How to open an office of an insurance company. How to open an insurance company - step by step guide

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A step-by-step guide on how to open an insurance company. This business requires a lot of capital investment and effort, but it is worth it.

Capital investments: 175,000,000 rub.
Payback: 3-5 years

Modern life is characterized by risks in any area, be it health, work or business.

Therefore, every year the question becomes more popular: “ How to open an insurance company? is increasing, and this despite great competition in this niche.

The very opening of an insurance company is a serious matter, the organization of which will take more than one month.

  • Firstly, this is due to a rather long process of collecting a package of documents to obtain a license.
  • Secondly, you need impressive starting capital, so you can’t do without investing here.
  • Thirdly, launching such a business requires serious and in-depth knowledge in the field of economics and jurisprudence.

    And for this you will need a team of competent specialists.

  • Fourthly, you need to actively promote your insurance company in order to find clients, since there is quite tough competition in this niche.

Types of insurance company services

Insurance- this is a type of economic relationship that provides a guarantee of protection against certain risks that individuals and legal entities may face, in the form of reimbursement of funds received from insurance premiums.

The insurance business itself includes a fairly wide range of services, which is why experts recommend not focusing on one thing and offering your clients as much as possible.

Firstly, this will increase the number of policyholders, and secondly, it will allow them to choose the services they need.

So, there are officially four types of insurance:

    personal - it involves insurance against accidents, illnesses, and disability.

    This also includes medical care, pensions and other aspects of human life;

    property - this includes everything related to material wealth.

    This could include real estate, cars, cargo, construction insurance, and business interruption.

    Risks include natural disasters, emergencies;

    liability insurance - the object of this type is the discrepancy between the expected and planned and the final result.

    Also, based on the name, this includes someone’s responsibility, for example, an employer, a shipper, a car owner, a company;

  • risk insurance - political, financial, economic, legal, currency and other risks can act as objects.

Based on this classification, it becomes clear that providing services in one insurance industry will not go far.

Thus, a potential client, going for one service, may be interested in another, which will significantly increase cash flows to your insurance company.

Schedule plan for opening an insurance company

Fact from history:
The first client to discover the fashion for “exotic” insurance was silent film actor Ben Turpin. Back in the early 20s of the last century, he insured his eyes for $20 thousand.

Opening an insurance company will not happen quickly.

The most time-consuming process is obtaining a license.

There is no need to skip it, as you may get a refusal, so you may need to collect additional documents, and this stage may take longer.

In addition, you should not neglect the issues associated with finding premises and competent staff.

Otherwise, your plan to open an insurance company will simply fail, because without policyholders you will not survive for long.

The optimal period for which you can open an insurance company is 5-6 months.

In order for everything to go smoothly and without force majeure, it is better to recruit a team of professionals who will be responsible for individual stages.

Registration and license
Search for premises
Search for a general director and chief accountant
Purchasing furniture and office equipment

How to open an insurance company: registration and licensing

Before you open an insurance company, you need to register it.

Insurance can only be carried out by a legal entity, so first of all it is necessary to decide on the form of ownership.

This could be OJSC, CJSC, LLC, OVZ.

In the OKPD 2 classifier, your insurance business is classified as “Financial and insurance services.”

Depending on what activity you choose, you will fall under (OKPD 2) 65:

  • (OKPD 2) 65.1 “Insurance services”;
  • (OKPD 2) 65.2 “Reinsurance services”.

Once you have decided on the form of ownership of your insurance company, you need to start creating a name.

In accordance with the law, the name must contain the word “insurance” or its derivative.

You should also decide on the director, founders and chief accountant of your insurance company.

Here you will need their TIN, passports, and for the director and chief accountant - documents on the relevant education and work books.

Sometimes they may ask for a lease or ownership agreement for the premises in which you intend to provide insurance services.

After registering an insurance company, you must begin obtaining a license.

This stage will be the most difficult and costly.

To begin with, it must be said that the authorized capital of the insurance company must be:

  • 60 million rubles - for the provision of services related only to medical insurance;
  • 120 million rubles - for all other types of services.

    Moreover, this amount may increase by a certain coefficient for certain types of insurance, which are defined by the Law of the Russian Federation “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation.”

It is worth noting that each type of insurance is licensed separately, and additional contributions are made to the authorized capital for it.

This may not be something you think about at first, but if you have extra cash, put it in right away so you don't have to apply for a license later.

To obtain a license, you must submit the following package of documents to the Insurance Market Department of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation:

  • application for a license;
  • insurance company charter;
  • other constituent documents that prescribe the rules, principles and tariffs of insurance services;
  • insurance company registration document;
  • information about the founders;
  • with a detailed explanation of all questions;
  • information about internal audit;
  • documents confirming the payment of the authorized capital in full;
  • document confirming payment of state duty.

Also, insurance supervision may request documents that confirm the education and qualifications of the general director.

Previously, it took approximately 6 months to obtain a license.

