Why Bazarov returned to his parental home. Essay on the topic: Bazarov's attitude to parents in Turgenev's novel “Fathers and Sons

the main / Cheating husband

Once again about the analysis of the episode

No one will be surprised if topics that require the ability to analyze the episode are again proposed for the graduation essay. What does a student need to analyze a text? Of course, the text itself, the ability to read this text, which is not at all equivalent to folding letters into syllables and words, the ability to compare, compare, build a logical chain, draw conclusions. And it would also be nice to have some kind of dictionary in stock. Best of all is the Dictionary of Literary Terms or Dahl's Dictionary. And that's all - you can start.

Let's try to analyze an episode from the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" and, without further ado, let us take the scene of Bazarov's departure from his home, proposed for an examination essay.

First, let's agree on what we'll call an episode. To do this, we will invite our students to use a dictionary entry from any dictionary. In the lesson, we compare the written definitions. So, an episode is "a passage, a fragment of a work of art, possessing a certain completeness and independence." Then the character of each character is revealed through a chain of episodes. Thus, in order to understand the character, it is necessary to analyze several “finished fragments”. The episodes are similar to filmstrip frames, each adding something new to the image of the hero.

Now we will invite students to think about what events in a person's life help the formation of his character or most clearly manifest it. Obviously, they will name the vivid impressions of childhood, leaving home, falling in love, meeting other people, losing loved ones, and so on. But can the return to the parental home after a long absence be considered an event in which a person's character is manifested? Even returning home after the summer holidays, schoolchildren understand that something has changed. Back in the fifth grade, we wrote short sketches "When I Come Home from Vacation".

When I return home from vacation, I am very sad because the summer is over. But also fun, because I will meet friends, see new teachers. When I go into the house and start playing with the toy dog \u200b\u200bTyavka, it seems to me smaller than last year. I go into the bath - it seems to me narrow and short. And my favorite shoes! When I tried to get into them, they stung terribly. Everything has become so small - horror!

Diana Dobrynina

Now, imagine that a grown-up young man who has spent several years at the capital's university returns to his “native nest”. What is happening to the world around him, how is this world changing? How does his perception change? How does his attitude towards his family, who never leave home, change?

Let's re-read the beginning of the departure scene. In the first phrase the key word for the whole novel sounds “nothing”. This untranslatable Russian “nothing” means “no big deal”, and “what to do?”, And much more. With what episode preceding the analyzed one is this word connected? When and how is it introduced? What does it mean? Does it sound random during the time leading up to the breakup? Let us turn to the scene in the Kirsanovs' house, where a memorable conversation about nihilism takes place. So, a nihilist, in the opinion of Bazarov's "disciple", Arkady Kirsanov, is "a person who treats everything from a critical point of view." But Pavel Petrovich believes that "a nihilist is a person who does not respect anything." Does Evgeny Bazarov respect his parents? If not, then why did the whole day pass before he decided to tell his parents about his imminent departure? Have class members find in the text how old parents perceive the news. What feelings do the reader feel about them? And what does the reader feel in relation to Bazarov himself? Why does Evgeny Vasilyevich leave so soon, where he has not been for three years, but has stayed for only three days? Look in the text for an indication of how the life of the parents will change after the departure of their son.

To understand the character of the hero, of course, it is necessary to analyze all the scenes in which he participates. But from the chain of episodes that make up the plot of the work, we will choose only one more, the third and the last one. Thus, we will close our short study. How does the novel end? Let's carefully re-read the ending of the novel. Who visits Bazarov's grave? How does the description of the cemetery make you feel? Are there any literary associations in the memory of the “experienced” reader? Probably, the students will name the elegiac mood, a roll-over with the theme of the “rural cemetery” in the poetry of the first quarter of the 19th century. Is there a difference in the mood with which the life of the other heroes of the novel in Chapter 28 is described after the death of the main character? What is the meaning of the rhetorical questions that end the novel? How does the author himself answer them? How do you understand the words about “eternal reconciliation”?

