Why do you dream about losing your right hand? The magic of numbers

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According to dream books, hands, depending on who they belong to, can be considered either a good omen or a bad omen. In a dream, it is important to pay attention to tactile sensations and the degree of well-groomed palms - decoding these little details will help you more accurately understand why you dream about something like this.

I dreamed about hands - what’s the point?

I had a chance to see beautiful hands with delicate skin - according to dream books, the future promises to be cloudless. Senile and wrinkled people predict troubles along the way. Freckles represent joy and entertainment.

Shaking a large male palm in a dream means professional ups and global plans. A hairy hand in a dream will bring you money. And a woman’s graceful wrist with jewelry predicts a love adventure. The nursery hints: you will meet a person for whom you will feel pity and want to help. Why do you dream about a hand:

  • in feces - enrichment;
  • in a glove - doubts;
  • in scabs - family dispute;
  • in handcuffs - prohibition, taboo.

What does the Enigma dream book say?

According to the Enigma dream book, the hands of loved ones are regarded as the support that you will receive even in the most fantastic idea. Maternal ones will lighten the stone lying on the soul - sorrows will dissipate.

According to dream books, old ones covered with age spots mean that you are entering a difficult period of life and, having gone through it, you will become wiser. To meet a person with missing limbs is to find yourself in a hopeless situation. Finding hands separately from the body in a dream means catching a dishonest person in the act.

Why do you dream of biting your parent’s hand according to dream books? To be insolent, to do something out of spite. To tie with a rope means to be afraid of exposure. Shaving means getting rid of evidence, and shaking means reaching an agreement.

What message do other dream books bring?

Miller's dream book explains dreams as the hesitation of a dreamer and attempts to solve problems through the efforts of others. Massive rings on fingers in a dream represent power. To see them on yourself means to be held in high esteem; to see them on someone means to submit to fate.

In Vanga’s dream book, wrists cut with a blade are a symbol of close blood ties. A close relative abuses your kindness and feels imposing at the same time. The esoteric dream book considers sleek hands to be a prophecy of romantic attraction, and hard-working hands to be a prediction of a marriage beneficial for both partners.

According to Freud's dream book, giving birth to a child who does not have one or two arms at once means losing control over the situation and greatly disgracing yourself in front of people. Leading your child by the hand means controlling the situation.

Why dream of being deeply and seriously cut by glass or a knife? To injure oneself consciously is to succumb to fleeting passion, to commit stupidity against the backdrop of seething emotions. Accidentally getting hurt means making a mistake about a person.

Seeing fingers in a dream

If in a dream you suddenly see hands grabbing you, higher powers are warning you against making wrong decisions. Feel the touch - there will be interference in business, you will look for the culprit. The little finger is deciphered by dream books as concern for the offspring. A crooked, crooked one means worry, but a straight and neat one promises success for your child.

Seeing the ring finger means a declaration of love. With a wedding ring - to conflicts with the older generation. Bandage a sore finger - go to reconciliation, repent of sins. Why do you dream about fingers?

  • long - languor;
  • short ones - greed;
  • calloused - bitter memories;
  • with manicure - strictness.

Fat, thin

If you dreamed about being fat and swollen, in the pursuit of material wealth you will lose much more valuable things. To reap such means to give up spiritual pleasures in the name of bodily pleasures. Perhaps you will choose wealth over love.

Thin and bony people are interpreted as limitations. Not just financially - there is a possibility that you are holding back your feelings and don’t want to share your thoughts with anyone.

Icy, hot

The touch of hot fingers in a dream will awaken a long-standing sympathy in a dormant one - in reality you will meet a passion from the past. There is a good chance to enter into a relationship again, putting aside grievances. To feel how they are strangling is to be caught in infidelity or betrayal.

Cold as ice warn: in the near future you will be torn between two people important to you. A love triangle or parents’ denial of the chosen companion cannot be ruled out.

Why do you dream of holding an object?

Things and living beings in the hand also have subtext. Grabbing something sharply or stealing it is a sign of dissatisfaction and lust. If you dreamed of someone handing you a gift, in reality you will be faced with a difficult choice.

Holding a firearm, machine gun or revolver means being stubborn, not listening to anyone and acting at the behest of your heart. A club or rod promises shame from one’s own naivety. The letter will bring long-awaited news from a person staying in another country. Why do you dream of holding:

  • fork, spoon - conversation in private;
  • dog - patronage;
  • worms - painful disappointment;
  • little fox - an intimate proposal.

Money, dollars

What could be more delightful than touching fresh banknotes? But you shouldn’t relax in a dream - dollars will bring a lot of trouble to the sleeper, which will not lead to positive results. To count counterfeit dollars is to become arrogant and boastful.

To see a scattering of ancient coins is to be tempted by easy money and go broke. Old banknotes hint that all your savings can now be multiplied if you make successful investments.

Bird, swallow

Birds are regarded by popular dream books as a bright sign, but there are subtleties here too. Swallow - good news about family expansion. Wait for a wedding or the birth of a baby. The owl warns: they will not understand your intentions and, most likely, will condemn you.

Magpie promises a luxurious life without hardships, but joyful moments will fly by quickly and leave a bitter aftertaste. To catch a little chick means to strive for heights, to fight for a place in the sun.