But now, due to changes in legislation, insurance supervision makes a decision on consent or refusal to issue it within 30 working days.

And within 5 working days he reports this.

In principle, registration and licensing are the most difficult stages when opening an insurance company, after which you can proceed to further actions.

It is worth noting that the license received is unlimited, that is, you do not need to renew it several years after opening an insurance business.

How to open an insurance company: search for premises and its equipment

After deciding how to open an insurance company, you need to start looking for good premises.

This must be done before the stage of registration and obtaining a license.

There is no need to save money here, because a good and beautiful office is your face.

Not a single client will go to the basement for insurance services or go to the end of the city.

It is optimal to have a main office, not necessarily located in the city center, but in a fairly crowded place, as well as several small offices that will be scattered throughout the districts or throughout the state.

These can be either free-standing buildings or areas in large business centers.

In addition, make sure that there are parking spaces for clients' cars near your insurance company.

In any case, the area of ​​the main office of your insurance company should be at least 500-600 square meters. m.

In addition to the space for receiving clients, there should be offices for the general director, his deputy and the chief accountant, as well as utility rooms and a rest room for employees.

And for small offices you can choose premises with an area of ​​90 to 150 square meters. m.

Special attention should be paid to repairs.

All rooms should have the same style and design.

Cheap repairs and furniture in such a matter will only scare away potential clients, so it is better not to save at this stage.

Also, don’t forget about office equipment.

You will need many computers for all employees, printers, faxes.

To provide staff with comfortable working conditions, a microwave, electric kettle, and mini-fridge can be placed in the rest room.

How to open an insurance company: recruitment

Recruiting personnel is second only to obtaining a license in importance.

When opening an insurance company, it is necessary to assemble a team of competent and highly qualified employees who will generate further income.

They can be called the main link in this type of business, because the quality of customer service and the correct conduct of business will depend on them.

To make this process more productive, it is best to hire a human resources specialist who can find competent insurance agents.

It is worth noting that the more of them there are, the faster the customer base will grow.

But at the same time the wage fund will increase.

There is also an option to train future employees.

This is a rather expensive and lengthy process that requires certain guarantees.

For example, you can enter into an agreement that the employee, after the training provided, undertakes to work for you for a certain period of time.

But it is better to consider this option some time after opening an insurance company.

Advertising and promotion of an insurance company

The influx of customers will depend on how you advertise.

And without them, as you know, you will not receive deposits, therefore, you will be left without profit.

Moreover, you will have to constantly work on promoting your insurance company, and not just at first.

    First of all, you can think about outdoor advertising.

    Place banners around the city in crowded places, but you don’t need to do it everywhere.

    Select thematic publications and place information about yourself there.

    The official website will help you promote your insurance business on the Internet.

    Here you need to work not only on a convenient interface and style, but also on its high-quality content so that search engines bring it to the top positions.

    On thematic sites, buy banners in prominent places.

Thus, MTPL policies will come in handy at places of sale and registration of vehicles.

If you are planning to open an insurance company

outlined in this video:

How much does it cost to open an insurance company?

If you are thinking about how to open an insurance company, then naturally you will be wondering how much it will cost.

Each stage in opening an insurance company is accompanied by finances.

And the final amount will be in the hundreds of millions.

After all, the authorized capital alone is 120 million rubles.

If you want to provide as many insurance services as possible, this amount will increase by a certain factor.

Costs shown are approximate.

Everything will depend on the size of your insurance company.

The main expenses are:

  • payment of authorized capital;
  • rental of several premises (head office, representative offices around the city and country)
  • conducting an advertising campaign;
  • purchase of furniture and office equipment.

    Here the quantity will depend on the number of employees.

    Everyone must be provided with a desktop, a PC and, if necessary, a smartphone;

  • software;
  • recruitment of highly qualified insurance agents and managers.

The option of opening an insurance company with less money will not work, since the main weight falls on ensuring financial stability through the authorized capital.

Practice shows that only large investments, the creation of a favorable image and highly qualified employees can bring your insurance company to a high level.

According to statistics, the insurance business pays off in 3-5 years.

Perhaps in the first year of work you will have to work at rates slightly lower than those of your competitors.

But this will help attract your first customers.

And as you expand, you can raise tariffs and hire more and more employees to expand your business.

The moment you started thinking about how to open an insurance company, even with the help of calculations you will not be able to find out when and how much profit you will receive.

This is directly related to the specificity of the business.

Therefore, it is so important to be determined, have impressive start-up capital and the desire to develop your business.

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To open an MTPL insurance company in Russia, you need knowledge of the intricacies of organizing such activities, the patience necessary to go through bureaucratic authorities, as well as capital in the amount of about 500 thousand dollars. To save money, you can take a different route - open a representative office or work as a franchise. Below we will consider where to start this type of activity, what investments will be required, and whether it is profitable to run such a business.


The insurance business is well developed in Russia, which brings more and more profit to its owners every year. In addition, the country's legislation is on the side of domestic owners and protects them. If foreign investors are attracted, some types of activities will be prohibited.

