Pedigree in a hundred years of solitude. One Hundred Years of Solitude, a literary analysis of the novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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A strange, poetic, bizarre story of the city of Macondo, lost somewhere in the jungle - from creation to decline. The history of the Buendia family - a family in which miracles are so everyday that they do not even pay attention to them. The Buendia clan gives birth to saints and sinners, revolutionaries , heroes and traitors, dashing adventurers - and women too beautiful for ordinary life. Extraordinary passions boil in him - and incredible events occur. However, these incredible events again and again become a kind of magic mirror through which the reader is the true history of Latin America.

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"One Hundred Years of Solitude" - plot

Almost all the events of the novel take place in the fictional town of Macondo, but are related to historical events in Colombia. The city was founded by José Arcadio Buendia, a strong-willed and impulsive leader deeply interested in the mysteries of the universe, which were periodically revealed to him by visiting gypsies, led by Melquíades. The city is gradually growing, and the country's government is showing interest in Macondo, but Jose Arcadio Buendia leaves the leadership of the city behind him, luring the sent alcalde (mayor) to his side.

A civil war begins in the country, and soon the inhabitants of Macondo are drawn into it. Colonel Aureliano Buendia, son of José Arcadio Buendia, gathers a group of volunteers and goes to fight against the conservative regime. While the colonel is involved in hostilities, Arcadio, his nephew, takes over the leadership of the city, but becomes a cruel dictator. After 8 months of his reign, the conservatives capture the city and shoot Arcadio.

The war lasts for several decades, then calming down, then flaring up with renewed vigor. Colonel Aureliano Buendia, tired of the senseless struggle, concludes a peace treaty. After the contract is signed, Aureliano returns home. At this time, a banana company arrives in Macondo along with thousands of migrants and foreigners. The city begins to prosper, and one of the representatives of the Buendia family, Aureliano Segundo, quickly grows rich by raising cattle, which, thanks to Aureliano Segundo's connection with his mistress, magically multiplies quickly. Later, during one of the workers' strikes, the National Army shoots down the demonstration and, after loading the bodies into the wagons, dumps them into the sea.

After the banana slaughter, the city is subjected to continuous rains for nearly five years. At this time, the penultimate representative of the Buendia family, Aureliano Babilonia (originally called Aureliano Buendia, before he discovers in the parchments of Melquíades that Babilonia is his father's surname), is born. And when the rains stop, Ursula, wife of Jose Arcadio Buendia, the founder of the city and family, dies at the age of more than 120. Macondo, on the other hand, becomes an abandoned and deserted place in which no livestock is born, and buildings are destroyed and overgrown.

Aureliano Babilonho was soon left alone in the crumbling Buendía house, where he studied the parchments of the gypsy Melquíades. He stops transcribing them for a while due to a stormy romance with his aunt Amaranta-Ursula. When she dies in childbirth and their son (who is born with a pig's tail) is eaten by ants, Aureliano finally deciphers the parchments. The house and the city are caught in a whirlwind, as the centuries-old records say, which contained the whole story of the Buendia family, predicted by Melquíades. When Aureliano finishes translating, the city is completely wiped off the face of the earth.


One Hundred Years of Solitude was written by Marquez in 18 months between 1965 and 1966 in Mexico City. The original idea for this work came about in 1952, when the author visited his native village of Arakataka in the company of his mother. In his short story "The Day After Saturday", published in 1954, Macondo appears for the first time. Marquez planned to call his new novel "The House", but eventually changed his mind to avoid analogies with the novel "The Big House", published in 1954 by his friend Alvaro Zamudio.


Recognized as a masterpiece of Latin American and world literature. It is one of the most widely read and translated works in Spanish. Ranked as the second most important work in Spanish after Cervantes' Don Quixote at the 4th International Congress of the Spanish Language, held in Cartagena, Colombia, in March 2007. The first edition of the novel was published in Buenos Aires, Argentina in June 1967 with a print run of 8,000 copies. The novel was awarded the Romulo Gallegos Prize. To date, more than 30 million copies have been sold, and the novel has been translated into 35 languages.


"... Garcia Marquez's novel is the embodiment of free imagination. One of the greatest poetic creations that I know. Every single phrase is a surge of fantasy, every phrase is surprise, amazement, a biting response to the contempt for the novel expressed in the Manifesto surrealism" (and at the same time a tribute to surrealism, its

inspiration, its trends that permeated the century).