Circle, warm, pray

Hands give us the ability to touch and cause both pain and warmth. If in a dream you warmed your cold palms, in reality you will receive an inheritance or a significant present. Rubbing someone's frozen fingers - donating, providing assistance. In a dream, you cannot warm your hands - the period of poverty will drag on. To beat someone is to experience hatred.

For a guy, lifting and twirling his chosen one in the air will soon move the relationship to the next, more responsible stage. Tossing a child while playing means to actually experience peace, tranquility, and be safe. To raise your hands up in a dream, turning to heaven in prayer - to realize your worthlessness in a specific issue, to become weak. And to be baptized is to trust in chance.

Why do you dream of finding a hole in your hand? A through hole is explained in dream books as an epiphany. You will discover the true face of the person you admired and understand the motives that motivated him. A bleeding wound means tears and frustration.

Opened veins, injuries, tattoos

How to understand mutilated hands seen in a dream? Covered with disgusting sores - a sign of betrayal of a friend. Scratches - to petty quarrels. Cut veins hint at conflicts with family members, which can lead to a cessation of communication.

To break your arm means to get burned because of your own kindness. Why do you dream about plaster? A dream represents apprehension, caution. The wound is rotting - your thoughts are wicked, you want to profit from someone else’s grief. Injuring your hand and resting after the injury means limiting your spending and saving. To heal a wound is to believe in the best.

A tattoo is a symbol of stability and fidelity. For a partner to see such a thing - to be together until old age. To get a tattoo is to harbor imaginary hopes. Depriving limbs means causing expenses.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about Hand in a dream according to 49 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Hand” symbol from 49 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Dream book of the future

Arms separate from the body- damage and danger; hands tied - poverty, powerlessness, difficulties; dirty hands mean money.

Dream book for lovers

The girl who dreams that she admires her hands- in reality will charm many young people.

Dreaming of an amputated arm- portends separation from close and loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Examine your left hand- a warning against a dishonest person.

The right one is a true friend.

Have clean hands- everything good, success, long life, etc.

Have dirty hands- infidelity in marriage / warning against evil tongues / various troubles.

Wash your hands in cold water- fun.

Have hairy arms- misfortune / you are threatened by spiritual degradation.

A sore hand is evil, a warning against an accident.

Broken - misfortune.

Losing a hand means the death of a brother or close friend (quarrel).

Not having hands is a strange situation, a situation to which you don’t know how to react.

Not being able to move your arms in your sleep- serious disagreements between will and reason.

Having many hands means a good dream / fruitful but hard work.

Have a wart on your hands- trouble.

Waving - you will be given an impossible task.

Having arms that are too long- show powerlessness, passivity.

Have short arms- thoughtlessly take on the task / try to implement utopian, impossible plans.

See the threatening fist- a warning from a powerful enemy.

See hands from the darkness that threaten you- feel a dangerous threat to your authority / feel jealous of an undefined object / someone’s unspoken irritation with you.

Unusually pliable hands to shake, touch- the consciousness that you are severely suppressing someone’s will and independence.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Your hands express your condition.

A raised hand can indicate attention.

Hand placed on chest- expresses love, two hands clasped together- a symbol of unity, a hand clenched into a fist - indicates anger, opportunity, determination and strength, an open hand - can be a symbol of an open soul, openness in life and honesty.

Folded hands may indicate that you are closing your options.

In Egyptian hieroglyphs the hand- symbolizes action and manifestation.

The image of a hand can say that we must direct the energy of our intuition to creative achievements.

The right hand usually expresses the logical, rational, projective side of your nature, while the left hand symbolizes your intuitive, subjective, receptive side.

Dream book for the whole family

If you dream of someone's hands caring for you- expect warmth and care in reality from the person whose affection you have been looking for.

Seeing the arms separately from the body- means the death of someone close to you.

If in a dream you shake hands with a person who is upset about something- this means that you will either quarrel with your friend or he will die.

Dream book for a bitch

Hand - you may be in danger, be careful.

Tied hands - you will feel powerless in the face of the current situation.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Hands in a dream symbolize the strength and ability to carry out this or that business.

If in your dream you paid attention to your own or someone else’s hands- this speaks of pressing problems, as well as the possibility or impossibility of solving them.

See your hands strong and healthy- a sign that in the near future you will have to strain yourself, but you have every chance to successfully cope with current difficulties.

If in a dream you appreciated the strength of someone's hands- such a dream foreshadows an obstacle or difficulty that you most likely cannot cope with alone.

Weak hands are a sign of powerlessness. It looks like you are going to do things that are beyond your capabilities.

Seeing other people's hands weak and powerless in a dream- means that there will be no help for you.

Different parts of the hand- have their own meaning, described in detail in the relevant articles.

Shoulder - symbolizes help and support.

Seeing your shoulder wounded- means that you will not be able to help a loved one, and this will make you suffer.

Hands and palms- a symbol of dexterity and skill.

Clasp your hands- you will soon experience extreme amazement.

Winded hands- to low-paid work.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Hand - someone is coveting your goods, be careful.

Clasp your hands in a dream- to unexpected news that will upset you.