It is worth noting that when opening such a company, you can only engage in insurance. It is prohibited to produce anything or conduct banking activities. CASCO and OSAGO deserve special attention - types of insurance that are going through the most difficult period. In the case of CASCO insurance, there is an increase in insurance claims, which leads to additional costs and reduces the payback rate. Against this background, MTPL tariffs are increasing, which makes the service more profitable for insurance companies. Another advantage is the fact that registration of compulsory motor liability insurance is mandatory.

Practice has shown that the payback of the insurance business is quite high, and with the right approach it is 2-3 years.

It will be more difficult for insurers who work only with MTPL. The disadvantages include large investments, high competition and low profitability.

What are the reasons for the low efficiency?

Drawing up an MTPL agreement is a mandatory condition for every car owner. The driver who purchased the policy can count on compensation for the losses of the injured party in the event of an accident. At the same time, compulsory insurance is valid throughout the country. If an insurer attracts a large number of customers, it will be difficult for it to maintain profitability.

When an insured event occurs, the company pays up to 400 thousand rubles, of which 240 thousand are used to compensate for damage. The remaining funds cover the damage caused to the property of the injured party. If in the event of an accident only one participant was harmed, the amount of payments is lower - 280 thousand rubles.

How to increase profitability?

Before opening an MTPL insurance company, it is worth considering options for expanding the range of services. For example, a new company may conduct examinations related to the assessment of the same cars, property or life insurance.

Popular destinations include:

  1. Car insurance. Here we are talking about CASCO, which, despite a number of negative trends, is a promising type of business. Every driver wants to insure his vehicle against various troubles.
  2. Health insurance. Registration of such a service allows clients to receive highly qualified service at affordable prices.
  3. Property insurance. In this case, the policyholder protects material assets from loss or other force majeure circumstances.
  4. Providing insurance for travelers. A person protects himself from unforeseen situations in a foreign country and avoids legal, medical or administrative costs.

In addition to the areas discussed, it is worth highlighting other types of insurance - mortgage, life, and so on. The choice is quite wide, so you can work in one or several sectors at once.

Many businessmen, when opening an OSAGO insurance company from scratch, do not create a new organization, but a representative office (branch) of a company already operating in Russia or abroad. If foreign citizens act as investors, they must adhere to Russian legislation, and disputes that arise are considered in national (Russian) courts.

To open a branch in Russia, an insurance company must have at least five years of experience in the insurance sector. If we are talking about life - more than 8. In addition, the authorized capital for foreign organizations must be from 5 billion dollars or more.

There is another option - to open an MTPL insurance company under a franchise. In this case, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with an insurer that has been operating in the market for a long time, is quite popular and has a certain reputation. The problem with a new company is that its name means nothing to people, and in conditions of fierce competition it is difficult to get its customers. To speed up the process of business payback, many work as a franchise. Depending on the organization, the cost of a franchise may vary, and the minimum costs for this option are from 150 thousand rubles.

Requirements for insurance companies

One of the main problems is the bureaucratic component. The following requirements are imposed on new insurance companies:

  • Availability of a license. Each insurer must obtain permission from the relevant structures before starting activities. What is needed for this? First you need to collect a package of papers and submit them to the State Tax Service. The main documents include a business plan for the development of a new organization, insurance rules, formulas for calculating tariffs and a receipt for payment of state duty. You will also need a certificate confirming the qualifications of the general director.
  • Charter capital. The activities of any company are impossible without a financial base, the role of which is played by the authorized capital. Its size for insurers is 20 million rubles.

How to start working?

The process of opening an MTPL insurance company takes place in several stages:

  • Registration. Here you need to choose the form of activity of the legal entity. It can be an LLC, OVS, CJSC or OJSC. To register, you need to fill out an application and register it with the Ministry of Finance in the approved form. A number of other papers are also submitted - copies of constituent documents (must be notarized), the decision of the participants of the legal entity to create a company, as well as confirmation from the bank about making a payment on the authorized capital.
  • Office search. When choosing office space, the main attention is paid to the location, area and availability of entrances to the building. The best option is to rent or buy office space in a building near the metro or in the central part of the city. Alternatively, you can find a small office in one of the business centers. To ensure comfortable work with clients, the total area of ​​the premises should be 400-500 square meters. When opening a unit, you can save on this aspect. 100-150 square meters will be enough.
  • Repair, purchase of equipment and furnishing of the premises. Repair work must be carried out in one style that will be recognizable to clients. Equipment and furniture will require tables, PCs, telephones and household appliances. You cannot do without the Internet and a telephone line.
  • Selection of agents. The new insurance company must fully cover the needs of clients, work to improve the skills of employees, create effective management and increase the volume of concluded contracts.

The number of employees depends on the size of the company. There should be three positions on the staffing table. A senior manager oversees the work of the firm, regular managers are responsible for certain types of services, and insurance consultants work directly with clients and “sell” MTPL policies or other services.

