bottles with a yellow and blue label.
  4. Becherovka KV14. A strong type of liqueur, alcohol content - 39-40%. It has a burgundy tint due to the red wine it contains. Does not contain sugar, suitable for people with diabetes. The bottle design contains red and black colors.
  5. Becherovka ICE&FIRE. A relatively new product on the market, it was first released in 2014. The strength of the drink is 30%. The liquid has a specific taste and intense fresh aroma. The recipe contains chili pepper, menthol, citrus fruits, various herbs and spices. Pairs well with ginger ale, tonic and other drinks. The bottle is made of black glass and decorated with a beautiful label made in a modern style.

Becherovka, the types of which differ in their components, is often used by bartenders to create many alcoholic cocktails. You can find 2 types of the drink on public sale; the rest are sold in branded stores in the Czech Republic or are included in souvenir and gift sets.

Medicinal properties

Thanks to the medicinal herbs included in its composition, Czech liqueur has a beneficial effect on the body and has the following medicinal properties:

  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: promotes better absorption of food, accelerates metabolic processes, increases the amount of gastric juice secreted, increases appetite, normalizes stool, etc.;
  • can be used to prevent heartburn, flatulence and belching;
  • fights colds;
  • helps improve immunity;
  • relieves insomnia and improves sleep quality.

Despite all the positive qualities, Becherovka Original and other types of this liqueur are alcoholic drinks and, if consumed excessively, can be harmful to human health. The daily dose recommended by doctors is 20 ml.

How and with what to drink correctly

If you don’t know what Becherovka is drunk with, follow the manufacturers’ recommendations and drink the herbal liqueur undiluted. The drink should be served well chilled in a small glass or cognac glass. You can drink the tincture as an aperitif or as a digestif. The best snack in these cases is an orange slice sprinkled with cinnamon powder. If you want to combat insomnia, drink fluids before bed.

The liqueur can also be heated until warm and consumed in small sips. This will help get rid of sore throat and cough.

In addition, many doctors advise regularly adding 1-2 tsp for medicinal purposes. Becherovka in tea or coffee. This method will increase the body's immune resistance to viruses and bacteria, give vigor and good mood.

Use in cocktails

Czech liqueur goes well with many alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, so it is often included in cocktails. The most common mixes:

  1. Becherovka village This method of drinking the drink was invented in Slovakia and has gained popularity all over the world. First, drink a small glass of chilled liqueur in one gulp, and then a glass of light beer. It is believed that in this case, hops and malt reveal the herbal taste of the tincture in a new way. However, due to the combination of strong alcohol with a weaker alcoholic drink, intoxication quickly occurs.
  2. Becherovka with juice, tonic or other non-alcoholic drinks. Traditionally, liqueur is diluted with apple, cherry or currant juice. If you add tonic to the original Becherovka and add a slice of lemon to the cocktail, you will get a taste reminiscent of the lemon variety of the drink. A combination of Becherovka with Coca-Cola and Sprite is possible.
  3. Becherovka with other types of alcohol. The drink can be combined with champagne, ginger ale, and other liqueurs.

When making cocktails, add ice, mint, sugar syrup, ginger, water, lemon, lime or orange slices, and other fruits and berries (raspberries, grapefruit, cherries, etc.). Alcoholic drinks that Becherovka absolutely cannot be combined with include,.

The complex liqueur Becherovka is one of the most famous and truly legendary Czech drinks. Invented by pharmacist Josef Becher, this tincture has evolved from a common medicine over its long history into the most recognizable herbal liqueur in the world. The strength of the drink is 38 degrees, its color has an unusual greenish-yellow tint and a bitter aftertaste with the aroma of herbs and citrus fruits.

In the article:

Becherovka – a little history

In 1805, two friends, representatives of the pharmaceutical business, Joseph Becher and Dr. Frobrig, met on vacation in Karlovy Vary. Becher owned one of the best pharmacies in the city, and Dr. Frobrig was a practicing physician. This meeting was marked by an experiment to invent a new herbal tincture for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. Some time after his friend's departure, Joseph finally developed and launched an alcohol-containing tincture, which he called Carlsbad English Bitter.

