Open an account in a Swedish bank. How to open a bank account in Sweden? Opening a bank account in Sweden with a personal number

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Deposits in Swedish krona may be of interest to those who receive income in Sweden or plan to connect their lives with this country, despite the fact that their profitability is significantly less than on deposits in rubles, dollars or euros.

The cost of converting rubles to Swedish krona and vice versa, as well as commissions for wire transfers, can significantly reduce profitability. Please check with your bank for these conditions.

Swedish krona deposits in Russian banks are subject to the state Deposit Insurance Scheme. The insurance amount is paid in rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of revocation of the license from the bank. The amount of payment cannot exceed 700 thousand rubles. The client receives not only the amount of the deposit, but also interest for the time the money is actually in the bank.

As of spring 2014, almost all Russian banks do not massively accept deposits in Swedish krona, making an exception for wealthy clients, for example:

Deposit "Premium Reserve" at Promsvyazbank.

The deposit is valid only for wealthy clients. The minimum amount is 2 million Swedish kronor (more than 11 million rubles). With a deposit term of 367 days, the rate is 3% per annum.

Cities where the bank is present: in which cities the private banking service operates, check with the bank.

Deposit "Universal" in Sberbank

The profitability of the deposit is symbolic - 0.01% per annum.

Opening a Swedish bank account is a fairly simple and quick process, as long as you have a personal number (personnummer).

Opening a bank account in Sweden without a personal number

This task is difficult to accomplish. In general, the law does not prohibit the opening of accounts by persons who do not have a Swedish personal number, but each bank sets its own rules, and each potential client without a personal number is evaluated individually. If you can prove your worth to the bank - for example, provide an agreement to receive regular payments from a Swedish company or an extract from your current bank. In a word, this is a difficult and atypical task, and if you just go into any bank “from the street” without having a personal number, then you will be refused.

Thus, if you, for example, study at a Swedish university, do not plan to stay in Sweden for more than a year and therefore cannot get a personal number, then it is recommended to use your current bank account. By the way, if you need to transfer money abroad cheaply, then a system such as Transferwise can help.

Opening a bank account in Sweden with a personal number

Everything is easier here. The most popular banks in Sweden are Handelsbanken, Swedbank, Nordea Bank and SEB. Most banks are open on weekdays from 10:00 to 15:00 (some branches only until 13:00), everything is closed on weekends and holidays. Therefore, a trip to the bank will have to be planned in advance.

Take your passport or ID-card and a tax document (Skatteverket) with your personal number with you. Also, if you have already settled in a rented apartment, a rental agreement that indicates your residential address may come in handy. In addition, you may be asked for a copy of your employment contract with a Swedish employer or confirmation from your employer that you have been hired.

By the way, it’s a good idea to call the bank’s information service before visiting the bank and clarify what documents are required from you.

In any bank you will be served in English. If you don’t understand something, ask for it to be explained again and again, take informational pamphlets on this topic and study at home. Do not sign anything without understanding the essence of the agreement - the train of thought "I will sign, and then I will figure it out" does not work here.

In general, you should familiarize yourself with the list of bank services on its website in advance and think about which ones you need. For example, Swedish banks offer a wide range of digital services, including a personal device (säkerhetsdosa) that protects against password theft and makes online banking more secure. Also, more and more people are using the Swish smartphone app.

A bank account is usually accompanied by a debit card (Betalkort), the ability to use telephone banking and internet banking. The telephone bank is usually open until 21-23 pm, while at Nordea it is open 24/7. SEB offers telephone banking services in 25 languages. And on the website of Swedbank, you can even find a sign of the telephone line load:, point När går det snabbast att ringa till telefonbanken? The green color in the chart indicates the time when the phone banking line is the least busy.

Sweden: do not load the currency with suitcases
From Belgium, our correspondent went straight to Sweden. Looking back on the path we have traveled, we must admit that we paid too little attention to Northern Europe. And in vain. The Scandinavian countries, due to their geographical proximity to Russia, have recently become an arena for the vigorous activity of domestic businessmen, although the "invasion of entrepreneurs" from the republics of the former Soviet Union creates certain problems for the Swedes and is not to everyone's liking.