How much money do you need to start a business?

To understand whether it is profitable or not to open an insurance company, it is worth calculating the initial costs. Fixed funds are used to form the authorized capital, rent or purchase office space, repair and purchase of furniture, as well as pay salaries. The amount of costs directly depends on the size of the company.

Below we will consider an example for a large company that has a large office, several representative offices and a staff of about 100 people:

  • The size of the authorized capital is 20 million rubles.
  • Office rent - 2-3 million rubles.
  • Registration - 0.5 million rubles.
  • Carrying out repair work - 300 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of office equipment and equipment - about 1 million rubles.
  • Business promotion - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Unforeseen expenses - 400 thousand rubles.
  • Salary payment - 3-3.5 million rubles.

Total expenses are about 29 million in national currency and almost 500 thousand in dollars.

After calculating the costs of starting a company, it is worth calculating the profit that a new insurance company can bring. On average, a successful organization receives an income of 10-15% of the insurance premium.

To estimate profit, you need to divide the amount of income received for a certain period by the amount of receipts from one or more types of services.

For example, if a company’s monthly income is 700 thousand rubles, and the volume of revenue by type of service is 350 thousand, the profit indicator is 1.5. At this level of income (about 8 million rubles per year), the payback will be 3-4 years.


Opening an insurance company is a complex task that requires serious investments and a large package of paperwork. A person who plans to work in this field must have relevant education or experience in the insurance sector. In addition, when working only with MTPL insurance, it is worth remembering about high competition and a high risk of being left without profit or even at a loss. That is why at the initial stage it may be relevant to work under a franchise, under the “cover” of an experienced and well-known company.

The insurance business today is quite profitable even despite the fact that competition in this market is quite high.

That is why it makes sense to open your own insurance agency and earn a lot of income.

One possible option is to open a branch of an existing foreign agency. It is worth noting that this method can provide even greater profits than opening your own insurance company. However, such a business requires obtaining a license and large financial investments.

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Which type of insurance is better to choose?

Today there are quite a large number of types of insurance, including life insurance, property insurance, bank deposits, and so on. You need to choose what types of insurance you want to deal with.

It is recommended not to focus on any one type; you can offer your clients the maximum number of different services. In addition to providing insurance, you can have additional income from conducting various types of examinations. In addition to the possibility of additional income, this will also expand the range of services provided. It is worth knowing, since the initial investment is quite large, that this is completely justified.

Businessmen who are thinking about opening an insurance brokerage agency should know that starting this type of business may require up to $500,000. This is due to the presence of some issues that require a large amount of money. The payback period can be 3-4 years, but more on that later.

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What is needed to open an insurance agency?

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Insurance business registration

To open an insurance company, you must register a legal entity. Regarding the form of ownership, there are several possible options:

  • limited liability company;
  • open or closed joint stock company.

If we talk about what types of activities need to be indicated, the answer is simple: all those that contain the word “insurance”. If expert activities are carried out and all sorts of examinations are carried out, a necessary condition for these services must be a direct connection of all examinations with insurance, and at the same time have an appropriate name.

You need to decide from the very beginning whether the agency will provide life insurance services. It is important to know that in order to provide this service, the authorized capital of the organization must be at least 20,000,000 rubles.

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Obtaining the necessary license to be insured

In order to obtain a license, you must contact the Ministry of Finance and submit a package of documents, which consists of:

  • constituent documents of the organization;
  • business plan;
  • insurance rules that the company owner will have to develop;
  • tariff calculations (calculations must be made for each type of insurance separately).

In addition, the owner of the enterprise will need to confirm the qualifications of the general director. He needs to have a specialized education and sufficient work experience.

And the last thing you need to do is pay the state fee.

The period for obtaining a license for this type of activity can range from 6 months to 1 year. This large amount of time is due to careful verification of the information provided. If the verification is successful, the insurance agency will be entered into the Unified State Register of Insurance Organizations, after which it will receive a license and will be able to begin work.

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Is there a need for an office for brokers?

It is worth saying that insurance is a specific type of business. Everything in it will depend on how the company was presented on the market, how good its office is, whether the agency’s employees are trustworthy, how many insurance services are available (for example, the ability to insure a car, a store, your own life, and so on). It can be stated with certainty that not a single person will transfer his money to a fly-by-night company about which there is no information. Clients will choose an agency that has a good reputation and respectable image.

That is why the office must be spacious enough to accommodate not only all employees, but also clients who come. An additional advantage will be the location in the central part of the city.

If you want to open a large agency with a good reputation, you need to make sure that it has one main office (the area of ​​which should be at least 500 square meters) and several branches that will be located in each district of the city (an area of ​​about 150 will be sufficient). square meters).

All offices must have high-quality and fresh renovation. In addition, you will need to visit the store to purchase expensive and modern furniture. This is necessary to provide a comfortable stay for potential clients.

The interior in all rooms should be made in the same style, which will need to be developed and advertised in the future. All this is necessary because image plays a very important role in an insurance agency.

