Frederick Standal Biography briefly. Standal: biography and creativity

the main / Treason of her husband

Years of life: from 01/23/1783 to 03/23/1842

Unrecognized in the life of the greatest French writer of the XIX century, the author of the novels "Red and Black", "Parm Resident", "Lucien Levien".

The real name is Henri-Marie Bale.

Born in Grenoble (France) in the family of a rich lawyer Shereben Bale. His grandfather was a doctor and a public figure, and as much of the French intelligentsia of that time was fond of the ideas of enlightenment, Wastener of Voltaire. Standal Father was fond of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. But the views of the family have changed significantly with the beginning of the revolution, the family had a state and the deepening of the revolution frightened it. Father Standal was forced to even hide.

The mother of the writer, Henrietta Bale, died early. First, the aunt of Seraph and his father were engaged in the education of the boy, but since he did not have a relationship with his father, his upbringing provided Ralyan's Catholic abbot. This led to the fact that the standal hated the church and religion. Secrets from his educator under the influence of the views of his grandfather Henri Ganiaon, the only relative, who treated Henri with kindness, he began to get acquainted with the works of enlightectors philosophers (Kabanis, Didro, Golbach). The experience gained in orphanage from the first French revolution was formed the worldview of the future writer. Location to the revolutionary ideals, he retained for life.

In 1797, Standal entered the Central School in Grenoble, the purpose of which was to introduce in the republic of state training instead of religious, and providing the young generation of knowledge about the ideology of the bourgeois state. Here Henri became interested in mathematics.

At the end of the course he was sent to Paris to join the Polytechnic School, but he did not come there, having joined the Army of Napoleon in 1800, in which he served for more than two years, and then in 1802 he returned to Paris with a dream to become a writer.

Having lived in Paris for three years, studying philosophy, literature and English, Standal in 1805 returns to the service in the army, together with which in 1806 it enters Berlin, in 1809 in Vienna. In 1812, Standal at his own will take part in the campaign of Napoleon to Russia. It runs from Moscow along with the remnants of troops to France, retaining memories of the heroism of the Russian people, which he showed when the protection of his homeland and the resistance of France's troops.

In 1814, after the fall of Napoleon and during the seizure by Russian troops, Paris is standing in Italy, and settles in Milan, where it lives almost slowly for seven years. Life in Italy left a deep mark in the work of Standal. Playing a big role in the formation of the writer's views. He is passionately studying Italian art, painting, music. Italy inspired him to a number of works, and he writes his first books - "Painting history in Italy", "Walking through Rome", Novels "Italian Chronicle". Finally, Italy gave him the plot of one of his largest novels "Parm Resident", which he wrote in 52 days.

One of his early works is the psychological treatise "On Love", which was founded on his unrequited love for Matilde, Countess Debovski, with which he met, living in Milan and who died early, leaving the mark in the memory of the writer.

In Italy, Henri is closer to the Republicans-Carbonarians, because of what follows him with suspicion. Without feeling safe in Milan, Standal returns to France, where he writes unsigned articles in English magazines. In 1830, after receipt of the public service, Stendal becomes a consul in papal possessions in Chivita-Vecchiya.

In the same year, the novel "Red and Black", which becomes the top of the writer's creativity. 1834, Standal took up the novel "Lucien-Leven", which remained unfinished.

In 1841, the first apoplexic strike happened to him. Standal died and unrecognized with contemporaries, in 1842 after the second apoplexic strike, during the next arrival in Paris. The coffin with the body in the cemetery was accompanied by only three of his close friends.

On the tombstone, as he asked, words were carved: "Henri Baile. Milanse. He lived, wrote, loved."

Product Information:

Standal - the name of the German city, in which the famous German art critic of the XVIII century Winelman was born.


- Armanse (1827)
- (1830)
- (1835) - incomplete
- (1839)
- Lamel (1839-1842) - incomplete

- Rose Et Le Vert (1837) - incomplete
- Mina De Vanghel (1830)
- (1837-1839) - enter the novels "Vanina Vanini", "Vittoria Ackramboni", "Chenchi Family", "Duchess de Paliano" and others.