According to an employee of one of the Swedish banks, today the country has a not too flattering opinion about people from the CIS and Baltic countries. The press, in his words, "buzzes like a disturbed beehive." A real campaign was launched in the newspapers for tightening control over the money coming from the East. We have already noted in our previous publications that the fight against money laundering is intensifying in the West. According to reports from Sweden, a special law will soon be passed to prevent the use of Swedish banks for illegal transactions. The main provisions of this law will comply with the requirements of the EEC (it is expected that Sweden will join the European Community in some time). Such bills oblige commercial banks to report to the competent authorities of their countries on all transactions that cause them suspicion. And suspicions can be caused by large money transfers from countries with a bad reputation or the use of Swedish bank accounts for transit operations in favor of third countries. Moreover, even small amounts are considered "large". According to a representative of one of the Swedish banks, the Central Bank should report all receipts in excess of SEK 50,000 (less than $7,000). In addition, as you know, the primary operation in the process of laundering funds obtained illegally or hiding from taxes is most often the deposit of cash into bank accounts. Therefore, banks in countries with traditionally strong banking control are especially attentive to such transactions. Now imagine how the Swedish bankers must have felt when a stream of people poured into their country from Russia and the Baltic republics with suitcases, or even just suitcases full of dollars. As a result, today, according to experts, some large Swedish banks, well aware that Russian citizens and firms can open accounts abroad only with the permission of the Central Bank, require Russian individuals and legal entities to obtain an appropriate license. At the same time, the bank is often interested in the source of funds coming to the account. Of course, there are no rules without exceptions, and with due perseverance, you can find a bank where they will turn a blind eye to your citizenship, but in general the situation is not as favorable as in some other places. However, even if we ignore purely opportunistic moments, even then Sweden does not look very liberal in comparison with other countries. The country has strong traditions of state regulation of the economy. Of course, no "anonymous" Swedish bank accounts are allowed. On the contrary, for greater control, the account numbers of residents match the numbers of their social security cards (social security number).
Let's return, however, to the opening of accounts. Swedish law allows non-residents to open local bank accounts. In this case, a private person must present a passport and fill out a special form. Legal entities submit a certificate of registration. In addition, representatives of the company opening an account must have an identity card with them. In some cases, at the request of the bank, the company presents a balance sheet and other statements that give an idea of ​​its financial position. In addition, some banks require recommendations from both individuals and firms.
Accounts are opened free of charge, but a fee is charged annually for servicing corporate accounts, the amount of which depends on the number of transactions on the account. A transfer to another Swedish bank can cost up to SEK 70 (about $10), a transfer abroad SEK 50--300 ($7-40). Issuing a letter of credit will cost you 0.4--1.5% of the amount. For some services you have to pay quite a lot. For example, it will cost about SEK 1,400 (about $190) to prepare a bank statement about payments made on an account for presentation to auditors or for other needs, a statement about a transaction made on your account more than six months ago - SEK 500 ($68), cancellation or correction of an already performed operation - SEK 300 (more than $40).
Clients open current and savings accounts. To open a current account in kroons, no minimum balance is required. However, if you open an account in a foreign currency, you must deposit at least $25,000 or the equivalent amount in another currency.
Almost anyone with an account can get a checkbook or ATM card. A check can be written for any amount; there are restrictions on the ATM card - no more than SEK 2000 at a time and no more than SEK 8000 per week. To obtain a credit card, as in other countries, additional efforts are required. The bank may require you to provide information about your income, a recommendation (for example, from an employer) or a security deposit. According to a representative of one of the Swedish banks, issuing credit cards to non-residents is not a "common practice". The annual fee for using the card is approximately SEK 225 (about $30). A lost or stolen card can be placed on the "stop-list" by calling the 24-hour telephone. It will cost SEK 187 (approximately $25).
Current accounts give their owners a very small income, usually up to 2% per year. Savings accounts in Swedish kronor bring in an average of 6-8% per year. The maximum rate on accounts with a balance of at least SEK 100,000 reaches 10% per annum.
Almost all Swedish banks have Asset Management Departments - asset management departments that provide clients with services for placing temporarily free funds in securities.
The client himself chooses the method of account management. You can send written instructions to the bank by mail, send instructions by fax or telex. In all cases, codes are used to protect the account from being used by unauthorized persons.
More detailed information about the rules for opening and maintaining accounts in Swedish banks is available from the Escado commercial bank, the first Russian bank to open a representative office in Stockholm.