Chapped hands- to eczema.

Hold something in your hand- have some secret from the family.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Hand - to encroachment.

Clasp your hands in a dream- to some surprise.

Winded hands- you have to do house repairs.

Hold something in your hand- to resist someone.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Hand - sycophancy; disagreement; loss of a friend, workmate.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of a Hand in a dream?

Left hand - treason; right - true friend; to lose - the funeral of a good friend; wash your hands - get protection; injured or dirty- incur losses; folded - have envious people; beautiful and strong- great success in business; small ones are unfaithful friends or employees.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream about beautiful hands- fame, quick mastery of your profession and a high position in your circle await you.

Ugly hands or hands that have ugly shapes- portends trouble.

Blood on your hands promises temporary alienation among people close to you, unfair condemnation of a friend.

If you see that your hand is injured- you will have to give up part of what is very dear to you.

Burn your hands in a dream- promises you a loss in the competition with fate: having put all your efforts into achieving wealth, you will miss out on something more valuable.

Seeing your hands thickly covered with hair in a dream- promises you strong and courageous partners and competitors in your work. It is possible that such a dream warns you of the futility of intrigue against those who are truly loyal to you.

If your hands are larger than your natural size- rapid progress towards your brightest goal awaits you.

Too small hands- encourage you to be more active.

Dirt on your hands is a sign that you are capable of injustice towards people who love you.

If a woman admires her hands in a dream- the dream foretells that she will be able to conquer more than one sincere heart.

If she sees someone take her hand in theirs and kiss it- the dream warns her of greater caution in her behavior.

If you see fire in your hands that does not burn your fingers- success will take you to very great heights.

Tied hands - foreshadow future difficulties. Untying them in my sleep. In reality you will master the situation.

Amputated hand- to separation or mutual dissatisfaction between lovers (or spouses). The dream warns of possible deception or fraud.

Chinese dream book

Wash your hands or feet- indicates that an old illness is passing.

There is pus and blood on the arms and legs- to great luck.

If you break your arm, it portends illness.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Ruka in a dream?

Shake your right hand in a dream, as usual- a sign of true friendship and selflessness, the left - treason and vile betrayal.

Seeing an armless man in a dream- means the loss of something dear to you.

If in a dream your arm is amputated- this portends separation for lovers due to the dissimilarity of characters and sexual temperament.

Wounded or broken arm- means that you will have to give in to the pressure of brute force; bandaged or encased in plaster- promises great success in the creative field.

Burnt hands warn you to be more careful and not rush into words.

See your hands stained with blood- portends a fatal set of circumstances that will prevent the implementation of a brilliantly developed plan in all details.

Many hands - symbolizes an active and varied sex life.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Seeing palms is a sign of fate; beloved person (for a woman); wash - release from worries; hairy - success in business and money; right hand - liberation, left - worries; loss of a hand - personal loss, possible death of someone nearby; right hand - assistant, servant, great love pleasures; children's - happiness; in the blood - quarrel, separation from relatives.

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

Hands - especially when deliberately viewed in a dream: dirty, bloody, with claws, rings, ugly, black, without fingers or with many fingers; gray, with black lines, seals, signs, prison tattoos, or instead of their hands they substitute some kind of demonic claws or paws of animals.

Medieval dream book

Have dark hands- to need.

Skinny arms mean ruin.

Thick or long arms- to success.

If they reach out to you- this foreshadows a leadership position.

Have exhausted arms- Unfortunately.

Have your hands bandaged or washed- to losses.

Have dirty hands- to sin or to losses.

Wash your hands - foretells deliverance from sins or that the heart will refrain from crimes.

Have your hands in jewelry- to poverty.

Wash your hands in clear water- for good.

Look at your hands- to a serious illness.

Have beautiful hands- to joy.

French dream book

If you dreamed of hands- a dream means that your friends will be faithful to you in bad times.

A broken arm predicts the illness of your friend, adversity in the family.

Swollen ones promise unexpected enrichment.

Hairy arms - dream of young women whose children will be very beautiful and happy.

If you dreamed that your hand was cut off- a dream predicts unlucky days.

Ukrainian dream book

Hands see clean- joy, help; wash your hands - free yourself from difficult troubles; shaggy hands - success in business, money.

Give your hand - someone requires your help.

Losing a hand means the death of a neighbor or a person who assisted you.

Many hands - you make money dishonestly, through the work of others.

Gypsy dream book

Hand extended to you- means help.

If a hand blocks your way- be careful, carefully consider your plans for the future.

A broken arm means the death of a relative: the left one is for women, and the right one is for men.

Hairy hand - dreams of money.

Esoteric dream book

Meaning of the dream: Hand according to the dream book?

Examine your hands- to work and worries.

Wash - to rest.

Dirty - a business that will leave an unpleasant aftertaste.

I dreamed that a lot of people were sitting at a corporate party, and I was sitting like a guy who deserves me, I took his hand for a second and took it from him, then he took my hand and we sat like that for a long time, then I decided to go for a walk, or else go out and relieve myself. it's impossible

I don’t remember specifically. I just remember that I was lying on the sofa (on which I actually sleep, in short) and in a dream I was also lying on this sofa and out of the blue someone grabbed my hand and I got scared and woke up abruptly and that’s all.