Frederick Standal (Henri Marie Bale) was born in Grenoble in 1783, just a few years before the Great French Revolution. The Bale family was wealthy. The father of the future writer was a lawyer. Mother died when he was only 7 years old. His grandfather Henri Ganon was engaged in education. Being an educated person, Monsieur Ganyon sought to educate his grandson. It was the grandfather who taught the little Henri Marie to reading. Love for books gave rise to love for writing, which the boy began to engage in secret from everyone at a very early age.

All members of the Bale family were Yary monarchists. The execution of the French king became a real nightmare for his native Henri. Only the future writer rejoiced this death and even cried from delight.

In 1796, Henri Marie gave to school. The beloved thing of the boy was, oddly enough, mathematics, and not literature or native language. Later a writer, remembering his childhood, recognized that most of all hated in humiusier people. Mathematics he loved because it is accurate, and therefore, not involving hypocrisy science.

In the late 1790s, Stendal moved to Paris. In the capital, he planned to enter the Polytechnic School. However, instead of school, the future writer entered military service, which was promoted by his influential relative. Until 1812, Napoleon was iddall. Together with the troops of Bonaparte, the future writer visited Italy. He managed to visit Russia, where Stendal almost died. Despite the fact that the Russians were enemies, the writer did not feel hate to them, admiring their patriotism and heroism.

Returning home, Stendal saw his homeland ruffled. He vinyl Napoleon in the ruin of France. MORE STANDAL did not consider Bonaparta his idol and sincerely ashamed of his nationality. When Napoleon was sent to exile, the writer also decided to leave the country and moved to Italy, considering it more freedomly. In those years in Italy, the movement of carbonaries that fought for the liberation of their homeland from the Austrian domination was widespread. Standal accepted an active part in the liberation movement, for which he was twice said to the death penalty. The writer has been living in England. His life abroad depended on random earnings. Since the 1820s, Henri Marie Beil first began to subscribe to his pseudonym.

Standal decided to return home in 1830 to enroll in the public service. In the same 1830 he was appointed to the post of consul and sent to Trieste. However, the Austrian authorities were disturbed by the "dark" past of the new Consul, in connection with which the writer was transferred to Civitavek. The salary was more than modest, but the standal did not want to again leave the country who was loved by him and remained in the post of consul until the end of his days.

Weak health often forced a writer to return to their homeland by taking a long vacation. One of the holidays lasted 3 years (1836-1839). The last years of the life of Standal were especially difficult: syphilis, which the writer became infected in his youth, was manifested in the form of impossibility to fully work and weaknesses. In 1841, the writer once again came to Paris, where he had a stroke. Without the ability to record independently, Standal dictated his works, continuing to compose to death in March 1842.

People closely knew standal, talk about him as a man secretly and loving privacy and loneliness. The writer possessed a vulnerable and thin soul. One of the distinguishing features of his character was hatred for tyranny. At the same time, the writer doubted any liberation movement. He sincerely sympathized and even helped carbonés, but did not believe that their efforts would give positive results. There was no unity between the coils: some dreamed of the republic, others wanted to see in their own monarchy.

Italy has become for the Great French Writer of the second homeland. He loved Italians, considering them, unlike their compatriots, more sincere. Introverta Bale was much closer was Italian impairment and determination than characteristic of France XIX century restraint and hypocrisy. Italian women writer found more attractive and survived with them not one love adventure. Even on his gravestone, Standal wanted to see the inscription: "Enrico Bailen, Milan."

Aesthetic requirements

Standal began his literary activities at a very early age. For many years of stubborn work on their style, the writer was able to develop his own concepts, which was striving to follow, working on the next novel.

Passionate character

Prominent character in the center

In the center of each work should be bright, "passionate" image. This character prefers to be in opposition, disagreering with injustice and violence. The main character must certainly love, otherwise his whole struggle becomes simply meaningless.

The author himself does not consider his characters with romantics, despite the presence of obvious signs of the romantic hero. According to Standal, the literary images created by them are researchers and figures. The romantic is not capable of anything other than the "noble wrath".

