Pete Townsend What did first. Classic Quadrophenia: Pete Townsend against Music Snob

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Peter Dennis Blyndford Townsend was born on May 19, 1945 in England. He is a famous British musician and performer, the leader of the Rock Group "The Who".

Pete Townsend was born in a musical family. Since childhood, he is accustomed to the sounds of music that comes from the room of his parents. Pita was a professional saxophonist, and the mother is a good singer.

In 12 years, Pete presented his first guitar. In 1961, Townsend became a college student of an ornament. Together with his school comrade, he organized the first group. But she did not existent for a long time, and the musician decided to do a solo career.

In 1964, Pete Townshend (Pete Townshend), again decides to create its own musical team that will play music in the style of rock. A group called "The WHO" was founded. In addition to the Townsend itself, Roger Dolutri entered her, John Entreter and Kit Moon.

The group released many albums, among them: "My Generation", "A Quick", "The Who Sel Out", "Tommy", "WHO" S NEXT "," Quadrophenia "," The WH by Numbers "," WHO ARE You "," Face Dances "," IT "s Hard." In 2006, the latest album "Endless Wire" came out.

In the last album there are many acoustic compositions. It also presents a small opera "The Boy WHO Heard Music"

Almost all popular group compositions were written by Pete Townshend. He is the author of the Rock Opere "Tommy" and "Quadroes". Pete is the driving force of the team, which led him to glory and popularity.

In January 2003, Pete Townsende was charged with pedophilia. After interrogations, he was released on bail. None of the familiar stars have never noticed the tendency to "love children."

Best days

The musician was accused of illegally kept on his computer obscene photos of minor children. Also, Pieta was accused of distributing these images.

During the investigation of the police, it became known that several famous personalities were involved in the Townsenda case, politician from parliament and the famous TV host. Police hid the names of the rest of the suspects.

Are Townsend argues that in no way wanted nothing wrong. He simply engaged in a detailed study of this terrible problem of mankind and attracted several of his acquaintances for these purposes. Townsend does not denier the accusations of pedophilia in every way and considers them an insult.

(born May 19, 1945) - British musician, guitarist, singer and songwriter. Most famous as founder, leader and author of almost all song songs The Who..

Although he is known primarily as a guitarist, he also performed as a singer, keyboard player, and also played on other tools: Banjo, Accordion, synthesizer, piano, bass guitar and drums, recording their solo albums, in The Who, as a guest musician from other artists.

The Classic Rock British magazine is included in the list of the greatest guitarists of all time.

Pete Townshend Along with Cate Richards is considered one of the outstanding rhythm guitarists in the history of rock music. Unlike most other groups, Rhythm in The Who was held on the Townshend guitar, which made it possible to freely improvise and drummer Keit Muuna, and the bass guitarist John Ethertel. A vocalist in the group was Roger Dotri. Such a distribution of functions attached to the WHO entries and expression, and during the living speeches Townsende led the group for himself even further, all the tightly twisting the spiral of improvisations, bringing the public to ecstasy, after which the concert completed, with a wild rumble of his guitar right on stage .

Peter Denis Blyndford Townshend was born on May 19, 1945 in Chesevik, one of the regions of London, in the family of singer and saxophonist. In his youth, Pete played Banjo in Dixieland, and then, already as a rhythm guitarist, joined the group The Detours together with Roger Dotry and John Enerpiece. Soon they changed the name on The Who, and then they became famous thanks to the legendary compositions of Townshend - "I Cant Explain", "My Generation" and "Substitute". These songs had a political orientation, so the WHO became not only an outstanding rock group, but also rebar protesting against the existing order.

Townsend began to improve as the author and even wrote Rock Opera Tommy, after which he switched to hard rock and already in this style he wrote songs for classic albums of the group - "WHO'S NEXT" and "LIVE AT Leeds". In the 1970s, Pete began the solo career, but it was very quickly convinced that much more the public attracted his speeches as part of The Who, the Kids Are All Right film concert.

For the first time Pete broke his guitar on stage in the fall of 1964, when The Who was playing Railway Tavern in the north of London. Everything happened by chance - during the speech, Pete often hit the Rickenbacker with his guitar about the low ceiling of the tavern, to cut the continuing returned sound, which Pete "Rinked" with the help of speakers, and once the blow was too strong: the guitar cracked.