Good afternoon I dreamed about how my best friend and I met my ex-boyfriend. And when we met, he was delighted to see her, kissed her on the lips and hugged her tightly, but did not pay attention to me. I got angry and grabbed her right hand, and it broke.

I dreamed that I was walking in a neighboring area, very pleasant for me, listening to music. A woman flashed around me, I took off my headphones to ask her what she wanted. A woman about 50 years old, looking like a poor woman, asked for 4 rubles... I opened my wallet and gave her 5 rubles, to which she grabbed my hand tightly, laughed and ran... She dragged me along with her, but I could not break free. The woman screamed some incomprehensible words, I became scared and I started baptizing her... I couldn’t remember a single prayer, so I just baptized her... she stopped and laughed again, said that it was not in her, but in me that the evil was... something She also told me, but I don’t remember it anymore. awoke.

I dreamed that I killed my boyfriend. He was already lying on the verge of death, and I crushed him with something heavy, some kind of slab or something, and said “that’s it!” Some other person stood nearby, watched all this, and it seems that he hid the corpse somewhere. He put it in a coffin without covering it with a lid and hid it. And I still have the hand of my MCH in my hands. It was in a bag, I remember these yellowish fingers, and I was very scared, I wanted to quickly get rid of this hand, although it was dear to me, because if someone saw it on me, they would immediately understand that it was me who killed this man.

I dreamed that a friend of mine cut my finger with scissors, and then her entire hand. The brush is supported only by the bone. There was no blood. I just ran, holding my hand, and tried to find a doctor to treat my hand.

Here is how it was. I fall asleep, but I don’t sleep, as if in the middle and I see, it’s dark everywhere, a classmate is walking next to me, then he runs away around the corner and there’s complete darkness, and then I feel hands being placed on me from behind, two hands, they seem to be stopping me or just laying down on my shoulders, I didn’t understand and I was gripped by a terrible fear that I actually felt this fear in reality and woke up... such a strong, strong fear, a wave right into my brain. But I can’t calm down about these hands, I think and I think, I didn’t see who put them, but it feels like he pulled me out of this darkness

I dreamed that in some kind of entrance in the attic, I seemed to see the phantom of my father there, it was barely visible and I seemed to know that it was him. And in the back of him there was the same phantom of a girl, I seemed to understand that this was his new girl in heaven My dad died not long ago, not even a year had passed since he died. So after that, this girl acquired everything and colored clothes, etc. I saw her as a person. Then she flew in and flew away and then she gave me a note, I don’t remember what was in it, she wrote with a pencil, then she flew away, I told her, wait, wait, and I started writing to her too, asking her not to let anyone from the evil spirits come here, and I started writing with a pen, but the pen didn’t write, and I took the same pencil he was small and it was not convenient for them to write, I wrote and she flew away, then one of my friends saw some kind of mucus that was seething and spirits flew out from there, but they couldn’t because there were a lot of people there, well, they kind of stuck to this thing, so I ran, ran out into the streets, there was an explosion and I ran away and hid, then I saw my friends come out of this entrance and went then some friend of mine told me like why did you do that and ran away, I answered something incomprehensible and then we went to look for them. I started stealing shoes, something like Macas, shavers for the phone, but this girl, who is the owner, started screaming at me, I just went to pour tea and then this happened to me, I gave her the shoes first, then the Macas and everything else quietly and we never found mine friends. Please explain what this means. And even when I was sick, I had a bandaged hand and I stood there and smoked, I don’t understand what it was for, and in my opinion it was my right hand

I am sleeping and someone is stabbing me from below, I wake up and see as if something under the blanket is lifting and lowering it, I grab this something along with the blanket, remove the blanket and see it is a well-groomed female hand, with long, well-groomed nails, but not painted, and pricks with the index finger from bottom to top.

Hello, I dreamed that I was standing at an ATM, when suddenly it exploded, I fell, I felt that my right hand was numb, I looked, and it was bleeding, from the fall I knocked out two front teeth, but there was no blood and my face was badly cut.

I had a dream in which my ex-boyfriend was, he was sitting in front of me and turned around, extended his hand to me, and then abruptly stood up and kissed me on the lips. After all this, my lips burned badly. Why is this?

That night I dreamed that the hands of a young man were touching mine. I remember that feeling even now. I was pleased when he fingered my fingers, when he connected them in a lock with his, how he gently touched them. Then, so that no one would notice us, I removed my hands and the dream ended

Good afternoon Today I dreamed of a man whom I really like. We sat with him and talked. I noticed an old brown spot on the top of his right hand (which he doesn’t have in real life). I asked him what was wrong with his hand. He said that his hand hurt. And the hand itself looked thin and the fingers were thin and short. I took his hand with mine and squeezed it.

Hello! From Tuesday to Wednesday I had a dream that I was at a large public event, at a stadium, next to which our Don River flows (I am a cultural worker), many of my colleagues, including myself, were awaiting the arrival of the governor. And so He, surrounded by his retinue and our Head of the region, comes up to us, takes me by the hand, and puts it on his hand, and puts his other hand on top and says: let’s go, you will show me everything yourself.” And I feel unusually warm from his hands, but I feel great embarrassment from his shocked eyes. then the “picture” changes, I am called to the higher authorities, my immediate superior asks to speak with me, but a voice from the office says: I called you alone!” and then I woke up. Please tell me, what is this for?