Accuracy and simplicity

The works of the Great French Writer are characterized by simplicity and laconicism. Love Standal to mathematics in school years was reflected in all his novels. The writer believed that the reader should see in the book not pathos and incomprehensible descriptions of the inner world of the character, and accurate analysis, thanks to which anyone can understand what was happening with the main character.

Concept of historicism

For the standal, the image of a person out of circumstances is unacceptable, like romantic writers, or a person in general, like Classic Writers. The reader should know which age does the protagonist live, and what place he occupies among his contemporaries. Characters can not "pull out" from the historical context. All of them are people of their time. The epoch, which they belong, folded their character. Only having ideas about the historical context, the reader can understand what exactly drives the main character, becomes the motive of his actions.

In the next article, you can read the summary of the "red and black" stand, telling the history of Love Julien Sorel, who destroyed him later.

Another outstanding romance standal is the "Parm Resident", which, besides its last completed novel, the events of which occur after the end of the era of Napoleon's Board.

Red, black, white

The name of the stand is traditionally connected with the novel "Red and Black". Roman was created in 1830 on the basis of real events. Literary critons could not for a long time, why the author gave novel just such a name. Both colors resemble tragedy, bloodshed and death. A combination of red and black is associated with the upholstery of the coffin. The name itself sets up the reader to the tragic final.

5 years after writing his first brilliant novel, Stendal creates a product with a similar name - "Red and White". The similarity of the names is not accidental. In addition, the title and content of the new novel explain the headline of the previous one to some extent. Under black, most likely, it was implied not death, but the low origin of the main character of Julien Sobel. White color indicates the elite, the leaving of which was Lucien Levien, the main hero of the second novel. Red color - a symbol of a hard, anxious time in which two main characters have to live.

F. Standal. The biography (brief) of this person will be presented to your attention below.


The French writer Henri Marie Beil (real name) was born in Grenoble in the south of France in 1783 His family was secured, the Father's lawyer's local parliament. Unfortunately, the boy at the age of 7 lost his mother and his father with aunt took up his upbringing. Mourning along the deceased wife was so strong that his father went into religion, becoming extremely pious man.

With the father of Henri, the relationship was not laid. And the grandfather on the motherboard, the doctor and the supporter of the Enlightenment, became a close man, depraved the future writer love for literature. Grandfather Henri Ganon personally met with Voltaire. It was he who introduced the future writer with the works of Didro, Voltaire, Gelvinization, laid the foundation for education, worldview and disgust to religion. The character F.rendal was distinguished by sensuality and impulsiveness, narcissism and criticality, lack of discipline.

Education and Military Service

Henri's primary education received in a local Grenoble school, after studying in it only three years. I was interested in philosophy and logic, art history and mathematics. At 16, the young man went to Paris to enter the Polytechnic School to become a military engineer or an artillery officer.

But the vortex of the events occurring in the country changed his plans. After the events of the revolution, he is recorded in the Napoleon's army, in the drago regiment. Soon leaves the service and engaged in Paris by self-education. In the center of his attention: literature, philosophy and English. The future writer in the diaries of that time writes about his desire to become a playwright.

After a short service in Marseille, where he went after the actress, which fell in love, comes to a military official in the army.

Standal, whose biography is saturated with interesting facts, participated in Napoleon's military campaigns in Germany, Austria, Italy and Russia. In the campaign, he records his reflections on music and painting. As part of the Napoleonic army became an eyewitness of the Borodino battle and a fire in Moscow. Passed Orsha and Smolensk, was in Vyazma. The events of the military company in Russia were struck by his patriotism and the magnitude of the Russian people.

Trip to Italy

The defeat of the Bonaparte and the restoration of the bourbon power, to which he had a negative attitude, force the standal of retirement and spend the next 7 years in Italian Milan. The writer falls in love with Italy, her tongue, opera, painting and women. Italy began to stand the second homeland, he moves his heroes here. He considered the temperament of Italians natural, not like French. In Milan, Standal got acquainted with poeta Bayron

Frederick Standal, whose biography was very sad, in Italy, begins literary creativity and publishes first books: "Life-friendly Hydena, Mozart and Metastasio" (1815) and "History of painting in Italy" (1817).