Sweden is one of the few countries that was able to easily overcome the financial crisis of the 90s of the last century. Its strong economy has contributed to the growing popularity of registering non-residents in national banks. Today, the Swedish banking system is reliable and attractive for business activities. Almost every businessman or company whose activities are carried out around the world strives to open a bank account in Sweden.

The procedure for opening a bank account in a Scandinavian country is a long and tedious process, including the preparation of documents, registration, obtaining a bank card, etc. UraFinance offers assistance in obtaining an account abroad, as well as solving problems encountered during registration.

We will select a reliable credit organization for your business!

Open a bank account in Sweden

The most common reason for opening a bank account in Sweden is a deposit. The safe keeping of funds in Swedish banks allows you to make deposits without worrying about the premature bankruptcy of financial institutions. The ability to withstand the impact of the crisis Swedish banks are characterized by extreme resistance to sharp fluctuations in the global economy.

Both individuals and legal entities can open an account with a bank in Sweden. Registration of individuals is accompanied by the provision of documents (or notarized copies) of identification, and it is also necessary to have a personal tax number (identification code). It is worth noting that most financial institutions in Sweden require a personal presence at the time of registration.

To open a bank account in Sweden, a foreigner must provide a tax identification number, which can be obtained from any local tax office. This code will allow the tax office to track the receipt of income in Sweden and the payment of tax fees.

Obtaining a bank account by legal entities requires the provision of additional documents. So, to register a company, it is required to provide personal documents of the founders and official representatives. Banks may also require the firm's registration securities and a tax clearance certificate. In order to obtain a company bank account, in addition to the standard list of documents, you must provide a certificate of incorporation, which allows you to engage in activities in the country.

Features of the Swedish banking sector

  • Customer service is in Swedish and English. Some credit and financial institutions loyal to CIS citizens provide services in Russian;
  • Opening most types of accounts for individuals does not require any additional payments. But, transactions are subject to a commission set by the bank;
  • The list of documents for registration is issued individually to each non-resident. The list of documents is compiled based on the client's citizenship, the purpose of opening an account, financial stability and the amount of the deposit;
  • A non-resident who does not have official income in Sweden is entitled to open a bank account, but his options will be limited. For example, such clients are not provided with Internet banking and overdraft facilities.

Bank account in Sweden for deposits

A high percentage of profit on a deposit attracts more and more new customers to Sweden. Banks offer interest rates up to 1.5% per annum, regardless of the savings currency. It is worth noting that a deposit of more than 280 thousand US dollars not only does not have interest income, but is also subject to an annual tax.

Notable banks in Sweden



Forex Bank AB

A well-known Swedish financial institution with branches throughout Europe. The bank has gained popularity all over the world due to favorable currency conversion.

Serves more than 2 million people of the country's population. Offers to open corporate and investment bank accounts.


It is the so-called Internet banking. All financial activity takes place through the World Wide Web, and data is stored in the "cloud".

The bank operates as a branch of the Icano Group. Provides financial services almost throughout the EU

Carnegia Investment Bank

One of the oldest banks in Sweden. Specializes in investment services and VIP banking.


One of the most famous banks in Sweden, has a subsidiary of the same name in Russia. Serves mainly corporate accounts worldwide. It is characterized by affordable service rates.

A well-known financial institution throughout Europe. It has a representative office in Russia, thanks to which the service is conducted in Russian. The main direction of development is cooperation with business companies.


provides retail, corporate and investment banking services to local residents and foreigners. The Bank is registered in Russia as OAO SEB Bank. Serves business clients and individuals.

Assistance in opening an account

UraFinance provides licensing services for financial activities in offshore jurisdictions around the world. Turning to specialists, the client can solve any problem that has arisen and get an answer to a question of interest.

The method of organizing an offshore business is determined based on the needs of the client. At the same time, UraFinance experts are ready to offer the execution of the operation as soon as possible.

Keeping money in a foreign bankan option on how to protect your funds from the surprises of the domestic economy.