If a decision has been made to open a branch under a franchise agreement, there is no need to come up with anything of your own. The owner will be fully provided with everything necessary for comfortable work.

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Selection of necessary personnel for an insurance agency

It is worth noting that employees play a big role in the success of an insurance company. That is why you need to hire highly qualified, smart specialists who will be able not only to insure a store or provide other insurance services, but also to solve any problems that may arise. In this regard, it is not recommended to neglect the large number of interviews that potential insurance agents will attend.

If you plan to provide examination services, you should know that there are 2 possible options for agreement with employees:

  • official acceptance into the agency;
  • concluding one-time contracts with specialists for conducting examinations.

In the latter case, experts must have all the necessary documents that may be needed to be able to provide these services.

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Necessary advertising to attract the target audience

For an insurance agency, the important question is how its owner is going to attract potential clients, because if there are no potential clients, there will be no income. First, you need to decide on the target audience of your business, then start organizing an advertising campaign and holding regular presentations of the services provided in places where a large number of potential clients pass by every day (this could be, for example, a store or an entertainment center).

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Recommendations you need to create a successful insurance business

The first thing you can do at the very beginning of your work is to reduce rates and try to attract potential clients by providing more favorable insurance conditions and a wider range of services than your competitors.

You need to take care of attracting a large number of smart insurance agents to your agency (at least 100 people), who can be sent to the store to attract people. The advantage will be to invite 15-20 leading specialists in the insurance field to your agency, who will provide the opportunity to organize the work of the company in the shortest possible time. These employees can be attracted by high salaries and the possibility of additional bonuses.

Agents should look for clients in places where there may be a fairly large number of people (an example is a car dealership, a store selling automobile components, if the agency provides CASCO and OSAGO services).

The insurance business can hardly be called stable and it is almost impossible to predict its profitability or unprofitability. In this area, there are regularly both recessions and sharp jumps, and economic instability is to blame.

However, insurance has long passed the stage of formation and is currently for beginning entrepreneurs. This article contains a comprehensive answer to a question that interests many aspiring entrepreneurs: “How to open an insurance company?”

Insurance is conventionally divided into several large-scale industries, having studied them in more detail, you need to decide what exactly you will do.

Insurance industries

  • Business risks (losses, loss of income);
  • Responsibility (responsibilities).
  • Personal (person’s health, life or ability to work).
  • Social (income level).
  • Property (human material assets - cars, crops, animals, houses, etc.).

Insurance is the contribution by a legal entity or individual of funds to a company, which, in the event of a certain event (insured event), undertakes to pay him compensation.

And if just a few years ago insurance was perceived by people accustomed to hoping for chance as a useless, incomprehensible procedure, Today, many have already appreciated the benefits of this activity and have a normal attitude towards this procedure.

And more enterprising individuals make money from this, but can everyone open their own insurance company?

Procedure for opening your own insurance company

To open your own insurance company, you will need to carefully consider what exactly you will insure. Then you will need to complete several steps:

  • and obtain a license;
  • rent and equip office space;
  • dial
  • attract clients.

We will look at each stage in more detail below.

Registration of activities

To carry out insurance activities, you can choose almost any legal form - OJSC, CJSC, LLC. The easiest to register is the last type, namely, for registration of which you will need to collect a certain package of documents.

Before submitting an application for registration, it is necessary to decide on the name of the company, which must contain In addition to the name of the organization, the circle of founders and the director must already be determined.

You will need to submit it to the tax office copies of passports with originals of all founders and the director, TIN and registration of the latter, the Criminal Code, documents about the address of the company, provide the name of the organization in full and abbreviated form, the amount of the authorized capital.

During registration you will need to indicate the type of activity– insurance with a detailed listing of all its types that you plan to deal with.

There is no need to indicate anything other than it, unless the additional activity is related to the main one, such as assessment or examination.

Afterwards you will need to obtain a license. The company must meet the following requirements to receive it:

1. Availability of the required amount of authorized capital:

  • from 25,000 minimum wage when implementing types of insurance other than life insurance;
  • if life insurance is also expected, then from 35,000 minimum wage;
  • from 50,000 minimum wage only when carrying out reinsurance.

2. The ratio between the insurance premium and own funds is observed:

  • The maximum liability taken for an individual risk does not exceed 1/10 of the organization’s total funds.
  • Registration on the territory of the Russian Federation.

What documents will be required?

To obtain a license, you will need to contact the Insurance Supervision Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and provide them with the following documents:

  • insurance documents (business plan, tariffs and insurance rules),
  • document confirming payment for the management company;
  • registration document;
  • if the founder contributes property to the management company’s account, you will need to provide a certificate of its delivery and acceptance;
  • information about the manager;
  • balance sheet and calculation of the ratio of assets and liabilities;
  • application (indicating the name, address, zip code, contacts of the company).

Search for office space

For the office you will need to find an area size from 200 sq. m. if you wish, you can make it larger (up to 400).