Based on the materials collected during the lesson, students are invited to draw up a plan and write an essay on the topic "Analysis of the scene of Evgeny Bazarov's departure from his home."

Scene of Bazarov's departure from his home

(chap. 21, episode analysis)

According to the definition given in the Dictionary of Literary Terms, an episode is “a passage, a fragment of a work of art, possessing a certain independence and completeness”. The origin of this word is associated with ancient Greek drama, where it meant "part of the action between the performances of the choir."

As a rule, the path of any hero of any work is associated with a chain of episodes in which the image of this hero is revealed, in one way or another the author's attitude is expressed. It can also be said that through the "magic crystal" of the episode, the most important features of the work as a whole are visible. Let us now turn to a specific example, namely, to the scene of Evgeny Bazarov's departure from his home (the novel by IS Turgenev "Fathers and Sons", ch. 21).

It is known that the very situation of returning home after a long absence makes it possible for the reader to treat what is happening as a new stage in the life of a young man. (By the way, the novel "Fathers and Sons" itself also begins with the return of the young man to his home. Thus, it is to the old "noble nest" that Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov returns on May 20, 1859. Obviously, this parallel is not accidental.) a long absence home, the son is determined (determined) with his own life position, with his attitude to the moral and aesthetic values \u200b\u200bof the older generation.

But in the finale of Chapter 21, the reader is no longer facing a meeting, but a parting. Touching in their love and trustfulness, Vasily Ivanovich and Arina Vlasyevna did not expect that their son, after three years of absence, would stay for only three days. “I was thinking that you were with us ... longer. Three days ... This, this is not enough after three years; not enough, Eugene! " - so, blowing his nose and bending almost to the ground, barely hiding tears, says Bazarov's father. His speech is timid, confused; amazement, confusion caused by the news of the unexpected departure of his son, make the reader treat the old people Bazarov with sympathy, and their son with indignation. But after all, Bazarov did not immediately "dare to notify Vasily Ivanovich of his intention." “The whole day has passed” ... And this is not so little for the resolute, rejecting feelings in general and love in particular, Evgeny Vasilyevich. Bazarov said: "Nothing!" Is this an accident? Isn't the reader here again referring to the concept of “nihil, nothing,” which was introduced by Turgenev in Chapter 5? According to Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, a nihilist is a person “who respects nothing”. But Arkady believes that a nihilist is a person "who treats everything from a critical point of view."

Well, is that good? interrupted Pavel Petrovich.

It depends on how anyone, uncle. Some people feel good about this, but others feel very bad ...

In the scene of departure (Ch. 21), everyone is “bad”: Arkady, the old men Bazarovs, and Yevgeny himself. Life in the house of “old-world landowners” (after all, Arina Vlasyevna and Vasily Kirillovich are so similar to the heroes of the Gogol story) will freeze completely. They lived only in anticipation of a learned son, before whom they were in awe. Vasily Ivanovich is holding back tears, trying to prove to young people his modernity: “The main thing is freedom; this is my rule ... no need to embarrass ... no ... ”In sad loneliness they have to live out their days, and already“ in the morning everything was sad in the house ”. And so the old men, who tried so hard not to bother their son once again, "were left alone in their own, also as if suddenly shrunken and decrepit house." And the gray-haired Arina Vlasyevna consoles her husband: “What to do, Vasya! The son is a sliced \u200b\u200bhunk. He is like a falcon: he wanted - he flew, he wanted - he flew away; and you and I, like honey mushrooms in a tree trunk, sit side by side and not from our place. Only I will remain for you forever unchanged, as you are for me. " Without realizing it, the old woman gives an accurate and figurative description of their life, the life of the outgoing generation of “fathers”. It is boring and hard in their house for Bazarov, who strives for a life “with benefit”. It is a pity to the reader of the old men, it is a shame for Eugene.