García Márquez's novel One Hundred Years of Solitude stands at the beginning of the road leading in the opposite direction: there are no scenes! They are completely dissolved in the bewitching flows of the narrative. I don't know of any similar example of this style. It is as if the novel has gone back centuries to a narrator who does not describe anything, who only tells, but tells with a freedom of fantasy never seen before." Milan Kundera.Curtain.


One Hundred Years of Solitude book reviews

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Awesome book! So simple and yet so profound! There is so much magic, mystery, love and loneliness in it, so many heroes and so much bitterness! From a series of those books that are read in one breath...

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1 / 3

Anna M

The novel is undeniably great.

Very often I came across the book "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and constantly put it off in the far corner. I don’t know, probably, the title was repulsive ... And quite by chance, my friend shared her impressions about the book she had read) I was just wildly surprised, that very book! And I just have to read it, the plot captured instantly!

It was a little difficult to navigate with the names, so many and do not have time to lay this chain: who? where? with whom? ... I had to re-read it several times.

So you instantly immerse yourself in the life of a fictional city, there were many moments that simply fascinated. An interesting story, so many destinies different, but interconnected. I just want to scribble a review on several pages, but my thoughts all run into a heap, from a grandiose impression, I just don’t have time to write them.

The book is endowed with emotions, tearing to the core, the story can be described for a long time! I advise you to read) Notice how your heart and soul will be filled with tremendous pleasure from reading)!

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green sky

Third child of José Arcadio Buendía and Ursula. Amaranta grows up with her second cousin Rebeca, they simultaneously fall in love with the Italian Pietro Crespi, who reciprocates Rebeca, and since then she has become Amaranta's worst enemy. In moments of hatred, Amaranta even tries to poison her rival. After Rebeca marries José Arcadio, she loses all interest in the Italian. Later, Amaranta also rejects Colonel Gerineldo Marquez, remaining in the end an old maid. Her nephew Aureliano Jose and great-nephew Jose Arcadio were in love with her and dreamed of having sex with her. But Amaranta dies a virgin in extreme old age, exactly as death itself predicted for her - after she finished embroidering a funeral shroud.

Rebeca is an orphan adopted by José Arcadio Buendía and Ursula. Rebeca came to the Buendia family at the age of about 10 with a sack. Inside it were the bones of her parents, who were first cousins ​​of Ursula. At first, the girl was extremely timid, almost did not speak and had the habit of eating earth and lime from the walls of the house, as well as sucking her thumb. When Rebeca grows up, her beauty captivates the Italian Pietro Crespi, but their wedding is constantly postponed due to numerous mourning. As a result, this love makes her and Amaranta, who is also in love with the Italian, bitter enemies. After the return of José Arcadio, Rebeca goes against Ursula's will to marry him. For this, a couple in love is expelled from the house. After the death of José Arcadio, Rebeca, embittered at the whole world, locks herself in the house alone under the care of her maid. Later, the 17 sons of Colonel Aureliano try to renovate Rebeca's house, but they only succeed in updating the facade, the front door is not opened for them. Rebeca dies at a ripe old age, with her finger in her mouth.

Arcadio is the illegitimate son of José Arcadio and Pilar Turner. He is a school teacher, but takes over the leadership of Macondo at the request of Colonel Aureliano when he leaves the city. Becomes a despotic dictator. Arcadio is trying to eradicate the church, persecution of conservatives living in the city (in particular, Don Apolinar Moscote) begins. When he tries to execute Apolinar for a snide remark, Ursula, unable to stand motherly, whips him like a small child. Having received information that the forces of the conservatives are returning, Arcadio decides to fight them with the small forces that are in the city. After the defeat and capture of the city by the conservatives, he was shot.

Illegitimate son of Colonel Aureliano and Pilar Turner. Unlike his half-brother Arcadio, he knew the secret of his origin and communicated with his mother. He was raised by his aunt, Amaranta, with whom he was in love, but could not achieve her. At one time he accompanied his father in his campaigns, participated in hostilities. Returning to Macondo, he was killed as a result of disobedience to the authorities.

Son of Arcadio and Santa Sofia de la Piedad, twin brother of José Arcadio II. You can read about his childhood above. He grew up huge like his grandfather José Arcadio Buendía. Thanks to the passionate love between him and Petra Cotes, her cattle multiplied so rapidly that Aureliano Segundo became one of the richest people in Macondo and also the most cheerful and hospitable host. "Be fruitful, cows, life is short!" - such a motto was on the memorial wreath brought by his many drinking companions to his grave. He married, however, not Petra Cotes, but Fernanda del Carpio, whom he had been looking for for a long time after the carnival, according to one sign - she is the most beautiful woman in the world. With her he had three children: Amaranta Ursula, José Arcadio and Renata Remedios, with whom he was particularly close.