In Italy, the movement of republican carbonaries, which standal supports and finances. But in 1820, his friends of Carbonary fall under the harassment, and he had to go to France.

Life in Paris

Writer Standal to make a living, whose biography was not very simple, became work in newspapers and magazines.

But Paris's authorities have already been aware of his acquaintances. Printed in English and French magazines without signature author.

Twentieth years of the XIX century. Activated active creativity and publications.

The book "Treatise on Love", Pamphle "Rasin and Shakespeare", the first Roman "Armans" and the novel "Vanina Vanini". Publishers are offered to publish a guide to Rome, so the book "Walks by Rome" appears.

Standal Roman "Red and Black" showed the world in 1830. The time of action of the Roman coincides with the age of the restoration in which the author lived. And the basis for the plot Standal read in the newspaper, in the criminal chronic column.

Despite the fruitful work, the psychological and material condition of the stand is left to desire the best. He has no stable earnings, pursue thoughts about suicide. The writer writes several wills.

Diplomatic and creative work

Political changes in France in 1830 allow you to stand it to enter the public service. He was appointed ambassador to Italy, in Trieste, and later - in Chivita-Vecchiy. At consular work, he will finish his life.

Routine, monotonous work and living in a small port town brought boredom and loneliness to Frederick. To entertain, he began to travel in Italy, ride in Rome.

Living in Italy, Frederick Standal continues literary activities. In 1832-1834. Written "Memories of the Egoist" and the novel "Lucien Levien". The autobiographical novel "The Life of Henri Blyrara" is published in 1836

Period 1836-1839. F. Standal spends in Paris, on long vacation. Here he writes "Tourist's notes", published in Paris in 1838, and the last completed book "Parm Resident".

Last years of life and creativity

Shortly before death, the writer was able to return to Paris, having surrendered his vacation in the department. At this time, he was already seriously sick and weak, which could hardly write, and therefore dictated his texts.

The gloomy mood did not leave F. Standal. He thinks about death and foresees what can die on the street.

So it happened. In March 1842, the writer was walking when he struck his apoplexy. He fell in the midst of the street and a few hours later died.

The coffin with the body of an unrecognized genius came to spend only three of his friends.

French newspapers reported only about the burial on the Montmartre "Unknown German Poemy".

Standal tombstone, at his request, in the sign of love for Italy, contains a short inscription: "Henri Bale. Milanese. He lived, wrote, loved. "

Attitude to religion and formation of views

As a child, Izenadal brought up Jesuit Ryan. After classes with him and the readings of the Bible, Henri raised the clergymen and religion and remained an atheist for life.

He is alien to Moral asceticism and humility. According to the writer, hypocrisy covered French society. No one believes in the dogma of the Catholic Church, but is forced to take the face of the believer. The full master of the church of the minds of the French is nothing more than the manifestation of despotism.

The writer's father was a smug bourgeois, and the world of standal was formed at opposite glances. The basis was a free personality, with its special feelings, character and dreams, not recognizing the established concepts of debt and decentity.

The writer lived in the era of change, watched and participated himself. The cumier of that generation was Napoleon Bonaparte. Thirst for strong experiences and action energy was an atmosphere of the era. Standal admired the talent and courage of Napoleon, which influenced his worldview. The characters of the literary heroes of Standal are depicted in accordance with the spirit of the era.

Love in the life of a writer

In Italy, in his first trip, Frederick Standal met his hopeless and tragic love - Matilda Visconti, the wife of the Polish General Debovsky. She died early, but managed to leave the mark in his life and the memory he carried through his whole life.

In his diary, Standal wrote that there were 12 names for women in his life, which he would like to call.

Recognition of talent

"Literary glory is a lottery," the writer said. Biography and creativity of Standal were not interesting to its contemporaries. Proper assessment and understanding came after 100 years, in the XX century. Yes, he himself noted that he writes for a small number of lucky.