Reasons why you should open a deposit in a foreign bank

The main purpose of a deposit abroad is the reliable preservation of funds. Rates abroad are low, mostly 1-2%, and only in some places - up to 5%. Western financial institutions have strict conditions for early termination of deposits, as well as high taxes on interest.

Many set a high threshold for depositing funds (especially in Switzerland) - 10-25 thousand euros. The minimum guarantee amount (payment of compensation to the depositor in the event of bankruptcy) according to EU standards is at least 20,000 euros. In some countries it reaches 100,000 euros, for example, in Lithuania. Placing money abroad is beneficial for those who study or work there, as well as have a business or buy real estate.

Popular countries for deposits in Europe

For many years Russians placed deposits in Cyprus. But after problems in the country's banking system, when many lost money, his popularity waned. Now widespread placement of funds in the Baltic States.

Also known among depositors are countries such as Germany, Austria and Denmark, and the classic of the genre - Switzerland, where there are very low rates and a large minimum contribution. Deposits in foreign banks, the interest rates of which are very low, are considered as a way to securely store money, but not to earn money.

Deposits in foreign banks - TOP 10 most profitable offers *

The proposal for deposits by country is as follows.

  1. In Cyprus, the best offers reach 4.5% (individually up to 6%) per annum in $ - Bank of Cyprus, Cyprus Popular Bank Ltd, and AlphBank.
  2. In Latvia, Citadele Bank is interesting, which offers up to 3% per annum in $. BIGBANK announces in euros up to 2.65%.
  3. USA: Edward and Jones Vanguard Group are offering up to 2.96% in dollars.
  4. In the UK, the Bank of London and the Middle East announce up to 2.8% in terms of pounds sterling.
  5. Italy. ING Direct Italia in euro - 1.4%.
  6. Belgium - ING Belgium - 1.25% (euros).
  7. Deposits in Germany: ING DiBa offers euro rates up to 1% per annum.
  8. Sweden – Nordea raises funds at 1% in SEK.
  9. Netherlands. ABN AMRO for euro deposits - up to 1% per annum.
  10. Switzerland. Bank Postfinance - 0.15% per annum in Swiss francs. Of the deposits in Switzerland, this is the most advantageous offer, taking into account the costs of maintaining the deposit. Credit Suisse has the highest rates in Switzerland (0.72%), but service costs exceed income.

Requirements for non-resident investors

The main requirement of foreign financial structures to non-resident depositors is the transparency of the source of origin of money. Therefore, the verification of this factor is very serious. You will need different types of certificates and statements, different from the usual documents accompanying the opening of a deposit.

Recommendations of a domestic bank are welcome if it is a “daughter” of a foreign one. Recommendations of business partners who cooperate with this institution will also be very helpful. If the depositor has a business in the country where the deposit is placed, this is a big plus.

A high minimum deposit threshold (thousands of dollars) allows you to exclude people with low and medium incomes.

How to open a deposit in a foreign bank

To open an account in a foreign bank, you must:

  1. Choose a suitable country, bank (reliability rating "A") and type of deposit.
  2. Enter into correspondence to clarify the conditions for opening (in person or with the help of intermediaries).
  3. Collect the necessary documents (in person or through intermediaries), translate them, notarize them.
  4. Send documents to the bank.
  5. Get a positive decision (or rejection).
  6. If the decision is positive, sign the contract by going abroad (for VIP clients, the bank can send its own clerk).
  7. Place money.
  8. Provide local authorities with all necessary information about opening an account abroad.

national legal requirements

Starting from 2015, citizens who placed funds abroad are required to submit information on the movement of funds on their accounts to the tax office every quarter. These reports must be accompanied by supporting documents translated into Russian and notarized.

The opening and closing of an account abroad must be reported to the tax office at the place of residence within a month (otherwise, a fine of 5,000 rubles threatens).

You can transfer funds to a deposit only through Russian financial institutions.

  • Count all income / expenses so as not to be at a loss. Low interest on deposits, as well as the cost of its maintenance, commissions for transferring funds and withdrawing them, converting, lead to the fact that when placing less than 50 thousand dollars, the depositor may be in the red.
  • If a foreign bank does not give consent and requests more and more new documents, then in this way it tells the depositor that it is undesirable for them to place a deposit. Abroad, it is not customary to talk about it directly.

*Date of data update – April 2015

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