Amaranta Ursula is the youngest daughter of Fernanda and Aureliano II. She is very similar to Ursula (the wife of the founder of the clan), who died when Amaranta was very young. She never found out that the boy sent to the Buendía house was her nephew, the son of Meme. She gave birth to a child from him (with a pig's tail), unlike the rest of her relatives - in love. She studied in Belgium, but returned from Europe to Macondo with her husband, Gaston, bringing with her a cage with fifty canaries, so that the birds that were killed after the death of Ursula could live in Macondo again. Gaston later returned to Brussels on business and accepted the news of the affair between his wife and Aureliano Babylonia as if nothing had happened. Amaranta Ursula died while giving birth to her only son, Aureliano, who ended the Buendia family.

Son of Aureliano Babylonia and his aunt, Amaranta Ursula. At his birth, Ursula's old prophecy came true - the child was born with a pig's tail, marking the end of the Buendía family. Despite the fact that his mother wanted to name the child Rodrigo, the father decided to give him the name Aureliano, following family tradition. This is the only family member in a century born in love. But, since the family was doomed to a hundred years of loneliness, he could not survive. Aureliano was eaten by ants that filled the house because of the flood - exactly as it was written in the epigraph to the parchments of Melquíades: "The first in the family will be tied to a tree, the last in the family will be eaten by ants."


Melquíades is a member of a band of gypsies who visit Macondo every year in March, displaying amazing items from around the world. Melquíades sells several new inventions to José Arcadio Buendía, including a pair of magnets and an alchemy lab. Gypsies later report that Melquíades died in Singapore, but nevertheless returns to live with the Buendía family, stating that he could not bear the loneliness of death. He stays at Buendia and begins to write mysterious parchments, which Aureliano Babylonia will decipher in the future, and on which a prophecy about the end of the Buendia family is inscribed. Melquíades dies a second time by drowning in a river near Macondo and, after a great ceremony organized by Buendia, becomes the first person to be buried in Macondo. His name comes from Melchizedek of the Old Testament, whose source of power as high priest was mysterious.

Pilar Turner

Pilar is a local woman who slept with brothers Aureliano and José Arcadio. She becomes the mother of their children, Aureliano José and Arcadio. Pilar reads the future from maps and very often makes accurate, albeit vague, predictions. She is closely associated with the Buendia throughout the novel, assisting them with her card predictions. She dies some time after she turned 145 (after which she stopped counting), living to the very last days of Macondo.

The word "Ternera" is Spanish for veal, which fits with the way it was handled by José Arcadio, Aureliano and Arcadio. It may also be an alteration of "ternura", which is Spanish for "tenderness". Pilar is often presented as a loving figure, and the author often uses names in a similar manner.

She plays an important part in the plot, because. is the link between the second and third generations of the Buendía family. The author emphasizes her importance by stating after her death: "That was the end."

Pietro Crespi

Pietro is a very handsome and polite Italian musician who runs a music school. He installs a pianola in the Buendía house. He becomes engaged to Rebeca, but Amaranta, who was also in love with him, manages to delay the wedding for years. When José Arcadio and Rebeca decide to marry, he begins to woo Amarante, who was so embittered that she cruelly rejects him. Depressed by the loss of both sisters, he commits suicide.

Petra Kotes

Petra is a dark-skinned woman with golden-brown eyes similar to those of a panther. She is the mistress of Aureliano Segundo and the love of his life. She came to Macondo as a teenager with her first husband. After the death of her husband, she starts a relationship with José Arcadio II. When she meets Aureliano Segundo, she starts a relationship with him, not knowing that they are two different people. After José Arcadio Segundo decides to leave her, Aureliano Segundo receives her forgiveness and stays with her. He continues to see her, even after his marriage. He eventually begins to live with her, which greatly hardens his wife, Fernanda del Carpio. When Aureliano and Petra make love, their animals multiply at an unprecedented rate, but they all eventually die out during 4 years of rain. Petra makes money running lotteries and provides food baskets for Fernanda and her family after the death of Aureliano Segundo.