I had a dream: we were with my boyfriend at a ball, then I touched his cheek with my hand, there was a print where a drawing of a young woman, a baby, and the child’s father was clearly depicted, and this drawing was circled in the heart
. what is this for?

I dreamed of two severed arms, or rather hands. I even felt a pulse and a burning sensation on my right hand. Bones were sticking out and there was a feeling of gangrene. Then I saw that the hands were in place... but the pain and gangrene did not go away. The right hand hurt more.

Hello! My name is Olesya. Today I had a terrible dream, as if my daughter’s hand was cut off, almost all of it in my right hand, I saw her without her hand. What could this mean? And yesterday I also had a dream, I was also scared, my almost dying daughter was in a terrible state, covered in bruises. and the dead dog was also mixed in my dreams yesterday. Please tell me! Here is my email
Thank you.

I dreamed that when I woke up, I saw my hands were blue-burgundy in color, and the left one extended to the middle of the shoulder (like dry gangrene). There was no pain, only a feeling of cold and slight numbness in the hands. in a dream, I talked to my son and showed him my hands, explaining that I had laid them down and had bad blood vessels. then they began to turn pink and the right hand completely restored its color, and the left hand remained bluish-pink spots on the back of the hand. I don’t remember further.

I dreamed that I was lying down and a guy with whom I was in reality experiencing a painful breakup gently and carefully took me by the hand (right)... in the dream only my hands were clearly visible... but it was clear that I was in a lying position.

At the beginning of the dream, there is a chair in the room (I don’t remember its surroundings, maybe because I only saw the back of it, in the sense that I saw it very close.), then I come out on one side, and on the other he (the one who I like). We sit down on a chair at the same time and somehow sit on the sides (I don’t remember very well exactly how we sat). His left hand holds me by my (also left) across my back (as if he was barely hugging me). And the right one naturally holds the right one. When I tried to free my left hand, he squeezed it a little tighter. This is where my dream ended...

a man in a white sweater stands right in front of me and looks into my eyes, I stretch out my hands to him, try to reach and grab him, but I can’t, I see him clearly, I try to find him, I call, but I can’t, I understand that he is for me I really need him, I want to find him, but he stands and looks into my eyes.

I come out of the store and the car stops and my uncle comes out and puts me in the car. 1 night we were driving to some white house. We sit down on our knees and he chops off my hand. I fainted and ended up in the hospital

This is the second time I have had such a dream. I'm walking down the street of my city, next to an unfamiliar woman. She says: where are you going? Me: yes, I need to go to the store (pointing to the store). She: well then, have a nice journey... and extends her hand to me. And for some reason I’m afraid to extend my palm to her in response (well, how men greet). And I give her my hand not with my palm, but with that part from elbow to palm, by which she grabs me very tightly and painfully, I try to break free, I succeed. That's it, I'm waking up.

someone touched my back from behind, looking back, I didn’t see anyone and decided to take my hand, when I took my hand, I saw that it was a long light hand from the hatch from the ceiling that touched my back with its fingers. I did not feel fear, the hand was clean and bright, alive, tender, I held it and decided to let go, it gently slid along my hand and stopped on my index finger, not wanting to let go and held it softly and tenderly, then I woke up, the dream was from Thursday to Friday.. the ceiling was white and high

I was lying in my room, when suddenly I began to choke and felt something grab me by the arm and drag me to the floor and start dragging me under the closet. I pulled with all my might and saw that a black hand was holding me. I broke free, fell onto the sofa and woke up.

I just saw myself absolutely healthy, beautiful, in a beautiful bright dress, but completely without my right arm, there was a flat place there. And it’s like I’m looking at myself in the mirror. I was surprised that there was no hand, although I felt it. Then she began to cry very much in her sleep, because of this situation.

I saw in a dream that a man (who died 10 years ago) was cutting off the hand of his grandson. My grandson is now 35 years old, and in my dreams I see him as a boy of 5-7 years old with chubby hands. I see how his right hand is lying next to him, and it seems like they should take the meat from his hand and then put it in place.
Then they should do the same thing either to me or to one of my loved ones, but I was so horrified by this picture that I ran away from there with them. And then immediately I woke up.
Help me interpret this dream

Hello. I dreamed that I was walking with some guy by the hand (I don’t know him), then, looking closer, I saw that he didn’t have a right hand.
All this time we were walking somewhere, and he tried to extend his hand from mine, while saying something incomprehensible, but I did not let him do it.

Evil spirits entered the river of a person close to me, and I cut it off so that it would not take over him completely, the ax was blunt, hit his right hand many times without hesitation, then broke it with his hands, did not see any blood, his right hand, he immediately woke up.

At night in the bushes I noticed that someone was hiding in the bushes. I caught his hand. The hand was wearing a long glove and was very cold. A pale woman in black came out of the bushes. It was death. And she said: “Are you sleeping? Well, sleep, sleep."