Turgenev leads his hero through a chain of trials. Gradually, we get to know Bazarov better. The theory he created does not withstand the test of life. “There is no love” - but what about Anna Odintsova and the old parents? “Nature is not a temple, but a workshop” - but what about the feeling of the fullness of nature while walking with Anna Sergeevna? The departure scene is essential for deepening the image of the protagonist and forming the reader's attitude. In the finale of the novel, only decrepit old men come to the grave of Yevgeny Bazarov. “Are their prayers, their tears, fruitless? Isn't love, holy, devoted love, omnipotent? Oh no!" Flowers growing on the grave of the rebel and nihilist Yevgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov speak of “eternal reconciliation and endless life”. And the reader comes to terms with this ambiguous way. Through hostility and misunderstanding, indignation and nascent sympathy for understanding and empathy, the author of the novel conducts his reader.

Of course, the problem of “fathers” and “children” reflected in the novel by I.S. Turgenev and the component of his main conflict is a timeless problem. And the more the reader, who “survived” the scene of Bazarov's departure from his parents' house, ponders over his attitude towards the older generation, over his own life position.

Youth is the time for the assimilation of wisdom, old age is the time for its application.
J.-J. Russo

Arkady Kirsanov, after spending a day at the Bazarovs' estate, asks his older friend-teacher if he loves his parents, and receives a direct answer: “I love you, Arkady” (XXI). Bazarov is telling the truth. He regrets his parents already because “he didn’t take an extra penny from his old generation” (XXI). In the terrible moments of his life, he thinks about them. So, before the duel with Pavel Petrovich in a delirious dream, he sees his mother, and before death, understanding the state of his parents, he no longer hides his love for them. He constantly remembers about his "old people", because, driving around the *** province with Arkady, he always means that the ultimate goal of his summer trip is the estate of his parents, where - he knows for sure - they are impatiently awaiting him: "No, you have to to go to the father. (...) it is from *** thirty miles away. I haven't seen him for a long time, and neither have my mother; it is necessary to amuse the old people. They are good for me, especially my father: very funny. I am the only one with them ”(XI). However, Arkady did not ask his question by accident. Bazarov's relationship to his parents, if viewed from the outside, seems cold, even hostile: there is too little tenderness in these relationships.

In the literary analyzes of Fathers and Sons, the main character is usually accused of neglect, and sometimes even contempt for his parents. But how fair are these accusations?

The first reproach: Bazarov is in no hurry to go home, where, by the way, he has not been for three years, but goes first to the Kirsanovs' estate, then to the provincial town, then to the Odintsova estate. Having finally reached the estate of his parents, he only survives in his home for three days and leaves again. So Bazarov shows, to put it mildly, inattention to old parents. But the same actions of the hero can be explained in another way. Poverty is the reason why the hero did not visit his parents for three years. It can be assumed that he simply did not have money for a long journey home or during the summer holidays he earned (in the clinic, for example) funds for the next academic year - after all, he considers it unworthy to beg for money from his parents.

Bazarov is a sociable, inquisitive and independent person by nature. Despite his poverty, he achieved respect among university students, as evidenced by his relationship with Arkady and the reviews of Sitnikov (XII). Therefore, life in a secluded parental house seems boring to a young nihilist: here, except with Father Alexei, there is no one to talk to. Yes, and anxious parental concerns about "feather-beds" and "beef" for his beloved Enyushenka are hard for him. So he complains to Arkady: “It's boring; I want to work, but here I can't. (...) ... my father repeats to me: "My office is at your service - no one will interfere with you"; and he himself is not a step away from me. And I am ashamed to somehow shut myself up from him. Well, the same mother. I hear her sighing behind the wall, and if you go out to her - and she has nothing to say ”(XXI). Meanwhile, in a year Bazarov will have a serious final exam at the university, and he, unlike other heroes of the novel, intends not to rest, but to work hard all summer. Because of this, apparently, while still in Petersburg, he accepts the invitation of Arkady, his admirer and friend from the university, to stay in Maryino - so Bazarov will ensure himself a calm, well-fed summer and will not be a burden for his parents.