Mr Herbert and Mr Brown

Mr. Herbert is a gringo who showed up at the Buendía house one day to have lunch. After tasting local bananas for the first time, he pushes for a banana company to open a plantation in Macondo. The plantation is run by the overbearing Mr. Brown. When José Arcadio Segundo gets the plantation workers to strike, the company lures over 3,000 strikers and machine-guns them into the town square. The banana company and the government cover up the incident completely. José Arcadio is the only one who remembers the massacre. The company orders the army to destroy any resistance and leaves Macondo for good. The incident is most likely based on the Banana Massacre that took place in Ciénaga, Magdalena in 1928.

Mauricio Babylonia

Mauricio is a brutally honest, generous and handsome mechanic who works for the banana company. It is said that he is a descendant of one of the gypsies who came to Macondo when the city was still a small village. He had an unusual feature - he was constantly surrounded by yellow butterflies, which even followed his lovers for a certain amount of time. He becomes romantically involved with Meme until Fernanda finds out and tries to put an end to it. When Mauricio tries once again to sneak into the house to see Meme, Fernanda ends up getting shot as a chicken thief. Paralyzed and bedridden, he spends the rest of his long life in solitude.

Gaston is the wealthy Belgian husband of Amaranta Ursula. She marries him in Europe and moves to Macondo, leading him on a silk leash. Gaston is 15 years older than his wife. He is an aviator and adventurer. When they moved to Macondo with Amaranta Ursula, he thought it was only a matter of time before she realized that European ways didn't work here. However, when he realizes that his wife is going to stay in Macondo, he arranges for his airplane to be transported by ship to start an air letter delivery service. The plane was mistakenly taken to Africa. When he goes there to get it, Amaranta writes to him about her love for Aureliano Babylonia Buendia. Gaston steps over this news, only asking them to transport his bicycle to him.

Colonel Gerineldo Marquez

He is a friend and comrade of Colonel Aureliano Buendia. He unsuccessfully wooed Amarante.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Gabriel Garcia Marquez is only a minor character in the novel, but he is named after the author. He is the great-great-grandson of Colonel Gerineldo Marquez. He and Aureliano Babylonia are close friends because they know the city's history that no one else believes in. He leaves for Paris after winning a competition and decides to stay there selling old newspapers and empty bottles. He is one of the few who managed to leave Macondo before the city was completely destroyed.

One Hundred Years of Solitude by García Márquez begins with the relationship between José Arcadio Buendía and his cousin Ursula. They grew up together in the old village and heard many times about their uncle, who had a pig's tail. The same was said to them, they say, and you will have children with a pig's tail if you get married. Those who love each other decided to leave the village and found their own village, where they would not be bothered by such conversations.

José Arcadio Buendía was a fickle and adventurous person, always clinging to some new ideas and not bringing them to the end, because other interesting things appeared on the horizon, which he took on with enthusiasm. He had two sons (without pig tails). The eldest is also Jose Arcadio, therefore Jose Arcadio is the younger. The younger is Aureliano.

José Arcadio Jr., when he grew up, had an affair with a woman from the village, and now she became pregnant from him. Then he ran away from the village along with the traveling gypsies. His mother Ursula went to look for her son, but she herself got lost. Yes, she got so lost that she appeared at home only six months later.

That pregnant woman gave birth to a son, and now little Jose Arcadio (this is the third Jose Arcadio, but in the future he will be called Arcadio, without "Jose") lived in a large Buendia family. One day, an 11-year-old girl, Rebekah, came to their house. The Buendia family adopted her, as she seemed to be a distant relative of them. Rebeca suffered from insomnia - she had such a disease. Over time, the whole family fell ill with insomnia, and then the whole village. Only the gypsy Melquiades, who was a friend of the Buendia family and also began to live in their house in a separate room, could cure them all (this will be important later).

Aureliano, Ursula's youngest son, remained a virgin for a very long time. He was embarrassed, poor fellow, of this, but eventually fell in love with the girl Remedios. She agreed to marry him when she grew up.
Rebeca and Amaranta (this is the daughter of Ursula and José Arcadio), when they became adults, fell in love together with one Italian, Pietro Crespi. He fell in love with Rebecca. José Arcadio gave his consent to their wedding. Amaranta decided that they would marry only over her corpse, and then even threatened Rebeca that she would kill her.