I dreamed that there was heavy ice outside and I couldn’t walk. And some guy extends his hand to me and says, “Hold on to me.” I answer that I can’t take his hand because I’m afraid that my husband will see me. And then he hands me a stick, I grab it, and so he leads me.

I dreamed about how we were sitting in some lesson, I was looking for a girl who I liked with my eyes, then we found ourselves in the corridor with her, I took her hand, she looked at me and smiled, then I put my other hand on her hand, let’s say I wrapped my arms around her hand, I don’t remember how long we stood there, as if we were waiting for something, then I suddenly wanted to go to the toilet, I let go of her hand and went towards the toilet, there were strangers there who forbade me to enter the toilet without I remember for what reason, supposedly it didn’t work, but I went in there anyway, I immediately felt terrified inside, but the next moment I calmed down, water was dripping from the ceiling, there was a huge hole in the wall on the left side, I was already starting to take a leak and suddenly I realized that this was a dream and that in such cases, when I try to take a leak in a dream, I wet the bed in real life, and I woke up and went to the toilet in real life, the girl I dreamed about, I know her in real life and I really like her...

Hello. I had a dream that was generally pleasant. I dreamed about my boyfriend. I pulled his hand, and his hand fell, I even heard a rumble in my sleep. And then I saw him without his hand, and how he put his hand back on himself. It was the left hand. There were no bad feelings from sleep.

I actually have a very bad relationship with my second daughter-in-law (I'm the first). but she's older than me. Today I had a dream that her hands were black and several fingers were missing, but my hands were ordinary. And she asked me to ask another girl that she infected us (about her hands).

as if I quickly went down but not along the stairs, it was dark and there I stretched out my hands, many hands touched my hands, and in a dream I knew that these were dead people, they were calling me with them, but I left them.

I saw in a dream that I was in a sanatorium, after which I met a deceased acquaintance, with whom I had met for some time and was on close terms, I did not see him for a long time, he said that he was on a business trip. They carry me in their arms, he is somewhere behind me, I keep looking for him with my eyes. I clearly see my left hand, like a young girl’s, it is very soft and beautiful.

I dreamed about it in the morning. She broke her right arm above the wrist. There was no pain or blood. The fracture is open and not large. The bone was sticking out a little, I tucked it in and bandaged it with an elastic bit and got ready to work. My hand didn't hurt

Hello!!! I dreamed of a man, he was very kind to me, he wanted to live with me. In a dream, I leave my husband for him, but very soon I understand that I cannot live without my husband. And this man, not wanting to let me go, takes my hand, I, breaking away from him, tear off his hand and run away. And this hand seemed to stick to my hand. The color was similar to the hand of a corpse.

I dreamed that my ex-husband was taking me by the hands, I felt that his hands were cold and he was scared of something! Then he took out some book, opened it, showed it to me and I saw some black creature crawling out of this book like a demon, I slam the book and try to tear off the legs of this creature.

I dreamed of a former young man, hugging and kissing me, saying that he wanted to come back, and then someone grabs my hands and painfully pulls me down somewhere, it becomes dark and I don’t see who grabbed me and is pulling me, while the one who is pulling me screams heart-rendingly with some kind of eerie voices from beyond the grave, I’m trying to wake up and can’t, I’m trying to scream and I can’t, but then I somehow woke up, and there was a feeling that my hands really hurt.

If you dream of beautiful hands, fame, quick mastery of your profession and a high position in your circle await you.

Ugly hands or hands that have ugly shapes portend trouble.

Blood on your hands promises temporary alienation among people close to you, unfair condemnation of a friend.

If you see that your hand is damaged, you will have to give up part of what is very dear to you.

Burning your hands in a dream promises you a loss in a competition with fate: having put all your efforts into achieving wealth, you will miss out on something more valuable.

Seeing your hands thickly covered with hair in a dream promises you strong and courageous partners and competitors in your work. It is possible that such a dream warns you of the futility of intrigues against those who are actually loyal to you.

If the size of your hands is larger than natural, you will quickly advance towards your brightest goal. Too small hands encourage you to be more active.

Dirt on your hands is a sign that you are capable of injustice towards people who love you.

If a woman admires her hands in a dream, the dream foretells that she will be able to conquer more than one sincere heart.

If she sees that someone takes her hand in his and kisses it, the dream warns her to be more careful in her behavior.

If you see fire in your hands that does not burn your fingers, success will take you to very great heights.

Tied hands foreshadow future difficulties. Untying them in my sleep. In reality you will master the situation.

An amputated hand means separation or mutual dissatisfaction between lovers (or spouses).

The dream warns of possible deception or fraud.

There are many interpretations of what a person’s hand means in dreams. If you dream of someone else’s hand, then you see someone else’s fate, if your own, then your own. A child's hand in a dream means that your loved ones require help. In addition, if a small hand appears in a dream, then this means that you are experiencing limitations. But a big hand in a dream indicates that you may have unlimited opportunities to realize your goals and objectives.

Blood on someone else's hands in a dream may indicate that someone wants to damage your reputation in society. If in a dream you see someone else’s blood on your hands, then this can be a harbinger of both a future victory over your worst enemy, as well as possible problems and strife with relatives and friends.

Why do you dream about your left hand?