The second reproach: the main character shows frank selfishness towards his parents, not paying them enough attention. However, one should not forget that a young nihilist comes to his parents immediately after a difficult explanation with Madame Odintsova. Experiencing a failure in love, he is looking for solitude and some kind of distraction, so now he cannot endure parental caresses. He leaves for Maryino, where, as a guest, he has the right not to interfere in any "everyday squabbles" (XXII), and completely surrenders to his work. Despite these considerations, the accusation of selfishness addressed to Bazarov is fair.

And which of the "children" in the novel behaves differently? In the house of Odintsova lives an old aunt Princess X ... I, to whom "they did not pay attention, although they treated her respectfully" (XVI). Arkady, returning with Bazarov to his father in Maryino, cannot forget the beautiful Odintsova: “... before he would have only shrugged his shoulders if someone had told him that he could get bored under the same roof with Bazarov, and under what ! - under the parental roof, but he was definitely bored and drawn out ”(XXII). The “rude son” Bazarov stayed with his parents for three days and got bored, the “gentle son” Arkady, also languishing with love, stayed a little longer: “Ten days have not passed since his return to Maryino, as he again, under the pretext of studying the mechanism of Sunday schools , galloped to the city, and from there to Nikolskoe ”(ibid.). Yes, and the present worthy "fathers", solving their own everyday problems, treated their parents very carelessly. Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov recalls: “Once I had a quarrel with my deceased mother: she was shouting, did not want to listen to me ... I finally told her that you, they say, cannot understand me; we supposedly belong to two different generations. She was terribly offended ... ”(XI). Of course, the similar behavior of other heroes of the novel does not justify Bazarov, but it shows that in relation to the "ancestors" respectable "children" differ little from a decisive nihilist. And in modern literary analyzes, it is customary to praise them and set them up as an example for the main character.

Third reproach: Bazarov shows disrespect to his parents, since he does not see them as personalities. Lying under a haystack on his father's estate, Bazarov argues: "... they, my parents, that is, are busy and do not worry about their own insignificance, it does not stink to them ..." (XXI). The image of the "little man", so diversely presented in Russian literature, completely refutes such views of Bazarov. Pushkin in the story "The Stationmaster", Gogol in the story "The Overcoat", Turgenev himself in the story "The District Physician", etc. prove that the "little man" only seems primitive, and if you look closely at him, he is a man with his own complex inner world, with deep feelings, high life principles.

Proving that his son's opinion about the old people of the Bazarovs is completely wrong, Turgenev cites facts that the nihilist knows, but for some reason does not consider essential. The younger Bazarov affectionately and ironically calls his father Vasily Ivanovich "a very amusing old man" (XX), and meanwhile the elder Bazarov, being the son of a sexton, became a man, thanks to his perseverance and abilities - he learned to be a doctor. The son himself admits that Vasily Ivanovich “at one time was a strong Latinist, he was awarded a silver medal for his composition” (XXI). Senior Bazarov has a completely heroic biography: he participated in the Patriotic War of 1812, “felt the pulse” of Field Marshal Wittgenstein, and the poet Zhukovsky, and the future Decembrists; for his services to the state (he actively fought against the plague epidemic in Bessarabia) he received the Order of St. Vladimir (ibid.) and, therefore, the title of nobility for himself and his future offspring. The younger Bazarov frivolously considers this achievement of his father to be a trifle, as if he does not understand that the noble rank greatly facilitates his life in Russia.

In Arina Vlasyevna - his mother - Bazarov sees only a good housewife. During her life she read one book - the French sentimental novel "Alexis, or the Cabin in the Woods", so the student son does not know what to talk about with this rustic old woman. But Arkady is right, he understood from personal experience what it is like to live without maternal care and affection: “You don't know your mother, Evgeny. She is not only a great woman, she is very smart, really ”(XXI). Bazarov had no idea that his troublesome mother was a wise friend and comforter of his father. When, after staying for three days, the son leaves, Vasily Ivanovich cries from resentment and loneliness, but Arina Vlasyevna finds words to support her husband in a desperate moment, although she is bitterly neglected by her son: “What to do, Vasya! The son is a sliced \u200b\u200bhunk. (...) Only I will remain unchanged for you forever, as you for me ”(ibid.).