Meanwhile, the gypsy Melquíades dies. This was the first funeral in the village of Macondo. Aureliano and Remedios got married. Before marrying Remedios, Aureliano was no longer a virgin. He was helped by the same woman, Pilar Ternera, with whom his older brother, José Arcadio Jr., had once slept. Like her brother, she gave birth to Aureliano's son, who was named Aureliano José. Remedios, when she was pregnant, died. But how she died! Amaranta, obsessed with unrequited love for an Italian, wanted to poison Rebeca, and Remedios drank the poison. Then Amaranta took on the upbringing of Aureliano Jose.

Soon José Arcadio Jr., Aureliano's brother, who had long since disappeared with the gypsies, returned home after learning of his woman's pregnancy. Rebeca, the wife of an Italian, fell in love with him, and he slept with all the women in the village. And when he got to Rebecca, he later married her, although everyone considered them brother and sister. Let me remind you that the parents of Jose Arcadio Jr. adopted Rebeca.

Ursula, their mother, was against this marriage, so the newlyweds left home and began to live separately. The Italian, Rebeca's ex-husband, was ill at first. He asked Amarante to marry him.

The war begins. The village was divided into two camps - liberals and conservatives. Aureliano led the liberal movement and became the chairman of not the village, but the city of Macondo. Then he went to war. In his place, Aureliano leaves a nephew, José Arcadio (Arcadio). He becomes the most cruel ruler of Macondo.

To end his cruelty, Ursula, that is, his grandmother, beat him and led the city herself. Her husband, José Arcadio Buendía, has gone mad. Now he didn't care. He spent all his time under a tree tied to him.

The wedding of Amaranta and the Italian never took place. When he asked the girl to marry him, she refused, although she loved him. The Italian was so heartbroken that he decided to commit suicide, and he succeeded.

Ursula now hated Amaranta as well, and before that, Arcadio, the liberal murderer. This Arcadio and one girl had a daughter. They named her Remedios. Let me remind you that the first Remedios poisoned Amaranta, who actually wanted to kill Rebeca. Over time, the nickname Beautiful was added to the name Remedios. Then Arcadio had twin sons with the same girl. They named them José Arcadio Segundo, after their grandfather, and Aureliano Segundo, after their uncle. But Arcadio did not know all this. He was shot by Conservative troops.

Then the conservatives of Macondo brought Aureliano to be shot in his native city. Aureliano was a clairvoyant. Already several times this gift saved him from an attempt on his life. He was not shot - his older brother Jose Arcadio Jr., who was very soon found dead in his house, helped. It was said that Rebeca could have done it. She never left the house after her husband's death. In Macondo, she was almost forgotten. Aureliano almost dies after drinking the poison that was in a cup of coffee.

The summary continues with the fact that Amaranta fell in love again. This is the one that the Italian suicidal refused. This time to Colonel Gerineldo Marquez, Aureliano's friend. But when he asked her to marry him, she again refused. Gerineldo decided to wait rather than kill himself.

José Arcadio Buendia, founder of the city of Macondo and the family of Buendia, the one who went mad, died under a tree. Aureliano José is the son of Aureliano and Pilar Turner, who slept with two brothers. Let me remind you that Amaranta brought him up. He asked Amarante to marry him. She also refused him. Then Aureliano the father took his son to war.

During the war, Aureliano had 17 sons by 17 different women. His first son, Aureliano José, is killed in the streets of Macondo. Colonel Gerineldo Marquez did not wait for Amaranta's consent. Aureliano was so tired of the war that he decided to do everything possible to end it. He signs a peace treaty.

A person who has fought for 20 years cannot continue to live without war. He either goes crazy or kills himself. This is what happened with Aureliano. He shot himself in the heart, but somehow survived.

Aureliano Segundo (one of the twin brothers, son of Arcadio, Aureliano's nephew) marries Fernanda. They have a son. They call him José Arcadio. Then a daughter, Renata Remedios, was also born. Further Gabriel Garcia Marquez in the work "One Hundred Years of Solitude" describes the life of two twin brothers Aureliano Segundo and José Arcadio Segundo. What they did, how they made a living, their quirks...

When Remedios the Beauty grew up, she became the most beautiful woman in Macondo. Men were dying of love for her. She was a wayward girl - she did not like to wear clothes, so she went without them.

One day Aureliano brought his 17 sons to the celebration of the jubilee. Of these, only one remained in Macondo - Aureliano the Gloomy. Then another son moved to Macondo - Aureliano Rzhanoy.

A few years ago, José Arcadio Segundo wanted Macondo to have a port. He dug a channel into which he launched water, but nothing came of this venture. There was only one ship in Macondo. Aureliano the Gloomy decided to build a railroad. Here things were better for him - the railway was working; and over time, Macondo becomes a city to which foreigners began to come. They filled it up. The indigenous people of Macondo no longer recognized their hometown.