Haase's dream book says that in a dream, left hands dream of betrayal. This interpretation of dreams is also confirmed by the dream book of Simon the Canaanite. According to the dream book of the Sorceress Medea, a healthy, clean left hand in a dream means the help of a representative of the fairer sex. Also, the left hand in a dream usually expresses the subjective, receptive and intuitive side of your nature.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, left hands in a dream promise many worries in the near future. But a fracture on the left arm symbolizes the imminent death of one of the female relatives.

Why do you dream about your right hand?

The right hand in a dream usually symbolizes the projective, rational and logical side of nature. Also, the right hand in a dream can mean freedom from something, future love pleasures and loyalty of friends. A fracture on the right arm seen in a dream foreshadows the death of a male loved one.

Why do women dream about hands?

The Muslim dream book, answering the question of why a woman’s hand is dreamed of, says that such a dream foreshadows future wealth and many worldly blessings. A woman admiring her own hands in a dream means that in the future a woman will conquer many men’s hearts. In addition, the 21st century dream book interprets admiration with one’s own hands as a symbol that a woman will soon achieve the love and respect of the most valuable person in her life.

Why do you dream about the hands of a woman getting a manicure? Many dream books interpret such a dream as a sign of a woman’s future success. Such a dream can be a harbinger of positive news or the achievement of one’s goals and objectives. Such a dream is extremely favorable for women.

What does it mean if you dream of a severed hand?

The gypsy dream book interprets a severed or withered hand seen in a dream as a symbol of the imminent death of a devoted and best servant. People who do not have servants may consider such a dream a harbinger of an inevitable great misfortune. Moreover, this misfortune can be not only death, but also poverty. A married woman who has such a dream may soon lose her husband or eldest child.

Waving your arms in your sleep

If you wave your hands in a dream, this indicates that you are on the verge of an intractable task. In addition, the Small Velisov Dream Book interprets such a dream as a harbinger of a future quarrel.

Many people also say that I flap my arms in my sleep, like a bird flaps its wings while flying. Modern dream books interpret this dream as a sign of spiritual growth. Wings are also a symbol of creativity and inspiration.

Dream book of the 21st century

The modern dream book has many options for interpreting what a person’s hand means in dreams. For example, clean hands are a symbol of a long and good life. Hands covered in dirt are a sign of betrayal and other troubles. Also a harbinger of trouble are dreams in which you dream of hairy arms. Such dreams also foreshadow spiritual degradation.

If in a dream your hand is sick or wounded, then in this case the dream is trying to warn you against an accident. The absence of hands indicates an ambiguous position in which you find yourself. This can be interpreted as a search for a solution to get out of this situation. In dream books, hands that cannot be moved are interpreted as a conflict of mind and will. If in a dream you have many hands, then this means that in the future you will be rewarded for your labors.

If a woman shakes hands with some celebrity in a dream, she can expect a special status in society in the future. If in a dream you need to raise your hand to say hello, then this indicates the emergence of a rival. The modern dream book interprets limbs in a glove as an opportunity to overcome existing problems. When a hand greets a short person in a dream, you will be appreciated in the future for your friendliness and cordiality. Also, shaking hands during sleep indicates friendship.

Family dream book

The family dream book interprets a bloody hand as temporary hostility on the part of relatives. Beautiful hands dream of receiving a special status. Unsightly and ugly limbs in a dream promise huge problems. A damaged hand promises you the loss of the most precious thing in life. Too large hands mean the rapid achievement of your goals and the realization of your most cherished dreams. But small ones are a reason to increase your activity. The family dream book interprets an amputated arm as a sign of imminent separation from a spouse or other loved one. Such a dream is also a harbinger of deception and fraud.

Hands in a dream characterize the current situation and reflect the opportunity to realize your plans. Why else do you dream about this banal image? Dream books offer the most unusual interpretations, taking into account the details of the vision.

Why do you dream about hands in a dream – Miller’s Dream Book

Beautiful, well-groomed hands in a dream are a harbinger of fame and gaining a high position in society.

  • Ugly, untidy hands indicate that some unpleasant events will happen soon.
  • If you dreamed of hands with drops of blood on them, then in reality your loved ones will temporarily distance themselves from you. Perhaps they will judge you for something.
  • A damaged hand is a symbol of the loss of something dear to you. Most likely, this loss will be associated with the need to give something up to someone.
  • Burnt hands indicate an impending loss, a loss of something important during the period of achieving financial well-being.
  • Hairy arms symbolize the appearance of brave, strong competitors in the field of career and study. The dream suggests the need to be loyal to your true friends.
  • Big hands predict the close achievement of a cherished dream that you have been dreaming about for a long time. On the contrary, small hands should be directed towards displaying activity and movement.
  • Dirty hands indicate an unfair attitude towards your family, close people who love you. Perhaps you are actually tormented by your conscience for certain actions.
  • A woman who admires her palms and arms in a dream will win many hearts in her life.
  • If a man takes a girl by the hand in a dream and kisses her palm, she should be more careful in her personal relationships, her behavior and intimate relationships.
  • If in a dream you hold a fire in your hands that does not burn, then soon your work will be appreciated. You will be able to rise to a considerable height.
  • If your hands were tied in a dream, then soon you will have to go through some difficulties. If you manage to untie them, then everything will go quickly and profitably.
  • If your arm was amputated in a dream, then you will soon part with your loved one. Also, this dream may indicate impending deception or betrayal against you.