The city center is considered the best place for traffic, however, the high cost of renting premises there forces one to look for an alternative.

These could be busy streets, the first floors of business centers, the main thing is that the building is not in a residential area. Finding your company should be easy It is mandatory to have a shuttle or metro stop nearby.

Let it be an old building, the main thing is that it is clearly visible from the road and people passing by in buses and cars can notice a large sign with the name of your insurance company.

A company’s office is its face; you shouldn’t skimp on renovations; the room should be clean, light, modern, and spacious. It is necessary to equip a utility room, a manager’s office, a customer service room, and an area for agents inside.

The presence of coolers and air conditioners in the hall will give the office solidity. Various posters, pamphlets with information about rates, a book of complaints and suggestions should also be kept in the premises.

You will need to purchase office furniture, cabinets, a safe, shelving, office equipment, stationery, consumables, stamps, etc.


Selecting insurance agents It’s worth deciding whether you want to train them yourself or not. In the first case, it is easier to find willing people, but you will have to spend money on training, and you will be able to check the effectiveness of such an employee only after training.

In any case, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the students obliging them to work for you after completing the courses for a certain time so that the money is not wasted.

The second option involves searching for specialists, who can be quite difficult to find. Really good agents will have to be lured away from competitors by offering them more flexible hours and larger percentages of sales.

Minimum staff of an insurance company

  • director;
  • about 20 agents at the initial stage (the more there are, the higher the profit);
  • cleaning woman;
  • teacher (if you plan to train candidates).

Attracting clients

Printing leaflets, hanging banners, advertising on television, radio - second step.

Third and main– attracting clients by agents. Suppose you are in the business of car insurance, which means you need to look for clients in car dealerships, car service centers, parking lots, etc.

Most of the clients are acquired in this “live” way, and the more convincing the agent’s speech sounds, the more there will be those who want to insure their property in your company.

Insurance company business plan

  • Charter from 20 million rubles.
  • from 30,000 rubles.
  • Rent from 100,000 rubles.
  • Repair, arrangement, purchase of equipment and furniture from 300,000 rubles.
  • from 250,000 rubles.
  • Advertising and website from 80,000 rubles.

At the initial stage, you will need to invest from 20,760,000 rubles.

Insurance company profitability

Despite the large initial investment The insurance business is considered quite a profitable business. With proper organization and selection of qualified employees, an insurance company can pay for itself in less than four years, provided that 10% of the insurance premium remains in the budget.

Problems encountered in the process of opening and operating an insurance company

There are several main, frequently encountered difficulties in creating an insurance company.

1. Lack of start-up capital

This problem can be solved by searching for investors. Before starting this business, you need to create a successful one that could interest a potential investor and set you apart from the crowd of other entrepreneurs.

And we shouldn’t forget about the favorable conditions for the investor; they should be a little more pleasant and profitable for him than with other similar companies.

2. Shortage of quality personnel

Difficulties may also arise at the recruitment stage. There may be many people willing, but those who can really attract customers and increase the company’s income are difficult to find. The solution is to search among friends, lure away from competitors, and motivate agents.

3. The likelihood that many insured events will occur simultaneously

It is impossible to predict this moment and we can only hope, that this won't happen. But it is necessary to take this fact into account.

Start your own business in the insurance industry quite difficult, but possible, having the necessary amount of money or having investors.

To open an insurance company, you will need to obtain a license, and then begin to look for employees, paying special attention to their ability to persuade and interest. The success of a business undoubtedly depends on the skill of the manager, but in the insurance business agents also play an important role.

Don’t know how to open an insurance company in Russia on your own and what are the features of doing business in the Russian Federation? Watch the following detailed video:

Opening an insurance company is one of the attractive options for starting your own business both for beginners and for those who are already involved in business or have been involved in it in the recent past. For experienced entrepreneurs, however, it will be much easier to pull off such a thing, because they already have experience. But, in any case, the task requires the most serious approach.

First of all, pay attention to the following point: when you study in detail the topic of insurance as a business, rely on the most recent sources, ideally no earlier than 2013. In addition, they should be focused on this segment specifically in Russia (or in your country, if you do not live in the Russian Federation).

Unlike some types of entrepreneurship, in which Western business models take root very well, here everything is from a different angle. If you start studying the theory of selling insurance using the “advanced” schemes of America, you risk being very disappointed with the result or, even worse, getting burned. It’s all about the mentality of society: there, buying insurance is considered an ordinary and almost mandatory procedure, but in our country, even in the most important areas, many people try to save money and do without them.


Profitability of the insurance business in Russia – the indicator is very unstable. Several years ago, when this area was just becoming popular and gaining momentum, it was very profitable for many companies. A decline was observed in 2008, as in most other areas of activity, which is difficult to consider as a pattern within this particular business. The next two years saw significant growth, and in general the insurance business achieved very good results.