"When I broke the guitar," Pete recalls, "Silence came in the hall. Everyone was waiting for what I would do next: I will pay or start rushing on the scene. I rolled the guitar into small pieces. Seeing this, the audience almost went crazy from delight. " From the very beginning of the next speech, the audience asked Petya when he would break his guitar today, and he had to do it. On the one hand, the trick with a broken guitar played the WHO's hand and turned out to be a good advertising move, but, on the other hand, to buy a new guitar every day, it was very consistent, especially since the success of the first singles The Who was temporarily ended up in the shade. But soon everything changed to the better and Pete could break so many guitars as he wanted.

Right holder illustration Umusic. Image Caption. Concert Poster in Royal Albert Hall July 5, 2015 - Premiere Concert Execution Classic Quadrophenia

"A, again, the music snobism of" classics "?! Alive, smoking ?! Yes, they went! .. This album is a huge team of people, all their lives professionally engaged in classical music, and these people deserve more than such an indincible neglect. Yes, I know, I myself - Rock dinosaur, and it is quite suitable for me, but all those who participated in the Classic Quadrophenia record - young, creative, shiny musicians! "

So reacted the founder and a permanent leader of one of the greatest groups of British rock The WHO Pete Townsend for the refusal of Official Charts Company - a British musical organization responsible for the compilation of official music chait-parades of the UK - include in the Hit Parade of Classics made in the style of classical music orchestral music Rock Opera Quadrophenia.

The founder of rock opera

Right holder illustration Umusic. Image Caption. Pete Townsend is fairly considered the founder of the Rock Opera, and its Tommy and Quadrophenia - classic samples of the genre

The Who recorded their original QUADROPHENIA version in 1973, four years after the release of their Tommy album, which laid the foundation of the rock opera genre.

Composer Leonard Bernstein after Tommy's concert performance in New York delightedly shaking the hand of the Townsend: "Pete, you can't even imagine what you did!"

The Townsend himself considers Quadrophenia "more solid, thematically rich and superior to Tommy in its purely musical qualities."

"Very English thing"

Classical music is in dire need of a new audience, and the transfer of the legendary rock opera for the symphony orchestra and the choir is just able to attract such an audience of the newspaper Independent

"This is a very English thing written in a typical English tonality - he continues." She makes you remember Benjamin Britten, William Walton. There are moments when we try to play Wagner pompousness, but at the same time there is an ease that makes remember it. Traditional English Dance Morris, Green Fields, Pinta Beer, and, of course, Beach in Brighton. "

It is for the most part on the beach in Brighton in 1979 by QUADROPHENIA that a full-length feature film was removed, and since then the opera has become not only a monumental peak of serious rock music, but also a classic monument of social realism of the British culture of the 70s.

Here, on the beach of Brighton, a clip was shot to the classic version of Quadrophenia, where the frames from the 1979 film with the main hero of Jimmy in the execution of actor Phil Daniels are interspersed with modern shooting with the classic tenor Alfa Bo.

The WHO and Tommy, and Quadrophenia, and Quadrophenia, be called operations with certain reservations.

Although in that, and in other rooms, Townsend himself, and a long-time drummer of the Kit Moon group, but most of the vocal parties, both male and female sang, one person is a vocalist of Roger Dolutol.

Classic version

Right holder illustration Umusic. Image Caption. Like Roger Daltol in the WHO version, in the "classic Quadrophenia" Most parties sang one vocalist - tenor Alfa Bo

In counterweights of the opera tradition, the classic Quadrophenia is executed in the same vein - almost all parties sings Although Bo. Sometimes the Townsend, Phil Daniels and Rock singer Billy Aidol join it.

Popular in the 80s, the musician performed the very role that Sting played in the film.

The desire to carry out the classical rethinking of Quadrophenia Townsend explains the desire to consolidate its work for the century.

"I am very glad that I have the opportunity to do this while I can still work. I suddenly it was introduced that I had at death and I think:" Damn it, why didn't I write all this in the notes? All these carriers - vinyl, cassettes, CDs - change every few decades, and notes and orchestras there are centuries. "

"I realized that if Rachel makes a good orchestration, it would be that it will sound in my funeral," he adds laughter.

Right holder illustration Umusic. Image Caption. Pete Townsend, Rachel Fuller, Almy Bo, Phil Daniels

Rachel Fuller is not only an experienced musician and an arranger, but now almost 20 years old partner of the Townsend in life.

Although he himself has long been recognized as one of the largest and most significant composers of rock music, but he has no classical musical education. Therefore, for QUADROPHENIA orchestration, he, as in his time, Paul McCartney for the Liverpool Oratoria, had to resort to the help of professionals.

A special problem for the orchestration was the Arm of Drum Party, which on the original record The WHO performed the drummer of the Kit Moon group - not in vain it was called Moon The Loon ("Moonlessness").