Remedios the Beauty continued to break the hearts of men. Many of them even died. Then two more Aureliano sons from those 17 moved to Macondo. But one day, unknown people killed 16 sons of Aureliano. Only one remained alive - Aureliano, in love, who was able to escape from the killers.

Remedios the Beauty left this world when, in an incomprehensible way, she ascended to heaven in both soul and body. Ursula, the eldest mother, became blind, but tried to hide it as long as possible. After that, Fernanda, the wife of Aureliano Segundo, became the head of the family. Once, Aureliano Segundo almost died of gluttony when he arranged a tournament to see who could eat the most.

Colonel Aureliano Buendia dies. And Fernanda and Aureliano Segundo had another daughter, Amaranta Ursula. Before that, Renata Remedios was born, or, as she was also called, Meme. Then Amaranta dies a virgin. This is the one who refused everyone's request to marry her. Her greatest desire was to die later than Rebeca, her rival. Did not work out.

Meme has grown up. She became interested in one young man. Fernanda's mother was against it. Meme dated him for a long time, and then this young man was shot. After that, Meme stopped talking. Fernanda took her to a monastery against her will, where she gave birth to a boy from that young man. The boy was named Aureliano.

José Arcadio the second miraculously survived when military machine guns machine-gunned a crowd of strikers in the square, among whom was himself.

The boy Aureliano, the son of Meme from the monastery, began to live in the house of Buendia. Meme stayed in the monastery. And then it started to rain in Macondo. It lasted 5 years. Ursula said that when the rain stops, she will die. During this rain, all the strangers left the city. Now only those who loved him lived in Macondo. The rain has stopped, Ursula is dead. She lived for more than 115 years and less than 122. In the same year, Rebeca also died. This is the one who, after the death of her husband, José Arcadio Jr., did not leave her house anymore.

Amaranta Ursula, the daughter of Fernanda and Aureliano Segundo, when she grew up, was sent to study in Europe (in Brussels). The twin brothers died on the same day. Jose Arcadio Segundo died a little earlier, then Aureliano Segundo. When the twins were buried, the gravediggers even managed to mix up the graves and buried them in the wrong graves.

Now in the house of Buendia, where more than 10 people once lived (when guests came even more people), only two lived - Fernanda and her grandson Aureliano. Fernanda also died, but Aureliano did not remain alone in the house for long. His uncle José Arcadio returned home. I remind you that this is the first son of Aureliano Segundo and Fernanda. He was in Rome, where he studied at the seminary.

One day, the son of Colonel Aureliano, Aureliano the Lover, came to the Buendia house. The one that one of the 17 brothers survived. But near the house, two officers shot him dead. Four teenagers once drowned José Arcadio in the bath and stole three bags of gold that were in the house. So Aureliano was left alone again, but again not for long.

Amaranta Ursula returned home from Brussels with her husband Gaston. The house came alive again. It is not clear why they came here from Europe. They had enough money to live anywhere. But Amaranta Ursula returned to Macondo.

Aureliano lived in a room where the gypsy Melquiades once lived, and studied his parchments, tried to decipher them. Aureliano lusted after Amaranta Ursula, not knowing that she was his aunt, since Fernanda hid the truth about his birth from him. Nor did Amaranta Ursula know that Aureliano was her nephew. He started to approach her. After a while, she agreed to go to bed with him.

Died was Pilar Ternera, the local fortune-teller, the one who once slept with two brothers and gave birth to a son from each of them. She lived for over 145 years.

When Gaston left for Brussels on business, the lovers became free. Passion seethed in them both. As a result - pregnancy from a relative. Incest has paid off. A boy with a pig's tail was born. They named him Aureliano. Amaranta Ursula died immediately after giving birth from bleeding that did not stop.

Aureliano went to drink. When he returned, he saw that his little son had been eaten by yellow ants that appeared in the house during the five-year rain. And it was at this moment that he deciphered the parchments of the gypsy Melquíades, over which he had been thinking all his life. There was an epigraph: "The first of a kind will be tied to a tree, the last will be eaten by ants." Everything that should have happened happened. In the parchments of Melquiades, the whole fate of the Buendia family was encrypted, in all details. And his last prophecy was that when Aureliano could read it to the end, a terrible hurricane would destroy the city of Macondo and there would be no one left in it. As he finished reading these lines, Aureliano heard the approach of a hurricane.