Not awarded Bazarov respect and grandfather Vlasiy, Seconds-Major, who participated in the Italian campaign of Suvorov. True, such a disdain could appear in Bazarov, a democrat in spirit, in spite of the noble admiration for a long pedigree. Only the second grandfather, Ivan Bazarov, escaped a critical showdown: in a dispute with Pavel Petrovich, the nihilist grandson proudly says about him: “My grandfather plowed the land” (X).

The fourth reproach: Bazarov contemptuously and condescendingly refers to the life principles of his parents, and these principles, by the way, follow from the philosophy of the ancient Greek Epicurus (341-270 BC), originally developed in the poetry of the Roman poet Horace (65-8 BC) AD). Horace in his poems presented the philosophy of a poor, but cultured person who seeks happiness in the "golden mean", that is, in contentment with little, in dominance over passions, in a calm and moderate enjoyment of the benefits of life. Moderation and peace, according to Horace, allow a person to maintain internal independence. It is easy to see that the old Bazarovs live just like that: content with little and not bowing to anyone. Arina Vlasyevna takes care of her husband, takes care of food and order in her house, and Vasily Ivanovich heals the peasants and cultivates his garden, enjoying nature and thinking about life: “In this place I like to philosophize, looking at the setting of the sun: it befits a hermit ... And there, further away, I planted several trees, loved by Horace ”(XX), - he tells Arkady.

The difference in the life philosophy of “fathers” and “children” is manifested in their attitude to the world - contemplative and conciliatory in Horatianism, actively offensive nihilism: “Yes,” began Bazarov, “a strange human being. As you look that way from the side and from afar at the deaf life that the "fathers" lead here, it seems: what is better? Eat, drink and know that you are acting in the most correct, most reasonable manner. But no: melancholy will prevail. I want to mess with people, even to scold them, but to mess with them ”(XXI).

The nihilist Bazarov is obviously more mature than his parents, thanks to his powerful intellect, a tense inner life, but parents, according to Turgenev, are wiser than their son, since they know how to live in harmony with the world. In the famous dispute with Pavel Petrovich, Bazarov declares: "... then I will be ready to agree with you when you present me at least one resolution in our modern life, in family or public, which would not cause complete and merciless denial" (X) ... And now life (and she, according to Turgenev, is richer and more varied than any theory) puts the young nihilist face to face with such a "decree." The family and family life of his own parents are worthy of respect and have the highest strength, so that they cannot be destroyed even by a terrible blow - the death of his only son, the nihilist himself.

So, the relationship in the Bazarov family illustrates the conflict of successive generations, eternal as a world. Old parents adore and fear their highly educated and self-confident son. Before his arrival, Vasily Ivanovich even ripped the ribbon from his coat and sent the boy out of the dining room, who usually drove away flies with a branch during lunch. In the presence of their son, old people are embarrassed to say an awkward word (and suddenly he will not like it), to show their feelings ("... he does not like this. He is the enemy of all outpourings" - XXI). In relation to Bazarov's parents love and care are combined (does not "pull" money from the elderly), alienation and hasty assessments.

Bazarov's dry and tough attitude towards his parents may be the result of either an intolerant, selfish character, or youth. In the case of Bazarov, there is, rather, the second reason. After the self-confident nihilist forever said goodbye to his student friend Arkady Kirsanov, did trouble in Maryino (he wounded Pavel Petrovich in a duel), and most importantly, experienced real, but unrequited love, Bazarov came to his parents. Because there was nowhere else to go, and because here he was expected and loved, despite all his shortcomings and blunders.