However, a decline was noted again in 2011, when profitability reached its lowest level in almost 3 years. Experts named the following as the main factors that led to this situation:

  • increasing the level of current business expenses;
  • reduction in investment flow.

Then in 2012 there was an increase again, and in 2013 there was a decline. Today there are many changes taking place, including at the state level, that can have a positive impact on this business as a whole. But they have not yet happened: so far insurers are just trying to achieve this.

Separately, it is worth noting the insurance business in the field of tourism. Several high-profile scandals that erupted in 2014 resulted in the bankruptcy of many companies. This happened for several reasons, but one of the main ones was cooperation with unscrupulous travel agencies, of which there are a great many today. For beginners, these events became a good lesson: you should not give guarantees for those who are not worthy of trust.

Overall this The type of business in terms of profitability remains in the average range. It cannot be said that it is extremely profitable or, conversely, unprofitable. It all depends on the approach to the matter. If you can be an excellent entrepreneur, provide for everything, always keep your finger on the pulse and develop - that means victory is yours. If you often give free rein to laziness and weakness, and do not take into account important factors, then expect mediocre results or even loss.

How to open an insurance agency? A recording from the webinar is included in the video below.

Types of insurance

Officially, there are four main types of insurance and several subtypes within each. An organization carrying out this activity may be limited only to a certain list. But for more profitable business, it is better to cover several or all areas at once.

Personal insurance. This includes medical care, tourism, accidents, pensions and other situations where people are the object.

Insurance property. Here, as the name implies, material items of property are taken as the basis, with rare exceptions. This list includes cars, housing, and cargo. This also includes construction and installation work and business interruptions. The latter is used by entrepreneurs for personal peace of mind during periods of crisis.

Insurance responsibility. This type implies financial protection in the event of a discrepancy between the promise and the result. An example would be compensation payments in a variety of industries: production of goods, environmental damage, and others.

Insurance specific and financial risks. The most distinct and less commonly used type. This includes political risks, failure to fulfill financial obligations and the like. The second option is popular in the field of lending; the only problem is that banks do not always use it legally, which can lead to problems with recalculations and even refunds.

Company registration

When you have completely decided on your budget and business plan, and have chosen the types that you will offer, you can proceed to the legal side of the issue. The first step is to register the organization.

This process occurs in a special order, which can be read about in Article 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If you try to bypass it, you will be able to work, perhaps even for a long time. But the first check, both the largest and the simplest on the part of a thoughtful client, will bring you to clean water... And this is fraught with, at a minimum, large fines.

In the worst case, you may be held accountable using other methods. Therefore, it is better to do everything correctly once and never worry about this in the future.

Registration options:

  • company with additional liability.

The choice should be made based on personal reflection, after studying the rights and responsibilities of each type, if you are not already familiar with them. Specifically, this will have a minor impact on the implementation of insurance activities; in this case, legal features are taken into account. It will be easiest to register a limited liability company, so if this option suits you, choose it.

When registering, you need to consider the following nuances:

  1. The name of the organization indicated in the documents must indicate the type of activity. This could be the word “insurance” or any derivative of it. An existing example is AlfaStrakhovanie.
  2. At the time of registration, a director must be determined, as well as founders. It is necessary to provide the passports of these persons and their TIN.
  3. The director and chief accountant will also be required to provide copies of work records and diplomas.
  4. A lease agreement may be required for a future organization. If it is owned by the founder or director, then you will need documents confirming this right.
  5. To conduct this type of activity you need to obtain a license. More details on how to do this will be discussed below.
  6. Entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  7. You also need to register with Rosinfomonitoring.
  8. You may be asked to confirm that staff are ready and trained.

Registration costs:

  1. The registration fee, in case of opening an LLC, will be 4 thousand rubles (may change slightly over time).
  2. Courses for specialists if you teach them yourself.
  3. Fee for obtaining a license.

Self-registration with the collection of all documents usually takes up to 1 month. For those who find this too long, there are services of lawyers who do everything much faster and almost without the participation of the customer.

Obtaining licenses

Licensing of companies conducting insurance activities is mandatory. It must be obtained from the Insurance Supervision Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Any process of obtaining a license is, first of all, the issuance of a document after appropriate verification of suitability for conducting activities. In this case, prepare for the fact that the company will be checked on the following points:

  1. Registration must be carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  2. The standards for the ratio of insurance premiums and the organization's own funds are strictly observed.
  3. The maximum liability related to one individual risk does not exceed 1/10 of all personal funds of the company.
  4. Authorized capital – from 25 thousand minimum wages. If the list includes life insurance, then the authorized capital increases to 35 thousand or more than the minimum salary. If the area of ​​activity is only reinsurance, then the figure reaches 50 thousand.

To obtain a license:

Write statement, which must contain the full and abbreviated name of the company, legal address and exact index, type of insurance activity and communication data, for example, telephone number, fax, and so on.