This concludes the summary. "One Hundred Years of Solitude" - a retelling based on a video lecture by Konstantin Melnik.

José Arcadio and Ursula were not only the founders of the Buendia family, but also cousins. Relatives feared that a child would be born with a piglet's tail. Ursula knows how dangerous incestuous marriage is, while José does not even want to hear about such nonsense. Ursula manages to maintain her innocence over several years of marriage with her own brother. The newlyweds spend their nights in hard fighting, which replace their marital pleasures. During one of the cockfights, Arcadio's rooster defeats Prudencio Aguilar's rooster. The loser in offended feelings began to openly mock his winner. He questioned his masculine qualities in terms of love pleasures, focusing on the fact that Ursula still retains her virginity. The enraged young man goes home for a spear and in a fit of anger kills the wicked Prudencio. Later, he forces Ursula to fulfill all her marital duties, threatening her with the same weapon. From now on, the bloodied ghost of Aguilar begins to visit them regularly, and the couple decides to change their place of residence. Jose kills all his roosters, as if offering a sacrifice for a sin. After this ritual, he buries the spear in his yard and leaves the house forever. Twenty-two daredevils traverse a massive mountain range in search of the sea. After a two-year period of unsuccessful searches, they decided to stop by the river near the village of Macondo. Jose saw this place in a dream and realized that they needed to go there. And then twenty modest huts made of bamboo and clay appeared in a large illuminated clearing.

Jose overcomes a strong interest in knowing the world around him. He is most interested in various outlandish gizmos delivered by gypsies. These are particles of a magnet, navigation instruments, a magnifying glass. The leader gives him knowledge of the secrets of alchemy. Jose begins to simply exhaust himself with the hard work of an agitated imagination. After several attempts, he loses interest in this science and returns to his usual work activity. He equips the village with the help of active neighbors, builds roads and monitors the fertility of the land. Life flows under the patriarchal system of government, happy and respectable. They have not even built a cemetery yet, since no one has left this world yet. Ursula sets up an animal candy business that turns out to be quite profitable. It so happened that Rebeca appeared in the house of the Bruendia family, who became their adopted daughter. The place of its origin is shrouded in mystery, but terrible insomnia begins in the village. The people of the village, having redone all their affairs, begin to toil with idleness. But this is not the most terrible attack. A little while later, the people of the village begin to suffer from an epidemic of forgetfulness. They massively begin to forget the name of objects, live in some kind of their little world, little connected with reality. It was decided to hang tablets with their names on the objects, but the fear was that they might soon forget the name of these objects.
The idea of ​​building a special memory machine comes to the mind of José Arcadio. The apprentice magician Melquiades comes to his aid and gives Jose his miraculous healing drink. He prophesied the disappearance of Macondo, but in its place there will be a majestic bright city with huge glass houses, but there will be no place for the Buerdia family in it. Jose doesn't want to believe it! The Buendia clan will continue to exist. The wizard tells him about another miraculous invention. It will play a fatal role in his life. To prove or disprove the existence of the Lord, Jose will invent a device that can imprint God. However, the inventor loses his mind and ends up near a large chestnut chained to him in the courtyard of the family home.

In the first son, José Arcadio, named after him, all the sexual aggressiveness of his father was embodied. He spends his life on a series of meaningless love affairs. The second son turns out to be an absent-minded and lethargic man named Aureliano. He is engaged in the development of jewelry craftsmanship. Meanwhile, the village grows and turns into a small provincial town. There is already a priest, a corregidor and a Catarino - an institution that has broken a crack in the wall of the integrity of the inhabitants. The beauty of the daughter of Corregidor Remedios simply amazes Aureliano. Rebeca, Ursula's second daughter, fell in love with an Italian who is a fairly well-known piano player, called Pieter Crespi. In the course of violent quarrels and seething jealousy, Rebeca gave preference to ladies' man José Arcadio. And in the meantime, he is overtaken by a measured family identity under the heel of a bitchy wife. He was later shot dead by an unknown person, but most likely it was his wife. Rebeca goes into seclusion and buries herself within the walls of the house. Amaranta refuses love because of cowardice and in her declining years begins to sew a shroud for herself, fading away every day. As soon as she finished her work, her candle went out. Aureliano, who lost Remedios in childbirth, is in complete passivity. He is overcome by a terrible longing. Soon, the machinations of his father-in-law with electoral documents and the soldier's self-government force Aureliano to go to fight for the liberals, but politics for him is still considered something unknown and abstract. Although military operations are beneficial to the assertion of his character, Aureliano's soul is completely empty. The struggle for bright national interests has long turned into a simple duel for power.