Carlsbad English Bitter

Becherovka tincture was initially sold in pharmacies as an auxiliary medicine. But, after the rights to produce the tincture were transferred to his son Johann in 1841, sales increased due to updated equipment and a change in packaging. 10 years before the end of the 19th century, the grandson of the famous pharmacist, Gustave Becher, improved the appearance of the drink, completed the production buildings and officially registered the Becherovka trademark.

With the beginning of the 20th century, the tincture began to be in demand outside the Czech Republic. Companies involved in the distribution of alcoholic beverages began to actively buy it. Among the fans of the tincture were the royal court of the Emperor of Austria.

Composition of Becherovka

The Becher family carefully guards the recipe for making the tincture. Today it is known that the herbal mixture includes at least twenty varieties of herbs growing in the Czech Republic and abroad. Experienced tasters were able to identify some components, including: coriander, chamomile flowers, wormwood, cloves, honey, anise, cardamom, cinnamon, allspice, as well as orange and lemon zest.

The original taste of the drink is given by the water, which is unique in its composition. In Karlovy Vary there are 12 different sources of mineral water, which is an effective remedy for treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Proportions and composition are kept in the strictest confidence.

According to one legend, an employee of the enterprise found out the composition of the drink and took it abroad. In the process of mixing the components and further tincture, the liqueur was very different from the original. Many then thought that the main secret of the signature liqueur was water from Karlovy Vary. Therefore, no one in the world has yet been able to repeat the success of the drink.

The production process consists of mixing various herbs and spices, then placing them in fabric bags and immersing them in pure alcohol. Containers with alcohol are heated on special equipment to a certain temperature, after which they are left in a warm place to cool. The process takes seven days, after which the finished concentrate is poured into large oak barrels, sugar, mineral water and alcohol are added, covered with lids and the drink is infused for 2-3 months in a cool room. The next stage is filtration, the cooling process and the final removal of unwanted impurities.

The liqueur is famous for the fact that it is a natural tincture without the addition of preservatives, dyes, flavoring agents and stabilizers.

The infusion is usually bottled in branded green glass bottles. The label design and flattened bottle shape have become a recognizable brand since the trademark was registered.

You can find gift sets on sale:

  • small bottles of 50 milliliters, the labels of which are decorated in retro style;
  • a bottle packed in a cardboard box with a white porcelain cup or several small glasses;
  • a set of all five varieties of Becherovka. It is quite expensive, but such a gift will certainly please lovers and will become a worthy decoration for any bar.

Views of Becherovka

Today, five varieties of liqueur are produced under the Becherovka brand. Among them:

Becherovka Original (Original)

Becherovka Original

A classic recipe from 1807, which has won its place of honor among. The strength of the drink is 38 degrees.

Becherovka Cardinal (Cardinal)

Becherovka Cardinal

Premium tincture with a slightly lower strength of 35 degrees. It is distinguished by a honey flavor, linden color of the drink and white wine content. Bottled in milky brown color. It is a favorite delicacy of the fair sex. Used as a dessert.

Becherovka Lemond (Lemon)

Becherovka Lemond

Low alcohol drink (strength reaches only 20 degrees). It has a sweet taste with mint and citrus notes. The color of the bottle is white, which perfectly matches the light golden tint of the liqueur. The label is made in yellow and blue colors.


Becherovka KV-14

A strong herbal infusion with a high alcohol content (40 degrees). It contains absolutely no sugar, making it suitable for people with diabetes. Red wine, which is part of the liqueur, gives the drink a noble burgundy hue. The bottle is decorated in red and black colors. Sold only in specialized stores and included in the gift set.

Ice and fire

Becherovka Ice & Fire

The recipe was developed in 2014 specifically for making cocktails. The strength is medium (30 degrees). Ideal with tonic or ginger ale. It is distinguished by a variety of tastes, successively replacing each other until a chilling feeling as an aftertaste. Externally the bottle is made of black glass. The label is made in a modern style, combining cool blue and hot yellow colors.

Currently, Becherovka is popular among lovers of strong drinks, and occupies a worthy place in the arsenal of bartenders. Its 200-year history allows us to speak about the quality of the tincture. The Czechs themselves nicknamed the liqueur “Living Drink” due to its healing properties.

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