To reproduce its irrepressible energy, the orchestra had to attract any few six drummers.

"They played so loud that we had to exhaust themselves with a special screen. They, apparently, tried to reproduce the spirit of China," says Townsend.

Kit Mun died back in 1978, the Basist The Who John Entreter - in 2002.

Eutful of the WHO

Image Caption. And at 70 years old Townsend does not refuse its legendary "mill": The Who (Left Roger Dolutol) at the Glastonbury festival in June of this year

70-year-old Townsend and 71-year-old duty, however, refuse rock career yet, do not intend, despite said in the song My Generation at the dawn of the group's existence, half a century ago, phrase: I Hope I Die Before i Get OLD ("I hope I die earlier than amounted to ").

Last weekend The Who with a 50-year-old drummer Zak Stark, the son of Ring Starre, on the site of "mad-moon" performed at the famous rock festival in Glastonbury.

And in the coming Sunday, on July 5, the "Classic Quadrophenia" in full complimentary with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and London Oriana Choir under the leadership of the conductor Robert Siegler and with the participation of Pitain the Townsende will be performed on the stage of the Royal Albert Hall.

Pete Townsend will surive

As for the participation of the "classic Quadrophenia" in the classic hit parade, then I want to quote the commentary of the newspaper Independent:

"Classical music is in dire need of a new audience, and the transfer of the legendary rock opera for the symphony orchestra and the choir is just able to attract such an audience," the browser writes.

"Pete Townsend will survive and without a classic hit parade, but a short-sighted bureaucracy of officials from music is hampered by the expansion of the popularity of the classics," the newspaper is convinced.

Pete Townsend - British rock guitarist, singer, songwriter. Known as founder, leader and songwriter The Who.

It is believed that Pita Townsende first painted the idea to twist the tools on stage. In any case, he was the first one who became famous in this way. The WHO participant who became a hundred of the greatest guitarists in the history of rock and roll, according to the British magazine Classic Rock, Townsend is also known as the author of several rock operas and musicals, journalist, screenwriter, writer and poet. His influence recognized a huge number of rock guitarists of different generations, among them - Alex Lifeson, Joey Ramoon ,.

Peter Dennis Blyndford Townsend was born on May 19, 1945 in London, in the family of saxophonist Big Band and singer. Since childhood, he is accustomed to the sounds of music that comes from the room of his parents. In 12 years, Pete presented his first guitar. In 1961, Townsend became a college student of an ornament. Together with his school comrade, he organized the first group. But she did not existent for a long time, and the musician decided to do a solo career.

In 1964, Pete Townsend again decides to create its own musical team. A group called The Who was founded. In addition to the Townsende himself, Roger Dolutri entered her, John Entistle and Kit Moon. Almost all popular group compositions were written by Townsend.

The group acquired a huge success due to extraordinary concert speeches, and is considered as one of the most influential groups of the 60s and 70s and one of the greatest rock groups of all time. The WHO became famous in their homeland, both at the expense of innovative reception - breaking the tools on stage after speech, and at the expense of the hit singles who came to Top 10, starting with the hit singles of 1965 "I CAN" T Explain "and albums in Top 5 (including the famous "My Generation"). In 1969, the Rock Opera "Tommy", which became the first album that came to Top 5 in the United States, followed by "Live At Leeds" (1970), "WHO" S NEXT " (1971), "Quadrophenia" (1973) and "WHO ARE You" (1978).

At the end of the 60s, Pete takes the teachings of the Indian Mystic Mehorka Baba. Pete became its most famous follower and his further work will reflect the knowledge of the teachings of women. One of his ideas was that the one who could perceive earthly things could not perceive the world of God. From this, Piet was born a story about the boy, which Ryokh, Onemale and Olemp and, having got rid of earthly sensations, was able to see God. Healing, he becomes a Messiah. As a result, the story has become world famous as the Rock Opera "Tommy". The Who worked on it from the summer of 1968 in the spring of 1969. When the album "Tommy" was released, he became just a moderate hit, but after The Who began to fulfill live, he gained superpopularity. The strong impression of Tommy produced when the band performed it at the Woodstock festival in August 1969. Filmed on a film and shown in the film "Woodstock", The Who became an international sensation. On Tommy, ballets and musicals were put, the group had so much work that many thought her name was "Tommy".

In the early 90s Townsend with American theater director Desom Makaniff turned the album "Tommy" to the musical, which included the moments of the life of the Sith himself. After the first show in La Jolla Playhouse in California, in April1993, "The WHO's Tommy" opened on Broadway. Pete won the Tony and Laurence Olivier Award awards, but he liked the theater critics in London and New York.