Arcadio - the grandson of Ursula, became a school teacher, who was appointed military and civil manager of Macondo. He begins to behave like an overbearing master, very quickly becoming a tyrant in his city. When the city government changed, he was simply shot by conservatives.
Aureliano Buendia receives the power of supreme commander of the revolutionary institutions. Gradually, he realizes that he is fighting only for the sake of maintaining his own pride. Aureliano decides to end the bloody war and calm himself. He tries to commit suicide on the day the peace treaty is signed, but fails. Then he decides to return to his native home, gives up his pension and lives separated from his family and closes himself in loneliness. Gives rise to the production of goldfish with beautiful emerald eyes.
Macondo absorbs all the gifts of civilization: cinema, railroad, telephone and electricity. Along with this, there is a huge wave of foreigners who create banana cultivation on the lands of the city. Over time, this piece of paradise becomes more like a vile, stinking place. Now it is something between a brothel, a cheap rooming house and a fair. Colonel Aureliano Buendia, seeing this nightmare, even more fenced off from the bustle of the world. Now he was filled with rage and deep regret that he had ended the war too soon. Altogether his seventeen sons, brought to him by seventeen different women, were killed on the same day. The oldest of them was thirty-five years old. Tormented by loneliness, he dies near a powerful chestnut tree growing near his house.

Ursula watches with great concern the excesses of her descendants. And finds only war, fighting cocks, wicked women and crazy ideas. She notices that the great-grandchildren Jose Arcadio and Aureliano Segundo have absorbed all their family vices. There was not a single good quality in them. The beauty of her great-granddaughter Remedios the Beautiful turns out to be disastrous for many people around her, and Remedios herself turns out to be an unprincipled girl who is not at all able to love. An ardent lover of festivities, Aureliano Segundo marries an influential aristocrat, Fernandedel Carpio. But he spends almost all his free time in the house of his mistress, called Petra Kotes. José Segundo breeds fighting cocks and loves to be in the company of French hetairas. However, when he managed to avoid death, a fracture occurs in his soul. It happened during a striking demonstration of banana factory workers. It all ended with the execution of workers, except for Jose himself. Fear was forever in his heart. He takes refuge in the abandoned little room of Melquíades. Here he manages to find peace of mind. José Segundo now came to grips with the study of various parchments and the fate of his ancestors. He begins to notice that he is steadily repeating the fate of all his previous relatives, while heavy rain begins to pour over Macondo. The storm lasted for four years, eleven months and two days. People after such a catastrophe are no longer able to withstand the waves of insatiability and oblivion.

In recent years, Ursula has been very overshadowed by the struggle with Fernanda, a fierce hypocrite who has made hypocrisy and deceit the basis of family life. Her son grows up as a complete idler, and the daughter of Meme, who has sinned with a craftsman, is sent to a monastery under the castle. The city of Macondo is almost completely destroyed by the atrocities of the banana company. Now it is a dark and deserted place. After the death of his mother, José Arcadio, being the son of Fernanda, returns and finds the ancestral home in complete devastation. However, he retains his aristocratic manner and continues his lecherous game. While Aureliano continues to live a reclusive life and translate the magician's parchments.

And then Amaranta Ursula returns from Europe. She received an excellent education and formed a clear desire for the revival of her native town. With her knowledge and energy, she is trying to inspire the vicious hearts of the townspeople with the desire to live a completely different, wonderful life! But her attempts are completely unsuccessful. Aureliano contacts his aunt. Only complete recklessness and wild passion could push for this! And now they are expecting a baby. Amaranta Ursula still hopes to revive her homeland and cleanse people from fetid vices. The newborn turns out to be the only child that has been born in the Bujndia family over the course of a century, conceived in love and harmony. Too bad he's born with a pig tail. Amaranta herself dies from profuse bleeding, and the baby was eaten by ants, which were full of ants in the house. Despite strong gusts of wind, Aureliano learns from parchments that the Buendia family was not destined to continue, and he will never leave this room. Further, in Sanskrit, it is said that the city will be swept away from the face of the earth by a powerful hurricane at the very second when he finishes deciphering the parchments.

Please note that this is only a summary of the literary work "One Hundred Years of Solitude". This summary omits many important points and quotations.

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