Against the background of the celebrity Balzak in 1840, the interesting biography of Standal was not known, he was not on the list of French writers.

The diligent writers of that time, now safely forgotten, published tens of thousands of copies. "Treatise about love" F. Standal sold only in 20 copies. On this occasion, the author joked, calling the "shrine" book, because few people dare to touch her. The iconic novel "Red and Black" was published only 1 time. Critics considered the novels of the standing not worthy of attention, and the heroes of lifeless machines.

Apparently, the reason lies in the inconsistency of the existing stereotypes in the literature with the genre of his creativity. Addiction to personalities with absolute authority, similar to Napoleon, contradicted the rules of that time.

The lack of recognition during life did not prevent F. Standalu in the number of the greatest elders of their time.

His literary pseudonym Henri Baile took the name of the city of Stendhal in Germany. The famous art historian Winelman, who lived in the XVIII century, was born in this city, which had an impact on German romantics.

F.Standal called his profession: "Observation of the behavior of the human heart."

In January 1835, Standal was awarded the Order of the Honorary Legion.

The name of the novel "Red and Black" is symbolic and controversial, discussions in the environment of scientists and literary criticism do not stop. According to one of the versions, the Red - the color of the revolutionary era into which the author fell away, and the black is a symbol of the reaction. Others compare the red and black with the case defining the fate of the person. And the third sees in a combination of colors the problem of choosing the chief hero Julien. Being a military (red), as with an empire or priest (black), which is more honorable during the restoration. The Union of Red and Black is not only contrast, the opposite, and the similarity, the mutual transition of one to another, conflict and disposal of life and death.

Evaluation of Creativity F. Standal

Frederick Stendal himself, the brief biography of which was told in the article, ranked herself to romantics, in his works put in the first place inner peace and experiences of heroes. But the inner world was based on a clear analysis, comprehension of social life, realistic thinking.

In its attitude to life, it was reflected in the work, Standal checked all the events and concepts of personal experience, and the experience grows out of our personal feelings and experiences. The only source of knowledge, he considered, are our feelings, therefore, there can be no morality with him not related.

The driving force and a powerful incentive of the behavior of the heroes lies in the thirst for glory and peculiar approval.

The creator of the genre of realistic psychological novel - Frederick Standal, used in his novels the topic of opposition to young and old heroes, where youth and energy oppose stupidity and despoticness. The main, favorite heroes of his novels enter the conflict with the society of the dominant bourgeoisie and the winning "Cleft". A rough social environment, filled with oblique views and habits, prevents the development of independent thought and free personality.

The writer belongs to the advanced and early practices of realism.

Creativity F. Standal has two main thematic directions:

  1. Italy and books on art.
  2. A description of the French reality at the time he lived after the French revolution.

Standal Frederick - Frederick Standal (1783-1842). Biography in dates and facts

Frederick Standal (1783-1842). Biography in dates and facts

Frederick Standal
Realistic psychologist











frederick Standal (1783-1842). Biography in dates and facts

Frederick Standal(Name. Name Henri Marie Beil) - Classic French Literature, Play
Realistic psychologist and expressed in his work the heroic spirit, released by the epoch of the Great French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars. His creative Credo standal formulated as follows: "Apply math techniques to the human heart and put the creative method and language of feelings. This is all art. "

Standal life in dates and facts

1796-1799. He studied at the Central Grenoble School, who belonged to the number of the most progressive elite educational institutions.

1799 - went to Paris with the intention to continue their education in the capital, but the political coup happened, as a result of which the young general Napoleon Bonaparte seized power in the country, forced the young man to forget about studying and join the Napoleonic army.

1800-1814 - Years of military service. As an officer, Standal visited Italy (where he seriously became interested in studying Italian painting), participated in hostilities in Austria and Germany (where he visited the town of Schöddal, who gave him a literary pseudonym), divided the campaign to Russia with his comrades, during which he became Witness of the famous fire in Moscow 1812 Military careers ended after the fall of his idol - Napoleon, to whose image he repeatedly appealed in his work, in particular, in the books of Napoleon's Life (1817) and "Memories of Napoleon" (1837), The remaining unknown.