I dreamed about Hands - why? - Vanga's dream book

  • If in a dream you saw unfamiliar hands caring for you, then in reality you will receive the warmth and favor of the person from whom it will be pleasant to receive it.
  • If your hands were separated from your body in a dream, then you will soon lose a loved one.
  • Shaking hands with upset people in a dream foreshadows a quarrel with a friend.
  • Neat, well-groomed hands speak of well-being and peace of mind.
  • Dirty hands are a symbol of upcoming troubles.

What you might dream about in your dreams – Dream Interpretation Maya

According to this dream book, a dream about your left hand indicates that a favorable time has come for the implementation of ideas and long-standing plans. There is an opinion that if you wear rings on your fingers for 3 days in a row after having such a dream, then all your plans will come true.

If you saw your right hand in a dream, then soon you will lose something valuable and expensive.

Why do you dream about a hand - Dream Interpretation by Denise Lynn

If in a dream you saw a hand raised up, then in reality you need to be very careful. Hands clasped together are a symbol of unity, calm and peace. The fist portends disagreements with dear people, quarrels with friends. Therefore, it is necessary to beware of situations that can lead to a similar result.

Why do you dream about hands - French dream book

If you saw your hands in a dream, then according to this dream book, soon in a difficult situation your friends will come to your aid. If you broke your arm in a dream, then your friend will have to survive the illness. If your hands are swollen in a dream, you will soon become unexpectedly rich.

If a young woman dreams that her arms are covered with thick hair, then her children will be beautiful, extraordinary and happy in life. A severed hand foreshadows the imminent loss of a friend.

Hand in a dream – Zedkiel’s Dream Interpretation

Dirty hands in a dream indicate a quick experience, possible humiliation and troubles. Arms crossed on your chest indicate that the situation you find yourself in or will soon find yourself in will make you seriously nervous. Finding a solution won't be easy. A handshake in a dream means a quick truce with someone you haven’t communicated with for a long time.

What does it mean to dream about hands in a dream – Women’s Dream Book

Beautiful, pleasant hands in a dream speak of achieving a good social position. Trouble awaits those who saw ugly, ugly hands in a dream. If a girl sees strong, hairy arms, then soon a reliable, rich man will begin to court her.

Burnt hands indicate imminent disappointment. Holding a non-burning fire in your hands means success awaits you in all your affairs and endeavors. Dirt on the hand is a sign of injustice towards others.

Why do you dream about a hand - Dream Book of the Wanderer

Hands covered in blood predict a possible scandal with relatives. If your hands were dirty in a dream, then soon you will be accused of something. Very large hands dream of the fulfillment of cherished desires. Seeing your palms means important events will soon begin to happen in your life.

Those who expect a quick resolution of all troubles and disputes will wash their hands in a dream. Wounded, damaged hands indicate that in the near future you will lose something very expensive.

Hands in a dream - Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

If in a dream you washed your hands, then you will get rid of troubles that have tormented you for a long time. Someone will protect you, put everything in its place. If your hands were dirty, you couldn’t do without envious people, quarrels and gossip. Small hands mean that some friends you trust are deceiving you.

Why else do you dream about hands?

  • A man’s hands are a harbinger of upcoming pleasant meetings that will become fateful. This is a sign of success and prosperity. If you firmly shake a man’s hand in a dream, then in reality you can expect the return of an old friend whom you have not seen for many years.
  • A man's wet hands predict an unsuccessful decision to impose his point of view on someone. You can't expect success in this.
  • Dirty men's hands dream of a man's betrayal.
  • The hands of a child in a dream are a sign of family well-being, the birth of a baby, peace and harmony in the soul.
  • Holding a small child in your arms in a dream - you are trying to find a solution in a difficult situation, but in order to overcome all the obstacles with dignity, you will have to work hard and take care. Often such a dream is a warning, which may be followed by disappointments and some experiences.
  • Feeding a child in a dream will be done by those who have to go through troubles and serious household chores.
  • Those who will soon find a devoted friend can see their right hand in a dream. The left hand can warn of betrayal.
  • Holding the hand of a friend or loved one in a dream means trials that you will have to go through together.
  • If you are carried in your arms, your wishes will soon come true.
  • If someone kissed your hand, then soon some troubles may happen to you in your personal life. If you kissed, you will have to go through humiliation.
  • Beautiful hands dream of a quick improvement in your situation and satisfaction, ugly hands - of troubles, bloody hands - of a quarrel with relatives, damaged hands - of the loss of something, burned hands - of disappointment, hairy hands - of material well-being, dirty hands - of gossip, scandals, associated - to difficulties, amputated - to the loss of a loved one.
  • If in a dream you saw rings on your hands, then changes for the better await you, new pleasant things, marriage, the birth of a child, the appearance of a devoted friend.
  • If you have a bracelet on your hand, you will get married soon.
  • A tattoo on your hand symbolizes hard things, difficulties that will remain in your memory for a long time.

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