Now his attitude towards his parents becomes softer, and during a short, fatal illness, his reserved love for his father and mother is revealed. He does not complain of pain, so as not to frighten the old people, agrees to them for the sake of communion, and asks Odintsov to comfort them after his death: “After all, people like them cannot be found in (...) the big light in the daytime with fire” (XXVII ). In the novel's finale, the generational conflict in the Bazarov family is exhausted both in the moral and physical sense, and the last lines of the novel are perceived as a “hymn of parental love” (Herzen), forgiving and unchanging.

\u003e Compositions based on the work of Fathers and Sons

Bazarov's attitude to parents

The novel of the Russian writer I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" was significant for its time. Written in the second half of the 19th century, it fully reflected the problems of the era and the conflict between the older and younger generations that was relevant in all centuries. The prominent representatives of the older generation in it are Bazarov's parents - Vasily Ivanovich and Arina Vlasyevna Bazarov. These are the only people who accepted their son for who he is, because they truly loved him.

Despite the fact that the author paid them not as much attention as the Kirsanov family, we understand that these are people of the old school, brought up in accordance with strict rules and traditional dogmas. Vasily Ivanovich, as well as his son, is a doctor doctor. In the eyes of others, he tries to seem progressive, but he is betrayed by distrust of modern methods of medicine. Arina Vlasyevna is a real Russian woman. She is illiterate and very devout. In general, it makes a pleasant impression on the reader. The author notes that she should have been born two hundred years ago.

Both father and mother treat their son with reverence. They do not love him, despite his sharply liberal views. For them, it does not matter whether Eugene is close or far away, the main thing is that everything is fine with him. The attitude of Bazarov himself to his parents can hardly be called love. Sometimes they openly annoy him. This is not to say that he appreciates the parental warmth with which they diligently surrounded him. He is not pleased with their attempts to show joy in his presence. That is why he calls himself a "nihilist" in order to deny all the prevailing rules in society.

Vasily Ivanovich and Arina Vlasyevna know about the views of their son and about his rejection of increased attention, so they try to hide their true feelings. Perhaps Bazarov himself loves his parents in his heart, but he does not know how to openly show any emotions. Take, for example, his attitude towards Anna Sergeevna, whom he seriously liked and with whom he was really in love. Eugene never told her the most important thing, but only deliberately stifled his feelings. Only, already dying, he wrote her a letter reminding her of his love and asking her to come.

As it became clear at the end of the work, all his reactions were ostentatious. He was an absolutely normal, loving and good person, just in order to stand out from the crowd, he chose such an extraordinary way. Moreover, in a letter to Madame Odintsova, he did not forget to mention his old people, begging her to look after them. The following lines testify precisely to his love for his parents: "You cannot find people like them in your big light in the daytime with fire."

In the novel Fathers and Sons, Bazarov's parents are prominent representatives of the older generation. Despite the fact that the author does not pay as much attention to them as, say, to the Kirsanov brothers, the images of Vasily Ivanovich and Arina Vlasyevna are not given by chance. With their help, the author most fully shows the relationship between generations.

Bazarov's parents

Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov is the father of the main character of the novel. This is a man of the old school, brought up in strict rules. His desire to appear modern and progressive looks sweet, but the reader realizes that he is more of a conservative than a liberal. Even in his profession as a doctor, he adheres to traditional methods, not trusting modern medicine. He believes in God, but tries not to show his faith, especially in front of his wife.

Arina Vlasyevna Bazarova is Evgeny's mother, a simple Russian woman. She is poorly educated, strongly believes in God. The image of a fussy old woman, created by the author, looks old-fashioned even for that time. Turgenev writes in the novel that she should have been born two hundred years ago. She causes only a pleasant impression, which does not spoil either her piety and superstition, or her good nature and complaisance.