Attach it to documentation:

  • the most complete business plan (in order to maximize the likelihood of obtaining a license, it is better to devote a lot of time to it or order it from a specialist);
  • a certificate from the bank confirming the payment of the authorized capital;
  • constituent agreement and charter of the organization;
  • registration certificate;
  • If the founders contributed any property, then a certificate of its delivery and acceptance is also required.

Attracting investors

Almost no large company in our time, especially an insurance company, operates entirely with its own funds. The reason is simple - almost no one has such amounts. Attracting investors today is cheaper than bank loans, and responsibility is often lower.

But in order for someone to take the offer to invest in a still unknown company, you need to try hard. It is ideal to hire advertising, marketing, and legal experts to help you create the perfect offer for potential investors - one in which you lose nothing, but they also gain.

First of all, you should not advertise the opportunity to invest, but first think about what exactly you can offer. On what terms will they give their money? The rate should be at least a little high compared to competitors. Otherwise, how will a new company stand out? Risks for investors, according to the drawn up agreement, should be minimal.

It may also make sense to attract people with small savings. There are a lot of them in our country. They have little money, the bank rate only causes melancholy, and they are looking for a good alternative.

Where you will receive potential investors, you should always have a detailed and, most importantly, successful business plan on hand, which they can request at any moment.

Premises and staff

The premises for the insurance company are usually rented. It can be located in any area of ​​the city or even in an industrial zone - this is how many people try to save money. But you should think 10 times before agreeing to such an offer. Remember, the more difficult it is to get to you, the greater the chance that the client will change his mind on the way.

However There is also no need to rent an expensive office in the city center. This will be an extra expenditure of money at a time when there is none yet. Choose a decent room that meets the requirements at an average cost. This will be the most competent step.

Staff training is quite expensive. But the specialist will be yours alone, although it is infinitely impossible to keep him in the workplace. The main thing to remember if you decide to pay for training is to include it in the contract, obliging the employee to work for you for a certain time in the future.

You can also hire specialists who already have experience in their work. This is a great option - then things will go better. It is important to carefully consider the choice.

Another solution: some insurance companies use remote workers. Today this is very popular; it allows you to save on payments and rent of premises, since the staff will not need to be kept in a huge office. This approach also has its own nuances. Employees working from home on the telephone should be regularly tested for professional suitability by making experimental calls.

How to attract clients?

To attract customers to insurance companies today, conventional advertising is used less and less. The chance that someone will be interested in her is practically zero. Therefore, the cold calling method is practiced. Most companies also use home-based workers who earn interest only.

You can try other advertising methods - fortunately, there are a lot of them today. But remember the main rule: each of them must be used separately, with an impressive interval (for example, a month or two). Only then will you be able to track the results for each of them.

Insurance business prospects

As in many areas of business, in the insurance business, expert opinions vary and sometimes even diverge. In order for your company to be successful initially and in the future, you need to constantly monitor the situation, compare opinions and analyze what they are based on.

Today it is noted that:

  • mandatory insurance of property against various force majeure events, from fire to flood, is planned (in particular, this issue came to the forefront after the flooding of the Far East);
  • the rise in the price of compulsory motor liability insurance is a process that benefits insurance companies, although car owners are unhappy with it.

These are just obvious points that speak in favor of income growth in insurance. In general, it is noted that this type of entrepreneurship is becoming promising, although it moves in zigzags, with recessions and declines. Our citizens, brought up in the USSR, are not accustomed to the fact that insurance should be placed on their shoulders. But many situations teach them a different attitude, and more and more people are beginning to take this issue more seriously. In addition, a new generation is entering adulthood that thinks differently.


The following main problems are noted in this segment:

  1. The vast majority of companies lack a significant amount of authorized capital, which creates an obstacle to insuring large objects.
  2. The low solvency of the population and its reluctance to pay insurance premiums, which creates a low level of demand for services compared to many Western countries.
  3. There are no good options for placing insurance premiums in the long term.
  4. Lack of significant development assistance from the state - for example, people are not required to take out insurance in most areas of life.

However, such stumbling blocks are found in many types of entrepreneurship. You need to understand that this is a way out onto a long road of competition and struggle. The main task of the policyholder is to convince potential clients that his services are truly useful and necessary. Moreover, this is how it is. Someone doesn't believe it? Let him ask those who did not have time to apply for CASCO insurance on time and were left without a car!


Opening an insurance business, of course, is a wonderful thing, but it is long and quite difficult, especially for those who are doing business for the first time. Therefore, before you start, add another option to your list - opening a franchise insurance company. Moreover, this variety is becoming more and more popular today.

Many large companies offer franchising. Sometimes this role is played by foreign organizations, more often by ours. The cost of this pleasure depends on the degree of fame, but in general, you can buy an insurance business franchise inexpensively - investment amounts start from 100-200 thousand rubles.

But remember, whatever you choose, the main thing is the approach. For some people, any business develops perfectly, for others, entire bought-out corporations collapse for no apparent reason. And the point here is not at all about luck, but about the right attitude towards business. If you become the best in your segment, the results will not keep you waiting.

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