In 1972, Townsend began working on a new rock opera. It was supposed to be the story of The Who, but after meeting with one of the old and yarn group fans, Pete decided to write a story about the WHO fan. She became a story about Jimmy, who works on dirty work to earn on a GS scooter, stylish clothes and on a sufficient amount of tablets to spend the weekend. High doses of "AIDS" lead to the fact that his personality split into four components, each of which is represented by the WHO member. Jimmy's parents find pills and drive him out of the house. He comes to Brighton to return the glorious days of "mods", but finds the leader of "mods", which has become a modest hotel porter. In desperation, he takes a boat and goes to the sea in a strong storm and observes the phenomenon of God. This story was based on the QUADROPHENIA rock opera. With the album "Quadrophenia" (1973) there were many problems after recording and execution. The main cause of problems was a new stereo system, working not quite adequately. First, the reduction in the record in stereo led to the loss of vocals. Then on the stage The Who tried to recreate the initial sound. Tapes denied work and everything turned into full chaos.

In 1978, the drummer of the Kit Moon group died, after his death, the band released two more studio albums with the ex-drummer The Small Faces Kenny Jones.

In 1980, Pete Townsend released his first fully solo album "Empty Glass" (WHO CAME FIRST in 1972 was a collection of demo records, and the 1977 Plate "Rough Mix" was made for a couple with Ronnie Lane them The Small Faces). The album "Empty Glass" received high marks, and the single "Let My Love Open The Door" became very popular. Then the problems of Piet became obvious. He was drunk almost always, played endless solo parties or long rant from the scene. His drunkenness turned into cocaine addiction, and then he came to the heroine. Pete practically died after an overdose of heroin in London and was saved in the hospital in the last minutes. Parents Pita Patched on him, and he flew to California for treatment and rehabilitation. After returning, he did not feel confidence to write a new group material, but asked to offer him the topic. The group decided to record an album, reflecting their attitude towards the growing tension of the Cold War. The result was the album "IT's Hard" (1982), who considered the change in the role of a man with an increase in feminist sentiment. But also critics, and the album fans did not like. The group of the United States and Canada began in September 1982 and was farewell. The final show December 12, 1982 in Toronto was broadcast worldwide. After the tour, The Who under the terms of the contract was supposed to record another album. Pete began working on the album "Siege", but quickly threw it. He explained the group that is no longer able to write songs. Pete announced the collapse of the WHO at a press conference on December 16, 1983.

After decay, he began working at Faber & Faber publishing house. The work did not constantly distract him from the new lesson - preaching against the use of heroin. This campaign lasted all the 80s. He also found time to write a book of short stories "HORSES" NECK "and rent a short film" White City ". A new group of Piet - Defor is involved in the film. Together with the film" White City "was released a concert album and video" Deep End Live! " .

July 3, 1985 The Who gathered together to speak at the Live Aid charitable concert in support of the starving residents of Ethiopia. The group had to play a new song of Pita "After The Fire", but due to lack of rehearsals, they had to play only the old material.

In 1989, Townsend released the musical "The Iron MAN", created by the book of Ted Hughes. In the recording of the studio version, Pita Colleague on The WHO - Roger Dolutol, Nina Simon, John Lee Hooker, as well as the son of Townsend - Simon.

The next solo work of Pita is again carographed. The album "Psychoderelict" (1993) talks about the Rock Star Helf, which is sent to retire a sublist manager and a cunning journalist. Despite the solo tour of the United States, the new work has not received a lot of attention.

In January 2003, Pete Townsende was charged with pedophilia. After interrogations, he was released on bail. Townsend does not deny these accusations, and considers them an insult.

Now Townsend works over the next rock opera, which he will present the public in 2011. According to him, "it will be something new and ambitious, but, at the same time, to remind the" Tommy "and quadrophenia operas. The name of the future rock opera is "FLOSS". Some compositions, according to the musician, will enter the future album of The Who.

The fate of one married couple is played in the opera, which is trying to resolve the problems. The main character, Walter, Rock musician, who retires after one of his songs becomes a highly high automotive enterprise. He becomes a smoke "housewife", while his wife is obsessed with horses and only harness about the stables. Tired of idle life, he decides to return to music after 15 years, but it is aware of his horror that his time has passed, and he can no longer fit into fashionable Mainstream. After such a strike, it closes and removes from the spouse, and only after a series of tragic incidents, they again acquire each other.

Based on:

Face Dances Sessions, Odyssey Studios, London, 1980. Photo -

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