1814 - Restoration of the Bourbon regime forced Standal to go to Italy, in Milan, where he became close to the political movement of Carbonaries (from Ital. Carbonari - coalsels) - wrestlers for the liberation of Italy from the power of foreign states. There, Standal met Byron and Italian poets.

1821 - After the defeat of the Neapolitan Revolution, the writer returned to Paris, where as a journalist collaborated with different publications.

1822 - finished work on the "Treatise on Love", in which the original theory of a love feeling was developed.

1827 - Printed its first artwork - Roman "Armans. Scenes from the life of the Paris Salon 1827. "

1829- The light of his travel notes "Walking through Rome" and the novel "Vanina Vanini".

1830 - created a novel "Red and Black", who approved the realistic direction in French literature. In the same year, Standal entered the diplomatic service and, having received an appointment to the post of French Consul to Italy, settled in a small seaside town of Civitavekia.

1830-1840. - The period of creative take-off. During this time, "Egoist's memories" (1832), Roman "Lucien Levien" (1835), Roman "Lucien Levien" (1835), Avtobiographical notes "Life Henri Brylow" (1836), Story cycle "Italian chronicles" (1839) and Roman "Parm Resident "(1838), written in just fifty-two days. At the end of this period, the writer took up a new novel - "Lamel".

Frederick Standal, biography

"Life and creative path of Frederick Standal"

The present name of the writer - Henri Marie Bale. He was born in Grenoble in the south of France in a lawyer's family. When the writer was 7 years old, he lost his mother. The father was very worn and rude man, so the tender nature of the boy stretched to the grandfather on a material line, who instilled the ideals of the enlightenment: craving for the knowledge and service of his homeland, love for art and literature.

At 13, the boy was sent to learn to the Central School of Grenoble, where the future of the engineer was supposed to him, because It was clearly expressed by the abilities for matimatic and other accurate sciences. The Personality of Napoleon was greatly influenced by Napoleon, who had surrendered from the bottom of society, this example played the main role in the fact that the young man joined Napoleon's army, with which many countries were held: Germany, Poland, Austria, Russia. After the fall of Napoleon, the restoration period began: the aristocrats returned the power to themselves, tried to resume the old order, i.e. His privileges. They pursued like-minded Napoleon, so the standal was forced to leave his homeland and emigrate to Italy, where his literary activities began, at first he wrote books on the art of Italy. Although for Beil, this country was a stranger, she became another homeland for him, it was not enough in Italy to be the action of his largest novels. He was simply admired by this country: Italian Opera, Music Chimaroza and Painting Correzo. Standal was delighted with the Italians and their temperament, considered it more natural than French. Italy, especially Rome and Milan, so loved him that he even suggested to carve words on his gravestone: "Enrico Beyle, Milanese" ("Enrico Bailen, Milanic"). He also loved Italian women, since that time his whole life is just memoirs of love adventures in Italy. Returning to France, it begins to write artwork: "Armans", "Vanina Vanini", "Red and Black". In 1830, he again goes to Italy, already as a French consul, in the town of Chivita-Vecchiya, where the novel "Parm Monastery" continues to write. A sudden death from a heart attack on March 22, 1842 was prevented by adding two novels "Lucien Levien" and "Lamel".

However, the writer did not immediately become famous and beloved, the path to the top of the literature was long and thorny. Standal said he writes for units, and that Glory would come to him only after 1880. And it turned out to be right. Most likely its main problem was in the inconsistency of steriotypes of that literary time and the genre in which he worked. The passion for personalities in the absolute, such as Napoleon, did not correspond to the canons of that time, but it was impossible to call him a romanticist. Standal Missing the epic scope of the Hugo is equal to the sentimentality of Lamartin. And only when these geniuses of the pen left the scene began to clearly clearly, in which the feature of the works of Standal, his skate was psychological-realism.

Two thematic lines can be traced in the work of the stand:

  1. Modern French reality after the Great French Revolution (works: "Armans", "Lucien Leuven", "Red and Black".
  2. Italy (books on the art "Vanina Vanini", "Parm Monastery").

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