The relationship between parents and Bazarov

The characteristics of Bazarov's parents clearly show that for these two people there is nothing more important than their only son. It is in it that the meaning of their life lies. And it doesn't matter at all whether Eugene is near or far away, all thoughts and conversations are only about the beloved and beloved child. Every word breathes with care and tenderness. The old people speak very anxiously about their son. They love him with blind love, which cannot be said about Yevgeny himself: Bazarov's attitude to his parents can hardly be called love.

At first glance, Bazarov's relationship with his parents can hardly be called warm and affectionate. You can even say that he does not appreciate parental warmth and care at all. But this is far from the case. He sees and notices everything, even experiences reciprocal feelings. But to show them openly, he is not something, he does not know how, he simply does not consider it necessary to do it. And others do not allow it.

Bazarov has a negative attitude towards any attempts by his parents to show joy at his presence. The Bazarov family knows this, and the parents try to hide their true feelings from him, do not show heightened attention to him and do not show their love.

But all these qualities of Eugene turn out to be ostentatious. But the hero realizes this too late, only when he is already dying. Nothing can be changed and returned. Bazarov understands this, and therefore asks Madame Odintsov not to forget his old men: "You cannot find people like them in your big light in the daytime with fire."

These words from his lips can be compared with a declaration of love for his parents, he just does not know how to express it in another way.

But the absence or manifestation of love is not the reason for misunderstanding between generations and Bazarov's upbringing is a vivid confirmation of this. He does not abandon his parents, on the contrary, he dreams that they understand him and share his beliefs. Parents try to do this, but still remain true to their traditional views. It is this discrepancy that leads to the problem of eternal misunderstanding of children and fathers.

Evgeny Bazarov is the main character in Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons". Bazarov's character is a young man, a convinced nihilist, contemptuous of art and respecting only natural sciences, a typical representative of the new

generations of thinking youth. The main plot of the novel is the conflict between fathers and children, the bourgeois way of life and the desire for change.

In literary criticism, much attention is paid to the confrontation between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, the personality of Arkady Nikolaevich (Bazarov's friend), but very little is said about the relationship of the protagonist with his parents. This approach is very unfounded, because without studying his relationship with his parents, it is impossible to fully understand his character.

Bazarov's parents are simple good-natured old people who love their son very much. Vasily Bazarov (father) is an old district doctor, leading a boring, colorless life of a poor landowner, who at one time did not spare anything for a good upbringing of his son.

Arina Vlasyevna (mother) is a noblewoman who "had to be born in the Peter's era", a very kind and superstitious woman who knows how to do only one thing - to cook excellently. The image of Bazarov's parents, a kind of symbol of ossified conservatism, is contrasted with the main character - inquisitive, intelligent, harsh in his judgments. However, despite such a different worldview, Bazarov's parents really love their son, in the absence of Eugene, all their free time is spent thinking about him.

Bazarov, on the other hand, is outwardly dry towards his parents, he certainly loves them, but is not used to open outpourings of feelings, he is burdened by constant obsessive attention. He cannot find a common language either with his father or with his mother; he cannot even conduct discussions with them, as with the Arkady family. Bazarov is hard on this, but he cannot help himself. under one roof, he only agrees on the condition that he will not be interfered with doing the natural sciences in his office. Bazarov's parents understand this very well and try to please their only child in everything, but of course it is extremely difficult for them to endure such an attitude.

Perhaps the main trouble of Bazarov was that he was not understood by his parents, due to the great difference in intellectual development and level of education, and did not receive moral support from them, which is why he was such a harsh and emotionally cold person, which often repulsed from him people.

However, in the parental home, we are shown another Evgeny Bazarov - a softer, more understanding, full of tender feelings that he will never outwardly show due to internal barriers.

The characterization of Bazarov's parents confuses us: how could a man of such advanced views grow up in such a patriarchal environment? Turgenev once again shows us that a person can do it himself. However, he also shows Bazarov's main mistake - his alienation from his parents, because they loved their child for who he is, and suffered greatly from his relationship. Bazarov's parents survived their son, but with his death the meaning of their existence ended.

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